Lisp Machine Manual

Lisp Machine Manual

Seventh Edition, System Version 99
Preliminary 2019-2020 edition
Richard Stallman
Daniel Weinreb
David Moon

This report describes research done at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Support for the laboratory’s artificial intelligence research is provided in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Office of Naval Research Contract number N00014-80-C-0505.


The Lisp Machine manual describes both the language and the operating system of the Lisp Machine. The language, a dialect of Lisp called Zetalisp, is completely documented by this manual. The software environment and operating-system-like parts of the system contain many things which are still in a state of flux. This manual confines itself primarily to the stabler parts of the system. It describes how to program, but not for the most part how to operate the machine. The window system is documented separately in the Lisp Machine Window System manual.

Any comments, suggestions, or criticisms will be welcomed. Please send to BUG-LISPM..

Portions of this manual were written by Mike McMahon and Alan Bawden. The chapter on the LOOP iteration macro is mostly a reprint of Laboratory for Computer Science memo TM-169, by Glenn Burke. Sarah Smith, Meryl Cohen and Richard Ingria of LMI, and Richard Mlynarik of MIT, helped to correct the manual.

Personal Note from Richard Stallman

The Lisp Machine is a product of the efforts of many people too numerous to list here and of the former unique unbureaucratic, free-wheeling and cooperative environment of the M.I.T Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. I believe that the commercialization of computer software has harmed the spirit which enabled such systems to be developed. Now I am attempting to build a software-sharing movement to revive that spirit from near oblivion.

Since January 1984 I have been working primarily on the development of GNU, a complete Unix-compatible software system for standard hardware architectures, to be shared freely with everyone just like EMACS. This will enable people to use computers and be good neighbors legally (a good neighbor allows his neighbors to copy any generally useful software he has a copy of). This project has inspired a growing movement of enthusiastic supporters. Just recently the first free portable C compiler compiled itself. If you would like to contribute to GNU, write to me at the address above. Restrain social decay–help get programmers sharing again.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

1.1 General Information

The Lisp Machine is a new computer system designed to provide a high-performance and economical implementation of the Lisp language. It is a personal computation system, which means that processors and main memories are not time-multiplexed: when using a Lisp Machine, you get your own processor and memory system for the duration of the session. It is designed this way to relieve the problems of running large Lisp programs on time-sharing systems. Everything on the Lisp Machine is written in Lisp, including all system programs; there is never any need to program in machine language. The system is highly interactive.

The Lisp Machine executes a new dialect of Lisp called Zetalisp, developed at the M.I.T Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for use in artificial intelligence research and related fields. It was originally based on the Maclisp dialect, and attempts to maintain a good degree of compatibility with Maclisp, while also providing many improvements and new features. Maclisp, in turn, was based on Lisp 1.5.

Common Lisp is a Lisp dialect designed to standardize all the various Lisp systems derived from Maclisp. Zetalisp today is nearly a superset of Common Lisp, but there are a few important incompatibilities between them, in places where Common Lisp involves an incompatible change which is deemed to severe to impose on traditional Zetalisp users. There is a special mode which provides strict Common Lisp compatibility. See common-lisp for more information.

This document is the reference manual for the Zetalisp language. This document is not a tutorial, and it sometimes refers to functions and concepts that are not explained until later in the manual. It is assumed that you have a basic working knowledge of some Lisp dialect; you will be able to figure out the rest of the language from this manual.

There are also facilities explained in this manual that are not really part of the Lisp language. Some of these are subroutine packages of general use, and others are tools used in writing programs. The Lisp Machine window system and the major utility programs are, or ought to be, documented in other manuals.

1.2 Structure of the Manual

The manual starts out with an explanation of the language. Chapter object-chapter explains the different primitive types of Lisp object and presents some basic predicate functions for testing types. Chapter evaluator-chapter explains the process of evaluation, which is the heart of the Lisp language. Chapter flow-chapter introduces the basic Lisp control structures.

The next several chapters explain the details of the various primitive data-types of the language and the functions that deal with them. Chapter cons-chapter deals with conses and the higher-level structures that can be built out of them, such as trees, lists, association lists, and property lists. Chapter symbol-chapter deals with symbols, chapter number-chapter with the various kinds of numbers, and chapter array-chapter with arrays. Chapter string-chapter explains character strings, which are a special kind of array.

After this there are some chapters that explain more about functions, function-calling, and related matters. Chapter function-chapter presents all the kinds of functions in the language, explains function-specs, and tells how to manipulate definitions of functions. Chapters closure-chapter and stack-group-chapter discuss closures and stack-groups, two facilities useful for creating coroutines and other advanced control and access structures.

Next, a few lower-level issues are dealt with. Chapter locative-chapter explains locatives, which are a kind of pointer to memory cells. Chapter subprimitive-chapter explains the “subprimitive” functions, which are primarily useful for implementation of the Lisp language itself and the Lisp Machine’s operating system. Chapter area-chapter discusses areas, which give you control over storage allocation and locality of reference.

Chapter compiler-chapter discusses the Lisp compiler, which converts Lisp programs into “machine language” or “macrocode”. Chapter macros-chapter explains the Lisp macro facility, which allows users to write their own extensions to Lisp, extending both the interpreter and the compiler. The next two chapters go into detail about two such extensions, one that provides a powerful iteration control structure (chapter loop-chapter), and one that provides a powerful data structure facility (chapter defstruct-chapter).

Chapter flavor-chapter documents flavors, a language facility to provide generic functions using the paradigm used in Smalltalk and related languages, called “object-oriented programming” or “message passing”. Flavors are widely used by the system programs of the Lisp Machine, as well as being available to the user as a language feature.

The next few chapters discuss I/O: chapter io-chapter explains I/O streams and character and line level operations; chapter expression-io-chapter explains reading and printing symbolic expressions; chapter pathname-chapter explains naming of files; chapter file-io-chapter explains input and output to files. Chapter chaos-chapter describes the use of the Chaosnet.

Chapter package-chapter describes the package system, which allows many name spaces within a single Lisp environment. Chapter system-chapter documents the “system” facility that helps you create and maintain systems, which are programs that reside in many files.

Chapter process-chapter discusses the facilities for multiple processes and how to write programs that use concurrent computation. Chapter error-chapter explains how exceptional conditions (errors) can be handled by programs, handled by users, and debugged. Chapter code-chapter explains the instruction set of the Lisp Machine and tells you how to examine the output of the compiler. Chapter query-chapter documents some functions for querying the user, chapter time-chapter explains some functions for manipulating dates and times, and chapter misc-chapter contains other miscellaneous functions and facilities.

1.3 Notational Conventions and Helpful Notes

There are several conventions of notation and various points that should be understood before reading the manual. This section explains those conventions.

The symbol ‘=>’ is used to indicate evaluation in examples. Thus, when you see ‘foo => nil’, this means that “the result of evaluating foo is (or would have been) nil”.

The symbol ‘==>’ is used to indicate macro expansion in examples. This, when you see ‘(foo bar) ==> (aref bar 0)’, this means that “the result of macro-expanding (foo bar) is (or would have been) (aref bar 0)”.

A typical description of a Lisp function looks like this:

Function: function-name arg1 arg2 &optional arg3 (arg4 arg2)

The function-name function adds together arg1 and arg2, and then multiplies the result by arg3. If arg3 is not provided, the multiplication isn’t done. function-name then returns a list whose first element is this result and whose second element is arg4. Examples:

(function-name 3 4) => (7 4)
(function-name 1 2 2 'bar) => (6 bar)

Note the use of fonts (typefaces). The name of the function is in bold-face in the first line of the description, and the arguments are in italics. Within the text, printed representations of Lisp objects are in a different bold-face font, as in (+ foo 56), and argument references are italicized, as in arg1 and arg2. A different, fixed-width font, as in function-name, is used for Lisp examples that are set off from the text. Other font conventions are that filenames are in bold-face, all upper case (as in SYS: SYS; SYSDCL LISP) while keys on the keyboard are in bold-face and capitalized (as in Help, Return and Meta).

‘Car’, ‘cdr’ and ‘cons’ are in bold-face when the actual Lisp objects are being mentioned, but in the normal text font when used as words.

The word ‘&optional’ in the list of arguments tells you that all of the arguments past this point are optional. The default value can be specified explicitly, as with arg4 whose default value is the result of evaluating the form (foo 3). If no default value is specified, it is the symbol nil. This syntax is used in lambda-lists in the language, which are explained in lambda-list. Argument lists may also contain ‘&rest’ and ‘&key’ to indicate rest and keyword arguments.

The descriptions of special forms and macros look like this:

Special Form: do-three-times form

This evaluates form three times and returns the result of the third evaluation.

Macro: with-foo-bound-to-nil form...

This evaluates the forms with the symbol foo bound to nil. It expands as follows:

    form2 ...) ==>
(let ((foo nil))
    form2 ...)

Since special forms and macros are the mechanism by which the syntax of Lisp is extended, their descriptions must describe both their syntax and their semantics; functions follow a simple consistent set of rules, but each special form is idiosyncratic. The syntax is displayed on the first line of the description using the following conventions. Italicized words are names of parts of the form which are referred to in the descriptive text. They are not arguments, even though they resemble the italicized words in the first line of a function description. Parentheses (‘(’ and ‘)’) stand for themselves. Square brackets (‘[’ and `]’) indicate that what they enclose is optional. Ellipses (‘...’) indicate that the subform (italicized word or parenthesized list) that precedes them may be repeated any number of times (possibly no times at all). Curly brackets followed by ellipses (‘{’ and ‘}...’) indicate that what they enclose may be repeated any number of times. Thus the first line of the description of a special form is a “template” for what an instance of that special form would look like, with the surrounding parentheses removed. The syntax of some special forms is sufficiently complicated that it does not fit comfortably into this style; the first line of the description of such a special form contains only the name, and the syntax is given by example in the body of the description.

The semantics of a special form includes not only what it “does for a living”, but also which subforms are evaluated and what the returned value is. Usually this will be clarified with one or more examples.

A convention used by many special forms is that all of their subforms after the first few are described as ‘body...’. This means that the remaining subforms constitute the “body” of this special form; they are Lisp forms that are evaluated one after another in some environment established by the special form.

This ridiculous special form exhibits all of the syntactic features:

Special Form: twiddle-frob [(frob option...)] parameter value...

This twiddles the parameters of frob, which defaults to default-frob if not specified. Each parameter is the name of one of the adjustable parameters of a frob; each value is what value to set that parameter to. Any number of parameter/value pairs may be specified. If any options are specified, they are keywords that select which safety checks to override while twiddling the parameters. If neither frob nor any options are specified, the list of them may be omitted and the form may begin directly with the first parameter name.

frob and the values are evaluated; the parameters and options are syntactic keywords and not evaluated. The returned value is the frob whose parameters were adjusted. An error is signaled if any safety checks are violated.

Operations, the message-passing equivalent of ordinary Lisp’s functions, are described in this style:

Method on flavor-name: :operation-name arg1 arg2 &optional arg3

This is the documentation of the effect of performing operation :operation-name (or, sending a message named :operation-name), with arguments arg1, arg2, and arg3, on an instance of flavor flavor-name.

Descriptions of variables (“globally special” variables) look like this:

Variable: typical-variable

The variable typical-variable has a typical value....

If the description says ‘Constant’ rather than ‘Variable’, it means that the value is never set by the system and should not be set by you. In some cases the value is an array or other structure whose contents may be changed by the system or by you.

Most numbers in this manual are decimal; octal numbers are labelled as such, using #o if they appear in examples. Currently the default radix for the Lisp Machine system is eight, but this will be changed in the near future. If you wish to change to base ten now, see the documentation on the variables *read-base* and *print-base* (*read-base*-var).

All uses of the phrase ‘Lisp reader’, unless further qualified, refer to the part of Lisp that reads characters from I/O streams (the read function), and not the person reading this manual.

There are several terms that are used widely in other references on Lisp, but are not used much in this document since they have become largely obsolete and misleading. For the benefit of those who may have seen them before, they are: ‘s-expression’, which means a Lisp object; ‘dotted pair’, which means a cons; and ‘atom’, which means, roughly, symbols and numbers and sometimes other things, but not conses. The terms ‘list’ and ‘tree’ are defined in list-and-tree.

The characters acute accent (') (also called "single quote") and semicolon (‘;’) have special meanings when typed to Lisp; they are examples of what are called macro characters. Though the mechanism of macro characters is not of immediate interest to the new user, it is important to understand the effect of these two, which are used in the examples. When the Lisp reader encounters a "'", it reads in the next Lisp object and encloses it in a quote special form. That is, 'foo-symbol turns into (quote foo-symbol), and '(cons 'a 'b) turns into (quote (cons (quote a) (quote b))). The reason for this is that quote would otherwise have to be typed in very frequently, and would look ugly. The semicolon is used as a commenting character. When the Lisp reader sees one, the remainder of the line is discarded. The character ‘/’ is used for quoting strange characters so that they are not interpreted in their usual way by the Lisp reader, but rather are treated the way normal alphabetic characters are treated. So, for example, in order to give a ‘/’ to the reader, you must type ‘//’, the first ‘/’ quoting the second one. When a character is preceded by a ‘/’ it is said to be escaped. Escaping also turns off the effects of macro characters such as "'" and ‘;’. If you select Common Lisp syntax, escaping is done with ‘\’ instead, and ‘/’ has no special syntactic significance. The manual uses traditional syntax throughout, however. The following characters also have special meanings and may not be used in symbols without escaping. These characters are explained in detail in the section on printed representation (reader).


Double-quote delimits character strings.


Sharp-sign introduces miscellaneous reader macros.


Backquote is used to construct list structure.


Comma is used in conjunction with backquote.


Colon is the package prefix.


Characters between pairs of vertical-bars are escaped.


Circle-cross lets you type in characters using their octal codes.

All Lisp code in this manual is written in lower case. In fact, the reader turns all symbols into upper case, and consequently everything prints out in upper case. You may write programs in whichever case you prefer.

You will see various symbols that have the colon (:) character in their names. The colon and the characters preceding it are not actually part of the symbol name, but in early stages of learning the system you can pretend that they are. Actually they are a package prefix. See chapter package-chapter for an explanation of packages and what package prefixes really do.

Symbols whose names start with si: are internal to the system. These functions and variables are documented here because they are things you sometimes need to know about. However, they are subject to change with little concern for compatibility for users.

Zetalisp is descended from Maclisp, and a good deal of effort was expended to try to allow Maclisp programs to run in Zetalisp. Throughout the manual, there are notes about differences between the dialects. For the new user, it is important to note that many functions herein exist solely for Maclisp compatibility; they should not be used in new programs. Such functions are clearly marked in the text.

The Lisp Machine character set is not quite the same as that used on I.T.S nor on Multics; it is described in full detail in character-set. The important thing to note for now is that the character “newline” is the same as Return, and is represented by the number 215 octal. (This number should not be built into any programs.)

When the text speaks of “typing Control-Q” (for example), this means to hold down the Control key on the keyboard (either of the two keys labeled ‘CTRL’), and, while holding it down, to strike the Q key. Similarly, to type Meta-P, hold down either of the Meta keys and strike P. To type Control-Meta-T hold down both Control and Meta. Unlike ASCII, the Lisp machine character set does not simply label a few of the characters as “control characters”; Control and Meta (and Super and Hyper) are modifiers that can be attached to any character and are represented as separate bits. These modifier bits are not present in characters in strings or files.

Many of the functions refer to “areas”. The area feature is of interest only to writers of large systems and can be safely disregarded by the casual user. It is described in chapter area-chapter.

1.4 Common Lisp Support

Common Lisp is the name of a standardization project whose goal was to establish a compatible subset for Lisp systems descended from Maclisp.

Originally it was hoped that Zetalisp and the Lisp Machine system could be changed to become a superset of Common Lisp; but this proved impossible because the final Common Lisp design includes several incompatible changes to widely used functions, which, while of no fundamental importance, would make most user programs fail to work. Therefore it was necessary to make Common Lisp a separate mode of operation. The incompatibilities fall into two classes:


Read syntax: Common Lisp specifies ‘\’ as the single-character escape character rather than the traditional ‘/’. A few other constructs, such as character objects and complex numbers, are also written incompatibly.


Specific functions: many Lisp functions of ancient pedigree, including member, assoc, subst, union, terpri, close and // are specified to be incompatible with their traditional behavior.

The read syntax incompatibilities have been dealt with by having separate readtables for traditional and Common Lisp syntax. The incompatibilities in functions have been dealt with by means of reader symbol substitutions. For each function changed incompatibly, such as member, a new, distinct symbol exists in a package called cli (“Common Lisp Incompatible”); for example, cli:member. The function definition of the symbol member is the traditional definition, while that of cli:member is the Common Lisp definition. In Common Lisp programs, the reader is directed to replace member with cli:member wherever it is seen. So traditional and Common Lisp programs both get the member functions they expect. Programs written in traditional syntax can refer to the new cli functions with explicit cli: package prefixes. Programs written in Common Lisp syntax can refer to the traditional symbols with explicit global: package prefixes, but this is not expected to be necessary in code.

The symbol replacements are under control of the current readtable, so that the Common Lisp readtable is responsible for causing cli:close to replace close and so on.

In this manual, the incompatible Common Lisp functions are documented under names starting with cli:, the names by which a traditional program could refer to them. Keep in mind that, in Common Lisp programs, the cli: would be omitted. A list of symbols which have incompatible Common Lisp substitutes can be found by looking up cli: in the function and variable indices.

Traditional read syntax is used nearly everywhere in the manual. This includes the use of ‘/’ as an escape character, the escaping of ‘/’ itself, and not escaping the character ‘\’, which in traditional syntax is not special. It is up to the user to make appropriate modifications to express the same Lisp object in Common Lisp syntax when necessary.

The majority of Common Lisp changes, those that are upward compatible, have been incorporated directly into Zetalisp and are documented in this manual with no special notice.

Common Lisp read syntax and function definitions may be used either in files or interactively.

For listen loops, including Lisp Listener windows, break loops and the debugger, the choice of syntax and function semantics is made by setting the variable readtable to the appropriate readtable (see si:common-lisp-readtable-var) or most simply by calling the function common-lisp.

Function: common-lisp flag

If flag is t, selects Common Lisp syntax and function definitions. If flag is nil, selects traditional syntax and function definitions.

In either case, this controls the reading of the following expressions that you type in the same process. It works by setting readtable.

In a file, Common Lisp is requested by writing the attribute Readtable: Common-Lisp; in the -*- file’s line. This controls both loading or compiling the file and evaluation or compilation in the editor while visiting the file. Readtable: Traditional; specifies the use of traditional syntax and function definitions. If neither attribute is present, the file is processed using whatever syntax is selected in the process that loads it. See file-attribute-list.

Reading and printing done by programs are controlled by the same things that control reading of programs. They can also be controlled explicitly by binding the variable readtable.

2 Primitive Object Types

2.1 Data Types

This section enumerates some of the various different primitive types of objects in Zetalisp. The types explained below include symbols, conses, various types of numbers, two kinds of compiled code objects, locatives, arrays, stack groups, and closures.

A symbol (these are sometimes called “atoms” or “atomic symbols” by other texts) has a print name, a value, a definition, a property list, and a package.

The print name is a string, which may be obtained by the function symbol-name (symbol-name-fun). This string serves as the printed representation (see printer) of the symbol.

Each symbol has a value, which may be any Lisp object. This is the value of the symbol when regarded as a dynamic variable. It is also referred to sometimes as the “contents of the value cell”, since internally every symbol has a cell called the value cell, which holds the value. It is accessed by the symeval function (symeval-fun), and updated by the set function (set-fun). (That is, given a symbol, you use symeval to find out what its value is, and use set to change its value.)

Each symbol has a definition, which may also be any Lisp object. It is also referred to as the “contents of the function cell”, since internally every symbol has a cell called the function cell, which holds the definition. The definition can be accessed by the fsymeval function (fsymeval-fun), and updated with fset (fset-fun), although usually the functions fdefinition and fdefine are employed (fdefine-fun).

The property list is a list of an even number of elements; it can be accessed directly by plist (plist-fun), and updated directly by setplist (setplist-fun), although usually the functions get, putprop, and remprop (get-fun) are used. The property list is used to associate any number of additional attributes with a symbol–attributes not used frequently enough to deserve their own cells as the value and definition do.

Symbols also have a package cell, which indicates which package of names the symbol belongs to. This is explained further in the section on packages (chapter package-chapter) and can be disregarded by the casual user.

The primitive function for creating symbols is make-symbol (make-symbol-fun), although most symbols are created by read, intern, or fasload (which call make-symbol themselves.)

A cons is an object that cares about two other objects, arbitrarily named the car and the cdr. These objects can be accessed with car and cdr (car-fun), and updated with rplaca and rplacd (rplaca-fun). The primitive function for creating conses is cons (cons-fun).

There are several kinds of numbers in Zetalisp. Fixnums represent integers in the range of -2^24 to 2^24-1. Bignums represent integers of arbitrary size, but they are more expensive to use than fixnums because they occupy storage and are slower. The system automatically converts between fixnums and bignums as required. Floats are floating-point numbers. Short floats are another kind of floating-point numbers, with less range and precision, but less computational overhead. Ratios are exact rational numbers that are represented with a numerator and a denominator, which are integers. Complexnums are numbers that have explicitly represented real and imaginary parts, which can be any real numbers of the same type. See number for full details of these types and the conversions between them.

A character object is much like a fixnum except that its type is distinguishable. Common Lisp programs use character objects to represent characters. Traditional programs usually use fixnums to represent characters, although they can create an manipulate character objects when they desire. Character objects behave like fixnums when used in arithmetic; only a few operations make any distinction. They do, however, print distinctively. See characters for more information.

The usual form of compiled, executable code is a Lisp object, called a “Function Entry Frame” or “FEF” for historical reasons. A FEF contains the code for one function. This is analogous to what Maclisp calls a “subr pointer”. FEFs are produced by the Lisp Compiler (compiler), and are usually found as the definitions of symbols. The printed representation of a FEF includes its name so that it can be identified. Another kind of Lisp object that represents executable code is a “microcode entry”. These are the microcoded primitive functions of the Lisp system, and any user functions compiled into microcode.

About the only useful thing to do with any of these compiled code objects is to apply it to arguments. However, some functions are provided for examining such objects, for user convenience. See arglist (arglist-fun), args-info (args-info-fun), describe (describe-fun), and disassemble (disassemble-fun).

A locative (see locative) is a kind of a pointer to a single memory cell anywhere in the system. The contents of this cell can be accessed by cdr (see cdr-fun) and updated by rplacd (see rplacd-fun).

An array (see array) is a set of cells indexed by a tuple of integer subscripts. The contents of the cells may be accessed and changed individually. There are several types of arrays. Some have cells that may contain any object, while others (numeric arrays) may only contain small positive numbers. Strings are a type of array; the elements are character objects.

A list is not a primitive data type, but rather a data structure made up out of conses and the symbol nil. See list-and-tree.

2.2 Data Type Predicates

A predicate is a function that tests for some condition involving its arguments and returns the symbol t if the condition is true, or the symbol nil if it is not true. The following predicates are for testing what data type an object has.

By convention, the names of predicates usually end in the letter ‘p’ (which stands for ‘predicate’).

The following predicates are for testing data types. These predicates return t if the argument is of the type indicated by the name of the function, nil if it is of some other type.

Function: symbolp object

t if object is a symbol, otherwise nil.

Function: nsymbolp object

nil if object is a symbol, otherwise t.

Function: listp object

t if object is a cons, otherwise nil. Note that this means (listp nil) is nil even though nil is the empty list.

[This may be changed in the future to work like cli:listp. Since the current definition of listp is identical to that of consp, all uses of listp should be changed to consp unless the treatment of nil is not of concern.]

Function: cli:listp object

The Common Lisp version of listp returns t if object is nil or a cons.

Function: nlistp object

t if object is anything besides a cons, otherwise nil. (nlistp nil) returns t.

[This may be changed in the future, if and when listp is changed. Since the current definition of nlistp is identical to that of atom, all uses of nlistp should be changed to atom unless the treatment of nil is not of concern.]

Function: atom object

t if object is not a cons, otherwise nil. This is the same as (not (consp object)).

Function: consp object

t if object is a cons, otherwise nil. At the moment, this is the same as listp; but while listp may be changed, consp will never be true of nil.

Function: numberp object

t if object is any kind of number, otherwise nil.

Function: integerp object
Function: fixp object

Return t if object is a representation of an integer, i.e a fixnum or a bignum, otherwise nil.

Function: floatp object

t if object is a floating-point number, i.e a full-size or short float, otherwise nil.

Function: fixnump object

t if object is a fixnum, otherwise nil.

Function: bigp object

t if object is a bignum, otherwise nil.

Function: flonump object

t if object is a full-size float, otherwise nil.

Function: small-floatp object

t if object is a short float, otherwise nil.

Function: rationalp object

t if object is an exact representation of a rational number; that is, if it is a fixnum, a bignum or a ratio. Otherwise nil.

Function: complexp object

t if object is a complexnum, a number explicitly represented as complex. Otherwise nil.

Function: realp object

t if object is a number whose value is real, otherwise nil. Any fixnum, bignum, float (of either format) or ratio satisfies this predicate. So does a complexnum whose imaginary part is zero.

Function: characterp object

t if object is a character object, otherwise nil.

Function: stringp object

t if object is a string, otherwise nil.

Function: arrayp object

t if object is an array, otherwise nil. Note that strings are arrays.

Function: vectorp object

t if object is an array of rank 1.

Function: bit-vector-p object

t if object is an array of rank 1 that allows only 0 and 1 as elements.

Function: simple-vector-p object

t if object is an array of rank 1, with no fill pointer and not displaced, that can have any Lisp object as an element.

Function: simple-bit-vector-p object

t if object is an array of rank 1, with no fill pointer and not displaced, that allows only 0 and 1 as elements.

Function: simple-string-p object

t if object is a string with no fill pointer and not displaced.

Function: functionp object &optional allow-special-forms

t if object is a function (essentially, something that is acceptable as the first argument to apply), otherwise nil. In addition to interpreted, compiled, and microcoded functions, functionp is true of closures, select-methods (see select-method), and symbols whose function definition is functionp.

functionp is not true of objects that can be called as functions but are not normally thought of as functions: arrays, stack groups, entities, and instances. As a special case, functionp of a symbol whose function definition is an array returns t, because in this case the array is being used as a function rather than as an object.

If allow-special-forms is specified and non-nil, then functionp will be true of macros and special-form functions (those with quoted arguments). Normally functionp returns nil for these since they do not behave like functions.

Function: compiled-function-p object
Function: subrp object

t if object is any compiled code object, otherwise nil. The name subrp is for Maclisp compatibility.

Function: special-form-p symbol

t if symbol is defined as a function that takes some unevaluated args. Macros do not count as special forms.

macro-function can be used to test whether a symbol is defined as a macro, but you must be careful because it also returns a non-nil value for certain special forms. See the definition macro-function (macro-function-fun) to find out how to do this properly.

Function: closurep object

t if object is a closure, otherwise nil.

Function: entityp object

t if object is an entity, otherwise nil. See entity for information about entities.

Function: locativep object

t if object is a locative, otherwise nil.

Function: commonp object

t if object is of a type that Common Lisp defines operations on. See the type specifier common (common-type-spec).

Other standard type predicates include packagep (see packagep-fun), random-state-p (see random-state-p-fun), hash-table-p (hash-table-p-fun), pathnamep (pathnamep-fun), streamp (streamp-fun) and readtablep (readtablep-fun). defstruct can define additional type predicates automatically (defstruct-predicates).

2.3 Type Specifiers

Data types can be represented symbolically by Lisp objects called type specifiers. A type specifier describes a class of possible Lisp objects; the function typep tells whether a given object matches a given type specifier.

Built-in type specifiers exist for the actual Lisp Machine data types. The user can define additional type specifiers to represent arbitrary classifications of data. Type specifiers can also be combined into specifiers for more complex types.

Some type specifiers are symbols: for example, number, cons, symbol, integer, character, compiled-function, array, vector. Their meanings are mostly obvious, but a table follows below. Type specifiers that are symbols are called simple type specifiers.

Lists can also be type specifiers. They are usually combinations or restrictions of other type specifiers. The car of the list is the key to understanding what it means. An example of a combination is (or array symbol), which matches any array or any symbol. An example of a restriction type is (integer 0 6), which matches only integers between 0 and 6 (inclusive).

2.3.1 Standard Type Specifiers

Basic Data Types


non-nil lists.




all arrays, including strings.


numbers of all kinds.


all instances of any flavor.


named structures of any structure type.








stack groups.


macrocode functions such as the compiler makes.


built-in functions implemented by the microcode.


select-method functions (defined by defselect or defselect-incremental).


character objects.

Other Useful Simple Types


all Lisp objects belongs to this type.


nothing belongs to this type.


characters that can go in strings.


characters defined by Common Lisp. These are the 95 ASCII printing characters (including Space), together with Return.


nil is the only object that belongs to type null.


lists, including nil. This type is the union of the types null and cons.


lists and vectors. Many Common Lisp functions accept either a list or a vector as a way of describing a sequence of elements.


keywords (symbols belonging to package keyword).


anything but conses.

Simple Number Types


fixnums and bignums.


explicit rational numbers, such as 1\2 (1/2 in Common Lisp syntax).


integers and ratios.


small integers, whose %data-type is dtp-fix and which occupy no storage.


larger integers, which occupy storage.


very small integers–only 0 and 1 belong to this type.


any floating point number regardless of format.


short floats


full-size floats


defined by Common Lisp, but on the Lisp Machine synonymous with single-float.


any number whose value is real.


a number explicitly stored as complex. It is possible for such a number to have zero as an imaginary part but only if it is a floating point zero.


a number which is not explicitly stored as complex. This is a subtype of real.

Restriction Types for Numbers

(complex type-spec)

complex numbers whose components match type-spec. Thus, (complex rational) is the type of complex numbers with rational components. (complex t) is equivalent to complex.

(integer low high)

integers between low and high. low can be:


integer is an inclusive lower limit


integer is an exclusive lower limit.


There is no lower limit.

high has the same sorts of possibilities. If high is omitted, it defaults to *. If both low and high are omitted, you have (integer), which is equivalent to plain integer. Examples:

(integer 0 *)      matches any nonnegative integer.
(integer 0)        matches any nonnegative integer.
(integer -4 3)     matches any integer between -4 and 3, inclusive.
(integer -4 (4))   matches any integer between -4 and 3, inclusive.

bit is equivalent to (integer 0 1).

(rational low high)
(float low high)
(short-float low high)
(single-float low high)
(double-float low high)
(long-float low high)
(noncomplex low high)

These specify restrictive bounds for the types rational, float and so on. The bounds work on these types just the way they do on integer. Exclusive and inclusive bounds make a useful difference here:

(float (-4) (3))    matches any float between -4 and 3, exclusive.

No possible inclusive bounds could provide the same effect.

(mod high)

nonnegative integers less than high. high should be an integer. (mod), (mod *) and plain mod are allowed, but are equivalent to (integer 0).

(signed-byte size)

integers that fit into a byte of size bits, of which one bit is the sign bit. (signed-byte 4) is equivalent to (integer -8 7). (signed-byte *) and plain signed-byte are equivalent to integer.

(unsigned-byte size)

nonnegative integers that fit into a byte of size bits, with no sign bit. (unsigned-byte 3) is equivalent to (integer 0 7). (unsigned-byte *) and plain unsigned-byte are equivalent to (integer 0).

Simple Types for Arrays


all arrays.


arrays that are not displaced and have no fill pointers. (Displaced arrays are defined in displaced-array and fill pointers on fill-pointer).


arrays of rank one.


art-1b arrays of rank one.


strings; art-string and art-fat-string arrays of rank one.


bit vectors that are simple arrays.


strings that are simple arrays.


simple-arrays of rank one, whose elements’ types are unrestricted. This is not the same as (and vector simple-array)!

Restriction Types for Arrays

(array element-type dimensions)

arrays whose rank and dimensions fit the restrictions described by dimensions and whose nature restricts possible elements to match element-type.

The array elements condition has nothing to do with the actual values of the elements. Rather, it is a question of whether the array’s own type permits exactly such elements as would match element-type. If anything could be stored in the array that would not match element-type, then the array does not match. If anything that would match element-type could not be stored in the array, then the array does not match.

For example, if element-type is (signed-byte 4), the array must be an art-4b array. An art-1b array will not do, even though its elements all do match (signed-byte 4), because some objects such as the number 12 match (signed-byte 4) but could not be stored in an art-1b array. Likewise an art-q array whose elements all happen to match (signed-byte 4) will not do, since new elements such as nil or 231 which fail to match could potentially be stored in the array.

If element-type is t, the type to which all objects belong, then the array must be one in which any object can be stored: art-q or art-q-list.

* as element-type means “no restriction”. Any type of array is then allowed, whether it restricts its elements or not.

dimensions can be *, an integer or a list. If it is *, the rank and dimensions are not restricted. If it is an integer, it specifies the rank of the array. Then any array of that rank matches.

If dimensions is a list, its length specifies the rank, and each element of dimensions restricts one dimension. If the element is an integer, that dimension’s length must equal it. If the element is *, that dimension’s length is not restricted.

(simple-array element-type dimensions)

the restrictions work as in (array element-type dimensions), but in addition the array must be a simple array.

(vector element-type size)

element-type works as above. The array must be a vector. size must be an integer or *; if it is an integer, the array’s length must equal size.

(bit-vector size)
(simple-vector size)
(simple-bit-vector size)
(string size)
(simple-string size)

These require the array to match type bit-vector, simple-vector, etc. This implicitly restricts the element type, so there is no point in allowing an element-type to be given in the type specifier. size works as in vector.

More Obscure Types


packages, such as find-package might return.


structures such as can be the value of readtable.


pathnames (instances of the flavor pathname).


hash-tables (instances of the flavor hash-table).


instances of that flavor, or of any flavor that contains it.


named structures of that type, or of any structure that includes that one using :include.

Common Lisp Compatibility Types


random-states. See random (random-fun). This is actually a special case of using a defstruct name as a type specifier, but it is mentioned specifically because Common Lisp defines this type.


All objects of types defined by Common Lisp. This is all Lisp objects except closures, entities, stack groups, locatives, instances, select-methods, and compiled and microcode functions. (A few kinds of instances, such as pathnames, are common, because Common Lisp does define how to manipulate pathnames, and it is considered irrelevant that the Lisp Machine happens to implement pathnames using instances.)


Anything that looks like it might be a valid I/O stream. It is impossible to tell for certain whether an object is a stream, since any function with proper behavior may be used as a stream. Therefore, use of this type specifier is discouraged. It exists for the sake of Common Lisp.

Combination Type Specifiers

(member objects)

any one of objects, as compared with eql. Thus, (member t nil x) is matched only by t, nil or x.

(satisfies predicate)

objects on which the function predicate returns a non-nil value. Thus, (satisfies numberp) is equivalent as a type specifier to number (though the system could not tell that this is so). predicate must be a symbol, not a lambda-expression.

(and type-specs...)

objecs that match all of the type-specs individually. Thus, (and integer (satisfies oddp)) is the type of odd integers.

(or type-specs...)

objects that match at least one of the type-specs individually. Thus, (or number array) includes all numbers and all arrays.

(not type-spec)

objects that do not match type-spec.

2.3.2 User-Defined Type Specifiers

Macro: deftype type-name lambda-list body...

Defines type-name as a type specifier by providing code to expand it into another type specifier–a sort of type specifier macro.

When a list starting with type-name is encountered as a type specifier, the lambda-list is matched against the cdr of the type specifier just as the lambda-list of an ordinary defmacro-defined macro is matched against the cdr of a form. Then the body is executed and should return a new type specifier to be used instead of the original one.

If there are optional arguments in lambda-list for which no default value is specified, they get * as a default value.

If type-name by itself is encountered as a type specifier, it is treated as if it were (type-name); that is to say, the lambda-list is matched against no arguments and then the body is executed. So each argument in the lambda-list gets its default value, and there is an error if they are not all optional.

(deftype vector (element-type size)
  `(array ,element-type (,size)))
could have been used to define vector.

(deftype odd-natural-number-below (n)
  `(and (integer 0 (,n)) (satisfies oddp)))

(typep 5 '(odd-natural-number-below 6)) => t
(typep 7 '(odd-natural-number-below 6)) => nil

2.3.3 Testing Types with Type Specifiers

Function: type-of object

Returns a type specifier which object matches. Any given object matches many different type specifiers, including t, so you should not attempt to rely on knowing which type specifier would be returned for any particular object. The one actually returned is chosen so as to be informative for a human. Programs should generally use typep rather than type-of.

See also data-type, data-type-fun.

Function: typep object type-spec

t if object matches type-spec. The fundamental purpose of type specifiers is to be used in typep or other functions and constructs that use typep. Examples:

(typep 5 'number) => t
(typep 5 '(integer 0 7)) => t
(typep 5 'bit) => nil
(typep 5 'array) => nil
(typep "foo" 'array) => t
(typep nil 'list) => t
(typep '(a b) 'list) => t
(typep 'lose 'list) => nil
(typep 'x '(or symbol number)) => t
(typep 5 '(or symbol number)) => t

If the value of type-spec is known at compile time, the compiler optimizes typep so that it does not decode the argument at run time.

In Maclisp, typep is used with one argument. It returns a symbol describing the type of the object it is given. This is somewhat like what type-of does, except in Maclisp the intention was to compare the result with eq to test the type of an object. The Lisp Machine supports this usage of typep for compatibility, but the returned symbol is a keyword (such as :list, for conses) which makes it actually incompatible. This usage is considered obsolete and should be removed from programs.

Macro: typecase key-form clauses...

Computes the value of key-form and then executes one (or none) of the clauses according to the type of the value (call it key).

Each clause starts with a type specifier, not evaluated, which could be the second argument to typep. In fact, that is how it is used. The rest of the clause is composed of forms. The type specifiers of the clauses are matched sequentially against key. If there is a match, the rest of that clause is executed and the values of the last form in it are returned from the typecase form. If no clause matches, the typecase form returns nil.

typecase, like typep is optimized carefully by the compiler.

Note that t, the type specifier that matches all objects, is useful in the last clause of a typecase. otherwise is also permitted instead of t by special dispensation, with the same meaning.

(typecase foo
  (symbol (get-pname foo))
  (string foo)
  (list (apply 'string-append (mapcar 'hack foo)))
  ((integer 0) (hack-positive-integer foo))
  (t (princ-to-string foo)))
Macro: etypecase key-form clauses...

Like typecase except that an uncorrectable error is signaled if every clause fails. t or otherwise clauses are not allowed.

Macro: ctypecase place clauses...

Like etypecase except that the error is correctable. The first argument is called place because it must be setf’able (see setf-fun). If the user proceeds from the error, a new value is read and stored into place; then the clauses are tested again using the new value. Errors repeat until a value is specified that makes some clause succeed.

2.3.4 Coercion with Type Specifiers

Function: coerce object type-spec

Converts object to an “equivalent” object that matches type-spec. Common Lisp specifies exactly which types can be converted to which other types. In general, a conversion that would lose information, such as turning a float into an integer, is not allowed as a coercion. Here is a complete list of types you can coerce to.

(complex type)

Real numbers can be coerced to complex. If a rational is coerced to type complex, the result equals the rational, and is not complex at all. This is because complex numbers with rational components are canonicalized to real if possible. However, if a rational is coerced to (complex float) or (complex single-float) then an actual complex number does result.

It is permissible of course to coerce a complex number to a complex type. The real and imaginary parts are coerced individually to type if type is specified.


Rational numbers can be coerced to floating point numbers and any kind of floating point number can be coerced to any other floating point format.


Rational numbers are converted to single-float’s; floats of all kinds are left alone.


Strings of length one can be coerced to characters. Symbols whose print-names have length one can also be. An integer can be coerced to a character; this results in a character whose character code is the specified integer.


Any vector can be coerced to type list. The resulting list has the same elements as the vector.

vector or array or any restricted array type.

Any sequence (list or vector) can be coerced to any array or vector type. The new array has rank one and the same elements as the original sequence.

If you specify a type of array with restricted element type, you may actually get an array which can hold other kinds of things as well. For example, the Lisp Machine does not provide anything of type (array symbol), but if you specify that, you will get an array which at least can hold symbols (but can hold other things as well). If an element of the original sequence does not fit in the new array, an error is signaled.


Any object can be coerced to type t, without change to the object.

If the value of type-spec is known at compile time, the compiler optimizes coerce so that it does not decode the argument at run time.

2.3.5 Comparing Type Specifiers

Since a type describes a set of possible objects, it is possible to ask whether one type is contained in another type. Another way to say this is, is one type a subtype of another?

Function: subtypep type1 type2

t if type1 is a subtype of type2.

The system cannot always tell whether type1 is a subtype of type2. When satisfies type specifiers are in use, this question is mathematically undecidable. Because of this, it has not been considered worthwhile to make the system able to answer obscure subtype questions even when that is theoretically possible. If the answer is not known, subtypep returns nil.

Thus, nil could mean that type1 is certainly not a subtype of type2, or it could mean that there is no way to tell whether it is a subtype. subtypep returns a second value to distinguish these two situations: the second value is t if subtypep’s first value is definitive, nil if the system does not know the answer.


(subtypep 'cons 'list) => t t
(subtypep 'null 'list) => t t
(subtypep 'symbol 'list) => nil t

(subtypep 'list 'number) => nil t
because not all lists are numbers (in fact, no lists are numbers).

(subtypep 'number 'rational) => nil t
because not all numbers are rational.

(subtypep '(satisfies foo) '(satisfies bar)) => nil nil
because the system does not attempt to figure out your code.

3 Evaluation

The following is a complete description of the actions taken by the evaluator, given a form to evaluate.

If form is a number, the result is form.

If form is a string, the result is form.

If form is a self-evaluating symbol (nil, t or a keyword such as :foo), then form itself is the result.

If form is any other symbol, the result is the value of form, considered as a variable. If form’s value is void, an error is signaled. The way symbols are bound to values is explained in variable-section below.

If form is not any of the above types, and is not a list, form itself is the result.

In all remaining cases, form is a list. The evaluator examines the car of the list to figure out what to do next. There are three possibilities: this form may be a special form, a macro form, or a plain old function form. If the car is an explicit function such as a list starting with lambda, the form is a function form. If it is a symbol, things depend on the symbol’s function definition, which may be a special form definition (see special-function), a macro definition, or an ordinary function.

If form is a special form, then it is handled accordingly; each special form works differently. All of them are documented in this manual. The internal workings of special forms are explained in more detail on special-function, but this hardly ever affects you.

If form is a macro form, then the macro is expanded as explained in chapter macros-chapter.

If form is a function form, it calls for the application of a function to arguments. The car of form is a function or the name of a function. The cdr of form is a list of subforms. The subforms are evaluated, sequentially, and each produces one argument for the function. The function is then applied to those arguments. Whatever results the function returns are the values of the original form.

There is a lot more to be said about evaluation. The way variables work and the ways in which they are manipulated, including the binding of arguments, is explained in variable-section. A basic explanation of functions is in function-section. The way functions can return more than one value is explained in multiple-value. The description of all of the kinds of functions, and the means by which they are manipulated, is in chapter function-chapter. Macros are explained in chapter macros-chapter. The evalhook facility, which lets you do something arbitrary whenever the evaluator is invoked, is explained in evalhook-section. Special forms are described all over the manual; each special form is in the section on the facility it is part of.

3.1 Variables

In Zetalisp, variables are implemented using symbols. Symbols are used for many things in the language, such as naming functions, naming special forms, and being keywords; they are also useful to programs written in Lisp, as parts of data structures. But when a symbol is evaluated, its value as a variable is taken.

3.1.1 Variables and Bindings

There are two different ways of changing the value of a variable. One is to set the variable. Setting a variable changes its value to a new Lisp object, and the previous value of the variable is forgotten. Setting of variables is usually done with the setq special form.

The other way to change the value of a variable is with binding (also called lambda-binding). We say that a variable is bound (past participle of active verb) by the action of binding; we also say that the variable is bound (state of being) after a binding has been made. When a binding is made, the variable’s old binding and value are hidden or shadowed by a new binding, which holds a new value. Setting a variable places a new value into the current binding; it does not change which binding is current. In addition, shadowed bindings’ values are not affected by setting the variable. Binding a variable does not affect the value in the old current binding but that binding ceases to be current so the value no longer applies.

The action of binding is always followed eventually by the action of unbinding. This discards the current binding of the variable, with its value. The previous binding becomes current again, and the value in it–unchanged since the newer binding was made, in normal operation–is visible again.

Binding is normally done on entry to a function and by certain special forms (let, do, prog and others). The bindings are unbound on exit from the function or the special form, even nonlocal exit such as go, return or throw. The function or special form is said to be the scope of the bindings made therein.

Here is a simple example of making a binding, shadowing it, unshadowing it, examining it, and unbinding it. The inner, shadowing binding is made, examined, set, examined and unbound.

(let ((a 5))
  (print a)         ;prints 5
  (let ((a "foo"))
    (print a)       ;prints "foo"
    (setq a "bar")
    (print a))      ;prints "bar"
  (print a))        ;prints 5

Every symbol has one binding which was never made and is never unbound. This is the global binding. This binding is current whenever no other binding has been established that would shadow it. If you type (setq x 5) in the Lisp listen loop, you set the global binding of x. Programs often set global bindings permanently using defvar or one of its cousins (defvar-fun). setq-globally and related functions can be used to set or refer to the global binding even when it is shadowed (setq-globally-fun).

(defvar a 5)   ;sets the global binding

(let ((a t))
  (print a))   ;prints t

a => 5         ;the global binding is visible again

A binding does not need to have an actual value. It can be void instead. The variable is also called void. Actually, a void binding contains a weird internal value, which the system interprets as meaning “there is no value here”. (This is the data type code dtp-null, dtp-null-var). Reference to a variable whose current binding is void signals an error. In fact, nearly all variables’ global bindings are void; only those that you or the system have set are not void. variable-makunbound makes the current binding of a variable void again (variable-makunbound-fun).

‘Void’ used to be called ‘unbound’, and most function names, error messages and documentation still use the term ‘unbound’. The variable is also called ‘unbound’. The term ‘void’ is being adopted because it is less ambiguous. ‘Unbound’ can mean ‘void’, or ‘not bound’ (no binding established), or the past participle of ‘unbind’.

All bindings except global binding have a limited scope: one function or special form. This does not fully specify the scope, however: it may be lexical or dynamic. When a binding has lexical scope, it is visible only from code written within the function or special form that established it. Subroutines called from within the scope, but which are written elsewhere, never see the lexical binding. By contrast, a dynamic binding is visible the whole time it exists (except when it is shadowed, of course), which includes time spent in subroutines called from within the binding construct. The global binding of a symbol can be regarded as a dynamic binding that lasts from the beginning of the session to the end of the session.

Lexical and dynamic bindings are made by the same kinds of function definitions and special forms. By default, the bindings are lexical. You request a dynamic binding instead using a special-declaration at the beginning of the body of the function definition or special form. Also, some symbols are marked globally special; every binding of such a symbol is dynamic. This is what defvar, etc, do to a symbol. Dynamic bindings are also called special bindings, and the variable bound is called a special variable. Each use of a symbol as a variable (this includes setting as well as examining) is also marked as lexical or dynamic by the same declarations. A dynamic use sees only dynamic bindings, and a lexical use sees only lexical bindings.

In the examples above it makes no difference whether the bindings of a are lexical or dynamic, because all the code executed between the binding and unbinding is also written lexically within the let which made the binding. Here is an example where it makes a difference:

(defun foo ()
  (print a))

(let ((a 5))

>>Error: the variable A is used free but not special.

If the intention is that 5 be printed, a dynamic binding is required. A dynamic binding would remain visible for all the execution from the entry to the let to the exit from the let, including the execution of the definition of foo. Actually, the default is to do lexical binding. Since the binding of a is lexical, it is visible only for the evaluation of expressions written inside the let, which does not include the body of foo. In fact, an error happens when foo evaluates a, since a there is supposed to be lexical and no lexical binding is visible. If you compile foo, you get a compiler warning about a.

The use of a inside foo, not lexically within any binding of a, is called free, and a is called a free variable of foo. Free variables are erroneous unless they are special. Strictly speaking, it is erroneous to type (setq x 5) at top level in the Lisp listener if x has not been made globally special, but this is permitted as an exception because it is so often useful.

One way to make the example work is to make a globally special:

(defvar a)

(defun foo () (print a))

(let ((a 5))

prints 5. The global specialness of a tells let to make a dynamic binding and tells the evaluation of a in foo to look for one.

Another way is with declarations at the point of binding and the point of use:

(defun foo ()
  (declare (special a))
  (print a))

(let ((a 5))
  (declare (special a))

A declaration at the point of binding affects only that binding, not other bindings made within it to shadow it. Another way of stating this is that a binding is affected only by a declaration in the construct that makes the binding, not by declarations in surrounding constructs. Thus,

(let ((a 5))             ;this binding is dynamic
  (declare (special a))
  (let ((a "foo"))       ;this binding is lexical
    no declaration here
    ... a ...            ;this reference is lexical since
    ...                  ; the innermost binding is lexical
    (let ()
      (declare (special a))
      ... a ...          ;this reference is dynamic, and sees value 5

[Currently, for historical compatibility, bindings are affected by surrounding declarations. However, whenever this makes a difference, the compiler prints a warning to inform the programmer that the declaration should be moved.]

The classical case where dynamic binding is useful is for parameter variables like *read-base*:

(let ((*read-base* 16.))

reads an expression using hexadecimal numbers by default. *read-base* is globally special, and the subroutine of read that reads integers uses *read-base* free.

Here is an example where lexical bindings are desirable:

(let ((a nil))
  (mapatoms (function (lambda (symbol) (push symbol a))))

Because the reference to a from within the internal function is lexical, the only binding it can see is the one made by this let. mapatoms cannot interfere by binding a itself. Consider: if mapatoms makes a lexical binding of a, it is not visible here because this code is not written inside the definition of mapatoms. If mapatoms makes a dynamic binding of a, it is not visible here because the reference to a is not declared special and therefore sees only lexical bindings.

The fact that function is used to mark the internal function is crucial. It causes the lexical environment appropriate for the function to be combined with the code for the function in a lexical closure, which is passed to mapatoms.

The last example shows downward use of lexical closures. Upward use is also possible, in which a function is closed inside a lexical environment and then preserved after the binding construct has been exited.

(defun mycons (a d)
  (function (lambda (x)
	      (cond ((eq x 'car) a)
		    ((eq x 'cdr) d)))))

(defun mycar (x) (funcall x 'car))
(defun mycdr (x) (funcall x 'cdr))

(setq mc (mycons 4 t))

(mycar mc)  =>  4
(mycdr mc)  =>  t

mycons returns an object that can be called as a function with one argument. This object retains a pointer to a lexical environment that has a binding for a and a binding for d. The function mycons that made those bindings has been exited, but this is irrelevant because the bindings were not dynamic. Since the code of the lambda-expression is lexically within the body of mycons, that function can see the lexical bindings made by mycons no matter when it is called. The function returned by mycons records two values and can deliver either of them when asked, and is therefore analogous to a cons cell.

Only lexical bindings are transferred automatically downward and upward, but dynamic bindings can be used in the same ways if explicitly requested through the use of the function closure. See closure for more information.

Dynamic bindings, including the global binding, are stored (unless shadowed) in a particular place: the symbol’s value cell. This is a word at a fixed offset in the symbol itself. When a new dynamic binding is made, the value in the value cell is saved away on a stack called the special pdl. The new binding’s value is placed in the value cell. When the new binding is unbound, the old binding’s value is copied off of the special pdl, into the value cell again. The function symeval examines the value cell of a symbol chosen at run time; therefore, it sees the current dynamic binding of the symbol.

Lexical bindings are never stored in the symbol’s value cell. The compiler stores them in fixed slots in stack frames. The interpreter stores them in alists that live in the stack. It should be noted that if the lexical binding is made by compiled code, then all code that ought to see the binding is necessarily also compiled; if the binding is made by interpreted code, then all code that ought to see the binding is necessarily interpreted. Therefore, it is safe for the compiler and interpreter to use completely different techniques for recording lexical bindings.

Lexical binding is the default because the compiler can find with certainty all the places where a lexical binding is used, and usually can use short cuts based on this certainty. For dynamic bindings slow but general code must always be generated.

3.1.2 Setting Variables

Here are the constructs used for setting variables.

Special Form: setq variable value...

The setq special form is used to set the value of a variable or of many variables. The first value is evaluated, and the first variable is set to the result. Then the second value is evaluated, the second variable is set to the result, and so on for all the variable/value pairs. setq returns the last value, i.e the result of the evaluation of its last subform.

(setq x (+ 3 2 1) y (cons x nil))

x is set to 6, y is set to (6), and the setq form returns (6). Note that the first variable was set before the second value form was evaluated, allowing that form to use the new value of x.

Macro: psetq variable value...

A psetq form is just like a setq form, except that the variables are set “in parallel”; first all of the value forms are evaluated, and then the variables are set to the resulting values.

(setq a 1)
(setq b 2)
(psetq a b b a)
a => 2
b => 1
Special Form: variable-location symbol

Returns a locative to the cell in which the value of symbol is stored. symbol is an unevaluated argument, so the name of the symbol must appear explicitly in the code.

For a special variable, this is equivalent to

(value-cell-location 'symbol)

For a lexical variable, the place where the value is stored is a matter decided by the interpreter or the compiler, but in any case variable-location nevertheless returns a pointer to it.

In addition, if symbol is a special variable that is closed over, the value returned is an external value cell, the same as the value of locate-in-closure applied to the proper closure and symbol. This cell always contains the closure binding’s value, which is current only inside the closure. See external-value-cell.

Special Form: variable-boundp symbol

t if variable symbol is not void. It is equivalent to

(location-boundp (variable-location symbol))

symbol is not evaluated.

Special Form: variable-makunbound symbol

Makes symbol’s current binding void. It is equivalent to

(location-makunbound (variable-location symbol))

symbol is not evaluated.

3.1.3 Variable Binding Constructs

Here are the constructs used for binding variables.

Special Form: let ((var value)...) body...

Is used to bind some variables to some objects, and evaluate some forms (the body) in the context of those bindings. A let form looks like

(let ((var1 vform1)
      (var2 vform2)

When this form is evaluated, first the vforms (the values) are evaluated. Then the vars are bound to the values returned by the corresponding vforms. Thus the bindings happen in parallel; all the vforms are evaluated before any of the vars are bound. Finally, the bforms (the body) are evaluated sequentially, the old values of the variables are restored, and the result of the last bform is returned.

You may omit the vform from a let clause, in which case it is as if the vform were nil: the variable is bound to nil. Furthermore, you may replace the entire clause (the list of the variable and form) with just the variable, which also means that the variable gets bound to nil. Example:

(let ((a (+ 3 3))
      (b 'foo)

Within the body, a is bound to 6, b is bound to foo, c is bound to nil, and d is bound to nil.

Special Form: let* ((var value)...) body...

let* is the same as let except that the binding is sequential. Each var is bound to the value of its vform before the next vform is evaluated. This is useful when the computation of a vform depends on the value of a variable bound in an earlier vform. Example:

(let* ((a (+ 1 2))
       (b (+ a a)))

Within the body, a is bound to 3 and b is bound to 6.

Special Form: let-if condition ((var value)...) body...

let-if is a variant of let in which the binding of variables is conditional. The let-if special form, typically written as

(let-if cond
	((var-1 val-1) (var-2 val-2)...)

first evaluates the predicate form cond. If the result is non-nil, the value forms val-1, val-2, etc are evaluated and then the variables var-1, var-2, etc are bound to them. If the result is nil, the vars and vals are ignored. Finally the body forms are evaluated.

The bindings are always dynamic, and it is the user’s responsibility to put in appropriate declarations so that the body forms consider the variables dynamic.

Macro: let-globally ((var value)...) body...
Macro: let-globally-if condition ((var value)...) body...

let-globally is similar in form to let (see let-fun). The difference is that let-globally does not bind the variables; instead, it saves the old values and sets the variables, and sets up an unwind-protect (see unwind-protect-fun) to set them back. The important consequence is that, with let-globally, when the current stack group (see stack-group) co-calls some other stack group, the old values of the variables are not restored. Thus let-globally makes the new values visible in all stack groups and processes that don’t bind the variables themselves, not just in the current stack group. Therefore, let-globally can be used for communication between stack groups and between processes.

let-globally-if modifies and restores the variables only if the value of condition is non-nil. The body is executed in any case.

Since let-globally is based on setq, it makes sense for both lexical and dynamic variables. But its main application exists only for dynamic variables.

The globally in let-globally does not mean the same thing as the globally in setq-globally and related functions.

Special Form: progv symbol-list value-list body...

progv is a special form to provide the user with extra control over binding. It binds a list of variables dynamically to a list of values, and then evaluates some forms. The lists of variables and values are computed quantities; this is what makes progv different from let, prog, and do.

progv first evaluates symbol-list and value-list, and then binds each symbol to the corresponding value. If too few values are supplied, the remaining symbols’ bindings are made empty. If too many values are supplied, the excess values are ignored.

After the symbols have been bound to the values, the body forms are evaluated, and finally the symbols’ bindings are undone. The result returned is the value of the last form in the body. Assuming that the variables a, b, foo and bar are globally special, we can do:

(setq a 'foo b 'bar)

(progv (list a b 'b) (list b)
  (list a b foo bar))
    => (foo nil bar nil)

During the evaluation of the body of this progv, foo is bound to bar, bar is bound to nil, b is bound to nil, and a retains its top-level value foo.

Special Form: progw vars-and-vals-form body...

progw is like progv except that it has a different way of deciding which variables to bind and what values to give them. Like progv, it always makes dynamic bindings.

First, vars-and-val-forms-form is evaluated. Its value should be a list that looks like the first subform of a let:

  ((var1 val-form-1)
   (var2 val-form-2)

Each element of this list is processed in turn, by evaluating the val-form and binding the var dynamically to the resulting value. Finally, the body forms are evaluated sequentially, the bindings are undone, and the result of the last form is returned. Note that the bindings are sequential, not parallel.

This is a very unusual special form because of the way the evaluator is called on the result of an evaluation. progw is useful mainly for implementing special forms and for functions part of whose contract is that they call the interpreter. For an example of the latter, see sys:*break-bindings* (sys:*break-bindings*-var); break implements this by using progw.

See also %bind (%bind-fun), which is a subprimitive that gives you maximal control over binding.

3.1.4 Defining Global Variables

Here are the constructs for defining global variables. Each makes the variable globally special, provides a value, records documentation, and allows the editor to find where all this was done.

Macro: defvar variable [initial-value] [documentation]

defvar is the recommended way to declare the use of a global variable in a program. Placed at top level in a file,

(defvar variable initial-value 

declares variable globally special and records its location in the file for the sake of the editor so that you can ask to see where the variable is defined. The documentation string is remembered and returned if you do (documentation 'variable 'variable).

If variable is void, it is initialized to the result of evaluating the form initial-value. initial-value is evaluated only if it is to be used.

If you do not wish to give variable any initial value, use the symbol :unbound as the initial-value form. This is treated specially; no attempt is made to evaluate :unbound.

Using a documentation string is better than using a comment to describe the use of the variable, because the documentation string is accessible to system programs that can show the documentation to you while you are using the machine. While it is still permissible to omit initial-value and the documentation string, it is recommended that you put a documentation string in every defvar.

defvar should be used only at top level, never in function definitions, and only for global variables (those used by more than one function). (defvar foo 'bar) is roughly equivalent to

(declare (special foo))
(if (not (boundp 'foo))
    (setq foo 'bar))

If defvar is used in a patch file (see patch-facility) or is a single form (not a region) evaluated with the editor’s compile/evaluate from buffer commands, if there is an initial-value the variable is always set to it regardless of whether it is void.

Macro: defconst variable initial-value [documentation]
Macro: defparameter variable initial-value [documentation]

defconst is the same as defvar except that if an initial value is given the variable is always set to it regardless of whether it is already bound. The rationale for this is that defvar declares a global variable, whose value is initialized to something but will then be changed by the functions that use it to maintain some state. On the other hand, defconst declares a constant, whose value will be changed only by changes to the program, never by the operation of the program as written. defconst always sets the variable to the specified value so that if, while developing or debugging the program, you change your mind about what the constant value should be, and then you evaluate the defconst form again, the variable gets the new value. It is not the intent of defconst to declare that the value of variable will never change; for example, defconst is not a license to the compiler to build assumptions about the value of variable into programs being compiled.

As with defvar, you should include a documentation string in every defconst.

Macro: defconstant symbol value [documentation]

Defines a true constant. The compiler is permitted to assume it will never change. Therefore, if a function that refers to symbol’s value is compiled, the compiled function may contain value merged into it and may not actually refer to symbol at run time.

You should not change the value of symbol except by reexecuting the defconstant with a new value. If you do this, it is necessary to recompile any compiled functions that refer to symbol’s value.

3.1.5 The Global Binding

This section describes functions which examine or set the global binding of a variable even when it is shadowed and cannot be accessed simply by evaluating the variable or setting it.

The primary use of these functions is for init files to set variables which are bound by the load function, such as package or base. (setq package (find-package 'foo)) executed from a file being loaded has no effect beyond the end of loading that file, since it sets the binding of package made by load. However, if you use setq-globally instead, the current binding in effect during loading is actually not changed, but when the load exits and the global binding is in effect again, foo will become the current package.

Macro: setq-globally symbol value...

Sets each symbol’s global binding to the value that follows. The value’s are evaluated but the symbol’s are not.

Function: set-globally symbol value

Sets the global binding of symbol to value.

Function: makunbound-globally symbol

Makes the global binding of symbol be void.

Function: boundp-globally symbol

Returns t if the global binding of symbol is not void.

Function: symeval-globally symbol
Function: symbol-value-globally symbol

Return the value of the global binding of symbol. An error is signaled if the global binding is void.

See also pkg-goto-globally (pkg-goto-globally-fun), a “globally” version of pkg-goto. Note that let-globally is not analogous to these functions, as it modifies the current bindings of symbols rather than their global bindings. This is an unfortunate collision of naming conventions.

3.2 Generalized Variables

In Lisp, a variable is something that can remember one piece of data. The primary conceptual operations on a variable are to recover that piece of data and to change it. These might be called access and update. The concept of variables named by symbols, explained above, can be generalized to any storage location that can remember one piece of data, no matter how that location is named.

For each kind of generalized variable, there are typically three functions which implement the conceptual access, update and locate operations. For example, symeval accesses a symbol’s value cell, set updates it, and value-cell-location returns the value cell’s location. array-leader accesses the contents of an array leader element, store-array-leader updates it, and ap-leader returns the location of the leader element. car accesses the car of a cons, rplaca updates it, and car-location returns the location of the car.

Rather than thinking of this as two functions, which operate on a storage location somehow deduced from their arguments, we can shift our point of view and think of the access function as a name for the storage location. Thus (symeval 'foo) is a name for the value of foo, and (aref a 105) is a name for the 105th element of the array a. Rather than having to remember the update function associated with each access function, we adopt a uniform way of updating storage locations named in this way, using the setf special form. This is analogous to the way we use the setq special form to convert the name of a variable (which is also a form which accesses it) into a form that updates it. In fact, setf is an upward compatible generalization of setq. Similarly, the location of the generalized variable can be obtained using the locf construct.

3.2.1 setf

setf is the construct for storing a new value into a generalized variable which is identified by the form which would obtain the current value of the variable. For example,

(setf (car x) y)

stores the value of y into the car of the value of x.

setf is particularly useful in combination with structure-accessing macros, such as those created with defstruct, because the knowledge of the representation of the structure is embedded inside the macro, and the programmer shouldn’t have to know what it is in order to alter an element of the structure.

setf is actually a macro which expands into the appropriate update code. It has a database, explained in setf-extension, that associates from access functions to update functions.

Macro: setf place value...

Takes a form called place that accesses something and “inverts” the form to produce a corresponding form to update the thing. A setf expands into an update form, which stores the result of evaluating the form value into the place referenced by the place. If multiple place‘s and value‘s are specified, each one specifies an update, and each update is done before the following updates’ arguments are computed.

(setf (array-leader foo 3) 'bar)
		==> (store-array-leader 'bar foo 3)
(setf a 3) ==> (setq a 3)
(setf (plist 'a) '(foo bar)) ==> (setplist 'a '(foo bar))
(setf (aref q 2) 56) ==> (sys:set-aref q 2 56)
(setf (cadr w) x) ==> (sys:setcdr (cdr w) x)

The value of a setf form is always the value stored by the last update it performs. Thus, (setf (cadr w) x) is not really the same as (rplaca (cdr w) x), because the setf returns x and the rplaca returns w. In fact, the expansion of setf of cdr uses an internal function si:setcdr which exists specifically for this purpose.

If place invokes a macro or a substitutable function, then setf expands the place and starts over again. This lets you use setf together with defstruct accessor macros.

Condition on sys:unknown-setf-reference: (error)
Condition on sys:unknown-locf-reference: (error)

These are signaled when setf or locf does not know how to expand the place. The :form operation on the condition instance returns the access-form.

Macro: psetf place value...

Stores each value into the corresponding place, with the changes taking effect in parallel. Thus,

(psetf (car x) (cdr x) (cdr x) (car x))

interchanges the car and cdr of x.

The subforms of the places, and the values, are evaluated in order; thus, in

(psetf (aref a (tyi)) (tyi)
       (aref b (tyi)) (aref a (tyi)))

the first input character indexes a, the second is stored, the third indexes b, and the fourth indexes a. The parallel nature of psetf implies that, should the first and fourth characters be equal, the old value of that element of a is what is stored into the array b, rather than the new value which comes from the second character read.

Macro: shiftf place...

Sets the first place from the second, the second from the third, and so on. The last place is not set, so it doesn’t really need to be a setf’able place; it can be any form. The value of the shiftf form is the old value of the first place. Thus,

(shiftf x (car (foo)) b)

evaluates (foo), copies the car of that value into x, copies b into the car of that value, then returns the former value of x.

Macro: rotatef place...

Sets the first place from the second, the second from the third, and so on, and sets the last place from the old value of the first place. Thus, the values of the place’s are permuted among the place’s in a cyclic fashion.

With only two place’s, their values are exchanged:

(rotatef (car x) (cdr x))

is equivalent to the psetf example above.

Macro: swapf place1 place2

Exchanges the contents of place1 and place2. This is a special case of rotatef.

Macro: incf place [amount]

Increments the value of a generalized variable. (incf ref) increments the value of ref by 1. (incf ref amount) adds amount to ref and stores the sum back into ref. The incf form returns the value after incrementation.

incf expands into a setf form, so ref can be anything that setf understands as its place.

incf is defined using define-modify-macro, define-modify-macro-fun.

Macro: decf place [amount]

Decrements the value of a generalized variable. Just like incf except that amount (or 1) is subtracted rather than added.

See also push (push-fun), pop (pop-fun), pushnew (pushnew-fun), getf (getf-fun) and remf (remf-fun).

3.2.2 locf

Besides the access and update conceptual operations on generalized variables, there is a third basic operation, which we might call locate. Given the name of a storage cell, the locate operation returns the address of that cell as a locative pointer (see locative). This locative pointer is a first-class Lisp data object which is a kind of reference to the cell. It can be passed as an argument to a function which operates on any cell, regardless of where the cell is found. It can be used to bind the contents of the cell, just as special variables are bound, using the %bind subprimitive (see %bind-fun).

Of course, this can work only on generalized variables whose implementation is really to store their value in a memory cell. A generalized variable with an update operation that encrypts the value and an access operation that decrypts it could not have the locate operation, since the value per se is not actually stored anywhere.

Macro: locf place

locf takes a form that accesses some cell, and produces a corresponding form to create a locative pointer to that cell.

(locf (array-leader foo 3)) ==> (ap-leader foo 3)
(locf a) ==> (value-cell-location 'a)
(locf (plist 'a)) ==> (property-cell-location 'a)
(locf (aref q 2)) ==> (aloc q 2)

If place invokes a macro or a substitutable function, then locf expands the place and starts over again. This lets you use locf together with defstruct accessor macros.

3.3 Functions

In the description of evaluation on description-of-evaluation, we said that evaluation of a function form works by applying the function to the results of evaluating the argument subforms. What is a function, and what does it mean to apply it? In Zetalisp there are many kinds of functions, and applying them may do many different kinds of things. For full details, see function-functions. Here we explain the most basic kinds of functions and how they work. In particular, this section explains lambda lists and all their important features.

The simplest kind of user-defined function is the lambda-expression, which is a list that looks like:

(lambda lambda-list body1 body2...)

The first element of the lambda-expression is the symbol lambda; the second element is a list called the lambda list, and the rest of the elements are called the body. The lambda list, in its simplest form, is just a list of variables. Assuming that this simple form is being used, here is what happens when a lambda expression is applied to some arguments. First, the number of arguments and the number of variables in the lambda list must be the same, or else an error is signaled. Each variable is bound to the corresponding argument value. Then the forms of the body are evaluated sequentially. After this, the bindings are all undone, and the value of the last form in the body is returned.

This may sound something like the description of let, above. The most important difference is that the lambda-expression is not a form at all; if you try to evaluate a lambda-expression, you get an error because lambda is not a defined function. The lambda-expression is a function, not a form. A let form gets evaluated, and the values to which the variables are bound come from the evaluation of some subforms inside the let form; a lambda-expression gets applied, and the values are the arguments to which it is applied.

The variables in the lambda list are sometimes called parameters, by analogy with other languages. Some other terminologies would refer to these as formal parameters, and to arguments as actual parameters.

Lambda lists can have more complex structure than simply being a list of variables. There are additional features accessible by using certain keywords (which start with &) and/or lists as elements of the lambda list.

The principal weakness of simple lambda lists is that any function written with one must only take a certain, fixed number of arguments. As we know, many very useful functions, such as list, append, +, and so on, accept a varying number of arguments. Maclisp solved this problem by the use of lexprs and lsubrs, which were somewhat inelegant since the parameters had to be referred to by numbers instead of names (e.g (arg 3)). (For compatibility reasons, Zetalisp supports lexprs, but they should not be used in new programs.) Simple lambda lists also require that arguments be matched with parameters by their position in the sequence. This makes calls hard to read when there are a great many arguments. Keyword parameters enable the use of other, more readable styles of call.

In general, a function in Zetalisp has zero or more positional parameters, followed if desired by a single rest parameter, followed by zero or more keyword parameters. The positional parameters may be required or optional, but all the optional parameters must follow all the required ones. The required/optional distinction does not apply to the rest parameter; all keyword parameters are optional.

The caller must provide enough arguments so that each of the required parameters gets bound, but he may provide extra arguments for some of the optional parameters. Also, if there is a rest parameter, he can provide as many extra arguments as he wants, and the rest parameter is bound to a list of all these extras. Optional parameters may have a default-form, which is a form to be evaluated to produce the default value for the parameter if no argument is supplied.

Positional parameters are matched with arguments by the position of the arguments in the argument list. Keyword parameters are matched with their arguments by matching the keyword name; the arguments need not appear in the same order as the parameters. If an optional positional argument is omitted, then no further arguments can be present. Keyword parameters allow the caller to decide independently for each one whether to specify it.

Here is the exact algorithm used to match up the arguments with the parameters:

Required positional parameters:

The first required positional parameter is bound to the first argument. apply continues to bind successive required positional parameters to the successive arguments. If, during this process, there are no arguments left but there are still some required parameters which have not been bound yet, it is an error (“too few arguments”).

Optional positional parameters:

After all required parameters are handled, apply continues with the optional positional parameters, if any. It binds each successive parameter to the next argument. If, during this process, there are no arguments left, each remaining optional parameter’s default-form is evaluated, and the parameter is bound to it. This is done one parameter at a time; that is, first one default-form is evaluated, and then the parameter is bound to it, then the next default-form is evaluated, and so on. This allows the default for an argument to depend on the previous argument.

After the positional parameters:

Now, if there are no remaining parameters (rest or keyword), and there are no remaining arguments, we are finished. If there are no more parameters but there are still some arguments remaining, an error is signaled (“too many arguments”). If parameters remain, all the remaining arguments are used for both the rest parameter, if any, and the keyword parameters.

Rest parameter:

If there is a rest parameter, it is bound to a list of all the remaining arguments. If there are no remaining arguments, it is bound to nil.

Keyword parameters:

If there are keyword parameters, the same remaining arguments are used to bind them, as follows. The arguments for the keyword parameters are treated as a list of alternating keyword symbols and associated values. Each symbol is matched with eq against the allowed parameter keywords, which have by default the same names as the parameters but in the keyword package. (You can specify the keyword symbol explicitly in the lambda list if you must; see below.) Often the symbol arguments are constants in the program, and it is convenient for this usage that keywords all evaluate to themselves, but it is permissible for them to be computed by expressions. If any keyword parameter has not received a value when all the arguments have been processed, the default-form for the parameter is evaluated and the parameter is bound to its value. All keyword parameters are optional. There may be a keyword symbol among the arguments which does not match any keyword parameter name. By default this is an error, but the lambda list can specify that there should be no error using &allow-other-keys. Also, if one of the keyword symbols among the arguments is :allow-other-keys and the value that follows it is non-nil then there is no error. When there is no error, for either reason, the non-matching symbols and their associated values are simply ignored. The function can access these symbols and values through the rest parameter, if there is one. It is common for a function to check only for certain keywords, and pass its rest parameter to another function using apply; that function will check for the keywords that concern it.

The way you express which parameters are required, optional, rest and keyword is by means of specially recognized symbols, which are called &-keywords, in the lambda list. All such symbols’ print names begin with the character ‘&’. A list of all such symbols is the value of the symbol lambda-list-keywords. The keywords used here are &key, &optional and &rest. The way they are used is best explained by means of examples; the following are typical lambda lists, followed by descriptions of which parameters are positional, rest or keyword; and required or optional.

(a b c)

a, b, and c are all required and positional. The function must be passed three arguments.

(a b &optional c)

a and b are required, c is optional. All three are positional. The function may be passed either two or three arguments.

(&optional a b c)

a, b, and c are all optional and positional. The function may be passed zero, one, two or three arguments.

(&rest a)

a is a rest parameter. The function may be passed any number of arguments.

(a b &optional c d &rest e)

a and b are required positional, c and d are optional positional, and e is rest. The function may be passed two or more arguments.

(&key a b)

a and b are both keyword parameters. A typical call would look like

(foo :b 69 :a '(some elements))
(foo :a '(some elements) :b 69)
(foo :a '(some elements))

This illustrates that the parameters can be matched in either order, or omitted. If a keyword is specified twice, the first value is used.

(x &optional y &rest z &key a b)

x is required positional, y is optional positional, z is rest, and a and b are keyword. One or more arguments are allowed. One or two arguments specify only the positional parameters. Arguments beyond the second specify both the rest parameter and the keyword parameters, so that

(foo 1 2 :b '(a list))

specifies 1 for x, 2 for y, (:b (a list)) for z, and (a list) for b. It does not specify a.

(&rest z &key a b c &allow-other-keys)

z is rest, and a, b and c are keyword parameters. &allow-other-keys says that absolutely any keyword symbols may appear among the arguments; these symbols and the values that follow them have no effect on the keyword parameters, but do become part of the value of z.

(&rest z &key &allow-other-keys)

This is equivalent to (&rest z). So, for that matter, is the previous example, if the function does not use the values of a, b and c.

In all of the cases above, the default-form for each optional parameter is nil. To specify your own default forms, instead of putting a symbol as the element of a lambda list, put in a list whose first element is the symbol (the parameter itself) and whose second element is the default-form. Only optional parameters may have default forms; required parameters are never defaulted, and rest parameters always default to nil. For example:

(a &optional (b 3))

The default-form for b is 3. a is a required parameter, and so it doesn’t have a default form.

(&optional (a 'foo) &rest d &key b (c (symeval a)))

a’s default-form is 'foo, b’s is nil, and c’s is (symeval a). Note that if the function were called on no arguments, a would be bound to the symbol foo, and c would be bound to the value of the symbol foo; this illustrates the fact that each variable is bound immediately after its default-form is evaluated, and so later default-forms may take advantage of earlier parameters in the lambda list. b and d would be bound to nil.

Occasionally it is important to know whether a certain optional parameter was defaulted or not. Just by looking at the value one cannot distinguish between omitting it and passing the default value explicitly as an argument. The way to tell for sure is to put a third element into the list: the third element should be a variable (a symbol), and that variable is bound to nil if the parameter was not passed by the caller (and so was defaulted), or t if the parameter was passed. The new variable is called a “supplied-p” variable; it is bound to t if the parameter is supplied. For example:

(a &optional (b 3 c))

The default-form for b is 3, and the supplied-p variable for b is c. If the function is called with one argument, b is bound to 3 and c is bound to nil. If the function is called with two arguments, b is bound to the value that was passed by the caller (which might be 3), and c is bound to t.

It is possible to specify a keyword parameter’s symbol independently of its parameter name. To do this, use two nested lists to specify the parameter. The outer list is the one which can contain the default-form and supplied-p variable, if the parameter is optional. The first element of this list, instead of a symbol, is again a list, whose elements are the keyword symbol and the parameter variable name. For example:

(&key ((:a a)) ((:b b) t))

This is equivalent to (&key a (b t)).

(&key ((:base base-value)))

This defines an argument which callers specify with the keyword :base, but which within the function is referred to as the variable base-value so as to avoid binding the value of base, which is a synonym for *print-base* and controls how numbers are printed.

It is also possible to include, in the lambda list, some other symbols, which are bound to the values of their default-forms upon entry to the function. These are not parameters, and they are never bound to arguments; they just get bound, as if they appeared in a let* form. (Whether you use aux-variables or bind the variables with let* is a stylistic decision.) To include such symbols, put them after any parameters, preceeded by the &-keyword &aux. Examples:

(a &optional b &rest c &aux d (e 5) (f (cons a e)))

d, e, and f are bound, when the function is called, to nil, 5, and a cons of the first argument and 5.

You could, equivalently, use (a &optional b &rest c) as the lamda list and write (let* (d (e 5) (f (cons a e))) ...) around the body of the function.

It is important to realize that the list of arguments to which a rest-parameter is bound is set up in whatever way is most efficiently implemented, rather than in the way that is most convenient for the function receiving the arguments. It is not guaranteed to be a “real” list. Sometimes the rest-args list is a stack list (see stack-list) stored in the function-calling stack, and loses its validity when the function returns. If a rest-argument is to be returned or made part of permanent list-structure, it must first be copied (see copylist, copylist-fun), as you must always assume that it is one of these special lists. The system does not detect the error of omitting to copy a rest-argument; you will simply find that you have a value which seems to change behind your back.

At other times the rest-args list may be an argument that was given to apply; therefore it is not safe to rplaca this list as you may modify permanent data structure. An attempt to rplacd a rest-args list is unsafe in this case, while in the first case it would cause an error, since lists in the stack are impossible to rplacd.

Constant: lambda-parameters-limit

Has as its value the limit on the number of parameters that a lambda list may have. The implementation limit on the number of parameters allowed is at least this many. There is no promise that this many is forbidden, but it is a promise that any number less than this many is permitted.

3.3.1 Lambda-List Keywords

This section documents all the keywords that may appear in the lambda list or argument list (see lambda-list) of a function, a macro, or a special form. Some of them are allowed everywhere, while others are only allowed in one of these contexts; those are so indicated. You need only know about &optional, &key, and &rest in order to understand the documentation of system functions in this manual.

Constant: lambda-list-keywords

The value of this variable is a list of all of the allowed ‘&’ keywords. A list of them follows.


Separates the required arguments of a function from the optional arguments. See lambda-list.


Separates the required and optional arguments of a function from the rest argument. There may be only one rest argument. See &rest for full information about rest arguments. See lambda-list.


Separates the positional arguments and rest argument of a function from the keyword arguments. See lambda-list.


In a function that accepts keyword arguments, says that keywords that are not recognized are allowed. They and the corresponding values are ignored, as far as keyword arguments are concerned, but they do become part of the rest argument, if there is one.


Separates the arguments of a function from the auxiliary variables. Following &aux you can put entries of the form

(variable initial-value-form)

or just variable if you want it initialized to nil or don’t care what the initial value is.


Declares the following arguments and/or auxiliary variables to be special within the scope of this function.


Turns off a preceding &special for the variables that follow.


Declares that the following arguments are not to be evaluated. This is how you create a special function. See the caveats about special forms on special-form-caveat.


Turns off a preceding &quote for the arguments which follow.


This is for macros defined by defmacro only. Refer to &list-of.


This is for macros defined by defmacro only. It is similar to &rest, but declares to grindef and the code-formatting module of the editor that the body forms of a special form follow and should be indented accordingly. Refer to &body.


This is for macros defined by defmacro only. It means that the following argument is bound to the entire macro call form being expanded. Refer to &whole.


This is for macros defined by defmacro only. It means that the following argument is bound to an environment structure which records the local macrolet macro definitions in effect for subforms of the macro call form. Refer to &environment.

3.3.2 Local Functions

The constructs flet and labels permit you to define a function name in a lexical context only. If the same name has a global function definition, it is shadowed temporarily. Function definitions established by flet (or labels) are to global definitions made with defun as lexical variable bindings made with let are to global bindings made with defvar. They always have lexical scope.

Special Form: flet local-functions body...

Executes body with local function definitions in effect according to local-functions.

local-functions should be a list of elements which look like

(name lambda-list function-body...)

just like the cdr of a defun form. The meaning of this element of local-functions is to define name locally with the indicated definition. Within the lexical scope of body, using name as a function name accesses the local definition.

(flet ((triple (x) (* x 3)))
  (print (triple -1))
  (mapcar (function triple) '(1 2 1.2)))

prints the number -3 and returns a list (3 6 3.6).

Each local function is closed in the environment outside the flet. As a result, the local functions cannot call each other.

(flet ((foo (x) (bar x t))
       (bar (y z) (list y z)))
  (foo t))

calls the local definition of foo, which calls the global definition of bar, because the body of foo is not within the scope of the local definition of bar.

Functions defined with flet inside of a compiled function can be referred to by name in a function spec of the form (:internal outer-function-name flet-name). See flet-function-spec.

Special Form: labels local-functions body...

Is like flet except that the local functions can call each other. They are closed in the environment inside the labels, so all the local function names are accessible inside the bodies of the local functions. labels is one of the most ancient Lisp constructs, but was typically not implemented in second generation Lisp systems in which no efficient form of closure existed.

(labels ((walk (x)
	   (typecase x
	     (cons (walk (car x)) (walk (cdr x)))
	     (t (if (eq x 'haha) (print 'found-it))))))
  (walk foo))

allows walk to call itself recursively because walk’s body is inside the scope of the definition of walk.

See also macrolet, an analogous construct for defining macros locally (macrolet-fun).

3.4 Some Functions and Special Forms

This section describes some functions and special forms. Some are parts of the evaluator, or closely related to it. Some have to do specifically with issues discussed above such as keyword arguments. Some are just fundamental Lisp forms that are very important.

Function: eval form &optional nohook

(eval form) evaluates form, and returns the result.

(defvar x 43)
(defvar foo 'bar)
(eval (list 'cons x 'foo))
    => (43 . bar)

The dynamic bindings available at the time eval is called are visible for dynamic variables within the expression x. No lexical bindings are available for the evaluation of x.

It is unusual to call eval explicitly, since usually evaluation is done implicitly. If you are writing a simple Lisp program and explicitly calling eval, you are probably doing something wrong. eval is primarily useful in programs which deal with Lisp itself, rather than programs about knowledge, mathematics or games.

Also, if you are only interested in getting at the dynamic value of a symbol (that is, the contents of the symbol’s value cell), then you should use the primitive function symeval (see symeval-fun).

If the argument nohook is non-nil, execution of the evalhook is inhibited for form, but not for evaluation of the subforms of form. See evalhook, evalhook-fun. evalhook is also the way to evaluate in a specified lexical environment if you happen to have got your hands on one.

Note: in Maclisp, the second argument to eval is a “binding context pointer”. There is no such thing in Zetalisp; closures are used instead (see closure).

Function: si:eval1 form &optional nohook

Within the definition of a special form, evaluates form in the current lexical environment.

Function: funcall f &rest args

(funcall f a1 a2 ... an) applies the function f to the arguments a1, a2, ..., an. f may not be a special form nor a macro; this would not be meaningful.

(cons 1 2) => (1 . 2)
(setq cons 'plus)
(funcall cons 1 2) => 3

This shows that the use of the symbol cons as the name of a function and the use of that symbol as the name of a variable do not interact. The cons form invokes the function named cons. The funcall form evaluates the variable and gets the symbol plus, which is the name of a different function.

Note: the Maclisp functions subrcall, lsubrcall, and arraycall are not needed on the Lisp Machine; funcall is just as efficient. arraycall is provided for compatibility; it ignores its first subform (the Maclisp array type) and is otherwise identical to aref. subrcall and lsubrcall are not provided.

Function: apply f &rest args
Function: lexpr-funcall f &rest args

apply is like funcall except that the last of args is really a list of arguments to give to f rather than a single argument. lexpr-funcall is a synonym for apply; formerly, apply was limited to the two argument case.

(apply f arglist) applies the function f to the list of arguments arglist. arglist should be a list; f can be any function.

(setq fred '+) (apply fred '(1 2)) => 3
(setq fred '-) (apply fred '(1 2)) => -1
(apply 'cons '((+ 2 3) 4)) =>
	((+ 2 3) . 4)	not (5 . 4)

Of course, arglist may be nil.

If there is more than one element of args, then all but the last of them are individual arguments to pass to f, while the last one is a list of arguments as above.

(apply 'plus 1 1 1 '(1 1 1)) => 6

(defun report-error (&rest args)
   (apply 'format *error-output* args))

apply can also be used with a single argument. Then this argument is a list of a function and some arguments to pass it.

(apply '(car (a))) => a
      ;Not the same as (eval '(car (a)))

Note: in Maclisp, apply takes two or three arguments, and the third argument, when passed, is interpreted as a “binding context pointer”. So the second argument always provides all the args to pass to the function. There are no binding context pointers in Zetalisp; true lexical scoping exists and is interfaced in other ways.

Constant: call-arguments-limit

Has as its value the limit on the number of arguments that can be dealt with in a function call. There is no promise that this many is forbidden, but it is a promise that any smaller number is acceptable.

Note that if apply is used with exactly two arguments, the first one being a function that takes a rest argument, there is no limit except the size of memory on the number of elements in the second argument to apply.

Function: call function &rest argument-specifications

Offers a very general way of controlling what arguments you pass to a function. You can provide either individual arguments as in funcall or lists of arguments as in apply, in any order. In addition, you can make some of the arguments optional. If the function is not prepared to accept all the arguments you specify, no error occurs if the excess arguments are optional ones. Instead, the excess arguments are simply not passed to the function.

The argument-specs are alternating keywords (or lists of keywords) and values. Each keyword or list of keywords says what to do with the value that follows. If a value happens to require no keywords, provide () as a list of keywords for it.

Two keywords are presently defined: :optional and :spread. :spread says that the following value is a list of arguments. Otherwise it is a single argument. :optional says that all the following arguments are optional. It is not necessary to specify :optional with all the following argument-specs, because it is sticky.


(call #'foo () x :spread y '(:optional :spread) z () w)

The arguments passed to foo are the value of x, the elements of the value of y, the elements of the value of z, and the value of w. The function foo must be prepared to accept all the arguments which come from x and y, but if it does not want the rest, they are ignored.

Special Form: quote object

(quote object) simply returns object. quote is used to include constants in a form. It is useful specifically because object is not evaluated; the quote is how you make a form that returns an arbitrary Lisp object.

(quote x) => x
(setq x (quote (some list)))   x => (some list)

Since quote is so useful but somewhat cumbersome to type, the reader normally converts any form preceded by a single quote (') character into a quote form.

For example,
(setq x '(some list))
is converted by read into
(setq x (quote (some list)))
Special Form: function f

function has two distinct, though related, meanings.

If f is a symbol or any other function spec (see function-spec), (function f) refers to the function definition of f. For example, in (mapcar (function car) x), the function definition of car is passed as the first argument to mapcar. function used this way is like fdefinition except that its argument is unevaluated, and so

(function fred)  is like  (fdefinition 'fred)

f can also be an explicit function, or lambda-expression, a list such as (lambda (x) (* x x)) such as could be the function definition of a symbol. Then (function f) represents that function, suitably interfaced to execute in the lexical environment where it appears. To explain:

(let (a)
  (mapcar (lambda (x) (push x a)) l))

attempts to call the function lambda and evaluate (x) for its first argument. That is no way to refer to the function expressed by (lambda (x) (push x a)).

(let (a)
  (mapcar (quote (lambda (x) (push x a))) l))

passes to mapcar the list (lambda (x) (push x a)). This list does not in any way record the lexical environment where the quote form appeared, so it is impossible to make this environment, with its binding of a, available for the execution of (push x a). Therefore, the reference to a does not work properly.

(let (a)
  (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (push x a))) l))

passes mapcar a specially designed closure made from the function represented by (lambda (x) (push x a)). When mapcar calls this closure, the lexical environment of the function form is put again into effect, and the a in (push x a) refers properly to the binding made by this let.

In addition, the compiler knows that the argument to function should be compiled. The argument of quote cannot be compiled since it may be intended for other uses.

To ease typing, the reader converts #'thing into (function thing). So #' is similar to ' except that it produces a function form instead of a quote form. The last example could be written as

(let (a)
  (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (push x a)) l))

Another way of explaining function is that it causes f to be treated the same way as it would as the car of a form. Evaluating the form (f arg1 arg2...) uses the function definition of f if it is a symbol, and otherwise expects f to be a list which is a lambda-expression. Note that the car of a form may not be a non-symbol function spec, as that would be difficult to make sense of. Instead, write

(funcall (function spec) args...)

You should be careful about whether you use #' or '. Suppose you have a program with a variable x whose value is assumed to contain a function that gets called on some arguments. If you want that variable to be the test function, there are two things you could say:

(setq x 'test)
(setq x #'test)

The former causes the value of x to be the symbol test, whereas the latter causes the value of x to be the function object found in the function cell of test. When the time comes to call the function (the program does (funcall x ...)), either expression works because calling a symbol as a function uses its function definition instead. Using 'test is insignificantly slower, because the function call has to indirect through the symbol, but it allows the function to be redefined, traced (see trace-fun), or advised (see advise-fun). Use of #' picks up the function definition out of the symbol test when the setq is done and does not see any later changes to it. #' should be used only if you wish specifically to prevent redefinition of the function from affecting this closure.

Function: false

Takes no arguments and returns nil.

Function: true

Takes no arguments and returns t.

Function: ignore &rest ignore

Takes any number of arguments and returns nil. This is often useful as a “dummy” function; if you are calling a function that takes a function as an argument, and you want to pass one that doesn’t do anything and won’t mind being called with any argument pattern, use this.

Special Form: comment

comment ignores its form and returns the symbol comment. It is most useful for commenting out function definitions that are not needed or correct but worth preserving in the source. The #|...|# syntactic construct is an alternative method. For comments within code about the code, it is better to use semicolons.

;; This is brain-damaged.  Can someone figure out
;; how to do this right?
(defun foo (x)
) ;End comment
;; prevents this definition of foo from being used.

3.5 Declarations

Declarations provide auxiliary information on how to execute a function or expression properly. The most important declarations are special declarations, which control the scope of variable names. Some declarations do not affect execution at all and only provide information about a function, for the sake of arglist, for example.

Declarations may apply to an entire function or to any expression within it. Declarations can be made around any subexpression by writing a local-declare around the subexpression or by writing a declare at the front of the body of certain constructs. Declarations can be made on an entire function by writing a declare at the front of the function’s body.

Special Form: local-declare (declaration...) body...

A local-declare form looks like

(local-declare (decl1 decl2 ...)

Each decl is in effect for the forms in the body of the local-declare form.

Special Form: declare declaration...

The special form declare is used for writing local declarations within the construct they apply to.

A declare inside a function definition, just after the argument list, is equivalent to putting a local-declare around the function definition. More specifically,

(defun foo (a b)
  (declare (special a b))

is equivalent to

(local-declare ((special a b))
(defun foo (a b)

Note that

(defun foo (a b)
  (local-declare ((special a b))

does not do the job, because the declaration is not in effect for the binding of the arguments of foo.

declare is preferable to local-declare in this sort of situation, because it allows the defuns themselves to be the top-level lists in the file. While local-declare might appear to have an advantage in that one local-declare may go around several defuns, it tends to cause trouble to use local-declare in that fashion.

declare has a similar meaning at the front of the body of a progn, prog, let, prog*, let*, or internal lambda. For example,

(prog (x)
      (declare (special x))
is equivalent to
(local-declare ((special x))
  (prog (x)

At top level in the file, (declare forms...) is equivalent to (eval-when (compile) forms...). This use of declare is nearly obsolete, and should be avoided. In Common Lisp, proclaim (below) is used for such purposes, with a different calling convention.

Elsewhere, declare’s are ignored.

Here is a list of declarations that have system-defined meanings:

(special var1 var2 ...)

The variables var1, var2, etc will be treated as special variables in the scope of the declaration.

(unspecial var1 var2 ...)

The variables var1, var2, etc will be treated as lexical variables in the scope of the declaration, even if they are globally special.

(notinline fun1 fun2 ...)

The functions fun1, fun2 and so on will not be open coded or optimized by the compiler within the scope of the declaration.

(inline fun1 fun2 ...)

The functions fun1, fun2 and so on will be open coded or optimized by the compiler (to whatever extent it knows how) within the scope of the declaration. Merely issuing this declaration does not tell the compiler how to do any useful optimization or open coding of a function.

(ignore var1 var2 ...)

Says that the variables var1, var2, etc, which are bound in the construct in which this declaration is found, are going to be ignored. This is currently significant only in a function being compiled; the compiler issues a warning if the variables are used, and refrains from its usual warning if the variables are ignored.

(declaration decl1 decl2 ...)

Says that declarations decl1, decl2, etc are going to be used, and prevents any warning about an unrecognized type of declaration. For example:

(defun hack ()
  (declare (declaration lose-method)
	   (lose-method foo bar))
  ... (lose foo) ...)

might be useful if (lose foo) is a macro whose expander function does (getdecl 'foo 'lose-method) to see what to do. See getdecl-fun for more information on getdecl and declarations.

(proclaim '(declaration lose-method))

might also be advisable if you expect widespread use of lose-method declarations.

The next two are used by the compiler and generally should not be written by users.

(def name . definition)

name will be defined for the compiler in the scope of the declaration. The compiler uses this automatically to keep track of macros and open-codable functions (defsubsts) defined in the file being compiled. Note that the cddr of this item is a function.

(propname symbol value)

(getdecl symbol propname) will return value in the scope of the declaration. This is how the compiler keeps track of defdecls.

These declarations are significant only when they apply to an entire defun.

(arglist . arglist)

Records arglist as the argument list of the function, to be used instead of its lambda list if anyone asks what its arguments are. This is purely documentation.

(values . values) or (:return-list . values)

Records values as the return values list of the function, to be used if anyone asks what values it returns. This is purely documentation.

(sys:function-parent parent-function-spec)

Records parent-function-spec as the parent of this function. If, in the editor, you ask to see the source of this function, and the editor doesn’t know where it is, the editor will show you the source code for the parent function instead.

For example, the accessor functions generated by defstruct have no defuns of their own in the text of the source file. So defstruct generates them with sys:function-parent declarations giving the defstruct’s name as the parent function spec. Visiting the accessor function with Meta- sees the declaration and therefore visits the text of the defstruct.

(:self-flavor flavorname)

Instance variables of the flavor flavorname, in self, will be accessible in the function.

Macro: locally &body body

Executes the body, recognizing declarations at the front of it. locally is synonymous with progn except that in Common Lisp a declare is allowed at the beginning of a locally and not at the beginning of a progn.

locally does differ from progn in one context: at top level in a file being compiled, progn causes each of its elements (including declarations, therefore) to be treated as if at top level. locally does not receive this treatment. The locally form is simply evaluated when the QFASL file is loaded.

Function: proclaim &rest declarations

Each of declarations is put into effect globally. Currently only special and unspecial declarations mean anything in this way. proclaim’s arguments are evaluated, and the values are expected to be declarations such as you could write in a declare. Thus, you would say (proclaim '(special x)) to make a special declaration globally.

Top-level special declarations are not the recommended way to make a variable special. Use defvar, defconstant or defparameter, so that you can give the variable documentation. Proclaiming the variable special should be done only when the variable is used in a file other than the one which defines it, to enable the file to be compiled without having to load the defining file first.

proclaim is fairly new. Until recently, top-level declare was the preferred way to make global special declarations when defvar, etc, could not be used. Such top-level declare’s are still quite common. In them, the declaration would not be quoted; for example, (declare (special x)).

Special Form: special variables...

Equivalent to (proclaim (special variables...)), this declares each of the variables to be globally special. This function is obsolete.

Special Form: unspecial variables...

Removes any global special declarations of the variables. This function is obsolete.

Macro: the type-specifier value-form

Is a Common Lisp construct effectively the same as value-form. It declares that the value of value-form is an object which of type type-specifier. This is to assist compilers in generating better code for conventional machine architectures. The Lisp Machine does not make use of type declarations so this is the same as writing just value-form. type-specifier is not evaluated.

If you want the type of an object to be checked at run time, with an error if it is not what it is supposed to be, use check-type (check-type-fun).

3.6 Tail Recursion

When one function ends by calling another function (possibly itself), as in

(defun last (x)
  (cond ((atom x) x)
	((atom (cdr x)) x)
	(t (last (cdr x)))))

it is called tail recursion. In general, if X is a form, and Y is a sub-form of X, then if the value of Y is unconditionally returned as the value of X, with no intervening computation, then we say that X tail-recursively evaluates Y.

In a tail recursive situation, it is not strictly necessary to remember anything about the first call to last when the second one is activated. The stack frame for the first call can be discarded completely, allowing last to use a bounded amount of stack space independent of the length of its argument. A system which does this is called tail recursive.

The Lisp machine system works tail recursively if the variable tail-recursion-flag is non-nil. This is often faster, because it reduces the amount of time spent in refilling the hardware’s pdl buffer. However, you forfeit a certain amount of useful debugging information: once the outer call to last has been removed from the stack, you can no longer see its frame in the debugger.

Variable: tail-recursion-flag

If this variable is non-nil, the calling stack frame is discarded when a tail-recursive call is made in compiled code.

There are many things which a function can do that can make it dangerous to discard its stack frame. For example, it may have done a *catch; it may have bound special variables; it may have a &rest argument on the stack; it may have asked for the location of an argument or local variable. The system detects all of these conditions automatically and retains the stack frame to ensure proper execution. Some of these conditions occur in eval; as a result, interpreted code is never completely tail recursive.

3.7 Multiple Values

The Lisp Machine includes a facility by which the evaluation of a form can produce more than one value. When a function needs to return more than one result to its caller, multiple values are a cleaner way of doing this than returning a list of the values or setq’ing special variables to the extra values. In most Lisp function calls, multiple values are not used. Special syntax is required both to produce multiple values and to receive them.

The primitive for producing multiple values is values, which takes any number of arguments and returns that many values. If the last form in the body of a function is a values with three arguments, then a call to that function returns three values. Many system functions produce multiple values, but they all do it via values.

Function: values &rest args

Returns multiple values, its arguments. This is the primitive function for producing multiple values. It is legal to call values with no arguments; it returns no values in that case.

Function: values-list list

Returns multiple values, the elements of the list. (values-list '(a b c)) is the same as (values 'a 'b 'c). list may be nil, the empty list, which causes no values to be returned. Equivalent to (apply 'values list).

return and its variants can also be used, within a block, do or prog special form, to return multiple values. They are explained on return-fun.

Here are the special forms for receiving multiple values.

Special Form: multiple-value (variable...) form
Special Form: multiple-value-setq (variable...) form

multiple-value is a special form used for calling a function which is expected to return more than one value. form is evaluated, and the variables are set (not lambda-bound) to the values returned by form. If more values are returned than there are variables, the extra values are ignored. If there are more variables than values returned, extra values of nil are supplied. If nil appears in the var-list, then the corresponding value is ignored (setting nil is not allowed anyway).

(multiple-value (symbol already-there-p)
	(intern "goo"))

In addition to its first value (the symbol), intern returns a second value, which is non-nil if an existing symbol was found, or else nil if intern had to create one. So if the symbol goo was already known, the variable already-there-p is set non-nil, otherwise it is set to nil. The third value returned by intern is ignored by this form of call since there is no third variable in the multiple-value.

multiple-value is usually used for effect rather than for value; however, its value is defined to be the first of the values returned by form.

multiple-value-setq is the Common Lisp name for this construct. The two names are equivalent.

Special Form: multiple-value-bind (variable...) form body...

This is similar to multiple-value, but locally binds the variables which receive the values, rather than setting them, and has a body–a set of forms which are evaluated with these local bindings in effect. First form is evaluated. Then the variables are bound to the values returned by form. Then the body forms are evaluated sequentially, the bindings are undone, and the result of the last body form is returned.

(multiple-value-bind (sym already-there)
    (intern string)
  ;; If an existing symbol was found, deallocate the string.
  (if already-there
      (return-storage (prog1 string (setq string nil))))
Special Form: multiple-value-call function argforms...

Evaluates the argforms, saving all of their values, and then calls function with all those values as arguments. This differs from

(funcall function argforms...)

because that would get only one argument for function from each argform, whereas multiple-value-call gets as many args from each argform as the argform cares to return. This works by consing a list of all the values returned, and applying function to it. Example:

(multiple-value-call 'append
      (values '(a b) '(c d))
      '(e f))
   =>  (a b c d e f)
Special Form: multiple-value-prog1 form forms...

Evaluates form, saves its values, evaluates the forms, discards their values, then returns whatever values form produced. This does not cons. Example:

(multiple-value-prog1 (values 1 2)
      (print 'foo))
   =>  1 2
Special Form: multiple-value-list form

multiple-value-list evaluates form, and returns a list of the values it returned. This is useful for when you don’t know how many values to expect.

(setq a (multiple-value-list (intern "goo")))
a => (goo nil #<Package USER 10112147>)

This is similar to the example of multiple-value above; a is set to a list of three elements, the three values returned by intern.

Special Form: nth-value n form

Evaluates form and returns its value number n, n = 0 meaning the first value. For example, (nth-value 1 (foo)) returns the second of foo’s values. nth-value operates without consing in compiled code if the first argument’s value is known at compile time.

When one form finished by tail recursively evaluating a subform (see tail-recursion), all of the subform’s multiple values are passed back by the outer form. For example, the value of a cond is the value of the last form in the selected clause. If the last form in that clause produces multiple values, so does the cond. This passing-back of multiple values of course has no effect unless eventually one of the special forms for receiving multiple values is reached.

If the outer form returns a value computed by a subform, but not in a tail recursive fashion (for example, if the value of the subform is examined first), multiple values or only single values may be returned at the discretion of the implementation; users should not depend on whatever way it happens to work, as it may change in the future or in other implementations. The reason we don’t guarantee non-transmission of multiple values is because such a guarantee would not be very useful and the efficiency cost of enforcing it would be high. Even setq’ing a variable to the result of a form, then returning the value of that variable, might pass multiple values if an optimizing compiler realized that the setq’ing of the variable was unnecessary. Since extra returned values are generally ignored, it is not vital to eliminate them.

Note that use of a form as an argument to a function never receives multiple values from that form. That is, if the form (foo (bar)) is evaluated and the call to bar returns many values, foo is still called on only one argument (namely, the first value returned), rather than being called on all the values returned. We choose not to generate several separate arguments from the several values, because this would make the source code obscure; it would not be syntactically obvious that a single form does not correspond to a single argument. To pass all returned values to another function, use multiple-value-call, above.

For clarity, descriptions of the interaction of several common special forms with multiple values follow. This can all be deduced from the rule given above. Note well that when it says that multiple values are not returned, it really means that they may or may not be returned, and you should not write any programs that depend on which way it actually works.

The body of a defun or a lambda, and variations such as the body of a function, the body of a let, etc., pass back multiple values from the last form in the body.

eval, apply and funcall, pass back multiple values from the function called.

progn passes back multiple values from its last form. progv and progw do so also. prog1 and prog2, however, do not pass back multiple values.

Multiple values are passed back only from the last subform of an and or an or form, not from previous subforms since the return is conditional. Remember that multiple values are only passed back when the value of a subform is unconditionally returned from the containing form. For example, consider the form (or (foo) (bar)). If foo returns a non-nil first value, then only that value is returned as the value of the form. But if it returns nil (as its first value), then or returns whatever values the call to bar returns.

cond passes back multiple values from the last form in the selected clause, provided that that last form’s value is returned unconditionally. This is true if the clause has two or more forms in it, and is always true for the last clause.

The variants of cond such as if, select, selectq, and dispatch pass back multiple values from the last form in the selected clause.

If a block form falls through the end, it returns all the values returned by the last expression in it. If return-from or return is used to exit a block form, then the values returned by the block form depend on the kind of return. If return is given two or more subforms, then block returns as many values as the return has subforms. However, if the return has only one subform, then the block returns all of the values returned by that one subform.

prog behaves like block if it is exited with return (or return-from). If control falls through the end of a prog, it returns the single value nil. do also behaves like block with respect to return, but if it is exited through the exit test, all the values of the last exit-form are returned.

unwind-protect passes back multiple values from its protected form. In a sense, this is an exception to the rule; but it is useful, and it makes sense to consider the execution of the unwind forms as a byproduct of unwinding the stack and not as part of sequential execution.

catch passes back multiple values from the last form in its body, if it exits normally. If a throw is done, multiple values are passed back from the value form in the throw.

Constant: multiple-values-limit

The smallest number of values that might possibly fail to work. Returning a number of values less than this many cannot possibly run into trouble with an implementation limit on number of values returned.

3.8 Evaluation and Function Calling Errors

Here is a description of the error conditions that the evaluator can signal. Some can be signaled by calls to compiled functions also. This is for use by those who are writing condition handlers (condition-handlers). The novice should skip this section.

Condition on sys:invalid-function: (error)

This is signaled when an object that is supposed to be applied to arguments is not a valid Lisp function. The condition instance supports the operation :function, which returns the supposed function to be called.

The :new-function proceed type is provided; it expects one argument, a function to call instead.

Condition on sys:invalid-lambda-list: (sys:invalid-function error)

This condition name is present in addition to sys:invalid-function when the function to be called looks like an interpreted function, and the only problem is the syntax of its lambda list.

Condition on sys:too-few-arguments: (error)

This condition is signaled when a function is applied to too few arguments. The condition instance supports the operations :function and :arguments which return the function and the list of the arguments provided.

The proceed types :additional-arguments and :new-argument-list are provided. Both take one argument. In the first case, the argument is a list of arguments to pass in addition to the ones supplied. In the second, it is a list of arguments to replace the ones actually supplied.

Condition on sys:too-many-arguments: (error)

This is similar to sys:too-few-arguments. Instead of the :additional-arguments proceed type, :fewer-arguments is provided. Its argument is a number, which is how many of the originally supplied arguments to use in calling the function again.

Condition on sys:undefined-keyword-argument: (error)

This is signaled when a function that takes keyword arguments is given a keyword that it does not accept, if &allow-other-keys was not used in the function’s definition and :allow-other-keys was not specified by the caller (see allow-other-keys-kwd). The :keyword operation on the condition instance returns the extraneous keyword, and the :value operation returns the value supplied with it.

The proceed type :new-keyword is provided. It expects one argument, which is a keyword to use instead of the one supplied.

Flavor Condition on sys:cell-contents-error: (error)

This condition name categorizes all the errors signaled because of references to void memory locations. It includes “unbound” variables, “undefined” functions, and other things.


A locative pointer to the referenced cell.


A locative pointer to the cell which currently contains the contents that were found in the referenced cell when the error happened. This can be different from the original address in the case of dynamic variable bindings, which move between special PDLs and symbol value cells.


A keyword saying what type of cell was referred to: :function, :value, :closure, or nil for a cell that is not one of those.


The object (list, array, symbol) inside which the referenced memory cell is found.


The data type and pointer fields of the contents of the memory cell, at the time of the error. Both are fixnums.

The proceed type :no-action takes no argument. If the cell’s contents are now valid, the program proceeds, using them. Otherwise the error happens again.

The proceed type :package-dwim looks for symbols with the same name in other packages; but only if the containing structure is a symbol.

Two other proceed types take one argument: :new-value and :store-new-value. The argument is used as the contents of the memory cell. :store-new-value also permanently stores the argument into the cell.

Condition on sys:unbound-variable: (sys:cell-contents-error error)

This condition name categorizes all errors of variables whose values are void.

Condition on : sys:unbound-special-variable
Condition on : sys:unbound-closure-variable
Condition on : sys:unbound-instance-variable

These condition names appear in addition to sys:unbound-variable to subcategorize the kind of variable reference that the error happened in.

Condition on sys:undefined-function: (sys:cell-contents-error error)

This condition name categorizes errors of function specs that are undefined.

Condition on sys:wrong-type-argument: (error)

This is signaled when a function checks the type of its argument and rejects it; for example, if you do (car 1).

The condition instance supports these extra operations:


The name of the erroneous argument. This may be nil if there is no name, or if the system no longer remembers which argument it was.


The value that was supplied for the argument.


The function which received and rejected the argument.


A type specifier which says what sort of object was expected for this argument.

The proceed type :argument-value is provided; it expects one argument, which is a value to use instead of the erroneous value.

4 Flow of Control

Lisp provides a variety of structures for flow of control.

Function application is the basic method for construction of programs. Operations are written as the application of a function to its arguments. Usually, Lisp programs are written as a large collection of small functions, each of which implements a simple operation. These functions operate by calling one another, and so larger operations are defined in terms of smaller ones.

A function may always call itself in Lisp. The calling of a function by itself is known as recursion; it is analogous to mathematical induction.

The performing of an action repeatedly (usually with some changes between repetitions) is called iteration, and is provided as a basic control structure in most languages. The do statement of PL/I, the for statement of ALGOL/60, and so on are examples of iteration primitives. Lisp provides two general iteration facilities: do and loop, as well as a variety of special-purpose iteration facilities. (loop is sufficiently complex that it is explained in its own chapter later in the manual; see loop-fun.)

A conditional construct is one which allows a program to make a decision, and do one thing or another based on some logical condition. Lisp provides the simple one-way conditionals and and or, the simple two-way conditional if, and more general multi-way conditionals such as cond and selectq. The choice of which form to use in any particular situation is a matter of personal taste and style.

There are some non-local exit control structures, analogous to the leave, exit, and escape constructs in many modern languages. Zetalisp provides for both static (lexical) non-local exits with block and return-from and dynamic non-local exits with catch and throw. Another kind of non-local exit is the goto, provided by the tagbody and go constructs.

Zetalisp also provides a coroutine capability, explained in the section on stack-groups (stack-group), and a multiple-process facility (see process). There is also a facility for generic function calling using message passing; see flavor.

4.1 Compound Statements

Special Form: progn body...

The body forms are evaluated in order from left to right and the value of the last one is returned. progn is the primitive control structure construct for "compound statements".

(foo (cdr a)
     (progn (setq b (extract frob))
	    (car b))
     (cadr b))

Lambda-expressions, cond forms, do forms, and many other control structure forms use progn implicitly, that is, they allow multiple forms in their bodies.

Special Form: prog1 first-form body...

prog1 is similar to progn, but it returns the value of its first form rather than its last. It is most commonly used to evaluate an expression with side effects, and return a value which must be computed before the side effects happen.

(setq x (prog1 y (setq y x)))

interchanges the values of the variables x and y. prog1 never returns multiple values.

Special Form: prog2 first-form second-form body...

prog2 is similar to progn and prog1, but it returns its second form. It is included largely for compatibility with old programs.

4.2 Conditionals

Special Form: if

if is the simplest conditional form. The “if-then” form looks like:

(if predicate-form then-form)

predicate-form is evaluated, and if the result is non-nil, the then-form is evaluated and its result is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned.

In the “if-then-else” form, it looks like

(if predicate-form then-form else-form)

predicate-form is evaluated, and if the result is non-nil, the then-form is evaluated and its result is returned. Otherwise, the else-form is evaluated and its result is returned.

If there are more than three subforms, if assumes you want more than one else-form; if the predicate returns nil, they are evaluated sequentially and the result of the last one is returned.

Macro: when condition body...

If condition evaluates to something non-nil, the body is executed and its value(s) returned. Otherwise, the value of the when is nil and the body is not executed.

Macro: unless condition body...

If condition evaluates to nil, the body is executed and its value(s) returned. Otherwise, the value of the unless is nil and the body is not executed.

Special Form: cond

The cond special form consists of the symbol cond followed by several clauses. Each clause consists of a predicate form, called the condition, followed by zero or more body forms.

(cond (condition body body...)
      (condition body ...)
      ... )

The idea is that each clause represents a case which is selected if its condition is satisfied and the conditions of all preceding clauses were not satisfied. When a clause is selected, its body forms are evaluated.

cond processes its clauses in order from left to right. First, the condition of the current clause is evaluated. If the result is nil, cond advances to the next clause. Otherwise, the cdr of the clause is treated as a list of body forms which are evaluated in order from left to right. After evaluating the body forms, cond returns without inspecting any remaining clauses. The value of the cond form is the value of the last body form evaluated, or the value of the condition if there were no body forms in the clause. If cond runs out of clauses, that is, if every condition evaluates to nil, and thus no case is selected, the value of the cond is nil.

(cond ((zerop x)    ;First clause:
       (+ y 3))     ; (zerop x) is the condition.
                    ; (+ y 3) is the body.
      ((null y)     ;A clause with 2 body forms:
       (setq y 4)   ; this
       (cons x z))  ; and this.
      (z)           ;A clause with no body forms: the condition is 
                    ; just z.  If z is non-nil, it is returned.
      (t            ;A condition of t
       105)         ; is always satisfied.
   )                ;This is the end of the cond.
Macro: cond-every

cond-every has the same syntax as cond, but executes every clause whose condition is satisfied, not just the first. If a condition is the symbol otherwise, it is satisfied if and only if no preceding condition is satisfied. The value returned is the value of the last body form in the last clause whose condition is satisfied. Multiple values are not returned.

Special Form: and form...

and evaluates the forms one at a time, from left to right. If any form evaluates to nil, and immediately returns nil without evaluating the remaining forms. If all the forms evaluate to non-nil values, and returns the value of the last form.

and can be used in two different ways. You can use it as a logical and function, because it returns a true value only if all of its arguments are true:

(if (and socrates-is-a-person
    (setq socrates-is-mortal t))

Because the order of evaluation is well-defined, you can do

(if (and (boundp 'x)
         (eq x 'foo))
    (setq y 'bar))

knowing that the x in the eq form will not be evaluated if x is found to be void.

You can also use and as a simple conditional form:

(and (setq temp (assq x y))
     (rplacd temp z))
(and bright-day
     (princ "It is a bright and glorious day."))

but when is usually preferable.

Note: (and) => t, which is the identity for the and operation.

Special Form: or form...

or evaluates the forms one by one from left to right. If a form evaluates to nil, or proceeds to evaluate the next form. If there are no more forms, or returns nil. But if a form evaluates to a non-nil value, or immediately returns that value without evaluating any remaining forms.

As with and, or can be used either as a logical or function, or as a conditional:

(or it-is-fish it-is-fowl)

(or it-is-fish it-is-fowl
    (print "It is neither fish nor fowl.")

but it is often possible and cleaner to use unless in the latter case.

Note: (or) => nil, the identity for this operation.

Macro: selectq
Macro: case
Macro: caseq

selectq is a conditional which chooses one of its clauses to execute by comparing the value of a form against various constants using eql. Its form is as follows:

(selectq key-form
  (test body...)
  (test body...)
  (test body...)

The first thing selectq does is to evaluate key-form; call the resulting value key. Then selectq considers each of the clauses in turn. If key matches the clause’s test, the body of the clause is evaluated, and selectq returns the value of the last body form. If there are no matches, selectq returns nil.

A test may be any of:

1) A symbol

If the key is eql to the symbol, it matches.

2) A number

If the key is eql to the number, it matches. key must have the same type and the same value as the number.

3) A list

If the key is eql to one of the elements of the list, then it matches. The elements of the list should be symbols or numbers.

4) t or otherwise

The symbols t and otherwise are special tests which match anything. Either symbol may be used, it makes no difference; t is mainly for compatibility with Maclisp’s caseq construct. To be useful, this should be the last clause in the selectq.

(selectq x
  (foo (do-this))
  (bar (do-that))
  ((baz quux mum) (do-the-other-thing))
  (otherwise (ferror nil "Never heard of ~S" x)))

is equivalent to

(cond ((eq x 'foo) (do-this))
      ((eq x 'bar) (do-that))
      ((memq x '(baz quux mum)) (do-the-other-thing))
      (t (ferror nil "Never heard of ~S" x)))

Note that the tests are not evaluated; if you want them to be evaluated use select rather than selectq.

case is the Common Lisp name for this construct. caseq is the Maclisp name; it identical to selectq, which is not totally compatible with Maclisp, because selectq accepts otherwise as well as t where caseq would not accept otherwise, and because Maclisp does some error-checking that selectq does not. Maclisp programs that use caseq work correctly so long as they don’t use the symbol otherwise as a key.

Macro: ecase key-form clauses...

Like case except that an uncorrectable error is signaled if every clause fails. t or otherwise clauses are not allowed.

Macro: ccase place clauses...

Like ecase except that the error is correctable. The first argument is called place because it must be setf’able. If the user proceeds from the error, a new value is read and stored into place; then the clauses are tested again using the new value. Errors repeat until a value is specified which makes some clause succeed.

Also see defselect (defselect-fun), a special form for defining a function whose body is like a selectq.

Macro: select

select is like selectq, except that the elements of the tests are evaluated before they are used.

This creates a syntactic ambiguity: if (bar baz) is seen the first element of a clause, is it a list of two forms, or is it one form? select interprets it as a list of two forms. If you want to have a clause whose test is a single form, and that form is a list, you have to write it as a list of one form.

(select (frob x)
   (foo 1)
   ((bar baz) 2)
   (((current-frob)) 4)
   (otherwise 3))

is equivalent to

(let ((var (frob x)))
  (cond ((eq var foo) 1)
	((or (eq var bar) (eq var baz)) 2)
	((eq var (current-frob)) 4)
	(t 3)))
Macro: selector

selector is like select, except that you get to specify the function used for the comparison instead of eq. For example,

(selector (frob x) equal
   (('(one . two)) (frob-one x))
   (('(three . four)) (frob-three x))
   (otherwise (frob-any x)))

is equivalent to

(let ((var (frob x)))
  (cond ((equal var '(one . two)) (frob-one x))
	((equal var '(three . four)) (frob-three x))
	(t (frob-any x))))
Macro: select-match

select-match is like select but each clause can specify a pattern to match the key against. The general form of use looks like

(select-match key-form
  (pattern condition body...)
  (pattern condition body...)
  (otherwise body...))

The value of key-form is matched against the patterns one at a time until a match succeeds and the accompanying condition evaluates to something non-nil. At this point the body of that clause is executed and its value(s) returned. If all the patterns/conditions fail, the body of the otherwise clause (if any) is executed. A pattern can test the shape of the key object, and set variables which the condition form can refer to. All the variables set by the patterns are bound locally to the select-match form.

The patterns are matched using list-match-p (list-match-p-fun).

(select-match '(a b c) 
  (`(,x b ,x) t (vector x))
  (`((,x ,y) b . ,ignore) t (list x y))
  (`(,x b ,y) (symbolp x) (cons x y))
  (otherwise 'lose-big))

returns (a . c), having checked (symbolp 'a). The first clause matches only if the there are three elements, the first and third elements are equal and the second element is b. The second matches only if the first element is a list of length two and the second element is b. The third clause accepts any list of length three whose second element is b. The fourth clause accepts anything that did not match the previous clauses.

select-match generates highly optimized code using special instructions.

Macro: dispatch

(dispatch byte-specifier number clauses...) is the same as select (not selectq), but the key is obtained by evaluating (ldb byte-specifier number). byte-specifier and number are both evaluated. Byte specifiers and ldb are explained on ldb-fun.

(princ (dispatch (byte 2 13) cat-type
	   (0 "Siamese.")
	   (1 "Persian.")
	   (2 "Alley.")
	   (3 (ferror nil
		      "~S is not a known cat type."

It is not necessary to include all possible values of the byte which is dispatched on.

Macro: selectq-every

selectq-every has the same syntax as selectq, but, like cond-every, executes every selected clause instead of just the first one. If an otherwise clause is present, it is selected if and only if no preceding clause is selected. The value returned is the value of the last form in the last selected clause. Multiple values are not returned. Example:

(selectq-every animal
  ((cat dog) (setq legs 4))
  ((bird man) (setq legs 2))
  ((cat bird) (put-in-oven animal))
  ((cat dog man) (beware-of animal)))

4.2.1 Comparison Predicates

Function: eq x y

(eq x y) => t if and only if x and y are the same object. It should be noted that things that print the same are not necessarily eq to each other. In particular, numbers with the same value need not be eq, and two similar lists are usually not eq.

(eq 'a 'b) => nil
(eq 'a 'a) => t
(eq (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'b)) => nil
(setq x (cons 'a 'b)) (eq x x) => t

Note that in Zetalisp equal fixnums are eq; this is not true in Maclisp. Equality does not imply eq-ness for other types of numbers. To compare numbers, use =; see =-fun.

Function: neq x y

(neq x y) = (not (eq x y)). This is provided simply as an abbreviation for typing convenience.

Function: eql x y

eql is the same as eq except that if x and y are numbers of the same type they are eql if they are =.

Function: equal x y

The equal predicate returns t if its arguments are similar (isomorphic) objects. Two numbers are equal if they have the same value and type (for example, a float is never equal to a fixnum, even if = is true of them). For conses, equal is defined recursively as the two cars being equal and the two cdrs being equal. Two strings are equal if they have the same length, and the characters composing them are the same; see string=, string=-fun. Alphabetic case is significant. All other objects are equal if and only if they are eq. Thus equal could have been defined by:

(defun equal (x y)
  (cond ((eq x y) t)
	((and (numberp x) (numberp y))
	 (= x y))
	((and (stringp x) (stringp y))
	 (string-equal x y))
	((and (consp x) (consp y))
	 (and (equal (car x) (car y))
	      (equal (cdr x) (cdr y))))))

As a consequence of the above definition, it can be seen that equal may compute forever when applied to looped list structure. In addition, eq always implies equal; that is, if (eq a b) then (equal a b). An intuitive definition of equal (which is not quite correct) is that two objects are equal if they look the same when printed out. For example:

(setq a '(1 2 3))
(setq b '(1 2 3))
(eq a b) => nil
(equal a b) => t
(equal "Foo" "foo") => nil
Function: equalp x y

equalp is a broader kind of equality than equal. Two objects that are equal are always equalp. In addition, numbers of different types are equalp if they are =. Two character objects are equalp if they are char-equal (that is, they are compared ignoring font, case and meta bits).

Two arrays of any sort are equalp if they have the same dimensions and corresponding elements are equalp. In particular, this means that two strings are equalp if they match ignoring case and font information.

(equalp "Foo" "foo") => t
(equalp '1 '1.0) => t
(equalp '(1 "Foo") '(1.0 "foo")) => t

Because equalp is a Common Lisp function, it regards a string as having character objects as its elements:

(equalp "Foo" #(#/F #/o #/o)) => t
(equalp "Foo" #(#/F #/o #/o)) => nil
Function: not x
Function: null x

not returns t if x is nil, else nil. null is the same as not; both functions are included for the sake of clarity. Use null to check whether something is nil; use not to invert the sense of a logical value. Some people prefer to distinguish between nil as falsehood and nil as the empty list by writing:

(cond ((not (null lst)) ... )
      ( ... ))
rather than
(cond (lst ... )
      ( ... ))

There is no loss of efficiency, since these compile into exactly the same instructions.

4.3 Iteration

Special Form: do

The do special form provides a simple generalized iteration facility, with an arbitrary number of “index variables” whose values are saved when the do is entered and restored when it is left, ie they are bound by the do. The index variables are used in the iteration performed by do. At the beginning, they are initialized to specified values, and then at the end of each trip around the loop the values of the index variables are changed according to specified rules. do allows the programmer to specify a predicate which determines when the iteration will terminate. The value to be returned as the result of the form may, optionally, be specified.

do comes in two varieties, new-style and old-style. The old-style do is obsolete and exists for Maclisp compatibility only. The more general, “new-style” do looks like:

(do ((var init repeat) ...)
  (end-test exit-form ...)

The first item in the form is a list of zero or more index variable specifiers. Each index variable specifier is a list of the name of a variable var, an initial value form init, which defaults to nil if it is omitted, and a repeat value form repeat. If repeat is omitted, the var is not changed between repetitions. If init is omitted, the var is initialized to nil.

An index variable specifier can also be just the name of a variable, rather than a list. In this case, the variable has an initial value of nil, and is not changed between repetitions.

All assignment to the index variables is done in parallel. At the beginning of the first iteration, all the init forms are evaluated, then the vars are bound to the values of the init forms, their old values being saved in the usual way. Note that the init forms are evaluated before the vars are bound, ie lexically outside of the do. At the beginning of each succeeding iteration those vars that have repeat forms get set to the values of their respective repeat forms. Note that all the repeat forms are evaluated before any of the vars is set.

The second element of the do-form is a list of an end-testing predicate form end-test, and zero or more forms, called the exit-forms. This resembles a cond clause. At the beginning of each iteration, after processing of the variable specifiers, the end-test is evaluated. If the result is nil, execution proceeds with the body of the do. If the result is not nil, the exit-forms are evaluated from left to right and then do returns. The value of the do is the value of the last exit-form, or nil if there were no exit-forms (not the value of the end-test, as you might expect by analogy with cond).

Note that the end-test gets evaluated before the first time the body is evaluated. do first initializes the variables from the init forms, then it checks the end-test, then it processes the body, then it deals with the repeat forms, then it tests the end-test again, and so on. If the end-test returns a non-nil value the first time, then the body is not executed.

If the second element of the form is nil, there is no end-test nor exit-forms, and the body of the do is executed only once. In this type of do it is an error to have repeats. This type of do is no more powerful than let; it is obsolete and provided only for Maclisp compatibility.

If the second element of the form is (nil), the end-test is never true and there are no exit-forms. The body of the do is executed over and over. The resulting infinite loop can be terminated by use of return or throw.

do implicitly creates a block with name nil, so return can be used lexically within a do to exit it immediately. This unbinds the do variables and the do form returns whatever values were specified in the return form. See block-and-return-section for more information on these matters. The body of the do is actually treated as a tagbody, so that it may contain go tags (see go-to), but this usage is discouraged as it is often unclear.

Examples of the new form of do:
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))	; This is just the same as the above example,
     (n (array-length foo-array)))
    ((= i n))		; but written as a new-style do.
  (aset 0 foo-array i))	; Note how the setq is avoided.

(do ((z list (cdr z)) ; z starts as list and is cdr’d each time.
     (y other-list)   ; y starts as other-list, and is unchanged by the do.
     (x)	      ; x starts as nil and is not changed by the do.
     w) 	      ; w starts as nil and is not changed by the do.
    (nil)	      ; The end-test is nil, so this is an infinite loop.
  body)    ; Presumably the body uses return somewhere.

The construction

(do ((x e (cdr x))
     (oldx x x))
    ((null x))

exploits parallel assignment to index variables. On the first iteration, the value of oldx is whatever value x had before the do was entered. On succeeding iterations, oldx contains the value that x had on the previous iteration.

The body of a do may contains no forms at all. Very often an iterative algorithm can be most clearly expressed entirely in the repeats and exit-forms of a new-style do, and the body is empty. For example,

(do ((x x (cdr x))
     (y y (cdr y))
     (z nil (cons (f x y) z))) ;exploits parallel assignment.
    ((or (null x) (null y))
     (nreverse z))             ;typical use of nreverse.
    )                          ;no do-body required.
is like (maplist 'f x y) (see maplist-fun).

The old-style do exists only for Maclisp compatibility. It looks like:

(do var init repeat end-test body...)

The first time through the loop var gets the value of the init form; the remaining times through the loop it gets the value of the repeat form, which is re-evaluated each time. Note that the init form is evaluated before var is bound, ie lexically outside of the do. Each time around the loop, after var is set, end-test is evaluated. If it is non-nil, the do finishes and returns nil. If the end-test evaluated to nil, the body of the loop is executed. As with the new-style do, return and go may be used in the body, and they have the same meaning.

Also see loop (loop-fun), a general iteration facility based on a keyword syntax rather than a list-structure syntax.

Special Form: do*

In a word, do* is to do as let* is to let.

do* works like do but binds and steps the variables sequentially instead of in parallel. This means that the init form for one variable can use the values of previous variables. The repeat forms refer to the new values of previous variables instead of their old values. Here is an example:

(do* ((x xlist (cdr x))
      (y (car x) (car x)))
  (print (list x y)))

On each iteration, y’s value is the car of x. The same construction with do might get an error on entry since x might not be bound yet.

Special Form: do-named

do-named is like do but defines a block with a name explicitly specified by the programmer in addition to the block named nil which every do defines. This makes it possible to use return-from to return from this do-named even from within an inner do. An ordinary return there would return from the inner do instead. do-named is obsolete now that block, which is more general and more coherent, exists. See block-and-return-section for more information on block and return-from.

The syntax of do-named is like do except that the symbol do-named is immediately followed by the block name, which should be a symbol.

(do-named george ((a 1 (1+ a))
		  (d 'foo))
		 ((> a 4) 7)
  (do ((c b (cdr c)))
      ((null c))
    (return-from george (cons b d))
is equivalent to
(block george
  (do ((a 1 (1+ a))
       (d 'foo))
      ((> a 4) 7)
    (do ((c b (cdr c)))
	((null c))
      (return-from george (cons b d))

t as the name of a do-named behaves somewhat peculiarly, and therefore should be avoided.

Special Form: do*-named

This special form offers a combination of the features of do* and those of do-named. It is obsolete, as is do-named, since it is cleaner to use block.

Macro: dotimes (index count [value-expression]) body...

dotimes is a convenient abbreviation for the most common integer iteration. dotimes performs body the number of times given by the value of count, with index bound to 0, 1, etc. on successive iterations. When the count is exhausted, the value of value-expression is returned; or nil, if value-expression is missing.

(dotimes (i (truncate m n))
  (frob i))

is equivalent to:

(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
     (count (truncate m n)))
    (( i count))
  (frob i))

except that the name count is not used. Note that i takes on values starting at zero rather than one, and that it stops before taking the value (truncate m n) rather than after. You can use return and go and tagbody-tags inside the body, as with do. dotimes forms return the value of value-expression, or nil, unless returned from explicitly with return. For example:

(dotimes (i 5)
  (if (eq (aref a i) 'foo)
      (return i)))

This form searches the array that is the value of a, looking for the symbol foo. It returns the fixnum index of the first element of a that is foo, or else nil if none of the elements are foo.

Macro: dolist (item list [value-expression]) body...

dolist is a convenient abbreviation for the most common list iteration. dolist performs body once for each element in the list which is the value of list, with item bound to the successive elements. If the list is exhausted, the value of value-expression is returned; or nil, if value-expression is missing.

(dolist (item (frobs foo))
  (mung item))

is equivalent to:

(do ((lst (frobs foo) (cdr lst))
    ((null lst))
  (setq item (car lst))
  (mung item))

except that the name lst is not used. You can use return and go and tagbody-tags inside the body, as with do.

Macro: do-forever body...

Executes the forms in the body over and over, or until a non-local exit (such as return).

4.4 Static Non-Local Exits

The static non-local exit allows code deep within a construct to jump to the end of that construct instantly, not executing anything except unwind-protect’s on the way. The construct which defines a static level that can be exited non-locally is called block and the construct which exits it is called return-from. The block being exited must be lexically visible from the return-from which says to exit it; this is what ‘static’ means. By contrast, catch and throw provide for dynamic non-local exits; refer to the following section. Here is an example of using a static non-local exit:

(block top
  (let ((v1 (do-1)))
    (when (all-done v1) (return-from top v1))

If (all-done v1) returns non-nil, the entire block immediately returns the value of v1. Otherwise, the rest of the body of the block is executed sequentially, and ultimately the value or values of (do-last) are returned.

Note that the return-from form is very unusual: it does not ever return a value itself, in the conventional sense. It isn’t useful to write (setq a (return-from foo 3)), because when the return-from form is evaluated, the containing block is immediately exited, and the setq never happens.

The fact that block’s and return-from’s are matched up lexically means you cannot do this:

(defun foo (a)
  (block foo1
    (bar a)))

(defun bar (x)
  (return-from foo1 x))

The (return-from foo1 x) gets an error because there is no lexically visible block named foo1. The suitable block in the caller, foo, is not even noticed.

Static handling allows the compiler to produce good code for return-from. It is also useful with functional arguments:

(defun first-symbol (list)
  (block done
    (mapc #'(lambda (elt)
	      (if (symbolp elt) (return-from done elt)))

The return-from done sees the block done lexically. Even if mapc had a block in it named done it would have no effect on the execution of first-symbol.

When a function is defined with defun with a name which is a symbol, a block whose name is the function name is automatically placed around the body of the function definition. For example,

(defun foo (a)
  (if (evenp a) 
      (return-from foo (list a)))
  (1+ a))

(foo 4) => (4)
(foo 5) => 6

A function written explicitly with lambda does not have a block unless you write one yourself.

A named prog, or a do-named, implicitly defines a block with the specified name. So you can exit those constructs with return-from. In fact, the ability to name prog’s was the original way to define a place for return-from to exit, before block was invented.

Every prog, do or loop, whether named or not, implicitly defines a block named nil. Thus, named prog’s define two block’s, one named nil and one named whatever name you specify. As a result, you can use return (an abbreviation for return-from nil) to return from the innermost lexically containing prog, do or loop (or from a block nil if you happen to write one). This function is like assq, but it returns an additional value which is the index in the table of the entry it found. For example,

(defun assqn (x table)
  (do ((l table (cdr l))
       (n 0 (1+ n)))
      ((null l) nil)
    (if (eq (caar l) x)
	(return (values (car l) n)))))

There is one exception to this: a prog, do or loop with name t defines only the block named t, no block named nil. The compiler used to make use of this feature in expanding certain built-in constructs into others.

Special Form: block name body...

Executes body, returning the values of the last form in body, but permitting non-local exit using return-from forms present lexically within body. name is not evaluated, and is used to match up return-from forms with their block’ss.

(block foo
  (return-from foo 24) t) => 24
(block foo t) => t
Special Form: return-from name values

Performs a non-local exit from the innermost lexically containing block whose name is name. name is not evaluated. When the compiler is used, return-from’s are matched up with block’s at compile time.

values is evaluated and its values become the values of the exited block form.

A return-from form may appear as or inside an argument to a regular function, but if the return-from is executed then the function will never actually be called. For example,

(block done
  (foo (if a (return-from done t) nil)))

foo is actually called only if a’s value is nil. This style of coding is not recommended when foo is actually a function.

return-from can also be used with zero value forms, or with several value forms. Then one value is returned from each value form. Originally return-from always returned only one value from each value form, even when there was only one value form. Passing back all the values when there is a single values form is a later change, which is also the Common Lisp standard. In fact, the single value form case is much more powerful and subsumes all the others. For example,

(return-from foo 1 2)
is equivalent to
(return-from foo (values 1 2))
(return-from foo)
is equivalent to
(return-from foo (values))

It is unfortunate that the case of one value form is treated differently from all other cases, but the power of being able to propagate any number of values from a single form is worth it.

To return precisely one value, use (return-from foo (values form)). It is legal to write simply (return-from foo), which returns no values from the block. See multiple-value for more information.

Special Form: return values

Is equivalent to (return-from nil values). It returns from a block whose name is nil.

In addition, break (see break-fun) recognizes the typed-in form (return value) specially. break evaluates value and returns it.

Special Form: return-list list

This function is like return except that each element of list is returned as a separate value from the block that is exited.

return-list is obsolete, since (return (values-list list)) does the same thing.

4.5 Tags and Gotos

Jumping to a label or tag is another kind of static non-local exit. Compared with return-from, it allows more flexibility in choosing where to send control to, but does not allow values to be sent along. This is because the tag does not have any way of saying what to do with any values.

To define a tag, the tagbody special form is used. In the body of a tagbody, all lists are treated as forms to be evaluated (called statements when they occur in this context). If no goto happens, all the forms are evaluated in sequence and then the tagbody form returns nil. Thus, the statements are evaluated only for effect.

An element of the tagbody’s body which is a symbol is not a statement but a tag instead. It identifies a place in the sequence of statements which you can go to. Going to a tag is accomplished by the form (go tag), executed at any point lexically within the tagbody.

go transfers control immediately to the first statement following tag in its tagbody, pausing only to deal with any unwind-protects that are being exited as a result. If there are no more statements after tag in its tagbody, then that tagbody returns nil immediately.

All lexically containing tagbody’s are eligible to contain the specified tag, with the innermost tagbody taking priority. If no suitable tag is found, an error is signaled. The compiler matches go’s with tags at compile time and issues a compiler warning if no tag is found. Example:

(block nil
    (setq x some frob)
    do something
    (if some predicate (go endtag))
    do something more
    (if (minusp x) (go loop))
    (return z)))

is a kind of iteration made out of go-to’s. This tagbody can never exit normally because the return in the last statement takes control away from it. This use of a return and block is how one encapsulates a tagbody to produce a non-nil value.

It works to go from an internal lambda function to a tag in a lexically containing function, as in

(defun foo (a)
    (bar #'(lambda () (go t1)))))

If bar ever invokes its argument, control goes to t1 and bar is invoked anew. Not very useful, but it illustrates the technique.

Special Form: tagbody statements-and-tags...

Executes all the elements of statements-and-tags which are lists (the statements), and then returns nil. But meanwhile, all elements of statements-and-tags which are symbols (the tags) are available for use with go in any of the statements. Atoms other than symbols are meaningless in a tagbody.

The reason that tagbody returns nil rather than the value of the last statement is that the designers of Common Lisp decided that one could not reliably return a value from the tagbody by writing it as the last statement since some of the time the expression for the desired value would be a symbol rather than a list, and then it would be taken as a tag rather than the last statement and it would not work.

Special Form: go tag

The go special form is used to “go-to” a tag defined in a lexically containing tagbody form (or other form which implicitly expands into a tagbody, such as prog, do or loop). tag must be a symbol. It is not evaluated.

Special Form: prog

prog is an archaic special form which provides temporary variables, static non-local exits, and tags for go. These aspects of prog were individually abstracted out to inspire let, block and tagbody. Now prog is obsolete, as it is much cleaner to use let, block, tagbody or all three of them, or do or loop. But prog appears in so many programs that it cannot be eliminated.

A typical prog looks like (prog (variables...) body...), which is equivalent to

(block nil
  (let (variables...)
    (tagbody body...)))

If the first subform of a prog is a non-nil symbol (rather than a list of variables), it is the name of the prog, and return-from (see return-from-fun) can be used to return from it. A named prog looks like

(prog name (variables...) body...)
and is equivalent to
(block name
  (block nil
    (let (variables...)
      (tagbody body...))))
Special Form: prog*

The prog* special form is almost the same as prog. The only difference is that the binding and initialization of the temporary variables is done sequentially, so each one can depend on the previous ones. Thus, the equivalent code would use let* rather than let.

4.6 Dynamic Non-Local Exits

Special Form: catch tag body...

catch is a special form used with the throw function to do non-local exits. First tag is evaluated; the result is called the tag of the catch. Then the body forms are evaluated sequentially, and the values of the last form are returned. However, if, during the evaluation of the body, the function throw is called with the same tag as the tag of the catch, then the evaluation of the body is aborted, and the catch form immediately returns the values of the second argument to throw without further evaluating the current body form or the rest of the body.

The tag’s are used to match up throw’s with catch’s. (catch 'foo form) catches a (throw 'foo form) but not a (throw 'bar form). It is an error if throw is done when there is no suitable catch (or catch-all; see below).

Any Lisp object may be used as a catch tag. The values t and nil for tag are special: a catch whose tag is one of these values catches throws regardless of tag. These are only for internal use by unwind-protect and catch-all respectively. The only difference between t and nil is in the error checking; t implies that after a “cleanup handler” is executed control will be thrown again to the same tag, therefore it is an error if a specific catch for this tag does not exist higher up in the stack. With nil, the error check isn’t done. Example:

(catch 'negative
     (mapcar #'(lambda (x) 
		 (cond ((minusp x)
			(throw 'negative 
			  (values x :negative)))
		       (t (f x)) )))

returns a list of f of each element of y, and :positive, if they are all positive, otherwise the first negative member of y, and :negative.

Macro: catch-continuation tag throw-cont non-throw-cont body...
Macro: catch-continuation-if cond-form tag throw-cont non-throw-cont body...

The catch-continuation special form makes it convenient to discriminate whether exit is normal or due to a throw.

The body is executed inside a catch on tag (which is evaluated). If body returns normally, the function non-throw-cont is called, passing all the values returned by the last form in body as arguments. This function’s values are returned from the catch-continuation.

If on the other hand a throw to tag occurs, the values thrown are passed to the function throw-cont, and its values are returned.

If a continuation is explicitly written as nil, it is not called at all. The arguments that would have been passed to it are returned instead. This is equivalent to using values as the function; but explicit nil is optimized, so use that.

catch-continuation-if differs only in that the catch is not done if the value of the cond-form is nil. In this case, the non-throw continuation if any is always called.

In the general case, consing is necessary to record the multiple values, but if a continuation is an explicit #'(lambda ...) with a fixed number of arguments, or if a continuation is nil, it is open coded and the consing is avoided.

Special Form: throw tag values-form

throw is the primitive for exiting from a surrounding catch. tag is evaluated, and the result is matched (with eq) against the tags of all active catch’es; the innermost matching one is exited. If no matching catch is dynamically active, an error is signaled.

All the values of values-form are returned from the exited catch.

catch’es with tag nil always match any throw. They are really catch-all’s. So do catch’es with tag t, which are unwind-protect’s, but if the only matching catch’es are these then an error is signaled anyway. This is because an unwind-protect always throws again after its cleanup forms are finished; if there is nothing to catch after the last unwind-protect, an error will happen then, and it is better to detect the error sooner.

The values t, nil, and 0 for tag are reserved and used for internal purposes. nil may not be used, because it would cause confusion in handling of unwind-protect’s. t may only be used with *unwind-stack. 0 and nil are used internally when returning out of an unwind-protect.

Macro: *catch form tag
Macro: *throw form tag

Old, obsolete names for catch and throw.

Condition on sys:throw-tag-not-seen: (error)

This is signaled when throw (or *unwind-stack) is used and there is no catch for the specified tag. The condition instance supports these extra operations:


The tag being thrown to.


The value being thrown (the second argument to throw).


The additional two arguments given to *unwind-stack, if that was used.

The error occurs in the environment of the throw; no unwinding has yet taken place.

The proceed type :new-tag expects one argument, a tag to throw to instead.

Function: *unwind-stack tag value active-frame-count action

This is a generalization of throw provided for program-manipulating programs such as the debugger.

tag and value are the same as the corresponding arguments to throw.

A tag of t invokes a special feature whereby the entire stack is unwound, and then the function action is called (see below). During this process unwind-protect’s receive control, but catch-all’s do not. This feature is provided for the benefit of system programs which want to unwind a stack completely.

active-frame-count, if non-nil, is the number of frames to be unwound. The definition of a frame is implementation-dependent. If this counts down to zero before a suitable catch is found, the *unwind-stack terminates and that frame returns value to whoever called it. This is similar to Maclisp’s freturn function.

If action is non-nil, whenever the *unwind-stack would be ready to terminate (either due to active-frame-count or due to tag being caught as in throw), instead action is called with one argument, value. If tag is t, meaning throw out the whole way, then the function action is not allowed to return. Otherwise the function action may return and its value will be returned instead of value from the catch–or from an arbitrary function if active-frame-count is in use. In this case the catch does not return multiple values as it normally does when thrown to. Note that it is often useful for action to be a stack-group.

Note that if both active-frame-count and action are nil, *unwind-stack is identical to throw.

Special Form: unwind-protect protected-form cleanup-form...

Sometimes it is necessary to evaluate a form and make sure that certain side-effects take place after the form is evaluated; a typical example is:

   (hairy-function 3 nil 'foo)

The non-local exit facilities of Lisp create situations in which the above code won’t work, however: if hairy-function should use throw, return or go to transfer control outside of the progn form, then (turn-off-water-faucet) will never be evaluated (and the faucet will presumably be left running). This is particularly likely if hairy-function gets an error and the user tells the debugger to give up and flush the computation.

In order to allow the above program to work, it can be rewritten using unwind-protect as follows:

    (progn (turn-on-water-faucet)
	   (hairy-function 3 nil 'foo))

If hairy-function transfers control out of the evaluation of the unwind-protect, the (turn-off-water-faucet) form is evaluated during the transfer of control, before control arrives at the catch, block or go tag to which it is being transferred.

If the progn returns normally, then the (turn-off-water-faucet) is evaluated, and the unwind-protect returns the result of the progn.

The general form of unwind-protect looks like


protected-form is evaluated, and when it returns or when it attempts to transfer control out of the unwind-protect, the cleanup-forms are evaluated. The value of the unwind-protect is the value of protected-form. Multiple values returned by the protected-form are propagated back through the unwind-protect.

The cleanup forms are run in the variable-binding environment that you would expect: that is, variables bound outside the scope of the unwind-protect special form can be accessed, but variables bound inside the protected-form can’t be. In other words, the stack is unwound to the point just outside the protected-form, then the cleanup handler is run, and then the stack is unwound some more.

Macro: catch-all body...

(catch-all form) is like (catch some-tag form) except that it catches a throw to any tag at all. Since the tag thrown to is one of the returned values, the caller of catch-all may continue throwing to that tag if he wants. The one thing that catch-all does not catch is a *unwind-stack with a tag of t. catch-all is a macro which expands into catch with a tag of nil.

catch-all returns all the values thrown to it, or returned by the body, plus three additional values: the tag thrown to, the active-frame-count, and the action. The tag value is nil if the body returned normally. The last two values are the third and fourth arguments to *unwind-stack (see *unwind-stack-fun) if that was used, or nil if an ordinary throw was done or if the body returned normally.

If you think you want this, most likely you are mistaken and you really want unwind-protect.

4.7 Mapping

Function: map fcn &rest lists
Function: mapl fcn &rest lists
Function: mapc fcn &rest lists
Function: maplist fcn &rest lists
Function: mapcar fcn &rest lists
Function: mapcon fcn &rest lists
Function: mapcan fcn &rest lists

Mapping is a type of iteration in which a function is successively applied to pieces of a list. There are several options for the way in which the pieces of the list are chosen and for what is done with the results returned by the applications of the function.

For example, mapcar operates on successive elements of the list. As it goes down the list, it calls the function giving it an element of the list as its one argument: first the car, then the cadr, then the caddr, etc., continuing until the end of the list is reached. The value returned by mapcar is a list of the results of the successive calls to the function. An example of the use of mapcar would be mapcar’ing the function abs over the list (1 -2 -4.5 6.0e15 -4.2), which would be written as (mapcar (function abs) '(1 -2 -4.5 6.0e15 -4.2)). The result is (1 2 4.5 6.0e15 4.2).

In general, the mapping functions take any number of arguments. For example,

(mapcar f x1 x2 ... xn)

In this case f must be a function of n arguments. mapcar proceeds down the lists x1, x2, ..., xn in parallel. The first argument to f comes from x1, the second from x2, etc. The iteration stops as soon as any of the lists is exhausted. (If there are no lists at all, then there are no lists to be exhausted, so f is called repeatedly without end. This is an obscure way to write an infinite loop. It is supported for consistency.) If you want to call a function of many arguments where one of the arguments successively takes on the values of the elements of a list and the other arguments are constant, you can use a circular list for the other arguments to mapcar. The function circular-list is useful for creating such lists; see circular-list-fun.

There are five other mapping functions besides mapcar. maplist is like mapcar except that the function is applied to the list and successive cdrs of that list rather than to successive elements of the list. map (or mapl) and mapc are like maplist and mapcar respectively, except that they don’t return any useful value. These functions are used when the function is being called merely for its side-effects, rather than its returned values. mapcan and mapcon are like mapcar and maplist respectively, except that they combine the results of the function using nconc instead of list. That is, mapcon could have been defined by

(defun mapcon (f x y)
    (apply 'nconc (maplist f x y)))

Of course, this definition is less general than the real one.

Sometimes a do or a straightforward recursion is preferable to a map; however, the mapping functions should be used wherever they naturally apply because this increases the clarity of the code.

Often f is a lambda-expression, rather than a symbol; for example,

(mapcar (function (lambda (x) (cons x something)))

The functional argument to a mapping function must be a function, acceptable to apply–it cannot be a macro or the name of a special form.

Here is a table showing the relations between the six map functions.

                              applies function to

                         |  successive  |   successive  |
                         |   sublists   |    elements   |
              its own    |              |               | 
              second     |     map(l)   |     mapc      |
             argument    |              |               |
            list of the  |              |               |
returns      function    |    maplist   |    mapcar     |
              results    |              |               |
            nconc of the |              |               |
              function   |    mapcon    |    mapcan     |
              results    |              |               |

Note that map and mapl are synonymous. map is the traditional name of this function. mapl is the Common Lisp name. In Common Lisp, the function map does something different and incompatible; see cli:map, cli:map-fun. mapl works the same in traditional Zetalisp and Common Lisp.

There are also functions (mapatoms and mapatoms-all) for mapping over all symbols in certain packages. See the explanation of packages (package).

You can also do what the mapping functions do in a different way by using loop. See loop-fun.

5 Manipulating List Structure

This chapter discusses functions that manipulate conses, and higher-level structures made up of conses such as lists and trees. It also discusses hash tables and resources, which are related facilities.

A cons is a primitive Lisp data object that is extremely simple: it knows about two other objects, called its car and its cdr.

A list is recursively defined to be the symbol nil, or a cons whose cdr is a list. A typical list is a chain of conses: the cdr of each is the next cons in the chain, and the cdr of the last one is the symbol nil. The cars of each of these conses are called the elements of the list. A list has one element for each cons; the empty list, nil, has no elements at all. Here are the printed representations of some typical lists:

(foo bar)		  ;This list has two elements.
(a (b c d) e)		  ;This list has three elements.

Note that the second list has three elements: a, (b c d), and e. The symbols b, c, and d are not elements of the list itself. (They are elements of the list which is the second element of the original list.)

A dotted list is like a list except that the cdr of the last cons does not have to be nil. This name comes from the printed representation, which includes a “dot” character (period). Here is an example:

(a b . c)

This dotted list is made of two conses. The car of the first cons is the symbol a, and the cdr of the first cons is the second cons. The car of the second cons is the symbol b, and the cdr of the second cons is the symbol c.

A tree is any data structure made up of conses whose cars and cdrs are other conses. The following are all printed representations of trees:

(foo . bar)
((a . b) (c . d))
((a . b) (c d e f (g . 5) s) (7 . 4))

These definitions are not mutually exclusive. Consider a cons whose car is a and whose cdr is (b (c d) e). Its printed representation is

(a b (c d) e)

It can be thought of and treated as a cons, or as a list of four elements, or as a tree containing six conses. You can even think of it as a dotted list whose last cons just happens to have nil as a cdr. Thus, lists and dotted lists and trees are not fundamental data types; they are just ways of thinking about structures of conses.

A circular list is like a list except that the cdr of the last cons, instead of being nil, is the first cons of the list. This means that the conses are all hooked together in a ring, with the cdr of each cons being the next cons in the ring. These are legitimate Lisp objects, but dealing with them requires special techniques; straightforward tree-walking recursive functions often loop infinitely when given a circular list. The printer is is an example of both aspects of the handling of circular lists: if *print-circle* is non-nil the printer uses special techniques to detect circular structure and print it with a special encoding, but if *print-circle* is nil the printer does not check for circularity and loops infinitely unless *print-level* or *print-length* imposes a “time limit”. See *print-circle*-var for more information on *print-circle* and related matters.

The Lisp Machine internally uses a storage scheme called cdr-coding to represent conses. This scheme is intended to reduce the amount of storage used in lists. The use of cdr-coding is invisible to programs except in terms of storage efficiency; programs work the same way whether or not lists are cdr-coded or not. Several of the functions below mention how they deal with cdr-coding. You can completely ignore all this if you want. However, if you are writing a program that allocates a lot of conses and you are concerned with storage efficiency, you may want to learn about the cdr-coded representation and how to control it. The cdr-coding scheme is discussed in cdr-code.

5.1 Conses

Function: car x

Returns the car of x.

(car '(a b c)) => a
Function: cdr x

Returns the cdr of x.

(cdr '(a b c)) => (b c)

Officially car and cdr are only applicable to conses and locatives. However, as a matter of convenience, car and cdr of nil return nil. car or cdr of anything else is an error.

Function: c...r x

All of the compositions of up to four car’s and cdr’s are defined as functions in their own right. The names of these functions begin with c and end with r, and in between is a sequence of a’s and d’s corresponding to the composition performed by the function.

(cddadr x) is the same as (cdr (cdr (car (cdr x))))

The error checking for these functions is exactly the same as for car and cdr above.

Function: cons x y

cons is the primitive function to create a new cons, whose car is x and whose cdr is y.

(cons 'a 'b) => (a . b)
(cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c nil))) => (a b c)
(cons 'a '(b c d)) => (a b c d)
Function: ncons x

(ncons x) is the same as (cons x nil). The name of the function is from “nil-cons”.

Function: xcons x y

xcons (“exchanged cons”) is like cons except that the order of the arguments is reversed.

(xcons 'a 'b) => (b . a)
Function: cons-in-area x y area-number

Creates a cons in a specific area. (Areas are an advanced feature of storage management, explained in chapter area-chapter; if you aren’t interested in them, you can safely skip all this stuff). The first two arguments are the same as the two arguments to cons, and the third is the number of the area in which to create the cons.

(cons-in-area 'a 'b my-area) => (a . b)
Function: ncons-in-area x area-number

(ncons-in-area x area-number) = (cons-in-area x nil area-number)

Function: xcons-in-area x y area-number

(xcons-in-area x y area-number) = (cons-in-area y x area-number)

Macro: push item place

Adds an element item to the front of a list that is stored in place. A new cons is allocated whose car is item and whose cdr is the old contents of place. This cons is stored into place.

The form

(push (hairy-function x y z) variable)

replaces the commonly-used construct

(setq variable (cons (hairy-function x y z) variable))

and is intended to be more explicit and esthetic.

place can be any form that setf can store into. For example,

(push x (get y z))
 ==> (putprop y (cons x (get y z)) z)

The returned value of push is not defined.

Macro: pop place

Removes an element from the front of the list that is stored in place. It finds the cons in place, stores the cdr of the cons back into place, and returns the car of that cons. place can be any form that setf can store into.

(setq x '(a b c))
(pop x) => a
x => (b c)

The backquote reader macro facility is also generally useful for creating list structure, especially mostly-constant list structure, or forms constructed by plugging variables into a template. It is documented in the chapter on macros; see macro.

Function: car-location cons

car-location returns a locative pointer to the cell containing the car of cons.

Note: there is no cdr-location function; it is difficult because of the cdr-coding scheme (see cdr-code). Instead, the cons itself serves as a kind of locative to its cdr (see contents-fun).

The functions rplaca and rplacd are used to make alterations in already-existing list structure; that is, to change the cars and cdrs of existing conses. The structure is altered rather than copied. Exercise caution when using these functions, as strange side-effects can occur if they are used to modify portions of list structure which have become shared unbeknownst to the programmer. The nconc, nreverse, nreconc, nbutlast and delq functions and others, described below, have the same property, because they call rplaca or rplacd.

Function: rplaca x y

Changes the car of x to y and returns (the modified) x. x must be a cons or a locative. y may be any Lisp object.

(setq g '(a b c))
(rplaca (cdr g) 'd) => (d c)
Now g => (a d c)
Function: rplacd x y

Changes the cdr of x to y and returns (the modified) x. x must be a cons or a locative. y may be any Lisp object.

(setq x '(a b c))
(rplacd x 'd) => (a . d)
Now x => (a . d)

(setf (car x) y) and (setf (car x) y) are much like rplaca and rplacd, but they return y rather than x.

5.2 Lists

Function: list &rest args

Constructs and returns a list of its arguments.

(list 3 4 'a (car '(b . c)) (+ 6 -2)) => (3 4 a b 4)
list could have been defined by:
(defun list (&rest args)
    (let ((list (make-list (length args))))
      (do ((l list (cdr l))
	   (a args (cdr a)))
	  ((null a) list)
	(rplaca l (car a)))))
Function: list* &rest args

list* is like list except that the last cons of the constructed list is dotted. It must be given at least one argument.

(list* 'a 'b 'c 'd) => (a b c . d)

This is like

(cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd)))
More examples:
(list* 'a 'b) => (a . b)
(list* 'a) => a
Function: length list-or-array

Returns the length of list-or-array. The length of a list is the number of elements in it; the number of times you can cdr it before you get a non-cons.

(length nil) => 0
(length '(a b c d)) => 4
(length '(a (b c) d)) => 3
(length "foobar") => 6

length could have been defined by:

(defun length (x)
  (if (arrayp x) (array-active-length x)
    (do ((n 0 (1+ n))
         (y x (cdr y)))
        ((null y) n))))
Function: list-length list

Returns the length of list, or nil if list is circular. (The function length would loop forever if given a circular list.)

Function: first list
Function: second list
Function: third list
Function: fourth list
Function: fifth list
Function: sixth list
Function: seventh list

These functions take a list as an argument, and return the first, second, etc. element of the list. first is identical to car, second is identical to cadr, and so on. The reason these names are provided is that they make more sense when you are thinking of the argument as a list rather than just as a cons.

Function: rest list
Function: rest1 list
Function: rest2 list
Function: rest3 list
Function: rest4 list

restn returns the rest of the elements of a list, starting with element n (counting the first element as the zeroth). Thus rest or rest1 is identical to cdr, rest2 is identical to cddr, and so on. The reason these names are provided is that they make more sense when you are thinking of the argument as a list rather than just as a cons.

Function: endp list

Returns t if list is nil, nil if list is a cons cell. Signals an error if list is not a list. This is the way Common Lisp recommends for terminating a loop which cdr’s down a list. However, Lisp Machine system functions generally prefer to test for the end of the list with atom; it is regarded as a feature that these functions do something useful for dotted lists.

Function: nth n list

(nth n list) returns the n’th element of list, where the zeroth element is the car of the list. If n is greater than the length of the list, nil is returned.

(nth 1 '(foo bar gack)) => bar
(nth 3 '(foo bar gack)) => nil

Note: this is not the same as the InterLisp function called nth, which is similar to but not exactly the same as the Lisp Machine function nthcdr. Also, some people have used macros and functions called nth of their own in their Maclisp programs, which may not work the same way; be careful.

nth could have been defined by:
(defun nth (n list)
  (do ((i n (1- i))
       (l list (cdr l)))
      ((zerop i) (car l))))
Function: nthcdr n list

(nthcdr n list) cdrs list n times, and returns the result.

(nthcdr 0 '(a b c)) => (a b c)
(nthcdr 2 '(a b c)) => (c)

In other words, it returns the n’th cdr of the list. If n is greater than the length of the list, nil is returned.

This is similar to InterLisp’s function nth, except that the InterLisp function is one-based instead of zero-based; see the InterLisp manual for details. nthcdr could have been defined by:

(defun nthcdr (n list)
    (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
	 (list list (cdr list)))
	((= i n) list)))
Function: last list

last returns the last cons of list. If list is nil, it returns nil. Note that last is unfortunately not analogous to first (first returns the first element of a list, but last doesn’t return the last element of a list); this is a historical artifact.

(setq x '(a b c d))
(last x) => (d)
(rplacd (last x) '(e f))
x => '(a b c d e f)

last could have been defined by:

(defun last (x)
    (cond ((atom x) x)
          ((atom (cdr x)) x)
          ((last (cdr x)))))
Macro: list-match-p object pattern

object is evaluated and matched against pattern; the value is t if it matches, nil otherwise. pattern is made with backquotes (backquote); whereas normally a backquote expression says how to construct list structure out of constant and variable parts, in this context it says how to match list structure against constants and variables. Constant parts of the backquote expression must match exactly; variables preceded by commas can match anything but set the variable to what was matched. (Some of the variables may be set even if there is no match.) If a variable appears more than once, it must match the same thing (equal list structures) each time. ,ignore can be used to match anything and ignore it.

For example, `(x (,y) . ,z) is a pattern that matches a list of length at least two whose first element is x and whose second element is a list of length one; if a list matches, the caadr of the list is stored into the value of y and the cddr of the list is stored into z.

Variables set during the matching remain set after the list-match-p returns; in effect, list-match-p expands into code which can setq the variables. If the match fails, some or all of the variables may already have been set.


(list-match-p foo
	      `((a ,x) ,ignore . ,c))

is t if foo’s value is a list of two or more elements, the first of which is a list of two elements; and in that case it sets x to (cadar foo) and c to (cddr foo). An equivalent expression would be

(let ((tem foo))
  (and (consp tem)
       (consp (car tem))
       (eq (caar tem) 'a)
       (consp (cdar tem))
       (progn (setq x (cadar tem)) t)
       (null (cddar tem))
       (consp (cdr tem))
       (setq c (cddr tem))))
but list-match-p is faster.

list-match-p generates highly optimized code using special instructions.

Function: list-in-area area-number &rest args

list-in-area is exactly the same as list except that it takes an extra argument, an area number, and creates the list in that area.

Function: list*-in-area area-number &rest args

list*-in-area is exactly the same as list* except that it takes an extra argument, an area number, and creates the list in that area.

Function: make-list length &key area initial-element

Creates and returns a list containing length elements. length should be a fixnum. area, if specified, is the area in which to create the list (see area). If it is nil, the area used is the value of working-storage-area.

initial-element is stored in each element of the new list.

make-list always creates a cdr-coded list (see cdr-code).

(make-list 3) => (nil nil nil)
(make-list 4 :initial-element 7) => (7 7 7 7)

The keyword :initial-value may be used in place of :initial-element.

When make-list was originally implemented, it took exactly two arguments: the area and the length. This obsolete form is still supported so that old programs can continue to work, but the new keyword-argument form is preferred.

Function: circular-list &rest args

Constructs a circular list whose elements are args, repeated infinitely. circular-list is the same as list except that the list itself is used as the last cdr, instead of nil. circular-list is especially useful with mapcar, as in the expression

(mapcar (function +) foo (circular-list 5))

which adds each element of foo to 5.

circular-list could have been defined by:
(defun circular-list (&rest elements)
  (setq elements (copylist* elements))
  (rplacd (last elements) elements)
Function: copylist list &optional area
Function: copy-list list &optional area

Returns a list which is equal to list, but not eq. copylist does not copy any elements of the list, only the conses of the list itself. The returned list is fully cdr-coded (see cdr-code) to minimize storage. If list is dotted, that is, if (cdr (last list)) is a non-nil atom, then the copy also has this property. You may optionally specify the area in which to create the new copy.

Function: copylist* list &optional area

This is the same as copylist except that the last cons of the resulting list is never cdr-coded (see cdr-code). This makes for increased efficiency if you nconc something onto the list later.

Function: copyalist list &optional area
Function: copy-alist list &optional area

copyalist is for copying association lists (see assoc-lists-section). The list is copied, as in copylist. In addition, each element of list which is a cons is replaced in the copy by a new cons with the same car and cdr. You may optionally specify the area in which to create the new copy.

Function: append &rest lists

The arguments to append are lists. The result is a list which is the concatenation of the arguments. The arguments are not changed (cf nconc).

(append '(a b c) '(d e f) nil '(g)) => (a b c d e f g)

append makes copies of the conses of all the lists it is given, except for the last one. So the new list shares the conses of the last argument to append, but all of the other conses are newly created. Only the lists are copied, not the elements of the lists.

A version of append which only accepts two arguments could have been defined by:

(defun append2 (x y)
    (cond ((null x) y)
          ((cons (car x) (append2 (cdr x) y)) )))

The generalization to any number of arguments could then be made (relying on car of nil being nil):

(defun append (&rest args)
  (if (< (length args) 2) (car args)
      (append2 (car args)
	       (apply (function append) (cdr args)))))

These definitions do not express the full functionality of append; the real definition minimizes storage utilization by turning all the arguments that are copied into one cdr-coded list.

To copy a list, use copylist (see copylist-fun); the old practice of using append to copy lists is unclear and obsolete.

Function: nconc &rest lists

nconc takes lists as arguments. It returns a list which is the arguments concatenated together. The arguments are changed, rather than copied (cf append, append-fun).

(setq x '(a b c))
(setq y '(d e f))
(nconc x y) => (a b c d e f)
x => (a b c d e f)

Note that the value of x is now different, since its last cons has been rplacd’d to the value of y. If the nconc form were evaluated again, it would yield a piece of circular list structure, whose printed representation would be (a b c d e f d e f d e f ...), repeating forever.

nconc could have been defined by:

(defun nconc (x y)		 ;for simplicity, this definition
    (cond ((null x) y)		 ;only works for 2 arguments.
          (t (rplacd (last x) y) ;hook y onto x
	     x)))		 ;and return the modified x.
Function: revappend x y

(revappend x y) is exactly the same as (nconc (reverse x) y) except that it is more efficient. Both x and y should be lists.

revappend could have been defined by:

(defun revappend (x y)
    (cond ((null x) y)
	  (t (revappend (cdr x) (cons (car x) y)))))
Function: nreconc x y

(nreconc x y) is exactly the same as (nconc (nreverse x) y) except that it is more efficient. Both x and y should be lists.

nreconc could have been defined by:

(defun nreconc (x y)
    (cond ((null x) y)
          ((nreverse1 x y)) ))

using the same nreverse1 as above.

Function: butlast list &optional (n 1)

This creates and returns a list with the same elements as list, excepting the last n elements.

(butlast '(a b c d)) => (a b c)
(butlast '(a b c d) 3) => (a)
(butlast '(a b c d) 4) => nil
(butlast nil) => nil

The name is from the phrase “all elements but the last”.

Function: nbutlast list &optional (n 1)

This is the destructive version of butlast; it changes the cdr of the last cons but n of the list to nil. The value is list, as modified. If list does not have more than n elements then it is not really changed and the value is nil.

(setq foo '(a b c d))
(nbutlast foo) => (a b c)
foo => (a b c)
(nbutlast foo 2) => (a)
foo => (a)
(nbutlast foo) => nil
foo => (a)
Function: firstn n list

Returns a list of length n, whose elements are the first n elements of list. If list is fewer than n elements long, the remaining elements of the returned list are nil.

(firstn 2 '(a b c d)) => (a b)
(firstn 0 '(a b c d)) => nil
(firstn 6 '(a b c d)) => (a b c d nil nil)
Function: nleft n list &optional tail

Returns a “tail” of list, i.e one of the conses that makes up list, or nil. (nleft n list) returns the last n elements of list. If n is too large, nleft returns list.

(nleft n list tail) takes cdr of list enough times that taking n more cdrs would yield tail, and returns that. You can see that when tail is nil this is the same as the two-argument case. If tail is not eq to any tail of list, nleft returns nil.

(setq x '(a b c d e f))
(nleft 2 x) => (e f)
(nleft 2 x (cddddr x)) => (c d e f)
Function: ldiff list tail

list should be a list, and tail should be one of the conses that make up list. ldiff (meaning ‘list difference’) returns a new list, whose elements are those elements of list that appear before tail.

(setq x '(a b c d e))
(setq y (cdddr x)) => (d e)
(ldiff x y) => (a b c)
(ldiff x nil) => (a b c d e)
(ldiff x x) => nil
(ldiff '(a b c d) '(c d)) => (a b c d)
since the tail was not eq to any part of the list.
Function: car-safe object
Function: cdr-safe object
Function: caar-safe object
Function: cadr-safe object
Function: cdar-safe object
Function: cddr-safe object
Function: caddr-safe object
Function: cdddr-safe object
Function: cadddr-safe object
Function: cddddr-safe object
Function: nth-safe n object
Function: nthcdr-safe n object

Return the same things as the corresponding non-safe functions, except nil if the non-safe function would get an error. These functions are about as fast as the non-safe functions. The same effect could be had by handling the sys:wrong-type-argument error, but that would be slower. Examples:

(car-safe '(a . b)) => a
(car-safe nil) => nil
(car-safe 'a) => nil
(car-safe "foo") => nil
(cadr-safe '(a . b)) => nil
(cadr-safe 3) => nil

5.3 Cons Cells as Trees

Function: copytree tree &optional area
Function: copy-tree tree &optional area

copytree copies all the conses of a tree and makes a new maximally cdr-coded tree with the same fringe. If area is specified, the new tree is constructed in that area.

Function: tree-equal x y &key test test-not

Compares two trees recursively to all levels. Atoms must match under the function test (which defaults to eql). Conses must match recursively in both the car and the cdr.

If test-not is specified instead of test, two atoms match if test-not returns nil.

Function: subst new old tree

(subst new old tree) substitutes new for all occurrences of old in tree, and returns the modified copy of tree. The original tree is unchanged, as subst recursively copies all of tree replacing elements equal to old as it goes.

(subst 'Tempest 'Hurricane
       '(Shakespeare wrote (The Hurricane)))
    => (Shakespeare wrote (The Tempest))

subst could have been defined by:

(defun subst (new old tree)
    (cond ((equal tree old) new) ;if item equal to old, replace.
          ((atom tree) tree)     ;if no substructure, return arg.
          ((cons (subst new old (car tree))  ;otherwise recurse.
                 (subst new old (cdr tree))))))

Note that this function is not destructive; that is, it does not change the car or cdr of any already-existing list structure.

To copy a tree, use copytree (see copytree-fun); the old practice of using subst to copy trees is unclear and obsolete.

Function: cli:subst new old tree &key test test-not key

The Common Lisp version of subst replaces with new every atom or subtree in tree which matches old, returning a new tree. List structure is copied as necessary to avoid clobbering parts of tree. This differs from the traditional subst function, which always copies the entire tree.

test or test-not is used to do the matching. If test is specified, a match happens when test returns non-nil; otherwise, if test-not is specified, a match happens when it returns nil. If neither is specified, then eql is used for test.

The first argument to the test or test-not function is always old. The second argument is normally a leaf or subtree of tree. However, if key is non-nil, then it is called with the subtree as argument, and the result of this becomes the second argument to the test or test-not function.

Because (subst nil nil tree) is a widely used idiom for copying a tree, even though it is obsolete, there is no practical possibility of installing this function as the standard subst for a long time.

Function: nsubst new old tree &key test test-not key

nsubst is a destructive version of subst. The list structure of tree is altered by replacing each occurrence of old with new. No new list structure is created. The keyword arguments are as in cli:subst.

A simplified version of nsubst, handling only the three required arguments, could be defined as

(defun nsubst (new old tree)
    (cond ((eql tree old) new)	  ;If item matches old, replace.
          ((atom tree) tree)      ;If no substructure, return arg.
	  (t                      ;Otherwise, recurse.
	     (rplaca tree (nsubst new old (car tree)))
	     (rplacd tree (nsubst new old (cdr tree)))
Function: subst-if new predicate tree &key key

Replaces with new every atom or subtree in tree which satisfies predicate. List structure is copied as necessary so that the original tree is not modified. key, if non-nil, is a function applied to each tree node to get the object to match against. If key is nil or omitted, the tree node itself is used.

Function: subst-if-not new predicate tree &key key

Similar, but replaces tree nodes which do not satisfy predicate.

Function: nsubst-if new predicate tree &key key
Function: nsubst-if-not new predicate tree &key key

Like subst-if and subst-if-not except that they destructively modify tree itself and return it, creating no new list structure.

Function: sublis alist tree &key test test-not key

Performs multiple parallel replacements on tree, returning a new tree. tree itself is not modified because list structure is copied as necessary. If no substitutions are made, the result is tree. alist is an association list (see assoc-lists-section). Each element of alist specifies one replacement; the car is what to look for, and the cdr is what to replace it with.

test, test-not and key control how matching is done between nodes of the tree (cons cells or atoms) and objects to be replaced. See cli:subst, above, for the details of how they work. The first argument to test or test-not is the car of an element of alist.

(sublis '((x . 100) (z . zprime))
        '(plus x (minus g z x p) 4))
   => (plus 100 (minus g zprime 100 p) 4)
A simplified sublis could be defined by:
(defun sublis (alist tree)
  (let ((tem (assq tree alist)))
    (cond (tem (cdr tem))
	  ((atom tree) tree)
	   (let ((car (sublis alist (car tree)))
		 (cdr (sublis alist (cdr tree))))
	     (if (and (eq (car tree) car) (eq (cdr tree) cdr))
	       (cons car cdr)))))))
Function: nsublis alist tree &key test test-not key

nsublis is like sublis but changes the original tree instead of allocating new structure.

A simplified nsublis could be defined by:
(defun nsublis (alist tree)
  (let ((tem (assq tree alist)))
    (cond (tem (cdr tem))
	  ((atom tree) tree)
	  (t (rplaca tree (nsublis alist (car tree)))
	     (rplacd tree (nsublis alist (cdr tree)))

5.4 Cdr-Coding

This section explains the internal data format used to store conses inside the Lisp Machine. Casual users don’t have to worry about this; you can skip this section if you want. It is only important to read this section if you require extra storage efficiency in your program.

The usual and obvious internal representation of conses in any implementation of Lisp is as a pair of pointers, contiguous in memory. If we call the amount of storage that it takes to store a Lisp pointer a ‘word’, then conses normally occupy two words. One word (say it’s the first) holds the car, and the other word (say it’s the second) holds the cdr. To get the car or cdr of a list, you just reference this memory location, and to change the car or cdr, you just store into this memory location.

Very often, conses are used to store lists. If the above representation is used, a list of n elements requires two times n words of memory: n to hold the pointers to the elements of the list, and n to point to the next cons or to nil. To optimize this particular case of using conses, the Lisp Machine uses a storage representation called cdr-coding to store lists. The basic goal is to allow a list of n elements to be stored in only n locations, while allowing conses that are not parts of lists to be stored in the usual way.

The way it works is that there is an extra two-bit field in every word of memory, called the cdr-code field. There are three meaningful values that this field can have, which are called cdr-normal, cdr-next, and cdr-nil. The regular, non-compact way to store a cons is by two contiguous words, the first of which holds the car and the second of which holds the cdr. In this case, the cdr-code of the first word is cdr-normal. (The cdr-code of the second word doesn’t matter; as we will see, it is never looked at.) The cons is represented by a pointer to the first of the two words. When a list of n elements is stored in the most compact way, pointers to the n elements occupy n contiguous memory locations. The cdr-codes of all these locations are cdr-next, except the last location whose cdr-code is cdr-nil. The list is represented as a pointer to the first of the n words.

Now, how are the basic operations on conses defined to work based on this data structure? Finding the car is easy: you just read the contents of the location addressed by the pointer. Finding the cdr is more complex. First you must read the contents of the location addressed by the pointer, and inspect the cdr-code you find there. If the code is cdr-normal, then you add one to the pointer, read the location it addresses, and return the contents of that location; that is, you read the second of the two words. If the code is cdr-next, you add one to the pointer, and simply return that pointer without doing any more reading; that is, you return a pointer to the next word in the n-word block. If the code is cdr-nil, you simply return nil.

If you examine these rules, you will find that they work fine even if you mix the two kinds of storage representation within the same list.

How about changing the structure? Like car, rplaca is very easy; you just store into the location addressed by the pointer. To do rplacd you must read the location addressed by the pointer and examine the cdr-code. If the code is cdr-normal, you just store into the location one greater than that addressed by the pointer; that is, you store into the second word of the two words. But if the cdr-code is cdr-next or cdr-nil, there is a problem: there is no memory cell that is storing the cdr of the cons. That is the cell that has been optimized out; it just doesn’t exist.

This problem is dealt with by the use of invisible pointers. An invisible pointer is a special kind of pointer, recognized by its data type (Lisp Machine pointers include a data type field as well as an address field). The way they work is that when the Lisp Machine reads a word from memory, if that word is an invisible pointer then it proceeds to read the word pointed to by the invisible pointer and use that word instead of the invisible pointer itself. Similarly, when it writes to a location, it first reads the location, and if it contains an invisible pointer then it writes to the location addressed by the invisible pointer instead. (This is a somewhat simplified explanation; actually there are several kinds of invisible pointer that are interpreted in different ways at different times, used for things other than the cdr-coding scheme.)

Here’s how to do rplacd when the cdr-code is cdr-next or cdr-nil. Call the location addressed by the first argument to rplacd l. First, you allocate two contiguous words in the same area that l points to. Then you store the old contents of l (the car of the cons) and the second argument to rplacd (the new cdr of the cons) into these two words. You set the cdr-code of the first of the two words to cdr-normal. Then you write an invisible pointer, pointing at the first of the two words, into location l. (It doesn’t matter what the cdr-code of this word is, since the invisible pointer data type is checked first, as we will see.)

Now, whenever any operation is done to the cons (car, cdr, rplaca, or rplacd), the initial reading of the word pointed to by the Lisp pointer that represents the cons finds an invisible pointer in the addressed cell. When the invisible pointer is seen, the address it contains is used in place of the original address. So the newly-allocated two-word cons is used for any operation done on the original object.

Why is any of this important to users? In fact, it is all invisible to you; everything works the same way whether or not compact representation is used, from the point of view of the semantics of the language. That is, the only difference that any of this makes is a difference in efficiency. The compact representation is more efficient in most cases. However, if the conses are going to get rplacd’ed, then invisible pointers will be created, extra memory will be allocated, and the compact representation will degrade storage efficiency rather than improve it. Also, accesses that go through invisible pointers are somewhat slower, since more memory references are needed. So if you care a lot about storage efficiency, you should be careful about which lists get stored in which representations.

You should try to use the normal representation for those data structures that will be subject to rplacd operations, including nconc and nreverse, and the compact representation for other structures. The functions cons, xcons, ncons, and their area variants make conses in the normal representation. The functions list, list*, list-in-area, make-list, and append use the compact representation. The other list-creating functions, including read, currently make normal lists, although this might get changed. Some functions, such as sort, take special care to operate efficiently on compact lists (sort effectively treats them as arrays). nreverse is rather slow on compact lists, currently, since it simple-mindedly uses rplacd, but this may be changed.

(copylist x) is a suitable way to copy a list, converting it into compact form (see copylist-fun).

5.5 Tables

Zetalisp includes functions which simplify the maintenance of tabular data structures of several varieties. The simplest is a plain list of items There are functions to add (cons), remove (delete, delq, del, del-if, del-if-not, remove, remq, rem, rem-if, rem-if-not), and search for (member, memq, mem) items in a list.

Association lists are very commonly used. An association list is a list of conses. The car of each cons is a “key” and the cdr is a “datum”, or a list of associated data. The functions assoc, assq, ass, memass, and rassoc may be used to retrieve the data, given the key. For example,

((tweety . bird) (sylvester . cat))

is an association list with two elements. Given a symbol representing the name of an animal, it can retrieve what kind of animal this is.

Structured records can be stored as association lists or as stereotyped cons-structures where each element of the structure has a certain car-cdr path associated with it. However, these are better implemented using structure macros (see defstruct) or as flavors (flavor).

Simple list-structure is very convenient, but may not be efficient enough for large data bases because it takes a long time to search a long list. Zetalisp includes hash table facilities for more efficient but more complex tables (see hash-table), and a hashing function (sxhash) to aid users in constructing their own facilities.

5.6 Lists as Tables

Function: memq item list

Returns nil if item is not one of the elements of list. Otherwise, it returns the sublist of list beginning with the first occurrence of item; that is, it returns the first cons of the list whose car is item. The comparison is made by eq. Because memq returns nil if it doesn’t find anything, and something non-nil if it finds something, it is often used as a predicate.

(memq 'a '(1 2 3 4)) => nil
(memq 'a '(g (x a y) c a d e a f)) => (a d e a f)

Note that the value returned by memq is eq to the portion of the list beginning with a. Thus rplaca on the result of memq may be used, if you first check to make sure memq did not return nil.

(let ((sublist (memq x z)))	;Search for x in the list z.
  (if (not (null sublist))      ;If it is found,
      (rplaca sublist y)))	;Replace it with y.
memq could have been defined by:
(defun memq (item list)
    (cond ((null list) nil)
          ((eq item (car list)) list)
          (t (memq item (cdr list)))))

memq is hand-coded in microcode and therefore especially fast. It is equivalent to cli:member with eq specified as the test argument.

Function: member item list

member is like memq, except equal is used for the comparison, instead of eq. Note that the member function of Common Lisp, which is cli:member, is similar but thoroughly incompatible (see below).

member could have been defined by:

(defun member (item list)
    (cond ((null list) nil)
          ((equal item (car list)) list)
          (t (member item (cdr list)))))
Function: cli:member item list &key test test-not key

The Common Lisp member function. It is like memq or member except that there is more generality in how elements of list are matched against item–and the default is incompatible.

test, test-not and key are used in matching the elements, just as described under cli:subst (see cli:subst-fun). If neither test nor test-not is specified, the default is to compare with eql, whereas member compares with equal.

Usually test is a commutative predicate such as eq, equal, =, char-equal or string-equal. It can also be a non-commutative predicate. The predicate is called with item as its first argument and the element of list as its second argument. Example:

(cli:member 4 '(1.5 2.5 2 3.5 4.5 8) :test '<) => (4.5 8)
Function: member-if predicate list &key key

Searches the elements of list for one which satisfies predicate. If one is found, the value is the tail of list whose car is that element. Otherwise the value is nil.

If key is non-nil, then predicate is applied to (funcall key element) rather than to the element itself.

Function: member-if-not predicate list &key key

Searches for an element which does not satisfy predicate. Otherwise like member-if.

Function: mem predicate item list

Is equivalent to

(cli:member item list :test predicate)

The function mem antedates cli:member.

Function: find-position-in-list item list

Searches list for an element which is eq to item, like memq. However, it returns the numeric index in the list at which it found the first occurence of item, or nil if it did not find it at all. This function is sort of the complement of nth (see nth-fun); like nth, it is zero-based.

(find-position-in-list 'a '(a b c)) => 0
(find-position-in-list 'c '(a b c)) => 2
(find-position-in-list 'e '(a b c)) => nil

See also the generic sequence function position (position-fun).

Function: find-position-in-list-equal item list

Is like find-position-in-list, except that the comparison is done with equal instead of eq.

Function: tailp sublist list

Returns t if sublist is a sublist of list (i.e one of the conses that makes up list). Otherwise returns nil. Another way to look at this is that tailp returns t if (nthcdr n list) is sublist, for some value of n. tailp could have been defined by:

(defun tailp (sublist list)
    (do list list (cdr list) (null list)
      (if (eq sublist list)
	  (return t))))
Function: delq item list &optional n

(delq item list) returns the list with all occurrences of item removed. eq is used for the comparison. The argument list is actually modified (rplacd’ed) when instances of item are spliced out. delq should be used for value, not for effect. That is, use

(setq a (delq 'b a))

rather than

(delq 'b a)

These two are not equivalent when the first element of the value of a is b.

(delq item list n) is like (delq item list) except only the first n instances of item are deleted. n is allowed to be zero. If n is greater than or equal to the number of occurrences of item in the list, all occurrences of item in the list are deleted.

(delq 'a '(b a c (a b) d a e)) => (b c (a b) d e)

delq could have been defined by:

(defun delq (item list &optional (n -1))
    (cond ((or (atom list) (zerop n)) list)
          ((eq item (car list))
	   (delq item (cdr list) (1- n)))
          (t (rplacd list (delq item (cdr list) n)))))

If the third argument (n) is not supplied, it defaults to -1 which is effectively infinity since it can be decremented any number of times without reaching zero.

Function: delete item list &optional n

delete is the same as delq except that equal is used for the comparison instead of eq.

Common Lisp programs have a different, incompatible function called delete; see cli:delete-fun. This function may be useful in non-Common-Lisp programs as well, where it can be referred to as cli:delete.

Function: del predicate item list &optional n

del is the same as delq except that it takes an extra argument which should be a predicate of two arguments, which is used for the comparison instead of eq. (del 'eq a b) is the same as (delq a b). See also mem, mem-fun.

Use of del is equivalent to

(cli:delete item list :test predicate)
Function: remq item list &optional n

remq is similar to delq, except that the list is not altered; rather, a new list is returned.

(setq x '(a b c d e f))
(remq 'b x) => (a c d e f)
x => (a b c d e f)
(remq 'b '(a b c b a b) 2) => (a c a b)
Function: remove item list &optional n

remove is the same as remq except that equal is used for the comparison instead of eq. Common Lisp programs have a different, incompatible function called remove; see cli:remove-fun. This function may be useful in non-Common-Lisp programs as well, where it can be referred to as cli:remove.

Function: rem predicate item list &optional n

rem is the same as remq except that it takes an extra argument which should be a predicate of two arguments, which is used for the comparison instead of eq. (rem 'eq a b) is the same as (remq a b). See also mem, mem-fun.

The function rem in Common Lisp programs is actually cli:rem, a remainder function. See cli:rem-fun.

Function: subset predicate list
Function: rem-if-not predicate list

predicate should be a function of one argument. A new list is made by applying predicate to all of the elements of list and removing the ones for which the predicate returns nil. One of this function’s names (rem-if-not) means “remove if this condition is not true”; i.e it keeps the elements for which predicate is true. The other name (subset) refers to the function’s action if list is considered to represent a mathematical set.

(subset #'minusp '(1 2 -4 2 -3)) => (-4 -3)
Function: subset-not predicate list
Function: rem-if predicate list

predicate should be a function of one argument. A new list is made by applying predicate to all of the elements of list and removing the ones for which the predicate returns non-nil. One of this function’s names (rem-if) means “remove if this condition is true”. The other name (subset-not) refers to the function’s action if list is considered to represent a mathematical set.

Function: del-if predicate list

del-if is just like rem-if except that it modifies list rather than creating a new list.

Function: del-if-not predicate list

del-if-not is just like rem-if-not except that it modifies list rather than creating a new list.

See also the generic sequence functions delete-if, delete-if-not, remove-if and remove-if-not (remove-if-fun).

Function: every list predicate &optional step-function

Returns t if predicate returns non-nil when applied to every element of list, or nil if predicate returns nil for some element. If step-function is present, it replaces cdr as the function used to get to the next element of the list; cddr is a typical function to use here.

In Common Lisp programs, the name every refers to a different, incompatible function which serves a similar purpose. It is documented in the manual under the name cli:every. See cli:every-fun.

Function: some list predicate &optional step-function

Returns a tail of list such that the car of the tail is the first element that the predicate returns non-nil when applied to, or nil if predicate returns nil for every element. If step-function is present, it replaces cdr as the function used to get to the next element of the list; cddr is a typical function to use here.

In Common Lisp programs, the name some refers to a different, incompatible function which serves a similar purpose. It is documented in the manual under the name cli:some. See cli:some-fun.

5.7 Lists as Sets

A list can be used to represent an unordered set of objects, simply by using it in a way that ignores the order of the elements. Membership in the set can be tested with memq or member, and some other functions in the previous section also make sense on lists representing sets. This section describes several functions specifically intended for lists that represent sets.

It is often desirable to avoid adding duplicate elements in the list. The set functions attempt to introduce no duplications, but do not attempt to eliminate duplications present in their arguments. If you need to make absolutely certain that a list contains no duplicates, use remove-duplicates or delete-duplicates (see remove-duplicates-fun).

Function: subsetp list1 list2 &key test test-not key

t if every element of list1 matches some element of list2.

The keyword arguments control how matching is done. Either test or test-not should be a function of two arguments. Normally it is called with an element of list1 as the first argument and an element of list2 as the second argument. If test is specified, a match happens when test returns non-nil; otherwise, if test-not is specified, a match happens when it returns nil. If neither is specified, then eql is used for test.

If key is non-nil, it should be a function of one argument. key is applied to each list element to get a key to be passed to test or test-not instead of the element.

Function: adjoin item list &key test test-not key

Returns a list like list but with item as an additional element if no existing element matches item. It is done like this:

(if (cli:member (if key (funcall key item) item)
		list other-args...)
  (cons item list))

The keyword arguments work as in subsetp.

Macro: pushnew item list-place &key test test-not key

Pushes item onto list-place unless item matches an existing element of the value stored in that place. Equivalent to

(setf list-place
      (adjoin item list-place keyword-args...))

except for order of evaluation. Compare with push, push-fun.

Function: union list &rest more-lists

Returns a list representing the set which is the union of the sets represented by the arguments. Anything which is an element of at least one of the arguments is also an element of the result.

Each element of each list is compared, using eq, with all elements of the other lists, to make sure that no duplications are introduced into the result. As long as no individual argument list contains duplications, the result does not either.

It is best to use union with only two arguments so that your code will not be sensitive to the difference between the traditional version of union and the Common Lisp version cli:union, below.

Function: intersection list &rest more-lists

If lists are regarded as sets of their elements, intersection returns a list which is the intersection of the lists which are supplied as arguments. If list contains no duplicate elements, neither does the value returned by intersection. Elements are compared using eq.

It is best to use intersection with only two arguments so that your code will not be sensitive to the difference between the traditional version of intersection and the Common Lisp version cli:intersection, below.

Function: nunion list &rest more-lists

If lists are regarded as sets of their elements, nunion modifies list to become the union of the lists which are supplied as arguments. This is done by adding on, at the end, any elements of the other lists that were not already in list. If none of the arguments contains any duplicate elements, neither does the value returned by nunion. Elements are compared using eq.

It is not safe to assume that list has been modified properly in place, as this will not be so if list is nil. Rather, you must store the value returned by nunion in place of list.

It is best to use nunion with only two arguments so that your code will not be sensitive to the difference between the traditional version of nunion and the Common Lisp version cli:nunion, below.

Function: nintersection list &rest more-lists

Like intersection but produces the value by deleting elements from list until the desired result is reached, and then returning list as modified.

It is not safe to assume that list has been modified properly in place, as this will not be so if the first element was deleted. Rather, you must store the value returned by nintersection in place of list.

It is best to use nintersection with only two arguments so that your code will not be sensitive to the difference between the traditional version of nintersection and the Common Lisp version cli:nintersection, below.

Function: cli:union list1 list2 &key test test-not key
Function: cli:intersection list1 list2 &key test test-not key
Function: cli:nunion list1 list2 &key test test-not key
Function: cli:nintersection list1 list2 &key test test-not key

The Common Lisp versions of the above functions, which accept only two sets to operate on, but permit additional arguments to control how elements are matched. These keyword arguments work the same as in subsetp.

Function: set-difference list1 list2 &key test test-not key

Returns a list which has all the elements of list1 which do not match any element of list2. The keyword arguments control comparison of elements just as in subsetp.

The result contains no duplicate elements as long as list1 contains none.

Function: set-exclusive-or list1 list2 &key test test-not key

Returns a list which has all the elements of list1 which do not match any element of list2, and also all the elements of list2 which do not match any element of list1. The keyword arguments control comparison of elements just as in subsetp.

The result contains no duplicate elements as long as neither list1 nor list2 contains any.

Function: nset-difference list1 list2 &key test test-not key

Like set-difference but destructively modifies list1 to produce the value. See the caveat in nintersection, above.

Function: nset-exclusive-or list1 list2 &key test test-not key

Like set-exclusive-or but may destructively modify both list1 and list2 to produce the value. See the caveat in nintersection, above.

5.8 Association Lists

In all the alist-searching functions, alist elements which are nil are ignored; they do not count as equivalent to (nil . nil). Elements which are not lists cause errors.

Function: pairlis cars cdrs &optional tail

pairlis takes two lists and makes an association list which associates elements of the first list with corresponding elements of the second list.

(pairlis '(beef clams kitty) '(roast fried yu-shiang))
   => ((beef . roast) (clams . fried) (kitty . yu-shiang))

If tail is non-nil, it should be another alist. The new alist continues with tail following the newly constructed mappings.

pairlis is defined as:

(defun pairlis (cars cdrs &optional tail)
  (nconc (mapcar 'cons cars cdrs) tail))
Function: acons acar acdr tail

Returns (cons (cons acar acdr) tail). This adds one additional mapping from acar to acdr onto the alist tail.

Function: assq item alist

(assq item alist) looks up item in the association list (list of conses) alist. The value is the first cons whose car is eq to x, or nil if there is none such.

(assq 'r '((a . b) (c . d) (r . x) (s . y) (r . z)))
	=>  (r . x)

(assq 'fooo '((foo . bar) (zoo . goo))) => nil

(assq 'b '((a b c) (b c d) (x y z))) => (b c d)

It is okay to rplacd the result of assq as long as it is not nil, if your intention is to “update” the “table” that was assq’s second argument.

(setq values '((x . 100) (y . 200) (z . 50)))
(assq 'y values) => (y . 200)
(rplacd (assq 'y values) 201)
(assq 'y values) => (y . 201)

A common trick is to say (cdr (assq x y)). Since the cdr of nil is guaranteed to be nil, this yields nil if no pair is found (or if a pair is found whose cdr is nil.)

assq could have been defined by:
(defun assq (item list)
    (cond ((null list) nil)
          ((eq item (caar list)) (car list))
          ((assq item (cdr list))) ))
Function: assoc item alist

assoc is like assq except that the comparison uses equal instead of eq.

(assoc '(a b) '((x . y) ((a b) . 7) ((c . d) .e)))
	=> ((a b) . 7)

assoc could have been defined by:

(defun assoc (item list)
    (cond ((null list) nil)
          ((equal item (caar list)) (car list))
          ((assoc item (cdr list))) ))
Function: cli:assoc item alist &key test test-not

The Common Lisp version of assoc, this function returns the first element of alist which is a cons whose car matches item, or nil if there is no such element.

test and test-not are used in comparing elements, as in cli:subst (cli:subst-fun), but note that there is no key argument in cli:assoc.

cli:assoc is incompatible with the traditional function assoc in that, like most Common Lisp functions, it uses eql by default rather than equal for the comparison.

Function: ass predicate item alist

ass is the same as assq except that it takes an extra argument which should be a predicate of two arguments, which is used for the comparison instead of eq. (ass 'eq a b) is the same as (assq a b). See also mem, mem-fun.

This function is part of The mem, rem, del series, whose names were chosed partly because they created a situation in which this function simply had to be called ass. It’s too bad that cli:assoc is so general and subsumes ass, which is equivalent to

(cli:assoc item alist :test predicate)
Function: assoc-if predicate alist

Returns the first element of alist which is a cons whose car satisfies predicate, or nil if there is no such element.

Function: assoc-if-not predicate alist

Returns the first element of alist which is a cons whose car does not satisfy predicate, or nil if there is no such element.

Function: memass predicate item alist

memass searches alist just like ass, but returns the portion of the list beginning with the pair containing item, rather than the pair itself. (car (memass x y z)) = (ass x y z). See also mem, mem-fun.

Function: rassq item alist
Function: rassoc item alist
Function: rass predicate item alist
Function: cli:rassoc item alist &key test test-not
Function: rassoc-if predicate alist
Function: rassoc-if-not predicate alist

The reverse-association functions are like assq, assoc, etc but match or test the cdrs of the alist elements instead of the cars. For example, rassq could have been defined by:

(defun rassq (item in-list) 
    (do l in-list (cdr l) (null l) 
      (and (eq item (cdar l)) 
	   (return (car l)))))
Function: sassq item alist fcn

(sassq item alist fcn) is like (assq item alist) except that if item is not found in alist, instead of returning nil, sassq calls the function fcn with no arguments. sassq could have been defined by:

(defun sassq (item alist fcn)
    (or (assq item alist)
        (apply fcn nil)))

sassq and sassoc (see below) are of limited use. These are primarily leftovers from Lisp 1.5.

Function: sassoc item alist fcn

(sassoc item alist fcn) is like (assoc item alist) except that if item is not found in alist, instead of returning nil, sassoc calls the function fcn with no arguments. sassoc could have been defined by:

(defun sassoc (item alist fcn)
    (or (assoc item alist)
        (apply fcn nil)))

5.9 Stack Lists

When you are creating a list that will not be needed any more once the function that creates it is finished, it is possible to create the list on the stack instead of by consing it. This avoids any permanent storage allocation, as the space is reclaimed as part of exiting the function. By the same token, it is a little risky; if any pointers to the list remain after the function exits, they will become meaningless.

These lists are called temporary lists or stack lists. You can create them explicitly using the special forms with-stack-list and with-stack-list*. &rest arguments also sometimes create stack lists.

If a stack list, or a list which might be a stack list, is to be returned or made part of permanent list-structure, it must first be copied (see copylist, copylist-fun). The system cannot detect the error of omitting to copy a stack list; you will simply find that you have a value that seems to change behind your back.

Special Form: with-stack-list (variable element...) body...
Special Form: with-stack-list* (variable element... tail) body...

These special forms create stack lists that live inside the stack frame of the function that they are used in. You should assume that the stack lists are only valid until the special form is exited.

(with-stack-list (foo x y)
  (mumblify foo))
is equivalent to
(let ((foo (list x y)))
  (mumblify foo))

except for the fact that foo’s value in the first example is a stack list.

The list created by with-stack-list* looks like the one created by list*. tail’s value becomes the ultimate cdr rather than an element of the list.

Here is a practical example. condition-resume (see condition-resume-fun) might have been defined as follows:

(defmacro condition-resume (handler &body body)
  `(with-stack-list* (eh:condition-resume-handlers
		       ,handler eh:condition-resume-handlers)
     . ,body))

It is an error to do rplacd on a stack list (except for the tail of one made using with-stack-list*). rplaca works normally.

Condition on sys:rplacd-wrong-representation-type: (error)

This is signaled if you rplacd a stack list (or a list overlayed with an array or other structure).

5.10 Property Lists

From time immemorial, Lisp has had a kind of tabular data structure called a property list (plist for short). A property list contains zero or more entries; each entry associates from a keyword symbol (called the property name, or sometimes the indicator) to a Lisp object (called the value or, sometimes, the property). There are no duplications among the property names; a property-list can have only one property at a time with a given name.

This is very similar to an association list. The important difference is that a property list is an object with a unique identity; the operations for adding and removing property-list entries are side-effecting operations which alter the property-list rather than making a new one. An association list with no entries would be the empty list (), i.e the symbol nil. There is only one empty list, so all empty association lists are the same object. Each empty property-list is a separate and distinct object.

The implementation of a property list is a memory cell containing a list with an even number (possibly zero) of elements. Each pair of elements constitutes a property; the first of the pair is the name and the second is the value. (It would have been possible to use an alist to hold the pairs; this format was chosen when Lisp was young.) The memory cell is there to give the property list a unique identity and to provide for side-effecting operations.

The term ‘property list’ is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to the list of entries inside the property list, rather than the property list itself. This is regrettable and confusing.

How do we deal with “memory cells” in Lisp? That is, what kind of Lisp object is a property list? Rather than being a distinct primitive data type, a property list can exist in one of three forms:

1. Any cons can be used as a property list. The cdr of the cons holds the list of entries (property names and values). Using the cons as a property list does not use the car of the cons; you can use that for anything else.

2. The system associates a property list with every symbol (see symbol-plist-section). A symbol can be used where a property list is expected; the property-list primitives automatically find the symbol’s property list and use it.

3. A flavor instance may have a property list. The property list functions operate on instances by sending messages to them, so the flavor can store the property list any way it likes. See si:property-list-mixin-flavor.

4. A named structure may have a property list. The property list functions automatically call named-structure-invoke when a named structure is supplied as the property list. See named-structure.

5. A property list can be a memory cell in the middle of some data structure, such as a list, an array, an instance, or a defstruct. An arbitrary memory cell of this kind is named by a locative (see locative). Such locatives are typically created with the locf special form (see locf-fun).

Property lists of the first kind are called disembodied property lists because they are not associated with a symbol or other data structure. The way to create a disembodied property list is (ncons nil), or (ncons data) to store data in the car of the property list.

Suppose that, inside a program which deals with blocks, the property list of the symbol b1 contains this list (which would be the value of (symbol-plist 'b1)):

	(color blue on b6 associated-with (b2 b3 b4))

The list has six elements, so there are three properties. The first property’s name is the symbol color, and its value is the symbol blue. One says that “the value of b1’s color property is blue”, or, informally, that “b1’s color property is blue.” The program is probably representing the information that the block represented by b1 is painted blue. Similarly, it is probably representing in the rest of the property list that block b1 is on top of block b6, and that b1 is associated with blocks b2, b3, and b4.

Function: get plist property-name &optional default-value

get looks up plist’s property-name property. If it finds such a property, it returns the value; otherwise, it returns default-value. If plist is a symbol, the symbol’s associated property list is used. For example, if the property list of foo is (baz 3), then

(get 'foo 'baz) => 3
(get 'foo 'zoo) => nil
(get 'foo 'baz t) => 3
(get 'foo 'zoo t) => t
Function: getl plist property-name-list

getl is like get, except that the second argument is a list of property names. getl searches down plist for any of the names in property-name-list, until it finds a property whose name is one of them. If plist is a symbol, the symbol’s associated property list is used. getl returns the portion of the list inside plist beginning with the first such property that it found. So the car of the returned list is a property name, and the cadr is the property value. If none of the property names on property-name-list are on the property list, getl returns nil. For example, if the property list of foo were

(bar (1 2 3) baz (3 2 1) color blue height six-two)


(getl 'foo '(baz height))
  => (baz (3 2 1) color blue height six-two)

When more than one of the names in property-name-list is present in plist, which one getl returns depends on the order of the properties. This is the only thing that depends on that order. The order maintained by putprop and defprop is not defined (their behavior with respect to order is not guaranteed and may be changed without notice).

Function: putprop plist x property-name

This gives plist an property-name-property of x. After this is done, (get plist property-name) returns x. If plist is a symbol, the symbol’s associated property list is used.

(putprop 'nixon t 'crook)

It is more modern to write

(setf (get plist property-name) x)

which avoids the counterintuitive order in which putprop takes its arguments.

Special Form: defprop symbol x property-name

defprop is a form of putprop with unevaluated arguments, which is sometimes more convenient for typing. Normally only a symbol makes sense as the first argument.

(defprop foo bar next-to)

is the same as

(putprop 'foo 'bar 'next-to)
Function: remprop plist property-name

This removes plist’s property-name property, by splicing it out of the property list. It returns that portion of the list inside plist of which the former property-name-property was the car. car of what remprop returns is what get would have returned with the same arguments. If plist is a symbol, the symbol’s associated property list is used. For example, if the property list of foo was

(color blue height six-three near-to bar)


(remprop 'foo 'height) => (six-three near-to bar)

and foo’s property list would be

(color blue near-to bar)

If plist has no property-name-property, then remprop has no side-effect and returns nil.

Macro: getf place property &optional default

Equivalent to (get (locf place) property default), except that getf is defined in Common Lisp, which does not have locf or locatives of any kind.

(setf (getf place property) value) can be used to store properties into the property list at place.

Macro: remf place property

Equivalent to (remprop (locf place) property), except that remf is defined in Common Lisp.

Macro: get-properties place list-of-properties

Like (getl (locf place) list-of-properties) but returns slightly different values. Specifically, it searches the property list for a property name which is memq in list-of-properties, then returns three values:


the property name found


the value of that property


the property list cell found, whose car is propname and whose cadr is value.

If nothing is found, all three values are nil.

It is possible to continue searching down the property list by using cddr of the third value as the argument to another call to get-properties.

5.11 Hash Tables

A hash table is a Lisp object that works something like a property list. Each hash table has a set of entries, each of which associates a particular key with a particular value (or sequence of values). The basic functions that deal with hash tables can create entries, delete entries, and find the value that is associated with a given key. Finding the value is very fast even if there are many entries, because hashing is used; this is an important advantage of hash tables over property lists. Hashing is explained in hash-section.

A given hash table stores a fixed number of values for each key; by default, there is only one value. Each time you specify a new value or sequence of values, the old one(s) are lost.

There are three standard kinds of hash tables, which differ in how they compare keys: with eq, with eql or with equal. In other words, there are hash tables which hash on Lisp objects (using eq or eql) and there are hash tables which hash on trees (using equal).

You can also create a nonstandard hash table with any comparison function you like, as long as you also provide a suitable hash function. Any two objects which would be regarded as the same by the comparison function should produce the same hash code under the hash function. See the :compare-function and :hash-function keywords under make-hash-table, below.

The following discussion refers to the eq kind of hash table; the other kinds are described later, and work analogously.

eq hash tables are created with the function make-hash-table, which takes various options. New entries are added to hash tables with the puthash function. To look up a key and find the associated value(s), the gethash function is used. To remove an entry, use remhash. Here is a simple example.

(setq a (make-hash-table))

(puthash 'color 'brown a)
(puthash 'name 'fred a)

(gethash 'color a) => brown
(gethash 'name a) => fred

In this example, the symbols color and name are being used as keys, and the symbols brown and fred are being used as the associated values. The hash table remembers one value for each key, since we did not specify otherwise, and has two items in it, one of which associates from color to brown, and the other of which associates from name to fred.

Keys do not have to be symbols; they can be any Lisp object. Likewise values can be any Lisp object. Since eq does not work reliably on numbers (except for fixnums), they should not be used as keys in an eq hash table. Use an eql hash table if you want to hash on numeric values.

When a hash table is first created, it has a size, which is the number of entries it has room for. But hash tables which are nearly full become slow to search, so if more than a certain fraction of the entries become in use, the hash table is automatically made larger, and the entries are rehashed (new hash values are recomputed, and everything is rearranged so that the fast hash lookup still works). This is transparent to the caller; it all happens automatically.

The describe function (see describe-fun) prints a variety of useful information when applied to a hash table.

This hash table facility is similar to the hasharray facility of Interlisp, and some of the function names are the same. However, it is not compatible. The exact details and the order of arguments are designed to be consistent with the rest of Zetalisp rather than with Interlisp. For instance, the order of arguments to maphash is different, we do not have the Interlisp “system hash table”, and we do not have the Interlisp restriction that keys and values may not be nil. Note, however, that the order of arguments to gethash, puthash, and remhash is not consistent with the Zetalisp’s get, putprop, and remprop, either. This is an unfortunate result of the haphazard historical development of Lisp.

Hash tables are implemented as instances of the flavor hash-table. The internals of a hash table are subject to change without notice. Hash tables should be manipulated only with the functions and operations described below.

5.11.1 Hash Table Functions

Function: make-hash-table &rest options
Function: make-equal-hash-table &rest options

These functions create new hash tables. make-equal-hash-table creates an equal hash table. make-hash-table normally creates an eq hash table, but this can be overridden by keywords as described below. Valid option keywords are:


Sets the initial size of the hash table, in entries, as a fixnum. The default is 64. The actual size is rounded up from the size you specify to the next size that is good for the hashing algorithm. The number of entries you can actually store in the hash table before it is rehashed is at least the actual size times the rehash threshold (see below).


This keyword is the Common Lisp way to specify the kind of hashing desired. The value must be eq, eql or equal. The one specified is used as the compare function and an appropriate hash function is chosen automatically to go with it.


Specifies a function of two arguments which compares two keys to see if they count as the same for retrieval from this table. For reasonable results, this function should be an equivalence relation. The default is eq. For make-equal-hash-table the default is equal; that is the only difference between that function and make-hash-table.


Specifies a function of one argument which, given a key, computes its hash code. The hash code may be any Lisp object. The purpose of the hash function is to map equivalent keys into identical objects: if two keys would cause the compare function to return non-nil, the hash function must produce identical (eq) hash codes for them.

For an eq hash table, the key itself is a suitable hash code, so no hash function is needed. Then this option’s value should be nil (identity would also work, but slower). nil is the default in make-hash-table. make-equal-hash-table specifies an appropriate function which uses sxhash.


A positive integer which specifies how many values to associate with each key. The default is one.


Specifies the area in which the hash table should be created. This is just like the :area option to make-array (see make-array-fun). Defaults to nil (i.e default-cons-area).


Specifies the function to be used for rehashing when the table becomes full. Defaults to the internal rehashing function that does the usual thing. If you want to write your own rehashing function, you must know all the internals of how hash tables work. These internals are not documented here, as the best way to learn them is to read the source code.


Specifies how much to increase the size of the hash table when it becomes full. This can be a fixnum which is the number of entries to add, or it can be a float which is the ratio of the new size to the old size. The default is 1.3, which causes the table to be made 30% bigger each time it has to grow.


Sets a maximum fraction of the entries which can be in use before the hash table is made larger and rehashed. The default is 0.7s0. Alternately, an integer may be specified. It is the exact number of filled entries at which a rehash should be done. When the rehash happens, if the threshold is an integer it is increased in the same proportion as the table has grown.


If non-nil, this hash table should be rehashed (if that is necessary due to garbage collection) by disk-save. This avoids a delay for rehashing the hash table the first time it is referenced after booting the saved band.


Specifies exactly the size for the hash table. Hash tables used by the microcode for flavor method lookup must be a power of two in size. This differs from :size in that :size is rounded up to a nearly prime number, but :actual-size is used exactly as specified. :actual-size overrides :size.

Function: hash-table-p object

t if object is a hash table.

(hash-table-p object)
is equivalent to
(typep object 'hash-table)

The following functions are equivalent to sending appropriate messages to the hash table.

Function: gethash key hash-table &optional default-value

Finds the entry in hash-table whose key is key, and return the associated value. If there is no such entry, returns default-value. Returns also a second value, which is t if an entry was found or nil if there is no entry for key in this table.

Returns also a third value, a list which overlays the hash table entry. Its car is the key; the remaining elements are the values in the entry. This is how you can access values other than the first, if the hash table contains more than one value per entry.

Function: puthash key value hash-table &rest extra-values

Creates an entry associating key to value; if there is already an entry for key, then replace the value of that entry with value. Returns value. The hash table automatically grows if necessary.

If the hash table associates more than one value with each key, the remaining values in the entry are taken from extra-values.

Function: remhash key hash-table

Removes any entry for key in hash-table. Returns t if there was an entry or nil if there was not.

Function: swaphash key value hash-table &rest extra-values

This specifies new value(s) for key like puthash, but returns values describing the previous state of the entry, just like gethash. It returns the previous (replaced) associated value as the first value, and returns t as the second value if the entry existed previously.

Function: maphash function hash-table &rest extra-args

For each occupied entry in hash-table, call function. The arguments passed to function are the key of the entry, the value(s) of the entry (however many there are), and the extra-args (however many there are).

If the hash table has more than one value per key, all the values, in order, are supplied as successive arguments.

Function: maphash-return function hash-table

Like maphash, but accumulates and returns a list of all the values returned by function when it is applied to the items in the hash table.

Function: clrhash hash-table

Removes all the entries from hash-table. Returns the hash table itself.

Function: hash-table-count hash-table

Returns the number of filled entries in hash-table.

5.11.2 Hash Table Operations

Hash tables are instances, and support the following operations:

Method on hash-table: :size

Returns the number of entries in the hash table. Note that the hash table is rehashed when only a fraction of this many (the rehash threshold) are full.

Method on hash-table: :filled-entries

Returns the number of entries that are currently occupied.

Method on hash-table: :get-hash key
Method on hash-table: :put-hash key &rest values
Method on hash-table: :swap-hash key &rest values
Method on hash-table: :rem-hash key
Method on hash-table: :map-hash function &rest extra-args
Method on hash-table: :map-hash-return function
Method on hash-table: :clear-hash
Method on hash-table: :filled-entries

Are equivalent to the functions gethash, puthash, swaphash, remhash, maphash, maphash-return, clrhash and hash-table-count except that the hash table need not be specified as an argument because it is the object that receives the message. Those functions (documented in the previous section) actually work by invoking these operations.

Method on hash-table: :modify-hash key function &rest additional-args

Passes the value associated with key in the table to function; whatever function returns is stored in the table as the new value for key. Thus, the hash association for key is both examined and updated according to function.

The arguments passed to function are key, the value associated with key, a flag (t if key is actually found in the hash table), and the additional-args that you specify.

If the hash table stores more than one value per key, only the first value is examined and updated.

5.11.3 Hash Tables and the Garbage Collector

The eq type hash tables actually hash on the address of the representation of the object. equal hash tables do so too, if given keys containing unusual objects (other than symbols, numbers, strings and lists of the above). When the copying garbage collector changes the addresses of objects, it lets the hash facility know so that the next gethash will rehash the table based on the new object addresses.

There may eventually be an option to make-hash-table which tells it to make a “non-GC-protecting” hash table. This is a special kind of hash table with the property that if one of its keys becomes garbage, i.e is an object not known about by anything other than the hash table, then the entry for that key will be removed silently from the table. When this option exists it will be documented in this section.

5.11.4 Hash Primitive

Hashing is a technique used in algorithms to provide fast retrieval of data in large tables. A function, known as the hash function, takes an object that might be used as a key, and produces a number associated with that key. This number, or some function of it, can be used to specify where in a table to look for the datum associated with the key. It is always possible for two different objects to hash to the same value; that is, for the hash function to return the same number for two distinct objects. Good hash functions are designed to minimize this by evenly distributing their results over the range of possible numbers. However, hash table algorithms must still deal with this problem by providing a secondary search, sometimes known as a rehash. For more information, consult a textbook on computer algorithms.

Function: sxhash tree &optional ok-to-use-address

sxhash computes a hash code of a tree, and returns it as a fixnum. A property of sxhash is that (equal x y) always implies (= (sxhash x) (sxhash y)). The number returned by sxhash is always a non-negative fixnu. sxhash tries to compute its hash code in such a way that common permutations of an object, such as interchanging two elements of a list or changing one character in a string, always change the hash code.

Here is an example of how to use sxhash in maintaining hash tables of trees:

(defun knownp (x &aux i bkt)    ;look up x in the table
    (setq i (abs (remainder (sxhash x) 176)))
      ;The remainder should be reasonably randomized.
    (setq bkt (aref table i))
      ;bkt is thus a list of all those expressions that
      ;hash into the same number as does x.
    (memq x bkt))

For an “intern” for trees, one could write:

(defun sintern (x &aux bkt i tem)
    (setq i (abs (remainder (sxhash x) 2n-1)))
	;2n-1 stands for a power of 2 minus one.
	;This is a good choice to randomize the
	;result of the remainder operation.
    (setq bkt (aref table i))
    (cond ((setq tem (memq x bkt))
	   (car tem))
	  (t (aset (cons x bkt) table i)

If sxhash is given a named structure or a flavor instance, or if such an object is part of a tree that is sxhash’ed, it asks the object to supply its own hash code by performing the :sxhash operation if the object supports it. This should return a suitable nonnegative hash code. The easiest way to compute one is usually by applying sxhash to one or more of the components of the structure or the instance variables of the instance.

For named structures and flavor instances that do not handle the :sxhash operation, and other unusual kinds of objects, sxhash can optionally use the object’s address as its hash code, if you specify a non-nil second argument. If you use this option, you must be prepared to deal with hash codes changing due to garbage collection.

sxhash provides what is called “hashing on equal”; that is, two objects that are equal are considered to be “the same” by sxhash. If two strings differ only in alphabetic case, sxhash returns the same thing for both of them, making it suitable for equalp hashing as well in some cases.

Therefore, sxhash is useful for retrieving data when two keys that are not the same object but are equal are considered the same. If you consider two such keys to be different, then you need “hashing on eq”, where two different objects are always considered different. In some Lisp implementations, there is an easy way to create a hash function that hashes on eq, namely, by returning the virtual address of the storage associated with the object. But in other implementations, of which Zetalisp is one, this doesn’t work, because the address associated with an object can be changed by the relocating garbage collector. The hash tables created by make-hash-table deal with this problem by using the appropriate subprimitives so that they interface correctly with the garbage collector. If you need a hash table that hashes on eq, it is already provided; if you need an eq hash function for some other reason, you must build it yourself, either using the provided eq hash table facility or carefully using subprimitives.

5.12 Resources

Storage allocation is handled differently by different computer systems. In many languages, the programmer must spend a lot of time thinking about when variables and storage units are allocated and deallocated. In Lisp, freeing of allocated storage is normally done automatically by the Lisp system; when an object is no longer accessible to the Lisp environment, the garbage collector reuses its storage for some other object. This relieves the programmer of a great burden, and makes writing programs much easier.

However, automatic freeing of storage incurs an expense: more computer resources must be devoted to the garbage collector. If a program is designed to allocate temporary storage, which is then left as garbage, more of the computer must be devoted to the collection of garbage; this expense can be high. In some cases, the programmer may decide that it is worth putting up with the inconvenience of having to free storage under program control, rather than letting the system do it automatically, in order to prevent a great deal of overhead from the garbage collector.

It usually is not worth worrying about freeing of storage when the units of storage are very small things such as conses or small arrays. Numbers are not a problem, either; fixnums and short floats do not occupy storage, and the system has a special way of garbage-collecting the other kinds of numbers with low overhead. But when a program allocates and then gives up very large objects at a high rate (or large objects at a very high rate), it can be worthwhile to keep track of that one kind of object manually. Within the Lisp Machine system, there are several programs that are in this position. The Chaosnet software allocates and frees “packets”, which are moderately large, at a very high rate. The window system allocates and frees certain kinds of windows, which are very large, moderately often. Both of these programs manage their objects manually, keeping track of when they are no longer used.

When we say that a program “manually frees” storage, it does not really mean that the storage is freed in the same sense that the garbage collector frees storage. Instead, a list of unused objects is kept. When a new object is desired, the program first looks on the list to see if there is one around already, and if there is it uses it. Only if the list is empty does it actually allocate a new one. When the program is finished with the object, it returns it to this list.

The functions and special forms in this section perform the above function. The set of objects forming each such list is called a resource; for example, there might be a Chaosnet packet resource. defresource defines a new resource; allocate-resource allocates one of the objects; deallocate-resource frees one of the objects (putting it back on the list); and using-resource temporarily allocates an object and then frees it.

5.12.1 Defining Resources

Macro: defresource

The defresource special form is used to define a new resource. The form looks like this:

(defresource name parameters
   keyword value
   keyword value

name should be a symbol; it is the name of the resource and gets a defresource property of the internal data structure representing the resource.

parameters is a lambda-list giving names and default values (if &optional is used) of parameters to an object of this type. For example, if one had a resource of two-dimensional arrays to be used as temporary storage in a calculation, the resource would typically have two parameters, the number of rows and the number of columns. In the simplest case parameters is ().

The documentation string is recorded for (documentation name 'resource) to access. It may be omitted.

The keyword options control how the objects of the resource are made and kept track of. The following keywords are allowed:


The value is either a form or the name of a function. It is responsible for making an object, and will be used when someone tries to allocate an object from the resource and no suitable free objects exist. If the value is a form, it may access the parameters as variables. If it is a function, it is given the internal data structure for the resource and any supplied parameters as its arguments; it will need to default any unsupplied optional parameters. This keyword is required.


The value is the number of objects which the resource data structure should have room, initially, to remember. This is not a hard limit, since the data structure will be made bigger if necessary.


The value is a number (or nil which means 0). This many objects will be made as part of the evaluation of the defresource; thus is useful to set up a pool of free objects during loading of a program. The default is to make no initial copies.

If initial copies are made and there are parameters, all the parameters must be &optional and the initial copies will have the default values of the parameters.


The value is a form or a function as with :constructor. In addition to the parameters, a form here may access the variable object (in the current package). A function gets the object as its second argument, after the data structure and before the parameters. The purpose of the initializer function or form is to clean up the contents of the object before each use. It is called or evaluated each time an object is allocated, whether just constructed or being reused.


The value is a form or a function as with :constructor and sees the same arguments. If this option is specified, the resource system does not keep track of the objects. Instead, the finder must do so. It will be called inside a without-interrupts and must find a usable object somehow and return it.


The value is a form or a function as with :constructor. In addition to the parameters, a form here may access the variable object (in the current package). A function gets the object as its second argument, after the data structure and before the parameters. The job of the matcher is to make sure that the object matches the specified parameters. If no matcher is supplied, the system will remember the values of the parameters (including optional ones that defaulted) that were used to construct the object, and will assume that it matches those particular values for all time. The comparison is done with equal (not eq). The matcher is called inside a without-interrupts.


The job of the checker is to determine whether the object is safe to allocate. The value is a form or a function, as above. In addition to the parameters, a form here may access the variables object and in-use-p (in the current package). A function receives these as its second and third arguments, after the data structure and before the parameters. If no checker is supplied, the default checker looks only at in-use-p; if the object has been allocated and not freed it is not safe to allocate, otherwise it is. The checker is called inside a without-interrupts.

If these options are used with forms (rather than functions), the forms get compiled into functions as part of the expansion of defresource. The functions, whether user-provided or generated from forms, are given names like (:property resource-name si:resource-constructor); these names are not guaranteed not to change in the future.

Most of the options are not used in typical cases. Here is an example:

(defresource two-dimensional-array (rows columns)
	:constructor (make-array (list rows columns)))

Suppose the array was usually going to be 100 by 100, and you wanted to preallocate one during loading of the program so that the first time you needed an array you wouldn’t have to spend the time to create one. You might simply put

(using-resource (foo two-dimensional-array 100 100)

after your defresource, which would allocate a 100 by 100 array and then immediately free it. Alternatively you could write:

(defresource two-dimensional-array
			(&optional (rows 100) (columns 100))
	:constructor (make-array (list rows columns))
	:initial-copies 1)

Here is an example of how you might use the :matcher option. Suppose you wanted to have a resource of two-dimensional arrays, as above, except that when you allocate one you don’t care about the exact size, as long as it is big enough. Furthermore you realize that you are going to have a lot of different sizes and if you always allocated one of exactly the right size, you would allocate a lot of different arrays and would not reuse a pre-existing array very often. So you might write:

(defresource sloppy-two-dimensional-array (rows columns)
    :constructor (make-array (list rows columns))
    :matcher (and ( (array-dimension-n 1 object) rows)
		  ( (array-dimension-n 2 object) columns)))

5.12.2 Allocating Resource Objects

Function: allocate-resource resource-name &rest parameters

Allocates an object from the resource specified by resource-name. The various forms and/or functions given as options to defresource, together with any parameters given to allocate-resource, control how a suitable object is found and whether a new one has to be constructed or an old one can be reused.

Note that the using-resource special form is usually what you want to use, rather than allocate-resource itself; see below.

Function: deallocate-resource resource-name resource-object

Frees the object resource-object, returning it to the free-object list of the resource specified by resource-name.

Macro: using-resource (variable resource parameters...) body...

The body forms are evaluated sequentially with variable bound to an object allocated from the resource named resource, using the given parameters. The parameters (if any) are evaluated, but resource is not.

using-resource is often more convenient than calling allocate-resource and deallocate-resource. Furthermore it is careful to free the object when the body is exited, whether it returns normally or via throw. This is done by using unwind-protect; see unwind-protect-fun.

Here is an example of the use of resources:
(defresource huge-16b-array (&optional (size 1000))
  :constructor (make-array size :type 'art-16b))

(defun do-complex-computation (x y)
  (using-resource (temp-array huge-16b-array)
    ...                               ;Within the body, the array can be used.
    (aset 5 temp-array i)
    ...))                             ;The array is deallocated at the end.
Function: deallocate-whole-resource resource-name

Frees all objects in resource-name. This is like doing deallocate-resource on each one individually. This function is often useful in warm-boot initializations.

Function: map-resource function resource-name &rest extra-args

Calls function on each object created in resource-name. Each time function is called, it receives three fixed arguments, plus whatever extra-args were specified. The three fixed arguments are an object of the resource; t if the object is currently allocated (“in use”); and the resource data structure itself.

Function: clear-resource resource-name

Forgets all of the objects being remembered by the resource specified by resource-name. Future calls to allocate-resource will create new objects. This function is useful if something about the resource has been changed incompatibly, such that the old objects are no longer usable. If an object of the resource is in use when clear-resource is called, an error will be signaled when that object is deallocated.

5.12.3 Accessing the Resource Data Structure

The constructor, initializer, matcher and checker functions receive the internal resource data structure as an argument. This is a named structure array whose elements record the objects both free and allocated, and whose array leader contains sundry other information. This structure should be accessed using the following primitives:

Function: si:resource-object resource-structure index

Returns the index’th object remembered by the resource. Both free and allocated objects are remembered.

Function: si:resource-in-use-p resource-structure index

Returns t if the index’th object remembered by the resource has been allocated and not deallocated. Simply defined resources will not reallocate an object in this state.

Function: si:resource-parameters resource-structure index

Returns the list of parameters from which the index’th object was originally created.

Function: si:resource-n-objects resource-structure

Returns the number of objects currently remembered by the resource. This will include all objects ever constructed, unless clear-resource has been used.

Function: si:resource-parametizer resource-structure

Returns a function, created by defresource, which accepts the supplied parameters as arguments, and returns a complete list of parameter values, including defaults for the optional ones.

5.12.4 Fast Pseudo-Resources

When small temporary data structures are allocated so often that they amount to a considerable drain of storage space, an ordinary resource may be unacceptably slow. Here is a simple technique that provides in such cases nearly all the benefit of a resource while costing nearly nothing. The function read uses it to allocate a buffer for reading tokens of input.

(defvar buffer-for-reuse nil)

(defsubst get-buffer ()
  (or (do (old)
	  ((%store-conditional (locf buffer-for-reuse)
			       (setq old buffer-for-reuse)

(defsubst free-buffer (buffer)
  (setq buffer-for-reuse buffer))

To allocate a buffer for use, do (get-buffer). To free it when you are done with it, call free-buffer. It is assumed that construct-new-buffer is the function which can create a new buffer when there is none available for reuse.

This technique keeps track of at most one buffer which has been freed and may be reused. It is not effective in this simple form when more than one buffer is needed at any given time by one application. In the case of read, only one token is being read in at any time.

It is safe for more than one process to call read because get-buffer is designed to guarantee that a request cannot get a buffer already handed out and not freed. Likewise, nothing terrible happens if there is an error inside read and read is called recursively within the debugger. The only problem is that multiple buffers will be allocated, which means that some of them will be lost. But the cost of this is minor in the cases where this technique is applicable. For example, if two processes are reading files, process switching will probably happen a few times a second, each time costing one buffer not reused. This is insignificant compared to the storage used up for other purposes by reading large amounts of data.

6 Symbols

This chapter discusses the symbol as a Lisp data type. The Lisp system uses symbols as variables and function names, but these applications of symbols are discussed in chapter evaluator-chapter.

6.1 The Value Cell

Each symbol has associated with it a value cell, which refers to one Lisp object. This object is called the symbol’s value, since it is what you get when you evaluate the symbol as a dynamic variable in a program. Variables and how they work are described in variable-section. We also say the the symbol is bound to the object which is its value. The symbols nil and t are always bound to themselves; they may not be assigned, bound, or otherwise used as variables. The same is true of symbols in the keyword package.

The value cell can also be void, referring to no Lisp object, in which case the symbol is said to be void or unbound. This is the initial state of a symbol when it is created. An attempt to evaluate a void symbol causes an error.

Lexical variable bindings are not stored in symbol value cells. The functions in this section have no interaction with lexical bindings.

Function: symeval symbol
Function: symbol-value symbol

symeval is the basic primitive for retrieving a symbol’s value. (symeval symbol) returns symbol’s current binding. This is the function called by eval when it is given a symbol to evaluate. If the symbol is unbound, then symeval signals an error. symbol-value is the Common Lisp name for this function.

Function: set symbol value

set is the primitive for assignment of symbols. The symbol’s value is changed to value; value may be any Lisp object. set returns value.

(set (cond ((eq a b) 'c)
           (t 'd))

either sets c to foo or sets d to foo.

(setf (symeval symbol) value) is a more modern way to do this.

Function: boundp symbol

t if symbol’s value cell is not void.

Function: makunbound symbol

Makes symbol’s value cell void.

(setq a 1)
a => 1
(makunbound 'a)
a => causes an error.

makunbound returns its argument.

Function: value-cell-location symbol

Returns a locative pointer to symbol’s value cell. See the section on locatives (locative). It is preferable to write

(locf (symeval symbol))

which is equivalent, instead of calling this function explicitly.

This is actually the internal value cell; there can also be an external value cell. For details, see the section on closures (closure).

For historical compatibility, value-cell-location of a quoted symbol is recognized specially by the compiler and treated like variable-location (variable-location-fun). However, such usage results in a compiler warning, and eventually this compatibility feature will be removed.

6.2 The Function Cell

Every symbol also has associated with it a function cell. The function cell is similar to the value cell; it refers to a Lisp object. When a function is referred to by name, that is, when a symbol is passed to apply or appears as the car of a form to be evaluated, that symbol’s function cell is used to find its definition, the functional object which is to be applied. For example, when evaluating (+ 5 6), the evaluator looks in +’s function cell to find the definition of +, in this case a compiled function object, to apply to 5 and 6. Maclisp does not have function cells; instead, it looks for special properties on the property list. This is one of the major incompatibilities between the two dialects. Like the value cell, a function cell can be void, and it can be bound or assigned. (However, to bind a function cell you must use the %bind subprimitive; see %bind-fun.) The following functions are analogous to the value-cell-related functions in the previous section.

Function: fsymeval symbol
Function: symbol-function symbol

Returns symbol’s definition, the contents of its function cell. If the function cell is void, fsymeval signals an error. symbol-function is the Common Lisp name for this function.

Function: fset symbol definition

Stores definition, which may be any Lisp object, into symbol’s function cell. It returns definition.

(setf (fsymeval symbol) definition) is a more modern way to do this.

Function: fboundp symbol

nil if symbol’s function cell is void, i.e if symbol is undefined. Otherwise it returns t.

Function: fmakunbound symbol

Causes symbol to be undefined, i.e its function cell to be void. It returns symbol.

Function: function-cell-location symbol

Returns a locative pointer to symbol’s function cell. See the section on locatives (locative). It is preferable to write

(locf (fsymeval symbol))

rather than calling this function explicitly.

Since functions are the basic building block of Lisp programs, the system provides a variety of facilities for dealing with functions. Refer to chapter function-chapter for details.

6.3 The Property List

Every symbol has an associated property list. See plist for documentation of property lists. When a symbol is created, its property list is initially empty.

The Lisp language itself does not use a symbol’s property list for anything. (This was not true in older Lisp implementations, where the print-name, value-cell, and function-cell of a symbol were kept on its property list.) However, various system programs use the property list to associate information with the symbol. For instance, the editor uses the property list of a symbol which is the name of a function to remember where it has the source code for that function, and the compiler uses the property list of a symbol which is the name of a special form to remember how to compile that special form.

Because of the existence of print-name, value, function, and package cells, none of the Maclisp system property names (expr, fexpr, macro, array, subr, lsubr, fsubr, and in former times value and pname) exist in Zetalisp.

Function: plist symbol
Function: symbol-plist

Returns the list which represents the property list of symbol. Note that this is not actually a property list; you cannot do get on it. This value is like what would be the cdr of a property list.

symbol-plist is the Common Lisp name.

Function: setplist symbol list

Sets the list which represents the property list of symbol to list. setplist is to be used with caution (or not at all), since property lists sometimes contain internal system properties, which are used by many useful system functions. Also it is inadvisable to have the property lists of two different symbols be eq, since the shared list structure will cause unexpected effects on one symbol if putprop or remprop is done to the other.

setplist is equivalent to

(setf (plist symbol) list)
Function: property-cell-location symbol

Returns a locative pointer to the location of symbol’s property-list cell. This locative pointer may be passed to get or putprop with the same results as if as symbol itself had been passed. It is preferable to write

(locf (plist symbol))

rather than using this function.

6.4 The Print Name

Every symbol has an associated string called the print-name, or pname for short. This string is used as the external representation of the symbol: if the string is typed in to read, it is read as a reference to that symbol (if it is interned), and if the symbol is printed, print types out the print-name.

If a symbol is uninterned, #: is normally printed as a prefix before the symbol’s print-name. If the symbol is interned, a package prefix may be printed, depending on the current package and how it relates to the symbol’s home package.

For more information, see the sections on the reader (see reader), printer (see printer), and packages (see package).

Function: symbol-name symbol
Function: get-pname symbol

Returns the print-name of the symbol symbol.

(symbol-name 'xyz) => "XYZ"

get-pname is an older name for this function.

6.5 The Package Cell

Every symbol has a package cell which, for interned symbols, is used to point to the package which the symbol belongs to. For an uninterned symbol, the package cell contains nil. For information about packages in general, see the chapter on packages, package. For information about package cells, see symbol-package-cell-discussion.

6.6 Creating Symbols

The functions in this section are primitives for creating symbols. However, before discussing them, it is important to point out that most symbols are created by a higher-level mechanism, namely the reader and the intern function. Nearly all symbols in Lisp are created by virtue of the reader’s having seen a sequence of input characters that looked like the printed representation (p.r) of a symbol. When the reader sees such a p.r, it calls intern (see intern-fun), which looks up the sequence of characters in a big table and sees whether any symbol with this print-name already exists. If it does, read uses the already-existing symbol. If it does not, then intern creates a new symbol and puts it into the table; read uses that new symbol.

A symbol that has been put into such a table is called an interned symbol. Interned symbols are normally created automatically; the first time that someone (such as the reader) asks for a symbol with a given print-name, that symbol is automatically created.

These tables are called packages. For more information, turn to the chapter on packages (package).

An uninterned symbol is a symbol that has not been recorded or looked up in a package. It is used simply as a data object, with no special cataloging. An uninterned symbol prints with a prefix #: when escaping is in use, unless *print-gensym* is nil. This allows uninterned symbols to be distinguishable and to read back in as uninterned symbols. See *print-gensym*-var.

The following functions can be used to create uninterned symbols explicitly.

Function: make-symbol pname &optional permanent-p

Creates a new uninterned symbol, whose print-name is the string pname. The value and function cells are void and the property list is empty. If permanent-p is specified, it is assumed that the symbol is going to be interned and probably kept around forever; in this case it and its pname are put in the proper areas. If permanent-p is nil (the default), the symbol goes in the default area and the pname is not copied. permanent-p is mostly for the use of intern itself.

(setq a (make-symbol "foo")) => foo
(symeval a) => ERROR!

Note that the symbol is not interned; it is simply created and returned.

Function: copysymbol symbol copy-props
Function: copy-symbol symbol copy-props

Returns a new uninterned symbol with the same print-name as symbol. If copy-props is non-nil, then the value and function-definition of the new symbol are the same as those of symbol, and the property list of the new symbol is a copy of symbol’s. If copy-props is nil, then the new symbol’s function and value are void, and its property list is empty.

Function: gensym &optional x

Invents a print-name and creates a new symbol with that print-name. It returns the new, uninterned symbol.

The invented print-name is a prefix (the value of si:*gensym-prefix) followed by the decimal representation of a number (the value of si:*gensym-counter), e.g g0001. The number is increased by one every time gensym is called.

If the argument x is present and is a fixnum, then si:*gensym-counter is set to x. If x is a string or a symbol, then si:*gensym-prefix is set to it, so it becomes the prefix for this and successive calls to gensym. After handling the argument, gensym creates a symbol as it would with no argument.

if	(gensym) => #:g0007
then	(gensym 'foo) => #:foo0008
	(gensym 32.) => #:foo0032
	(gensym) => #:foo0033

Note that the number is in decimal and always has four digits. #: is the prefix normally printed before uninterned symbols.

gensym is usually used to create a symbol which should not normally be seen by the user, and whose print-name is unimportant, except to allow easy distinction by eye between two such symbols. The optional argument is rarely supplied. The name comes from ‘generate symbol’, and the symbols produced by it are often called “gensyms”.

Function: gentemp &optional (prefix "t") (a-package package)

Creates and returns a new symbol whose name starts with prefix, interned in a-package, and distinct from any symbol already present there. This is done by trying names one by one until a name not already in use is found, which may be very slow.

7 Numbers

Zetalisp includes several types of numbers, with different characteristics. Most numeric functions accept any type of numbers as arguments and do the right thing. That is to say, they are generic. In Maclisp, there are generic numeric functions (like plus) and there are specific numeric functions (like +) which only operate on a certain type of number, but are much more efficient. In Zetalisp, this distinction does not exist; both function names exist for compatibility but they are identical. The microprogrammed structure of the machine makes it possible to have only the generic functions without loss of efficiency.

The types of numbers in Zetalisp are:


Fixnums are 25-bit twos-complement binary integers. These are the preferred, most efficient type of number.


Bignums are arbitrary-precision binary integers.


Ratios represent rational numbers exactly as the quotient of two integers, each of which can be a fixnum or a bignum. Ratios with a denominator of one are not normally created, as an integer is returned instead.

single-float or full-size float

Full size floats are floating-point numbers. They have a mantissa of 31 bits and an exponent of 11 bits, providing a precision of about 9 digits and a range of about 10^300. Stable rounding is employed.


Short floats are another form of floating-point number, with a mantissa of 17 bits and an exponent of 8 bits, providing a precision of about 5 digits and a range of about 10^38. Stable rounding is employed. Short floats are useful because, like fixnums, and unlike full-size floats, they don’t require any storage. Computing with short floats is more efficient than with full-size floats because the operations are faster and consing overhead is eliminated.


Complexnums represent complex numbers with a real part and an imaginary part, which can be any type of number except complexnums. (They must be both rational or both floats of the same type). It is impossible to make a complexnum whose real part is rational and whose imaginary part is the intreger zero; it is always changed into a real number. However, it is possible to create complexnums with an imaginary part of 0.0, and such numbers may result from calculations involving complexnums. In fact, 5.0 and 5.0+0.0i are always distinct; they are not eql, and arithmetic operations will never canonicalize a complexnum with floating-point zero imaginary part into a real number.

Generally, Lisp objects have a unique identity; each exists, independent of any other, and you can use the eq predicate to determine whether two references are to the same object or not. Numbers are the exception to this rule; they don’t work this way. The following function may return either t or nil. Its behavior is considered undefined; as this manual is written, it returns t when interpreted but nil when compiled.

(defun foo ()
   (let ((x (float 5)))
     (eq x (car (cons x nil)))))

This is very strange from the point of view of Lisp’s usual object semantics, but the implementation works this way, in order to gain efficiency, and on the grounds that identity testing of numbers is not really an interesting thing to do. So the rule is that the result of applying eq to numbers is undefined, and may return either t or nil on what appear to be two pointers to the same numeric object. The only reasonable ways to compare numbers are = (see =-fun) and eql (eql-fun), and other things (equal or equalp) based on them.

Conversely, fixnums and short floats have the unusual property that they are always eq if they are equal in value. This is because they do not point to storage; the “pointer” field of a fixnum is actually its numeric value, and likewise for short floats. Stylisticly it is better to avoid depending on this, by using eql rather than eq. Also, comparing floats of any sort for exact equality, even with = which is guaranteed to consider only the numeric values, is usually unwise since round-off error can make the answer unpredictable and meaningless.

The distinction between fixnums and bignums is largely transparent to the user. The user simply computes with integers, and the system represents some as fixnums and the rest (less efficiently) as bignums. The system automatically converts back and forth between fixnums and bignums based solely on the size of the integer. There are a few low level functions which only work on fixnums; this fact is noted in their documentation. Also, when using eq on numbers the user needs to be aware of the fixnum/bignum distinction.

Integer computations cannot overflow, except for division by zero, since bignums can be of arbitrary size. Floating-point computations can get exponent overflow or underflow, if the result is too large or small to be represented. Exponent overflow always signals an error. Exponent underflow normally signals an error, and assumes 0.0 as the answer if the user says to proceed from the error. However, if the value of the variable zunderflow is non-nil, the error is skipped and computation proceeds with 0.0 in place of the result that was too small.

When an arithmetic function of more than one argument is given arguments of different numeric types, uniform coercion rules are followed to convert the arguments to a common type, which is also the type of the result (for functions which return a number). When an integer meets a ratio, the result is a ratio. When an integer or ratio meets a float, the result is a float of the same sort. When a short-float meets a full-size float, the result is a full-size float.

If any argument of the arithmetic function is complex, the other arguments are converted to complex. The components of a complex result must be both full-size floats, both small-floats, or both rational; if they differ, the one whose type comes last in that list is converted to match the other. Finally, if the components of the result are rational and the imaginary part is zero, the result is simply the real part. If, however, the components are floats, the value is always complex even if the imaginary part is zero.

Thus if the constants in a numerical algorithm are written as short floats (assuming this provides adequate precision), and if the input is a short float, the computation is done with short floats and the result is a short float, while if the input is a full-size float the computation is done in full precision and the result is a full-size float.

Zetalisp never automatically converts between full-size floats and short floats in the same way as it automatically converts between fixnums and bignums since this would lead either to inefficiency or to unexpected numerical inaccuracies. (When a short float meets a full-size float, the result is a full-size float, but if you use only one type, all the results are of the same type too.) This means that a short float computation can get an exponent overflow error even when the result could have been represented as a full-size float.

Floating-point numbers retain only a certain number of bits of precision; therefore, the results of computations are only approximate. Full-size floats have 31 bits and short floats have 17 bits, not counting the sign. The method of approximation is “stable rounding”. The result of an arithmetic operation is the float which is closest to the exact value. If the exact result falls precisely halfway between two representable floats, the result is rounded down if the least-significant bit is 0, or up if the least-significant bit is 1. This choice is arbitrary but insures that no systematic bias is introduced.

Unlike Maclisp, Zetalisp does not have number declarations in the compiler. Note that because fixnums and short floats require no associated storage they are as efficient as declared numbers in Maclisp. Bignums and full-size floats are less efficient; however, bignum and float intermediate results are garbage-collected in a special way that avoids the overhead of the full garbage collector.

The different types of numbers can be distinguished by their printed representations. If a number has an exponent separated by ‘s’, it is a short float. If a number has an exponent separated by ‘f’, it is a full-size float. A leading or embedded (but not trailing) decimal point, and/or an exponent separated by ‘e’, indicates a float; which kind is controlled by the variable *read-default-float-format*, which is usually set to specify full-size floats. Short floats require a special indicator so that naive users will not accidentally compute with the lesser precision. Fixnums and bignums have similar printed representations since there is no numerical value that has a choice of whether to be a fixnum or a bignum; an integer is a bignum if and only if its magnitude is too big for a fixnum. See the examples on flonum-examples, in the description of what the reader understands.

Variable: zunderflow

When this is nil, floating point exponent underflow is an error. When this is t, exponent underflow proceeds, returning zero as the value. The same thing could be accomplished with a condition handler. However, zunderflow is useful for Maclisp compatibility, and is also faster.

Condition on sys:floating-exponent-overflow: (sys:arithmetic-error error)
Condition on sys:floating-exponent-underflow: (sys:arithmetic-error error)

sys:floating-exponent-overflow is signaled when the result of an arithmetic operation should be a floating point number, but the exponent is too large to be represented in the format to be used for the value. sys:floating-exponent-underflow is signaled when the exponent is too small.

The condition instance provides two additional operations: :function, which returns the arithmetic function that was called, and :small-float-p, which is t if the result was supposed to be a short float.

sys:floating-exponent-overflow provides the :new-value proceed type. It expects one argument, a new value.

sys:floating-exponent-underflow provides the :use-zero proceed type, which expects no argument.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to make the arguments to the operation available. Perhaps someday they will be.

7.1 Numeric Predicates

Function: zerop x

Returns t if x is zero. Otherwise it returns nil. If x is not a number, zerop causes an error. For floats, this only returns t for exactly 0.0 or 0.0s0. For complex numbers, it returns t if both real and imaginary parts are zero.

Function: plusp x

Returns t if its argument is a positive number, strictly greater than zero. Otherwise it returns nil. If x is not a number, plusp causes an error.

Function: minusp x

Returns t if its argument is a negative number, strictly less than zero. Otherwise it returns nil. If x is not a number, minusp causes an error.

Function: oddp number

Returns t if number is odd, otherwise nil. If number is not a fixnum or a bignum, oddp causes an error.

Function: evenp number

Returns t if number is even, otherwise nil. If number is not a fixnum or a bignum, evenp causes an error.

Special Form: signp test x

Tests the sign of a number. signp is present only for Maclisp compatibility and is not recommended for use in new programs. signp returns t if x is a number which satisfies the test, nil if it is not a number or does not meet the test. test is not evaluated, but x is. test can be one of the following:


x < 0


x lessOrEqual 0


x = 0


x notEquals 0


x greaterOrEqual 0


x > 0

(signp ge 12) => t
(signp le 12) => nil
(signp n 0) => nil
(signp g 'foo) => nil

See also the data-type predicates integerp, rationalp, realp, complexp, floatp, bigp, small-floatp, and numberp (fixp-fun).

7.2 Numeric Comparisons

All of these functions require that their arguments be numbers; they signal an error if given a non-number. Equality tests work on all types of numbers, automatically performing any required coercions (as opposed to Maclisp in which generally only the spelled-out names work for all kinds of numbers). Ordering comparisons allow only real numbers, since they are meaningless on complex numbers.

Function: = &rest numbers

Returns t if all the arguments are numerically equal. They need not be of the same type; 1 and 1.0 are considered equal. Character objects are also allowed, and in effect coerced to integers for comparison.

See also eql, eql-fun, which insists that both the type and the value match when its arguments are numbers.

Function: > &rest numbers
Function: greaterp &rest numbers

> compares each pair of successive arguments. If any argument is not greater than the next, > returns nil. But if the arguments are monotonically strictly decreasing, the result is t. Zero arguments are always monotonically decreasing, and so is a single argument.

(>) => t
(> 3) => t
(> 4 3) => t
(> 4 3 2 1 0) => t
(> 4 3 1 2 0) => nil

greaterp is the Maclisp name for this function.

Function: >= &rest numbers
Function: greaterOrEqual &rest numbers

greaterOrEqual compares each pair of successive arguments. If any argument is less than the next, greaterOrEqual returns nil. But if the arguments are monotonically decreasing or equal, the result is t.

>= is the Common Lisp name for this function.

Function: < &rest numbers
Function: lessp &rest numbers

< compares each pair of successive arguments. If any argument is not less than the next, < returns nil. But if the arguments are monotonically strictly increasing, the result is t.

(<) => t
(< 3) => t
(< 3 4) => t
(< 1 1) => nil
(< 0 1 2 3 4) => t
(< 0 1 3 2 4) => nil

lessp is the Maclisp name for this function.

Function: <= &rest numbers
Function: lessOrEqual &rest numbers

lessOrEqual compares its arguments from left to right. If any argument is greater than the next, lessOrEqual returns nil. But if the arguments are monotonically increasing or equal, the result is t.

<= is the Common Lisp name for this function.

Function: notEquals &rest numbers
Function: //= &rest numbers

t if no two arguments are numerically equal. This is the same as (not (= ...)) when there are two arguments, but not when there are more than two.

With zero or one argument, the value is always t, since there is no pair of arguments that fail to be equal.

//= is the Common Lisp name for this function. In Common Lisp syntax, it would be written /=.

Function: max &rest one-or-more-args

Returns the largest of its arguments, which must not be complex.

(max 1 3 2) => 3

max requires at least one argument.

Function: min &rest one-or-more-args

Returns the smallest of its arguments, which must not be complex.

(min 1 3 2) => 1

min requires at least one argument.

7.3 Arithmetic

All of these functions require that their arguments be numbers, and signal an error if given a non-number. They work on all types of numbers, automatically performing any required coercions (as opposed to Maclisp, in which generally only the spelled-out versions work for all kinds of numbers, and the ‘$’ versions are needed for floats).

Function: + &rest args
Function: plus &rest args
Function: +$ &rest args

Returns the sum of its arguments. If there are no arguments, it returns 0, which is the identity for this operation.

plus and $+ are Maclisp names, supported for compatibility.

Function: - arg &rest args
Function: -$ arg &rest args

With only one argument, - returns the negative of its argument. With more than one argument, - returns its first argument minus all of the rest of its arguments.

(- 1) => -1
(- -3.0) => 3.0
(- 3 1) => 2
(- 9 2 1) => 6

-$ is a Maclisp name, supported for compatibility.

Function: minus x

Returns the negative of x, just like - with one argument.

Function: difference arg &rest args

Returns its first argument minus all of the rest of its arguments. If there are at least two arguments, difference is equivalent to -.

Function: abs x

Returns |x|, the absolute value of the number x. abs for real numbers could have been defined as

(defun abs (x)
    (cond ((minusp x) (minus x))
	  (t x)))

abs of a complex number could be computed, though imprecisely, as

(sqrt (^ (realpart x) 2) (^ (imagpart x) 2))
Function: * &rest args
Function: times &rest args
Function: *$ &rest args

Returns the product of its arguments. If there are no arguments, it returns 1, which is the identity for this operation.

times and *$ are Maclisp names, supported for compatibility.

Function: // arg &rest args
Function: //$ arg &rest args

With more than one argument, // it returns the first argument divided by all of the rest of its arguments. With only one argument, (// x) is the same as (// 1 x).

The name of this function is written // rather than / because / is the escape character in traditional Lisp syntax and must be escaped in order to suppress that significance. //$ is a Maclisp name, supported for compatibility.

// of two integers returns an integer even if the mathematically correct value is not an integer. More precisely, the value is the same as the first value returned by truncate (see below). This will eventually be changed, and then the value will be a ratio if necessary so that the it is mathematically correct. All code that relies on // to return an integer value rather than a ratio should be converted to use truncate (or floor or ceiling, which may simplify the code further). In the mean time, use the function cli:// if you want a rational result.

(// 3 2) => 1       ;Fixnum division truncates.
(// 3 -2) => -1
(// -3 2) => -1
(// -3 -2) => 1
(// 3 2.0) => 1.5
(// 3 2.0s0) => 1.5s0
(// 4 2) => 2
(// 12. 2. 3.) => 2
(// 4.0) => .25
Function: quotient arg &rest args

Returns the first argument divided by all of the rest of its arguments. When there are two or more arguments, quotient is equivalent to //.

Function: cli:// number &rest numbers

This is the Common Lisp division function. It is like // except that it uses exact rational division when the arguments are integers.

// will someday be changed to divide integers exactly. Then there will no longer be a distinct function cli://; that name will become equivalent to //.

Note that in Common Lisp syntax you would write just / rather than cli://.

There are four functions for “integer division”, the sort which produces a quotient and a remainder. They differ in how they round the quotient to an integer, and therefore also in the sign of the remainder. The arguments must be real, since ordering is needed to compute the value. The quotient is always an integer, but the arguments and remainder need not be.

Function: floor x &optional (y 1)

floor’s first value is the largest integer less than or equal to the quotient of x divided by y.

The second value is the remainder, x minus y times the first value. This has the same sign as y (or may be zero), regardless of the sign of x.

With one argument, floor’s first value is the largest integer less than or equal to the argument.

Function: ceiling x &optional (y 1)

ceiling’s first value is the smallest integer greater than or equal to the quotient of x divided by y.

The second value is the remainder, x minus y times the first value. This has the opposite sign from y (or may be zero), regardless of the sign of x.

With one argument, ceiling’s first value is the smallest integer greater than or equal to the argument.

Function: truncate x &optional (y 1)

truncate is the same as floor if the arguments have the same sign, ceiling if they have opposite signs. truncate is the function that the divide instruction on most computers implements.

truncate’s first value is the nearest integer, in the direction of zero, to the quotient of x divided by y.

The second value is the remainder, x minus y times the first value. This has the same sign as x (or may be zero).

Function: round x &optional (y 1)

round’s first value is the nearest integer to the quotient of x divided by y. If the quotient is midway between two integers, the even integer of the two is used.

The second value is the remainder, x minus y times the first value. The sign of this remainder cannot be predicted from the signs of the arguments alone.

With one argument, round’s first value is the integer nearest to the argument.

Here is a table which clarifies the meaning of floor, ceiling, truncate and round with one argument:

           floor   ceiling   truncate    round

  2.6        2         3         2         3
  2.5        2         3         2         2
  2.4        2         3         2         2
  0.7        0         1         0         1
  0.3        0         1         0         0
 -0.3       -1         0         0         0
 -0.7       -1         0         0        -1
 -2.4       -3        -2        -2        -2
 -2.5       -3        -2        -2        -2
 -2.5       -3        -2        -2        -2
 -2.6       -3        -2        -2        -3

There are two kinds of remainder function, which differ in the treatment of negative numbers. The remainder can also be obtained as the second value of one of the integer division functions above, but if only the remaineder is desired it is simpler to use these functions.

Function: \ x y
Function: remainder x y
Function: cli:rem x y

Returns the remainder of x divided by y. x and y must be integers (fixnums or bignums). This is the same as the second value of (truncate x y). Only the absolute value of the divisor is relevant.

(\ 3 2) => 1
(\ -3 2) => -1
(\ 3 -2) => 1
(\ -3 -2) => -1

Common Lisp gives this function the name rem, but since rem in traditional Zetalisp is a function to remove elements from lists (see rem-fun), the name rem is defined to mean remainder only in Common Lisp programs. Note that the name \ would have to be written as \\ in Common Lisp syntax; but the function \ is not standard Common Lisp.

Function: mod number divisor

Returns the root of number modulo divisor. This is a number between 0 and divisor, or possibly 0, whose difference from number is a multiple of divisor. It is the same as the second value of (floor number divisor). Examples:

(mod 2 5)  =>  2
(mod -2 5)  =>  3
(mod -2 -5)  =>  -2
(mod 2 -5)  =>  -3

There are four “floating point integer division” functions. These produce a result which is a floating point number whose value is exactly integral.

Function: ffloor x &optional (y 1)
Function: fceiling x &optional (y 1)
Function: ftruncate x &optional (y 1)
Function: fround x &optional (y 1)

Like floor, ceiling, truncate and round except that the first value is converted from an integer to a float. If x is a float, then the result is the same type of float as x.

Condition on sys:divide-by-zero: (sys:arithmetic-error error)

Dividing by zero, using any of the above division functions, signals this condition. The :function operation on the condition instance returns the name of the division function. The :dividend operation may be available to return the number that was divided.

Function: 1+ x
Function: add1 x
Function: 1+$ x

(1+ x) is the same as (+ x 1). The other two names are for Maclisp compatibility.

Function: 1- x
Function: sub1 x
Function: 1-$ x

(1- x) is the same as (- x 1). Note that the short name may be confusing: (1- x) does not mean 1-x; rather, it means x-1. The names sub1 and 1-$ are for Maclisp compatibility.

Function: gcd &rest integers
Function: \\ &rest integers

Returns the greatest common divisor of all its arguments, which must be integers. With one argument, the value is that argument. With no arguments, the value is zero.

In Common Lisp syntax \\ would be written as \\\\, but only the name gcd is valid in strict Common Lisp.

Function: lcm integer &rest more-integers

Returns the least common multiple of the specified integers.

Function: expt x y
Function: ^ x y
Function: ^$ x y

Returns x raised to the y’th power. The result is rational (and possibly an integer) if x is rational and y an integer. If the exponent is an integer a repeated-squaring algorithm is used; otherwise the result is (exp (* y (log x))).

If y is zero, the result is (+ 1 (* x y)); this is equal to one, but its type depends on those of x and y.

Condition on sys:zero-to-negative-power: (sys:arithmetic-error error)

This condition is signaled when expt’s first argument is zero and the second argument is negative.

Function: sqrt x

Returns the square root of x. A mathematically unavoidable discontinuity occurs for negative real arguments, for which the value returned is a positive real times i.

(sqrt 4) => 2
(sqrt -4) => 0+2i
(sqrt -4+.0001i) => .00005+2i (approximately)
(sqrt -4-.0001i) => .00005-2i (approximately)
Function: isqrt x

Integer square-root. x must be an integer; the result is the greatest integer less than or equal to the exact square root of x.

Function: *dif x y
Function: *plus x y
Function: *quo x y
Function: *times x y

These are the internal microcoded arithmetic functions. There is no reason why anyone should need to write code with these explicitly, since the compiler knows how to generate the appropriate code for plus, +, etc. These names are only here for Maclisp compatibility.

Function: %div dividend divisor

The internal division function used by cli://, it was available before cli:// was and may therefore be used in some programs. It takes exactly two arguments. Uses of %div should be changed to use cli://.

7.4 Complex Number Functions

See also the predicates realp and complexp (complexp-fun).

Function: complex x &optional y

Returns the complex number whose real part is x and whose imaginary part is y.

If x is rational and y is zero or omitted, the value is x, and not a complex number at all. If x is a float and y is zero or omitted, of if y is a floating zero, the result is a complexnum whose imaginary part is zero.

Function: realpart z

Returns the real part of the number z. If z is real, this is the same as z.

Function: imagpart z

Returns the imaginary part of the number z. If z is real, this is zero.

Function: conjugate z

Returns the complex conjugate of the number z. If z is real, this is the same as z.

Function: phase z

Returns the phase angle of the complex number z in its polar form. This is the angle from the positive x axis to the ray from the origin through z. The value is always in the interval (-pi, pi].

(phase -4) => pi
(phase -4-.0001i) is just over -pi.
(phase 0) => 0 (an arbitrary choice)
Function: cis angle

Returns the complex number of unit magnitude whose phase is angle. This is equal to (complex (cos angle) (sin angle)). angle must be real.

Function: signum z

Returns a number with unit magnitude and the same type and phase as z. If z is zero, the value is zero.

If z is real, the value is = to 1 or -1; it may be a float, however.

7.5 Transcendental Functions

These functions are only for floating-point arguments; if given an integer they convert it to a float. If given a short float, they return a short float.

Constant: pi

The value of pi, as a full-size float.

Function: exp x

Returns e raised to the x’th power, where e is the base of natural logarithms.

Function: log x &optional base

Returns the logarithm of x to base base. base defaults to e. When base is e, the imaginary part of the value is in the interval (-pi, pi]; for negative real x, the value has imaginary part pi.

If base is specified, the result is

(// (log x) (log base))
Condition on sys:zero-log: (sys:arithmetic-error error)

This is signaled when the argument to log is zero.

Function: sin x
Function: cos x
Function: tan x

Return, respectively, the sine, cosine and tangent of x, where x is expressed in radians. x may be complex.

Function: sind x
Function: cosd x
Function: tand x

Return, respectively, the sine, cosine and tangent of x, where x is expressed in degrees.

Function: asin x
Function: acos x

Returns the angle (in radians) whose sine (respectively, cosine) is x. The real part of the result of asin is between -pi/2 and pi/2; acos and asin of any given argument always add up to pi/2.

Function: atan y &optional x

If only y is given, the value is the angle, in radians, whose tangent is y. The real part of the result is between zero and -pi.

If x is also given, both arguments must be real, and the value is an angle, in radians, whose tangent is y/x. However, the signs of the two arguments are used to choose between two angles which differ by pi and have the same tangent. The one chosen is the angle from the x-axis counterclockwise to the line from the origin to the point (x, y).

atan always returns a non-negative number between zero and 2pi.

Function: atan2 y &optional x
Function: cli:atan y &optional x

Like atan but always returns a value whose real part is between -pi/2 and pi/2. The value is either the same as the value of atan or differs from it by pi.

atan2 is the traditional name of this function. In Common Lisp it is called atan; it is documented as cli:atan since the name atan has a different meaning in traditional syntax.

Function: sinh x
Function: cosh x
Function: tanh x
Function: asinh x
Function: acosh x
Function: atanh x

The hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions.

7.6 Numeric Type Conversions

These functions are provided to allow specific conversions of data types to be forced, when desired.

Function: float number &optional float

Converts number to a floating point number and returns it.

If float is specified, the result is of the same floating point format as float. If number is a float of a different format then it is converted.

If float is omitted, then number is converted to a single-float unless it is already a floating point number.

A complex number is converted to one whose real and imaginary parts are full-size floats unless they are already both floats.

Function: small-float x
Function: short-float x

Converts any kind of real number to a short-float. A complex number is converted to one whose real and imaginary parts are short floats. The two names are synonymous.

Function: numerator x

Returns the numerator of the rational number x. If x is an integer, the value equals x. If x is not an integer or ratio, an error is signaled.

Function: denominator x

Returns the denominator of the rational number x. If x is an integer, the value is 1. If x is not an integer or ratio, an error is signaled.

Function: rational x

Converts x to a rational number. If x is an integer or a ratio, it is returned unchanged. If it is a floating point number, it is regarded as an exact fraction whose numerator is the mantissa and whose denominator is a power of two. For any other argument, an error is signaled.

Function: rationalize x &optional precision

Returns a rational approximation to x.

If there is only one argument, and it is an integer or a ratio, it is returned unchanged. If the argument is a floating point number, a rational number is returned which, if converted to a floating point number, would produce the original argument. Of all such rational numbers, the one chosen has the smallest numerator and denominator.

If there are two arguments, the second one specifies how much precision of the first argument should be considered significant. precision can be a positive integer (the number of bits to use), a negative integer (the number of bits to drop at the end), or a floating point number (minus its exponent is the number of bits to use).

If there are two arguments and the first is rational, the value is a “simpler” rational which approximates it.

Function: fix x

Converts x from a float or ratio to an integer, truncating towards negative infinity. The result is a fixnum or a bignum as appropriate. If x is already a fixnum or a bignum, it is returned unchanged.

fix is the same as floor except that floor returns an additional value. fix is semi-obsolete, since the functions floor, ceiling, truncate and round provide four different ways of converting numbers to integers with different kinds of rounding.

Function: fixr x

fixr is the same as round except that round returns an additional value. fixr is considered obsolete.

7.7 Floating Point Numbers

Function: decode-float float

Returns three values which describe the value of float.

The first value is a positive float of the same format having the same mantissa, but with an exponent chosen to make it between 1/2 and 1, less than 1.

The second value is the exponent of float: the power of 2 by which the first value needs to be scaled in order to get float back.

The third value expresses the sign of float. It is a float of the same format as float, whose value is either 1 or -1. Example:

(decode-float 38.2)
  =>  0.596875   6   1.0
Function: integer-decode-float float

Like decode-float except that the first value is scaled so as to make it an integer, and the second value is modified by addition of a constant to compensate.

(integer-decode-float 38.2)
  =>  #o11431463146   -25.   1.0
Function: scale-float float integer

Multiplies float by 2 raised to the integer power. float can actually be an integer also; it is converted to a float and then scaled.

(scale-float 0.596875 6)  =>  38.2
(scale-float #o11431463146 -25.)  =>  38.2
Function: float-sign float1 &optional float2

Returns a float whose sign matches that of float1 and whose magnitude and format are those of float2. If float2 is omitted, 1.0 is used as the magnitude and float1’s format is used.

(float-sign -1.0s0 35.3)  =>  -35.3
(float-sign -1.0s0 35.3s0)  =>  -35.3s0
Function: float-radix float

Defined by Common Lisp to return the radix used for the exponent in the format used for float. On the Lisp Machine, floating point exponents are always powers of 2, so float-radix ignores its argument and always returns 2.

Function: float-digits float

Returns the number of bits of mantissa in the floating point format which float is an example of. It is 17 for short floats and 31 for full size ones.

Function: float-precision float

Returns the number of significant figures present in in the mantissa of float. This is always the same as (float-digits float) for normalized numbers, and on the Lisp Machine all floats are normalized, so the two functions are the same.

7.8 Logical Operations on Numbers

Except for lsh and rot, these functions operate on both fixnums and bignums. lsh and rot have an inherent word-length limitation and hence only operate on 25-bit fixnums. Negative numbers are operated on in their 2’s-complement representation.

Function: logior &rest integers

Returns the bit-wise logical inclusive or of its arguments. With no arguments, the value is zero, which is the identity for this operation.

Example (in octal):
(logior #o4002 #o67) => #o4067
Function: logand &rest integers

Returns the bit-wise logical and of its arguments. With no arguments, the value is -1, which is the identity for this operation.

Examples (in octal):
(logand #o3456 #o707) => #o406
(logand #o3456 #o-100) => #o3400
Function: logxor &rest integers

Returns the bit-wise logical exclusive or of its arguments. With no arguments, the value is zero, which is the identity for this operation.

Example (in octal):
(logxor #o2531 #o7777) => #o5246
Function: logeqv &rest integers

Combines the integers together bitwise using the equivalence operation, which, for two arguments, is defined to result in 1 if the two argument bits are equal. This operation is asociative. With no args, the value is -1, which is an identity for the equivalence operation.

Example (in octal):
(logeqv #o2531 #o7707) => #o-5237 = ...77772541

Non-associative bitwise operations take only two arguments:

Function: lognand integer1 integer2

Returns the bitwise-nand of the two arguments. A bit of the result is 1 if at least one of the corresponding argument bits is 0.

Function: lognor integer1 integer2

Returns the bitwise-nor of the two arguments. A bit of the result is 1 if both of the corresponding argument bits are 0.

Function: logorc1 integer1 integer2

Returns the bitwise-or of integer2 with the complement of integer1.

Function: logorc2 integer1 integer2

Returns the bitwise-or of integer1 with the complement of integer2.

Function: logandc1 integer1 integer2

Returns the bitwise-and of integer2 with the complement of integer1.

Function: logandc2 integer1 integer2

Returns the bitwise-and of integer1 with the complement of integer2.

Function: lognot number

Returns the logical complement of number. This is the same as logxor’ing number with -1.

(lognot #o3456) => #o-3457
Function: boole fn &rest one-or-more-args

boole is the generalization of logand, logior, and logxor. fn should be a fixnum between 0 and 17 octal inclusive; it controls the function which is computed. If the binary representation of fn is abcd (a is the most significant bit, d the least) then the truth table for the Boolean operation is as follows:

   | 0  1
  0| a  c
x  |
  1| b  d

If boole has more than three arguments, it is associated left to right; thus,

(boole fn x y z) = (boole fn (boole fn x y) z)

With two arguments, the result of boole is simply its second argument. At least two arguments are required.

(boole 1 x y) = (logand x y)
(boole 6 x y) = (logxor x y)
(boole 2 x y) = (logand (lognot x) y)

logand, logior, and so on are usually preferred over the equivalent forms of boole. boole is useful when the operation to be performed is not constant.

Constant: boole-ior
Constant: boole-and
Constant: boole-xor
Constant: boole-eqv
Constant: boole-nand
Constant: boole-nor
Constant: boole-orc1
Constant: boole-orc2
Constant: boole-andc1
Constant: boole-andc2

The boole opcodes that correspond to the functions logior, logand, etc.

Constant: boole-clr
Constant: boole-set
Constant: boole-1
Constant: boole-2

The boole opcodes for the four trivial operations. Respectively, they are those which always return zero, always return one, always return the first argument, and always return the second argument.

Function: bit-test x y
Function: logtest x y

bit-test is a predicate which returns t if any of the bits designated by the 1’s in x are 1’s in y. bit-test is implemented as a macro which expands as follows:

(bit-test x y) ==> (not (zerop (logand x y)))

logtest is the Common Lisp name for this function.

Function: lsh x y

Returns x shifted left y bits if y is positive or zero, or x shifted right |y| bits if y is negative. Zero bits are shifted in (at either end) to fill unused positions. x and y must be fixnums. (In some applications you may find ash useful for shifting bignums; see below.)

(lsh 4 1) => #o10
(lsh #o14 -2) => 3
(lsh -1 1) => -2
Function: ash x y

Shifts x arithmetically left y bits if y is positive, or right -y bits if y is negative. Unused positions are filled by zeroes from the right, and by copies of the sign bit from the left. Thus, unlike lsh, the sign of the result is always the same as the sign of x. If x is a fixnum or a bignum, this is a shifting operation. If x is a float, this does scaling (multiplication by a power of two), rather than actually shifting any bits.

Function: rot x y

Returns x rotated left y bits if y is positive or zero, or x rotated right |y| bits if y is negative. The rotation considers x as a 25-bit number (unlike Maclisp, which considers x to be a 36-bit number in both the pdp-10 and Multics implementations). x and y must be fixnums. (There is no function for rotating bignums.)

(rot 1 2) => 4
(rot 1 -2) => #o20000000
(rot -1 7) => -1
(rot #o15 25.) => #o15
Function: logcount integer

Returns the number of 1 bits in integer, if it is positive. Returns the number of 0 bits in integer, if it is negative. (There are infinitely many 1 bits in a negative integer.)

(logcount #o15)  =>  3
(logcount #o-15)  =>  2
Function: integer-length integer

The minimum number of bits (aside from sign) needed to represent integer in two’s complement. This is the same as haulong for positive numbers.

(integer-length 0) => 0
(integer-length 7) => 3
(integer-length 8) => 4
(integer-length -7) => 3
(integer-length -8) => 3
(integer-length -9) => 4
Function: haulong integer

The same as integer-length of the absolute value of integer. This name exists for Maclisp compatibility only.

Function: haipart x n

Returns the high n bits of the binary representation of |x|, or the low -n bits if n is negative. x may be a fixnum or a bignum; its sign is ignored. haipart could have been defined by:

(defun haipart (x n)
  (setq x (abs x))
  (if (minusp n)
      (logand x (1- (ash 1 (- n))))
      (ash x (min (- n (haulong x))

7.9 Byte Manipulation Functions

Several functions are provided for dealing with an arbitrary-width field of contiguous bits appearing anywhere in an integer (a fixnum or a bignum). Such a contiguous set of bits is called a byte. Note that we are not using the term byte to mean eight bits, but rather any number of bits within a number. These functions use numbers called byte specifiers to designate a specific byte position within any word. A byte specifier contains two pieces of information: the size of the byte, and the position of the byte. The position is expressed as the number of least significant bits which are not included in the byte. A position of zero means that the byte is at the right (least significant) end of the number.

The maximum value of the size is 24, since a byte must fit in a fixnum although bytes can be loaded from and deposited into bignums. (Bytes are always positive numbers.)

Byte specifiers are represented as fixnums whose two lowest octal digits represent the size of the byte, and whose higher (usually two, but sometimes more) octal digits represent the position of the byte within a number. For example, the byte-specifier #o0010 (i.e 10 octal) refers to the lowest eight bits of a word, and the byte-specifier #o1010 refers to the next eight bits. The format of byte-specifiers is taken from the pdp-10 byte instructions.

Much old code contains byte specifiers written explicitly as octal numbers. It is cleaner to construct byte specifiers using byte instead. Decomposition of byte specifiers should always be done with byte-position and byte-size, as at some time in the future other kinds of byte specifiers may be created to refer to fields whose size is greater than #o77.

Function: byte size position

Returns a byte specifier for the byte of size bits, positioned to exclude the position least significant bits. This byte specifier can be passed as the first argument to ldb, dpb, %logldb, %logdpb, mask-field, %p-ldb, %p-ldb-offset, and so on.

Function: byte-position byte-spec
Function: byte-size byte-spec

Return, respectively, the size and the position of byte-spec. It is always true that

(byte (byte-size byte-spec) (byte-position byte-spec))

equals byte-spec.

Function: ldb byte-spec integer

Extracts a byte from integer according to byte-soec. The contents of this byte are returned right-justified in a fixnum. The name of the function, ldb, means ‘load byte’. integer may be a fixnum or a bignum. The returned value is always a fixnum.

(ldb (byte 6 3) #o4567) => #o56
Function: load-byte integer position size

This is like ldb except that instead of using a byte specifier, the position and size are passed as separate arguments. The argument order is not analogous to that of ldb so that load-byte can be compatible with Maclisp.

Function: ldb-test byte-spec integer

ldb-test is a predicate which returns t if any of the bits designated by the byte specifier byte-spec are 1’s in integer. That is, it returns t if the designated field is non-zero. ldb-test is implemented as a macro which expands as follows:

(ldb-test byte-spec integer) ==> (not (zerop (ldb byte-spec integer)))
Function: logbitp index integer

t if the bit index up from the least significant in integer is a 1. This is equivalent to (ldb-test (byte index 1) integer).

Function: mask-field byte-spec fixnum

This is similar to ldb; however, the specified byte of fixnum is positioned in the same byte of the returned value. The returned value is zero outside of that byte. fixnum must be a fixnum.

(mask-field (byte 6 3) #o4567) => #o560
Function: dpb byte byte-spec integer

Returns a number which is the same as integer except in the bits specified by byte-spec. The low bits of byte, appropriately many, are placed in those bits. byte is interpreted as being right-justified, as if it were the result of ldb. integer may be a fixnum or a bignum. The name means ‘deposit byte’.

(dpb #o23 (byte 6 3) #o4567) => #o4237
Function: deposit-byte integer position size byte

This is like dpb except that instead of using a byte specifier, the position and size are passed as separate arguments. The argument order is not analogous to that of dpb so that deposit-byte can be compatible with Maclisp.

Function: deposit-field byte byte-spec fixnum

This is like dpb, except that byte is not taken to be left-justified; the byte-spec bits of byte are used for the byte-spec bits of the result, with the rest of the bits taken from fixnum. fixnum must be a fixnum.

(deposit-field #o230 (byte 6 3) #o4567) => #o4237

The behavior of the following two functions depends on the size of fixnums, and so functions using them may not work the same way on future implementations of Zetalisp. Their names start with % because they are more like machine-level subprimitives than the previous functions.

Function: %logldb byte-spec fixnum

%logldb is like ldb except that it only loads out of fixnums and allows a byte size of 25, i.e all 25 bits of the fixnum including the sign bit.

Function: %logdpb byte byte-spec fixnum

%logdpb is like dpb except that it only deposits into fixnums. Using this to change the sign-bit leaves the result as a fixnum, while dpb would produce a bignum result for arithmetic correctness. %logdpb is good for manipulating fixnum bit-masks such as are used in some internal system tables and data-structures.

7.10 Random Numbers

The functions in this section provide a pseudo-random number generator facility. The basic function you use is random, which returns a new pseudo-random number each time it is called.

Function: random &optional number random-state

Returns a randomly generated number. If number is specified, the random number is of the same type as number (floating if number is floating, etc), nonnegative, and less than number.

If number is omitted, the result is a randomly chosen fixnum, with all fixnums being equally likely.

If random-state is present, it is used and updated in generating the random number. Otherwise, the default random-state (the value of *random-state*) is used (and is created if it doesn’t already exist). The algorithm is executed inside a without-interrupts (see without-interrupts-fun) so two processes can use the same random-state without colliding.

Function: si:random-in-range low high

Returns a random float in the interval [low, high). The default random-state is used.

A random-state is a named structure of type random-state whose contents control the future actions of the random number generator. Each time you call the function random, it uses (and updates) one random-state. One random-state exists standardly and is used by default. To have several different controllable, resettable sources of random numbers, you can create your own random-states. Random-states print as

#s(random-state ...more data...)

so that they can be read back in.

Function: random-state-p object

t if object is a random-state.

Variable: *random-state*

This random-state is used by default when random is called and the random-state is not explicitly specified.

Function: make-random-state &optional random-state

Creates and returns a new random-state object. If random-state is nil, the new random-state is a copy of *random-state*. If random-state is a random-state, the new one is a copy of that one. If random-state is t, the new random-state is initialized truly randomly (based on the value of (time)).

A random-state actually consists of an array of numbers and two pointers into the array. The pointers circulate around the array; each time a random number is requested, both pointers are advanced by one, wrapping around at the end of the array. Thus, the distance forward from the first pointer to the second pointer stays the same, allowing for wraparound. Let the length of the array be length and the distance between the pointers be offset. To generate a new random number, each pointer is set to its old value plus one, modulo length. Then the two elements of the array addressed by the pointers are added together; the sum is stored back into the array at the location where the second pointer points, and is returned as the random number after being normalized into the right range.

This algorithm produces well-distributed random numbers if length and offset are chosen carefully, so that the polynomial x ^ length + x ^ offset + 1 is irreducible over the mod-2 integers. The system uses 71 and 35.

The contents of the array of numbers should be initialized to anything moderately random, to make the algorithm work. The contents get initialized by a simple random number generator, based on a number called the seed. The initial value of the seed is set when the random-state is created, and it can be changed.

Function: si:random-create-array length offset seed &optional (area nil)

Creates and returns a new random-state according to precise specifications. length is the length of the array. offset is the distance between the pointers and should be an integer less than length. seed is the initial value of the seed, and should be a fixnum. This calls si:random-initialize on the random state before returning it.

Function: si:random-initialize random-state &optional new-seed

random-state must be a random-state, such as is created by si:random-create-array. If new-seed is provided, it should be a fixnum, and the seed is set to it. si:random-initialize reinitializes the contents of the array from the seed (calling random changes the contents of the array and the pointers, but not the seed).

7.11 Information on Numeric Precision

Common Lisp defines some constants whose values give information in a standard way about the ranges of numbers representable in the individual Lisp implementation.

Constant: most-negative-fixnum

Any integer smaller than this must be a bignum.

Constant: most-positive-fixnum

Any integer larger than this must be a bignum.

Constant: most-positive-short-float

No short float can be greater than this number.

Constant: least-positive-short-float

No positive short float can be closer to zero than this number.

Constant: least-negative-short-float

No negative short float can be closer to zero than this number.

Constant: most-negative-short-float

No short float can be less than this (negative) number.

Constant: most-positive-single-float
Constant: least-positive-single-float
Constant: least-negative-single-float
Constant: most-negative-single-float

Similar to the above, but for full-size floats rather than for short floats.

Constant: most-positive-double-float
Constant: least-positive-double-float
Constant: least-negative-double-float
Constant: most-negative-double-float
Constant: most-positive-long-float
Constant: least-positive-long-float
Constant: least-negative-long-float
Constant: most-negative-long-float

These are defined by Common Lisp to be similar to the above, but for double-floats and long-floats. On the Lisp Machine, there are no distinct double and long floating formats; they are synonyms for single-floats. So these constants exist but their values are the same as those of most-positive-single-float and so on.

Constant: short-float-epsilon

Smallest positive short float which can be added to 1.0s0 and make a difference. That is, for any short float x less than this, (+ 1.0s0 x) equals 1.0s0.

Constant: single-float-epsilon
Constant: double-float-epsilon
Constant: long-float-epsilon

Smallest positive float which can be added to 1.0 and make a difference. The three names are synonyms on the Lisp Machine, for reasons explained above.

Constant: short-float-negative-epsilon

Smallest positive short float which can be subtracted from 1.0s0 and make a difference.

Constant: single-float-negative-epsilon
Constant: double-float-negative-epsilon
Constant: long-float-negative-epsilon

Smallest positive float which can be subtracted from 1.0 and make a difference.

7.12 Arithmetic Ignoring Overflow

Sometimes it is desirable to have a form of arithmetic which has no overflow checking (that would produce bignums), and truncates results to the word size of the machine.

Function: %pointer-plus pointer-1 pointer-2

Returns a fixnum which is pointer-1 plus pointer-2, modulo what could be stored in the size of the pointer field (currently 25 bits). Arguments other than fixnums are rarely useful, but no type checks are made.

Function: %pointer-difference pointer-1 pointer-2

Returns a fixnum which is pointer-1 minus pointer-2. If the arguments are fixnums, rather than true pointers, this provides subtraction modulo what can be stored in the pointer field.

Function: %pointer-times pointer-1 pointer-2

Returns a fixnum which is pointer-1 times pointer-2. Arguments other than fixnums are rarely useful, but no type checks are made. The two pointer fields are regarded as signed numbers.

7.13 24-Bit Arithmetic

Sometimes it is useful to have a form of truncating arithmetic with a strictly specified field width which is independent of the range of fixnums permissible on a particular machine. In Zetalisp, this is provided by the following set of functions. Their answers are correct only modulo 2^24.

These functions should not be used for efficiency; they are probably less efficient than the functions which do check for overflow. They are intended for algorithms which require this sort of arithmetic, such as hash functions and pseudo-random number generation.

Function: %24-bit-plus x y

Returns the sum of x and y modulo 2^24. Both arguments must be fixnums.

Function: %24-bit-difference x y

Returns the difference of x and y modulo 2^24. Both arguments must be fixnums.

Function: %24-bit-times x y

Returns the product of x and y modulo 2^24. Both arguments must be fixnums.

7.14 Double-Precision Arithmetic

These peculiar functions are useful in programs that don’t want to use bignums for one reason or another. They should usually be avoided, as they are difficult to use and understand, and they depend on special numbers of bits and on the use of twos-complement notation.

A double-precision number has 50 bits, of which one is the sign bit. It is represented as two fixnums. The less signficant fixnum conveys 25 signficant bits and is regarded as unsigned (that is, what is normally the sign bit is treated as an ordinary data bit); the more significant fixnum has the same sign as the double-precision number. Only %float-double handles negative double-precision numbers; for the other functions, the more signficant fixnum is always positive and contains only 24 bits of actual data.

Function: %multiply-fractions num1 num2

Returns bits 25 through 48 (the most significant half) of the product of num1 and num2, regarded as unsigned integers. If you call this and %pointer-times on the same arguments num1 and num2, you can combine the results into a double-precision product. If num1 and num2 are regarded as two’s-complement fractions, -1  num < 1, %multiply-fractions returns 1/2 of their correct product as a fraction.

[The name of this function isn’t too great.]

Function: %divide-double dividend[25:48] dividend[0:24] divisor

Divides the double-precision number given by the first two arguments by the third argument, and returns the single-precision quotient. Causes an error if divisor is zero or if the quotient won’t fit in single precision.

There are only 24 bits in each half of the number, as neither sign bit is used to convey information.

Function: %remainder-double dividend[25:48] dividend[0:24] divisor

Divides the double-precision number given by the first two arguments by the third argument, and returns the remainder. Causes an error if divisor is zero.

Function: %float-double high25 low25

high25 and low25, which must be fixnums, are concatenated to produce a 50-bit unsigned positive integer. A full-size float containing the same value is constructed and returned. Note that only the 31 most significant bits are retained (after removal of leading zeroes.) This function is mainly for the benefit of read.

8 Arrays

An array is a Lisp object that consists of a group of cells, each of which may contain an object. The individual cells are selected by numerical subscripts. The type predicate arrayp (arrayp-fun) can be used to test whether an object is an array.

The rank of an array (the number of dimensions which the array has) is the number of subscripts used to refer to one of the elements of the array. The rank may be any integer from zero to seven, inclusively. An array of rank zero has a single element which is addressed using no subscripts. An array of rank one is called a vector; the predicate vectorp (see vectorp-fun) tests whether an object is a vector. A series of functions called the generic sequence functions accept either a vector or a list as argument indiscriminantly (see generic-sequence-functions).

Constant: array-rank-limit

A constant giving the upper limit on the rank of an array. It is 8, indicating that 7 is the highest possible rank.

The lowest value for any subscript is zero; the highest value is a property of the array. Each dimension has a size, which is the lowest number which is too great to be used as a subscript. For example, in a one-dimensional array of five elements, the size of the one and only dimension is five, and the acceptable values of the subscript are zero, one, two, three, and four.

Constant: array-dimension-limit

Any one dimension of an array must be smaller than this constant.

The total size of an array is the number of elements in it. It is the product of the sizes of the dimensions of the array.

Constant: array-total-size-limit

The total number of elements of any array must be smaller than this constant.

A vector can have a fill pointer which is a number saying how many elements of the vector are active. For many purposes, only that many elements (starting with element zero) are used.

The most basic primitive functions for handling arrays are: make-array, which is used for the creation of arrays, aref, which is used for examining the contents of arrays, and aset, which is used for storing into arrays.

An array is a regular Lisp object, and it is common for an array to be the binding of a symbol, or the car or cdr of a cons, or, in fact, an element of an array. There are many functions, described in this chapter, which take arrays as arguments and perform useful operations on them.

Another way of handling arrays, inherited from Maclisp, is to treat them as functions. In this case each array has a name, which is a symbol whose function definition is the array. Zetalisp supports this style by allowing an array to be applied to arguments, as if it were a function. The arguments are treated as subscripts and the array is referenced appropriately. The store special form (see store-fun) is also supported. This kind of array referencing is considered to be obsolete and is slower than the usual kind. It should not be used in new programs.

8.1 Array Types

There are several types of arrays, which differ primarily in which kinds of elements they are allowed to hold. Some types of arrays can hold Lisp objects of any type; such arrays are called general arrays. The other types of array restrict the possible elements to a certain type, usually a numeric type. Arrays of these types are called specialized arrays, or numeric arrays if the elements must be numbers. For example, one array type permits only complex numbers with floating components to be stored in the array. Another permits only the numbers zero and one; Common Lisp calls these bit arrays. The contents of a black-and-white screen are stored in a bit array. Several predicates exist for finding out which of these classifications an array belongs to: simple-vector-p (simple-vector-p-fun), bit-vector-p, simple-bit-vector-p, stringp (stringp-fun), and simple-string-p.

The array types are known by a set of symbols whose names begin with art- (for ‘ARray Type’).

The most commonly used type is called art-q. An art-q array simply holds Lisp objects of any type.

Similar to the art-q type is the art-q-list. Like the art-q, its elements may be any Lisp object. The difference is that the art-q-list array doubles as a list; the function g-l-p takes an art-q-list array and returns a list whose elements are those of the array, and whose actual substance is that of the array. If you rplaca elements of the list, the corresponding element of the array is changed, and if you store into the array, the corresponding element of the list changes the same way. An attempt to rplacd the list causes a sys:rplacd-wrong-representation-type error, since arrays cannot implement that operation.

The most important type of specialized array is the string, which is a vector of character objects. Character strings are implemented by the art-string array type. Many important system functions, including read, print, and eval, treat art-string arrays very differently from the other kinds of arrays. There are also many functions specifically for operating on strings, described in chapter string-chapter.

As viewed by Common Lisp programs, the elements of a string are character objects. As viewed by traditional programs, the elements are integers in the range 0 to 255. While most code still accesses strings in the traditional manner and gets integers out, the Common Lisp viewpoint is considered the correct one. See string-element-type for a discussion of this conflict of conventions and its effect on programs.

An art-fat-string array is a character string with wider characters, containing 16 bits rather than 8 bits. The extra bits are ignored by many string operations, such as comparison, on these strings; typically they are used to hold font information.

There is a set of types called art-1b, art-2b, art-4b, art-8b, and art-16b; these names are short for ‘1 bit’, ‘2 bits’, and so on. Each element of an art-nb array is a non-negative fixnum, and only the least significant n bits are remembered in the array; all of the others are discarded. Thus art-1b arrays store only 0 and 1, and if you store a 5 into an art-2b array and look at it later, you will find a 1 rather than a 5. These arrays are used when it is known beforehand that the fixnums which will be stored are non-negative and limited in size to a certain number of bits. Their advantage over the art-q array is that they occupy less storage, because more than one element of the array is kept in a single machine word. (For example, 32 elements of an art-1b array or 2 elements of an art-16b array fit into one word).

There are also art-32b arrays which have 32 bits per element. Since fixnums only have 24 bits anyway, these are the same as art-q arrays except that they only hold fixnums. They are not compatible with the other “bit” array types and generally should not be used.

An art-half-fix array contains half-size fixnums. Each element of the array is a signed 16-bit integer; the range is from -32768 to 32767 inclusive.

The art-float array type is a special-purpose type whose elements are floats. When storing into such an array the value (any kind of number) is converted to a float, using the float function (see float-fun). The advantage of storing floats in an art-float array rather than an art-q array is that the numbers in an art-float array are not true Lisp objects. Instead the array remembers the numerical value, and when it is aref’ed creates a Lisp object (a float) to hold the value. Because the system does special storage management for bignums and floats that are intermediate results, the use of art-float arrays can save a lot of work for the garbage collector and hence greatly increase performance. An intermediate result is a Lisp object passed as an argument, stored in a local variable, or returned as the value of a function, but not stored into a special variable, a non-art-float array, or list structure. art-float arrays also provide a locality of reference advantage over art-q arrays containing floats, since the floats are contained in the array rather than being separate objects probably on different pages of memory.

The art-fps-float array type is another special-purpose type whose elements are floats. The internal format of this array is compatible with the PDP-11/VAX single-precision floating-point format. The primary purpose of this array type is to interface with the FPS array processor, which can transfer data directly in and out of such an array. Any type of number may be stored into an art-fps-float array, but it is, in effect, converted to a float, and then rounded off to the 24-bit precision of the PDP-11. If the magnitude of the number is too large, the largest valid floating-point number is stored. If the magnitude is too small, zero is stored. When an element of an art-fps-float array is read, a new float is created containing the value, just as with an art-float array.

The art-complex array type is a special purpose type whose elements are arbitrary numbers, which may be complex numbers. (Most of the numeric array types can only hold real numbers.) As compared with an ordinary art-q array, art-complex provides an advantage in garbage collection similar to what art-float provides for floating point numbers.

The art-complex-float array type is a special purpose type whose elements are numbers (real or complex) whose real and imaginary parts are both floating point numbers. (If you store a non-floating-point number into the array, its real and imaginary parts are converted to floating point.) This provides maximum advantage in garbage collection if all the elements you wish to store in the array are numbers with floating point real and imaginary parts.

The art-complex-fps-float array type is similar to art-complex-float but each real or imaginary part is stored in the form used by the FPS array processor. Each element occupies two words, the first being the real part and the second being the imaginary part.

There are three types of arrays which exist only for the implementation of stack groups; these types are called art-stack-group-head, art-special-pdl, and art-reg-pdl. Their elements may be any Lisp object; their use is explained in the section on stack groups (see stack-group).

Constant: array-types

The value of array-types is a list of all of the array type symbols such as art-q, art-4b, art-string and so on. The values of these symbols are internal array type code numbers for the corresponding type.

Function: array-types array-type-code

Given an internal numeric array-type code, returns the symbolic name of that type.

Constant: array-elements-per-q

array-elements-per-q is an association list (see alist) which associates each array type symbol with the number of array elements stored in one word, for an array of that type. If the value is negative, it is instead the number of words per array element, for arrays whose elements are more than one word long.

Function: array-elements-per-q array-type-code

Given the internal array-type code number, returns the number of array elements stored in one word, for an array of that type. If the value is negative, it is instead the number of words per array element, for arrays whose elements are more than one word long.

Constant: array-bits-per-element

The value of array-bits-per-element is an association list (see alist) which associates each array type symbol with the number of bits of unsigned number it can hold, or nil if it can hold Lisp objects. This can be used to tell whether an array can hold Lisp objects or not.

Function: array-bits-per-element array-type-code

Given the internal array-type code numbers, returns the number of bits per cell for unsigned numeric arrays, or nil for a type of array that can contain Lisp objects.

Function: array-element-size array

Given an array, returns the number of bits that fit in an element of that array. For arrays that can hold general Lisp objects, the result is 25, based on the assumption that you will be storing fixnums in the array.

8.2 Extra Features of Arrays

Any array may have an array leader. An array leader is like a one-dimensional art-q array which is attached to the main array. So an array which has a leader acts like two arrays joined together. The leader can be stored into and examined by a special set of functions, different from those used for the main array: array-leader and store-array-leader. The leader is always one-dimensional, and always can hold any kind of Lisp object, regardless of the type or rank of the main part of the array.

Very often the main part of an array is used as a homogeneous set of objects, while the leader is used to remember a few associated non-homogeneous pieces of data. In this case the leader is not used like an array; each slot is used differently from the others. Explicit numeric subscripts should not be used for the leader elements of such an array; instead the leader should be described by a defstruct (see defstruct-fun).

By convention, element 0 of the array leader of an array is used to hold the number of elements in the array that are “active”. When the zeroth element is used this way, it is called a fill pointer. Many array-processing functions recognize the fill pointer. For instance, if a string (an array of type art-string) has seven elements, but its fill pointer contains the value five, then only elements zero through four of the string are considered to be active; the string’s printed representation is five characters long, string-searching functions stop after the fifth element, etc. Fill pointers are a Common Lisp standard, but the array leader which is the Lisp Machine’s way of implementing them is not standard.

Function: fill-pointer array

Returns the fill pointer of array, or nil if it does not have one. This function can be used with setf to set the array’s fill pointer.

The system does not provide a way to turn off the fill-pointer convention; any array that has a leader must reserve element 0 for the fill pointer or avoid using many of the array functions.

Leader element 1 is used in conjunction with the “named structure” feature to associate a user-defined data type with the array; see named-structure. Element 1 is treated specially only if the array is flagged as a named structure.

8.2.1 Displaced Arrays

The following explanation of displaced arrays is probably not of interest to a beginner; the section may be passed over without losing the continuity of the manual.

Normally, an array is represented as a small amount of header information, followed by the contents of the array. However, sometimes it is desirable to have the header information removed from the actual contents. One such occasion is when the contents of the array must be located in a special part of the Lisp Machine’s address space, such as the area used for the control of input/output devices, or the bitmap memory which generates the TV image. Displaced arrays are also used to reference certain special system tables, which are at fixed addresses so the microcode can access them easily.

If you give make-array a fixnum or a locative as the value of the :displaced-to option, it creates a displaced array referring to that location of virtual memory and its successors. References to elements of the displaced array will access that part of storage, and return the contents; the regular aref and aset functions are used. If the array is one whose elements are Lisp objects, caution should be used: if the region of address space does not contain typed Lisp objects, the integrity of the storage system and the garbage collector could be damaged. If the array is one whose elements are bytes (such as an art-4b type), then there is no problem. It is important to know, in this case, that the elements of such arrays are allocated from the right to the left within the 32-bit words.

It is also possible to have an array whose contents, instead of being located at a fixed place in virtual memory, are defined to be those of another array. Such an array is called an indirect array, and is created by giving make-array an array as the value of the :displaced-to option. The effects of this are simple if both arrays have the same type; the two arrays share all elements. An object stored in a certain element of one can be retrieved from the corresponding element of the other. This, by itself, is not very useful. However, if the arrays have different rank, the manner of accessing the elements differs. Thus, creating a one-dimensional array of nine elements, indirected to a second, two-dimensional array of three elements by three, allows access to the elements in either a one-dimensional or a two-dimensional manner. Weird effects can be produced if the new array is of a different type than the old array; this is not generally recommended. Indirecting an art-mb array to an art-nb array does the obvious thing. For instance, if m is 4 and n is 1, each element of the first array contains four bits from the second array, in right-to-left order.

It is also possible to create an indirect array in such a way that when an attempt is made to reference it or store into it, a constant number is added to the subscript given. This number is called the index-offset. It is specified at the time the indirect array is created, by giving a fixnum to make-array as the value of the :displaced-index-offset option. The length of the indirect array need not be the full length of the array it indirects to; it can be smaller. Thus the indirect array can cover just a subrange of the original array. The nsubstring function (see nsubstring-fun) creates such arrays. When using index offsets with multi-dimensional arrays, there is only one index offset; it is added in to the linearized subscript which is the result of multiplying each subscript by an appropriate coefficient and adding them together.

8.3 Constructing Arrays

Function: vector &rest elements

Constructs and returns a vector (one-dimensional array) whose elements are the arguments given.

Function: make-array dimensions &rest options.

This is the primitive function for making arrays. dimensions should be a list of fixnums which are the dimensions of the array; the length of the list is the rank of the array. For convenience you can specify a single fixnum rather than a list of one fixnum, when making a one-dimensional array.

options are alternating keywords and values. The keywords may be any of the following:


The value specifies in which area (see area) the array should be created. It should be either an area number (a fixnum), or nil to mean the default area.


The value should be a symbolic name of an array type; the most common of these is art-q, which is the default. The elements of the array are initialized according to the type: if the array is of a type whose elements may only be fixnums or floats, then every element of the array is initially 0 or 0.0; otherwise, every element is initially nil. See the description of array types on array-type. The value of the option may also be the value of a symbol which is an array type name (that is, an internal numeric array type code).


element-type is the Common Lisp way to control the type of array made. Its value is a Common Lisp type specifier (see type-specifiers). The array type used is the most specialized which can allow as an element anything which fits the type specifier. For example, if element-type is (mod 4), you get an art-2b array. If element-type is (mod 3), you still get an art-2b array, that being the most restrictive which can store the numbers 0, 1 and 2. If element-type is string-char, you get a string.

:initial-element make-array

Specifies the value to be stored in each element of the new array. If it is not specified, it is nil for arrays that can hold arbitrary objects, or 0 or 0.0 for numeric arrays. :initial-value is obsolete.


Specifies the entire contents for the new array, as a sequence of sequences of sequences... Array element 1 3 4 of a three-dimensional array would be (elt (elt (elt initial-contents 1) 3) 4). Recall that a sequence is either a list or a vector, and vectors include strings.


If this is not nil, a displaced array is constructed. If the value is a fixnum or a locative, make-array creates a regular displaced array which refers to the specified section of virtual address space. If the value is an array, make-array creates an indirect array (see indirect-array).


The value should be a fixnum. The array is made with a leader containing that many elements. The elements of the leader are initialized to nil unless the :leader-list option is given (see below).


The value should be a list. Call the number of elements in the list n. The first n elements of the leader are initialized from successive elements of this list. If the :leader-length option is not specified, then the length of the leader is n. If the :leader-length option is given, and its value is greater than n, then the nth and following leader elements are initialized to nil. If its value is less than n, an error is signaled. The leader elements are filled in forward order; that is, the car of the list is stored in leader element 0, the cadr in element 1, and so on.


The value should be a fixnum. The array is made with a leader containing at least one element, and this fixnum is used to initialize that first element.

Using the :fill-pointer option is equivalent to using :leader-list with a list one element long. It avoids consing the list, and is also compatible with Common Lisp.


If this is present, the value of the :displaced-to option should be an array, and the value should be a non-negative fixnum; it is made to be the index-offset of the created indirect array. (See index-offset.)


If this is not nil, it is a symbol to be stored in the named-structure cell of the array. The array made is tagged as a named structure (see named-structure.) If the array has a leader, then this symbol is stored in leader element 1 regardless of the value of the :leader-list option. If the array does not have a leader, then this symbol is stored in array element zero. Array leader slot 1, or array element 0, cannot be used for anything else in a named structure.


In strict Common Lisp, a non-nil value for this keyword makes the array adjustable, which means that it is permissible to change the array’s size with adjust-array (adjust-array-fun). This is because other Lisp systems have multiple representations for arrays, one which is simple and fast to access, and another which can be adjusted. The Lisp Machine does not require two representations: any array’s size may be changed, and this keyword is ignored.

;; Create a one-dimensional array of five elements.
(make-array 5)
;; Create a two-dimensional array,
;; three by four, with four-bit elements.
(make-array '(3 4) :type 'art-4b)
;; Create an array with a three-element leader.
(make-array 5 :leader-length 3)
;; Create an array containing 5 t’s,
;; and a fill pointer saying the array is full.
(make-array 5 :initial-value t :fill-pointer 5)
;; Create a named-structure with five leader
;; elements, initializing some of them.
(setq b (make-array 20 :leader-length 5 
		       :leader-list '(0 nil foo)
		       :named-structure-symbol 'bar))
(array-leader b 0) => 0
(array-leader b 1) => bar
(array-leader b 2) => foo
(array-leader b 3) => nil
(array-leader b 4) => nil

make-array returns the newly-created array, and also returns, as a second value, the number of words allocated in the process of creating the array, i.e the %structure-total-size of the array.

When make-array was originally implemented, it took its arguments in the following fixed pattern:

   (make-array area type dimensions
               &optional displaced-to leader

leader was a combination of the :leader-length and :leader-list options, and the list was in reverse order. This obsolete form is still supported so that old programs will continue to work, but the new keyword-argument form is preferred.

8.4 Accessing Array Elements

Function: aref array &rest subscripts

Returns the element of array selected by the subscripts. The subscripts must be fixnums and their number must match the rank of array.

Function: cli:aref array &rest subscripts

The Common Lisp version of aref differs from the traditional one in that it returns a character object rather than an integer when array is a string. See chapter string-chapter for a discussion of the data type of string elements.

Function: aset x array &rest subscripts

Stores x into the element of array selected by the subscripts. The subscripts must be fixnums and their number must match the rank of array. The returned value is x.

aset is equivalent to

(setf (aref array subscripts...) x)
Function: aloc array &rest subscripts

Returns a locative pointer to the element-cell of array selected by the subscripts. The subscripts must be fixnums and their number must match the rank of array. The array must not be a numeric array, since locatives to the middle of a numeric array are not allowed. See the explanation of locatives in locative.

It is equivalent, and preferable, to write

(locf (aref array subscripts...))
Function: ar-1-force array i
Function: as-1-force value array i
Function: ap-1-force array i

These functions access an array with a single subscript regardless of how many dimensions the array has. They may be useful for manipulating arrays of varying rank, as an alternative to maintaining and updating lists of subscripts or to creating one-dimensional indirect arrays. ar-1-force refers to an element, as-1-force sets an element, and ap-1-force returns a locative to the element’s cell.

In using these functions, you must pay attention to the order in which the array elements are actually stored. See array-element-order-section.

Function: array-row-major-index array &rest indices

Calculates the cumulative index in array of the element at indices indices.

(ar-1-force array
   (array-row-major-index array indices...))

is equivalent to (aref array indices...).

Function: array-leader array i

array should be an array with a leader, and i should be a fixnum. This returns the ith element of array’s leader. This is analogous to aref.

Function: store-array-leader x array i

array should be an array with a leader, and i should be a fixnum. x may be any object. x is stored in the ith element of array’s leader. store-array-leader returns x. This is analogous to aset.

It is equivalent, and preferable, to write

(setf (array-leader array i) x)
Function: ap-leader array i

Is equivalent to

(locf (array-leader array i))

The following array accessing functions generally need not be used by users.

Function: ar-1 array i
Function: ar-2 array i j
Function: ar-3 array i j k
Function: as-1 x array i
Function: as-2 x array i j
Function: as-3 x array i j k
Function: ap-1 array i
Function: ap-2 array i j
Function: ap-3 array i j k

These are obsolete versions of aref, aset and aloc that only work for one-, two-, or three-dimensional arrays, respectively.

The compiler turns aref into ar-1, ar-2, etc according to the number of subscripts specified, turns aset into as-1, as-2, etc., and turns aloc into ap-1, ap-2, etc. For arrays with more than three dimensions the compiler uses the slightly less efficient form since the special routines only exist for one, two and three dimensions. There is no reason for any program to call ar-1, as-1, ar-2, etc explicitly; they are documented because there used to be such a reason, and many old programs use these functions. New programs should use aref, aset, and aloc.

A related function, provided only for Maclisp compatibility, is arraycall (arraycall-fun).

Function: svref vector index

A special accessing function defined by Common Lisp to work only on simple general vectors: vectors with no fill pointer, not displaced, and not adjustable (see adjustable-array). Some other Lisp systems open code svref so that it is faster than aref, but on the Lisp Machine svref is a synonym for cli:aref.

Function: bit bit-vector index
Function: sbit bit-vector index
Function: char bit-vector index
Function: schar bit-vector index

Special accessing functions defined to work only on bit vectors, only on simple bit vectors, only on strings, and only on simple strings, respectively. On the Lisp Machine they are all synonyms for cli:aref.

Here are the conditions signaled for various errors in accessing arrays.

Condition on sys:array-has-no-leader: (sys:bad-array-mixin error)

This is signaled on a reference to the leader of an array that doesn’t have one. The condition instance supports the :array operation, which returns the array that was used.

The :new-array proceed-type is provided.

Flavor Condition on : sys:bad-array-mixin

This mixin is used in the conditions signaled by several kinds of problems pertaining to arrays. It defines prompting for the :new-array proceed type.

Condition on sys:array-wrong-number-of-dimensions: (sys:bad-array-mixin error)

This is signaled when an array is referenced (either reading or writing) with the wrong number of subscripts; for example, (aref "foo" 1 2).

The :array operation on the condition instance returns the array that was used. The :subscripts-used operation returns the list of subscripts used.

The :new-array proceed type is provided. It expects one argument, an array to use instead of the original one.

Condition on sys:subscript-out-of-bounds: (error)

This is signaled when there are the right number of subscripts but their values specify an element that falls outside the bounds of the array. The same condition is used by sys:%instance-ref, etc., when the index is out of bounds in the instance.

The condition instance supports the operations :object and :subscripts-used, which return the array or instance and the list of subscripts.

The :new-subscript proceed type is provided. It takes an appropriate number of subscripts as arguments. You should provide as many subscripts as there originally were.

Condition on sys:number-array-not-allowed: (sys:bad-array-mixin error)

This is signaled by an attempt to use aloc on a numeric array such as an art-1b array or a string. The :array operation and the :new-array proceed type are available.

8.5 Getting Information About an Array

Function: array-type array

Returns the symbolic type of array.

(setq a (make-array '(3 5)))
(array-type a) => art-q
Function: array-element-type array

Returns a type specifier which describes what elements could be stored in array (see type-specifiers for more about type specifiers). Thus, if array is a string, the value is string-char. If array is an art-1b array, the value is bit. If array is an art-2b array, the value is (mod 4). If array is an art-q array, the value is t (the type which all objects belong to).

Function: array-length array
Function: array-total-size array

array may be any array. This returns the total number of elements in array. For a one-dimensional array, this is one greater than the maximum allowable subscript. (But if fill pointers are being used, you may want to use array-active-length.)

(array-length (make-array 3)) => 3
(array-length (make-array '(3 5))) => 15

array-total-size is the Common Lisp name of this function.

Function: array-active-length array

If array does not have a fill pointer, then this returns whatever (array-length array) would have. If array does have a fill pointer, array-active-length returns it. See the general explanation of the use of fill pointers on fill-pointer.

Function: array-rank array

Returns the number of dimensions of array.

(array-rank (make-array '(3 5))) => 2
Function: array-dimension array n

Returns the length of dimension n of array. Examples:

(setq a (make-array '(2 3)))
(array-dimension a 0) => 2
(array-dimension a 1) => 3
Function: array-dimension-n n array

array may be any kind of array, and n should be a fixnum. If n is between 1 and the rank of array, this returns the nth dimension of array. If n is 0, this returns the length of the leader of array; if array has no leader it returns nil. If n is any other value, this returns nil.

This function is obsolete; use array-dimension-n, whose calling sequence is cleaner.

(setq a (make-array '(3 5) :leader-length 7))
(array-dimension-n 1 a) => 3
(array-dimension-n 2 a) => 5
(array-dimension-n 3 a) => nil
(array-dimension-n 0 a) => 7
Function: array-dimensions array

Returns a list whose elements are the dimensions of array.

(setq a (make-array '(3 5)))
(array-dimensions a) => (3 5)

Note: the list returned by (array-dimensions x) is equal to the cdr of the list returned by (arraydims x).

Function: arraydims array

Returns a list whose first element is the symbolic name of the type of array, and whose remaining elements are its dimensions. array may be any array; it also may be a symbol whose function cell contains an array, for Maclisp compatibility (see maclisp-array).

(setq a (make-array '(3 5)))
(arraydims a) => (art-q 3 5)

arraydims is for Maclisp compatibility only.

Function: array-in-bounds-p array &rest subscripts

t if subscripts is a legal set of subscripts for array, otherwise nil.

Function: array-displaced-p array

t if array is any kind of displaced array (including an indirect array), otherwise nil. array may be any kind of array.

Function: array-indirect-p array

t if array is an indirect array, otherwise nil. array may be any kind of array.

Function: array-indexed-p array

t if array is an indirect array with an index-offset, otherwise nil. array may be any kind of array.

Function: array-index-offset array

Returns the index offset of array if it is an indirect array which has an index offset. Otherwise it returns nil. array may be any kind of array.

Function: array-has-fill-pointer-p array

t if array has a fill pointer. It must have a leader and leader element 0 must be an integer. While array leaders are not standard Common Lisp, fill pointers are, and so is this function.

Function: array-has-leader-p array

t if array has a leader, otherwise nil.

Function: array-leader-length array

Returns the length of array’s leader if it has one, or nil if it does not.

Function: adjustable-array-p array

According to Common Lisp, returns t if array’s size may be adjusted with adjust-array (see below). On the Lisp Machine, this function always returns t.

8.6 Changing the Size of an Array

Function: adjust-array array new-dimensions &key element-type initial-element initial-contents fill-pointer displaced-to displaced-index-offset

Modifies various aspects of an array. array is modified in place if that is possible; otherwise, a new array is created and array is forwarded to it. In either case, array is returned. The arguments have the same names as arguments to make-array, and signify approximately the same thing. However:

element-type is just an error check. adjust-array cannot change the array type. If the array type of array is not what element-type would imply, you get an error.

If displaced-to is specified, the new array is displaced as specified by displaced-to and displaced-index-offset. If array itself was already displaced, it is modified in place provided that either array used to have an index offset and is supposed to continue to have one, or array had no index offset and is not supposed to have one.

Otherwise, if initial-contents was specified, it is used to set all the contents of the array. The old contents of array are irrelevant.

Otherwise, each element of array is copied forward into the new array to the slot with the same indices, if there is one. Any new slots whose indices were out of range in array are initialized to initial-element, or to nil or 0 if initial-element was not specified.

fill-pointer, if specified, is used to set the fill pointer of the array. Aside from this, the result has a leader with the same contents as the original array.

adjust-array is the only function in this section which is standard Common Lisp. According to Common Lisp, an array’s dimensions can be adjusted only if the :adjustable option was specified to make-array with a non-nil value when the array was created (see adjustable-array). The Lisp Machine does not distinguish adjustable and nonadjustable arrays; any array may be adjusted.

Function: adjust-array-size array new-size

If array is a one-dimensional array, its size is changed to be new-size. If array has more than one dimension, its size (array-length) is changed to new-size by changing only the last dimension.

If array is made smaller, the extra elements are lost; if array is made bigger, the new elements are initialized in the same fashion as make-array (see make-array-fun) would initialize them: either to nil or 0, depending on the type of array.

(setq a (make-array 5))
(aset 'foo a 4)
(aref a 4) => foo
(adjust-array-size a 2)
(aref a 4) => an error occurs

If the size of the array is being increased, adjust-array-size may have to allocate a new array somewhere. In that case, it alters array so that references to it will be made to the new array instead, by means of invisible pointers (see structure-forward, structure-forward-fun). adjust-array-size returns the new array if it creates one, and otherwise it returns array. Be careful to be consistent about using the returned result of adjust-array-size, because you may end up holding two arrays which are not the same (i.e not eq), but which share the same contents.

Function: array-grow array &rest dimensions

Equivalent to (adjust-array array dimensions). This name is obsolete.

Function: si:change-indirect-array array type dimlist displaced-p index-offset

Changes an indirect array array’s type, size, or target pointed at. type specifies the new array type, dimlist its new dimensions, displaced-p the target it should point to (an array, locative or fixnum), and index-offset the new offset in the new target.

array is returned.

8.7 Arrays Overlaid With Lists

These functions manipulate art-q-list arrays, which were introduced on art-q-list-var.

Function: g-l-p array

array should be an art-q-list array. This returns a list which shares the storage of array.

(setq a (make-array 4 :type 'art-q-list))
(aref a 0) => nil
(setq b (g-l-p a)) => (nil nil nil nil)
(rplaca b t)
b => (t nil nil nil)
(aref a 0) => t
(aset 30 a 2)
b => (t nil 30 nil)

g-l-p stands for ‘get list pointer’.

The following two functions work strangely, in the same way that store does, and should not be used in new programs.

Function: get-list-pointer-into-array array-ref

The argument array-ref is ignored, but should be a reference to an art-q-list array by applying the array to subscripts (rather than by aref). This returns a list object which is a portion of the “list” of the array, beginning with the last element of the last array which has been called as a function.

Function: get-locative-pointer-into-array array-ref

get-locative-pointer-into-array is similar to get-list-pointer-into-array, except that it returns a locative, and doesn’t require the array to be art-q-list. Use locf of aref in new programs.

8.8 Adding to the End of an Array

Function: vector-push x array
Function: array-push array x

array must be a one-dimensional array which has a fill pointer and x may be any object. vector-push attempts to store x in the element of the array designated by the fill pointer, and increase the fill pointer by one. If the fill pointer does not designate an element of the array (specifically, when it gets too big), it is unaffected and vector-push returns nil; otherwise, the two actions (storing and incrementing) happen uninterruptibly, and vector-push returns the former value of the fill pointer, i.e the array index in which it stored x. If the array is of type art-q-list, an operation similar to nconc has taken place, in that the element has been added to the list by changing the cdr of the formerly last element. The cdr-coding is updated to ensure this.

array-push is an old name for this function. vector-push is preferable because it takes arguments in an order like push.

Function: vector-push-extend x array &optional extension
Function: array-push-extend array x &optional extension

vector-push-extend is just like vector-push except that if the fill pointer gets too large, the array grows to fit the new element; it never “fails” the way vector-push does, and so never returns nil. extension is the number of elements to be added to the array if it needs to grow. It defaults to something reasonable, based on the size of the array.

array-push-extend differs only in the order of arguments,

Function: vector-pop array
Function: array-pop array

array must be a one-dimensional array which has a fill pointer. The fill pointer is decreased by one and the array element designated by the new value of the fill pointer is returned. If the new value does not designate any element of the array (specifically, if it had already reached zero), an error is caused. The two operations (decrementing and array referencing) happen uninterruptibly. If the array is of type art-q-list, an operation similar to nbutlast has taken place. The cdr-coding is updated to ensure this.

The two names are synonymous.

Condition on sys:fill-pointer-not-fixnum: (sys:bad-array-mixin error)

This is signaled when one of the functions in this section is used with an array whose leader element zero is not a fixnum. Most other array accessing operations simply assume that the array has no fill pointer in such a case, but these cannot be performed without a fill pointer.

The :array operation on the condition instance returns the array that was used. The :new-array proceed type is supported, with one argument, an array.

8.9 Copying an Array

The new functions replace (replace-fun) and fill (fill-fun) are useful ways to copy parts of arrays.

Function: array-initialize array value &optional start end

Stores value into all or part of array. start and end are optional indices which delimit the part of array to be initialized. They default to the beginning and end of the array.

This function is by far the fastest way to do the job.

Function: fillarray array x

array may be any type of array, or, for Maclisp compatibility, a symbol whose function cell contains an array. It can also be nil, in which case an array of type art-q is created. There are two forms of this function, depending on the type of x. If x is a list, then fillarray fills up array with the elements of list. If x is too short to fill up all of array, then the last element of x is used to fill the remaining elements of array. If x is too long, the extra elements are ignored. If x is nil (the empty list), array is filled with the default initial value for its array type (nil or 0). If x is an array (or, for Maclisp compatibility, a symbol whose function cell contains an array), then the elements of array are filled up from the elements of x. If x is too small, then the extra elements of array are not affected. If array is multi-dimensional, the elements are accessed in row-major order: the last subscript varies the most quickly. The same is true of x if it is an array. fillarray returns array; or, if array was nil, the newly created array.

Function: listarray array &optional limit

array may be any type of array, or, for Maclisp compatibility, a symbol whose function cell contains an array. listarray creates and returns a list whose elements are those of array. If limit is present, it should be a fixnum, and only the first limit (if there are more than that many) elements of array are used, and so the maximum length of the returned list is limit. If array is multi-dimensional, the elements are accessed in row-major order: the last subscript varies the most quickly.

Function: list-array-leader array &optional limit

array may be any type of array, or, for Maclisp compatibility, a symbol whose function cell contains an array. list-array-leader creates and returns a list whose elements are those of array’s leader. If limit is present, it should be a fixnum, and only the first limit (if there are more than that many) elements of array’s leader are used, and so the maximum length of the returned list is limit. If array has no leader, nil is returned.

Function: copy-array-contents from to

from and to must be arrays. The contents of from is copied into the contents of to, element by element. If to is shorter than from, the rest of from is ignored. If from is shorter than to, the rest of to is filled with nil, 0 or 0.0 according to the type of array. This function always returns t.

The entire length of from or to is used, ignoring the fill pointers if any. The leader itself is not copied.

copy-array-contents works on multi-dimensional arrays. from and to are linearized subscripts, and elements are taken in row-major order.

Function: copy-array-contents-and-leader from to

Like copy-array-contents, but also copies the leader of from (if any) into to.

Function: copy-array-portion from-array from-start from-end to-array to-start to-end

The portion of the array from-array with indices greater than or equal to from-start and less than from-end is copied into the portion of the array to-array with indices greater than or equal to to-start and less than to-end, element by element. If there are more elements in the selected portion of to-array than in the selected portion of from-array, the extra elements are filled with the default value as by copy-array-contents. If there are more elements in the selected portion of from-array, the extra ones are ignored. Multi-dimensional arrays are treated the same way as copy-array-contents treats them. This function always returns t.

%blt and %blt-typed (%blt-fun) are often useful for copying parts of arrays. They can be used to shift a part of an array either up or down.

8.10 Bit Array Functions

These functions perform bitwise boolean operations on the elements of arrays.

Function: bit-and bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array
Function: bit-ior bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array
Function: bit-xor bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array
Function: bit-eqv bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array
Function: bit-nand bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array
Function: bit-nor bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array
Function: bit-andc1 bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array
Function: bit-andc2 bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array
Function: bit-orc1 bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array
Function: bit-orc2 bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array

Perform boolean operations element by element on bit arrays. The arguments must match in their size and shape, and all of their elements must be integers. Corresponding elements of bit-array-1 and bit-array-2 are taken and passed to one of logand, logior, etc to get an element of the result array.

If the third argument is non-nil, the result bits are stored into it, modifying it destructively. If it is t, the results are stored in bit-array-1. Otherwise a new array of the same type as bit-array-1 is created and used for the result. In any case, the value returned is the array where the results are stored.

These functions were introduced for the sake of Common Lisp, which defines them only when all arguments are specialized arrays that hold only zero or one. In the Lisp machine, they accept not only such arrays (art-1b arrays) but any arrays whose elements are integers.

Function: bit-not bit-array &optional result-bit-array

Performs lognot on each element of bit-array to get an element of the result. If result-bit-array is non-nil, the result elements are stored in that; it must match bit-array in size and shape. Otherwise, a new array of the same type as bit-array is created and used to hold the result. The value of bit-not is the array where the results are stored.

Function: bitblt alu width height from-array from-x from-y to-array to-x to-y

from-array and to-array must be two-dimensional arrays of bits or bytes (art-1b, art-2b, art-4b, art-8b, art-16b, or art-32b). bitblt copies a rectangular portion of from-array into a rectangular portion of to-array. The value stored can be a Boolean function of the new value and the value already there, under the control of alu (see below). This function is most commonly used in connection with raster images for TV displays.

The top-left corner of the source rectangle is (ar-2-reverse from-array from-x from-y). The top-left corner of the destination rectangle is (ar-2-reverse to-array to-x to-y). width and height are the dimensions of both rectangles. If width or height is zero, bitblt does nothing. The x coordinates and width are used as the second dimension of the array, since the horizontal index is the one which varies fastest in the screen buffer memory and the array’s last index varies fastest in row-major order.

from-array and to-array are allowed to be the same array. bitblt normally traverses the arrays in increasing order of x and y subscripts. If width is negative, then (abs width) is used as the width, but the processing of the x direction is done backwards, starting with the highest value of x and working down. If height is negative it is treated analogously. When bitblt’ing an array to itself, when the two rectangles overlap, it may be necessary to work backwards to achieve effects such as shifting the entire array downwards by a certain number of rows. Note that negativity of width or height does not affect the (x, y) coordinates specified by the arguments, which are still the top-left corner even if bitblt starts at some other corner.

If the two arrays are of different types, bitblt works bit-wise and not element-wise. That is, if you bitblt from an art-2b array into an art-4b array, then two elements of the from-array correspond to one element of the to-array.

If bitblt goes outside the bounds of the source array, it wraps around. This allows such operations as the replication of a small stipple pattern through a large array. If bitblt goes outside the bounds of the destination array, it signals an error.

If src is an element of the source rectangle, and dst is the corresponding element of the destination rectangle, then bitblt changes the value of dst to (boole alu src dst). See the boole function (boole-fun). There are symbolic names for some of the most useful alu functions; they are tv:alu-seta (plain copy), tv:alu-ior (inclusive or), tv:alu-xor (exclusive or), and tv:alu-andca (and with complement of source).

bitblt is written in highly-optimized microcode and goes very much faster than the same thing written with ordinary aref and aset operations would. Unfortunately this causes bitblt to have a couple of strange restrictions. Wrap-around does not work correctly if from-array is an indirect array with an index-offset. bitblt signals an error if the second dimensions of from-array and to-array are not both integral multiples of the machine word length. For art-1b arrays, the second dimension must be a multiple of 32., for art-2b arrays it must be a multiple of 16, etc.

8.11 Order of Array Elements

Currently, multi-dimensional arrays are stored in row-major order, as in Maclisp., and as specified by Common Lisp. This means that successive memory locations differ in the last subscript. In older versions of the system, arrays were stored in column-major order.

Most user code has no need to know about which order array elements are stored in. There are three known reasons to care: use of multidimensional indirect arrays; paging efficiency (if you want to reference every element in a multi-dimensional array and move linearly through memory to improve locality of reference, you must vary the last subscript fastest in row-major order); and access to the TV screen or to arrays of pixels copied to or from the screen with bitblt. The latter is the most important one.

The bits on the screen are actually stored in rows, which means that the dimension that varies fastest has to be the horizontal position. As a result, if arrays are stored in row-major order, the horizontal position must be the second subscript, but if arrays are stored in column-major order, the horizontal position must be the first subscript. To ease the conversion of code that uses arrays of pixels, several bridging functions are provided:

Function: make-pixel-array width height &rest options

This is like make-array except that the dimensions of the array are width and height, in whichever order is correct. width is used as the dimension in the subscript that varies fastest in memory, and height as the other dimension. options are passed along to make-array to specify everything but the size of the array.

Function: pixel-array-width array

Returns the extent of array, a two-dimensional array, in the dimension that varies faster through memory. For a screen array, this is always the width.

Function: pixel-array-height array

Returns the extent of array, a two-dimensional array, in the dimension that varies slower through memory. For a screen array, this is always the height.

Function: ar-2-reverse array horizontal-index vertical-index

Returns the element of array at horizontal-index and vertical-index. horizontal-index is used as the subscript in whichever dimension varies faster through memory.

Function: as-2-reverse newvalue array horizontal-index vertical-index

Stores newvalue into the element of array at horizontal-index and vertical-index. horizontal-index is used as the subscript in whichever dimension varies faster through memory.

Code that was written before the change in order of array indices can be converted by replacing calls to make-array, array-dimension, aref and aset with these functions. It can then work either in old systems or in new ones. In more complicated circumstances, you can facilitate conversion by writing code which tests this variable.

Constant: sys:array-index-order

This is t in more recent system versions which store arrays in row-major order (last subscript varies fastest). It is nil in older system versions which store arrays in column-major order.

8.12 Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations

The functions in this section perform some useful matrix operations. The matrices are represented as two-dimensional Lisp arrays. These functions are part of the mathematics package rather than the kernel array system, hence the ‘math:’ in the names.

Function: math:multiply-matrices matrix-1 matrix-2 &optional matrix-3

Multiplies matrix-1 by matrix-2. If matrix-3 is supplied, multiply-matrices stores the results into matrix-3 and returns matrix-3, which should be of exactly the right dimensions for containing the result of the multiplication; otherwise it creates an array to contain the answer and returns that. All matrices must be either one- or two-dimensional arrays, and the first dimension of matrix-2 must equal the second dimension of matrix-1.

Function: math:invert-matrix matrix &optional into-matrix

Computes the inverse of matrix. If into-matrix is supplied, stores the result into it and returns it; otherwise it creates an array to hold the result and returns that. matrix must be two-dimensional and square. The Gauss-Jordan algorithm with partial pivoting is used. Note: if you want to solve a set of simultaneous equations, you should not use this function; use math:decompose and math:solve (see below).

Function: math:transpose-matrix matrix &optional into-matrix

Transposes matrix. If into-matrix is supplied, stores the result into it and returns it; otherwise it creates an array to hold the result and returns that. matrix must be a two-dimensional array. into-matrix, if provided, must be two-dimensional and have exactly the right dimensions to hold the transpose of matrix.

Function: math:determinant matrix

Returns the determinant of matrix. matrix must be a two-dimensional square matrix.

The next two functions are used to solve sets of simultaneous linear equations. math:decompose takes a matrix holding the coefficients of the equations and produces the LU decomposition; this decomposition can then be passed to math:solve along with a vector of right-hand sides to get the values of the variables. If you want to solve the same equations for many different sets of right-hand side values, you only need to call math:decompose once. In terms of the argument names used below, these two functions exist to solve the vector equation A x = b for x. A is a matrix. b and x are vectors.

Function: math:decompose a &optional lu ps

Computes the LU decomposition of matrix a. If lu is non-nil, stores the result into it and returns it; otherwise it creates an array to hold the result, and returns that. The lower triangle of lu, with ones added along the diagonal, is L, and the upper triangle of lu is U, such that the product of L and U is a. Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting is used. The lu array is permuted by rows according to the permutation array ps, which is also produced by this function; if the argument ps is supplied, the permutation array is stored into it; otherwise, an array is created to hold it. This function returns two values, the LU decomposition and the permutation array.

Function: math:solve lu ps b &optional x

This function takes the LU decomposition and associated permutation array produced by math:decompose and solves the set of simultaneous equations defined by the original matrix a given to math:decompose and the right-hand sides in the vector b. If x is supplied, the solutions are stored into it and it is returned; otherwise an array is created to hold the solutions and that is returned. b must be a one-dimensional array.

Function: math:list-2d-array array

Returns a list of lists containing the values in array, which must be a two-dimensional array. There is one element for each row; each element is a list of the values in that row.

Function: math:fill-2d-array array list

This is the opposite of math:list-2d-array. list should be a list of lists, with each element being a list corresponding to a row. array’s elements are stored from the list. Unlike fillarray (see fillarray-fun), if list is not long enough, math:fill-2d-array “wraps around”, starting over at the beginning. The lists which are elements of list also work this way.

Condition on math:singular-matrix: (sys:arithmetic-error error)

This is signaled when any of the matrix manipulation functions in this section has trouble because of a singular matrix. (In some functions, such as math:determinant, a singular matrix is not a problem.)

The :matrix operation on the condition instance returns the matrix which is singular.

8.13 Planes

A plane is effectively an array whose bounds, in each dimension, are plus-infinity and minus-infinity; all integers are legal as indices. Planes may be of any rank. When you create a plane, you do not need to specify any size, just the rank. You also specify a default value. At that moment, every component of the plane has that value. As you can’t ever change more than a finite number of components, only a finite region of the plane need actually be stored. When you refer to an element for which space has not actually been allocated, you just get the default value.

The regular array accessing functions don’t work on planes. You can use make-plane to create a plane, plane-aref or plane-ref to get the value of a component, and plane-aset or plane-store to store into a component. array-rank works on planes.

A plane is actually stored as an array with a leader. The array corresponds to a rectangular, aligned region of the plane, containing all the components in which a plane-store has been done (and, usually, others which have never been altered). The lowest-coordinate corner of that rectangular region is given by the plane-origin in the array leader. The highest-coordinate corner can be found by adding the plane-origin to the array-dimensions of the array. The plane-default is the contents of all the elements of the plane that are not actually stored in the array. The plane-extension is the amount to extend a plane by in any direction when the plane needs to be extended. The default is 32.

If you never use any negative indices, then the plane-origin remains all zeroes and you can use regular array functions, such as aref and aset, to access the portion of the plane that is actually stored. This can be useful to speed up certain algorithms. In this case you can even use the bitblt function on a two-dimensional plane of bits or bytes, provided you don’t change the plane-extension to a number that is not a multiple of 32.

Function: make-plane rank &key type default-value extension initial-dimensions initial-origins

Creates and returns a plane. rank is the number of dimensions. The keyword arguments are


The array type symbol (e.g art-1b) specifying the type of the array out of which the plane is made.


The default component value as explained above.


The amount by which to extend the plane, as explained above.


nil or a list of integers whose length is rank. If not nil, each element corresponds to one dimension, specifying the width to allocate the array initially in that dimension.


nil or a list of integers whose length is rank. If not nil, each element corresponds to one dimension, specifying the smallest index in that dimension for which storage should initially be allocated.


(make-plane 2 :type 'art-4b :default-value 3)

creates a two-dimensional plane of type art-4b, with default value 3.

Function: plane-origin plane

A list of numbers, giving the lowest coordinate values actually stored.

Function: plane-default plane

This is the contents of the infinite number of plane elements that are not actually stored.

Function: plane-extension plane

The amount to extend the plane by, in any direction, when plane-store is done outside of the currently-stored portion.

Function: plane-aref plane &rest subscripts
Function: plane-ref plane subscripts

These two functions return the contents of a specified element of a plane. They differ only in the way they take their arguments; plane-aref wants the subscripts as arguments, while plane-ref wants a list of subscripts.

Function: plane-aset datum plane &rest subscripts
Function: plane-store datum plane subscripts

These two functions store datum into the specified element of a plane, extending it if necessary, and return datum. They differ only in the way they take their arguments; plane-aset wants the subscripts as arguments, while plane-store wants a list of subscripts.

8.14 Maclisp Array Compatibility

The functions in this section are provided only for Maclisp compatibility and should not be used in new programs.

Fixnum arrays do not exist (however, see Zetalisp’s small-positive-integer arrays). Float arrays exist but you do not use them in the same way; no declarations are required or allowed. Un-garbage-collected arrays do not exist. Readtables and obarrays are represented as arrays, but Zetalisp does not use special array types for them. See the descriptions of read (read-fun) and intern (intern-fun) for information about readtables and obarrays (packages). There are no ‘dead” arrays, nor are Multics “external” arrays provided.

The arraycall function exists for compatibility but should not be used (see aref, aref-fun.)

Subscripts are always checked for validity, regardless of the value of *rset and whether the code is compiled or not. However, in a multi-dimensional array, an error is caused only if the subscripts would have resulted in a reference to storage outside of the array. For example, if you have a 2 by 7 array and refer to an element with subscripts 3 and 1, no error occurs despite the fact that the reference is invalid; but if you refer to element 1 by 100, an error occurs. In other words, subscript errors are caught if and only if they refer to storage outside the array; some errors are undetected, but they can only clobber (alter randomly) some other element of the same array, not something completely unpredictable.

loadarrays and dumparrays are not provided. However, arrays can be put into QFASL files; see fasdump.

The *rearray function is not provided, since not all of its functionality is available in Zetalisp. Its most common uses are implemented by adjust-array-size.

In Maclisp, arrays are usually kept on the array property of symbols, and the symbols are used instead of the arrays. In order to provide some degree of compatibility for this manner of using arrays, the array, *array, and store functions are provided, and when arrays are applied to arguments, the arguments are treated as subscripts and apply returns the corresponding element of the array.

Function: array &quote symbol type &eval &rest dims

Creates an art-q type array in default-array-area with the given dimensions. (That is, dims is given to make-array as its first argument.) type is ignored. If symbol is nil, the array is returned; otherwise, the array is put in the function cell of symbol, and symbol is returned.

Function: *array symbol type &rest dims

Is like array, except that all of the arguments are evaluated.

Special Form: store array-ref x

Stores x into the specified array element. array-ref should be a form which references an array by calling it as a function (aref forms are not acceptable). First x is evaluated, then array-ref is evaluated, and then the value of x is stored into the array cell last referenced by a function call, presumably the one in array-ref.

Function: xstore x array-ref

This is just like store, but it is not a special form; this is because the arguments are in the other order. This function only exists for the compiler to compile the store special form into, and should never be used by programs.

Function: arraycall ignored array &rest subscripts

(arraycall t array sub1 sub2...) is the same as (aref array sub1 sub2...). It exists for Maclisp compatibility.

9 Generic Sequence Functions

The type specifier sequence is defined to include lists and vectors (arrays of rank one). Lists and vectors are similar in that both can be regarded as sequences of elements: there is a first element, a second element, and so on. Element n of a list is (nth n list), and element n of a vector is (aref vector n). Many useful operations which apply in principle to a sequence of objects can work equally well on lists and vectors. These are the generic sequence functions.

All the generic sequence functions accept nil as a sequence of length zero.

9.1 Primitive Sequence Operations

Function: make-sequence type size &key initial-element

Creates a sequence of type type, size elements long. size must be an integer and type must be either list or some kind of array type. type could be just array or vector to make a general vector, it could be (vector (byte 8)) to make an art-8b vector, and so on.

If initial-element is specified, each element of the new sequence contains initial-element. Otherwise, the new sequence is initialized to contain nil if that is possible, zero otherwise (for numeric array types).

(make-sequence 'list 3)
  =>  (nil nil nil)

(make-sequence 'array 5 :initial-element t)
  =>  #(t t t t t)

(make-sequence '(vector bit) 5)
  =>  #*00000
Function: elt sequence index

Returns the element at index index in sequence. If sequence is a list, this is (nth index sequence). If sequence is a vector, this is (aref index sequence). Being microcoded, elt is as fast as either nth or aref.

(setf (elt sequence index) value) is the way to set an element of a sequence.

Function: length sequence

Returns the length of sequence, as an integer. For a vector with a fill pointer, this is the fill pointer value. For a list, it is the traditional Lisp function; note that lists ending with atoms other than nil are accepted, so that the length of (a b . c) is 2.

9.2 Simple Sequence Operations

Function: copy-seq sequence

Returns a new sequence of the same type, length and contents as sequence.

Function: concatenate result-type &rest sequences

Returns a new sequence, of type result-type, whose contents are made from the contents of all the sequences. result-type can be list or any array type, just as in make-sequence above. Examples:

(concatenate 'list '(1 2) '#(A 3))  =>  (1 2 A 3)
(concatenate 'vector '(1 2) '#(A 3)  =>  #(1 2 A 3)
Function: subseq sequence start &optional end

Returns a new sequence whose elements are a subsequence of sequence. The new sequence is of the same type as sequence.

start is the index of the first element of sequence to take. end is the index of where to stop–the first element not to take. end can also be nil, meaning take everything from start up to the end of sequence.


(subseq "Foobar" 3 5)  =>  "ba"
(subseq '(a b c) 1)  =>  (b c)

It is also possible to setf a call to subseq. This means to store into part of the sequence passed to subseq. Thus,

(setf (subseq "Foobar" 3 5) "le")

modifies the string "Foobar" so that it contains "Fooler" instead.

Function: replace into-sequence-1 from-sequence-2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2

Copies part of from-sequence-2 into part of to-sequence-1. start2 and end2 are the indices of the part of from-sequence-2 to copy from, and start1 and end1 are the indices of the part of to-sequence-1 to copy into.

If the number of elements to copy out of from-sequence-2 is less than the number of elements of to-sequence-1 to be copied into, the extra elements of to-sequence-1 are not changed. If the number of elements to copy out is more than there is room for, the last extra elements are ignored.

If the two sequence arguments are the same sequence, then the elements to be copied are copied first into a temporary sequence (if necessary) to make sure that no element is overwritten before it is copied. Example:

(setq str "Elbow")
(replace str str :start1 2 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 4)

modifies str to contain "Ellbo".

into-sequence-1 is returned as the value of replace.

Function: fill sequence item &key (start 0) end

Modifies the contents of sequence by setting all the elements to item. start and end may be specified to limit the operation to some contiguous portion of sequence; then the elements before start or after end are unchanged. If end is nil, the filling goes to the end of sequence.

The value returned by fill is sequence. Example:

(setq l '(a b c d e))
(fill l 'lose :start 2)

l => (a b lose lose lose)
Function: reverse sequence

Returns a new sequence containing the same elements as sequence but in reverse order. The new sequence is of the same type and length as sequence. reverse does not modify its argument, unlike nreverse which is faster but does modify its argument. The list created by reverse is not cdr-coded.

(reverse "foo")  =>  "oof"
(reverse '(a b (c d) e)) => (e (c d) b a)
Function: nreverse sequence

Modifies sequence destructively to have its elements in reverse order, and returns sequence as modified. For a vector, this is done by copying the elements to different positions. For a list, this is done by modifying cdr pointers. This has two important consequences: it is most efficient when the list is not cdr-coded, and the rearranged list starts with the cell that used to be at the end. Although the altered list as a whole contains the same cells as the original, the actual value of the altered list is not eq to the original list. For this reason, one must always store the value of nreverse into the place where the list will be used. Do not just use nreverse for effect on a list.

(setq a '#(1 2 3 4 5))
(nreverse a)
(concatenate 'list a) => (5 4 3 2 1)

(setq b '(1 2 3 4 5)
      c b
      d (last b))
(setq b (nreverse b))

b => (5 4 3 2 1)
c => (1)
(eq b d)  =>  t

nreverse is most frequently used after a loop which computes elements for a new list one by one. These elements can be put on the new list with push, but this produces a list which has the elements in reverse order (first one generated at the end of the list).

(let (accumulate)
  (dolist (x input)
    (push (car x) accumulate)
    (push (cdr x) accumulate))
  (nreverse accumulate))

Currently, nreverse is inefficient with cdr-coded lists (see cdr-code), because it just uses rplacd in the straightforward way. This may be fixed someday. In the meantime reverse might be preferable in some cases.

9.3 Mapping On Sequences

Function: cli:map result-type function &rest sequences

The Common Lisp map function maps function over successive elements of each sequence, constructing and returning a sequence of the results that function returns. The constructed sequence is of type result-type (see make-sequence, make-sequence-fun).

function is called first on the first elements of all the sequences, then on the second elements of all, and so on until some argument sequence is exhausted.

(map 'list 'list '(1 2 3) '#(A B C D))
  =>  ((1 A) (2 B) (3 C))

(setq vect (map '(vector (mod 16.)) '+
		'(3 4 5 6 7) (circular-list 1)))
(concatenate 'list vect)  =>  (2 3 4 5 6)
(array-element-type vect)  =>  (mod 16.)

result-type can also be nil. Then the values returned by function are thrown away, no sequence is constructed, and map returns nil.

This function is available under the name map in Common Lisp programs. In traditional Zetalisp programs, map is another function which does something related but different; see map-fun. Traditional programs can call this function as cli:map.

Function: cli:some predicate &rest sequences

Applies predicate to successive elements of each sequence. If predicate ever returns a non-nil value, cli:some immediately returns the same value. If one of the argument sequences is exhausted, cli:some returns nil.

Each time predicate is called, it receives one argument from each sequence. The first time, it gets the first element of each sequence, then the second element of each, and so on until a sequence is exhausted. Examples:

(cli:some 'plusp '(-4 0 5 6))  =>  5
(cli:some '> '(-4 0 5 6) '(0 12 12 12))  =>  nil
(cli:some '> '(-4 0 5 6) '(3 3 3 3))  =>  5
(cli:some '> '(-4 0 5 6) '(3 3))  =>  nil

This function is available under the name some in Common Lisp programs. In traditional Zetalisp programs, some is another function which does something related but different; see some-fun. Traditional programs can call this function as cli:some.

Function: cli:every predicate &rest sequences

Applies predicate to successive elements of each sequence. If predicate ever returns nil, cli:every immediately returns nil. If one of the argument sequences is exhausted, cli:every returns t.

Each time predicate is called, it receives one argument from each sequence. The first time, it gets the first element of each sequence, then the second element of each, and so on until a sequence is exhausted. Examples:

(cli:every 'plusp '(-4 0 5 6))  =>  nil
(cli:every 'plusp '(5 6))  =>  t

This function is available under the name every in Common Lisp programs. In traditional Zetalisp programs, every is another function which does something related but different; see every-fun. Traditional programs can call this function as cli:every.

Function: notany predicate &rest sequences
Function: notevery predicate &rest sequences

These are the opposites of cli:some and cli:every.

(notany ...) is equivalent to (not (cli:some ...)). (notevery ...) is equivalent to (not (cli:every ...)).

Function: reduce function sequence &key from-end (start 0) end initial-value

Combines the elements of sequence using function, a function of two args. function is applied to the first two elements; then to that result and the third element; then to that result and the fourth element; and so on.

start and end are indices that restrict the action to a part of sequence, as if the rest of sequence were not there. They default to 0 and nil (nil for end means go all the way to the end of sequence).

If from-end is non-nil, processing starts with the last of the elements. function is first applied to the last two elements; then to the previous element and that result; then to the previous element and that result; and so on until element number start has been used.

If initial-value is specified, it acts like an extra element of sequence, used in addition to the actual elements of the specified part of sequence. It comes, in effect, at the beginning if from-end is nil, but at the end if from-end is non-nil, so that in any case it is the first element to be processed.

If there is only one element to be processed, that element is returned and function is not called.

If there are no elements (sequence is of length zero and no initial-value), function is called with no arguments and its value is returned.

(reduce '+ '(1 2 3))  =>  6
(reduce '- '(1 2 3))  =>  -4
(reduce '- '(1 2 3) :from-end t)  =>  2  ;; 1 - (2 - 3)
(reduce 'cons '(1 2 3) :from-end t)  =>  (1 2 . 3)
(reduce 'cons '(1 2 3))  =>  ((1 . 2) . 3)

9.4 Operating on Selected Elements

The generic sequence functions for searching, substituting and removing elements from sequences take similar arguments whose meanings are standard. This is because they all look at each element of the sequence to decide whether it should be processed.

Functions which conceptually modify the sequence come in pairs. One function in the pair copies the sequence if necessary and never modifies the argument. The copy is a list if the original sequence is a list; otherwise, the copy is an art-q array. If the sequence is a list, it may be copied only partially, sharing any unchanged tail with the original argument. If no elements match, the result sequence may be eq to the argument sequence.

The other function in the pair may alter the original sequence and return it, or may make a copy and return that.

There are two ways the function can decide which elements to operate on. The functions whose names end in -if or -if-not have an argument named predicate which should be a function of one argument. This function is applied to each element and the value determines whether the element is processed.

The other functions have an argument named item or something similar which is an object to compare each element with. The elements that match item are processed. By default, the comparison is done with eql. You can specify any function of two arguments to be used instead, as the test keyword argument. item is always the first argument, and an element of the sequence is the second argument. The element matches item if test returns non-nil. Alternatively, you can specify the test-not keyword argument; then the element matches if test-not returns nil.

The elements may be tested in any order, and may be tested more than once. For predictable results, your predicate, test and test-not functions should be side-effect free.

The five keyword arguments start, end, key, count and from-end have the same meanings for all of the functions, except that count is not relevant for some kinds of operations. Here is what they do:

start, end

start and end are indices in the sequence; they restrict the processing to the portion between those indices. Only elements in this portion are tested, replaced or removed. For the search functions, only this portion is searched. For element removal functions, elements outside the portion are unchanged.

start is the index of the first element to be processed, and end is the index of the element after the last element to be processed. end can also be nil, meaning that processing should continue to the end of the sequence.

start always defaults to 0, and end always defaults to nil.


key, if not nil, is a function of one argument which is applied to each element of the sequence to get a value which is passed to the test, test-not or predicate function in place of the element. For example, if key is car, the car of each element is compared or tested. The default for key is nil, which means to compare or test the element itself.


If from-end is non-nil, elements are (conceptually) processed in the reverse of the sequence order, from the later elements to the earlier ones. In some functions this argument makes no difference, or matters only when count is non-nil.

Note: the actual testing of elements may happen in any order.


count, if not nil, should be an integer specifying the number of matching elements to be processed. For example, if count is 2, only the first two elements that match are removed, replaced, etc. If from-end is non-nil, the last two matching elements are the ones removed or replaced.

The default for count is nil, which means all elements are tested and all matching ones are processed.

9.4.1 Removing Elements from Sequences

These functions remove certain elements of a sequence. The remove series functions copy the argument; the delete series functions can modify it destructively (currently they always copy anyway if the argument is a vector).

Function: remove-if predicate sequence &key (start 0) end count key from-end
Function: delete-if predicate sequence &key (start 0) end count key from-end

Returns a sequence like sequence but missing any elements that satisfy predicate. predicate is a function of one argument which is applied to one element at a time; if predicate returns non-nil, that element is removed. remove-if copies structure as necessary to avoid modifying sequence, while delete-if can either modify the original sequence and return it or make a copy and return that. (Currently, a list is always modified, and a vector is always copied, but don’t depend on this.)

The start, end, key count and from-end arguments are handled in the standard way.

(remove-if 'plusp '(1 -1 2 -2 3 -3))  =>  (-1 -2 -3)
(remove-if 'plusp '(1 -1 2 -2 3 -3) :count 2)
  =>  (-1 -2 3 -3)
(remove-if 'plusp '(1 -1 2 -2 3 -3) :count 2 :from-end t)
  =>  (1 -1 -2 -3)
(remove-if 'plusp '(1 -1 2 -2 3 -3) :start 4)
  =>  (1 -1 2 -2 -3)
(remove-if 'zerop '(1 -1 2 -2 3 -3) :key '1-)
  =>  (-1 2 -2 3 -3)
Function: remove-if-not predicate sequence &key (start 0) end count key from-end
Function: delete-if-not predicate sequence &key (start 0) end count key from-end

Like remove-if and delete-if except that the elements removed are those for which predicate returns nil.

Function: cli:remove item sequence &key (test 'eql) test-not (start 0) end count key from-end
Function: cli:delete item sequence &key (test 'eql) test-not (start 0) end count key from-end

The Common Lisp functions for eliminating elements from a sequence test the elements of sequence one by one by comparison with item, using the test or test-not function, and eliminate the elements that match. cli:remove copies structure as necessary to avoid modifying sequence, while cli:delete can either modify the original sequence and return it or make a copy and return that. (Currently, a list is always modified, and a vector is always copied.)

The start, end, key count and from-end arguments are handled in the standard way.

(cli:remove 'x '(x (a) (x) (a x)))
  =>  ((a) (x) (a x))

(cli:remove 'x '((a) (x) (a x)) :test 'memq)
  =>  ((a))

(cli:remove 'x '((a) (x) (a x)) :test-not 'memq)
  =>  ((x) (a x))

(cli:remove 'x '((a) (x) (a x)) 
	    :test 'memq :count 1)
  =>  ((a) (a x))

(cli:remove 'x '((a) (x) (a x)) :key 'car)
  =>  ((a) (a x))

These functions are available under the names remove and delete in Common Lisp programs. Traditional Zetalisp provides functions remove and delete which serve similar functions, on lists only, and with different calling sequences; see remove-fun and delete-fun. Traditional programs can call these functions as cli:remove and cli:delete.

Function: remove-duplicates sequence &key (test 'eql) test-not (start 0) end key from-end
Function: delete-duplicates sequence &key (test 'eql) test-not (start 0) end key from-end

remove-duplicates returns a new sequence like sequence except that all but one of any set of matching elements have been removed. delete-duplicates is the same except that it may destructively modify and then return sequence itself.

Elements are compared using test, a function of two arguments. Two elements match if test returns non-nil. Each element is compared with all the following elements and slated for removal if it matches any of them.

If test-not is specified, it is used instead of test, but then elements match if test-not returns nil. If neither test nor test-not is specified, eql is used for test.

If key is non-nil, it should be a function of one argument. key is applied to each element, and the value key returns is passed to test or test-not.

If from-end is non-nil, then elements are processed (conceptually) from the end of sequence forward. Each element is compared with all the preceding ones and slated for removal if it matches any of them. For a well-behaved comparison function, the only difference from-end makes is which elements of a matching set are removed. Normally the last one is kept; with from-end, it is the first one that is kept.

If start or end is used to restrict processing to a portion of sequence, both removal and comparison are restricted. An element is removed only if it is itself within the specified portion, and matches another element within the specified portion.

9.4.2 Substitution Functions

The functions in this section substitute a new value for certain of the elements in a sequence–those that match a specified object or satisfy a predicate. For example, you could replace every t in the sequence with nil, leaving all elements other than t unchanged. The substitute series functions make a copy and return it, leaving the original sequence unmodified. The nsubstitute series functions always alter the original sequence destructively and return it. They do not use up any storage.

Note the difference between these functions and the function cli:subst. subst operates only on lists, and it searches all levels of list structure in both car and cdr positions. substitute, when given a list, considers for replacement only the elements of the list.

Function: substitute-if newitem predicate sequence &key start end count key from-end
Function: nsubstitute-if newitem predicate sequence &key start end count key from-end

substitute-if returns a new sequence like sequence but with newitem substituted for each element of sequence that satisfies predicate. sequence itself is unchanged. If it is a list, only enough of it is copied to avoid changing sequence.

nsubstitute-if replaces elements in sequence itself, modifying it destructively, and returns sequence.

start, end, key, count and from-end are handled in the standard fashion as described above.

(substitute-if 0 'plusp '(1 -1 2 -2 3) :from-end t :count 2)
  =>  (1 -1 0 -2 0)
Function: substitute-if-not newitem predicate sequence &key start end count key from-end
Function: nsubstitute-if-not newitem predicate sequence &key start end count key from-end

Like substitute-if and nsubstitute-if except that the elements replaced are those for which predicate returns nil.

Function: substitute newitem olditem sequence &key (test 'eql) test-not start end count key from-end
Function: nsubstitute newitem olditem sequence &key (test 'eql) test-not start end count key from-end

Like substitute-if and nsubstitute-if except that elements are tested by comparison with olditem, using test or test-not as a comparison function.

start, end, key, count and from-end are handled in the standard fashion as described above.

(substitute 'a 'b '(a b (a b)))
  =>  (a a (a b))

9.4.3 Searching for Elements

The functions in this section find an element or elements of a sequence which satisfy a predicate or match a specified object. The position series functions find one element and return the index of the element found in the specified sequence. The find series functions return the element itself. The count series functions find all the elements that match and returns the number of them that were found.

All of the functions accept the keyword arguments start, end, count and from-end, and handle them in the standard way described in generic-sequence-arguments.

Function: position-if predicate sequence &key (start 0) end key from-end
Function: find-if predicate sequence &key (start 0) end key from-end

Find the first element of sequence (last element, if from-end is non-nil) which satisfies predicate. position-if returns the index in sequence of the element found; find-if returns the element itself. If no element is found, the value is nil for either function.

See generic-sequence-arguments for a description of the standard arguments start, end and key. If start or end is used to restrict operation to a portion of sequence, elements outside the portion are not tested, but the index returned is still the index in the entire sequence.

(position-if 'plusp '(-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3))
  =>  4
(find-if 'plusp '(-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3))
  =>  1
(position-if 'plusp '(-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3) :start 5)
  =>  5
(position-if 'plusp '(-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3) :from-end t)
  =>  6
(find-if 'plusp '(-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3) :from-end t)
  =>  3
Function: position-if-not predicate sequence &key (start 0) end key from-end
Function: find-if-not predicate sequence &key (start 0) end key from-end

Like position-if and find-if but search for an element for which predicate returns nil.

Function: position item sequence sequence &key test test-not (start 0) end key from-end
Function: find item sequence sequence &key test test-not (start 0) end key from-end

Like position-if and find-if but search for an element which matches item, using test or test-not for comparison.

(position #\A "BabA" :test 'char-equal)  =>  1
(position #/A "BabA" :test 'equalp)  =>  1
(position #\A "BabA" :test 'char=)  =>  3
(position #/A "BabA" :test 'eq)  =>  3

find-position-in-list is equivalent to position with eq as the value of test.

Function: count-if predicate sequence &key start end key

Tests each element of sequence with predicate and counts how many times predicate returns non-nil. This number is returned.

start, end and key are used in the standard way, as described in generic-sequence-arguments. The from-end keyword argument is accepted without error, but it has no effect.

(count-if 'symbolp #(a b "foo" 3))  =>  2
Function: count-if-not predicate sequence &key start end key

Like count-if but returns the number of elements for which predicate returns nil.

Function: count item sequence &key test test-not start end key

Like count but returns the number of elements which match item. test or test-not is the function used for the comparison.

(count 4 '(1 2 3 4 5) :test '>)  =>  3

9.5 Comparison Functions

Function: mismatch sequence1 sequence2 &key (test 'eql) test-not (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2 key from-end

Compares successive elements of sequence1 with successive elements of sequence2, returning nil if they all match, or else the index in sequence1 of the first mismatch. If the sequences differ in length but match as far as they go, the value is the index in sequence1 of the place where one sequence ran out. If sequence1 is the one which ran out, this value equals the length of sequence1, so it isn’t the index of an actual element, but it still describes the place where comparison stopped.

Elements are compared using the function test, which should accept two arguments. If it returns non-nil, the elements are considered to match. If you specify test-not instead of test, it is used similarly as a function, but the elements match if test-not returns nil.

If key is non-nil, it should be a function of one argument. It is applied to each element to get an object to pass to test or test-not in place of the element. Thus, if car is supplied as key, the cars of the elements are compared using test or test-not.

start1 and end1 can be used to specify a portion of sequence1 to use in the comparison, and start2 and end2 can be used to specify a portion of sequence2. The comparison uses the first element of each sequence portion, then the second element of each sequence portion, and so on. If the two specified portions differ in length, comparison stops where the first one runs out. In any case, the index returned by mismatch is still relative to the whole of sequence1.

If from-end is non-nil, the comparison proceeds conceptually from the end of each sequence or portion. The first comparison uses the last element of each sequence portion, the second comparison uses the next-to-the-last element of each sequence portion, and so on. When a mismatch is encountered, the value returned is one greater than the index of the first mismatch encountered in order of processing (closest to the ends of the sequences).

(mismatch "Foo" "Fox")  =>  2
(mismatch "Foo" "FOO" :test 'char-equal)  =>  nil
(mismatch "Foo" "FOO" :key 'char-upcase)  =>  nil
(mismatch '(a b) #(a b c))  =>  2
(mismatch "Win" "The Winner" :start2 4 :end2 7)  =>  nil
(mismatch "Foo" "Boo" :from-end t)  =>  1

Searches in-sequence-2 (or portion of it) for a subsequence that matches for-sequence-1 (or portion of it) element by element, and returns the index in in-sequence-2 of the beginning of the matching subsequence. If no matching subsequence is found, the value is nil, The comparison of each subsequence of in-sequence-2 is done with mismatch, and the test, test-not and key arguments are used only to pass along to mismatch.

Normally, subsequences are considered starting with the beginning of the specified portion of in-sequence-2 and proceeding toward the end. The value is therefore the index of the earliest subsequence that matches. If from-end is non-nil, the subsequences are tried in the reverse order, and the value identifies the latest subsequence that matches. In either case, the value identifies the beginning of the subsequence found.

(search '(#\A #\B) "cabbage" :test 'char-equal)  =>  1

9.6 Sorting and Merging

Several functions are provided for sorting vectors and lists. These functions use algorithms which always terminate no matter what sorting predicate is used, provided only that the predicate always terminates. The main sorting functions are not stable; that is, equal items may not stay in their original order. If you want a stable sort, use the stable versions. But if you don’t care about stability, don’t use them since stable algorithms are significantly slower.

After sorting, the argument (be it list or vector) has been rearranged internally so as to be completely ordered. In the case of a vector argument, this is accomplished by permuting the elements of the vector, while in the list case, the list is reordered by rplacd’s in the same manner as nreverse. Thus if the argument should not be clobbered, the user must sort a copy of the argument, obtainable by fillarray or copylist, as appropriate. Furthermore, sort of a list is like delq in that it should not be used for effect; the result is conceptually the same as the argument but in fact is a different Lisp object.

Should the comparison predicate cause an error, such as a wrong type argument error, the state of the list or vector being sorted is undefined. However, if the error is corrected the sort proceeds correctly.

The sorting package is smart about compact lists; it sorts compact sublists as if they were vectors. See cdr-code for an explanation of compact lists, and MIT A I Lab Memo 587 by Guy L Steele Jr. for an explanation of the sorting algorithm.

Function: sort sequence predicate

The first argument to sort is a vector or a list whose elements are to be sorted. The second is a predicate, which must be applicable to all the objects in the sequence. The predicate should take two arguments, and return non-nil if and only if the first argument is strictly less than the second (in some appropriate sense).

The sort function proceeds to reorder the elements of the sequence according to the predicate, and returns a modified sequence. Note that since sorting requires many comparisons, and thus many calls to the predicate, sorting is much faster if the predicate is a compiled function rather than interpreted. Example: Sort a list alphabetically by the first symbol found at any level in each element.

(defun mostcar (x)
    (cond ((symbolp x) x)
          ((mostcar (car x)))))

(sort 'fooarray
      #'(lambda (x y)
	  (string-lessp (mostcar x) (mostcar y))))

If fooarray contained these items before the sort:

(Tokens (The alien lurks tonight))
(Carpenters (Close to you))
((Rolling Stones) (Brown sugar))
((Beach Boys) (I get around))
(Beatles (I want to hold you up))

then after the sort fooarray would contain:

((Beach Boys) (I get around))
(Beatles (I want to hold you up))
(Carpenters (Close to you))
((Rolling Stones) (Brown sugar))
(Tokens (The alien lurks tonight))

When sort is given a list, it may change the order of the conses of the list (using rplacd), and so it cannot be used merely for side-effect; only the returned value of sort is the sorted list. The original list may have some of its elements missing when sort returns. If you need both the original list and the sorted list, you must copy the original and sort the copy (see copylist, copylist-fun).

Sorting a vector just moves the elements of the vector into different places, and so sorting a vector for side-effect only is all right.

If the argument to sort is a vector with a fill pointer, note that, like most functions, sort considers the active length of the vector to be the length, and so only the active part of the vector is sorted (see array-active-length, array-active-length-fun).

Function: sortcar sequence predicate

sortcar is the same as sort except that the predicate is applied to the cars of the elements of sequence, instead of directly to the elements of sequence. Example:

(sortcar '((3 . dog) (1 . cat) (2 . bird)) #'<)
                   =>   ((1 . cat) (2 . bird) (3 . dog))

Remember that sortcar, when given a list, may change the order of the conses of the list (using rplacd), and so it cannot be used merely for side-effect; only the returned value of sortcar is the sorted list. The original list is destroyed by sorting.

Function: stable-sort sequence predicate

stable-sort is like sort, but if two elements of sequence are equal, i.e predicate returns nil when applied to them in either order, then they remain in their original order.

Function: stable-sortcar sequence predicate

stable-sortcar is like sortcar, but if two elements of sequence are equal, i.e predicate returns nil when applied to their cars in either order, then they remain in their original order.

Function: sort-grouped-array array group-size predicate

sort-grouped-array considers its array argument to be composed of records of group-size elements each. These records are considered as units, and are sorted with respect to one another. The predicate is applied to the first element of each record; so the first elements act as the keys on which the records are sorted.

Function: sort-grouped-array-group-key array group-size predicate

This is like sort-grouped-array except that the predicate is applied to four arguments: an array, an index into that array, a second array, and an index into the second array. predicate should consider each index as the subscript of the first element of a record in the corresponding array, and compare the two records. This is more general than sort-grouped-array since the function can get at all of the elements of the relevant records, instead of only the first element.

Function: merge result-type sequence1 sequence2 predicate &key key

Returns a single sequence containing the elements of sequence1 and sequence2 interleaved in order according to predicate. The length of the result sequence is the sum of the lengths of sequence1 and sequence2. result-type specifies the type of sequence to create, as in make-sequence.

The interleaving is done by taking the next element of sequence1 unless the next element of sequence2 is “less” than it according to predicate. Therefore, if each of the argument sequences is sorted, the result of merge is also sorted.

key, if non-nil, is applied to each element to get the object to pass to predicate, rather than the element itself. Thus, if key is car, the cars of the elements are compared rather than the entire elements.

(merge 'list '(1 2 5 6) '(3 5.0 5.1) '<)
  =>  (1 2 3 5 5.0 5.1 6)

10 Characters and Strings

A string is a one-dimensional array representing a sequence of characters. The printed representation of a string is its characters enclosed in quotation marks, for example "foo bar". Strings are constants, that is, evaluating a string returns that string. Strings are the right data type to use for text-processing.

Individual characters can be represented by character objects or by fixnums. A character object is actually the same as a fixnum except that it has a recognizably different data type and prints differently. Without escaping, a character object is printed by outputting the character it represents. With escaping, a character object prints as #\char in Common Lisp syntax or as #/char in traditional syntax; see character-set and sharp-slash. By contrast, a fixnum would in all cases print as a sequence of digits. Character objects are accepted by most numeric functions in place of fixnums, and may be used as array indices. When evaluated, they are constants.

The character object data type was introduced recently for Common Lisp support. Traditionally characters were always represented as fixnums, and nearly all system and user code still does so. Character objects are interchangeable with fixnums in most contexts, but not in eq, which is often used to compare the result of the stream input operations such as :tyi, since that might be nil. Therefore, the stream input operations still return fixnums that represent characters. Aside from this, Common Lisp functions that return a character return a character object, while traditional functions return a fixnum. The fixnum which is the character code representing char can be written as #/char in traditional syntax. This is equivalent to writing the fixnum using digits, but does not require you to know the character code.

Most strings are arrays of type art-string, where each element is stored in eight bits. Only characters with character code less than 256 can be stored in an ordinary string; these characters form the type string-char. A string can also be an array of type art-fat-string, where each element holds a sixteen-bit unsigned fixnum. The extra bits allow for multiple fonts or an expanded character set.

Since strings are arrays, the usual array-referencing function aref is used to extract characters from strings. For example, (aref "frob" 1) returns the representation of lower case r. The first character is at index zero.

Conceptually, the elements of a string are character objects. This is what Common Lisp programs expect to see when they do aref (or char, which on the Lisp Machine is synonymous with aref) on a string. But nearly all Lisp Machine programs are traditional, and expect elements of strings to be fixnums. Therefore, aref of a string actually returns a fixnum. A distinct version of aref exists for Common Lisp programs. It is cli:aref and it does return character objects if given a string. For all other kinds of arrays, aref and cli:aref are equivalent.

(aref "Foo" 1)  =>  #o157
(cli:aref "Foo" 1)  =>  #/o

It is also legal to store into strings, for example using setf of aref. As with rplaca on lists, this changes the actual object; you must be careful to understand where side-effects will propagate. It makes no difference whether a character object or a fixnum is stored. When you are making strings that you intend to change later, you probably want to create an array with a fill-pointer (see fill-pointer) so that you can change the length of the string as well as the contents. The length of a string is always computed using array-active-length, so that if a string has a fill-pointer, its value is used as the length.

The functions described in this section provide a variety of useful operations on strings. In place of a string, most of these functions accept a symbol or a fixnum as an argument, coercing it into a string. Given a symbol, its print name, which is a string, is used. Given a fixnum, a one-character string containing the character designated by that fixnum is used. Several of the functions actually work on any type of one-dimensional array and may be useful for other than string processing; these are the functions such as substring and string-length which do not depend on the elements of the string being characters.

The generic sequence functions in chapter sequence-chapter may also be used on strings.

10.1 Characters

The Lisp Machine data type for character objects is a recent addition to the system. Most programs still use fixnums to represent characters.

Common Lisp programs typically work with actual character objects but programs traditionally use fixnums to represent characters. The new Common Lisp functions for operating with characters have been implemented to accept fixnums as well, so that they can be used equally well from traditional programs.

Function: characterp object

t if object is a character object; nil otherwise. In particular, it is nil if object is a fixnum such as traditional programs use to represent characters.

Function: character object

Coerces object to a single character, represented as a fixnum. If object is a number, it is returned. If object is a string or an array, its first element is returned. If object is a symbol, the first character of its pname is returned. Otherwise an error occurs. The way characters are represented as fixnums is explained in character-set.

Function: cli:character object

Coerces object into a character and returns the character as a character object for Common Lisp programs.

Function: int-char fixnum

Converts fixnum, regarded as representing a character, to a character object. This is a special case of cli:character. (int-char #o101) is the character object for A. If a character object is given as an argument, it is returned unchanged.

Function: char-int char

Converts char, a character object, to the fixnum which represents the same character. This is the inverse of int-char. It may also be given a fixnum as argument, in which case the value is the same fixnum.

10.1.1 Components of a Character

A character object, or a fixnum which is interpreted as a character, contains three separate pieces of information: the character code, the font number, and the modifier bits. Each of these things is an integer from a fixed range. The character code ranges from 0 to 377 (octal), the font number from 0 to 377 (octal), and the modifier bits from 0 to 17 (octal). These numeric constants should not appear in programs; instead, use the constant symbols char-code-limit, and so on, described below.

Ordinary strings can hold only characters whose font number and modifier bits are zero. Fat strings can hold characters with any font number, but the modifier bits must still be zero.

Character codes less than 200 octal are printing graphics; when output to a device they are assumed to print a character and move the cursor one character position to the right. (All software provides for variable-width fonts, so the term “character position” shouldn’t be taken too literally.)

Character codes 200 through 236 octal are used for special characters. Character 200 is a “null character”, which does not correspond to any key on the keyboard. The null character is not used for anything much; fasload uses it internally. Characters 201 through 236 correspond to the special function keys on the keyboard such as Return and Call. The remaining character codes 237 through 377 octal are reserved for future expansion.

Most of the special characters do not normally appear in files (although it is not forbidden for files to contain them). These characters exist mainly to be used as “commands” from the keyboard. A few special characters, however, are “format effectors” which are just as legitimate as printing characters in text files. The names and meanings of these characters are:


The “newline” character, which separates lines of text. We do not use the PDP-10 convention which separates lines by a pair of characters, a “carriage return” and a “linefeed”.


The “page separator” character, which separates pages of text.


The “tabulation” character, which spaces to the right until the next “tab stop”. Tab stops are normally every 8 character positions.

The space character is considered to be a printing character whose printed image happens to be blank, rather than a format effector.

When a letter is typed with any of the modifier bit keys (Control, Meta, Super, or Hyper), the letter is normally upper-case. If the Shift key is pressed as well, then the letter becomes lower-case. This is exactly the reverse of what the Shift key does to letters without control bits. (The Shift-lock key has no effect on letters with control bits.)

Function: char-code char
Function: char-font char
Function: char-bits char

Return the character code of char, the font number of char, and the modifier bits value of char. char may be a fixnum or a character object; the value is always a fixnum.

These used to be written as

(ldb %%ch-char char)
(ldb %%ch-font char)
(ldb %%ch-control-meta char)

Such use of ldb is frequent but obsolete.

Constant: char-code-limit

A constant whose value is a bound on the maximum code of any character. In the Lisp Machine, currently, it is 400 (octal).

Constant: char-font-limit

A constant whose value is a bound on the maximum font number value of any character. In the Lisp Machine, currently, it is 400 (octal).

Constant: char-bits-limit

A constant whose value is a bound on the maximum modifier bits value of any character. In the Lisp Machine, currently, it is 20 (octal). Thus, there are four modifier bits. These are just the familiar Control, Meta, Super and Hyper bits.

Constant: char-control-bit
Constant: char-meta-bit
Constant: char-super-bit
Constant: char-hyper-bit

Constants with values 1, 2, 4 and 8. These give the meanings of the bits within the bits-field of a character object. Thus, (bit-test char-meta-bit (char-bits char)) would be non-nil if char is a meta-character. (This can also be tested with char-bit.)

Function: char-bit char name

t if char has the modifier bit named by name. name is one of the following four symbols: :control, :meta, :super, and :hyper.

(char-bit #\meta-x :meta) => t.
Function: set-char-bit char name newvalue

Returns a character like char except that the bit specified by name is present if newvalue is non-nil, absent otherwise. Thus,

(set-char-bit #\x :meta t) => #\meta-x.

The value is a fixnum if char is one; a character object if char is one.

Until recently the only way to access the character code, font and modifier bits was with ldb, using the byte field names listed below. Most code still uses that method, but it is obsolete; char-bit should be used instead.


Specifies the byte containing the character code.


Specifies the byte containing the font number.


Specifies the byte containing the Control bit.


Specifies the byte containing the Meta bit.


Specifies the byte containing the Super bit.


Specifies the byte containing the Hyper bit.


Specifies the byte containing all the modifier bits.

Characters are sometimes used to represent mouse clicks. The character says which button was pressed and how many times. Refer to the Window System manual for an explanation of how these characters are generated.

Function: tv:kbd-mouse-p char

t if char is a character used to represent a mouse click. Such characters are always distinguishable from characters that represent keyboard input.

Constant: %%kbd-mouse-button

The value of %%kbd-mouse-button is a byte specifier for the field in a mouse signal that says which button was clicked. The byte contains 0, 1, or 2 for the left, middle, or right button, respectively.

Constant: %%kbd-mouse-n-clicks

The value of %%kbd-mouse-n-clicks is a byte specifier for the field in a mouse signal that says how many times the button was clicked. The byte contains one less than the number of times the button was clicked.

10.1.2 Constructing Character Objects

Function: code-char code &optional (bits 0) (font 0)
Function: make-char code &optional (bits 0) (font 0)

Returns a character object made from code, bits and font. Common Lisp says that not all combinations may be valid, and that nil is returned for an invalid combination. On the Lisp Machine, any combination is valid if the arguments are valid individually.

According to Common Lisp, code-char requires a number as a first argument, whereas make-char requires a character object, whose character code is used. On the Lisp Machine, either function may be used in either way.

Function: digit-char weight &optional (radix 10.) (font 0)

Returns a character object which is the digit with the specified weight, and with font as specified. However, if there is no suitable character which has weight weight in the specified radix, the value is nil. If the “digit” is a letter (which happens if weight is greater than 9), it is returned in upper case.

Function: tv:make-mouse-char button n-clicks

Returns the fixnum character code that represents a mouse click in the standard way. tv:mouse-char-p of this value is t. button is 0 for the leftbutton, 1 for the middle button, or 2 for the right button. n-clicks is one less than the number of clicks (1 for a double click, 0 normally).

10.1.3 The Character Set

Here are the numerical values of the characters in the Zetalisp character set. It should never be necessary for a user or a source program to know these values. Indeed, they are likely to be changed in the future. There are symbolic names for all characters; see the section on character names, below.

It is worth pointing out that the Zetalisp character set is different from the ASCII character set. File servers operating on hosts that use ASCII for storing text files automatically perform character set conversion when text files are read or written. The details of the mapping are explained in character-set-differences.

000 · center-dot              040 space       100 @           140 `
001 ↓ down arrow              041 !           101 A           141 a
002 α alpha                   042 "           102 B           142 b
003 β beta                    043 #           103 C           143 c
004 ∧ and-sign                044 $           104 D           144 d
005 ¬ not-sign                045 %           105 E           145 e
006 ε epsilon                 046 &           106 F           146 f
007 π pi                      047 '           107 G           147 g
010 λ lambda                  050 (           110 H           150 h
011 γ gamma                   051 )           111 I           151 i
012 δ delta                   052 *           112 J           152 j
013 ↑ uparrow                 053 +           113 K           153 k
014 ± plus-minus              054 ,           114 L           154 l
015 ⊕ circle-plus             055 -           115 M           155 m
016 ∞ infinity                056 .           116 N           156 n
017 ∂ partial delta           057 /           117 O           157 o
020 ⊂ left horseshoe          060 0           120 P           160 p
021 ⊃ right horseshoe         061 1           121 Q           161 q
022 ∩ up horseshoe            062 2           122 R           162 r
023 ∪ down horseshoe          063 3           123 S           163 s
024 ∀ universal quantifier    064 4           124 T           164 t
025 ∃ existential quantifier  065 5           125 U           165 u
026 ⮾ circle-X                066 6           126 V           166 v
027 ⇄ double-arrow            067 7           127 W           167 w
030 ← left arrow              070 8           130 X           170 x
031 → right arrow             071 9           131 Y           171 y
032 ≠ not-equals              072 :           132 Z           172 z
033 ⋄ diamond (altmode)       073 ;           133 [           173 {
034 ≤ less-or-equal           074 <           134 \           174 |
035 ≥ greater-or-equal        075 =           135 ]           175 }
036 ≡ equivalence             076 >           136 ^           176 ~
037 ∨ or                      077 ?           137 _           177 ∫ integral
200 Null character            210 Overstrike  220 Stop-output 230 Roman-iv
201 Break                     211 Tab         221 Abort       231 Hand-up
202 Clear                     212 Line        222 Resume      232 Hand-down
203 Call                      213 Delete      223 Status      233 Hand-left
204 Terminal escape           214 Page        224 End         234 Hand-right
205 Macro/backnext            215 Return      225 Roman-i     235 System
206 Help                      216 Quote       226 Roman-ii    236 Network
207 Rubout                    217 Hold-output 227 Roman-iii
237-377 reserved for the future

                    The Lisp Machine Character Set
			(all numbers in octal)
000 center-dot              040 space       100 @           140 `
001 down arrow              041 !           101 A           141 a
002 alpha                   042 "           102 B           142 b
003 beta                    043 #           103 C           143 c
004 and-sign                044 $           104 D           144 d
005 not-sign                045 %           105 E           145 e
006 epsilon                 046 &           106 F           146 f
007 pi                      047 '           107 G           147 g
210 lambda                  050 (           110 H           150 h
211 gamma                   051 )           111 I           151 i
212 delta                   052 *           112 J           152 j
213 uparrow                 053 +           113 K           153 k
214 plus-minus              054 ,           114 L           154 l
215 circle-plus             055 -           115 M           155 m
016 infinity                056 .           116 N           156 n
017 partial delta           057 /           117 O           157 o
020 left horseshoe          060 0           120 P           160 p
021 right horseshoe         061 1           121 Q           161 q
022 up horseshoe            062 2           122 R           162 r
023 down horseshoe          063 3           123 S           163 s
024 universal quantifier    064 4           124 T           164 t
025 existential quantifier  065 5           125 U           165 u
026 circle-X                066 6           126 V           166 v
027 double-arrow            067 7           127 W           167 w
030 left arrow              070 8           130 X           170 x
031 right arrow             071 9           131 Y           171 y
032 not-equals              072 :           132 Z           172 z
033 diamond (altmode)       073 ;           133 [           173 {
034 less-or-equal           074 <           134 \           174 |
035 greater-or-equal        075 =           135 ]           175 }
036 equivalence             076 >           136 ^           176 ~
037 or                      077 ?           137 _           177 @ref{ctl-qm}
200 Null character      10 Overstrike    220 Stop-output   230 Roman-iv
201 Break               11 Tab           221 Abort         231 Hand-up
202 Clear               15 Line          222 Resume        232 Hand-down
203 Call                13 Delete        223 Status        233 Hand-left
204 Terminal escape     14 Page          224 End           234 Hand-right
205 Macro/backnext      12 Return        225 Roman-i       235 System
206 Help               216 Quote         226 Roman-ii      236 Network
207 Rubout             217 Hold-output   227 Roman-iii
237-377 reserved for the future

                    The Lisp Machine Character Set
                          as stored on UNIX
			(all numbers in octal)

10.1.4 Classifying Characters

Function: string-char-p char

t if char is a character that can be stored in a string. On the Lisp Machine, this is true if the font and modifier bits of char are zero.

Function: standard-char-p char

t if char is a standard Common Lisp character: any of the 95 ASCII printing characters (including Space), and the Return character. Thus (standard-char-p #\end) is nil.

Function: graphic-char-p char

t if char is a graphic character; one which has a printed shape. A, -, Space and epsilon are all graphic characters; Return, End and Abort are not. A character whose modifier bits are nonzero is never graphic.

Ordinary output to windows prints graphic characters using the current font. Nongraphic characters are printed using lozenges unless they have special formatting meanings (as Return does).

Function: alpha-char-p char

t if char is a letter with zero modifier bits.

Function: digit-char-p char &optional (radix 10.)

If char is a digit available in the specified radix, returns the weight of that digit. Otherwise, it returns nil. If the modifier bits of char are nonzero, the value is always nil. (It would be more useful to ignore the modifier bits, but this decision provides Common Lisp with a foolish consistency.) Examples:

(digit-char-p #\8 8) => nil
(digit-char-p #\8 9) => 8
(digit-char-p #\F 16.) => 15.
(digit-char-p #\c-8 anything) => nil
Function: alphanumericp char

t if char is a letter or a digit 0 through 9, with zero modifier bits.

10.1.5 Comparing Characters

Function: char-equal &rest chars

This is the primitive for comparing characters for equality; many of the string functions call it. The arguments may be fixnums or character objects indiscriminately. The result is t if the characters are equal ignoring case, font and modifier bits, otherwise nil.

Function: char-not-equal &rest chars

t if the arguments are all different as characters, ignoring case, font and modifier bits.

Function: char-lessp &rest chars
Function: char-greaterp &rest chars
Function: char-not-lessp &rest chars
Function: char-not-greaterp &rest chars

Ordered comparison of characters, ignoring case, font and modifier bits. These are the primitives for comparing characters for order; many of the string functions call it. The arguments may be fixnums or character objects. The result is t if the arguments are in strictly increasing (strictly decreasing, nonincreasing, nondecreasing) order. Details of the ordering of characters are in character-set.

Function: char= char1 &rest chars
Function: char//= char1 &rest chars
Function: char> char1 &rest chars
Function: char< char1 &rest chars
Function: char>= char1 &rest chars
Function: char<= char1 &rest chars

These are the Common Lisp functions for comparing characters and including the case, font and bits in the comparison. On the Lisp Machine they are synonyms for the numeric comparison functions =, >, etc. Note that in Common Lisp syntax you would write char/=, not char//=.

10.1.6 Character Names

Characters can sometimes be referred to by long names; as, for example, in the #\ construct in Lisp programs. Every basic character (zero modifier bits) which is not a graphic character has one or more standard names. Some graphic characters have standard names too. When a non-graphic character is output to a window, it appears as a lozenge containing the character’s standard name.

Function: char-name char

Returns the standard name (or one of the standard names) of char, or nil if there is none. The name is returned as a string. (char-name #\space) is the string "SPACE".

If char has nonzero modifier bits, the value is nil. Compound names such as Control-X are not constructed by this function.

Function: name-char name

Returns (as a character object) the character for which name is a name, or returns nil if name is not a recognized character name. name may be a symbol or a string. Compound names such as Control-X are not recognized.

read uses this function to process the #\ construct when a character name is encountered.

The following are the recognized special character names, in alphabetical order except with synonyms together. Character names are encoded and decoded by the functions char-name and name-char (char-name-fun).

First a list of the special function keys.

abort		break		call		clear-input,  clear
delete		end		hand-down	hand-left
hand-right	hand-up		help		hold-output
line,  lf		macro,  back-next	network
overstrike,  backspace,  bs		page,  form,  clear-screen
quote		resume		return, cr		
roman-i		roman-ii		roman-iii		roman-iv
rubout		space,  sp		status		stop-output
system		tab		terminal,  esc

These are printing characters that also have special names because they may be hard to type on the hosts that are used as file servers.

altmode		circle-plus	delta		gamma
integral		lambda		plus-minus	uparrow
center-dot	down-arrow	alpha		beta
and-sign		not-sign		epsilon		pi
lambda		gamma		delta		up-arrow
plus-minus	circle-plus	infinity		partial-delta
left-horseshoe	right-horseshoe	up-horseshoe	down-horseshoe
universal-quantifier			existential-quantifier
circle-x		double-arrow	left-arrow		right-arrow
not-equal		altmode		less-or-equal	greater-or-equal
equivalence	or-sign

The following names are for special characters sometimes used to represent single and double mouse clicks. The buttons can be called either l, m, r or 1, 2, 3 depending on stylistic preference.

mouse-l-1 or mouse-1-1		mouse-l-2 or mouse-1-2
mouse-m-1 or mouse-2-1		mouse-m-2 or mouse-2-2
mouse-r-1 or mouse-3-1		mouse-r-2 or mouse-3-2

10.2 Conversion to Upper or Lower Case

Function: upper-case-p char

t if char is an upper case letter with zero modifier bits.

Function: lower-case-p char

t if char is an lower case letter with zero modifier bits.

Function: both-case-p char

This Common Lisp function is defined to return t if char is a character which has distinct upper and lower case forms. On the Lisp Machine it returns t if char is a letter with zero modifier bits.

Function: char-upcase char

If char, is a lower-case alphabetic character its upper-case form is returned; otherwise, char itself is returned. If font information or modifier bits are present, they are preserved. If char is a fixnum, the value is a fixnum. If char is a character object, the value is a character object.

Function: char-downcase char

Similar, but converts to lower case.

Function: string-upcase string &key (start 0) end

Returns a string like string, with all lower-case alphabetic characters replaced by the corresponding upper-case characters. If start or end is specified, only the specified portion of the string is converted, but in any case the entire string is returned.

The result is a copy of string unless no change is necessary. string itself is never modified.

Function: string-downcase string &key (start 0) end

Similar, but converts to lower case.

Function: string-capitalize string &key (start 0) end

Returns a string like string in which all, or the specified portion, has been processed by capitalizing each word. For this function, a word is any maximal sequence of letters or digits. It is capitalized by putting the first character (if it is a letter) in upper case and any letters in the rest of the word in lower case.

The result is a copy of string unless no change is necessary. string itself is never modified.

Function: nstring-upcase string &key (start 0) end
Function: nstring-downcase string &key (start 0) end
Function: nstring-capitalize string &key (start 0) end

Like the previous functions except that they modify string itself and return it.

Function: string-capitalize-words string &optional (copy-p t) (spaces t)

Puts each word in string into lower-case with an upper case initial, and if spaces is non-nil replaces each hyphen character with a space.

If copy-p is t, the value is a copy of string, and string itself is unchanged. Otherwise, string itself is returned, with its contents changed.

This function is somewhat obsolete. One can use string-capitalize followed optionally by string-subst-char.

See also the format operation ~(...~) on format-case-convert.

10.3 Basic String Operations

Function: make-string size &key (initial-element 0)

Creates and returns a string of length size, with each element initialized to initial-element, which may be a fixnum or a character.

Function: string x

Coerces x into a string. Most of the string functions apply this to their string arguments. If x is a string (or any array), it is returned. If x is a symbol, its pname is returned. If x is a non-negative fixnum less than 400 octal, a one-character-long string containing it is created and returned. If x is an instance that supports the :string-for-printing operation (such as, a pathname) then the result of that operation is returned. Otherwise, an error is signaled.

If you want to get the printed representation of an object into the form of a string, this function is not what you should use. You can use format, passing a first argument of nil (see format-fun). You might also want to use with-output-to-string (see with-output-to-string-fun).

Function: string-length string

Returns the number of characters in string. This is 1 if string is a number or character object, the array-active-length (see array-active-length-fun) if string is an array, or the array-active-length of the pname if string is a symbol.

Function: string-equal string1 string2 &key (start1 0) (start2 0) end1 end2

Compares two strings, returning t if they are equal and nil if they are not. The comparison ignores the font and case of the characters. equal calls string-equal if applied to two strings. The keyword arguments start1 and start2 are the starting indices into the strings. end1 and end2 are the final indices; the comparison stops just before the final index. nil for end1 or end2 means stop at the end of the string.

(string-equal "Foo" "foo") => t
(string-equal "foo" "bar") => nil
(string-equal "element" "select" 0 1 3 4) => t

An older calling sequence in which the start and end arguments are positional rather than keyword is still supported. The arguments come in the order start1 start2 end1 end2. This calling sequence is obsolete and should be changed whenever found.

Function: string-not-equal string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2

(not (string-equal ...))

Function: string= string1 string2 &key (start1 0) (start2 0) end1 end2

is like string-equal except that case is significant.

(string= "A" "a") => nil
Function: string string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2
Function: string//= string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2

(not (string= ...)). Note that in Common Lisp syntax you would write string/=, not string//=.

Function: string-lessp string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2
Function: string-greaterp string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2
Function: string-not-greaterp string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2
Function: string-not-lessp string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2

Compare all or the specified portions of string1 and string2 using dictionary order. Characters are compared using char-lessp and char-equal so that font and alphabetic case are ignored.

You can use these functions as predicates, but they do more. If the strings fit the condition (e.g string1 is strictly less in string-lessp) then the value is a number, the index in string1 of the first point of difference between the strings. This equals the length of string1 if the strings match. If the condition is not met, the value is nil.

(string-lessp "aa" "Ab") => 1
(string-lessp "aa" "Ab" :end1 1 :end2 1) => nil
(string-not-greaterp "Aa" "Ab" :end1 1 :end2 1) => 1
Function: string< string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2
Function: string> string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2
Function: string>= string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2
Function: string<= string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2
Function: string string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2
Function: string string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2

Like string-lessp, etc, but treat case and font as significant when comparing characters.

(string< "AA" "aa") => 0
(string-lessp "AA" "aa") => nil
Function: string-compare string1 string2 &optional (start1 0) (start2 0) end1 end2

Compares two strings using dictionary order (as defined by char-lessp). The arguments are interpreted as in string-equal. The result is 0 if the strings are equal, a negative number if string1 is less than string2, or a positive number if string1 is greater than string2. If the strings are not equal, the absolute value of the number returned is one greater than the index (in string1) where the first difference occurred.

Function: substring string start &optional end area

Extracts a substring of string, starting at the character specified by start and going up to but not including the character specified by end. start and end are 0-origin indices. The length of the returned string is end minus start. If end is not specified it defaults to the length of string. The area in which the result is to be consed may be optionally specified.

(substring "Nebuchadnezzar" 4 8) => "chad"
Function: nsubstring string start &optional end area

Is like substring except that the substring is not copied; instead an indirect array (see indirect-array) is created which shares part of the argument string. Modifying one string will modify the other.

Note that nsubstring does not necessarily use less storage than substring; an nsubstring of any length uses at least as much storage as a substring 12 characters long. So you shouldn’t use this for efficiency; it is intended for uses in which it is important to have a substring which, if modified, will cause the original string to be modified too.

Function: string-append &rest strings

Copies and concatenates any number of strings into a single string. With a single argument, string-append simply copies it. If there are no arguments, the value is an empty string. In fact, vectors of any type may be used as arguments, and the value is a vector capable of holding all the elements of all the arguments. Thus string-append can be used to copy and concatenate any type of vector. If the first argument is not an array (for example, if it is a character), the value is a string.

(string-append #\! "foo" #\!) => "!foo!"
Function: string-nconc modified-string &rest strings

Is like string-append except that instead of making a new string containing the concatenation of its arguments, string-nconc modifies its first argument. modified-string must have a fill-pointer so that additional characters can be tacked onto it. Compare this with array-push-extend (array-push-extend-fun). The value of string-nconc is modified-string or a new, longer copy of it; in the latter case the original copy is forwarded to the new copy (see adjust-array-size, adjust-array-size-fun). Unlike nconc, string-nconc with more than two arguments modifies only its first argument, not every argument but the last.

Function: string-trim char-set string

Returns a substring of string, with all characters in char-set stripped off the beginning and end. char-set is a set of characters, which can be represented as a list of characters, a string of characters or a single character.

(string-trim '(#\sp) "  Dr. No  ") => "Dr. No"
(string-trim "ab" "abbafooabb") => "foo"
Function: string-left-trim char-set string

Returns a substring of string, with all characters in char-set stripped off the beginning. char-set is a set of characters, which can be represented as a list of characters, a string of characters or a single character.

Function: string-right-trim char-set string

Returns a substring of string, with all characters in char-set stripped off the end. char-set is a set of characters, which can be represented as a list of characters, a string of characters or a single character.

Function: string-remove-fonts string

Returns a copy of string with each character truncated to 8 bits; that is, changed to font zero.

If string is an ordinary string of array type art-string, this does not change anything, but it makes a difference if string is an art-fat-string.

Function: string-reverse string
Function: string-nreverse string

Like reverse and nreverse, but on strings only (see reverse-fun). There is no longer any reason to use these functions except that they coerce numbers and symbols into strings like the other string functions.

Function: string-pluralize string

Returns a string containing the plural of the word in the argument string. Any added characters go in the same case as the last character of string.

(string-pluralize "event") => "events"
(string-pluralize "trufan") => "trufen"
(string-pluralize "Can") => "Cans"
(string-pluralize "key") => "keys"
(string-pluralize "TRY") => "TRIES"

For words with multiple plural forms depending on the meaning, string-pluralize cannot always do the right thing.

Function: string-select-a-or-an word

Returns "a" or "an" according to the string word; whichever one appears to be correct to use before word in English.

Function: string-append-a-or-an word

Returns the result of appending "a " or "an ", whichever is appropriate, to the front of word.

Function: %string-equal string1 start1 string2 start2 count

%string-equal is the microcode primitive used by string-equal. It returns t if the count characters of string1 starting at start1 are char-equal to the count characters of string2 starting at start2, or nil if the characters are not equal or if count runs off the length of either array.

Instead of a fixnum, count may also be nil. In this case, %string-equal compares the substring from start1 to (string-length string1) against the substring from start2 to (string-length string2). If the lengths of these substrings differ, then they are not equal and nil is returned.

Note that string1 and string2 must really be strings; the usual coercion of symbols and fixnums to strings is not performed. This function is documented because certain programs which require high efficiency and are willing to pay the price of less generality may want to use %string-equal in place of string-equal.

To compare the two strings foo and bar:
(%string-equal foo 0 bar 0 nil)
To see if the string foo starts with the characters "bar":
(%string-equal foo 0 "bar" 0 3)
Variable: alphabetic-case-affects-string-comparison

If this variable is t, the functions %string-equal and %string-search consider case (and font) significant in comparing characters. Normally this variable is nil and those primitives ignore differences of case.

This variable may be bound by user programs around calls to %string-equal and %string-search-char, but do not set it globally, for that may cause system malfunctions.

10.4 String Searching

Function: string-search-char char string &optional (from 0) to consider-case

Searches through string starting at the index from, which defaults to the beginning, and returns the index of the first character that is char-equal to char, or nil if none is found. If to is non-nil, it is used in place of (string-length string) to limit the extent of the search.

(string-search-char #\a "banana") => 1

Case (and font) is significant in comparison of characters if consider-case is non-nil. In other words, characters are compared using char= rather than char-equal.

(string-search-char #\a "BAnana" 0 nil t) => 3
Function: %string-search-char char string from to

%string-search-char is the microcode primitive called by string-search-char and other functions. string must be an array and char, from, and to must be fixnums. The arguments are all required. Case-sensitivity is controlled by the value of the variable alphabetic-case-affects-string-comparison rather than by an argument. Except for these these differences, %string-search-char is the same as string-search-char. This function is documented for the benefit of those who require the maximum possible efficiency in string searching.

Function: string-search-not-char char string &optional (from 0) to consider-case

Like string-search-char but searches string for a character different from char.

(string-search-not-char #\B "banana") => 1
(string-search-not-char #\B "banana" 0 nil t) => 0
Function: string-search key string &optional (from 0) to (key-from 0) key-to consider-case

Searches for the string key in the string string. The search begins at from, which defaults to the beginning of string. The value returned is the index of the first character of the first instance of key, or nil if none is found. If to is non-nil, it is used in place of (string-length string) to limit the extent of the search.

The arguments key-from and key-to can be used to specify the portion of key to be searched for, rather than all of key.

Case and font are significant in character comparison if consider-case is non-nil.

(string-search "an" "banana") => 1
(string-search "an" "banana" 2) => 3
(string-search "tank" "banana" 2 nil 1 3) => 3
(string-search "an" "BAnaNA" 0 nil 0 nil t) => nil
Function: string-search-set char-set string &optional (from 0) to consider-case

Searches through string looking for a character that is in char-set. char-set is a set of characters, which can be represented as a sequence of characters or a single character.

The search begins at the index from, which defaults to the beginning. It returns the index of the first character that is char-equal to some element of char-set, or nil if none is found. If to is non-nil, it is used in place of (string-length string) to limit the extent of the search.

Case and font are significant in character comparison if consider-case is non-nil.

(string-search-set '(#\n #\o) "banana") => 2
(string-search-set "no" "banana") => 2
Function: string-search-not-set char-set string &optional (from 0) to consider-case

Like string-search-set but searches for a character that is not in char-set.

(string-search-not-set '(#\a #\b) "banana") => 2
Function: string-reverse-search-char char string &optional from (to 0) consider-case

Searches through string in reverse order, starting from the index one less than from (nil for from starts at the end of string), and returns the index of the first character which is char-equal to char, or nil if none is found. Note that the index returned is from the beginning of the string, although the search starts from the end. The last (leftmost) character of string examined is the one at index to.

Case and font are significant in character comparison if consider-case is non-nil. In this case, char= is used for the comparison rather than char-equal.

(string-reverse-search-char #\n "banana") => 4
Function: string-reverse-search-not-char char string &optional from (to 0) consider-case

Like string-reverse-search-char but searches for a character in string that is different from char.

(string-reverse-search-not-char #\a "banana") => 4
;4 is the index of the second "n"
Function: string-reverse-search key string &optional from (to 0) (key-from 0) key-to consider-case

Searches for the string key in the string string. The search proceeds in reverse order, starting from the index one less than from, and returns the index of the first (leftmost) character of the first instance found, or nil if none is found. Note that the index returned is from the beginning of the string, although the search starts from the end. The from condition, restated, is that the instance of key found is the rightmost one whose rightmost character is before the from’th character of string. nil for from means the search starts at the end of string. The last (leftmost) character of string examined is the one at index to.

(string-reverse-search "na" "banana") => 4

The arguments key-from and key-to can be used to specify the portion of key to be searched for, rather than all of key. Case and font are significant in character comparison if consider-case is non-nil.

Function: string-reverse-search-set char-set string &optional from (to 0) consider-case

Searches through string in reverse order for a character which is char-equal to some element of char-set. char-set is a set of characters, which can be represented as a list of characters, a string of characters or a single character.

The search starts from an index one less than from, and returns the index of the first suitable character found, or nil if none is found. nil for from means the search starts at the end of string. Note that the index returned is from the beginning of the string, although the search starts from the end. The last (leftmost) character of string examined is the one at index to.

Case and font are significant in character comparison if consider-case is non-nil. In this case, char= is used for the comparison rather than char-equal.

(string-reverse-search-set "ab" "banana") => 5
Function: string-reverse-search-not-set char-set string &optional from (to 0) consider-case

Like string-reverse-search-set but searches for a character which is not in char-set.

(string-reverse-search-not-set '(#\a #\n) "banana") => 0
Function: string-subst-char new-char old-char string (copy-p t) (retain-font-p t)

Returns a copy of string in which all occurrences of old-char have been replaced by new-char.

Case and font are ignored in comparing old-char against characters of string. Normally the font information of the character replaced is preserved, so that an old-char in font 3 is replaced by a new-char in font 3. If retain-font-p is nil, the font specified in new-char is stored whenever a character is replaced.

If copy-p is nil, string is modified destructively and returned. No copy is made.

Function: substring-after-char char string &optional start end area

Returns a copy of the portion of string that follows the next occurrence of char after index start. The portion copied ends at index end. If char is not found before end, a null string is returned.

The value is consed in area area, or in default-cons-area, unless it is a null string. start defaults to zero, and end to the length of string.

See also make-symbol (make-symbol-fun), which given a string makes a new uninterned symbol with that print name, and intern (intern-fun), which given a string returns the one and only symbol (in the current package) with that print name.

10.5 Maclisp-Compatible Functions

The following functions are provided primarily for Maclisp compatibility.

Function: alphalessp string1 string2

(alphalessp string1 string2) is equivalent to (string-lessp string1 string2).

Function: samepnamep sym1 sym2

This predicate is equivalent to string=.

Function: getchar string index

Returns the index’th character of string as a symbol. Note that 1-origin indexing is used. This function is mainly for Maclisp compatibility; aref should be used to index into strings (but aref does not coerce symbols or numbers into strings).

Function: getcharn string index

Returns the index’th character of string as a fixnum. Note that 1-origin indexing is used. This function is mainly for Maclisp compatibility; aref should be used to index into strings (but aref does not coerce symbols or numbers into strings).

Function: ascii x

Like character, but returns a symbol whose printname is the character instead of returning a fixnum.

(ascii #o101) => A
(ascii #o56) => /.

The symbol returned is interned in the current package (see package).

Function: maknam char-list

Returns an uninterned symbol whose print-name is a string made up of the characters in char-list.

(maknam '(a b #\0 d)) => ab0d
Function: implode char-list

implode is like maknam except that the returned symbol is interned in the current package.

11 Functions

Functions are the basic building blocks of Lisp programs. This chapter describes the functions in Zetalisp that are used to manipulate functions. It also explains how to manipulate special forms and macros.

This chapter contains internal details intended for those writing programs to manipulate programs as well as material suitable for the beginner. Feel free to skip sections that look complicated or uninteresting when reading this for the first time.

11.1 What Is a Function?

There are many different kinds of functions in Zetalisp. Here are the printed representations of examples of some of them:

(lambda (x) (car (last x)))
(named-lambda foo (x) (car (last (x))))
(subst (x) (car (last x)))
#<dtp-fef-pointer append 1424771>
#<dtp-u-entry last 270>
#<dtp-closure 1477464>

We will examine these and other types of functions in detail later in this chapter. There is one thing they all have in common: a function is a Lisp object that can be applied to arguments. All of the above objects may be applied to some arguments and will return a value. Functions are Lisp objects and so can be manipulated in all the usual ways; you can pass them as arguments, return them as values, and make other Lisp objects refer to them.

11.2 Function Specs

The name of a function does not have to be a symbol. Various kinds of lists describe other places where a function can be found. A Lisp object that describes a place to find a function is called a function spec. (‘Spec’ is short for ‘specification’.) Here are the printed representations of some typical function specs:

(:property foo bar)
(:method tv:graphics-mixin :draw-line)
(:internal foo 1)
(:within foo bar)
(:location #<dtp-locative 7435216>)

Function specs have two purposes: they specify a place to remember a function, and they serve to name functions. The most common kind of function spec is a symbol, which specifies that the function cell of the symbol is the place to remember the function. We will see all the different types of function spec, and what they mean, shortly. Function specs are not the same thing as functions. You cannot, in general, apply a function spec to arguments. The time to use a function spec is when you want to do something to the function, such as define it, look at its definition, or compile it.

Some kinds of functions remember their own names, and some don’t. The “name” remembered by a function can be any kind of function spec, although it is usually a symbol. In the examples of functions in the previous section, the one starting with the symbol named-lambda, the one whose printed representation included dtp-fef-pointer, and the dtp-u-entry remembered names (the function specs foo, append, and last respectively). The others didn’t remember their names.

To define a function spec means to make that function spec remember a given function. Programs do this by calling fdefine; you give fdefine a function spec and a function, and fdefine remembers the function in the place specified by the function spec. The function associated with a function spec is called the definition of the function spec. A single function can be the definition of more than one function spec at the same time, or of no function specs.

The definition of a function spec can be obtained with fdefinition. (function function-spec) does so too, but here function-spec is not evaluated. For example, (function foo) evaluates to the function definition of foo. fdefinition is used by programs whose purpose is to examine function definitions, whereas function is used in this way by programs of all sorts to obtain a specific definition and use it. See function-fun.

To define a function means to create a new function and define a given function spec as that new function. This is what the defun special form does. Several other special forms, such as defmethod (defmethod-fun) and defselect (defselect-fun), do this too.

These special forms that define functions usually take a function spec, create a function whose name is that function spec, and then define that function spec to be the newly-created function. Most function definitions are done this way, and so usually if you go to a function spec and see what function is there, the function’s name is the same as the function spec. However, if you define a function named foo with defun, and then define the symbol bar to be this same function, the name of the function is unaffected; both foo and bar are defined to be the same function, and the name of that function is foo, not bar.

A function spec’s definition in general consists of a basic definition surrounded by encapsulations. Both the basic definition and the encapsulations are functions, but of recognizably different kinds. What defun creates is a basic definition, and usually that is all there is. Encapsulations are made by function-altering functions such as trace, breakon and advise. When the function is called, the entire definition, which includes the tracing and advice, is used. If the function is redefined with defun, only the basic definition is changed; the encapsulations are left in place. See the section on encapsulations, encapsulate.

A function spec is a Lisp object of one of the following types:

a symbol

The function is remembered in the function cell of the symbol. See fsymeval-fun for an explanation of function cells and the primitive functions to manipulate them.

(:property symbol property)

The function is remembered on the property list of the symbol; doing (get symbol property) returns the function. Storing functions on property lists is a frequently-used technique for dispatching (that is, deciding at run-time which function to call, on the basis of input data).

(:method flavor-name operation)
(:method flavor-name method-type operation)
(:method flavor-name method-type operation suboperation)

The function is remembered inside internal data structures of the flavor system and is called automatically as part of handling the operation operation on instances of flavor-name. See the chapter on flavors (flavor) for details.

(:handler flavor-name operation)

This is a name for the function actually called when an operation message is sent to an instance of the flavor flavor-name. The difference between :handler and :method is that the handler may be a method inherited from some other flavor or a combined method automatically written by the flavor system. Methods are what you define in source files; handlers are not. Note that redefining or encapsulating a handler affects only the named flavor, not any other flavors built out of it. Thus :handler function specs are often used with trace (see trace-fun), breakon (breakon-fun), and advise (advise-fun).

(:select-method function-spec operation)

This function spec assumes that the definition of function-spec is a select-method object (see select-method) containing an alist of operation names and functions to handle them, and refers to one particular element of that alist: the one for operation operation.

The function is remembered in that alist element and is called when function-spec’s definition is called with first argument operation.

:select-method function specs are most often used implicitly through defselect. One of the things done by

(defselect foo
  (:win (x) (cons 'win x))

is to define the function spec (:select-method foo :win).

:select-method function specs are explicitly given function definitions when you use defselect-incremental instead of defselect, as in

(defselect-incremental foo)
(defun (:select-method foo :win) (ignore x)
  (cons 'win x))
(:lambda-macro name)

This is a name for the function that expands the lambda macro name.

(:location pointer)

The function is stored in the cdr of pointer, which may be a locative or a list. This is for pointing at an arbitrary place that there is no other way to describe. This form of function spec isn’t useful in defun (and related special forms) because the reader has no printed representation for locative pointers and always creates new lists; these function specs are intended for programs that manipulate functions (see programs-that-manipulate-functions).

(:within within-function function-to-affect)

This refers to the meaning of the symbol function-to-affect, but only where it occurs in the text of the definition of within-function. If you define this function spec as anything but the symbol function-to-affect itself, then that symbol is replaced throughout the definition of within-function by a new symbol, which is then defined as you specify. See the section on si:rename-within encapsulations (rename-within-section) for more information.

It is rarely useful to define a :within function spec by hand, but often useful to trace or advise one. For example,

(breakon '(:within myfunction eval))

allows you to break when eval is called from myfunction. Simply doing (breakon 'eval) will probably blow away your machine.

(:internal function-spec number)

Some Lisp functions contain internal functions, created by (function (lambda ...)) forms. These internal functions need names when compiled, but they do not have symbols as names; instead they are named by :internal function-specs. function-spec is the name of the containing function. number is a sequence number; the first internal function the compiler comes across in a given function is numbered 0, the next 1, etc. Internal functions are remembered inside the compiled function object of their containing function.

(:internal function-spec symbol)

If a Lisp function uses flet to name an internal function, you can use the local name defined with flet in the :internal function spec instead of a number. Here is an example of such a function:

(defun foo (a)
  (flet ((square (x) (* x x)))
    (+ a (square a))))

After compiling foo, you could use the function spec (:internal foo square) to refer to the internal function locally named square. You could also use (:internal foo 0). If there are multiple flet’s defining local functions with the same name, only the first can be referred to by name this way.

Here is an example defining a function whose name is not a symbol:

(defun (:property foo bar-maker) (thing &optional kind)
  (set-the 'bar thing (make-bar 'foo thing kind)))

This puts a function on foo’s bar-maker property. Now you can say

(funcall (get 'foo 'bar-maker) 'baz)
(funcall #'(:property foo bar-maker) 'bax)

Unlike the other kinds of function spec, a symbol can be used as a function. If you apply a symbol to arguments, the symbol’s function definition is used instead. If the definition of the first symbol is another symbol, the definition of the second symbol is used, and so on, any number of times. But this is an exception; in general, you can’t apply function specs to arguments.

A keyword symbol that identifies function specs (i.e, that may appear in the car of a list which is a function spec) is identified by a sys:function-spec-handler property whose value is a function that implements the various manipulations on function specs of that type. The interface to this function is internal and not documented in this manual.

For compatibility with Maclisp, the function-defining special forms defun, macro, and defselect (and other defining forms built out of them, such as defmacro) also accept a list

(symbol property)

as a function name. This is translated into

(:property symbol property)

symbol must not be one of the keyword symbols that identify a function spec, since that would be ambiguous.

11.3 Simple Function Definitions

Special Form: defun

The usual way of defining a function that is part of a program. A defun form looks like:

(defun name lambda-list

name is the function spec you wish to define as a function. The lambda-list is a list of the names to give to the arguments of the function. Actually, it is a little more general than that; it can contain lambda-list keywords such as &optional and &rest. (These keywords are explained in lambda-list and other keywords are explained in lambda-list-keywords.) See additional-defun-explanation for some additional syntactic features of defun.

defun creates a list that looks like

(named-lambda name lambda-list body...)

and puts it in the function cell of name. name is now defined as a function and can be called by other forms.

(defun addone (x)
  (1+ x))

(defun foo (a &optional (b 5) c &rest e &aux j)
  (setq j (+ (addone a) b))
  (cond ((not (null c))
	 (cons j e))
	(t j))) 

addone is a function which expects a number as an argument, and returns a number one larger. foo is a complicated function that takes one required argument, two optional arguments, and any number of additional arguments that are given to the function as a list named e.

A declaration (a list starting with declare) can appear as the first element of the body. It applies to the entire function definition; if it is a special declaration, it applies to bindings made in the lambda list and to free references anywhere in the function. For example,

(defun foo (x)
  (declare (special x))
  (bar))             ;bar uses x free.

causes the binding of x to be a dynamic binding, and

(defun foo (&rest args)
  (declare (arglist a b c))
  (apply 'bar args))

causes (arglist 'foo) to return (a b c) rather than (&rest args), presumably because the former is more informative in the particular application.

A documentation string can also appear at the beginning of the body; it may precede or follow a declaration. This documentation string becomes part of the function’s debugging info and can be obtained with the function documentation (see documentation-fun). The first line of the string should be a complete sentence that makes sense read by itself, since there are two editor commands to get at the documentation, one of which is “brief” and prints only the first line. Example:

(defun my-append (&rest lists)
   "Like append but copies all the lists.
This is like the Lisp function append, except that
append copies all lists except the last, whereas
this function copies all of its arguments
including the last one."

A documentation string may not be the last element of the body; a string in that position is interpreted as a form to evaluate and return and is not considered to be a documentation string.

For more information on defining functions, and other ways of doing so, see function-defining.

11.4 User Operations on Functions

Here is a list of the various things a user (as opposed to a program) is likely to want to do to a function. In all cases, you specify a function spec to say where to find the function.

To print out the definition of the function spec with indentation to make it legible, use grindef (see grindef-fun). This works only for interpreted functions. If the definition is a compiled function, it can’t be printed out as Lisp code, but its compiled code can be printed by the disassemble function (see disassemble-fun).

To find out about how to call the function, you can ask to see its documentation or its argument names. (The argument names are usually chosen to have mnemonic significance for the caller). Use arglist (arglist-fun) to see the argument names and documentation (documentation-fun) to see the documentation string. There are also editor commands for doing these things: the Control-Shift-D and Meta-Shift-D commands are for looking at a function’s documentation, and Control-Shift-A is for looking at an argument list.

Control-Shift-A and Control-Shift-D do not ask for the function name; they act on the function that is called by the innermost expression which the cursor is inside. Usually this is the function that will be called by the form you are in the process of writing. They are available in the rubout handler as well.

You can see the function’s debugging info alist by means of the function debugging-info (see debugging-info-fun).

When you are debugging, you can use trace (see trace-fun) to obtain a printout or a break loop whenever the function is called. You can use breakon (see breakon-fun) to cause the error handler to be entered whenever the function is called; from there, you can step through further function calls and returns. You can customize the definition of the function, either temporarily or permanently, using advise (see advise-fun).

11.5 Kinds of Functions

There are many kinds of functions in Zetalisp. This section briefly describes each kind of function. Note that a function is also a piece of data and can be passed as an argument, returned, put in a list, and so forth.

There are four kinds of functions, classified by how they work.

First, there are interpreted functions: you define them with defun, they are represented as list structure, and they are interpreted by the Lisp evaluator.

Secondly, there are compiled functions: they are defined by compile or by loading a QFASL file, they are represented by a special Lisp data type, and they are executed directly by the microcode. Similar to compiled functions are microcode functions, which are written in microcode (either by hand or by the micro-compiler) and executed directly by the hardware.

Thirdly, there are various types of Lisp object that can be applied to arguments, but when they are applied they dig up another function somewhere and apply it instead. These include select-methods, closures, instances, and entities.

Finally, there are various types of Lisp object that, when called as functions, do something special related to the specific data type. These include arrays and stack-groups.

11.5.1 Interpreted Functions

An interpreted function is a piece of list structure that represents a program according to the rules of the Lisp interpreter. Unlike other kinds of functions, interpreted functions can be printed out and read back in (they have a printed representation that the reader understands), can be pretty-printed (see grindef-fun), and can be examined with the usual functions for list-structure manipulation.

There are four kinds of interpreted functions: lambdas, named-lambdas, substs, and named-substs. A lambda function is the simplest kind. It is a list that looks like this:

(lambda lambda-list form1 form2...)

The symbol lambda identifies this list as a lambda function. lambda-list is a description of what arguments the function takes; see lambda-list for details. The forms make up the body of the function. When the function is called, the argument variables are bound to the values of the arguments as described by lambda-list, and then the forms in the body are evaluated, one by one. The values of the function are the values of its last form.

A named-lambda is like a lambda but contains an extra element in which the system remembers the function’s name, documentation, and other information. Having the function’s name there allows the error handler and other tools to give the user more information. You would not normally write a named-lambda yourself; named-lambda exists so that defun can use it. A named-lambda function looks like this:

(named-lambda name lambda-list body forms...)

If the name slot contains a symbol, it is the function’s name. Otherwise it is a list whose car is the name and whose cdr is the function’s debugging information alist. (See debugging-info, debugging-info-fun.) Note that the name need not be a symbol; it can be any function spec. For example,

(defun (foo bar) (x)
  (car (reverse x)))

gives foo a bar property whose value is

(named-lambda ((:property foo bar)) (x) (car (reverse x)))

A subst is a function which is open-coded by the compiler. A subst is just like a lambda as far as the interpreter is concerned. It is a list that looks like this:

(subst lambda-list form1 form2...)

The difference between a subst and a lambda is the way they are handled by the compiler. A call to a normal function is compiled as a closed subroutine; the compiler generates code to compute the values of the arguments and then apply the function to those values. A call to a subst is compiled as an open subroutine; the compiler incorporates the body forms of the subst into the function being compiled, substituting the argument forms for references to the variables in the subst’s lambda-list. subst’s are described more fully on defsubst-fun, with the explanation of defsubst.

A named-subst is the same as a subst except that it has a name just as a named-lambda does. It looks like

(named-subst name lambda-list form1 form2 ...)

where name is interpreted the same way as in a named-lambda.

11.5.2 Lambda Macros

Lambda macros may appear in functions where lambda would have previously appeared. When the compiler or interpreter detects a function whose car is a lambda macro, they expand the macro in much the same way that ordinary Lisp macros are expanded–the lambda macro is called with the function as its argument and is expected to return another function as its value. The definition of a lambda macro (that is, the function which expands it) may be accessed with the (:lambda-macro name) function spec.

The value returned by the lambda macro expander function may be any valid function. Usually it is a list starting with lambda, subst, named-lambda or named-subst, but it could also be another use of a lambda macro, or even a compiled function.

Macro: lambda-macro name lambda-list &body body

By analogy with macro, defines a lambda macro to be called name. lambda-list should consist of one variable, which is bound to the function that caused the lambda macro to be called. The lambda macro must return a function. For example:

(lambda-macro ilisp (x)
  `(lambda (&optional ,@(second x) &rest ignore) . ,(cddr x)))

defines a lambda macro called ilisp which can be used to define functions that accept arguments like a standard Interlisp function: all arguments are optional and extra arguments are ignored. A typical use would be:

(fun-with-functional-arg #'(ilisp (x y z) (list x y z)))

This passes to fun-with-functional-arg a function which will ignore extra arguments beyond the third, and will default x, y and z to nil.

Macro: deflambda-macro

deflambda-macro is like defmacro, but defines a lambda macro instead of a normal macro. Here is how ilisp could be defined using deflambda-macro:

(deflambda-macro ilisp (argument-list &body body)
  `(lambda (&optional ,@argument-list &rest ignore) . ,body))
Macro: deffunction function-spec lambda-macro-name lambda-list &body body

Defines a function with a definition that uses an arbitrary lambda macro instead of lambda. It takes arguments like defun, expect that the argument immediatly following the function specifier is the name of the lambda macro to be used. deffunction expands the lambda macro immediatly, so the lambda macro must have been previously defined.


(deffunction some-interlisp-like-function ilisp (x y z)
  (list x y z))

would define a function called some-interlisp-like-function with the definition (ilisp (x y z) (list x y z)).

(defun foo ...) could be considered an abbreviation for (deffunction foo lambda ...)

11.5.3 Compiled Functions

There are two kinds of compiled functions: macrocoded functions and microcoded functions. The Lisp compiler converts lambda and named-lambda functions into macrocoded functions. A macrocoded function’s printed representation looks like:

#<dtp-fef-pointer append 1424771>

This type of Lisp object is also called a ‘Function Entry Frame’, or ‘FEF’ for short. Like ‘car’ and ‘cdr’, the name is historical in origin and doesn’t really mean anything. The object contains Lisp Machine machine code that does the computation expressed by the function; it also contains a description of the arguments accepted, any constants required, the name, documentation, and other things. Unlike Maclisp “subr-objects”, macrocoded functions are full-fledged objects and can be passed as arguments, stored in data structure, and applied to arguments.

The printed representation of a microcoded function looks like:

#<dtp-u-entry last 270>

Most microcompiled functions are basic Lisp primitives or subprimitives written in Lisp Machine microcode. You can also convert your own macrocode functions into microcode functions in some circumstances, using the micro-compiler.

11.5.4 Other Kinds of Functions

A closure is a kind of function that contains another function and a set of special variable bindings. When the closure is applied, it puts the bindings into effect and then applies the other function. When that returns, the closure bindings are removed. Closures are made with the function closure. See closure for more information. Entities are slightly different from closures; see entity.

A select-method (internal type code dtp-select-method) contains an alist of symbols and functions. When one is called, the first argument is looked up in the alist to find the particular function to be called. This function is applied to the rest of the arguments. The alist may have a list of symbols in place of a symbol, in which case the associated function is called if the first argument is any of the symbols on the list. If cdr of last of the alist is non-nil, it is a default handler function, which gets called if the message key is not found in the alist. Select-methods can be created with the defselect special form (see defselect-fun). If the select-method is the definition of a function-spec, the individual functions in the alist can be referred to or defined using :select-method function specs (see select-method-function-spec).

An instance is a message-receiving object that has both a state and a table of message-handling functions (called methods). Refer to the chapter on flavors (flavor) for further information.

An array can be used as a function. The arguments to the array are the indices and the value is the contents of the element of the array. This is for Maclisp compatibility and is not recommended usage. Use aref (aref-fun) instead.

A stack group can be called as a function. This is one way to pass control to another stack group. See stack-group.

11.5.5 Special Forms and Functions

The special forms of Zetalisp, such as quote, let and cond, are actually implemented with an unusual sort of function.

First, let’s restate the outline of how the evaluator works. When the evaluator is given a list whose first element is a symbol, the form may be a function form, a special form, or a macro form (see description-of-evaluation). If the definition of the symbol is a function, then the function is just applied to the result of evaluating the rest of the subforms. If the definition is a cons whose car is macro, then it is a macro form; these are explained in macro. What about special forms?

A special form is implemented by a function that is flagged to tell the evaluator to refrain from evaluating some or all of the arguments to the function. Such functions make use of the lambda-list keyword &quote.

The evaluator, on seeing the &quote in the lambda list of an interpreted function (or something equivalent in a compiled function) skips the evaluation of the arguments to which the &quote applies. Aside from that, it calls the function normally.

For example, quote could be defined as

(defun quote (&quote arg) arg)

Evaluation of (quote x) would see the &quote in the definition, implying that the argument arg should not be evaluated. Therefore, the argument passed to the definition of quote would be the symbol x rather than the value of x. From then on, the definition of quote would execute in the normal fashion, so x would be the value of arg and x would be returned.

&quote applies to all the following arguments, but it can be cancelled with &eval. A simple setq that accepted only one variable and one value could be defined as follows:

(defun setq (&quote variable &eval value)
  (set variable value))

The actual definition of setq is more complicated and uses a lambda list (&quote &rest variables-and-values). Then it must go through the rest-argument, evaluating every other element.

The definitions of special forms are designed with the assumption that they will be called by eval. It does not usually make much sense to call one with funcall or apply. funcall and apply do not evaluate any arguments; they receive values of arguments, rather than expressions for them, and pass these values directly to the function to be called. There is no evaluation for funcall or apply to refrain from performing. Most special forms explicitly call eval on some of their arguments, or parts of them, and if called with apply or funcall they will still do so. This behavior is rarely useful, so calling special forms with apply or funcall should be avoided. Encapsulations can do this successfully, because they can arrange that quoted arguments are quoted also on entry to the encapsulation.

It is possible to define your own special form using &quote. Macros can also be used to accomplish the same thing. It is preferable to implement language extensions as macros rather than special forms, because macros directly define a Lisp-to-Lisp translation and therefore can be understood by both the interpreter and the compiler. Special forms, on the other hand, only extend the interpreter. The compiler has to be modified in an ad hoc way to understand each new special form so that code using it can be compiled. For example, it would not work for a compiled function to call the interpreted definition of setq; the set in that definition would not be able to act on local variables of the compiled function.

Since all real programs are eventually compiled, writing your own special functions is strongly discouraged. The purpose of &quote is to be used in the system’s own standard special forms.

New Lisp constructs in the system are also implemented as macros most of the time; macros are less work for us, too.

11.6 Function-Defining Special Forms

defun is a special form that is put in a program to define a function; defsubst and macro are others. This section explains how these special forms work, how they relate to the different kinds of functions, and how they interface to the rest of the function-manipulation system.

Function-defining special forms typically take as arguments a function spec and a description of the function to be made, usually in the form of a list of argument names and some forms that constitute the body of the function. They construct a function, give it the function spec as its name, and define the function spec to be the new function. Different special forms make different kinds of functions. defun makes a named-lambda function, and defsubst makes a named-subst function. macro makes a macro; though the macro definition is not really a function, it is like a function as far as definition handling is concerned.

These special forms are used in writing programs because the function names and bodies are constants. Programs that define functions usually want to compute the functions and their names, so they use fdefine. See fdefine-fun.

All of these function-defining special forms alter only the basic definition of the function spec. Encapsulations are preserved. See encapsulate.

The special forms only create interpreted functions. There is no special way of defining a compiled function. Compiled functions are made by compiling interpreted ones. The same special form that defines the interpreted function, when processed by the compiler, yields the compiled function. See compiler for details.

Note that the editor understands these and other “defining” special forms (e.g defmethod, defvar, defmacro, defstruct, etc.) to some extent, so that when you ask for the definition of something, the editor can find it in its source file and show it to you. The general convention is that anything that is used at top level (not inside a function) and starts with def should be a special form for defining things and should be understood by the editor. defprop is an exception.

The defun special form (and the defunp macro which expands into a defun) are used for creating ordinary interpreted functions (see defun-fun).

For Maclisp compatibility, a type symbol may be inserted between name and lambda-list in the defun form. The following types are understood:


The same as no type.


&quote and &rest are prefixed to the lambda list.


A macro is defined instead of a normal function.

If lambda-list is a non-nil symbol instead of a list, the function is recognized as a Maclisp lexpr and it is converted in such a way that the arg, setarg, and listify functions can be used to access its arguments (see arg-fun).

The defsubst special form is used to create substitutible functions. It is used just like defun but produces a list starting with named-subst instead of one starting with named-lambda. The named-subst function acts just like the corresponding named-lambda function when applied, but it can also be open-coded (incorporated into its callers) by the compiler. See defsubst-fun for full information.

The macro special form is the primitive means of creating a macro. It gives a function spec a definition that is a macro definition rather than a actual function. A macro is not a function because it cannot be applied, but it can appear as the car of a form to be evaluated. Most macros are created with the more powerful defmacro special form. See macro.

The defselect special form defines a select-method function. See defselect-fun.

Unlike the above special forms, the next two (deff and def) do not create new functions. They simply serve as hints to the editor that a function is being stored into a function spec here, and therefore if someone asks for the source code of the definition of that function spec, this is the place to look for it.

Special Form: def

If a function is created in some strange way, wrapping a def special form around the code that creates it informs the editor of the connection. The form

(def function-spec
  form1 form2...)

simply evaluates the forms form1, form2, etc. It is assumed that these forms will create or obtain a function somehow, and make it the definition of function-spec.

Alternatively, you could put (def function-spec) in front of or anywhere near the forms which define the function. The editor only uses it to tell which line to put the cursor on.

Special Form: deff function-spec definition-creator

deff is a simplified version of def. It evaluates the form definition-creator, which should produce a function, and makes that function the definition of function-spec, which is not evaluated. deff is used for giving a function spec a definition which is not obtainable with the specific defining forms such as defun. For example,

(deff foo 'bar)

makes foo equivalent to bar, with an indirection so that if bar changes foo will likewise change; conversely,

(deff foo (function bar))

copies the definition of bar into foo with no indirection, so that further changes to bar will have no effect on foo.

Special Form: deff-macro function-spec definition-creator

Is like deff (see deff-fun) but for defining macros. definition-creator is evaluated to produce a suitable definition-as-a-macro and then function-spec is defined that way. The definition-as-a-macro should be a cons whose car is macro and whose cdr is an expander function. Alternatively, a definition as a subst function can be used; either a list starting with subst or named-subst or a FEF which records it was compiled from such a list.

The difference between deff and deff-macro is that compile-file assumes that deff-macro is defining something which should be expanded during compilation. For the rest of the file, the macro defined here is available for expansion. When the file is ultimately loaded, or if compilation is done in-core, deff and deff-macro are equivalent.

Macro: @define

This macro turns into nil, doing nothing. It exists for the sake of the  listing generation program, which uses it to declare names of special forms that define objects (such as functions) that  should cross-reference.

Function: si:defun-compatibility x

This function is used by defun and the compiler to convert Maclisp-style lexpr, fexpr, and macro defuns to Zetalisp definitions. x should be the cdr of a (defun ...) form. defun-compatibility returns a corresponding (defun ...) or (macro ...) form, in the usual Zetalisp format. You shouldn’t ever need to call this yourself.

Special Form: defselect

defselect defines a function which is a select-method. This function contains a table of subfunctions; when it is called, the first argument, a symbol on the keyword package called the operation, is looked up in the table to determine which subfunction to call. Each subfunction can take a different number of arguments and have a different pattern of arguments. defselect is useful for a variety of “dispatching” jobs. By analogy with the more general message-passing facilities described in flavor, the subfunctions are called methods and the list of arguments is sometimes called a message.

The special form looks like

(defselect (function-spec default-handler no-which-operations)
  (operation (args...)
  (operation (args...)

function-spec is the name of the function to be defined. default-handler is optional; it must be a symbol and is a function which gets called if the select-method is called with an unknown operation. If default-handler is unsupplied or nil, then an unknown operation causes an error with condition name sys:unclaimed-message (see sys:unclaimed-message-condition).

Normally, methods for the operations :which-operations, :operation-handled-p and :send-if-handles are generated automatically based on the set of existing methods. These operations have the same meaning as they do on flavor instances; see vanilla-flavor for their definitions. If no-which-operations is non-nil, these methods are not created automatically; however, you can supply them yourself.

If function-spec is a symbol, and default-handler and no-which-operations are not supplied, then the first subform of the defselect may be just function-spec by itself, not enclosed in a list.

The remaining subforms in a defselect are the clauses, each defining one method. operation is the operation to be handled by this clause or a list of several operations to be handled by the same clause. args is a lambda-list; it should not include the first argument, which is the operation. body is the body of the function.

A clause can instead look like:

  (operation . symbol)

In this case, symbol is the name of a function that is to be called when the operation operation is performed. It will be called with the same arguments as the select-method, including the operation symbol itself.

The individual methods of the defselect can be examined, redefined, traced, etc using :select-method function specs (see select-method-function-spec).

Special Form: defselect-incremental function-spec default-handler

defselect defines a select-method function all at once. By contrast, defselect-incremental defines an empty select-method to which methods can be added with defun.

Specifically, defselect-incremental function-spec, with just a default handler and the standard methods :which-operations, :operation-handled-p and :send-if-handles.

Individual methods are defined by using defun on a function spec of the form (:select-method function-spec operation). function-spec specifies where to find the select-method, and operation is the operation for which a method should be defined. The argument list of the defun must include a first argument which receives the operation name.

(defselect-incremental foo ignore)
   ;The function ignore is the default handler
(defun (:select-method foo :lose) (ignore a)
  (1+ a))
defines the same function foo as
(defselect (foo ignore)
  (:lose (a) (1+ a)))

These two examples are not completely equivalent, however. Reevaluating the defselect gets rid of any methods that used to exist but have been deleted from the defselect itself. Reevaluating the defselect-incremental has no such effect, and reevaluating an individual defun redefines only that method. Methods can be removed only with fundefine.

11.6.1 Maclisp Lexprs

Lexprs are the way Maclisp functions can accept variable numbers of arguments. They are supported for compatibility only; &optional and &rest are much preferable. A lexpr definition looks like

(defun foo nargs body...)

where a symbol (nargs, here) appears in place of a lambda-list. When the function is called, nargs is bound to the number of arguments it was given. The arguments themselves are accessed using the functions arg, setarg, and listify.

Function: arg x

(arg nil), when evaluated during the application of a lexpr, gives the number of arguments supplied to that lexpr. This is primarily a debugging aid, since lexprs also receive their number of arguments as the value of their lambda-variable.

(arg i), when evaluated during the application of a lexpr, gives the value of the i’th argument to the lexpr. i must be a fixnum in this case. It is an error if i is less than 1 or greater than the number of arguments supplied to the lexpr. Example:

(defun foo nargs            ;define a lexpr foo.
    (print (arg 2))         ;print the second argument.
    (+ (arg 1)              ;return the sum of the first
       (arg (- nargs 1))))  ;and next to last arguments.
Function: setarg i x

setarg is used only during the application of a lexpr. (setarg i x) sets the lexpr’s i’th argument to x. i must be greater than zero and not greater than the number of arguments passed to the lexpr. After (setarg i x) has been done, (arg i) returns x.

Function: listify n

(listify n) manufactures a list of n of the arguments of a lexpr. With a positive argument n, it returns a list of the first n arguments of the lexpr. With a negative argument n, it returns a list of the last (abs n) arguments of the lexpr. Basically, it works as if defined as follows:

(defun listify (n)
     (cond ((minusp n)
	    (listify1 (arg nil) (+ (arg nil) n 1)))
	    (listify1 n 1))))

(defun listify1 (n m)      ; auxiliary function.
     (do ((i n (1- i))
	  (result nil (cons (arg i) result)))
	 ((< i m) result)))

11.7 How Programs Manipulate Function Specs

Function: fdefine function-spec definition &optional (carefully nil) (no-query nil)

This is the primitive used by defun and everything else in the system to change the definition of a function spec. If carefully is non-nil, which it usually should be, then only the basic definition is changed; the previous basic definition is saved if possible (see undefun, undefun-fun), and any encapsulations of the function such as tracing and advice are carried over from the old definition to the new definition. carefully also causes the user to be queried if the function spec is being redefined by a file different from the one that defined it originally. However, this warning is suppressed if either the argument no-query is non-nil, or if the global variable inhibit-fdefine-warnings is t.

If fdefine is called while a file is being loaded, it records what file the function definition came from so that the editor can find the source code.

If function-spec was already defined as a function, and carefully is non-nil, the function-spec’s :previous-definition property is used to save the previous definition. This property is used by the undefun function (undefun-fun), which restores the previous definition. The properties for different kinds of function specs are stored in different places; when a function spec is a symbol its properties are stored on the symbol’s property list.

defun and the other function-defining special forms all supply t for carefully and nil or nothing for no-query. Operations that construct encapsulations, such as trace, are the only ones which use nil for carefully.

Function: si:record-source-file-name name &optional (type defun) no-query

Records a definition of name, of type type. type should be defun to record a function definition; then name is a function spec. type can also be defvar, defflavor, defresource, defsignal or anything else you want to use.

The value of sys:fdefine-file-pathname is assumed to be the generic pathname of the file the definition is coming from, or nil if the definition is not from a file. If a definition of the same name and type has already been seen but not in the same file, and no-query is nil, a condition is signaled and then the user is queried.

If si:record-source-file-name returns nil, it means that the user or a condition handler said the redefinition should not be performed.

Variable: sys:fdefine-file-pathname

While the system is loading a file, this is the generic pathname for the file. The rest of the time it is nil. fdefine uses this to remember what file defines each function.

Function: si:get-source-file-name function-spec &optional type

Returns the generic pathname for the file in which function-spec received a definition of type type. If type is nil, the most recent definition is used, regardless of its type.

function-spec really is a function spec only if type is defun; for example, if type is defvar, function-spec is a variable name. Other types that are used by the system are defflavor and defstruct.

This function returns the generic pathname of the source file. To obtain the actual source file pathname, use the :source-pathname operation (see pathname-source-pathname-method).

A second value is returned, which is the type of the definition that was reported.

Function: si:get-all-source-file-names function-spec

Returns a list describing the generic pathnames of all the definitions this function-spec has received, of all types. The list is an alist whose elements look like

(type pathname...)
Flavor Condition on sys:redefinition: (sys:warning)

This condition, which is not an error, is signaled by si:record-source-file-name when something is redefined by a different file. The handler for this condition can control what is done about the redefinition.

The condition instance provides the operations :name, :definition-type, :old-pathname and :new-pathname. :name and :definition-type return the name and type arguments to si:record-source-file-name. :old-pathname and :new-pathname return two generic pathnames saying where the old definition was and where this one is. The new pathname may be nil, meaning that the redefinition is being done by the user, not in any file.

Two proceed types are available, :proceed and :inhibit-definition. The first tells si:record-source-file-name to return t, the second tells it to return nil. If the condition is not handled at all, the user is queried or warned according to the value of inhibit-fdefine-warnings.

Variable: inhibit-fdefine-warnings

This variable is normally nil. Setting it to t prevents si:record-source-file-name from warning you and asking about questionable redefinitions such as a function being redefined by a different file than defined it originally, or a symbol that belongs to one package being defined by a file that belongs to a different package. Setting it to :just-warn allows the warnings to be printed out, but prevents the queries from happening; it assumes that your answer is ‘yes’, i.e that it is all right to redefine the function.

Function: fset-carefully symbol definition &optional force-flag

This function is obsolete. It is equivalent to

(fdefine symbol definition t force-flag)
Function: fdefinedp function-spec

This returns t if function-spec has a definition, nil if it does not.

Function: fdefinition function-spec

This returns function-spec’s definition. If it has none, an error occurs.

Function: fdefinition-location function-spec

Equivalent to (locf (fdefinition function-spec)). For some kinds of function specs, though not for symbols, this (whichever way you write it) can cause data structure to be created to hold a definition. For example, if function-spec is of the :property kind, then an entry may have to be added to the property list if it isn’t already there.

Function: fundefine function-spec

Makes function-spec undefined; the cell where its definition is stored becomes void. For symbols this is equivalent to fmakunbound. If the function is encapsulated, fundefine removes both the basic definition and the encapsulations. Some types of function specs (:location for example) do not implement fundefine. fundefine on a :within function spec removes the replacement of function-to-affect, putting the definition of within-function back to its normal state. fundefine on a :method function spec removes the method completely, so that future messages will be handled by some other method (see the flavor chapter).

Function: undefun function-spec

If function-spec has a saved previous basic definition, this interchanges the current and previous basic definitions, leaving the encapsulations alone. If function-spec has no saved previous definition, undefun asks the user whether to make it undefined.

This undoes the effect of redefining a function. See also uncompile (uncompile-fun).

Function: si:function-spec-get function-spec indicator

Returns the value of the indicator property of function-spec, or nil if it doesn’t have such a property.

Function: si:function-spec-putprop function-spec value indicator

Gives function-spec an indicator property whose value is value.

Function: si:function-spec-lessp function-spec1 function-spec2

Compares the two function specs with an ordering that is useful in sorting lists of function specs for presentation to the user.

Function: si:function-parent function-spec

If function-spec does not have its own definition, textually speaking, but is defined as part of the definition of something else, this function returns the function spec for that something else. For example, if function-spec is an accessor function for a defstruct, the value returned is the name of the defstruct.

The intent is that if the caller has not been able to find the definition of function-spec in a more direct fashion, it can try looking for the definition of the function-parent of function-spec. This is used by the editor’s Meta- command.

Condition on sys:invalid-function-spec: (error)

This condition name belongs to the error signaled when you refer to a function spec that is syntactically invalid; such as, if it is a list whose car is not a recognized type of function spec.

The condition object supports the operation :function-spec, which returns the function spec which was invalid.

Note that in a few cases the condition :wrong-type-argument is signaled instead. These are the cases in which the error is correctable.

11.8 How Programs Examine Functions

These functions take a function as argument and return information about that function. Some also accept a function spec and operate on its definition. The others do not accept function specs in general but do accept a symbol as standing for its definition. (Note that a symbol is a function as well as a function spec).

The function documentation can be used to examine a function’s documentation string. See documentation-fun.

Function: debugging-info function

This returns the debugging info alist of function, or nil if it has none.

Function: arglist function &optional real-flag

arglist is given a function or a function spec, and returns its best guess at the nature of the function’s lambda-list. It can also return a second value which is a list of descriptive names for the values returned by the function. If function is a symbol, arglist of its function definition is used. If the function is an actual lambda-expression, its cadr, the lambda-list, is returned. But if function is compiled, arglist attempts to reconstruct the lambda-list of the original definition, using whatever debugging information was saved by the compiler. Some functions’ real argument lists are not what would be most descriptive to a user. A function may take a rest argument for technical reasons even though there are standard meanings for the first elements of that argument. For such cases, the definition of the function can specify, with a local declaration, a value to be returned when the user asks about the argument list. Example:

(defun foo (&rest rest-arg)
  (declare (arglist x y &rest z))

real-flag has one of three values:


Return the arglist declared by the user in preference to the actual one.


Return the actual arglist as computed from the function definition’s handling of arguments, ignoring any arglist declaration. For a compiled function, this omits all keyword arguments (replacing them with a rest argument) and may replace initial values of optional arguments with si:*hairy* if the actual expressions are too complicated.


Like nil, but in the case of a compiled function it returns the actual arglist of the lambda-expression that was originally compiled. The compiler uses this as a basis for checking for incorrect calls to the function.

Programs interested in how many and what kind (evaluated or quoted) of arguments to pass should use args-info instead.

When a function returns multiple values, it is useful to give the values names so that the caller can be reminded which value is which. By means of a return-list declaration in the function’s definition, entirely analogous to the arglist declaration above, you can specify a list of mnemonic names for the returned values. This list is then returned by arglist as the second value.

(arglist 'arglist)
  => (function &optional real-flag) and (arglist return-list)
Function: function-name function &optional try-flavor-name

Returns the name of the function function, if that can be determined. If function does not describe what its name is, function itself is returned.

If try-flavor-name is non-nil, then if function is a flavor instance (which can, after all, be used as a function), then the flavor name is returned. If the optional argument is nil, flavor instances are treated as anonymous.

Function: eh:arg-name function arg-number

Returns the name of argument number arg-number in function function. Returns nil if the function doesn’t have such an argument, or if the name is not recorded. &rest arguments are not obtained with arg-number; use rest-arg-name to obtain the name of function’s &rest argument, if any.

Function: eh:rest-arg-name function

Returns the name of the rest argument of function function, or nil if function does not have one.

Function: eh:local-name function local-number

Returns the name of local variable number local-number in function function. If local-number is zero, this gets the name of the rest arg in any function that accepts a rest arg. Returns nil if the function doesn’t have such a local.

Function: args-info function

Returns a fixnum called the “numeric argument descriptor” of the function, which describes the way the function takes arguments. This descriptor is used internally by the microcode, the evaluator, and the compiler. function can be a function or a function spec.

The information is stored in various bits and byte fields in the fixnum, which are referenced by the symbolic names shown below. By the usual Lisp Machine convention, those starting with a single ‘%’ are bit-masks (meant to be logand’ed or bit-test’ed with the number), and those starting with ‘%%’ are byte specifiers, meant to be used with ldb or ldb-test. Here are the fields:


This is the minimum number of arguments that may be passed to this function, i.e the number of required parameters.


This is the maximum number of arguments that may be passed to this function, i.e the sum of the number of required parameters and the number of optional parameters. If there is a rest argument, this is not really the maximum number of arguments that may be passed; an arbitrarily-large number of arguments is permitted, subject to limitations on the maximum size of a stack frame (about 200 words).


If this bit is set, the function has a rest argument, and it is not quoted.


If this bit is set, the function has a rest argument, and it is quoted. Most special forms have this bit.


If this bit is set, there are some quoted arguments other than the rest argument (if any), and the pattern of quoting is too complicated to describe here. The ADL (Argument Description List) in the FEF should be consulted. This is only for special forms.


This function is not a compiled-code object, and a numeric argument descriptor cannot be computed. Usually args-info does not return this bit, although %args-info does.


There is argument initialization, or something else too complicated to describe here. The ADL (Argument Description List) in the FEF should be consulted.

Note that %arg-desc-quoted-rest and %arg-desc-evaled-rest cannot both be set.

Function: %args-info function

This is an internal function; it is like args-info but does not work for interpreted functions. Also, function must be a function, not a function spec. It exists because it has to be in the microcode anyway, for apply and the basic function-calling mechanism.

11.9 Encapsulations

The definition of a function spec actually has two parts: the basic definition, and encapsulations. The basic definition is what is created by functions like defun, and encapsulations are additions made by trace or advise to the basic definition. The purpose of making the encapsulation a separate object is to keep track of what was made by defun and what was made by trace. If defun is done a second time, it replaces the old basic definition with a new one while leaving the encapsulations alone.

Only advanced users should ever need to use encapsulations directly via the primitives explained in this section. The most common things to do with encapsulations are provided as higher-level, easier-to-use features: trace (see trace-fun), breakon (see breakon-fun) and advise (see advise-fun).

The actual definition of the function spec is the outermost encapsulation; this contains the next encapsulation, and so on. The innermost encapsulation contains the basic definition. The way this containing is done is as follows. An encapsulation is actually a function whose debugging info alist contains an element of the form

(si:encapsulated-definition uninterned-symbol encapsulation-type)

The presence of such an element in the debugging info alist is how you recognize a function to be an encapsulation. An encapsulation is usually an interpreted function (a list starting with named-lambda) but it can be a compiled function also, if the application which created it wants to compile it.

uninterned-symbol’s function definition is the thing that the encapsulation contains, usually the basic definition of the function spec. Or it can be another encapsulation, which has in it another debugging info item containing another uninterned symbol. Eventually you get to a function which is not an encapsulation; it does not have the sort of debugging info item which encapsulations all have. That function is the basic definition of the function spec.

Literally speaking, the definition of the function spec is the outermost encapsulation, period. The basic definition is not the definition. If you are asking for the definition of the function spec because you want to apply it, the outermost encapsulation is exactly what you want. But the basic definition can be found mechanically from the definition, by following the debugging info alists. So it makes sense to think of it as a part of the definition. In regard to the function-defining special forms such as defun, it is convenient to think of the encapsulations as connecting between the function spec and its basic definition.

An encapsulation is created with the macro si:encapsulate.

Macro: si:encapsulate

A call to si:encapsulate looks like

(si:encapsulate function-spec outer-function type

All the subforms of this macro are evaluated. In fact, the macro could almost be replaced with an ordinary function, except for the way body-form is handled.

function-spec evaluates to the function spec whose definition the new encapsulation should become. outer-function is another function spec, which should often be the same one. Its only purpose is to be used in any error messages from si:encapsulate.

type evaluates to a symbol which identifies the purpose of the encapsulation and says what the application is. For example, that could be advise or trace. The list of possible types is defined by the system because encapsulations are supposed to be kept in an order according to their type (see si:encapsulation-standard-order, si:encapsulation-standard-order-var). type should have an si:encapsulation-grind-function property which tells grindef what to do with an encapsulation of this type.

body-form evaluates to the body of the encapsulation-definition, the code to be executed when it is called. Backquote is typically used for this expression; see backquote. si:encapsulate is a macro because, while body is being evaluated, the variable si:encapsulated-function is bound to a list of the form (function uninterned-symbol), referring to the uninterned symbol used to hold the prior definition of function-spec. If si:encapsulate were a function, body-form would just get evaluated normally by the evaluator before si:encapsulate ever got invoked, and so there would be no opportunity to bind si:encapsulated-function. The form body-form should contain `(apply ,si:encapsulated-function arglist) somewhere if the encapsulation is to live up to its name and truly serve to encapsulate the original definition. (The variable arglist is bound by some of the code which the si:encapsulate macro produces automatically. When the body of the encapsulation is run arglist’s value will be the list of the arguments which the encapsulation received.)

extra-debugging-info evaluates to a list of extra items to put into the debugging info alist of the encapsulation function (besides the one starting with si:encapsulated-definition, which every encapsulation must have). Some applications find this useful for recording information about the encapsulation for their own later use.

If compile-encapsulations-flag is non-nil, the encapsulation is compiled before it is installed. The encapsulations on a particular function spec can be compiled by calling compile-encapsulations. See compile-encapsulations-fun. Compiled encapsulations can still be unencapsulated since the information needed to do so is stored in the debugging info alist, which is preserved by compilation. However, applications which wish to modify the code of the encapsulations they previously created must check for encapsulations that have been compiled and uncompile them. This can be done by finding the sys:interpreted-definition entry in the debugging info alist, which is present in all compiled functions except those made by file-to-file compilation.

When a special function is encapsulated, the encapsulation is itself a special function with the same argument quoting pattern. Therefore, when the outermost encapsulation is started, each argument has been evaluated or not as appropriate. Because each encapsulation calls the prior definition with apply, no further evaluation takes place, and the basic definition of the special form also finds the arguments evaluated or not as appropriate. The basic definition may call eval on some of these arguments or parts of them; the encapsulations should not.

Macros cannot be encapsulated, but their expander functions can be; if the definition of function-spec is a macro, then si:encapsulate automatically encapsulates the expander function instead. In this case, the definition of the uninterned symbol is the original macro definition, not just the original expander function. It would not work for the encapsulation to apply the macro definition. So during the evaluation of body-form, si:encapsulated-function is bound to the form (cdr (function uninterned-symbol)), which extracts the expander function from the prior definition of the macro.

Because only the expander function is actually encapsulated, the encapsulation does not see the evaluation or execution of the expansion itself. The value returned by the encapsulation is the expansion of the macro call, not the value computed by the expansion.

A program which creates encapsulations often needs to examine an encapsulation it created and find the body. For example, adding a second piece of advice to one function requires doing this. The proper way to do it is to use si:encapsulation-body.

Function: si:encapsulation-body encapsulation

Returns a list whose car is the body-form of encapsulation. It is the form that was the fourth argument of si:encapsulate when encapsulation was created. To illustrate this relationship,

(si:encapsulate 'foo 'foo 'trace 'body))

(si:encapsulation-body (fdefinition 'foo))
  => (body)

It is possible for one function to have multiple encapsulations, created by different subsystems. In this case, the order of encapsulations is independent of the order in which they were made. It depends instead on their types. All possible encapsulation types have a total order and a new encapsulation is put in the right place among the existing encapsulations according to its type and their types.

Variable: si:encapsulation-standard-order

The value of this variable is a list of the allowed encapsulation types, in the order in which the encapsulations are supposed to be kept (innermost encapsulations first). If you want to add new kinds of encapsulations, you should add another symbol to this list. Initially its value is

(advise breakon trace si:rename-within)

advise encapsulations are used to hold advice (see advise-fun). breakon encapsulations are used for implementing breakon (see breakon-fun). trace encapsulations are used for implementing tracing (see trace-fun). si:rename-within encapsulations are used to record the fact that function specs of the form (:within within-function altered-function) have been defined. The encapsulation goes on within-function (see rename-within-section for more information).

Every symbol used as an encapsulation type must be on the list si:encapsulation-standard-order. In addition, it should have an si:encapsulation-grind-function property whose value is a function that grindef will call to process encapsulations of that type. This function need not take care of printing the encapsulated function because grindef will do that itself. But it should print any information about the encapsulation itself which the user ought to see. Refer to the code for the grind function for advise to see how to write one.

To find the right place in the ordering to insert a new encapsulation, it is necessary to parse existing ones. This is done with the function si:unencapsulate-function-spec.

Function: si:unencapsulate-function-spec function-spec &optional encapsulation-types

This takes one function spec and returns another. If the original function spec is undefined, or has only a basic definition (that is, its definition is not an encapsulation), then the original function spec is returned unchanged.

If the definition of function-spec is an encapsulation, then its debugging info is examined to find the uninterned symbol that holds the encapsulated definition and the encapsulation type. If the encapsulation is of a type that is to be skipped over, the uninterned symbol replaces the original function spec and the process repeats.

The value returned is the uninterned symbol from inside the last encapsulation skipped. This uninterned symbol is the first one that does not have a definition that is an encapsulation that should be skipped. Or the value can be function-spec if function-spec’s definition is not an encapsulation that should be skipped.

The types of encapsulations to be skipped over are specified by encapsulation-types. This can be a list of the types to be skipped, or nil meaning skip all encapsulations (this is the default). Skipping all encapsulations means returning the uninterned symbol that holds the basic definition of function-spec. That is, the definition of the function spec returned is the basic definition of the function spec supplied. Thus,

(fdefinition (si:unencapsulate-function-spec 'foo))

returns the basic definition of foo, and

(fdefine (si:unencapsulate-function-spec 'foo) 'bar)

sets the basic definition (just like using fdefine with carefully supplied as t).

encapsulation-types can also be a symbol, which should be an encapsulation type; then we skip all types that are supposed to come outside of the specified type. For example, if encapsulation-types is trace, then we skip all types of encapsulations that come outside of trace encapsulations, but we do not skip trace encapsulations themselves. The result is a function spec that is where the trace encapsulation ought to be, if there is one. Either the definition of this function spec is a trace encapsulation, or there is no trace encapsulation anywhere in the definition of function-spec, and this function spec is where it would belong if there were one. For example,

(let ((tem (si:unencapsulate-function-spec spec 'trace)))
  (and (eq tem (si:unencapsulate-function-spec tem '(trace)))
       (si:encapsulate tem spec 'trace `(...body...))))

finds the place where a trace encapsulation ought to go and makes one unless there is already one there.

(let ((tem (si:unencapsulate-function-spec spec 'trace)))
  (fdefine tem (fdefinition (si:unencapsulate-function-spec
				tem '(trace)))))

eliminates any trace encapsulation by replacing it by whatever it encapsulates. (If there is no trace encapsulation, this code changes nothing.)

These examples show how a subsystem can insert its own type of encapsulation in the proper sequence without knowing the names of any other types of encapsulations. Only the variable si:encapsulation-standard-order, which is used by si:unencapsulate-function-spec, knows the order.

11.9.1 Rename-Within Encapsulations

One special kind of encapsulation is the type si:rename-within. This encapsulation goes around a definition in which renamings of functions have been done.

How is this used?

If you define, advise, or trace (:within foo bar), then bar gets renamed to #:altered-bar-within-foo wherever it is called from foo, and foo gets a si:rename-within encapsulation to record the fact. The purpose of the encapsulation is to enable various parts of the system to do what seems natural to the user. For example, grindef (see grindef-fun) notices the encapsulation, and so knows to print bar instead of #:altered-bar-within-foo when grinding the definition of foo.

Also, if you redefine foo, or trace or advise it, the new definition gets the same renaming done (bar replaced by #:altered-bar-within-foo). To make this work, everyone who alters part of a function definition should pass the new part of the definition through the function si:rename-within-new-definition-maybe.

Function: si:rename-within-new-definition-maybe function-spec new-structure

Given new-structure, which is going to become a part of the definition of function-spec, perform on it the replacements described by the si:rename-within encapsulation in the definition of function-spec, if there is one. The altered (copied) list structure is returned.

It is not necessary to call this function yourself when you replace the basic definition because fdefine with carefully supplied as t does it for you. si:encapsulate does this to the body of the new encapsulation. So you only need to call si:rename-within-new-definition-maybe yourself if you are rplac’ing part of the definition.

For proper results, function-spec must be the outer-level function spec. That is, the value returned by si:unencapsulate-function-spec is not the right thing to use. It will have had one or more encapsulations stripped off, including the si:rename-within encapsulation if any, and so no renamings will be done.

12 Closures

A closure is a type of Lisp functional object useful for implementing certain advanced access and control structures. Closures give you more explicit control over the environment by allowing you to save the dynamic bindings of specified variables and then to refer to those bindings later, even after the construct (let, etc.) which made the bindings has been exited.

12.1 What a Closure Is

There is a view of dynamic variable binding that we use in this section because it makes it easier to explain what closures do. In this view, when a variable is bound dynamically, a new binding is created for it. The old binding is saved away somewhere and is inaccessible. Any references to the variable then get the contents of the new binding, and any setq’s change the contents of the new value cell. Evantually the new binding goes away, and the old binding, along with its contents, becomes current again.

For example, consider the following sequence of Lisp forms:

(defvar a 3)		; a becomes 3.

(let ((a 10))		; a rebound to 10.
  (print (+ a 6)))      ; 16 is printed.

(print a)		; 3 is printed.

Initially there is a binding for a, and the setq form makes the contents of that binding be 3. Then the lambda-combination is evaluated. a is bound to 10: the old binding, which still contains 3, is saved away, and a new binding is created with 10 as its contents. The reference to a inside the lambda expression evaluates to the current binding of a, which is the contents of its current binding, namely 10. So 16 is printed. Then the newer binding is discarded and the old binding, which still contains a 3, is restored. The final print prints 3.

The form (closure var-list function), where var-list is a list of variables and function is any function, creates and returns a closure. When this closure is applied to some arguments, all of the bindings of the variables on var-list are saved away, and the bindings that those variables had at the time closure was called (that is, at the time the closure was created) are made to be the bindings of the symbols. Then function is applied to the arguments. (This paragraph is somewhat complex, but it completely describes the operation of closures; if you don’t understand it, come back and read it again after reading the next two paragraphs.)

Here is another, lower-level explanation. The closure object stores several things inside it. First, it saves the function. Secondly, for each variable in var-list, it remembers what that variable’s binding was when the closure was created. Then when the closure is called as a function, it first temporarily restores the bindings it has remembered inside the closure, and then applies function to the same arguments to which the closure itself was applied. When the function returns, the bindings are restored to be as they were before the closure was called.

Now, if we evaluate the form

(setq a 
      (let ((x 3))
	(declare (special x))
	(closure '(x) 'frob)))

what happens is that a new binding is created for x, containing a fixnum 3. Then a closure is created, which remembers the function frob, the symbol x, and that binding. Finally the old binding of x is restored, and the closure is returned. Notice that the new binding is still around, because it is still known about by the closure. When the closure is applied, say by doing (funcall a 7), this binding is temporarily restored and the value of x is 3 again. If frob uses x as a free variable, it sees 3 as the value.

A closure can be made around any function, using any form that evaluates to a function. The form could evaluate to a compiled function, as would (function (lambda () x)). In the example above, the form is 'frob and it evaluates to the symbol frob. A symbol is also a good function. It is usually better to close around a symbol that is the name of the desired function, so that the closure points to the symbol. Then, if the symbol is redefined, the closure will use the new definition. If you actually prefer that the closure continue to use the old definition that was current when the closure was made, use function, as in:

(closure '(x) (function frob))

Explicit closures made with closure record only the dynamic bindings of the specified variables. Another closure mechanism is activated automatically to record lexical bindings whenever function is used around an explicit lambda expression, but closure itself has no interaction with lexical bindings.

It is the user’s responsibility to make sure that the bindings that the closure is intended to record are dynamic bindings, either by means of special declarations (see declare-fun) as shown above or by making the variables globally special with defvar or equivalent. If the function closed over is an explicit lambda expression, it is occasionally necessary to use declarations within it to make sure that the variables are considered special there. But this is not needed if the variables are globally special or if a special declaration is lexically visible where closure is called.

Usually the compiler can tell when a special declaration is missing, but when making a closure the compiler detects this only after acting on the assumption that the variable is lexical, by which time it is too late to fix things. The compiler warns you if this happens.

In Zetalisp’s implementation of closures, lambda-binding never really allocates any storage to create new bindings. Bindings receive separate storage only when the closure function itself finds they need it. Thus, there is no cost associated with closures when they are not in use.

Zetalisp closures differ from the closures of Lisp 1.5 (which were made with function) in that they save specific variables rather than the entire variable-binding environment. For their intended applications, this is an advantage. The explicit declaration of the variables in closure permits higher efficiency and more flexibility. In addition the program is clearer because the intended effect of the closure is made manifest by listing the variables to be affected. Lisp 1.5 closures are more similar to Zetalisp’s automatic handling of lexical variables.

Closure implementation (which it not usually necessary for you to understand) involves two kinds of value cells. Every symbol has an internal value cell, part of the symbol itself, which is where its dynamic value is normally stored. When a variable is closed over, it gets an external value cell to hold its value. The external value cells behave according to the lambda-binding model used earlier in this section. The value in the external value cell is found through the usual access mechanisms (such as evaluating the symbol, calling symeval, etc.), because the internal value cell is made to contain a forwarding pointer to the external value cell that is current. Such a forwarding pointer is present in a symbol’s value cell whenever its current binding is being remembered by some closure; at other times, there won’t be an invisible pointer, and the value resides directly in the symbol’s internal value cell.

12.2 Examples of the Use of Closures

One thing we can do with closures is to implement a generator, which is a kind of function which is called successively to obtain successive elements of a sequence. We implement a function make-list-generator, which takes a list and returns a generator that returns successive elements of the list. When it gets to the end it should return nil.

The problem is that in between calls to the generator, the generator must somehow remember where it is up to in the list. Since all of its bindings are undone when it is exited, it cannot save this information in a bound variable. It could save it in a global variable, but the problem is that if we want to have more than one list generator at a time, they will all try to use the same global variable and get in each other’s way.

Here is how to solve this problem using closures:

(defun make-list-generator (l)
    (declare (special l))
    (closure '(l)
	     #'(lambda ()
		 (prog1 (car l)
		        (setq l (cdr l))))))

(make-list-generator '(1 2 3)) returns a generator which, on successive calls, returns 1, 2, 3, and nil.

Now we can make as many list generators as we like; they won’t get in each other’s way because each has its own binding for l. Each of these bindings was created when the make-list-generator function was entered, and the bindings are remembered by the closures.

The following example uses closures which share bindings:

(defvar a)
(defvar b)

(defun foo () (setq a 5))

(defun bar () (cons a b))

(let ((a 1) (b 1))
   (setq x (closure '(a b) 'foo))
   (setq y (closure '(a b) 'bar)))

When the let is entered, new bindings are created for the symbols a and b, and two closures are created that both point to those bindings. If we do (funcall x), the function foo is be run, and it changes the contents of the remembered binding of a to 5. If we then do (funcall y), the function bar returns (5 . 1). This shows that the binding of a seen by the closure y is the same binding seen by the closure x. The top-level binding of a is unaffected.

Here is how we can create a function that prints always using base 16:

(deff print-in-base-16
      (let ((*print-base* 16.))
        (closure '(*print-base*) 'print)))

12.3 Closure-Manipulating Functions

Function: closure var-list function

Creates and returns a closure of function over the variables in var-list. Note that all variables on var-list must be declared special if the function is to compile correctly.

To test whether an object is a closure, use the closurep predicate (see closurep-fun) or (typep object 'closure).

Function: symeval-in-closure closure symbol

Returns the binding of symbol in the environment of closure; that is, it returns what you would get if you restored the bindings known about by closure and then evaluated symbol. This allows you to “look around inside” a closure. If symbol is not closed over by closure, this is just like symeval.

symbol may be a locative pointing to a value cell instead of a symbol (this goes for all the whatever-in-closure functions).

Function: set-in-closure closure symbol x

Sets the binding of symbol in the environment of closure to x; that is, it does what would happen if you restored the bindings known about by closure and then set symbol to x. This allows you to change the contents of the bindings known about by a closure. If symbol is not closed over by closure, this is just like set.

Function: locate-in-closure closure symbol

Returns the location of the place in closure where the saved value of symbol is stored. An equivalent form is (locf (symeval-in-closure closure symbol)).

Function: boundp-in-closure closure symbol

Returns t if symbol’s binding in closure is not void. This is what (boundp symbol) would return if executed in closure’s saved environment.

Function: makunbound-in-closure closure symbol

Makes symbol’s binding in closure be void. This is what (makunbound symbol) would do if executed in closure’s saved environment.

Function: closure-alist closure

Returns an alist of (symbol . value) pairs describing the bindings that the closure performs when it is called. This list is not the same one that is actually stored in the closure; that one contains pointers to value cells rather than symbols, and closure-alist translates them back to symbols so you can understand them. As a result, clobbering part of this list does not change the closure.

The list that is returned may contain void cells if some of the closed-over variables were void in the closure’s environment. In this case, printing the value will get an error (accessing a cell that contains a void marker is always an error unless done in a special, careful way) but the value can still be passed around.

Function: closure-variables closure

Returns a list of variables closed over in closure. This is equal to the first argument specified to the function closure when this closure was created.

Function: closure-function closure

Returns the closed function from closure. This is the function that was the second argument to closure when the closure was created.

Function: closure-bindings closure

Returns the actual list of bindings to be performed when closure is entered. This list can be passed to sys:%using-binding-instances to enter the closure’s environment without calling the closure. See sys:%using-binding-instances-fun.

Function: copy-closure closure

Returns a new closure that has the same function and variable values as closure. The bindings are not shared between the old closure and the new one, so that if the old closure changes some closed variable’s values, the values in the new closure do not change.

Macro: let-closed ((variable value)...) function

When using closures, it is very common to bind a set of variables with initial values only in order to make a closure over those variables. Furthermore, the variables must be declared special. let-closed is a special form which does all of this. It is best described by example:

(let-closed ((a 5) b (c 'x))
   (function (lambda () ...)))
macro-expands into
(let ((a 5) b (c 'x))
  (declare (special a b c))
  (closure '(a b c)
    (function (lambda () ...))))

Note that the following code, which would often be useful, does not work as intended if x is not special outside the let-closed:

(let-closed ((x x))
  (function ...))

This is because the reference to x as an initialization for the new binding of x is affected by the special declaration that the let-closed produces. It therefore does not see any lexical binding of x. This behavior is unfortunate, but it is required by the Common Lisp specifications. To avoid the problem, write

(let ((y x))
  (let-closed ((x y))
    (function ...)))

or simply change the name of the variable outside the let-closed to something other than x.

12.4 Entities

An entity is almost the same thing as a closure; an entity behaves just like a closure when applied, but it has a recognizably different data type which allows certain parts of the system such as the printer and describe to treat it differently. A closure is simply a kind of function, but an entity is assumed to be a message-receiving object. Thus, when the Lisp printer (see printer) is given a closure, it prints a simple textual representation, but when it is handed an entity, it sends the entity a :print-self message, which the entity is expected to handle. The describe function (see describe-fun) also sends entities messages when it is handed them. So when you want to make a message-receiving object out of a closure, as described on entity-usage, you should use an entity instead.

To a large degree, entities are made obsolete by flavors (see flavor). Flavors have had considerably more attention paid to their efficiency and to good tools for using them. If what you are doing is flavor-like, it is better to use flavors.

Function: entity variable-list function

Returns a newly constructed entity. This function is just like the function closure except that it returns an entity instead of a closure.

The function argument should be a symbol which has a function definition and a value. When typep is applied to this entity, it returns the value of that symbol.

To test whether an object is an entity, use the entityp predicate (see entityp-fun). The functions symeval-in-closure, closure-alist, closure-function, etc also operate on entities.

13 Stack Groups

A stack group (usually abbreviated ‘SG’) is a type of Lisp object useful for implementation of certain advanced control structures such as coroutines and generators. Processes, which are a kind of coroutine, are built on top of stack groups (see process). A stack group represents a computation and its internal state, including the Lisp stack.

At any time, the computation being performed by the Lisp Machine is associated with one stack group, called the current or running stack group. The operation of making some stack group be the current stack group is called a resumption or a stack group switch; the previously running stack group is said to have resumed the new stack group. The resume operation has two parts: first, the state of the running computation is saved away inside the current stack group, and secondly the state saved in the new stack group is restored, and the new stack group is made current. Then the computation of the new stack group resumes its course.

The stack group itself holds a great deal of state information. It contains the control stack, or regular PDL. The control stack is what you are shown by the backtracing commands of the error handler (Control-B, Meta-B, and Control-Meta-B); it remembers the function which is running, its caller, its caller’s caller, etc, and the point of execution of each function (the return address of each function). A stack group also contains the dynamic environment stack, or special PDL. The name ‘stack group’ derives from the existence of these two stacks. Finally, the stack group contains various internal state information (contents of machine registers and so on).

When the stack group is running, the special PDL contains all the dynamic bindings that are shadowed by other bindings in this stack group; bindings that are current reside in the symbols’ value cells. When the stack group is not running, all of the dynamic bindings it has made reside in its special PDL. Switching to a stack group moves the current bindings from the special PDL to the symbol value cells, exchanging them with the global or other shadowed bindings. Switching out of a stack group does the reverse process. Note that unwind-protect handlers are not run by a stack-group switch (see let-globally, let-globally-fun).

Each stack group is a separate environment for purposes of function calling, throwing, dynamic variable binding, and condition signalling. All stack groups run in the same address space; thus they share the same Lisp data and the same global (not lambda-bound) variables.

When a new stack group is created, it is empty: it doesn’t contain the state of any computation, so it can’t be resumed. In order to get things going, the stack group must be set to an initial state. This is done by presetting the stack group. To preset a stack group, you supply a function and a set of arguments. The stack group is placed in such a state that when it is first resumed it will apply this function to those arguments. The function is called the initial function of the stack group.

13.1 Resuming of Stack Groups

The interesting thing that happens to stack groups is that they resume each other. When one stack group resumes a second stack group, the current state of Lisp execution is saved away in the first stack group and is restored from the second stack group. Resuming is also called switching stack groups.

At any time, there is one stack group associated with the current computation; it is called the current stack group. The computations associated with other stack groups have their states saved away in memory and are not computing. So the only stack group that can do anything at all, in particular resuming other stack groups, is the current one.

You can look at things from the point of view of one computation. Suppose it is running along, and it resumes some stack group. The state of the computation state is saved away into its own stack group, and the computation associated with the called stack group starts up. The original computation lies dormant in the original stack group, while other computations go around resuming each other, until finally the original stack group is resumed by someone. Then the computation is restored from the stack group and gets to run again.

There are several ways that the current stack group can resume other stack groups. This section describes all of them.

Each stack group records a resumer which is nil or another stack group. Some forms of resuming examine and alter the resumer of some stack groups.

Resuming has another ability: it can transmit a Lisp object from the old stack group to the new stack group. Each stack group specifies a value to transmit whenever it resumes another stack group; whenever a stack group is resumed, it receives a value.

In the descriptions below, let c stand for the current stack group, s stand for some other stack group, and x stand for any arbitrary Lisp object.

Stack groups can be used as functions. They accept one argument. If c calls s as a function with one argument x, then s is resumed, and the object transmitted is x. When c is resumed (usually–but not necessarily–by s), the object transmitted by that resumption is returned as the value of the call to s. This is one of the simple ways to resume a stack group: call it as a function. The value you transmit is the argument to the function, and the value you receive is the value returned from the function. Furthermore, this form of resuming sets s’s resumer to be c.

Another way to resume a stack group is to use stack-group-return. Rather than allowing you to specify which stack group to resume, this function always resumes the resumer of the current stack group. Thus, this is a good way to go back to the stack group which called the current one, assuming that this was done through a function call. stack-group-return takes one argument which is the object to transmit. It returns when something resumes the current stack group, and returns one value, the object that was transmitted by that resumption. stack-group-return does not change the resumer of any stack group.

The most fundamental way to do resuming is with stack-group-resume, which takes two arguments: the stack group, and a value to transmit. It returns when someone resumes the current stack group, returning the value that was transmitted by that resumption, and does not affect any stack group’s resumer.

If the initial function of c attempts to return a value x, the regular kind of Lisp function return cannot take place, since the function did not have any caller (it got there when the stack group was initialized). So instead of normal function returning, a “stack group return” happens. c’s resumer is resumed, and the value transmitted is x. c is left in a state (“exhausted”) from which it cannot be resumed again; any attempt to resume it signals an error. Presetting it will make it work again.

Those are the “voluntary” forms of stack group switch; a resumption happens because the computation said it should. There are also two “involuntary” forms, in which another stack group is resumed without the explicit request of the running program.

If an error occurs, the current stack group resumes the error handler stack group. The value transmitted is partially descriptive of the error, and the error handler looks inside the saved state of the erring stack group to get the rest of the information. The error handler recovers from the error by changing the saved state of the erring stack group and then resuming it.

When certain events occur, typically a 1-second clock tick, a sequence break occurs. This forces the current stack group to resume a special stack group called the scheduler (see scheduler). The scheduler implements processes by resuming, one after another, the stack group of each process that is ready to run.

Variable: current-stack-group-resumer

Is the resumer of the current stack group.

Variable: current-stack-group

Is the stack group which is currently running. A program can use this variable to get its hands on its own stack group.

13.2 Stack Group States

A stack group has a state, which controls what it will do when it is resumed. The code number for the state is returned by the function sys:sg-current-state. This number is the value of one of the following symbols. Only the states actually used by the current system are documented here; some other codes are defined but not used.


The stack group is the current one.


The stack group is waiting to be resumed, at which time it will pick up its saved machine state and continue doing what it was doing before.


The stack group called some other stack group as a function. When it is resumed, it will return from that function call.


The stack group has been preset (see below) but has never been called. When it is resumed, it will call its initial function with the preset arguments.


The stack group’s initial function has returned. It cannot be resumed.


When a stack group gets an error it goes into this state, which prevents anything from happening to it until the error handler has looked at it. In the meantime it cannot be resumed.


When the stack group is resumed, it will call a function. The function and arguments are already set up on the stack. The debugger uses this to force the stack group being debugged to do things.

13.3 Stack Group Functions

Function: make-stack-group name &rest options

Creates and returns a new stack group. name may be any symbol or string; it is used in the stack group’s printed representation. options is a list of alternating keywords and values. The options are not too useful; most calls to make-stack-group don’t need any options at all. The options are:


The area in which to create the stack group structure itself. Defaults to the default area (the value of default-cons-area).


The area in which to create the regular PDL. Only certain areas specially designated when they were created may be used for regular PDLs, because regular PDLs are cached in a hardware device called the pdl buffer. The default is sys:pdl-area.


The area in which to create the special PDL. Defaults to the default area (the value of default-cons-area).


Length of the regular PDL to be created. Defaults to 3000 octal.


Length of the special PDL to be created. Defaults to 2000 octal.


These flags default to 1. If these are 0, the system does not maintain separate binding environments for each stack group. You do not want to use this feature.


This determines what to do if a microcode error occurs. If it is 1 the system tries to handle the error; if it is 0 the machine halts. Defaults to 1. It is 0 only in the error handler stack group, a trap in which would not work anyway.


If this flag is 1 (the default), a strict call-return discipline among stack-groups is enforced. If 0, no restriction on stack-group switching is imposed.

Condition on sys:pdl-overflow: (error)

This condition is signaled when there is overflow on either the regular pdl or the special pdl. The :pdl-name operation on the condition instance returns either :special or :regular, to tell handlers which one.

The :grow-pdl proceed type is provided. It takes no arguments. Proceeding from the error automatically makes the affected pdl bigger.

Variable: eh:pdl-grow-ratio

This is the factor by which to increase the size of a pdl after an overflow. It is initially 1.5.

Function: eh:require-pdl-room regpdl-space specpdl-space

Makes the current stack group larger if necessary, to make sure that there are at least regpdl-space free words in the regular pdl, and at least specpdl-space free words in the special pdl, not counting the words currently in use.

Function: stack-group-preset stack-group function &rest arguments

This sets up stack-group so that when it is resumed, function will be applied to arguments within the stack group. Both stacks are made empty; all saved state in the stack group is destroyed. stack-group-preset is typically used to initialize a stack group just after it is made, but it may be done to any stack group at any time. Doing this to a stack group which is not exhausted destroys its present state without properly cleaning up by running unwind-protects.

Function: stack-group-resume s x

Resumes s, transmitting the value x. No stack group’s resumer is affected.

Function: si:sg-resumable-p s

t if s’s state permits it to be resumed.

Condition on sys:wrong-stack-group-state: (error)

This is signaled if, for example, you try to resume a stack group which is in the exhausted state.

Function: stack-group-return x

Resumes the current stack group’s resumer, transmitting the value x. No stack group’s resumer is affected.

Function: symeval-in-stack-group symbol sg &optional frame as-if-current

Evaluates the variable symbol as a special variable in the binding environment of sg. If frame is not nil, it evaluates symbol in the binding environment of execution in that frame. (A frame is an index in the stack group’s regular pdl).

Two values are returned: the symbol’s value, and a locative to where the value is stored. If as-if-current is not nil, the locative points to where the value would be stored if sg were running. This may be different from where the value is stored now; for example, the current binding in stack group sg is stored in symbol’s value cell when sg is running, but is probably stored in sg’s special pdl when sg is not running. as-if-current makes no difference if sg actually is the current stack group.

If symbol’s current dynamic binding in the specified stack group and frame is void, this signals a sys:unbound-variable error.

13.4 Analyzing Stack Frames

A stack frame is represented by an index in the regular pdl array of the stack group. The word at this index is the function executing, or to be called, in the frame. The following words in the pdl contain the arguments.

Function: sg-regular-pdl sg

Returns the regular pdl of sg. This is an array of type art-reg-pdl. Stack frames are represented as indices into this array.

Function: sg-regular-pdl-pointer sg

Returns the index in sg’s regular pdl of the last word pushed.

Function: sg-special-pdl sg

Returns the special pdl of sg. This is an array of type art-special-pdl, used to hold special bindings made by functions executing in that stack group.

Function: sg-special-pdl-pointer sg

Returns the index in sg’s special pdl of the last word pushed.

The following functions are used to move from one stack frame to another.

Function: eh:sg-innermost-active sg

Returns (the regular pdl index of) the innermost frame in sg, the one that would be executing if sg were current. If sg is current, the value is the frame of the caller of this function.

Function: eh:sg-next-active sg frame

Returns the next active frame out from frame in sg. This is the one that called frame. If frame is the outermost frame, the value is nil.

Function: eh:sg-previous-active sg frame

Returns the previous active frame in from frame in sg. This is the one called by frame. If frame is the currently executing frame, the value is nil. If frame is nil, the value is the outermost or initial frame.

Function: eh:sg-innermost-open sg

Returns the innermost open frame in sg, which may be the same as the innermost active one or it may be within that. In other respects, this is like eh:sg-innermost-active.

Function: eh:sg-next-open sg frame

Like eh:sg-next-active but includes frames which are open, that is, still accumulating arguments prior to calling the function.

Function: eh:sg-previous-open sg frame

Like eh:sg-previous-active but includes frames which are open, that is, still accumulating arguments prior to calling the function.

Function: eh:sg-frame-active-p sg frame

Returns t if frame is active; that is, if the function has been entered.

Running interpreted code involves calls to eval, cond, etc. which would not be there in compiled code. The following three functions can be used to skip over the stack frames of such functions, showing only the frames for the functions the user would know about.

Function: eh:sg-next-interesting-active sg frame

Like eh:sg-next-active but skips over uninteresting frames.

Function: eh:sg-previous-interesting-active sg frame

Like eh:sg-previous-active but skips over uninteresting frames.

Function: eh:sg-out-to-interesting-active sg frame

If frame is interesting, returns frame. Otherwise, it returns the next interesting active frame.

Functions to analyze the data in a particular stack frame:

Function: sys:rp-function-word regpdl frame

Returns the function executing in frame. regpdl should be the sg-regular-pdl of the stack group.

Function: eh:sg-frame-number-of-spread-args sg frame

Returns the number of arguments received by frame, which should be an active frame. The rest argument (if any) and arguments received by it, do not count.

Function: eh:sg-frame-arg-value sg frame n

Returns the value of argument number n of stack frame frame in sg. An error is signaled if n is out of range, if the frame is active. (For an open frame, the number of arguments is not yet known, so there is no error check.)

The second value is the location in which the argument is stored when sg is running. The location may not actually be in the stack, if the argument is special. The location may then contain other contents when the stack group is not running.

Function: eh:sg-frame-rest-arg-value sg frame

Returns the value of the rest argument in frame, or nil if there is none.

The second value is t if the function called in frame expects an explicitly passed rest argument.

The third value is t if the rest argument was passed explicitly. If this is nil, the rest arg is a stack list that overlaps the arguments of stack frame frame. If it was passed explicitly, it may still be a stack list, but not in this frame. See stack-list for more information on stack lists.

Function: eh:sg-frame-number-of-locals sg frame

Returns the number of local variables in stack frame frame.

Function: eh:sg-frame-local-value sg frame n

Returns the value of local variable number n of stack frame frame in sg. An error is signaled if n is out of range.

The second value is the location in which the local is stored when sg is running. The location may not actually be in the stack; if not, it may have other contents when the stack group is not running.

Function: eh:sg-frame-value-value sg frame n &optional create-slot

Returns the value and location of the n’th multiple value frame has returned. If frame has not begun to return values, the first value returned is nil but the location still validly shows where value number n will be stored.

If frame was called with multiple-value-list, it can return any number of values, but they do not have cells to receive them until frame returns them. In this case, a non-nil create-slot means that this function should allocate cells as necessary so that a valid location can be returned. Otherwise, the location as well as the value is nil.

Function: eh:sg-frame-value-list sg frame &optional new-number-of-values

Returns three values that describe whether frame’s caller wants multiple values, and any values frame has returned already.

The first value is a list in which live the values being, or to be, returned by frame.

The second value is nil if this frame has not been invoked to return multiple values, a number which is the number of values it has been asked for, or a locative, meaning the frame was called with multiple-value-list. In the last case, the first value includes only the values frame has returned already, and the locative points to a cell that points to the cons whose cdr should receive the next link of the list.

The third value is how many values frame has returned so far.

If new-number-of-values is non-nil, it is used to alter the “number of values already returned” as recorded in the stack group. This may alter the length of the list that is the first value. The value you get is the altered one, in that case.

Function: eh:sg-frame-special-pdl-range sg frame

Returns two values delimiting the range of sg’s special pdl that belongs to the specified stack frame. The first value is the index of the first special pdl word that belongs to the frame, and the second value is the index of the next word that does not belong to it.

If the specified frame has no special bindings, both values are nil. Otherwise, the indicated special pdl words describe bindings made on entry to or during execution in this frame. The words come in pairs.

The first word of each pair contains the saved value; the second points to the location that was bound. When the stack group is not current, the saved value is the value for the binding made in this frame. When the stack group is current, the saved value is the shadowed value, and the value for this binding is either in the cell that was bound, or is the saved value of another binding, at a higher index, of the same cell.

The bit sys:%%specpdl-closure-binding is nonzero in the first word of the pair if the binding was made before entry to the function itself. This includes bindings made by closures, and by instances (including self). Otherwise, the binding was made by the function itself. This includes arguments that are declared special.

symeval-in-stack-group can be used to find the value of a special variable at a certain stack frame (symeval-in-stack-group-fun).

13.5 Input/Output in Stack Groups

Because each stack group has its own set of dynamic bindings, a stack group does not inherit its creator’s value of *terminal-io* (see terminal-io-var), nor its caller’s, unless you make special provision for this. The *terminal-io* a stack group gets by default is a “background” stream that does not normally expect to be used. If it is used, it turns into a “background window” that will request the user’s attention. Often this happens when an error invokes the debugger.

If you write a program that uses multiple stack groups, and you want them all to do input and output to the terminal, you should pass the value of *terminal-io* to the top-level function of each stack group as part of the stack-group-preset, and that function should bind the variable *terminal-io*.

Another technique is to use a closure as the top-level function of a stack group. This closure can bind *terminal-io* and any other variables that should be shared between the stack group and its creator.

13.6 An Example of Stack Groups

The canonical coroutine example is the so-called samefringe problem: Given two trees, determine whether they contain the same atoms in the same order, ignoring parenthesis structure. A better way of saying this is, given two binary trees built out of conses, determine whether the sequence of atoms on the fringes of the trees is the same, ignoring differences in the arrangement of the internal skeletons of the two trees. Following the usual rule for trees, nil in the cdr of a cons is to be ignored.

One way of solving this problem is to use generator coroutines. We make a generator for each tree. Each time the generator is called it returns the next element of the fringe of its tree. After the generator has examined the entire tree, it returns a special “exhausted” flag. The generator is most naturally written as a recursive function. The use of coroutines, i.e stack groups, allows the two generators to recurse separately on two different control stacks without having to coordinate with each other.

The program is very simple. Constructing it in the usual bottom-up style, we first write a recursive function that takes a tree and stack-group-returns each element of its fringe. The stack-group-return is how the generator coroutine delivers its output. We could easily test this function by changing stack-group-return to print and trying it on some examples.

(defun fringe (tree)
  (cond ((atom tree) (stack-group-return tree))
	(t (fringe (car tree))
	   (if (not (null (cdr tree)))
	       (fringe (cdr tree))))))

Now we package this function inside another, which takes care of returning the special “exhausted” flag.

(defun fringe1 (tree exhausted)
  (fringe tree)

The samefringe function takes the two trees as arguments and returns t or nil. It creates two stack groups to act as the two generator coroutines, presets them to run the fringe1 function, then goes into a loop comparing the two fringes. The value is nil if a difference is discovered, or t if they are still the same when the end is reached.

(defun samefringe (tree1 tree2)
  (let ((sg1 (make-stack-group "samefringe1"))
	(sg2 (make-stack-group "samefringe2"))
	(exhausted (ncons nil)))
    (stack-group-preset sg1 #'fringe1 tree1 exhausted)
    (stack-group-preset sg2 #'fringe1 tree2 exhausted)
    (do ((v1) (v2)) (nil)
      (setq v1 (funcall sg1 nil)
	    v2 (funcall sg2 nil))
      (cond ((neq v1 v2) (return nil))
	    ((eq v1 exhausted) (return t))))))

Now we test it on a couple of examples:

(samefringe '(a b c) '(a (b c))) => t
(samefringe '(a b c) '(a b c d)) => nil

As stack groups are large, and slow to create, it is desirable to avoid the overhead of creating one each time two fringes are compared. It can easily be eliminated with a modest amount of explicit storage allocation, using the resource facility (see defresource-fun). While we’re at it, we can avoid making the exhausted flag fresh each time; its only important property is that it not be an atom.

(defresource samefringe-coroutine ()
   :constructor (make-stack-group "for-samefringe"))

(defvar exhausted-flag (ncons nil))

(defun samefringe (tree1 tree2)
  (using-resource (sg1 samefringe-coroutine)
    (using-resource (sg2 samefringe-coroutine)
      (stack-group-preset sg1 #'fringe1 tree1 exhausted-flag)
      (stack-group-preset sg2 #'fringe1 tree2 exhausted-flag)
      (do ((v1) (v2)) (nil)
	(setq v1 (funcall sg1 nil)
	      v2 (funcall sg2 nil))
	(cond ((neq v1 v2) (return nil))
	      ((eq v1 exhausted-flag) (return t)))))))

Now we can compare the fringes of two trees with no allocation of memory whatsoever.

14 Locatives

A locative is a type of Lisp object used as a pointer to a cell. Locatives are inherently a more low level construct than most Lisp objects; they require some knowledge of the nature of the Lisp implementation.

14.1 Cells and Locatives

A cell is a machine word that can hold a (pointer to a) Lisp object. For example, a symbol has five cells: the print name cell, the value cell, the function cell, the property list cell, and the package cell. The value cell holds (a pointer to) the binding of the symbol, and so on. Also, an array leader of length n has n cells, and an art-q array of n elements has n cells. (Numeric arrays do not have cells in this sense.) A locative is an object that points to a cell; it lets you refer to a cell so that you can examine or alter its contents.

Function: contents locative

Returns the contents of the cell which the locative points to. This is actually the same as cdr, for reasons explained below, but it is clearer to use contents when the argument is normally a locative.

To modify the contents of the cell, use setf on contents:

(setf (contents loc) newvalue)

The macro locf (see locf-fun) can be used to convert a form that accesses a cell to one that creates a locative pointer to that cell: for example,

(locf (fsymeval x))

evaluates to a locative that points to the function cell of the value of x; that is to say, it points to the place where (fsymeval x) is stored.

locf is very convenient because it saves the writer and reader of a program from having to remember the names of many functions that would create locatives to cells found in different fashions.

One thing you should know is that it is not possible to make a locative to an element of a numeric array. For example,

(setq foo (make-array 10 :type art-1b))
(locf (aref foo 0))

signals an error. Locatives may only point at entire words of memory, which contain standard Lisp data.

Because of cdr-coding (see cdr-code), a cons does not always contain an explicit cell which points to its cdr. Therefore, it is impossible to obtain a locative which points to such a cell. However, this is such a useful thing to do that the cons itself is usually treated as if it were a locative pointing to a cell which holds the cons’s cdr. (locf (cdr x)) returns the value of x, and (contents x) returns the cdr when x is a cons, so (contents (locf (cdr x))) is the same as (cdr x), as it should be. Most functions that are normally given locatives also accept a cons and treat it as if it were a magic locative to the (nonexistent) cell containing the cdr of the cons.

A cons always does contain a cell which points to the car, and (locf (car x)) returns a locative whose pointer field is the same as that of x’s value.

14.2 Functions That Operate on Locatives

Function: location-boundp locative

Returns t if the cell to which locative points contains anything except a void marker.

The void marker is a special data type, dtp-null, which is stored in cells to say that their value is missing. For example, an unbound variable actually has a void marker in its value cell, and (location-boundp (locf x)) is equivalent to (variable-boundp x).

Function: location-makunbound locative &optional pointer

Stores a void marker into the cell to which locative points. This consists of data type field dtp-null and a pointer copied from pointer.

The pointer field of the void marker is used to tell the error handler what variable was unbound. In the case of a symbol’s value cell or function cell, it should point to the symbol header. In the case of a flavor method, it should point to the beginning of the block of data that holds the definition, which is a word containing the method’s function spec.

If the second arg is not specified, then where the void marker points is not defined.

Other functions with which locatives are expected or useful include get (the locative points to the cell in which the plist is stored), store-conditional (the locative points to the cell to be tested and modified), and %bind (the locative points to the cell to be bound).

14.3 Mixing Locatives with Lists

Either of the functions car and cdr (see car-fun) may be given a locative, and will return the contents of the cell at which the locative points. They are both equivalent to contents when the argument is a locative.

Similarly, either of the functions rplaca and rplacd may be used to store an object into the cell at which a locative points.

For example,
(rplaca locative y)
(rplaca locative y)
is the same as
(setf (contents locative) y)

If you are just using locatives, you should use contents rather than car or cdr. But you can also mix locatives and conses. For example, the same variable may usefully sometimes have a locative as its value and sometimes a cons. Then it is useful that car and cdr work on locatives, and it also matters which one you use. Pick the one that is right for the case of a cons.

For example, the following function conses up a list in the forward order by adding onto the end. It needs to know where to put the pointer to the next cell. Usually it goes in the previous cell’s cdr, but the first cell gets put in the cell where the list is supposed to end up. A locative is used as the pointer to this cell. The first time through the loop, the rplacd is equivalent to (setq res ...); on later times through the loop the rplacd tacks an additional cons onto the end of the list.

(defun simplified-version-of-mapcar (fcn lst)
  (do ((lst lst (cdr lst))
       (res nil)
       (loc (locf res)))
      ((null lst) res)
    (setf (cdr loc)
	  (setq loc (ncons (funcall fcn (car lst)))))))

cdr is used here rather than contents because the normal case is that the argument is a list.

15 Subprimitives

Subprimitives are functions which are not intended to be used by the average program, only by system programs. They allow one to manipulate the environment at a level lower than normal Lisp. They are described in this chapter. Subprimitives usually have names starting with a % character. The primitives described in other sections of the manual typically use subprimitives to accomplish their work. To some extent the subprimitives take the place of what in other systems would be individual machine instructions. Subprimitives are normally hand-coded in microcode. There is plenty of stuff in this chapter that is not fully explained; there are terms that are undefined, there are forward references, and so on. Furthermore, most of what is in here is considered subject to change without notice. In fact, this chapter does not exactly belong in this manual, but in some other more low-level manual. Since the latter manual does not exist, it is here for the interim. Subprimitives by their very nature cannot do full checking. Improper use of subprimitives can destroy the environment. Subprimitives come in varying degrees of dangerousness. Generally, those without a % sign in their name are not directly dangerous, whereas those whose names begin with % can ruin the Lisp world just as readily as they can do something useful. The subprimitives are documented here since they need to be documented somewhere, but this manual does not document all the things you need to know in order to use them. Still other subprimitives are not documented here because they are very specialized. Most of these are never used explicitly by a programmer; the compiler inserts them into the program to perform operations which are expressed differently in the source code. The most common problem you can cause using subprimitives, though by no means the only one, is to create illegal pointers: pointers that are, for one reason or another, according to storage conventions, not allowed to exist. The storage conventions are not documented; as we said, you have to be an expert to use a lot of the functions in this chapter correctly. If you create such an illegal pointer, it probably will not be detected immediately, but later on parts of the system may see it, notice that it is illegal, and (probably) halt the Lisp Machine. In a certain sense car, cdr, rplaca, and rplacd are subprimitives. If these are given a locative instead of a list, they access or modify the cell addressed by the locative without regard to what object the cell is inside. Subprimitives can be used to create locatives to strange places.

15.1 Data Types

Function: data-type arg

data-type returns a symbol that is the name for the internal data-type of arg. The type-of function (type-of-fun) is a higher-level primitive that is more useful in most cases; normal programs should always use type-of (or, when appropriate, typep) rather than data-type.

Note that some types as seen by the user are not distinguished from each other at this level, and some user types may be represented by more than one internal type. For example, dtp-extended-number is the symbol that data-type would return for either a single-float or a bignum, even though those two types are quite different.

Some of these type codes occur in memory words but cannot be the type of an actual Lisp object. These include header types such as dtp-symbol-header, which identify the first word of a structure, and forwarding or “invisible” pointer types such as dtp-one-q-forward.


The object is a symbol.


The object is a fixnum; the numeric value is contained in the address field of the pointer.


The object is a short float; the numeric value is contained in the address field of the pointer.


The object is a single-float, ratio, bignum or complexnum. This value will also be used for future numeric types.


The object is a character object; the value is contained in the address field of the pointer.


The object is a cons.


The object is a locative pointer.


The object is an array.


The object is a compiled function.


The object is a microcode entry.


The object is a closure; see closure.


The object is a closure which lives inside a stack, and which must be copied if it is stored anywhere but farther down in the same stack. Lexical scoping is implemented using these.


The object is an instance of a flavor; see flavor.


The object is an entity; see entity.


The object is a select-method; see select-method.


The object is a stack-group; see stack-group.

The remaining types are internal only.

An internal type used to mark the first word of several kinds of multi-word structure, including single-floats, ratios, bignums and FEFs.


An internal type used to mark the first word of an array.


An internal type used to mark the first word of a symbol. The pointer field points to the symbol’s print-name, which is a string.


An internal type used to mark the first word of an instance. The pointer field points to the structure that describes the instance’s flavor.


Nothing to do with nil. This type code identifies a void marker. An attempt to refer to the contents of a cell that contains a dtp-null signals an error. This is how “unbound variable” and “undefined function” errors are detected.


The zero data-type, which is not used. This hopes to detect microcode bugs.


This type is used to fill free storage, to catch wild references.


An “invisible pointer” used for external value cells, which are part of the closure mechanism (see closure), and used by compiled code to address value and function cells.


An “invisible pointer” used to refer to an instance variable of self. This data type appears in FEFs of flavor methods.


An “invisible pointer” used to indicate that the structure containing it has been moved elsewhere. The “header word” of the structure is replaced by one of these invisible pointers. See the function structure-forward (structure-forward-fun).


An “invisible pointer” used to indicate that the structure containing it has been moved elsewhere. This points to the word containing the header-forward, which points to the new copy of the structure.


An “invisible pointer” used to indicate that the single cell containing it has been moved elsewhere.


This is used by the copying garbage collector to flag the obsolete copy of an object; it points to the new copy.

Constant: q-data-types

The value of q-data-types is a list of all of the symbolic names for data types described above under data-type. These are the symbols whose print names begin with ‘dtp-’. The values of these symbols are the internal numeric data-type codes for the various types.

Function: q-data-types type-code

Given the internal numeric data-type code, returns the corresponding symbolic name. This “function” is actually an array.

15.2 Forwarding

An invisible pointer or forwarding pointer is a kind of pointer that does not represent a Lisp object, but just resides in memory. There are several kinds of invisible pointer, and there are various rules about where they may or may not appear. The basic property of an invisible pointer is that if the Lisp Machine reads a word of memory and finds an invisible pointer there, instead of seeing the invisible pointer as the result of the read, it does a second read, at the location addressed by the invisible pointer, and returns that as the result instead. Writing behaves in a similar fashion. When the Lisp Machine writes a word of memory it first checks to see if that word contains an invisible pointer; if so it goes to the location pointed to by the invisible pointer and tries to write there instead. Many subprimitives that read and write memory do not do this checking.

The simplest kind of invisible pointer has the data type code dtp-one-q-forward. It is used to forward a single word of memory to someplace else. The invisible pointers with data types dtp-header-forward and dtp-body-forward are used for moving whole Lisp objects (such as cons cells or arrays) somewhere else. The dtp-external-value-cell-pointer is very similar to the dtp-one-q-forward; the difference is that it is not “invisible” to the operation of binding. If the (internal) value cell of a symbol contains a dtp-external-value-cell-pointer that points to some other word (the external value cell), then symeval or set operations on the symbol consider the pointer to be invisible and use the external value cell, but binding the symbol saves away the dtp-external-value-cell-pointer itself, and stores the new value into the internal value cell of the symbol. This is how closures are implemented.

dtp-gc-forward is not an invisible pointer at all; it only appears in “old spaced” and can never be seen by any program other than the garbage collector. When an object is found not to be garbage, and the garbage collector moves it from “old space” to “new space”, a dtp-gc-forward is left behind to point to the new copy of the object. This ensures that other references to the same object get the same new copy.

Function: structure-forward old-object new-object

This causes references to old-object actually to reference new-object, by storing invisible pointers in old-object. It returns old-object.

An example of the use of structure-forward is adjust-array. If the array is being made bigger and cannot be expanded in place, a new array is allocated, the contents are copied, and the old array is structure-forwarded to the new one. This forwarding ensures that pointers to the old array, or to cells within it, continue to work. When the garbage collector goes to copy the old array, it notices the forwarding and uses the new array as the copy; thus the overhead of forwarding disappears eventually if garbage collection is in use.

Function: follow-structure-forwarding object

Normally returns object, but if object has been structure-forward’ed, returns the object at the end of the chain of forwardings. If object is not exactly an object, but a locative to a cell in the middle of an object, a locative to the corresponding cell in the latest copy of the object is returned.

Function: forward-value-cell from-symbol to-symbol

This alters from-symbol so that it always has the same value as to-symbol, by sharing its value cell. A dtp-one-q-forward invisible pointer is stored into from-symbol’s value cell. Do not do this while from-symbol’s current dynamic binding is not global, as the microcode does not bother to check for that case and something bad will happen when from-symbol’s binding is unbound. The microcode check is omitted to speed up binding and unbinding.

This is how synonymous variables (such as *terminal-io* and terminal-io) are created.

To forward one arbitrary cell to another (rather than specifically one value cell to another), given two locatives, do

(%p-store-tag-and-pointer locative1 dtp-one-q-forward locative2)
Function: follow-cell-forwarding loc evcp-p

loc is a locative to a cell. Normally loc is returned, but if the cell has been forwarded, this follows the chain of forwardings and returns a locative to the final cell. If the cell is part of a structure which has been forwarded, the chain of structure forwardings is followed, too. If evcp-p is t, external value cell pointers are followed; if it is nil they are not.

15.3 Pointer Manipulation

It should again be emphasized that improper use of these functions can damage or destroy the Lisp environment. It is possible to create pointers with illegal data-type, pointers to non-existent objects, and pointers to untyped storage, which will completely confuse the garbage collector.

Function: %data-type x

Returns the data-type field of x, as a fixnum.

Function: %pointer x

Returns the pointer field of x, as a fixnum. For most types, this is dangerous since the garbage collector can copy the object and change its address.

Function: %make-pointer data-type pointer

Makes up a pointer, with data-type in the data-type field and pointer in the pointer field, and returns it. data-type should be an internal numeric data-type code; these are the values of the symbols that start with dtp-. pointer may be any object; its pointer field is used. This is most commonly used for changing the type of a pointer. Do not use this to make pointers which are not allowed to be in the machine, such as dtp-null, invisible pointers, etc.

Function: %make-pointer-offset data-type pointer offset

Returns a pointer with data-type in the data-type field, and pointer plus offset in the pointer field. The data-type and pointer arguments are like those of %make-pointer; offset may be any object but is usually a fixnum. The types of the arguments are not checked; their pointer fields are simply added together. This is useful for constructing locative pointers into the middle of an object. However, note that it is illegal to have a pointer to untyped data, such as the inside of a FEF or a numeric array.

Function: %pointer-difference pointer-1 pointer-2

Returns a fixnum which is pointer-1 minus pointer-2. No type checks are made. For the result to be meaningful, the two pointers must point into the same object, so that their difference cannot change as a result of garbage collection.

Function: %pointerp object

t if object points to storage. For example, (%pointerp "foo") is t, but (%pointerp 5) is nil.

Function: %pointer-type-p data-type

t if the specified data type is one which points to storage. For example, (%pointer-type-p dtp-fix) returns nil.

15.4 Special Memory Referencing

Function: %p-pointerp location

t if the contents of the word at location points to storage. This is similar to (%pointerp (contects location)), but the latter may get an error if location contains a forwarding pointer, a header type, or a void marker. In such cases, %p-pointerp correctly tells you whether the header or forward points to storage.

Function: %p-pointerp-offset location offset

Similar to %p-pointerp but operates on the word offset words beyond location.

Function: %p-contents-offset base-pointer offset

Returns the contents of the word offset words beyond base-pointer. This first checks the cell pointed to by base-pointer for a forwarding pointer. Having followed forwarding pointers to the real structure pointed to, it adds offset to the resulting forwarded base-pointer and returns the contents of that location.

There is no %p-contents, since car performs that operation.

Function: %p-contents-safe-p location

t if the contents of word location are a valid Lisp object, at least as far as data type is concerned. It is nil if the word contains a header type, a forwarding pointer, or a void marker. If the value of this function is t, you will not get an error from (contents location).

Function: %p-contents-safe-p-offset location offset

Similar to %p-contents-safe-p but operates on the word offset words beyond location.

Function: %p-contents-as-locative pointer

Given a pointer to a memory location containing a pointer that isn’t allowed to be “in the machine” (typically an invisible pointer) this function returns the contents of the location as a dtp-locative. It changes the disallowed data type to dtp-locative so that you can safely look at it and see what it points to.

Function: %p-contents-as-locative-offset base-pointer offset

Extracts the contents of a word like %p-contents-offset, but changes it into a locative like %p-contents-as-locative. This can be used, for example, to analyze the dtp-external-value-cell-pointer pointers in a FEF, which are used by the compiled code to reference value cells and function cells of symbols.

Function: %p-safe-contents-offset location offset

Returns the contents of the word offset words beyond location as accurately as possible without getting an error.

If the contents are a valid Lisp object, it is returned exactly.

If the contents are not a valid Lisp object but do point to storage, the value returned is a locative which points to the same place in storage.

If the contents are not a valid Lisp object and do not point to storage, the value returned is a fixnum with the same pointer field.

Forwarding pointers are checked as in %p-contents-offset.

Function: %p-store-contents pointer value

Stores value into the data-type and pointer fields of the location addressed by pointer, and returns value. The cdr-code field of the location remains unchanged.

Function: %p-store-contents-offset value base-pointer offset

Stores value in the location offset beyond words beyond base-pointer, then returns value. The cdr-code field remains unchanged. Forwarding pointers in the location at base-pointer are handled as they are in %p-contents-offset.

Function: %p-store-tag-and-pointer pointer miscfields pointerfield

Stores miscfields and pointerfield into the location addressed by pointer. 25 bits are taken from pointerfield to fill the pointer field of the location, and the low 7 bits of miscfields are used to fill both the data-type and cdr-code fields of the location. The low 5 bits of miscfields become the data-type, and the top two bits become the cdr-code. This is a good way to store a forwarding pointer from one structure to another (for example).

%p-store-tag-and-pointer should be used only for storing into ‘boxed’ words, for the same reason as %blt-typed: the microcode could halt if the data stored is not valid boxed data. See %blt-typed-fun.

Function: %p-ldb byte-spec pointer

Extracts a byte according to byte-spec from the contents of the location addressed by pointer, in effect regarding the contents as a 32-bit number and using ldb. The result is always a fixnum. For example, (%p-ldb %%q-cdr-code loc) returns the cdr-code of the location addressed by loc.

Function: %p-ldb-offset byte-spec base-pointer offset

Extracts a byte according to byte-spec from the contents of the location offset words beyond base-pointer, after handling forwarding pointers like %p-contents-offset.

This is the way to reference byte fields within a structure without violating system storage conventions.

Function: %p-mask-field byte-spec pointer

Like %p-ldb, except that the selected byte is returned in its original position within the word instead of right-aligned.

Function: %p-mask-field-offset byte-spec base-pointer offset

Like %p-ldb-offset, except that the selected byte is returned in its original position within the word instead of right-aligned.

Note: %p-dbp, %p-dpb-offset, %p-deposit-field and %p-deposit-field-offset should never be used to modify the pointer field of a boxed word if the data type is one which actually points to storage, unless you are sure that the new pointer is such as to cause no trouble (such as, if it points to a static area). Likewise, it should never be used to change a data type which does not point to storage into one which does. Either action could confuse the garbage collector.

Function: %p-dpb value byte-spec pointer

Stores value, a fixnum, into the byte selected by byte-spec in the word addressed by pointer. nil is returned. You can use this to alter data types, cdr-codes, etc, but see the note above for restrictions.

Function: %p-dpb-offset value byte-spec base-pointer offset

Stores value into the specified byte of the location offset words beyond that addressed by base-pointer, after first handling forwarding pointers in the location addressed by base-pointer as in %p-contents-offset. nil is returned.

This is the way to alter unboxed data within a structure without violating system storage conventions. You can use this to alter boxed words too, but see the note above for restrictions.

Function: %p-deposit-field value byte-spec pointer

Like %p-dpb, except that the selected byte is stored from the corresponding bits of value rather than the right-aligned bits. See the note above %p-dpb for restrictions.

Function: %p-deposit-field-offset value byte-spec base-pointer offset

Like %p-dpb-offset, except that the selected byte is stored from the corresponding bits of value rather than the right-aligned bits. See the note above %p-dpb for restrictions.

Function: %p-pointer pointer

Extracts the pointer field of the contents of the location addressed by pointer and returns it as a fixnum.

Function: %p-data-type pointer

Extracts the data-type field of the contents of the location addressed by pointer and returns it as a fixnum.

Function: %p-cdr-code pointer

Extracts the cdr-code field of the contents of the location addressed by pointer and returns it as a fixnum.

Function: %p-store-pointer pointer value

Stores value in the pointer field of the location addressed by pointer, and returns value.

Function: %p-store-data-type pointer value

Stores value in the data-type field of the location addressed by pointer, and returns value.

Function: %p-store-cdr-code pointer value

Stores value in the cdr-code field of the location addressed by pointer, and returns value.

Function: %stack-frame-pointer

Returns a locative pointer to its caller’s stack frame. This function is not defined in the interpreted Lisp environment; it only works in compiled code. Since it turns into a “misc” instruction, the “caller’s stack frame” really means “the frame for the FEF that executed the %stack-frame-pointer instruction”.

15.5 Storage Layout Definitions

The following special variables have values which define the most important attributes of the way Lisp data structures are laid out in storage. In addition to the variables documented here, there are many others that are more specialized. They are not documented in this manual since they are in the system package rather than the global package. The variables whose names start with %% are byte specifiers, intended to be used with subprimitives such as %p-ldb. If you change the value of any of these variables, you will probably bring the machine to a crashing halt.

Constant: %%q-cdr-code

The field of a memory word that contains the cdr-code. See cdr-code.

Constant: %%q-data-type

The field of a memory word that contains the data-type code. See data-type-fun.

Constant: %%q-pointer

The field of a memory word that contains the pointer address, or immediate data.

Constant: %%q-pointer-within-page

The field of a memory word that contains the part of the address that lies within a single page.

Constant: %%q-typed-pointer

The concatenation of the %%q-data-type and %%q-pointer fields.

Constant: %%q-all-but-typed-pointer

This is now synonymous with %%q-cdr-code, and therefore obsolete.

Constant: %%q-all-but-pointer

The concatenation of all fields of a memory word except for %%q-pointer.

Constant: %%q-all-but-cdr-code

The concatenation of all fields of a memory word except for %%q-cdr-code.

Constant: %%q-high-half
Constant: %%q-low-half

The two halves of a memory word. These fields are only used in storing compiled code.

Constant: cdr-normal
Constant: cdr-next
Constant: cdr-nil
Constant: cdr-error

The values of these four variables are the numeric values that go in the cdr-code field of a memory word. See cdr-code for the details of cdr-coding.

15.6 Analyzing Structures

Function: %find-structure-header pointer

This subprimitive finds the structure into which pointer points, by searching backward for a header. It is a basic low-level function used by such things as the garbage collector. pointer is normally a locative, but its data-type is ignored. Note that it is illegal to point into an “unboxed” portion of a structure, for instance the middle of a numeric array.

In structure space, the “containing structure” of a pointer is well-defined by system storage conventions. In list space, it is considered to be the contiguous, cdr-coded segment of list surrounding the location pointed to. If a cons of the list has been copied out by rplacd, the contiguous list includes that pair and ends at that point.

Function: %find-structure-leader pointer

This is identical to %find-structure-header, except that if the structure is an array with a leader, this returns a locative pointer to the leader-header, rather than returning the array-pointer itself. Thus the result of %find-structure-leader is always the lowest address in the structure. This is the one used internally by the garbage collector.

Function: %structure-boxed-size object

Returns the number of “boxed Q’s” in object. This is the number of words at the front of the structure which contain normal Lisp objects. Some structures, for example FEFs and numeric arrays, contain additional “unboxed Q’s” following their boxed Q’s. Note that the boxed size of a PDL (either regular or special) does not include Q’s above the current top of the PDL. Those locations are boxed, but their contents are considered garbage and are not protected by the garbage collector.

Function: %structure-total-size object

Returns the total number of words occupied by the representation of object, including boxed Q’s, unboxed Q’s, and garbage Q’s off the ends of PDLs.

15.7 Creating Objects

Function: %allocate-and-initialize data-type header-type header second-word area size

This is the subprimitive for creating most structured-type objects. area is the area in which it is to be created, as a fixnum or a symbol. size is the number of words to be allocated. The value returned points to the first word allocated and has data-type data-type. Uninterruptibly, the words allocated are initialized so that storage conventions are preserved at all times. The first word, the header, is initialized to have header-type in its data-type field and header in its pointer field. The second word is initialized to second-word. The remaining words are initialized to nil. The cdr-codes of all words except the last are set to cdr-next; the cdr-code of the last word is set to cdr-nil. It is probably a bad idea to rely on this.

Function: %allocate-and-initialize-array header data-length leader-length area size

This is the subprimitive for creating arrays, called only by make-array. It is different from %allocate-and-initialize because arrays have a more complicated header structure.

The basic functions for creating list-type objects are cons and make-list; no special subprimitive is needed. Closures, entities, and select-methods are based on lists, but there is no primitive for creating them. To create one, create a list and then use %make-pointer to change the data type from dtp-list to the desired type.

15.8 Copying Data

%blt and %blt-typed are subprimitives for copying blocks of data, word aligned, from one place in memory to another with little or no type checking.

Function: %blt from to count increment
Function: %blt-typed from to count increment

Copies count words, separated by increment. The word at address from is moved to address to, the word at address from+increment is moved to address to+increment, and so on until count words have been moved.

Only the pointer fields of from and to are significant; they may be locatives or even fixnums. If one of them must point to the unboxed data in the middle of a structure, you must make it a fixnum, and you must do so with interrupts disabled, or else garbage collection could move the structure after you have already created the fixnum.

%blt-typed assumes that each copied word contains a data type field and checks that field, interfacing suitably with the garbage collector if necessary. %blt does not check the data type fields of the copied words.

%blt may be used on any data except boxed data containing pointers to storage, while %blt-typed may be used on any boxed data. Both %blt and %blt-typed can be used validly on data which is formatted with data types (boxed) but whose contents never point to storage. This includes words whose contents are always fixnums or short floats, and also words which contain array headers, array leader headers, or FEF headers. Whether or not the machine is told to examine the data types of such data makes no difference since, on examining them, it would decide that nothing needed to be done.

For unboxed data (data which is formatted not containing valid data type fields), such as the inside of a numeric array or the instruction words of a FEF, only %blt may be used. If %blt-typed were used, it would examine the data type fields of the data words, and probably halt due to an invalid data type code.

For boxed data which may contain pointers, only %blt-typed may be used. If %blt were used, it would appear to work, but problems could appear mysteriously later because nothing would notice the presence of the pointer there. For example, the pointer might point to a bignum in the number consing area, and moving it in this way would fail to copy it into a nontemporary area. Then the pointer would become invalidated the next time the number consing area was emptied out. There could also be problems with lexical closures and with garbage collection.

15.9 Returning Storage

Function: return-storage object

This peculiar function attempts to return object to free storage. If it is a displaced array, this returns the displaced array itself, not the data that the array points to. Currently return-storage does nothing if the object is not at the end of its region, i.e if it was not either the most recently allocated non-list object in its area, or the most recently allocated list in its area.

If you still have any references to object anywhere in the Lisp world after this function returns, the garbage collector can get a fatal error if it sees them. Since the form that calls this function must get the object from somewhere, it may not be clear how to legally call return-storage. One of the only ways to do it is as follows:

(defun func ()
   (let ((object (make-array 100)))
      (return-storage (prog1 object (setq object nil)))))

so that the variable object does not refer to the object when return-storage is called. Alternatively, you can free the object and get rid of all pointers to it while interrupts are turned off with without-interrupts.

You should only call this function if you know what you are doing; otherwise the garbage collector can get fatal errors. Be careful.

15.10 Locking Subprimitive

Function: %store-conditional pointer old new

This is the basic locking primitive. pointer is a locative to a cell which is uninterruptibly read and written. If the contents of the cell is eq to old, then it is replaced by new and t is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned and the contents of the cell are not changed.

See also store-conditional, a higher-level function which provides type checking (store-conditional-fun).

15.11 CADR I/O Device Subprimitives

The CADR processor has a 32-bit memory bus called the Xbus. In addition to main memory and TV screen memory, most I/O device registers are on this bus. There is also a Unibus compatible with the PDP-11. A map of Xbus and Unibus addresses can be found in SYS: DOC; UNADDR TEXT.

Function: %unibus-read address

Returns as a fixnum the contents of the register at the specified Unibus address. You must specify a full 18-bit address. This is guaranteed to read the location only once. Since the Lisp Machine Unibus does not support byte operations, this always references a 16-bit word, and so address should normally be an even number.

Function: %unibus-write address data

Writes the 16-bit number data at the specified Unibus address, exactly once.

Function: %xbus-read io-offset

Returns the contents of the register at the specified Xbus address. io-offset is an offset into the I/O portion of Xbus physical address space. This is guaranteed to read the location exactly once. The returned value can be either a fixnum or a bignum.

Function: %xbus-write io-offset data

Writes data, which can be a fixnum or a bignum, into the register at the specified Xbus address. io-offset is an offset into the I/O portion of Xbus physical address space. This is guaranteed to write the location exactly once.

Function: sys:%xbus-write-sync w-loc w-data delay sync-loc sync-mask sync-value

Does (%xbus-write w-loc w-data), but first synchronizes to within about one microsecond of a certain condition. The synchronization is achieved by looping until

(= (logand (%xbus-read sync-loc) sync-mask) sync-value)

is false, then looping until it is true, then looping delay times. Thus the write happens a specified delay after the leading edge of the synchronization condition. The number of microseconds of delay is roughly one third of delay.

This primitive is used to alter the color TV screen’s color map during vertical retrace.

15.12 Lambda I/O-Device Subprimitives

Function: sys:%nubus-read slot byte-address

Returns the contents of a word read from the Nu bus. Addresses on the Nu bus are divided into an 8-bit slot number which identifies which physical board is being referenced and a 24-bit address within slot. The address is measured in bytes and therefore should be a multiple of 4. Which addresses are valid depends on the type of board plugged into the specified slot. If, for example, the board is a 512k main memory board, then the valid address range from 0 to 4 * (512k - 1). (Of course, main memory boards are normally accessed through the virtual memory mechanism.)

Function: sys:%nubus-write slot byte-address word

Writes word into a word of the Nu bus, whose address is specified by slot and byte-address as described above.

Function: sys:%nubus-physical-address apparent-physical-page

The valid portions of the Nu bus address space are not contiguous. Each board is allocated 16m bytes of address space, but no memory board actually provides 16m bytes of memory.

The Lisp Machine virtual memory system maps virtual addresses into a contiguous physical address space. On the Lambda, this contiguous address space is mapped a second time into the discontiguous Nu bus address space. Unlike the mapping of virtual addresses to physical ones, the second mapping is determined from the hardware configuration when the machine is booted and does not change during operation.

This function performs exactly that mapping. The argument is a physical page number (a physical address divided by sys:page-size). The argument is a "Nu bus page number"; multiplied by sys:page-size and then by four, it yields the Nu bus byte address of the beginning of that physical page.

See also sys:%physical-address, sys:%physical-address-fun.

15.13 Function-Calling Subprimitives

These subprimitives can be used (carefully!) to call a function with the number of arguments variable at run time. They only work in compiled code and are not defined in the interpreted Lisp environment. The preferred higher-level primitive is apply (apply-fun).

Function: %open-call-block function n-adi-pairs destination

Starts a call to function. n-adi-pairs is the number of pairs of additional information words already %push’ed; normally this should be 0. destination is where to put the result; the useful values are 0 for the value to be ignored, 1 for the value to go onto the stack, 3 for the value to be the last argument to the previous open call block, and 2 for the value to be returned from this frame.

Function: %push value

Pushes value onto the stack. Use this to push the arguments.

Function: %activate-open-call-block

Causes the call to happen.

Function: %pop

Pops the top value off of the stack and returns it as its value. Use this to recover the result from a call made by %open-call-block with a destination of 1.

Function: %assure-pdl-room n-words

Call this before doing a sequence of %push’s or %open-call-block’s that will add n-words to the current frame. This subprimitive checks that the frame will not exceed the maximum legal frame size, which is 255 words including all overhead. This limit is dictated by the way stack frames are linked together. If the frame is going to exceed the legal limit, %assure-pdl-room signals an error.

15.14 Special-Binding Subprimitive

Function: %bind locative value
Function: bind locative value

Binds the cell pointed to by locative to x, in the caller’s environment. This function is not defined in the interpreted Lisp environment; it only works from compiled code. Since it turns into an instruction, the “caller’s environment” really means “the binding block for the compiled function that executed the %bind instruction”. The preferred higher-level primitives that turn into this are let (let-fun), let-if (let-if-fun), and progv (progv-fun).

The binding is in effect for the scope of the innermost binding construct, such as prog or let–even one that binds no variables itself.

%bind is the preferred name; bind is an older name which will eventually be eliminated.

15.15 The Paging System

[Someday this may discuss how it works.]

Variable: sys:%disk-switches

This variable contains bits that control various disk usage features.

Bit 0 (the least significant bit) enables read-compares after disk read operations. This causes a considerable slowdown, so it is rarely used.

Bit 1 enables read-compares after disk write operations.

Bit 2 enables the multiple page swap-out feature. When this is enabled, as it is by default, each time a page is swapped out, up to 16 contiguous pages are also written out to the disk if they have been modified. This greatly improves swapping performance.

Bit 3 controls the multiple page swap-in feature, which is also on by default. This feature causes pages to be swapped in in groups; each time a page is needed, several contiguous pages are swapped in in the same disk operation. The number of pages swapped in can be specified for each area using si:set-swap-recommendations-of-area.

Function: si:set-swap-recommendations-of-area area-number recommendation

Specifies that pages of area area-number should be swapped in in groups of recommendation at a time. This recommendation is used only if the multiple page swap-in feature is enabled.

Generally, the more memory a machine has, the higher the swap recommendations should be to get optimum performance. The recommendations are set automatically according to the memory size when the machine is booted.

Function: si:set-all-swap-recommendations recommendation

Specifies the swap-in recommendation of all areas at once.

Function: si:wire-page address &optional (wire-p t)

If wire-p is t, the page containing address is wired-down; that is, it cannot be paged-out. If wire-p is nil, the page ceases to be wired-down.

Function: si:unwire-page address

(si:unwire-page address) is the same as (si:wire-page address nil).

Function: sys:page-in-structure object

Makes sure that the storage that represents object is in main memory. Any pages that have been swapped out to disk are read in, using as few disk operations as possible. Consecutive disk pages are transferred together, taking advantage of the full speed of the disk. If object is large, this is much faster than bringing the pages in one at a time on demand. The storage occupied by object is defined by the %find-structure-leader and %structure-total-size subprimitives.

Function: sys:page-in-array array &optional from to

This is a version of sys:page-in-structure that can bring in a portion of an array. from and to are lists of subscripts; if they are shorter than the dimensionality of array, the remaining subscripts are assumed to be zero.

Function: sys:page-in-pixel-array array &optional from to

Like sys:page-in-array except that the lists from and to, if present, are assumed to have their subscripts in the order horizontal, vertical, regardless of which of those two is actually the first axis of the array. See make-pixel-array, make-pixel-array-fun.

Function: sys:page-in-words address n-words

Any pages that have been swapped out to disk in the range of address space starting at address and continuing for n-words are read in with as few disk operations as possible.

Function: sys:page-in-area area-number
Function: sys:page-in-region region-number

All swapped-out pages of the specified region or area are brought into main memory.

Function: sys:page-out-structure object
Function: sys:page-out-array array &optional from to
Function: sys:page-out-pixel-array array &optional from to
Function: sys:page-out-words address n-words
Function: sys:page-out-area area-number
Function: sys:page-out-region region-number

These are similar to the above, except that they take pages out of main memory rather than bringing them in. Actually, they only mark the pages as having priority for replacement by others. Use these operations when you are done with a large object, to make the virtual memory system prefer reclaiming that object’s memory over swapping something else out.

Function: sys:%page-status virtual-address

If the page containing virtual-address is swapped out, or if it is part of one of the low-numbered fixed areas, this returns nil. Otherwise it returns the entire first word of the page hash table entry for the page.

The %%pht1- symbols in SYS: SYS; QCOM LISP are byte specifiers you can use with %logldb for decoding the value.

Function: sys:%change-page-status virtual-address swap-status access-status-and-meta-bits

The page hash table entry for the page containing virtual-address is found and altered as specified. t is returned if it was found, nil if it was not (presumably the page is swapped out). swap-status and access-status-and-meta-bits can be nil if those fields are not to be changed. This doesn’t make any error checks; you can really screw things up if you call it with the wrong arguments.

Function: sys:%compute-page-hash virtual-address

Makes the hashing function for the page hash table available to the user.

Function: sys:%physical-address virtual-address

Returns the physical address which virtual-address currently maps into. The value is unpredictable if the virtual page is not swapped in; therefore, this function should be used on wired pages, or you should do

  (%p-pointer virtual-address)     ;swap it in
  (sys:%physical-address virtual-address))
Function: sys:%create-physical-page physical-address

This is used when adjusting the size of real memory available to the machine. It adds an entry for the page frame at physical-address to the page hash table, with virtual address -1, swap status flushable, and map status 120 (read only). This doesn’t make error checks; you can really screw things up if you call it with the wrong arguments.

Function: sys:%delete-physical-page physical-address

If there is a page in the page frame at physical-address, it is swapped out and its entry is deleted from the page hash table, making that page frame unavailable for swapping in of pages in the future. This doesn’t make error checks; you can really screw things up if you call it with the wrong arguments.

Function: sys:%disk-restore high-16-bits low-16-bits

Loads virtual memory from the partition named by the concatenation of the two 16-bit arguments, and starts executing it. The name 0 refers to the default load (the one the machine loads when it is started up). This is the primitive used by disk-restore (see disk-restore-fun).

Function: sys:%disk-save physical-mem-size high-16-bits low-16-bits

Copies virtual memory into the partition named by the concatenation of the two 16-bit arguments (0 means the default), then restarts the world, as if it had just been restored. The physical-mem-size argument should come from %sys-com-memory-size in system-communication-area. If physical-mem-size is negative, it is minus the memory size, and an incremental save is done. This is the primitive used by disk-save (see disk-save-fun).

Function: si:set-memory-size nwords

Specifies the size of physical memory in words. The Lisp machine determines the actual amount of physical memory when it is booted, but with this function you can tell it to use less memory than is actually present. This may be useful for comparing performance based on the amount of memory.

15.16 Closure Subprimitives

These functions deal with things like what closures deal with: the distinction between internal and external value cells and control over how they work.

Function: sys:%binding-instances list-of-symbols

This is the primitive that could be used by closure. First, if any of the symbols in list-of-symbols has no external value cell, a new external value cell is created for it, with the contents of the internal value cell. Then a list of locatives, twice as long as list-of-symbols, is created and returned. The elements are grouped in pairs: pointers to the internal and external value cells, respectively, of each of the symbols. closure could have been defined by:

(defun closure (variables function)
  (%make-pointer dtp-closure
     (cons function (sys:%binding-instances variables))))
Function: sys:%using-binding-instances instance-list

This function is the primitive operation that invocation of closures could use. It takes a list such as sys:%binding-instances returns, and for each pair of elements in the list, it “adds” a binding to the current stack frame, in the same manner that the %bind function does. These bindings remain in effect until the frame returns or is unwound.

sys:%using-binding-instances checks for redundant bindings and ignores them. (A binding is redundant if the symbol is already bound to the desired external value cell.) This check avoids excessive growth of the special pdl in some cases and is also made by the microcode which invokes closures, entities, and instances.

Given a closure, closure-bindings extracts its list of binding instances, which you can then pass to sys:%using-binding-instances.

Function: sys:%internal-value-cell symbol

Returns the contents of the internal value cell of symbol. dtp-one-q-forward pointers are considered invisible, as usual, but dtp-external-value-cell-pointers are not; this function can return a dtp-external-value-cell-pointer. Such pointers will be considered invisible as soon as they leave the “inside of the machine”, meaning internal registers and the stack.

15.17 Distiguishing Processor Types

The MIT Lisp Machine system runs on two types of processors: the CADR and the Lambda. These are similar enough that there is no difference in compiled code for them, and no provision for compile-time conditionalization. However, obscure or internal I/O code sometimes needs to behave differently at run-time depending on the type of processor. This is possible through the use of these macros.

Variable: sys:processor-type-code

This variable is 1 on a CADR processor or equivalent, 2 on a Lambda.

Macro: if-in-cadr body...

Executes body only when executing on a CADR.

Macro: if-in-lambda body

Executes body only when executing on a Lambda.

Macro: if-in-cadr-else-lambda if-cadr-form else-body...

Executes if-cadr-form when executing on a CADR, executes else-body when executing on a Lambda.

(format t "~&Processor is a ~A.~%"
        (if-in-cadr-else-lambda "CADR" "Lambda"))
Macro: if-in-lambda-else-cadr if-lambda-form else-body...

Executes if-cadr-form when executing on a Lambda executes else-body when executing on a CADR.

Macro: select-processor clauses

Each clause consists of :cadr or :lambda followed by forms to execute when running on that kind of processor. Example:

(format t "~&Processor is a ~A.~%"
          (:cadr "CADR")
	  (:lambda "Lambda")))

15.18 Microcode Variables

The following variables’ values actually reside in the scratchpad memory of the processor. They are put there by dtp-one-q-forward invisible pointers. The values of these variables are used by the microcode. Many of these variables are highly internal and you shouldn’t expect to understand them.

Variable: %microcode-version-number

This is the version number of the currently-loaded microcode, obtained from the version number of the microcode source file.

Variable: sys:%number-of-micro-entries

Size of micro-code-entry-area and related areas.

default-cons-area is documented on default-cons-area-var.

Variable: sys:number-cons-area

The area number of the area where bignums, ratios, full-size floats and complexnums are consed. Normally this variable contains the value of sys:extra-pdl-area, which enables the “temporary storage” feature for numbers, saving garbage collection overhead.

current-stack-group and current-stack-group-resumer are documented on current-stack-group-var.

Variable: sys:%current-stack-group-state

The sg-state of the currently-running stack group.

Variable: sys:%current-stack-group-calling-args-pointer

The argument list of the currently-running stack group.

Variable: sys:%current-stack-group-calling-args-number

The number of arguments to the currently-running stack group.

Variable: sys:%trap-micro-pc

The microcode address of the most recent error trap.

Variable: sys:%initial-fef

The function that is called when the machine starts up. Normally this is the definition of si:lisp-top-level.

Variable: sys:%initial-stack-group

The stack group in which the machine starts up. Normally this is the initial Lisp Listener window’s process’s stack group.

Constant: sys:%error-handler-stack-group

The stack group that receives control when a microcode-detected error occurs. This stack group cleans up, signals the appropriate condition, or assigns a stack group to run the debugger on the erring stack group.

Constant: sys:%scheduler-stack-group

The stack group that receives control when a sequence break occurs.

Constant: sys:%chaos-csr-address

A fixnum, the virtual address that maps to the Unibus location of the Chaosnet interface.

Variable: %mar-low

A fixnum, the inclusive lower bound of the region of virtual memory subject to the MAR feature (see mar).

Variable: %mar-high

A fixnum, the inclusive upper bound of the region of virtual memory subject to the MAR feature (see mar).

Variable: sys:%inhibit-read-only

If non-nil, you can write into read-only areas. This is used by fasload.

self is documented on self-var.

inhibit-scheduling-flag is documented on inhibit-scheduling-flag-var.

Variable: inhibit-scavenging-flag

If non-nil, the scavenger is turned off. The scavenger is the quasi-asynchronous portion of the garbage collector, which normally runs during consing operations.

Variable: sys:scavenger-ws-enable

If this is nil, scavenging can compete for all of the physical memory of the machine. Otherwise, it should be a fixnum, which specifies how much physical memory the scavenger can use: page numbers as high as this number or higher are not available to it.

Variable: sys:%region-cons-alarm

Increments whenever a new region is allocated.

Variable: sys:%page-cons-alarm

Increments whenever a new page is allocated.

Variable: sys:%gc-flip-ready

t while the scavenger is running, nil when there are no pointers to oldspace.

Variable: sys:%gc-generation-number

A fixnum which is incremented whenever the garbage collector flips, converting one or more regions from newspace to oldspace. If this number has changed, the %pointer of an object may have changed.

Constant: sys:%disk-run-light

A fixnum, the virtual address of the TV buffer location of the run-light which lights up when the disk is active. This plus 2 is the address of the run-light for the processor. This minus 2 is the address of the run-light for the garbage collector.

Variable: sys:%loaded-band

A fixnum, the high 24 bits of the name of the disk partition from which virtual memory was booted. Used to create the greeting message.

Variable: sys:%disk-blocks-per-track
Variable: sys:%disk-blocks-per-cylinder

Configuration of the disk being used for paging. Don’t change these!

sys:%disk-switches is documented on sys:%disk-switches-var.

Variable: sys:%qlaryh

This is the last array to be called as a function, remembered for the sake of the function store.

Variable: sys:%qlaryl

This is the index used the last time an array was called as a function, remembered for the sake of the function store.

Variable: sys:%mc-code-exit-vector

This is a vector of pointers that microcompiled code uses to refer to quoted constants.

Variable: sys:currently-prepared-sheet

Used for communication between the window system and the microcoded graphics primitives.

alphabetic-case-affects-string-comparison is documented on alphabetic-case-affects-string-comparison-var.

sys:tail-recursion-flag is documented on tail-recursion-flag-var.

zunderflow is documented on zunderflow-var.

The next four have to do with implementing the metering system described in meter-section.

Variable: sys:%meter-global-enable

t if the metering system is turned on for all stack-groups.

Variable: sys:%meter-buffer-pointer

A temporary buffer used by the metering system.

Variable: sys:%meter-disk-address

Where the metering system writes its next block of results on the disk.

Variable: sys:%meter-disk-count

The number of disk blocks remaining for recording of metering information.

Variable: sys:lexical-environment

This is the static chain used in the implementation of lexical scoping of variable bindings in compiled code.

Variable: sys:amem-evcp-vector

No longer used.

background-cons-area is documented on background-cons-area-var.

sys:self-mapping-table is documented on sys:self-mapping-table-var.

sys:processor-type-code is documented on sys:processor-type-code-var.

Constant: sys:a-memory-location-names

A list of all of the above symbols (and any others added after this documentation was written).

15.19 Microcode Meters

Microcode meters are locations in the scratchpad memory which contain numbers. Most of them are used to count events of various sorts. They are accessible only through the functions read-meter and write-meter. They have nothing to do with the Lisp metering tools.

Function: read-meter name

Returns the contents of the microcode meter named name, which can be a fixnum or a bignum. name must be one of the symbols listed below.

Function: write-meter name value

Writes value, a fixnum or a bignum, into the microcode meter named name. name must be one of the symbols listed below.

The microcode meters are as follows:

Meter: sys:%count-chaos-transmit-aborts

The number of times transmission on the Chaosnet was aborted, either by a collision or because the receiver was busy.

Meter: sys:%count-cons-work
Meter: sys:%count-scavenger-work

Internal state of the garbage collection algorithm.

Meter: sys:%tv-clock-rate

The number of TV frames per clock sequence break. The default value is 67., which causes clock sequence breaks to happen about once per second.

Meter: sys:%count-first-level-map-reloads

The number of times the first-level virtual-memory map was invalid and had to be reloaded from the page hash table.

Meter: sys:%count-second-level-map-reloads

The number of times the second-level virtual-memory map was invalid and had to be reloaded from the page hash table.

Meter: sys:%count-meta-bits-map-reloads

The number of times the virtual address map was reloaded to contain only “meta bits”, not an actual physical address.

Meter: sys:%count-pdl-buffer-read-faults

The number of read references to the pdl buffer that were virtual memory references that trapped.

Meter: sys:%count-pdl-buffer-write-faults

The number of write references to the pdl buffer that were virtual memory references that trapped.

Meter: sys:%count-pdl-buffer-memory-faults

The number of virtual memory references that trapped in case they should have gone to the pdl buffer, but turned out to be real memory references after all (and therefore were needlessly slowed down).

Meter: sys:%count-disk-page-reads

The number of pages read from the disk.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-page-writes

The number of pages written to the disk.

Meter: sys:%count-fresh-pages

The number of fresh (newly-consed) pages created in core, which would have otherwise been read from the disk.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-page-read-operations

The number of paging read operations; this can be smaller than the number of disk pages read when more than one page at a time is read.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-page-write-operations

The number of paging write operations; this can be smaller than the number of disk pages written when more than one page at a time is written.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-prepages-used

The number of times a page was used after being read in before it was needed.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-prepages-not-used

The number of times a page was read in before it was needed, but got evicted before it was ever used.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-page-write-waits

The number of times the machine waited for a page to finish being written out in order to evict the page.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-page-write-busys

The number of times the machine waited for a page to finish being written out in order to do something else with the disk.

Meter: sys:%disk-wait-time

The time spent waiting for the disk, in microseconds. This can be used to distinguish paging time from running time when measuring and optimizing the‘ performance of programs.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-errors

The number of recoverable disk errors.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-recalibrates

The number of times the disk seek mechanism was recalibrated, usually as part of error recovery.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-ecc-corrected-errors

The number of disk errors that were corrected through the error correcting code.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-read-compare-differences

The number of times a read compare was done, no disk error occurred, but the data on disk did not match the data in memory.

Meter: sys:%count-disk-read-compare-rereads

The number of times a disk read was done over because after the read a read compare was done and did not succeed (either it got an error or the data on disk did not match the data in memory).

Meter: sys:%count-disk-read-compare-rewrites

The number of times a disk write was done over because after the write a read compare was done and did not succeed (either it got an error or the data on disk did not match the data in memory).

Meter: sys:%disk-error-log-pointer

Address of the next entry to be written in the disk error log. The function si:print-disk-error-log (see si:print-disk-error-log-fun) prints this log.

Meter: sys:%count-aged-pages

The number of times the page ager set an age trap on a page, to determine whether it was being referenced.

Meter: sys:%count-age-flushed-pages

The number of times the page ager saw that a page still had an age trap and hence made it “flushable”, a candidate for eviction from main memory.

Meter: sys:%aging-depth

A number from 0 to 3 that controls how long a page must remain unreferenced before it becomes a candidate for eviction from main memory.

Meter: sys:%count-findcore-steps

The number of pages inspected by the page replacement algorithm.

Meter: sys:%count-findcore-emergencies

The number of times no evictable page was found and extra aging had to be done.

Constant: sys:a-memory-counter-block-names

A list of all of the above symbols (and any others added after this documentation was written).

15.20 Miscellaneous Subprimitives

Function: sys:%halt

Stops the machine.

16 Areas

Storage in the Lisp Machine is divided into areas. Each area contains related objects, of any type. Areas are intended to give the user control over the paging behavior of the program, among other things. Putting frequently used data and rarely used data in different areas can cause the frequently used data to occupy fewer pages. For example, the system puts the debugging info alists of compiled functions in a special area so that the other list structure the functions point to will be more compact.

Whenever a new object is created the area to be used can optionally be specified. For example, instead of using cons you can use cons-in-area (see cons-in-area-fun). Object-creating functions which take keyword arguments generally accept a :area argument. You can also control which area is used by binding default-cons-area (see default-cons-area-var); most functions that allocate storage use the value of this variable, by default, to specify the area to use.

There is a default ‘working storage’ area that collects those objects that the user has not chosen to control explicitly.

Areas also give the user a handle to control the garbage collector. Some areas can be declared to be static, which means that they change slowly and the garbage collector should not attempt to reclaim any space in them. This can eliminate a lot of useless copying. A static area can be explicitly garbage-collected at infrequent intervals when it is believed that that might be worthwhile.

Each area can potentially have a different storage discipline, a different paging algorithm, and even a different data representation. The microcode dispatches on attributes of the area at the appropriate times. The structure of the machine makes the performance cost of these features negligible; information about areas is stored in extra bits in the memory mapping hardware where it can be quickly dispatched on by the microcode; these dispatches usually have to be done anyway to make the garbage collector work and to implement invisible pointers. This feature is not currently used by the system, except for the list/structure distinction described below.

Each area has a name and a number. The name is a symbol whose value is the number. The number is an index into various internal tables. Normally the name is treated as a special variable, so the number is what is given as an argument to a function that takes an area as an argument. Thus, areas are not Lisp objects; you cannot pass an area itself as an argument to a function; you just pass its number. There is a maximum number of areas (set at cold-load generation time); you can only have that many areas before the various internal tables overflow. Currently (as this manual is written) the limit is 256 areas, of which 64 already exist when you start.

The storage of an area consists of one or more regions. Each region is a contiguous section of address space with certain homogeneous properties. The most important of these is the data representation type. A given region can only store one type. The two types that exist now are list and structure. A list is anything made out of conses (a closure for instance). A structure is anything made out of a block of memory with a header at the front; symbols, strings, arrays, instances, compiled functions, etc. Since lists and structures cannot be stored in the same region, they cannot be on the same page. It is necessary to know about this when using areas to increase locality of reference.

When you create an area, one region is created initially. When you try to allocate memory to hold an object in some area, the system tries to find a region that has the right data representation type to hold this object, and that has enough room for it to fit. If there isn’t any such region, it makes a new one (or signals an error; see the :size option to make-area, below). The size of the new region is an attribute of the area (controllable by the :region-size option to make-area). If regions are too large, memory may get taken up by a region and never used. If regions are too small, the system may run out of regions because regions, like areas, are defined by internal tables that have a fixed size (set at cold-load generation time). Currently (as this manual is written) the limit is 256 regions, of which about 105 already exist when you start. (If you’re wondering why the limit on regions isn’t higher than the limit on areas, as it clearly ought to be, it’s just because both limits have to be multiples of 256 for internal reasons, and 256 regions seem to be enough.)

16.1 Area Functions and Variables

Variable: default-cons-area

The value of this variable is the number of the area in which objects are created by default. It is initially the number of working-storage-area. Giving nil where an area is required uses the value of default-cons-area. Note that to put objects into an area other than working-storage-area you can either bind this variable or use functions such as cons-in-area (see cons-in-area-fun) which take the area as an explicit argument.

Variable: background-cons-area

The value of this variable is the number of a non-temporary area in which objects created as incidental side effects by system functions should be created. This area is used whenever an object is created that should never be in a temporary area, even if default-cons-area is a temporary area.

By default, this area is working-storage-area.

Function: make-area &key name size region-size representation gc read-only pdl room

Creates a new area, whose name and attributes are specified by the keywords. You must specify a symbol as a name; the symbol is setq’ed to the area-number of the new area, and that number is also returned, so that you can use make-area as the initialization of a defvar.

Here are the meanings of the keywords:


A symbol that will be the name of the area. This item is required.


The maximum allowed size of the area, in words. Defaults to infinite. (Actually, the default is the largest positive fixnum; but the area is not limited to that size!) If the number of words allocated to the area reaches this size, attempting to cons an object in the area will signal an error.


The approximate size, in words, for regions within this area. The default is the area size if a :size argument was given, otherwise it is a suitable medium size. Note that if you specify :size and not :region-size, the area will have exactly one region. When making an area that will grow very big, it is desirable to make the region size larger than the default region size to avoid creating very many regions and possibly overflowing the system’s fixed-size region tables.


The type of object to be contained in the area’s initial region. The argument to this keyword can be :list, :structure, or a numeric code. :structure is the default. If you are only going to cons lists in your area, you should specify :list so you don’t get a useless structure region.


The type of garbage-collection to be employed. The choices are :dynamic (which is the default), :static, and :temporary. :static means that the area will not be copied by the garbage collector, and nothing in the area or pointed to by the area will ever be reclaimed, unless a garbage collection of this area is manually requested. :temporary is like :static, but in addition you are allowed to use si:reset-temporary-area on this area.


With an argument of t, causes the area to be made read-only. Defaults to nil. If an area is read-only, then any attempt to change anything in it (altering a data object in the area or creating a new object in the area) will signal an error unless sys:%inhibit-read-only (see sys:%inhibit-read-only-var) is bound to a non-nil value.


With an argument of t, makes the area suitable for storing regular-pdls of stack-groups. This is a special attribute due to the pdl-buffer hardware. Defaults to nil. Areas for which this is nil may not be used to store regular-pdls. Areas for which this is t are relatively slow to access; all references to pages in the area will take page faults to check whether the referenced location is really in the pdl-buffer.


With an argument of t, adds this area to the list of areas that are displayed by default by the room function (see room-fun).

(make-area :name 'foo-area
	   :gc :dynamic
	   :representation :list)
Function: describe-area area

area may be the name or the number of an area. Various attributes of the area are printed.

Variable: area-list

The value of area-list is a list of the names of all existing areas. This list shares storage with the internal area name table, so you should not change it.

Function: %area-number pointer

Returns the number of the area to which pointer points, or nil if it does not point within any known area. The data-type of pointer is ignored.

Function: %region-number pointer

Returns the number of the region to which pointer points, or nil if it does not point within any known region. The data-type of pointer is ignored. (This information is generally not very interesting to users; it is important only inside the system.)

Function: area-name number

Given an area number, returns the name. This “function” is actually an array.

Function: si:reset-temporary-area area-number

This very dangerous operation marks all the storage in area area-number as free and available for re-use. Any data in the area is lost and pointers to it become meaningless. In principle, this operation should only be used if you are sure there are no pointers into the area.

If the area was not defined as temporary, this function gets an error.

See also cons-in-area (cons-in-area-fun), list-in-area (list-in-area-fun), and room (room-fun).

16.2 Interesting Areas

This section lists the names of some of the areas and tells what they are for. Only the ones of the most interest to a user are listed; there are many others.

Constant: working-storage-area

This is the normal value of default-cons-area. Most working data are consed in this area.

Constant: permanent-storage-area

This area is to be used for permanent data, which will (almost) never become garbage. Unlike working-storage-area, the contents of this area are not continually copied by the garbage collector; it is a static area.

Constant: sys:extra-pdl-area

The ‘number consing area’ in which floating point numbers, ratios and bignums are normally created. If a pointer to a number in this area is stored anywhere outside the machine registers and current stack, a copy of the number is made in working-storage-area and a pointer to the copy is stored instead. When sys:extra-pdl-area gets full, the all numbers pointed to by the registers and current stack are copied, and then nothing in the area can be in use any more, so it is marked as empty.

Constant: sys:p-n-string

Print-names of symbols are stored in this area.

Constant: sys:nr-sym

Contains most of the symbols in the Lisp world, except t and nil.

Constant: sys:resident-symbol-area

Contains the symbols t and nil. nil is known to be at address zero.

Constant: sys:pkg-area

This area contains packages, principally the hash tables with which intern keeps track of symbols.

Constant: macro-compiled-program

Compiled functions (FEFs) are put here by the compiler and by fasload. So are the constants that they refer to.

Constant: sys:property-list-area

This area holds the property lists of symbols.

16.3 Errors Pertaining to Areas

Condition on sys:area-overflow: (error)

This is signaled on an attempt to make an area bigger than its declared maximum size.

The condition instance supports the operations :area-name and :area-maximum-size.

Condition on sys:region-table-overflow: (error)

This is signaled if you run out of regions.

Condition on sys:virtual-memory-overflow: (error)

This is signaled if all of virtual memory is part of some region and an attempt is made to allocate a new region. There may be free space left in some regions in other areas, but there is no way to apply it to the area in which storage is to be allocated.

Condition on sys:cons-in-fixed-area: (error)

This is signaled if an attempt is made add a second region to a fixed area. The fixed areas are certain areas, created at system initialization, that are only allowed a single region, because their contents must be contiguous in virtual memory.

17 The Compiler

17.1 The Basic Operations of the Compiler

The purpose of the Lisp compiler is to convert Lisp functions into programs in the Lisp Machine’s instruction set, so that they run more quickly and take up less storage. Compiled functions are represented in Lisp by FEFs (Function Entry Frames), which contain machine code as well as various other information. The printed representation of a FEF is

#<DTP-FEF-POINTER address name>

If you want to understand the output of the compiler, refer to understanding-compiled-code.

There are three ways to invoke the compiler from the Lisp Machine. First, you may have an interpreted function in the Lisp environment that you would like to compile. The function compile is used to do this. Second, you may have code in an editor buffer that you would like to compile. The Zmacs editor has commands to read code into Lisp and compile it. Third, you may have a program (a group of function definitions and other forms) written in a file on the file system. The function compile-file can translate this file into a QFASL file that describes the compiled functions and associated data. The QFASL file format is capable of representing an arbitrary collection of Lisp objects, including shared structure. The name derives from ‘Q’, a prefix once used to mean “for the Lisp Machine, not for Maclisp”, and ‘FASL’, an abbreviation for “fast loading”.

17.2 How to Invoke the Compiler

Function: compile function-spec &optional definition

Compiles an individual interpreted function definition. If definition is supplied, it is the definition to be compiled. Otherwise, the current definition of function-spec is used. If function-spec is non-nil, the compiled function is stored as the definition of function-spec, and function-spec is returned. Otherwise, the compiled function object itself is returned. (However, it is preferable to use compile-lambda if your wish is to create a compiled function object without storing it anywhere.)

The compiled function object created by compile records the interpreted definition it was made from on its debugging info alist (see debugging-info-fun). This is useful in two ways: the function uncompile can be used to reinstall the interpreted definition, and compile invoked again on the same function-spec can find the interpreted definition used before and compile it again. The latter is useful if you have changed some macros or subst functions which the definition refers to.

Function: uncompile function-spec

If function-spec is defined as a compiled function that records the original definition that was compiled, then function-spec is redefined with that original definition. This undoes the effect of calling compile on function-spec.

Function: compile-lambda lambda-exp function-spec

Returns a compiled function object produced by compiling lambda-exp. The function name recorded by the compiled function object is function-spec, but that function spec is not defined by compile-lambda. This function is preferable to compile with first argument nil in that it allows you to specify the name for the function to record internally.

Function: compile-encapsulations function-spec

Compiles all encapsulations that function-spec currently has. Encapsulations (see encapsulate) include tracing, breakons and advice. Compiling tracing or breakons makes it possible (or at least more possible) to trace or breakon certain functions that are used in the evaluator. Compiling advice makes it less costly to advise functions that are used frequently.

Any encapsulation that is changed will cease to be compiled; thus, if you add or remove advice, you must do compile-encapsulations again if you wish the advice to be compiled again.

Variable: compile-encapsulations-flag

If this is non-nil, all encapsulations that are created are compiled automatically.

Function: compile-file input-file &key output-file set-default-pathname package

Compiles the file specified by input-file, a pathname or namestring. The format for files input to the compiler is described on compiler-input-section.

If output-file is specified, it is a pathname used for the compiled file. Otherwise, the ouptut file name is computed from the input file name by specifying :qfasl as the type component.

package, if non-nil specifies the package in which compilation should be performed. Normally the system knows, or asks interactively, and you need not supply this argument.

set-default-pathname, if non-nil, means that the defaults should be set to the input file’s name. set-default-pathname defaults to t.

Function: qc-file filename &optional output-file load-flag in-core-flag package file-local-declarations dont-set-default-p read-then-process-flag

An older, obsolete way of invoking the compiler on a file.

file-local-declarations is for compiling multiple files as if they were one. dont-set-default-p suppresses the changing of the default file name to filename that normally occurs. The load-flag and in-core-flag arguments were not fully implemented and should not be used. read-then-process-flag causes the entire file to be read and then the entire file to be compiled; this is no longer advantageous now that there is enough memory to avoid thrashing when forms are read and compiled one by one, and it prevents compile-time reader-macros defined in the file from working properly.

Function: qc-file-load filename &optional output-file load-flag in-core-flag package functions-defined file-local-declarations dont-set-default-p read-then-process-flag

Compiles a file and then loads in the resulting QFASL file.

Variable: compiler:compiler-verbose

If this variable is non-nil, the compiler prints the name of each function that it is about to compile.

Variable: compiler:peep-enable

The peephole optimizer is used if this variable is non-nil. The only reason to set it to nil is if there is a suspicion of a bug in the optimizer.

See also the disassemble function (disassemble-fun), which lists the instructions of a compiled function in symbolic form.

17.3 Input to the Compiler

The purpose of compile-file is to take a file and produce a translated version which does the same thing as the original except that the functions are compiled. compile-file reads through the input file, processing the forms in it one by one. For each form, suitable binary output is sent to the QFASL file so that when the QFASL file is loaded the effect of that source form will be reproduced. The differences between source files and QFASL files are that QFASL files are in a compressed binary form, which reads much faster but cannot be edited, and that function definitions in QFASL files have been translated from Lisp forms to FEFs.

So, if the source contains a (defun ...) form at top level, then when the QFASL file is loaded the function will be defined as a compiled function. If the source file contains a form that is not of a type known specially to the compiler, then that form (encoded in QFASL format) is output “directly” into the QFASL file, so that when the QFASL file is loaded that form will be evaluated. Thus, if the source file contains (princ "Hello") at top level, then the compiler puts in the QFASL file instructions to create the list (princ "Hello") and then evaluate it.

The Lisp Machine editor Zmacs assumes that source files are formatted so that an open parenthesis at the left margin (that is, in column zero) indicates the beginning of a function definition or other top level list (with a few standard exceptions). The compiler assumes that you follow this indentation convention, enabling it to tell when a close-parenthesis is missing from one function as soon as the beginning of the next function is reached.

If the compiler finds an open parenthesis in column zero in the middle of a list, it invents enough close parentheses to close off the list that is in progress. A compiler warning is produced instead of an error. After that list has been processed, the open parenthesis is read again. The compilation of the list that was forcefully closed off is probably useless, but the compilation of the rest of the file is usually correct. You can read the source file into the editor to fix and recompile the function that was unbalanced.

A similar thing happens on end of file in the middle of a list, so that you get to see any warnings for the function that was unbalanced.

Certain special forms including eval-when, progn, local-declare, declare-flavor-instance-variables, and comment are customarily used around lists that start in column zero. These symbols have a non-nil si:may-surround-defun property that makes the compiler permit this. You can add such properties to other symbols if you want.

Variable: compiler:qc-file-check-indentation

If nil, inhibits the compiler from checking for open-parentheses in column zero.

Whan a macro definition (macro and defmacro forms) is encountered at top level in the file being compiled, the macro definition is recorded for the rest of the compilation so that the macro thus defined can be used in the same file following its definition. This is in addition to writing the compiled macro definition into the QFASL file.

Flavor definitions (defflavor forms, see defflavor-fun) and global special declarations (made with proclaim, proclaim-fun, or with defvar, defvar-fun) are likewise recorded for the rest of the compilation, as well as written into the QFASL file so that they will be recorded permanently when the file is loaded.

Variable: sys:file-local-declarations

During file-to-file compilation, the value of this variable is a list of all declarations that are in effect for the rest of the file. Macro definitions, defdecl’s, proclaim’s and special declarations that come from defvars are all recorded on this list.

Package-defining and altering functions such as defpackage, in-package, export and use-package are executed by the compiler in the ordinary, permanent fashion. They are also written in the QFASL file so that the form is executed just the same when the file is loaded. If you load the file later in the same session, the package altering form is executed twice. This is normally harmless. require receives the same treatment.

You can control explicitly whether a form is evaluated by the compiler, and whether it is written into the QFASL file to be executed when the file is loaded, using the eval-when construct. You might want a form to be:

Put into the QFASL file (compiled, of course), or not.
Evaluated within the compiler, or not.
Evaluated if the source file loaded, or not.

An eval-when form looks like

(eval-when times-list
  form1 form2 ...)

The times-list may contain one or more of the symbols load, compile, or eval. If load is present, the forms are written into the QFASL file to be evaluated when the QFASL file is loaded (except that defun forms put the compiled definition into the QFASL file instead). If compile is present, the forms are evaluated in the compiler. If eval is present, the forms are evaluated when read into Lisp; this is because eval-when is defined as a special form in Lisp. (The compiler ignores eval in the times-list.) For example,

(eval-when (compile eval) (macro foo (x) (cadr x)))

would define foo as a macro in the compiler and when the file is read in interpreted, but not when the QFASL file is fasloaded.

Special Form: eval-when (time...) body...

When seen by the interpreter, if one of the times is the symbol eval then the body forms are evaluated; otherwise eval-when does nothing.

But when seen by the compiler, this special form does the special things described above.

Nested use of eval-when is permitted but its meaning is tricky. If an inner eval-when form appears in an ordinary context where a general form would be written into the QFASL file but not executed at compile time, then it behaves in the usual fashion: the body forms are written into the QFASL file if load is one of the times, and they are evaluated at compile time if compile is one of the times.

If the inner eval-when form appears in a context which says to evaluate at compile time only, then the body forms are evaluated if eval is one of the times.

If the inner eval-when appears in a context which says to write into the QFASL file and evaluate at compile time, the the body forms are written into the QFASL file if load is one of the times, and they are evaluated at compile time if either compile or eval is one of the times.

For the rest of this section, we will use lists such as are given to eval-when, e.g (load eval), (load compile), etc., to describe when forms are evaluated.

If a form is not enclosed in an eval-when, then the times at which it is evaluated depend on the form. The following table summarizes at what times evaluation takes place for any given form seen at top level by the compiler.

(eval-when times-list form ...)

times-list specifies when the form... should be performed.

(declare (special ...)) or (declare (unspecial ...))

The special or unspecial is performed at (load compile) time.

(declare anything-else)

anything-else is performed only at (compile) time.

(proclaim ...)

is performed at (load compile eval) time.

(special ...) or (unspecial ...)

(load compile eval)

(macro ...) or (defmacro ...) or (defsubst ...)
or (defflavor ...) or (defstruct ...)

(load eval). However, during file to file compilation, the definition is recorded temporarily and used for expanding calls to the macro, or macros defined by the defstruct for the rest of the file.

(comment ...)

Ignored at all times.

(compiler-let ((var val) ...) body...)

Processes the body in its normal fashion, but with the indicated variable bindings in effect. These variables will typically affect the operation of the compiler or of macros. See compiler-let-discussion.

(local-declare (decl decl ...) body...)

Processes the body in its normal fashion, with the indicated declarations added to the front of the list which is the value of local-declarations.

(defun ...) or (defmethod ...) or (defselect ...)

(load eval), but at load time what is processed is not this form itself, but the result of compiling it.

(require ...) or (in-package ...)
or various other package functions

(load compile eval)


(load eval)

Sometimes a macro wants to return more than one form for the compiler top level to see (and to be evaluated). The following facility is provided for such macros. If a form

(progn form1 form2 ...)

is seen at the compiler top level, all of the forms are processed as if they had been at compiler top level. (Of course, in the interpreter they are all evaluated.)

To prevent an expression from being optimized by the compiler, surround it with a call to dont-optimize.

Special Form: dont-optimize form

In execution, this is equivalent to simply form. However, any source-level optimizations that the compiler would normally perform on the top level of form are not done.

(dont-optimize (apply 'foo (list 'a 'b)))
actually makes a list and calls apply, rather than doing
(foo 'a 'b)

(dont-optimize (si:flavor-method-table flav))

actually calls si:flavor-method-table as a function, rather than substituting the definition of that defsubst.

dont-optimize can even be used around a defsubst inside of setf or locf, to prevent open-coding of the defsubst. In this case, a function will be created at load time to do the setting or return the location.

(setf (dont-optimize (zwei:buffer-package buffer)) 
      (pkg-find-package "foo"))

Subforms of form, such as arguments, are still optimized or open coded, unless additional dont-optimize’s appear around them.

17.4 Compile-Time Properties of Symbols

When symbol properties are referred to during macro expansion, it is desirable for properties defined in a file to be “in effect” for the the rest of the file if the file is compiled. This does not happen if get and defprop are used, because the defprop will not be executed until the QFASL file is loaded. Instead, you can use getdecl and defdecl. These are normally the same as get and defprop, but during file-to-file compilation they also refer to and create declarations.

Function: getdecl symbol property

This is a version of get that allows the properties of the symbol to be overridden by declarations.

If a declaration of the form (property symbol value) is in effect, getdecl returns value. Otherwise, getdecl returns the result of (get symbol property).

If you intend to create such declarations with proclaim or local use of declare, you must make sure that a declaration declaration is in effect for property. You can do this with (proclaim '(declaration property)).

getdecl is typically used in macro definitions. For example, the setf macro uses getdecl to get the properties which say how to store in the specified place. See getdecl-example for an example of a macro that uses getdecl.

Function: putdecl symbol property value

Causes (getdecl symbol property) to return value.

putdecl usually simply does a putprop. But if executed at compile time during file-to-file compilation, it instead makes an entry on file-local-declarations of the form (property symbol value).

In either case, this stores value where getdecl can find it; but if putdecl is done during compilation, it affects only the rest of that compilation.

Special Form: defdecl symbol property value

When executed, this is like putdecl except that the arguments are not evaluated. It is usually the same as defprop except for the order of the arguments.

Unlike defprop, when defdecl is encountered during file-to-file compilation, a declaration is recorded which remains in effect for the rest of the compilation. (The defdecl form also goes into the QFASL file to be executed when the file is loaded). defprop would have no effect whatever at compile time.

defdecl is often useful as a part of the expansion of a macro. It is also useful as a top-level expression in a source file.

(defdecl foo locf foo-location)

in a source file would allow (locf (foo args...)) to be used in the rest of that source file; and, once the file was loaded, by anyone.

Simple use defsetf expands into a defdecl.

17.5 Using Compiler Warnings

When the compiler prints warnings, it also records them in a data base, organized by file and by function within file. Old warnings for previous compilations of the same function are thrown away, so the data base contains only warnings that are still applicable. This data base can be used to visit, in the editor, the functions that got warnings. You can also save the data base and restore it later.

There are three editor commands that you can use to begin visiting the sites of the recorded warnings. They differ only in how they decide which files to look through:

Meta-X Edit Warnings

For each file that has any warnings, asks whether to edit the warnings for that file.

Meta-X Edit File Warnings

Reads the name of a file and then edits the warnings for that file.

Meta-X Edit System Warnings

Reads the name of a system and then edits the warnings for all files in that system (see defsystem, defsystem-fun).

While the warnings are being edited, the warnings themselves appear in a small window at the top of the editor frame, and the code appears in a large window which occupies the rest of the editor frame.

As soon as you have finished specifying the file(s) or system to process, the editor proceeds to visit the code for the first warning. From then on, to move to the next warning, use the command Control-Shift-W. To move to the previous warning, use Meta-Shift-W. You can also switch to the warnings window with Control-X O or with the mouse, and move around in that buffer. When you use Control-Shift-W and there are no more warnings after the cursor, you return to single-window mode.

You can also insert the text of the warnings into any editor buffer:

Meta-X Insert File Warnings

Reads the name of a file and inserts into the buffer after point the text for that file’s warnings. The mark is left after the warnings, but the region is not turned on.

Meta-X Insert Warnings

Inserts into the buffer after point the text for the warnings of all files that have warnings. The mark is left after the warnings, but the region is not turned on.

You can also dump the warnings data base into a file and reload it later. Then you can do Meta-X Edit Warnings again in the later session. You dump the warnings with si:dump-warnings and load the file again with load. In addition, make-system with the :batch option writes all the warnings into a file in this way.

Function: si:dump-warnings output-file-pathname &rest warnings-file-pathnames

Writes the warnings for the files named in warnings-file-pathnames (a list of pathnames or strings) into a file named output-file-pathname.

Variable: compiler:warn-on-errors

If this variable is non-nil, errors in reading code to be compiled, and errors in macro expansion within the compiler, produce only warnings; they do not enter the debugger. The variable is normally t.

The default setting is useful when you do not anticipate errors during compilation, because it allows the compilation to proceed past such errors. If you have walked away from the machine, you do not come back to find that your compilation stopped in the first file and did not finish.

If you find an inexplicable error in reading or macroexpansion, and wish to use the debugger to localize it, set compiler:warn-on-errors to nil and recompile.

17.5.1 Controlling Compiler Warnings

By controlling the compile-time values of the variables run-in-maclisp-switch, obsolete-function-warning-switch, and inhibit-style-warning-switch (explained above), you can enable or disable some of the warning messages of the compiler. The following special form is also useful:

Macro: inhibit-style-warnings form

Prevents the compiler from performing style-checking on the top level of form. Style-checking is still done on the arguments of form. Both obsolete function warnings and won’t-run-in-Maclisp warnings are done by means of the style-checking mechanism, so, for example,

(setq bar (inhibit-style-warnings (value-cell-location foo)))

does not warn that value-cell-location will not work in Maclisp, but

(inhibit-style-warnings (setq bar (value-cell-location foo)))

does warn, since inhibit-style-warnings applies only to the top level of the form inside it (in this case, to the setq).

Sometimes functions take arguments that they deliberately do not use. Normally the compiler warns you if your program binds a variable that it never references. In order to disable this warning for variables that you know you are not going to use, there are three things you can do.

The first thing is to name the variables ignore or ignored. The compiler does not complain if a variable by one of these names is not used. Furthermore, by special dispensation, it is all right to have more than one variable in a lambda-list that has one of these names.

Another thing you can do is write an ignore declaration. Example:

(defun the-function (list fraz-name fraz-size)
  (declare (ignore fraz-size)))

This has the advantage that arglist (see arglist-fun) will return a more meaningful argument list for the function, rather than returning something with ignore’s in it.

Finally, you can simply use the variable for effect (ignoring its value) at the front of the function. Example:

(defun the-function (list fraz-name fraz-size)
  fraz-size       ; This argument is not used.

The following function is useful for requesting compiler warnings in certain esoteric cases. Normally, the compiler notices whenever any function x uses (calls) any other function y; it makes notes of all these uses, and then warns you at the end of the compilation if the function y got called but no definition of it has been seen. This usually does what you want, but sometimes there is no way the compiler can tell that a certain function is being used. Suppose that instead of x’s containing any forms that call y, x simply stores y away in a data structure somewhere, and someplace else in the program that data structure is accessed and funcall is done on it. There is no way that the compiler can see that this is going to happen, and so it can’t notice the function usage, and so it can’t create a warning message. In order to make such warnings happen, you can explicitly call the following function at compile-time.

Function: compiler:function-referenced what by

what is a symbol that is being used as a function. by may be any function spec. compiler:function-referenced must be called at compile-time while a compilation is in progress. It tells the compiler that the function what is referenced by by. When the compilation is finished, if the function what has not been defined, the compiler issues a warning to the effect that by referred to the function what, which was never defined.

You can also tell the compiler about any function it should consider “defined”:

Function: compiler:compilation-define function-spec

function-spec is marked as “defined” for the sake of the compiler; future calls to this function will not produce warnings.

Macro: compiler:make-obsolete function reason

This special form declares a function to be obsolete; code that calls it will get a compiler warning, under the control of obsolete-function-warning-switch. This is used by the compiler to mark as obsolete some Maclisp functions which exist in Zetalisp but should not be used in new programs. It can also be useful when maintaining a large system, as a reminder that a function has become obsolete and usage of it should be phased out. An example of an obsolete-function declaration is:

(compiler:make-obsolete create-mumblefrotz
	"use MUMBLIFY with the :FROTZ option instead")

17.5.2 Recording Warnings

The warnings data base is not just for compilation. It can record operations for any number of different operations on files or parts of files. Compilation is merely the only operation in the system that uses it.

Each operation about which warnings can be recorded should have a name, preferably in the keyword package. This symbol should have four properties that tell the system how to print out the operation name as various parts of speech. For compilation, the operation name is :compile and the properties are defined as follows:

(defprop :compile "compilation" si:name-as-action)
(defprop :compile "compiling" si:name-as-present-participle)
(defprop :compile "compiled" si:name-as-past-participle)
(defprop :compile "compiler" si:name-as-agent)

The warnings system considers that these operations are normally performed on files that are composed of named objects. Each warning is associated with a filename and then with an object within the file. It is also possible to record warnings about objects that are not within any file.

To tell the warnings system that you are starting to process all or part of a file, use the macro si:file-operation-with-warnings.

Macro: sys:file-operation-with-warnings (generic-pathname operation-name whole-file-p) body...

body is executed within a context set up so that warnings can be recorded for operation operation-name about the file specified by generic-pathname (see pathname-generic-pathname-method).

In the case of compilation, this is done at the level of compile-file (actually, it is done in compiler:compile-stream).

whole-file-p should be non-nil if the entire contents of the file are to be processed inside the body if it finishes; this implies that any warnings left over from previous iterations of this operation on this file should be thrown away on exit. This is only relevant to objects that are not found in the file this time; the assumption is that the objects must have been deleted from the file and their warnings are no longer appropriate.

All three of the special arguments are specified as expressions that are evaluated.

Within the processing of a file, you must also announce when you are beginning to process an object:

Macro: sys:object-operation-with-warnings (object-name location-function) body...

Executes body in a context set up so that warnings are recorded for the object named object-name, which can be a symbol or a list. Object names are compared with equal.

In the case of compilation, this macro goes around the processing of a single function.

location-function is either nil or a function that the editor uses to find the text of the object. Refer to the file SYS: ZWEI; POSS LISP for more details on this.

object-name and location-function are specified with expressions that are evaluated.

You can enter this macro recursively. If the inner invocation is for the same object as the outer one, it has no effect. Otherwise, warnings recorded in the inner invocation apply to the object specified therein.

Finally, when you detect exceptions, you must make the actual warnings:

Function: sys:record-warning type severity location-info format-string &rest args

Records one warning for the object and file currently being processed. The text of the warning is specified by format-stringand args, which are suitable arguments for format, but the warning is not printed when you call this function. Those arguments will be used to reprint the warning later.

Function: sys:record-and-print-warning type severity location-info format-string &rest args

Records a warning and also prints it.

type is a symbol that identifies the specific cause of the warning. Types have meaning only as defined by a particular operation, and at present nothing makes much use of them. The system defines one type: si:premature-warnings-marker.

severity measures how important a warning this is, and the general causal classification. It should be a symbol in the keyword package. Several severities are defined, and should be used when appropriate, but nothing looks at them:


This warning is about something that is not intrinsically wrong but is probably due to a mistake of some sort.


This warning is about something that cannot have a meaning even if circumstances outside the text being processed are changed.


This is used to indicate something that is certainly an error but can be made correct by a change somewhere else; for example, calling a function with the wrong number of arguments.


This is used for warnings about free variables not declared special, and such. It means that the text was not actually incorrect, but something else that is supposed to accompany it was missing.


This warning is about something that you shouldn’t use any more, but which still does work.


This is about something that doesn’t even work any more.


This is for something that doesn’t work in Maclisp.


This indicates a problem so severe that no sense can be made of the object at all. It indicates that the presence or absence of other warnings is not significant.


There was a Lisp error in processing the object.

location-info is intended to be used to inform the editor of the precise location in the text of the cause of this warning. It is not defined as yet, and you should use nil.

If a warning is encountered while processing data that doesn’t really have a name (such as forms in a source file that are not function definitions), you can record a warning even though you are not inside an invocation of sys:object-operation-with-warnings. This warning is known as a premature warning and it will be recorded with the next object that is processed; a message will be added so that the user can tell which warnings were premature.

Refer to the file SYS: SYS; QNEW LISP for more information on the warnings data base.

17.6 Compiler Source-Level Optimizers

The compiler stores optimizers for source code on property lists so as to make it easy for the user to add them. An optimizer can be used to transform code into an equivalent but more efficient form (for example, (eq obj nil) is transformed into (null obj), which can be compiled better). An optimizer can also be used to tell the compiler how to compile a special form. For example, in the interpreter do is a special form, implemented by a function which takes quoted arguments and calls eval. In the compiler, do is expanded in a macro-like way by an optimizer into equivalent Lisp code using prog, cond, and go, which the compiler understands.

The compiler finds the optimizers to apply to a form by looking for the compiler:optimizers property of the symbol that is the car of the form. The value of this property should be a list of optimizers, each of which must be a function of one argument. The compiler tries each optimizer in turn, passing the form to be optimized as the argument. An optimizer that returns the original form unchanged (eq to the argument) has “done nothing”, and the next optimizer is tried. If the optimizer returns anything else, it has “done something”, and the whole process starts over again.

Optimizers should not be used to define new language features, because they only take effect in the compiler; the interpreter (that is, the evaluator) doesn’t know about optimizers. So an optimizer should not change the effect of a form; it should produce another form that does the same thing, possibly faster or with less memory or something. That is why they are called optimizers. In principle, the code ought to compile just as correctly if the optimizer is eliminated.

Macro: compiler:add-optimizer function optimizer optimized-into...

Puts optimizer on function’s optimizers list if it isn’t there already. optimizer is the name of an optimization function, and function is the name of the function calls which are to be processed. Neither is evaluated.

(compiler:add-optimizer function optimizer optimize-into-1 optimize-into-2...) also remembers optimize-into-1, etc., as names of functions which may be called in place of function as a result of the optimization. Then who-calls of function will also mention callers of optimize-into-1, etc.

Macro: compiler:defoptimizer function optimizer-name (optimizes-into...) lambda-list body...

Defines an optimizer and installs it. Equivalent to

  (defun optimizer-name lambda-list
  (compiler:add-optimizer function optimizer-name
Macro: compiler:defcompiler-synonym function for-function

Makes function a synonym for for-function in code being compiled. Example:

(compiler:defcompiler-synonym plus +)

is how the compiler is told how to compile plus.

17.7 Maclisp Compatibility

Certain programs are intended to be run both in Maclisp and in Zetalisp. Their source files need some special conventions. For example, all special declarations must be enclosed in declare’s, so that the Maclisp compiler will see them. The main issue is that many functions and special forms of Zetalisp do not exist in Maclisp. It is suggested that you turn on run-in-maclisp-switch in such files, which will warn you about a lot of problems that your program may have if you try to run it in Maclisp.

The macro-character combination #+lispm causes the object that follows it to be visible only when compiling for Zetalisp. The combination #+maclisp causes the following object to be visible only when compiling for Maclisp. These work both on subexpressions of the objects in the file and at top level in the file. To conditionalize top-level objects, however, it is better to put the macros if-for-lispm and if-for-maclisp around them. The if-for-lispm macro turns off run-in-maclisp-switch within its object, preventing spurious warnings from the compiler. The #+lispm reader construct does not dare do this, since it can be used to conditionalize any object, not just a expression that will be evaluated.

To allow a file to detect what environment it is being compiled in, the following macros are provided:

Macro: if-for-lispm form

If (if-for-lispm form) is seen at the top level of the compiler, form is passed to the compiler top level if the output of the compiler is a QFASL file intended for Zetalisp. If the Zetalisp interpreter sees this it evaluates form (the macro expands into form).

Macro: if-for-maclisp form

If (if-for-maclisp form) is seen at the top level of the compiler, form is passed to the compiler top level if the output of the compiler is a FASL file intended for Maclisp (e.g if the compiler is COMPLR). If the Zetalisp interpreter ignores this form entirely (the macro expands into nil).

Macro: if-for-maclisp-else-lispm maclisp-form lispm-form

If (if-for-maclisp-else-lispm form1 form2) is seen at the top level of the compiler, form1 is passed to the compiler top level if the output of the compiler is a FASL file intended for Maclisp; otherwise form2 is passed to the compiler top level.

Macro: if-in-lispm form

In Zetalisp, (if-in-lispm form) causes form to be evaluated; in Maclisp, form is ignored.

Macro: if-in-maclisp form

In Maclisp, (if-in-maclisp form) causes form to be evaluated; in Zetalisp, form is ignored.

In order to make sure that those macros are defined when reading the file into the Maclisp compiler, you must make the file start with a prelude, which should look like:

(eval-when (compile)
  (cond ((not (status feature lispm))
               (load '|PS:<L.SYS2>CONDIT.LISP|))))
		;; Or other suitable filename

This does nothing when you compile the program on the Lisp Machine. If you compile it with the Maclisp compiler, it loads in definitions of the above macros, so that they will be available to your program. The form (status feature lispm) is generally useful in other ways; it evaluates to t when evaluated on the Lisp Machine and to nil when evaluated in Maclisp.

There are some advertised variables whose compile-time values affect the operation of the compiler. Mostly these are for Maclisp compatibility features. You can set these variables by including in his file forms such as

(eval-when (compile) (setq open-code-map-switch t))

However, these variables seem not to be needed very often.

Variable: run-in-maclisp-switch

If this variable is non-nil, the compiler tries to warn the user about any constructs that will not work in Maclisp. By no means all Lisp Machine system functions not built in to Maclisp cause warnings; only those that could not be written by the user in Maclisp (for example, make-array, value-cell-location, etc.). Also, lambda-list keywords such as &optional and initialized prog variables are be mentioned. This switch also inhibits the warnings for obsolete Maclisp functions. The default value of this variable is nil.

Variable: obsolete-function-warning-switch

If this variable is non-nil, the compiler tries to warn the user whenever an obsolete Maclisp-compatibility function such as maknam or samepnamep is used. The default value is t.

Variable: allow-variables-in-function-position-switch

If this variable is non-nil, the compiler allows the use of the name of a variable in function position to mean that the variable’s value should be funcall’ed. This is for compatibility with old Maclisp programs. The default value of this variable is nil.

Variable: open-code-map-switch

If this variable is non-nil, the compiler attempts to produce inline code for the mapping functions (mapc, mapcar, etc., but not mapatoms) if the function being mapped is an anonymous lambda-expression. The generated code is faster but larger. The default value is t.

If you want to turn off open coding of these functions, It is preferable to use (declare (notinline mapc mapcar ...)).

Variable: inhibit-style-warnings-switch

If this variable is non-nil, all compiler style-checking is turned off. Style checking is used to issue obsolete function warnings, won’t-run-in-Maclisp warnings, and other sorts of warnings. The default value is nil. See also the inhibit-style-warnings macro, which acts on one level only of an expression.

Macro: compiler-let ((variable value)...) body...

Allows local rebinding of global switches that affect either compilation or the behavior of user-written macros. Its syntax is like that of let, and in the interpreter it is identical to let. When encountered in compiled code, the variables are bound around the compilation of body rather than around the execution at a later time of the compiled code for body. For example,

(compiler-let ((open-code-map-switch nil))
  (mapc (function (lambda (x) ...)) foo))

prevents the compiler from open-coding the mapc.

The same results can be obtained more cleanly using declare. User-written macros can examine the declarations using getdecl.

The next three functions are primarily for Maclisp compatibility. In Maclisp, they are declarations, used within a declare at top level in the file.

Special Form: *expr symbol...

Declares each symbol to be the name of a function. In addition it prevents these functions from appearing in the list of functions referenced but not defined, printed at the end of the compilation.

Special Form: *lexpr symbol...

Declares each symbol to be the name of a function. In addition it prevents these functions from appearing in the list of functions referenced but not defined, printed at the end of the compilation.

Special Form: *fexpr symbol...

Declares each symbol to be the name of a special form. In addition it prevents these names from appearing in the list of functions referenced but not defined, printed at the end of the compilation.

17.8 Putting Data in QFASL Files

It is possible to make a QFASL file containing data, rather than a compiled program. This can be useful to speed up loading of a data structure into the machine, as compared with reading in printed representations. Also, certain data structures such as arrays do not have a convenient printed representation as text, but can be saved in QFASL files. For example, the system stores fonts this way. Each font is in a QFASL file (on the SYS: FONTS; directory) that contains the data structures for that font. When the file is loaded, the symbol that is the name of the font gets set to the array that represents the font. Putting data into a QFASL file is often referred to as “fasdumping the data”.

In compiled programs, the constants are saved in the QFASL file in this way. The compiler optimizes by making constants that are equal become eq when the file is loaded. This does not happen when you make a data file yourself; identity of objects is preserved. Note that when a QFASL file is loaded, objects that were eq when the file was written are still eq; this does not normally happen with text files.

The following types of objects can be represented in QFASL files: Symbols (uninterned or uninterned), numbers of all kinds, lists, strings, arrays of all kinds, named structures, instances, and FEFs.

Meta Method on instances: :fasd-form

When an instance is fasdumped (put into a QFASL file), it is sent a :fasd-form message, which must return a Lisp form that, when evaluated, will recreate the equivalent of that instance. This is because instances are often part of a large data structure, and simply fasdumping all of the instance variables and making a new instance with those same values is unlikely to work. Instances remain eq; the :fasd-form message is only sent the first time a particular instance is encountered during writing of a QFASL file. If the instance does not accept the :fasd-form message, it cannot be fasdumped.

Loading a QFASL file in which a named structure has been fasdumped creates a new named structure with components identical to those of the one that was dumped. Then the :fasd-fixup operation is invoked, which gives the new structure the opportunity to correct its contents if they are not supposed to be just the same as what was dumped.

The meaning of a QFASL file is greatly affected by the package used for loading it. Therefore, the file itself says which package to use.

In dump-forms-to-file, you can specify the package to use by including a :package attribute in the attribute-list argument. For example, if that argument is the list (:package "SI") then the file is dumped and loaded in the si package. If the package is not specified in this way, user is used. The other fasdumping functions always use user.

Function: dump-forms-to-file filename forms-list &optional attribute-list

Writes a QFASL file named filename which contains, in effect, the forms in forms-list. That is to say, when the file is loaded, its effect will be the same as evaluating those forms.

(dump-forms-to-file "foo" '((setq x 1) (setq y 2)))
(load "foo")
x => 1
y => 2

attribute-list is the file attribute list to store in the QFASL file. It is a list of alternating keywords and values, and corresponds to the -*- line of a source file. The most useful keyword in this context is :package, whose value in the attribute list specifies the package to be used both in dumping the forms and in loading the file. If no :package keyword is present, the file will be loaded in whatever package is current at the time.

Function: compiler:fasd-symbol-value filename symbol

Writes a QFASL file named filename which contains the value of symbol. When the file is loaded, symbol will be setq’ed to the same value. filename is parsed and defaulted with the default pathname defaults. The file type defaults to :qfasl.

Function: compiler:fasd-font name

Writes the font named name into a QFASL file with the appropriate name (on the SYS: FONTS; directory).

Function: compiler:fasd-file-symbols-properties filename symbols properties dump-values-p dump-functions-p new-symbol-function

This is a way to dump a complex data structure into a QFASL file. The values, the function definitions, and some of the properties of certain symbols are put into the QFASL file in such a way that when the file is loaded the symbols will be setqed, fdefined, and putpropped appropriately. The user can control what happens to symbols discovered in the data structures being fasdumped.

filename is the name of the file to be written. It is defaulted with the default pathname defaults. The file type defaults to "QFASL".

symbols is a list of symbols to be processed. properties is a list of properties which are to be fasdumped if they are found on the symbols. dump-values-p and dump-functions-p control whether the values and function definitions are also dumped.

new-symbol-function is called whenever a new symbol is found in the structure being dumped. It can do nothing, or it can add the symbol to the list to be processed by calling compiler:fasd-symbol-push. The value returned by new-symbol-function is ignored.

17.9 Analyzing QFASL Files

QFASL files are composed of 16-bit nibbles. The first two nibbles in the file contain fixed values, which are there so the system can tell a proper QFASL file. The next nibble is the beginning of the first group. A group starts with a nibble that specifies an operation. It may be followed by other nibbles that are arguments.

Most of the groups in a QFASL file are there to construct objects when the file is loaded. These objects are recorded in the fasl-table. Each time an object is constructed, it is assigned the next sequential index in the fasl-table. The indices are used by other groups later in the file, to refer back to objects already constructed.

To prevent the fasl-table from becoming too large, the QFASL file can be divided into whacks. The fasl-table is cleared out at the beginning of each whack.

The other groups in the QFASL file perform operations such as evaluating a list previously constructed or storing an object into a symbol’s function cell or value cell.

If you are having trouble with a QFASL file and want to find out exactly what it does when it is loaded, you can use UNFASL to find out.

Function: si:unfasl-print input-file-name

Prints on *standard-output* a description of the contents of the QFASL file input-file-name.

Function: si:unfasl-file input-file-name &optional output-file-name

Writes a description of the contents of the QFASL file input-file-name into the output file. The output file type defaults to :unfasl and the rest of the pathname defaults from input-file-name.

18 Macros

18.1 Introduction to Macros

If eval is handed a list whose car is a symbol, then eval inspects the definition of the symbol to find out what to do. If the definition is a cons, and the car of the cons is the symbol macro, then the definition (i.e that cons) is called a macro. The cdr of the cons should be a function of two arguments. eval applies the function to the form it was originally given, takes whatever is returned, and evaluates that in lieu of the original form.

Here is a simple example. Suppose the definition of the symbol first is

(macro lambda (x ignore) 
         (list 'car (cadr x)))

This thing is a macro: it is a cons whose car is the symbol macro. What happens if we try to evaluate a form (first '(a b c))? Well, eval sees that it has a list whose car is a symbol (namely, first), so it looks at the definition of the symbol and sees that it is a cons whose car is macro; the definition is a macro.

eval takes the cdr of the cons, which is supposed to be the macro’s expander function, and calls it providing as arguments the original form that eval was handed, and an environment data structure that this macro does not use. So it calls (lambda (x ignore) (list 'car (cadr x))) and the first argument is (first '(a b c)). Whatever this returns is the expansion of the macro call. It will be evaluated in place of the original form.

In this case, x is bound to (first '(a b c)), (cadr x) evaluates to '(a b c), and (list 'car (cadr x)) evaluates to (car '(a b c)), which is the expansion. eval now evaluates the expansion. (car '(a b c)) returns a, and so the result is that (first '(a b c)) returns a.

What have we done? We have defined a macro called first. What the macro does is to translate the form to some other form. Our translation is very simple–it just translates forms that look like (first x) into (car x), for any form x. We can do much more interesting things with macros, but first we show how to define a macro.

Special Form: macro

The primitive special form for defining macros is macro. A macro definition looks like this:

(macro name (form-arg env-arg)

name can be any function spec. form-arg and env-arg must be variables. body is a sequence of Lisp forms that expand the macro; the last form should return the expansion.

To define our first macro, we would say

(macro first (x ignore)
    (list 'car (cadr x)))

Only sophisticated macros need to use value passed for the env-arg; this one does not need it, so the argument variable ignore is used for it. See &environment for information on it.

Here are some more simple examples of macros. Suppose we want any form that looks like (addone x) to be translated into (plus 1 x). To define a macro to do this we would say

(macro addone (x ignore)
   (list 'plus '1 (cadr x)))

Now say we wanted a macro which would translate (increment x) into (setq x (1+ x). This would be:

(macro increment (x ignore)
    (list 'setq (cadr x) (list '1+ (cadr x))))

Of course, this macro is of limited usefulness. The reason is that the form in the cadr of the increment form had better be a symbol. If you tried (increment (car x)), it would be translated into (setq (car x) (1+ (car x))), and setq would complain. (If you’re interested in how to fix this problem, see setf (setf-fun); but this is irrelevant to how macros work.)

You can see from this discussion that macros are very different from functions. A function would not be able to tell what kind of subforms are present in a call to it; they get evaluated before the function ever sees them. However, a macro gets to look at the whole form and see just what is going on there. Macros are not functions; if first is defined as a macro, it is not meaningful to apply first to arguments. A macro does not take arguments at all; its expander function takes a Lisp form and turns it into another Lisp form.

The purpose of functions is to compute; the purpose of macros is to translate. Macros are used for a variety of purposes, the most common being extensions to the Lisp language. For example, Lisp is powerful enough to express many different control structures, but it does not provide every control structure anyone might ever possibly want. Instead, if a user wants some kind of control structure with a syntax that is not provided, he can translate it into some form that Lisp does know about.

For example, someone might want a limited iteration construct which increments a variable by one until it exceeds a limit (like the FOR statement of the BASIC language). He might want it to look like

(for a 1 100 (print a) (print (* a a)))

To get this, he could write a macro to translate it into

(do ((a 1 (1+ a))) ((> a 100)) (print a) (print (* a a)))

A macro to do this could be defined with

(macro for (x ignore)
  (list* 'do
	 (list (list (second x) (third x)
		     (list '1+ (second x))))
	 (list (list '> (second x) (fourth x)))
	 (cddddr x)))

for can now be used as if it were a built-in Lisp control construct.

18.2 Aids for Defining Macros

The main problem with the definition for the for macro is that it is verbose and clumsy. If it is that hard to write a macro to do a simple specialized iteration construct, one would wonder how anyone could write macros of any real sophistication.

There are two things that make the definition so inelegant. One is that the programmer must write things like (second x) and (cddddr x) to refer to the parts of the form he wants to do things with. The other problem is that the long chains of calls to the list and cons functions are very hard to read.

Two features are provided to solve these two problems. The defmacro macro solves the former, and the “backquote” (`) reader macro solves the latter.

18.2.1 Defmacro

Instead of referring to the parts of our form by (second x) and such, we would like to give names to the various pieces of the form, and somehow have the (second x) automatically generated. This is done by a macro called defmacro. It is easiest to explain what defmacro does by showing an example. Here is how you would write the for macro using defmacro:

(defmacro for (var lower upper . body)
  (list* 'do
	 (list (list var lower (list '1+ var)))
	 (list (list '> var upper))

The (var lower upper body) is a pattern to match against the body of the form (to be more precise, to match against the cdr of the argument to the macro’s expander function). If defmacro tries to match the two lists

(var lower upper . body)
(a 1 100 (print a) (print (* a a)))

var is bound to the symbol a, lower to the fixnum 1, upper to the fixnum 100, and body to the list ((print a) (print (* a a))). var, lower, upper, and body are then used by the body of the macro definition.

Macro: defmacro

defmacro is a general purpose macro-defining macro. A defmacro form looks like

(defmacro name pattern . body)

name is the name of the macro to be defined; it can be any function spec (see function-spec). Normally it is not useful to define anything but a symbol, since that is the only place that the evaluator looks for macro definitions. However, sometimes it is useful to define a :property function spec as a macro, when some part of the system (such as locf) will look for an expander function on a property.

The pattern may be anything made up out of symbols and conses. When the macro is called, pattern is matched against the body of the macro form; both pattern and the form are car’ed and cdr’ed identically, and whenever a non-nil symbol is hit in pattern, the symbol is bound to the corresponding part of the form. All of the symbols in pattern can be used as variables within body. body is evaluated with these bindings in effect, and its result is returned to the evaluator as the expansion of the macro.

Note that the pattern need not be a list the way a lambda-list must. In the above example, the pattern was a dotted list, since the symbol body was supposed to match the cddddr of the macro form. If we wanted a new iteration form, like for except that our example would look like

(for a (1 100) (print a) (print (* a a)))

(just because we thought that was a nicer syntax), then we could do it merely by modifying the pattern of the defmacro above; the new pattern would be (var (lower upper) . body).

Here is how we would write our other examples using defmacro:

(defmacro first (the-list)
    (list 'car the-list))

(defmacro addone (form)
   (list 'plus '1 form))

(defmacro increment (symbol)
   (list 'setq symbol (list '1+ symbol)))

All of these were very simple macros and have very simple patterns, but these examples show that we can replace the (cadr x) with a readable mnemonic name such as the-list or symbol, which makes the program clearer, and enables documentation facilities such as the arglist function to describe the syntax of the special form defined by the macro.

The pattern in a defmacro is more like the lambda list of a normal function than revealed above. It is allowed to contain certain &-keywords. Subpatterns of the lambda list pattern can also use &-keywords, a usage not allowed in functions.

&optional is followed by variable, (variable), (variable default), or (variable default present-p), exactly the same as in a function. Note that default is still a form to be evaluated, even though variable is not being bound to the value of a form. variable does not have to be a symbol; it can be a pattern. In this case the first form is disallowed because it is syntactically ambigous. The pattern must at least be enclosed in a singleton list. If variable is a pattern, default can be evaluated more than once. Example:

(defmacro foo (&optional ((x &optional y) '(a)))

Here the first argument of foo is optional, and should be a list of one or two elements which become x and y. If foo is given no arguments, the list (a) is decomposed to get x and y, so that x’s value is a and y’s value is nil.

Using &rest is the same as using a dotted list as the pattern, except that it may be easier to read and leaves a place to put &aux.

When &key is used in a defmacro pattern, the keywords are decoded at macro expansion time. Therefore, they must be constants. Example:

(defmacro l1 (&key a b c) 
  (list 'list a b c))

(l1 :b 5 :c (car d))
  ==> (list nil 5 (car d))

&aux is the same in a macro as in a function, and has nothing to do with pattern matching.

defmacro implements a few additional keywords not allowed in functions.

&body is identical to &rest except that it informs the editor and the grinder that the remaining subforms constitute a “body” rather than ordinary arguments and should be indented accordingly. Example:

(defmacro with-open-file 
	  ((streamvar filename &rest options)
	   &body body)

&whole causes the variable that follows it to be bound to the entire macro call, just as the form-arg variable in macro would be. &whole exists to make defmacro able to do anything that macro can be used for, for the sake of Common Lisp, in which defmacro is the primitive and macro does not exist. &whole is also useful in macrolet.

&environment causes the variable that follows it to be bound to the local macros environment of the macro call being expanded. This is useful if the code for expanding this macro needs to invoke macroexpand on subforms of the macro call. Then, to achieve correct interaction with macrolet, this local macros environment should be passed to macroexpand as its second argument.

&list-of pattern requires that the corresponding position of the form being translated must contain a list (or nil). It matches pattern against each element of that list. Each variable in pattern is bound to a list of the corresponding values in each element of the list matched by the &list-of. This may be clarified by an example. Suppose we want to be able to say things like:

(send-commands (aref turtle-table i)
  (forward 100)
  (left 90)
  (pen 'down 'red)
  (forward 50)
  (pen 'up))

We could define a send-commands macro as follows:

(defmacro send-commands (object
		&body &list-of (command . arguments))
  `(let ((o ,object))
     . ,(mapcar #'(lambda (com args) `(send o ',com . ,args))
		command arguments)))

Note that this example uses &body together with &list-of, so you don’t see the list itself; the list is just the rest of the macro-form.

You can combine &optional and &list-of. Consider the following example:

(defmacro print-let (x &optional &list-of
		     ((vars vals)
		      '((*print-base* 10.)
			(*print-radix* nil))))
  `((lambda (,@vars) (print ,x))

(print-let foo)  ==>
((lambda (*print-base* *print-radix*)
   (print foo))
 10 nil)

(print-let foo ((bar 3)))  ==>
((lambda (bar)
   (print foo))

In this example we aren’t using &body or anything like it, so you do see the list itself; that is why you see parentheses around the (bar 3).

18.2.2 Backquote

Now we deal with the other problem: the long strings of calls to cons and list. This problem is relieved by introducing some new characters that are special to the Lisp reader. Just as the single-quote character makes it easier to type things of the form (quote x), so backquote and comma make it easier to type forms that create new list structure. They allow you to create a list from a template including constant and variable parts.

The backquote facility is used by giving a backquote character (`), followed by a list or vector. If the comma character does not appear within the text for the list or vector, the backquote acts just like a single quote: it creates a form which, when evaluated, produces the list or vector specified. For example,

 '(a b c) => (a b c)
 `(a b c) => (a b c)
 `#(a b) => #(a b)

So in the simple cases, backquote is just like the regular single-quote macro. The way to get it to do interesting things is to include a comma somewhere inside of the form following the backquote. The comma is followed by a form, and that form gets evaluated even though it is inside the backquote. For example,

(setq b 1)
`(a b c)  => (a b c)
`(a ,b c) => (a 1 c)
`(abc ,(+ b 4) ,(- b 1) (def ,b)) => (abc 5 0 (def 1))
`#(a ,b) => #(a 1)

In other words, backquote quotes everything except expressions preceded by a comma; those get evaluated.

The list or vector following a backquote can be thought of as a template for some new data structure. The parts of it that are preceded by commas are forms that fill in slots in the template; everything else is just constant structure that appears as written in the result. This is usually what you want in the body of a macro. Some of the form generated by the macro is constant, the same thing on every invocation of the macro. Other parts are different every time the macro is called, often being functions of the form that the macro appeared in (the arguments of the macro). The latter parts are the ones for which you would use the comma. Several examples of this sort of use follow.

When the reader sees the `(a ,b c) it is actually generating a form such as (list 'a b 'c). The actual form generated may use list, cons, append, or whatever might be a good idea; you should never have to concern yourself with what it actually turns into. All you need to care about is what it evaluates to. Actually, it doesn’t use the regular functions cons, list, and so forth, but uses special ones instead so that the grinder can recognize a form which was created with the backquote syntax, and print it using backquote so that it looks like what you typed in. You should never write any program that depends on this, anyway, because backquote makes no guarantees about how it does what it does. In particular, in some circumstances it may decide to create constant forms, which will cause sharing of list structure at run time, or it may decide to create forms that will create new list structure at run time. For example, if the reader sees `(r ,nil), it may produce the same thing as (cons 'r nil), or '(r . nil). Be careful that your program does not depend on which of these it does.

This is generally found to be pretty confusing by most people; the best way to explain further seems to be with examples. Here is how we would write our three simple macros using both the defmacro and backquote facilities.

(defmacro first (the-list)
    `(car ,the-list))

(defmacro addone (form)
   `(plus 1 ,form))

(defmacro increment (symbol)
   `(setq ,symbol (1+ ,symbol)))

To demonstrate finally how easy it is to define macros with these two facilities, here is the final form of the for macro.

(defmacro for (var lower upper . body)
  `(do ((,var ,lower (1+ ,var))) ((> ,var ,upper)) . ,body))

Look at how much simpler that is than the original definition. Also, look how closely it resembles the code it is producing. The functionality of the for really stands right out when written this way.

If a comma inside a backquote form is followed by an at-sign character (‘@’), it has a special meaning. The ‘,@’ should be followed by a form whose value is a list; then each of the elements of the list is put into the list being created by the backquote. In other words, instead of generating a call to the cons function, backquote generates a call to append. For example, if a is bound to (x y z), then `(1 ,a 2) would evaluate to (1 (x y z) 2), but `(1 ,@a 2) would evaluate to (1 x y z 2).

Here is an example of a macro definition that uses the ‘,@’ construction. One way to define do-forever would be for it to expand

(do-forever form1 form2 form3)


    a form1
      (go a))

You could define the macro by

(defmacro do-forever (&body body)
       a ,@body
	 (go a)))

(This definition has the disadvantage of interfering with use of the go tag a to go from the body of the do-forever to a tag defined outside of it. A more robust implementation would construct a new tag each time, using gensym.)

A similar construct is ‘,’ (comma, dot). This means the same thing as ‘,@’ except that the list which is the value of the following form may be modified destructively; backquote uses nconc rather than append. This should, of course, be used with caution.

Backquote does not make any guarantees about what parts of the structure it shares and what parts it copies. You should not do destructive operations such as nconc on the results of backquote forms such as

`(,a b c d)

since backquote might choose to implement this as

(cons a '(b c d))

and nconc would smash the constant. On the other hand, it would be safe to nconc the result of

`(a b ,c ,d)

since any possible expansion of this would make a new list. One possible expansion is

(list 'a 'b c d)

Backquote of course guarantees not to do any destructive operations (rplaca, rplacd, nconc) on the components of the structure it builds, unless the ‘,’ syntax is used.

Advanced macro writers sometimes write macro-defining macros: forms which expand into forms which, when evaluated, define macros. In such macros it is often useful to use nested backquote constructs. For example, here is a very simple version of defstruct (see defstruct-fun) which does not allow any options and only the simplest slot descriptors. Its invocation looks like:

(defstruct (name)
     item1 item2 ...)

We would like this form to expand into

 (defmacro item1 (x) `(aref ,x 0))
 (defmacro item2 (x) `(aref ,x 1))
 (defmacro item3 (x) `(aref ,x 2))
 (defmacro item4 (x) `(aref ,x 3))

Here is the macro to perform the expansion:

(defmacro defstruct ((name) . items)
     (do ((item-list items (cdr item-list))
	  (ans nil)
	  (i 0 (1+ i)))
	 ((null item-list)
          `(progn . ,(nreverse ans)))
       (push `(defmacro ,(car item-list) (x)
			`(aref ,x ,',i))

The interesting part of this definition is the body of the (inner) defmacro form:

`(aref ,x ,',i)

Instead of using this backquote construction, we could have written

(list 'aref x ,i)

That is, the ,', acts like a comma that matches the outer backquote, while the comma preceding the x matches with the inner backquote. Thus, the symbol i is evaluated when the defstruct form is expanded, whereas the symbol x is evaluated when the accessor macros are expanded.

Backquote can be useful in situations other than the writing of macros. Whenever there is a piece of list structure to be consed up, most of which is constant, the use of backquote can make the program considerably clearer.

18.3 Local Macro Definitions

defmacro or macro defines a macro whose name has global scope; it can be used in any function anywhere (subject to separation of name spaces by packages). You can also make local macro definitions which are in effect only in one piece of code. This is done with macrolet. Like lexical variable bindings made by let or the local function definitions made by flet, macrolet macro definitions are in effect only for code contained lexically within the body of the macrolet construct.

Special Form: macrolet (local-macros...) body...

Executes body and returns the values of the last form in it, with local macro definitions in effect according to local-macros.

Each element of local-macros looks like the cdr of a defmacro form:

(name lambda-list macro-body...)

and it is interpreted just the same way. However, name is only thus defined for expressions appearing within body.

(macrolet ((ifnot (x y . z) `(if (not ,x) ,y . ,z)))
  (ifnot foo (print bar) (print t)))

 ==> (if (not foo) (print bar) (print t))

It is permissible for name to have a global definition also, as a macro or as a function. The global definition is shadowed within body.

(macrolet ((car (x) `(cdr (assq ,x '((a . ferrari)
				     (b . ford))))))
  ...(print (car symbol))...)

makes car have an unusual meaning for its explicit use, but due to lexical scoping it has no effect on what happens if print calls car.

macrolet can also hide other local definitions made by macrolet, flet or labels (labels-fun).

18.4 Substitutable Functions

A substitutable function is a function that is open coded by the compiler. It is like any other function when applied, but it can be expanded instead, and in that regard resembles a macro.

Special Form: defsubst

defsubst is used for defining substitutable functions. It is used just like defun.

(defsubst name lambda-list . body)

and does almost the same thing. It defines a function that executes identically to the one that a similar call to defun would define. The difference comes when a function that calls this one is compiled. Then, the call is open-coded by substituting the substitutable function’s definition into the code being compiled. The function itself looks like (named-subst name lambda-list . body). Such a function is called a subst. For example, if we define

(defsubst square (x) (* x x))
(defun foo (a b) (square (+ a b)))

then if foo is used interpreted, square works just as if it had been defined by defun. If foo is compiled, however, the squaring is substituted into it and it produces the same code as

(defun foo (a b) (let ((tem (+ a b))) (* tem tem)))

square’s definition would be

(named-subst square (x) (* x x))

(The internal formats of substs are explained in subst.)

A similar square could be defined as a macro, but the simple way

(defmacro square (x) `(* ,x ,x))

has a bug: it causes the argument to be computed twice. The simplest correct definition as a macro is

(defmacro square (x)
  (once-only (x)
    `(* ,x ,x)))

See once-only-fun for information on once-only.

In general, anything that is implemented as a subst can be re-implemented as a macro, just by changing the defsubst to a defmacro and putting in the appropriate backquote and commas, using once-only or creating temporary variables to make sure the arguments are computed once and in the proper order. The disadvantage of macros is that they are not functions, and so cannot be applied to arguments. Also, the effort required to guarantee the order of evaluation is a disadvantage. Their advantage is that they can do much more powerful things than substs can. This is also a disadvantage since macros provide more ways to get into trouble. If something can be implemented either as a macro or as a subst, it is generally better to make it a subst.

The lambda-list of a subst may contain &optional and &rest, but no other lambda-list keywords. If there is a rest argument, it is replaced in the body with an explicit call to list:

(defsubst append-to-foo (&rest args) 
  (setq foo (append args foo)))

(append-to-foo x y z)

expands to

(setq foo (append (list x y z) foo))

Rest arguments in substs are most useful with apply. Because of an optimization, if

(defsubst xhack (&rest indices) 
  (apply 'xfun xarg1 indices))

has been done then

(xhack a (car b))

is equivalent to

(xfun xarg1 a (car b))

If xfun is itself a subst, it is expanded in turn.

When a defsubst is compiled, its list structure definition is kept around so that calls can still be open-coded by the compiler. But non-open-coded calls to the function run at the speed of compiled code. The interpreted definition is kept in the compiled definition’s debugging info alist (see debugging-info-fun). Undeclared free variables used in a defsubst being compiled do not get any warning, because this is a common practice that works properly with nonspecial variables when calls are open coded.

If you are using a defsubst from outside the program to which it belongs, you might sometimes be better off if it is not open-coded. The decrease in speed might not be significant, and you would have the advantage that you would not need to recompile your program if the definition is changed. You can prevent open-coding by putting dont-optimize around the call to the defsubst.

(dont-optimize (xhack a (car b)))

See dont-optimize-fun.

Straightforward substitution of the arguments could cause arguments to be computed more than once, or in the wrong order. For instance, the functions

(defsubst reverse-cons (x y) (cons y x))
(defsubst in-order (a b c) (and (< a b) (< b c)))

would present problems. When compiled, because of the substitution a call to reverse-cons would evaluate its arguments in the wrong order, and a call to in-order could evaluate its second argument twice. In fact, a more complicated form of substitution (implemented by si:sublis-eval-once, si:sublis-eval-once-fun) is used so that local variables are introduced as necessary to prevent such problems.

Note that all occurrences of the argument names in the body are replaced with the argument forms, wherever they appear. Thus an argument name should not be used in the body for anything else, such as a function name or a symbol in a constant.

As with defun, name can be any function spec.

18.5 Hints to Macro Writers

There are many useful techniques for writing macros. Over the years, Lisp programmers have discovered techniques that most programmers find useful, and have identified pitfalls that must be avoided. This section discusses some of these techniques and illustrates them with examples.

The most important thing to keep in mind as you learn to write macros is that the first thing you should do is figure out what the macro form is supposed to expand into, and only then should you start to actually write the code of the macro. If you have a firm grasp of what the generated Lisp program is supposed to look like, you will find the macro much easier to write.

In general any macro that can be written as a substitutable function (see defsubst-fun) should be written as one, not as a macro, for several reasons: substitutable functions are easier to write and to read; they can be passed as functional arguments (for example, you can pass them to mapcar); and there are some subtleties that can occur in macro definitions that need not be worried about in substitutable functions. A macro can be a substitutable function only if it has exactly the semantics of a function, rather than of a special form. The macros we will see in this section are not semantically like functions; they must be written as macros.

18.5.1 Name Conflicts

One of the most common errors in writing macros is best illustrated by example. Suppose we wanted to write dolist (see dolist-fun) as a macro that expanded into a do (see do-fun). The first step, as always, is to figure out what the expansion should look like. Let’s pick a representative example form, and figure out what its expansion should be. Here is a typical dolist form.

(dolist (element (append a b))
  (push element *big-list*)
  (foo element 3))

We want to create a do form that does the thing that the above dolist form says to do. That is the basic goal of the macro: it must expand into code that does the same thing that the original code says to do, but it should be in terms of existing Lisp constructs. The do form might look like this:

(do ((list (append a b) (cdr list))
    ((null list))
  (setq element (car list))
  (push element *big-list*)
  (foo element 3))

Now we could start writing the macro that would generate this code, and in general convert any dolist into a do, in an analogous way. However, there is a problem with the above scheme for expanding the dolist. The above example’s expansion works fine. But what if the input form had been the following:

(dolist (list (append a b))
  (push list *big-list*)
  (foo list 3))

This is just like the form we saw above, except that the programmer happened to decide to name the looping variable list rather than element. The corresponding expansion would be:

(do ((list (append a b) (cdr list))
    ((null list))
  (setq list (car list))
  (push list *big-list*)
  (foo list 3))

This doesn’t work at all! In fact, this is not even a valid program, since it contains a do that uses the same variable in two different iteration clauses.

Here’s another example that causes trouble:

(let ((list nil))
  (dolist (element (append a b))
    (push element list)
    (foo list 3)))

If you work out the expansion of this form, you will see that there are two variables named list, and that the programmer meant to refer to the outer one but the generated code for the push actually uses the inner one.

The problem here is an accidental name conflict. This can happen in any macro that has to create a new variable. If that variable ever appears in a context in which user code might access it, then you have to worry that it might conflict with some other name that the user is using for his own program.

One way to avoid this problem is to choose a name that is very unlikely to be picked by the user, simply by choosing an unusual name, in a package which only you will write code in. This will probably work, but it is inelegant since there is no guarantee that the user won’t just happen to choose the same name. The way to avoid the name conflict reliably is to use an uninterned symbol as the variable in the generated code. The function gensym (see gensym-fun) is useful for creating such symbols.

Here is the expansion of the original form, using an uninterned symbol created by gensym.

(do ((#:g0005 (append a b) (cdr #:g0005))
    ((null #:g0005))
  (setq element (car #:g0005))
  (push element *big-list*)
  (foo element 3))

This is the right kind of thing to expand into. (This is how the expression would print; this text would not read in properly because a new uninterned symbol would be created by each use of #:.) Now that we understand how the expansion works, we are ready to actually write the macro. Here it is:

(defmacro dolist ((var form) . body)
  (let ((dummy (gensym)))
    `(do ((,dummy ,form (cdr ,dummy))
	 ((null ,dummy))
       (setq ,var (car ,dummy))
       . ,body)))

Many system macros do not use gensym for the internal variables in their expansions. Instead they use symbols whose print names begin and end with a dot. This provides meaningful names for these variables when looking at the generated code and when looking at the state of a computation in the error-handler. These symbols are in the si package; as a result, a name conflict is possible only in code which uses variables in the si package. This would not normally happen in user code, which resides in other packages.

18.5.2 Block-Name Conflicts

A related problem occurs when you write a macro that expands into a prog or do (or anything equivalent) behind the user’s back (unlike dolist, which is documented to be like do). Consider the error-restart special form (see error-restart-fun). Suppose we wanted to implement it as a macro that expands into a do-forever, which becomes a prog. Then the following (contrived) Lisp program would not behave correctly:

(dolist (a list)
  (error-restart ((sys:abort error) "Return from FOO.")
    (cond ((> a 10)
	   (return 5))
	  ((> a 4)
	   (ferror 'lose "You lose.")))))

The problem is that the return would return from the error-restart instead of the prog.

There are two possible ways to avoid this. The best is to make the expanded code use only explicit block’s with obscure or gensymmed block names, and never a prog or do.

The other is to give any prog or do the name t. t as a prog name is special; it causes the prog to generate only a block named t, omitting the usual block named nil which is normally generated as well. Because only blocks named nil affect return, the problem is avoided.

When error-restart’s expansion is supposed to return from the prog named t, it uses return-from t.

Macros like dolist specifically should expand into an ordinary do, because the user expects to be able to exit them with return.

18.5.3 Macros Expanding into Many Forms

Sometimes a macro wants to do several different things when its expansion is evaluated. Another way to say this is that sometimes a macro wants to expand into several things, all of which should happen sequentially at run time (not macro-expand time). For example, suppose you wanted to implement defconst (see defconst-fun) as a macro. defconst must do two things, declare the variable to be special and set the variable to its initial value. (Here we implement a simplified defconst that does only these two things, and doesn’t have any options.) What should a defconst form expand into? Well, what we would like is for an appearance of

(defconst a (+ 4 b))

in a file to be the same thing as the appearance of the following two forms:

(proclaim '(special a))
(setq a (+ 4 b))

However, because of the way that macros work, they only expand into one form, not two. So we need to have a defconst form expand into one form that is just like having two forms in the file.

There is such a form. It looks like this:

(progn (proclaim '(special a))
       (setq a (+ 4 b)))

In interpreted Lisp, it is easy to see what happens here. This is a progn special form, and so all its subforms are evaluated, in turn. The proclaim form and the setq form are evaluated. The compiler recognizes progn specially and treats each argument of the progn form as if it had been encountered at top level. Here is the macro definition:

(defmacro defconst (variable init-form)
  `(progn (proclaim '(special ,variable))
	  (setq ,variable ,init-form)))

Here is another example of a form that wants to expand into several things. We implement a special form called define-command, which is intended to be used in order to define commands in some interactive user subsystem. For each command, there are two things provided by the define-command form: a function that executes the command, and a character that should invoke the function in this subsystem. Suppose that in this subsystem, commands are always functions of no arguments, and characters are used to index a vector called dispatch-table to find the function to use. A typical call to define-command would look like:

(define-command move-to-top #\meta-<
  (do () ((at-the-top-p))

Expanding into:

(progn (setf (aref dispatch-table #\meta-<)
       (push 'move-to-top *command-name-list*)
       (defun move-to-top ()
	 (do ()

The define-command expands into three forms. The first one sets up the specified character to invoke this command. The second one puts the command name onto the list of all command names. The third one is the defun that actually defines the function itself. Note that the setf and push happen at load-time (when the file is loaded); the function, of course, also gets defined at load time. (See the description of eval-when (eval-when-fun) for more discussion of the differences between compile time, load time, and eval time.)

This technique makes Lisp a powerful language in which to implement your own language. When you write a large system in Lisp, frequently you can make things much more convenient and clear by using macros to extend Lisp into a customized language for your application. In the above example, we have created a little language extension: a new special form that defines commands for our system. It lets the writer of the system attach the code for a command character to the character itself. Macro expansion allows the function definitions and the command dispatch table to be made from the same source code.

18.5.4 Macros that Surround Code

There is a particular kind of macro that is very useful for many applications. This is a macro that you place “around” some Lisp code, in order to make the evaluation of that code happen in a modified context. For a very simple example, we could define a macro called with-output-in-base, that executes the forms within its body with any output of numbers that is done defaulting to a specified base.

(defmacro with-output-in-base ((base-form) &body body)
   `(let ((*print-base* ,base-form))
      . ,body))

A typical use of this macro might look like:

(with-output-in-base (*default-base*)
   (print x) (print y))

which would expand into

(let ((*print-base* *default-base*))
  (print x) (print y))

This example is too trivial to be very useful; it is intended to demonstrate some stylistic issues. There are standard Zetalisp constructs that are similar to this macro; see with-open-file (with-open-file-fun) and with-input-from-string (with-input-from-string-fun), for example. The really interesting thing, of course, is that you can define your own such constructs for your applications. One very powerful application of this technique was used in a system that manipulates and solves the Rubik’s cube puzzle. The system heavily uses a construct called with-front-and-top, whose meaning is “evaluate this code in a context in which this specified face of the cube is considered the front face, and this other specified face is considered the top face”.

The first thing to keep in mind when you write this sort of macro is that you can make your macro much clearer to people who might read your program if you conform to a set of loose standards of syntactic style. By convention, the names of such constructs start with “with-”. This seems to be a clear way of expressing the concept that we are setting up a context; the meaning of the construct is “do this stuff with the following things true”. Another convention is that any “parameters” to the construct should appear in a list that is the first subform of the construct, and that the rest of the elements should make up a body of forms that are evaluated sequentially with the last one returned. All of the examples cited above work this way. In our with-output-in-base example, there was one parameter (the base), which appears as the first (and only) element of a list that is the first subform of the construct. The extra level of parentheses in the printed representation serves to separate the “parameter” forms from the “body” forms so that it is textually apparent which is which; it also provides a convenient way to provide default parameters (a good example is the with-input-from-string construct (with-input-from-string-fun), which takes two required and two optional parameters). Another convention/technique is to use the &body keyword in the defmacro to tell the editor how to indent the elements of the body (see &body).

The other thing to keep in mind is that control can leave the construct either by the last form’s returning, or by a non-local exit (go, return or throw). You should write the definition in such a way that everything is cleaned up appropriately no matter how control exits. In our with-output-in-base example, there is no problem, because non-local exits undo lambda-bindings. However, in even slightly more complicated cases, an unwind-protect form (see unwind-protect-fun) is needed: the macro must expand into an unwind-protect that surrounds the body, with “cleanup” forms that undo the context-setting-up that the macro did. For example, using-resource (see using-resource-fun) expands

(using-resource (window menu-resource) body...)
(let ((window nil))
      (progn (setq window
		   (allocate-resource 'menu-resource))
    (and window
	 (deallocate-resource 'menu-resource window))))

This way the allocated resource item is deallocated whenever control leaves the using-resource special form.

18.5.5 Multiple and Out-of-Order Evaluation

In any macro, you should always pay attention to the problem of multiple or out-of-order evaluation of user subforms. Here is an example of a macro with such a problem. This macro defines a special form with two subforms. The first is a reference, and the second is a form. The special form is defined to create a cons whose car and cdr are both the value of the second subform, and then to set the reference to be that cons. Here is a possible definition:

(defmacro test (reference form)
   `(setf ,reference (cons ,form ,form)))

Simple cases work all right:

(test foo 3) ==>
  (setf foo (cons 3 3))

But a more complex example, in which the subform has side effects, can produce surprising results:

(test foo (setq x (1+ x))) ==>
  (setf foo (cons (setq x (1+ x))
                  (setq x (1+ x))))

The resulting code evaluates the setq form twice, and so x is increased by two instead of by one. A better definition of test that avoids this problem is:

(defmacro test (reference form)
   (let ((value (gensym)))
     `(let ((,value ,form))
         (setf ,reference (cons ,value ,value)))))

With this definition, the expansion works as follows:

(test foo (setq x (1+ x))) ==>
  (let ((#:g0005 (setq x (1+ x))))
     (setf foo (cons #:g0005 #:g0005)))

Once again, the expansion would print this way, but this text would not read in as a valid expression due to the inevitable problems of #:.

In general, when you define a new construct which contains one or more argument forms, you must be careful that the expansion evaluates the argument forms the proper number of times and in the proper order. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with multiple or out-of-order evalation if that is really what you want and if it is what you document your special form to do. But if this happens unexpectedly, it can make invocations fail to work as they appear they should.

once-only is a macro that can be used to avoid multiple evaluation. It is most easily explained by example. You would write test using once-only as follows:

(defmacro test (reference form)
  (once-only (form)
    `(setf ,reference (cons ,form ,form))))

This defines test in such a way that the form is only evaluated once, and references to form inside the macro body refer to that value. once-only automatically introduces a lambda-binding of a generated symbol to hold the value of the form. Actually, it is more clever than that; it avoids introducing the lambda-binding for forms whose evaluation is trivial and may be repeated without harm or cost, such as numbers, symbols, and quoted structure. This is just an optimization that helps produce more efficient code.

The once-only macro makes it easier to follow the principle, but it does not completely or automatically solve the problems of multiple and out-of-order evaluation. It is just a tool that can solve some of the problems some of the time; it is not a panacea.

The following description attempts to explain what once-only does, but it is a lot easier to use once-only by imitating the example above than by trying to understand once-only’s rather tricky definition.

Macro: once-only var-list body...

var-list is a list of variables. The body is a Lisp program that presumably uses the values of those variables. When the form resulting from the expansion of the once-only is evaluated, the first thing it does is to inspect the values of each of the variables in var-list; these values are assumed to be Lisp forms. For each of the variables, it binds that variable either to its current value, if the current value is a trivial form, or to a generated symbol. Next, once-only evaluates the body in this new binding environment and, when they have been evaluated, it undoes the bindings. The result of the evaluation of the last form in body is presumed to be a Lisp form, typically the expansion of a macro. If all of the variables have been bound to trivial forms, then once-only just returns that result. Otherwise, once-only returns the result wrapped in a lambda-combination that binds the generated symbols to the result of evaluating the respective non-trivial forms.

The effect is that the program produced by evaluating the once-only form is coded in such a way that, each of the forms which was the value of one of the variables in var-list is evaluated only once, unless the form is such as to have no side effects. At the same time, no unnecessary temporary variables appear in the generated code, but the body of the once-only is not cluttered up with extraneous code to decide whether temporary variables are needed.

18.5.6 Nesting Macros

A useful technique for building language extensions is to define programming constructs that employ two special forms, one of which is used inside the body of the other. Here is a simple example. There are two special forms. The outer one is called with-collection, and the inner one is called collect. collect takes one subform, which it evaluates; with-collection just has a body, whose forms it evaluates sequentially. with-collection returns a list of all of the values that were given to collect during the evaluation of the with-collection’s body. For example,

(with-collection (dotimes (i 5) (collect i)))
  => (1 2 3 4 5)

Remembering the first piece of advice we gave about macros, the next thing to do is to figure out what the expansion looks like. Here is how the above example could expand:

(let ((#:g0005 nil))
  (dotimes (i 5)
     (push i #:g0005))
  (nreverse #:g0005))

Now, how do we write the definition of the macros? Well, with-collection is pretty easy:

(defmacro with-collection (&body body)
  (let ((var (gensym)))
     `(let ((,var nil))
        (nreverse ,var))))

The hard part is writing collect. Let’s try it:

(defmacro collect (argument) `(push ,argument ,var))

Note that something unusual is going on here: collect is using the variable var freely. It is depending on the binding that takes place in the body of with-collection in order to get access to the value of var. Unfortunately, that binding took place when with-collection got expanded; with-collection’s expander function bound var, and the binding of var was unmade when the expander function was done. By the time the collect form gets expanded, the binding is long gone. The macro definitions above do not work. Somehow the expander function of with-collection has to communicate with the expander function of collect to pass over the generated symbol.

The only way for with-collection to convey information to the expander function of collect is for it to expand into something that passes that information.

One way to write these macros is using macrolet:

(defmacro with-collection (&body body)
   (let ((var (gensym)))
     `(macrolet ((collect (argument)
		   `(push ,argument ,',var)))
	(let ((,var nil))
	  (nreverse ,var)))))

Here with-collection expands into code which defines collect specially to know about which variable to collect into. ,', causes var’s value to be substituted when the outer backquote, the one around the macrolet, is executed. argument, however, is substituted in when the inner backquote is executed, which happens when collect is expanded.

This technique has the interesting consequence that collect is defined only within the body of a with-collection. It would simply not be recognized elsewhere; or it could have another definition, for some other purpose, globally. This has both advantages and disadvantages.

Another technique is to communicate through local declarations. The code generated by with-collection can contain a local-declare. The expansion of collect can examine the declararion with getdecl to decide what to do. Here is the code:

(defmacro with-collection (&body body)
   (let ((var (gensym)))
     `(let ((,var nil))
	(local-declare ((collection-var nil ,var))
	  (nreverse ,var)))))

(defmacro collect (argument)
  (let ((var ,(getdecl nil 'collection-var)))
    (unless var 
      (ferror nil "COLLECT not within a WITH-COLLECTION"))
    `(push ,argument var)))

Another way, used before getdecl existed, was with compiler-let (see compiler-let-fun). compiler-let is identical to let as far as the interpreter is concerned, so the macro continues to work in the interpreter with this change. When the compiler encounters a compiler-let, however, it actually performs the bindings that the compiler-let specifies and proceeds to compile the body of the compiler-let with all of those bindings in effect. In other words, it acts as the interpreter would.

Here’s the right way to write these macros in this fashion:

(defvar *collect-variable*)

(defmacro with-collection (&body body)
  (let ((var (gensym)))
     `(let ((,var nil))
        (compiler-let ((*collect-variable* ',var))
           . ,body)
        (nreverse ,var))))

(defmacro collect (argument)
  `(push ,argument ,*collect-variable*))

18.5.7 Functions Used During Expansion

The technique of defining functions to be used during macro expansion deserves explicit mention here. It may not occur to you, but a macro expander function is a Lisp program like any other Lisp program, and it can benefit in all the usual ways by being broken down into a collection of functions that do various parts of its work. Usually macro expander functions are pretty simple Lisp programs that take things apart and put them together slightly differently, but some macros are quite complex and do a lot of work. Several features of Zetalisp, including flavors, loop, and defstruct, are implemented using very complex macros, which, like any complex well-written Lisp program, are broken down into modular functions. You should keep this in mind if you ever invent an advanced language extension or ever find yourself writing a five-page expander function.

A particular thing to note is that any functions used by macro-expander functions must be available at compile-time. You can make a function available at compile time by surrounding its defining form with an (eval-when (compile load eval) ...); see eval-when-fun for more details. Doing this means that at compile time the definition of the function is interpreted, not compiled, and hence runs more slowly.

Another approach is to separate macro definitions and the functions they call during expansion into a separate file, often called a “defs” (definitions) file. This file defines all the macros, and also all functions that the macros call. It can be separately compiled and loaded up before compiling the main part of the program, which uses the macros. The system facility (see system-system) helps keep these various files straight, compiling and loading things in the right order.

18.6 Aids for Debugging Macros

Function: mexp &optional form

mexp goes into a loop in which it reads forms and sequentially expands them, printing out the result of each expansion (using the grinder (see grind) to improve readability). When the form itself has been expanded until it is no longer a macro call, macroexpand-all is used to expand all its subforms, and the result is printed if it is different from what preceded. This allows you to see what your macros are expanding into, without actually evaluating the result of the expansion.

If the form you type is an atom, mexp returns. Usually one simply uses Abort to exit it.

If the form you type is a list that not a macro call, nothing is printed. You are prompted immediately for another form.

If the argument form is given, it is expanded and printed as usual, and then mexp returns immediately.

If you type
followed by
(rest (first x))
then mexp will print
(cdr (first x))
and then
(cdr (car x))

You would then type Abort to exit mexp.

18.7 Displacing Macro Calls

Every time the the evaluator sees a macro form, it must call the macro to expand the form. This is time consuming. To speed things up, the expansion of the macro is recorded automatically by modifying the form using rplaca and rplacd so that it no longer appears to need expansion. If the same form is evaluated again, it can be processed straight away. This is done using the function displace.

A consequence of the evaluator’s policy of displacing macro calls is that if you change the definition of a macro, the new definition does not take effect in any form that has already been displaced. An existing form which calls the macro will use the new definition only if the form has never been evaluated.

Function: displace form expansion

form must be a list. displace replaces the car and cdr of form so that it looks like:

(si:displaced form expansion)

When a form whose car is si:displaced is evaluated, the evaluator simply extracts the expansion and evaluates it. old-form-copy is a newly consed pair whose car and cdr are the same as the original car and cdr of the form; thus, it records the macro call which was expanded. grindef uses this information to print the code as it was, rather than as it has been expanded.

displace returns expansion.

The precise format of a displaced macro call may be changed in the future to facilitate the implementation of automatic reexpansion if the called macro changes.

18.8 Functions to Expand Macros

The following two functions are provided to allow the user to control expansion of macros; they are often useful for the writer of advanced macro systems, and in tools that want to examine and understand code that may contain macros.

Function: macroexpand-1 form &optional local-macros-environment

If form is a macro form, this expands it (once) and returns the expanded form. Otherwise it just returns form. The second value is t if form has been expanded.

local-macros-environment is a data structure which specifies the local macro definitions (made by macrolet) to be used for this expansion in addition to the global macro definitions (made by defmacro and recorded in function cells of symbols). When macroexpand-1 is called by the evaluator, this argument comes from the evaluator’s own data structures set up by any macrolet forms which form was found within. When macroexpand-1 is called by the compiler, this argument comes from data structures kept by the compiler in its handling of macrolet.

Sometimes macro definitions call macroexpand-1; in that case, if form was a subform of the macro call, a &environment argument in the macro definition can be used to obtain a value to pass as local-macros-environment. See &environment. setf is one example of a macro that needs to use &environment since it expands some of its subforms in deciding what code to expand into. See setf, setf-fun.

If local-macros-environment is omitted or nil, only global macro definitions are used.

macroexpand-1 expands defsubst function forms as well as macro forms.

Function: macroexpand form &optional local-macros-environment

If form is a macro form, this expands it repeatedly until it is not a macro form and returns the final expansion. Otherwise, it just returns form. The second value is t if one or more expansions have take place. Everything said about local-macros-environment under macroexpand-1 applies here too.

macroexpand expands defsubst function forms as well as macro forms.

Function: macroexpand-all form &optional local-macros-environment

Expands all macro calls in form, including those which are its subforms, and returns the result. By contrast, macroexpand would not expand the subforms. This function knows the syntax of all Lisp special forms, so the result is completely accurate. Note, however, that quoted list structure within form is not altered; there is no way to know whether you intend such list structure to be code or to be used in constructing code.

Variable: *macroexpand-hook*

The value is a function which is used by macroexpand-1 to invoke the expander function of a macro. It receives arguments just like funcall: the expander function, and the arguments for it.

In fact, the default value of this variable is funcall. The variable exists so that the user can set it to some other function, which performs the funcall and possibly other associated record-keeping.

*macroexpand-hook* is not used when a macro is expanded by the interpreter.

18.9 Definitions of Macros

The definition of a macro is a list whose car is the symbol macro. The cdr of the list is the macro’s expander function. This expander function contains the code written in the defmacro or other construct which was used to define the macro. It may be a lambda expression, or it may be a compiled function object (FEF). Expanding the macro is done by invoking the expander function.

When an expander function is called, it receives two arguments: the macro call to be expanded, and the local macros environment. If the expansion is being done by macroexpand-1 then the local macros environment passed is the one that was given to macroexpand-1. In a macro defined with defmacro, the local macros environment can be accessed by writing an &environment parameter (see &environment).

Expander functions used to be given only one argument. For compatibility, it is useful to define expander functions so that the second argument is optional; defmacro does so. In addition, old macro definitions still work, because macroexpand-1 actually checks the number of arguments which the expander function is ready to receive, and passes only one argument if the expander function expects only one. This is done using call (see call-fun).

Function: macro-function function-spec

If function-spec is defined as a macro, then this returns its expander-function: the function which should be called, with a macro call as its sole argument, to produce the macro expansion. For certain special forms, macro-function returns the “alternate macro definition” (see below). Otherwise, macro-function returns nil.

Since a definition as a macro is really a list of the form (macro expander-function), you can get the expander function using (cdr (fdefinition function-spec)). But it is cleaner to use macro-function.

(setf (macro-function function-spec) expander)
is permitted, and is equivalent to
(fdefine function-spec (cons 'macro expander))

Certain constructs which Common Lisp specifies as macros are actually implemented as special forms (cond, for example). These special forms have “alternate macro definitions” which are the definitions they might have if they were implemented as macros. This is so that the caller of macro-function, if it is a portable Common Lisp program, need not know about any special forms except the standard Common Lisp ones in order to make deductions about all valid Common Lisp programs. It can instead regard as a macro any symbol on which macro-function returns a non-nil value, and treat that value as the macro expander function.

The alternate macro definition of a symbol such as cond is not actually its function definition. It exists only for macro-function to return. The existence of alternate macro definitions means that macro-function is not useful for testing whether a symbol really is defined as a macro.

18.10 Extending setf and locf

This section would logically belong within setf, but it is too advanced to go there. It is placed in this chapter because it deals with concepts related to macro-expansion.

There are three ways to tell the system how to setf a function: simple defsetf when it is trivial, general defsetf which handles most other cases, and define-setf-method which provides the utmost generality.

Macro: defsetf

The simple way to use defsetf is useful when there is a setting function which does all the work of storing a value into the appropriate place and has the proper calling conventions.

(defsetf function setting-function)

says that the way to store into (function args...) is to do (setting-function args... new-value). For example,

(defsetf car sys:setcar)

is the way setf of car is defined. Its meaning is that (setf (car x) y) should expand into (sys:setcar x y). (setcar is like rplaca except that setcar returns its second argument).

The more general form of defsetf is used when there is no setting function with exactly the right calling sequence. Thus,

(defsetf function (function-args...) (value-arg) body...)

tells setf how to store into (function args...) by providing something like a macro defininition to expand into code to do the storing. body computes the code; the last form in body returns a suitable expression. function-args should be a lambda list, which can have optional and rest args. body can substitute the values of the variables in this lambda list, to refer to the arguments in the form being setf’ed. Likewise, it can substitute in value-arg to refer to the value to be stored.

In fact, the function-args and value-arg are not actually the subforms of the form being setfd and the value to be stored; they are gensyms. After the body returns, the corresponding expressions may be substituted for the gensyms, or the gensyms may remain as local variables with a suitable let provided to bind them. This is how setf ensures a correct order of evaluation.

(defsetf car (list) (value) `(sys:setcar ,list ,value))

is how one could define the setf’ing of car using the general form of defsetf. The simple form of defsetf can be regarded as an abbreviation for something like this.

Since setf automatically expands macros, if you define a macro whose expansion is usable in setf then the macro is usable there also. Sometimes this is not desirable. For example, the accessor subst for a slot in a defstruct structure probably expands into aref, but if the slot is declared :read-only this should not be allowed. It is prevented by means of a defsetf like this:

(defsetf accessor-function)

This means that setf is explicitly prohibited on that function.

Macro: define-setf-method function (function-args...) (value-arg) body...

Defines how to do setf on place’s starting with function, with more power and generality than defsetf provides, but more complexity of use.

The define-setf-method form receives its arguments almost like an analogous defsetf. However, the values it receives are the actual subforms, and the actual form for the value, rather than gensyms which stand for them. The function-args are the actual subforms of the place to be setf’ed, and the full power of defmacro arglists can be used to match against it. value-arg is the actual form used as the second argument to setf.

body is once again evaluated, but it does not return an expression to do the storing. Instead, it returns five values which contain sufficient information to enable anyone to examine and modify the contents of the place. This information tells the caller which subforms of the place need to be evaluated, and how to use them to examine or set the value of the place. (Generally the function-args arglist is arranged to make each arg get one subform.) A temporary variable must be found or made (usually with gensym) for each of them. Another temporary variable should be made to correspond to the value to be stored.

Then the five values to be returned are:


A list of the temporary variables for the subforms of the place.


A list of the subforms that they correspond to.


A list of the temporary variables for the values to be stored. Currently there can only be one value to be stored, so there is only one variable in this list, always.


A form to do the storing. This form refers to some or all of the temporary variables listed in value 1.


A form to get the value of the place. setf does not need to do this, but push and incf do. This too should refer only to the temporary variables. No expression of contained it it should be a subexpression of the place being stored in.

This information is everything that the macro (setf or something more complicated) needs to know to decide what to do.

(define-setf-method car (function-spec)
  (let ((tempvars (list (gensym)))
	(tempargs (list (list-form)))
	(storevar (gensym)))
    (values tempvars tempargs (list storevar)
	    `(sys:setcar ,(first tempvars) ,storevar)
	    `(car ,(first tempvars)))))

is how one could define the setf’ing of car using define-setf-method. This definition is equivalent to the other two definitions using the simpler techniques.

Function: get-setf-method form

Invokes the setf method for form (which must be a list) and returns the five values produced by the body of the define-setf-method for the symbol which is the car of form. The meanings of these five values are given immediately above. If the way to setf that symbol was defined with defsetf you still get five values, which you can interpret in the same ways; thus, defsetf is effectively an abbreviation for a suitable define-setf-method.

There are two ways to use get-setf-method. One is in a macro which, like setf or incf or push, wants to store into a place. The other is in a define-setf-method for something like ldb, which is setf by setting one of its arguments. You would append your new tempvars and tempargs to the ones you got from get-setf-method to get the combined lists which you return. The forms returned by the get-setf-method you would stick into the forms you return.

An example of a macro which uses get-setf-method is pushnew. (The real pushnew is a little hairier than this, to handle the test, test-not and key arguments).

(defmacro pushnew (value place)
      (tempvars tempargs storevars storeform refform)
      (get-setf-method place)
      (cons `(-val- . ,value) (pairlis tempvars tempargs))
      `(if (memq -val- ,refform)
	 ,(sublis (list (cons (car storevars)
			      `(cons -val- ,refform)))
      t t)))
An example of a define-setf-method that uses get-setf-method is that for ldb:

(define-setf-method ldb (bytespec int)
	  (temps vals stores store-form access-form)
      (get-setf-method int)
    (let ((btemp (gensym))
	  (store (gensym))
	  (itemp (first stores)))
      (values (cons btemp temps)
	      (cons bytespec vals)
	      (list store)
		    (list (cons itemp
				`(dpb ,store ,btemp
	      `(ldb ,btemp ,access-form)))))

What this says is that the way to setf (ldb byte (foo)) is computed based on the way to setf (foo).

Function: si:sublis-eval-once alist form &optional reuse-tempvars sequential-flag

Replaces temporary variables in form with corresponding values according to alist, but generates local variables when necessary to make sure that the corresponding values are evaluated exactly once and in same order that they appear in alist. (This complication is skipped when the values are constant). alist should be a list of elements (tempvar . value). The result is a form equivalent to

`(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (elt) (list (car elt) (cdr elt)))

but it usually contains fewer temporary variables and executes faster.

If reuse-tempvars is non-nil, the temporary variables which appear as the cars of the elements of alist are allowed to appear in the resulting form. Otherwise, none of them appears in the resulting form, and if any local variables turn out to be needed, they are made afresh with gensym. reuse-tempvars should be used only when it is guaranteed that none of the temporary variables in alist is referred to by any of the values to be substituted; as, when the temporary variables have been freshly made with gensym.

If sequential-flag is non-nil, then the value substituted for a temporary variable is allowed to refer to the temporary variables preceding it in alist. setf and similar macros should all use this option.

Function: define-modify-macro macro-name (lambda-list...) combiner-function [doc-string]

Is a quick way to define setf’ing macros which resemble incf. For example, here is how incf is defined:

(define-modify-macro incf (&optional (delta 1)) +
   "Increment PLACE's value by DELTA.")

lambda-list describes any arguments the macro accepts, but not first argument, which is always the place to be examined and modified. The old value of this place, and any additional arguments such as delta in the case of incf, are combined using the combiner-function (in this case, +) to get the new value which is stored back in the place.

Macro: deflocf

Defines how to perform locf on a generalized variable. There are two forms of usage, analogous to those of defsetf.

(deflocf function locating-function)

says that the way to get the location of (function args...) is to do (locating-function args...). For example,

(deflocf car sys:car-location)

could be used to define locf on car forms. is the way setf of car is defined. Its meaning is that (locf (car x)) should expand into (sys:car-location x).

The more general form of deflocf is used when there is no locating function with exactly the right calling sequence. Thus,

(deflocf function (function-args...) body...)

tells locf how to locate (function args...) by providing something like a macro defininition to expand into code to do the locating. body computes the code; the last form in body returns a suitable expression. function-args should be a lambda list, which can have optional and rest args. body can substitute the values of the variables in this lambda list, to refer to the arguments in the form being locf’ed.

(deflocf car (list) `(sys:car-location ,list))

is how one could define the locf’ing of car using the general form of deflocf. The simple form of deflocf can be regarded as an abbreviation for something like this.

(deflocf function)

says that locf should not be allowed on forms starting with function. This is useful only when function is defined as a macro or subst, for then locf’s normal action is to expand the macro call and try again. In other cases there is no way to locf a function unless you define one, so you can simply refrain from defining any way.

19 The LOOP Iteration Macro

19.1 Introduction

loop is a Lisp macro that provides a programmable iteration facility. The same loop module operates compatibly in Zetalisp, Maclisp (PDP-10 and Multics), and NIL, and a moderately compatible package is under development for the MDL programming environment. loop was inspired by the FOR facility of CLISP in InterLisp; however, it is not compatible and differs in several details.

The general approach is that a form introduced by the word loop generates a single program loop, into which a large variety of features can be incorporated. The loop consists of some initialization (prologue) code, a body that may be executed several times, and some exit (epilogue) code. Variables may be declared local to the loop. The special features of loop are concerned with loop variables, deciding when to end the iteration, putting user-written code into the loop, returning a value from the construct, and iterating a variable through various real or virtual sets of values. The loop form consists of a series of clauses, each introduced by a “keyword” symbol. These symbols are keywords from loop’s point of view; they are not keywords in the usual sense (symbols in the keyword package). loop ignores the package when it compares a symbol against the known keywords.

Forms appearing in or implied by the clauses of a loop form are classed as those to be executed as initialization code, body code, and/or exit code; within each part of the template filled in by loop, they are executed strictly in the order implied by the original composition. Thus, just as in ordinary Lisp code, side-effects may be used, and one piece of code may depend on following another for its proper operation. This is the principal philosophic difference from InterLisp’s FOR facility. Note that loop forms are intended to look like stylized English rather than Lisp code. There is a notably low density of parentheses, and many of the keywords are accepted in several synonymous forms to allow writing of more euphonious and grammatical English. Some find this notation verbose and distasteful, while others find it flexible and convenient. The former are invited to stick to do.

Here are some examples to illustrate the use of loop.

(defun print-elements-of-list (list-of-elements)
    (loop for element in list-of-elements
	  do (print element)))

prints each element in its argument, which should be a list. It returns nil.

(defun gather-alist-entries (list-of-pairs)
    (loop for pair in list-of-pairs
	  collect (car pair)))

takes an association list and returns a list of the keys; that is, (gather-alist-entries '((foo 1 2) (bar 259) (baz))) returns (foo bar baz).

(defun extract-interesting-numbers (start-value end-value)
   (loop for number from start-value to end-value
	 when (interesting-p number) collect number))

takes two arguments, which should be integers, and returns a list of all the numbers in that range (inclusive) which satisfy the predicate interesting-p.

(defun find-maximum-element (an-array)
   (loop for i from 0 below (array-dimension-n 1 an-array)
	 maximize (aref an-array i)))

returns the maximum of the elements of its argument, a one-dimensional array.

(defun my-remove (object list)
   (loop for element in list
	 unless (equal object element) collect element))

is like the standard function remove, except that it copies the entire list.

(defun find-frob (list)
   (loop for element in list
	 when (frobp element) return element
	 finally (ferror nil "No frob found in the list ~S"

returns the first element of its list argument which satisfies the predicate frobp. If none is found, an error is signaled.

Common Lisp defines loop as equivalent to do-forever: it is used with a body consisting only of forms to be evaluated until a nonlocal exit happens. This is incompatible with the traditional loop macro which this chapter is about. However, it is possible to tell which meaning of loop the programmer intended: in the traditional loop macro, it must be a symbol, while in the Common Lisp loop it is useless to use a symbol there. Therefore, if the first argument of a loop form is not a symbol, it is treated as a Common Lisp loop.

19.2 Clauses

Internally, loop constructs a prog which includes variable bindings, pre-iteration (initialization) code, post-iteration (exit) code, the body of the iteration, and stepping of variables of iteration to their next values (which happens on every iteration after the body is executed). A clause consists of a keyword symbol and any Lisp forms and keywords that it deals with. For example,

(loop for x in l do (print x)),

contains two clauses, for x in l and do (print x). Certain of the parts of the clause will be described as being expressions, e.g (print x) in the above. An expression can be a single Lisp form, or a series of forms implicitly collected with progn. An expression is terminated by the next following atom, which is taken to be a keyword. This syntax allows only the first form in an expression to be atomic, but makes misspelled keywords more easily detectable. loop uses print-name equality to compare keywords so that loop forms may be written without package prefixes; in Lisp implementations that do not have packages, eq is used for comparison.

Bindings and iteration variable steppings may be performed either sequentially or in parallel. This affects how the stepping of one iteration variable may depend on the value of another. The syntax for distinguishing the two will be described with the corresponding clauses. When a set of variables are to be bound in parallel, all of the initial values are computed and then all the bindings are established. Subsequent bindings will be performed inside of that binding environment. When the same variables are stepped, all the new values are computed and then the variables are set.

19.2.1 Iteration-Driving Clauses

These clauses all create a variable of iteration, which is bound locally to the loop and takes on a new value on each successive iteration. Note that if more than one iteration-driving clause is used in the same loop, several variables are created that all step together through their values; when any of the iterations terminates, the entire loop terminates. Nested iterations are not generated; for those, you need a second loop form in the body of the loop. In order not to produce strange interactions, iteration-driving clauses are required to precede any clauses that produce body code: that is, all except those that produce prologue or epilogue code (initially and finally), bindings (with), the named clause, and the iteration termination clauses (while and until).

Clauses which drive the iteration may be arranged to perform their testing and stepping either in series or in parallel. They are by default grouped in series, which allows the stepping computation of one clause to use the just-computed values of the iteration variables of previous clauses. They may be made to step in parallel, as is the case with the do special form, by “joining” the iteration clauses with the keyword and. The form this typically takes is something like

(loop ... for x = (f) and for y = init then (g x) ...)

which sets x to (f) on every iteration, and binds y to the value of init for the first iteration, and on every iteration thereafter sets it to (g x), where x still has the value from the previous iteration. Thus, if the calls to f and g are not order-dependent, this would be best written as

(loop ... for y = init then (g x) for x = (f) ...)

because, as a general rule, parallel stepping has more overhead than sequential stepping. Similarly, the example

(loop for sublist on some-list
      and for previous = 'undefined then sublist

which is equivalent to the do construct

(do ((sublist some-list (cdr sublist))
     (previous 'undefined sublist))
    ((null sublist) ...)

in terms of stepping, would be better written as

(loop for previous = 'undefined then sublist
      for sublist on some-list

When iteration-driving clauses are joined with and, if the token following the and is not a keyword that introduces an iteration driving clause, it is assumed to be the same as the keyword that introduced the most recent clause; thus, the above example showing parallel stepping could have been written as

(loop for sublist on some-list
      and previous = 'undefined then sublist

The order of evaluation in iteration-driving clauses is as follows: those expressions that are only evaluated once are evaluated in order at the beginning of the form, during the variable-binding phase, while those expressions that are evaluated each time around the loop are evaluated in order in the body.

One common and simple iteration-driving clause is repeat:

repeat expression

Evaluates expression (during the variable binding phase), and causes the loop to iterate that many times. expression is expected to evaluate to an integer. If expression evaluates to a zero or negative result, the body code will not be executed.

All remaining iteration-driving clauses are subdispatches of the keyword for, which is synonomous with as. In all of them a variable of iteration is specified. Note that, in general, if an iteration-driving clause implicitly supplies an endtest, the value of this iteration variable is undefined as the loop is exited (i.e, when the epilogue code is run). This is discussed in more detail in section loop-iteration-framework-section.

Here are all of the varieties of for clauses. Optional parts are enclosed in curly brackets.

for var in expr1 {by expr2}

Iterates over each of the elements in the list expr1. If the by subclause is present, expr2 is evaluated once on entry to the loop to supply the function to be used to fetch successive sublists, instead of cdr.

for var on expr1 {by expr2}

Like the previous for format, except that var is set to successive sublists of the list instead of successive elements. Note that loop uses a null rather than an atom test to implement both this and the preceding clause.

for var = expr

On each iteration, expr is evaluated and var is set to the result.

for var = expr1 then expr2

var is bound to expr1 when the loop is entered, and set to expr2 (re-evaluated) at all but the first iteration. Since expr1 is evaluated during the binding phase, it cannot reference other iteration variables set before it; for that, use the following:

for var first expr1 then expr2

Sets var to expr1 on the first iteration, and to expr2 (re-evaluated) on each succeeding iteration. The evaluation of both expressions is performed inside of the loop binding environment, before the loop body. This allows the first value of var to come from the first value of some other iteration variable, allowing such constructs as

(loop for term in poly
      for ans first (car term) 
	      then (gcd ans (car term))
      finally (return ans))
for var from expr1 {to expr2} {by expr3}

This performs numeric iteration. var is initialized to expr1, and on each succeeding iteration is incremented by expr3 (default 1). If the to phrase is given, the iteration terminates when var becomes greater than expr2. Each of the expressions is evaluated only once, and the to and by phrases may be written in either order. Alternative keywords may be used in place of to; this choice controls the direction of stepping and the step at which the loop terminates. downto instead of to says that var is decremented by the step value, and the endtest is adjusted accordingly. If below is used instead of to, or above instead of downto, the iteration terminates before expr2 is reached, rather than after. Note that the to variant appropriate for the direction of stepping must be used for the endtest to be formed correctly; i.e the code will not work if expr3 is negative or zero. If no limit-specifying clause is given, then the direction of the stepping may be specified as decreasing by using downfrom instead of from. upfrom may also be used instead of from; it forces the stepping direction to be increasing.

for var being expr and its path ...
for var being {each|the} path ...

Provides a user-definable iteration facility. path names the manner in which the iteration is to be performed. The ellipsis indicates where various path dependent preposition/expression pairs may appear. See the section on Iteration Paths (iteration-path-page) for complete documentation.

19.2.2 Bindings

The with keyword may be used to establish initial bindings, that is, variables that are local to the loop but are only set once, rather than on each iteration. The with clause looks like:

with var1 {= expr1}
     {and var2 {= expr2}}...

If no expr is given, the variable is initialized to nil. with bindings linked by and are performed in parallel; those not linked are performed sequentially. That is,

(loop with a = (foo) and b = (bar) and c

binds the variables like

(let ((a (foo)) (b (bar)) c) ...)


(loop with a = (foo) with b = (bar a) with c ...)

binds the variables like

(let ((a (foo)))
  (let ((b (bar)))
    (let (c) ...)))

All expr’s in with clauses are evaluated in the order they are written, in lambda expressions surrounding the generated prog. The loop expression

(loop with a = xa and b = xb
      with c = xc
      for d = xd then (f d)
	and e = xe then (g e d)
      for p in xp
      with q = xq

produces the following binding contour, where t1 is a loop-generated temporary:

(let ((a xa) (b xb))
  (let ((c xc))
    (let ((d xd) (e xe))
      (let ((p nil) (t1 xp))
	(let ((q xq))

Because all expressions in with clauses are evaluated during the variable binding phase, they are best placed near the front of the loop form for stylistic reasons.

For binding more than one variable with no particular initialization, one may use the construct

with variable-list {and ...}

as in

with (i j k t1 t2) ...

These are cases of destructuring which loop handles specially; destructuring and data type keywords are discussed in section loop-destructuring-section.

19.2.3 Entrance and Exit

initially expression

Puts expression into the prologue of the iteration. It will be evaluated before any other initialization code except for initial bindings. For the sake of good style, the initially clause should therefore be placed after any with clauses but before the main body of the loop.

finally expression

Puts expression into the epilogue of the loop, which is evaluated when the iteration terminates (other than by an explicit return). For stylistic reasons, then, this clause should appear last in the loop body. Note that certain clauses may generate code which terminates the iteration without running the epilogue code; this behavior is noted with those clauses. Most notable of these are those described in the section aggregated-boolean-tests-section, Aggregated Boolean Tests. This clause may be used to cause the loop to return values in a non-standard way:

(loop for n in l
      sum n into the-sum
      count t into the-count
      finally (return (quotient the-sum the-count)))

19.2.4 Side Effects

do expression
doing expression

expression is evaluated each time through the loop, as shown in the print-elements-of-list example on print-elements-of-list-example.

19.2.5 Values

The following clauses accumulate a return value for the iteration in some manner. The general form is

type-of-collection expr {into var}

where type-of-collection is a loop keyword, and expr is the thing being accumulated somehow. If no into is specified, then the accumulation will be returned when the loop terminates. If there is an into, then when the epilogue of the loop is reached, var (a variable automatically bound locally in the loop) will have been set to the accumulated result and may be used by the epilogue code. In this way, a user may accumulate and somehow pass back multiple values from a single loop, or use them during the loop. It is safe to reference these variables during the loop, but they should not be modified until the epilogue code of the loop is reached. For example,

(loop for x in list
      collect (foo x) into foo-list
      collect (bar x) into bar-list
      collect (baz x) into baz-list
    finally (return (list foo-list bar-list baz-list)))

has the same effect as

(do ((#:g0001 list (cdr #:g0001))
     (x) (foo-list) (bar-list) (baz-list))
    ((null #:g0001)
     (list (nreverse foo-list)
	   (nreverse bar-list)
	   (nreverse baz-list)))
   (setq x (car #:g0001))
   (setq foo-list (cons (foo x) foo-list))
   (setq bar-list (cons (bar x) bar-list))
   (setq baz-list (cons (baz x) baz-list)))

except that loop arranges to form the lists in the correct order, obviating the nreverses at the end, and allowing the lists to be examined during the computation. (This is how the expression would print; this text would not read in properly because a new uninterned symbol would be created by each use of #:.)

collect expr {into var}
collecting ...

Causes the values of expr on each iteration to be collected into a list.

nconc expr {into var}
nconcing ...
append ...
appending ...

Like collect, but the results are nconc’ed or append’ed together as appropriate.

(loop for i from 1 to 3
      nconc (list i (* i i)))
  => (1 1 2 4 3 9)
count expr {into var}
counting ...

If expr evaluates non-nil, a counter is incremented.

sum expr {into var}
summing ...

Evaluates expr on each iteration and accumulates the sum of all the values.

maximize expr {into var}
minimize ...

Computes the maximum (or minimum) of expr over all iterations. Note that if the loop iterates zero times, or if conditionalization prevents the code of this clause from being executed, the result will be meaningless.

Not only may there be multiple accumulations in a loop, but a single accumulation may come from multiple places within the same loop form. Obviously, the types of the collection must be compatible. collect, nconc, and append may all be mixed, as may sum and count, and maximize and minimize. For example,

(loop for x in '(a b c) for y in '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
      collect x
      append y)
  => (a 1 2 b 3 4 c 5 6)

The following computes the average of the entries in the list list-of-frobs:

(loop for x in list-of-frobs
      count t into count-var
      sum x into sum-var
    finally (return (cli:// sum-var count-var)))

19.2.6 Endtests

The following clauses may be used to provide additional control over when the iteration gets terminated, possibly causing exit code (due to finally) to be performed and possibly returning a value (e.g, from collect).

while expr

If expr evaluates to nil, the loop is exited, performing exit code (if any) and returning any accumulated value. The test is placed in the body of the loop where it is written. It may appear between sequential for clauses.

until expr

Identical to while (not expr).

This may be needed, for example, to step through a strange data structure, as in

(loop until (top-of-concept-tree? concept)
      for concept = expr then (superior-concept concept)

Note that the placement of the until clause before the for clause is valid in this case because of the definition of this particular variant of for, which binds concept to its first value rather than setting it from inside the loop.

The following may also be of use in terminating the iteration:

Macro: loop-finish

(loop-finish) causes the iteration to terminate “normally”, like implicit termination by an iteration-driving clause, or by the use of while or until–the epilogue code (if any) will be run, and any implicitly collected result will be returned as the value of the loop. For example,

(loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
      collect x
      do (cond ((= x 4) (loop-finish))))
 => (1 2 3 4)

This particular example would be better written as until (= x 4) in place of the do clause.

19.2.7 Aggregated Boolean Tests

All of these clauses perform some test and may immediately terminate the iteration depending on the result of that test.

always expr

Causes the loop to return t if expr always evaluates non-null. If expr evaluates to nil the loop immediately returns nil, without running the epilogue code (if any, as specified with the finally clause); otherwise, t will be returned when the loop finishes, after the epilogue code has been run.

never expr

Causes the loop to return t if expr never evaluates non-null. This is equivalent to always (not expr).

thereis expr

If expr evaluates non-nil, then the iteration is terminated, and that value is returned without running the epilogue code.

19.2.8 Conditionalization

These clauses may be used to “conditionalize” the following clause. They may precede any of the side-effecting or value-producing clauses, such as do, collect, always, or return.

when expr
if expr

If expr evaluates to nil, the following clause will be skipped, otherwise not.

unless expr

This is equivalent to when (not expr)).

Multiple conditionalization clauses may appear in sequence. If one test fails, then any following tests in the immediate sequence, as well as the clause being conditionalized, are skipped.

Multiple clauses may be conditionalized under the same test by joining them with and, as in

(loop for i from a to b
      when (zerop (remainder i 3))
        collect i and do (print i))

which returns a list of all multiples of 3 from a to b (inclusive) and prints them as they are being collected.

If-then-else conditionals may be written using the else keyword, as in

(loop for i from a to b
      when (oddp i)
        collect i into odd-numbers
      else collect i into even-numbers)

Multiple clauses may appear in an else-phrase, using and to join them in the same way as above.

Conditionals may be nested. For example,

(loop for i from a to b
      when (zerop (remainder i 3))
	do (print i)
	and when (zerop (remainder i 2))
	      collect i)

returns a list of all multiples of 6 from a to b, and prints all multiples of 3 from a to b.

When else is used with nested conditionals, the “dangling else” ambiguity is resolved by matching the else with the innermost when not already matched with an else. Here is a complicated example.

(loop for x in l
      when (atom x)
	when (memq x *distinguished-symbols*)
	  do (process1 x)
	else do (process2 x)
      else when (memq (car x) *special-prefixes*)
	     collect (process3 (car x) (cdr x))
	     and do (memoize x)
           else do (process4 x))

Useful with the conditionalization clauses is the return clause, which causes an explicit return of its argument as the value of the iteration, bypassing any epilogue code. That is,

when expr1 return expr2

is equivalent to

when expr1 do (return expr2)

Conditionalization of one of the “aggregated boolean value” clauses simply causes the test that would cause the iteration to terminate early not to be performed unless the condition succeeds. For example,

(loop for x in l
      when (significant-p x)
	do (print x) (princ "is significant.")
	and thereis (extra-special-significant-p x))

does not make the extra-special-significant-p check unless the significant-p check succeeds.

The format of a conditionalized clause is typically something like

when expr1 keyword expr2

If expr2 is the keyword it, then a variable is generated to hold the value of expr1, and that variable gets substituted for expr2. Thus, the composition

when expr return it

is equivalent to the clause

thereis expr

and one may collect all non-null values in an iteration by saying

when expression collect it

If multiple clauses are joined with and, the it keyword may only be used in the first. If multiple whens, unlesses, and/or ifs occur in sequence, the value substituted for it will be that of the last test performed. The it keyword is not recognized in an else-phrase.

19.2.9 Miscellaneous Other Clauses

named name

Defines a block named name around the code for the loop, so that one may use return-from to return explicitly out of this particular loop. This is obsolete now that block exists; it is cleaner to write (block name ...) around the loop.

Note that every loop generates a block named nil, so the function return can always be used to exit the innermost loop (assuming no other construct generating a block nil intervenes).

return expression

Immediately returns the value of expression as the value of the loop, without running the epilogue code. This is most useful with some sort of conditionalization, as discussed in the previous section. Unlike most of the other clauses, return is not considered to “generate body code”, so it is allowed to occur between iteration clauses, as in

(loop for entry in list
      when (not (numberp entry))
	return (ferror ...)
      as frob = (times entry 2)

Although ferror is called only for effect, return is used so that it can be called from that point in the loop.

If one instead desires the loop to have some return value when it finishes normally, one may place a call to the return function in the epilogue (with the finally clause, loop-finally-clause).

19.3 Loop Synonyms

Macro: define-loop-macro keyword

May be used to make keyword, a loop keyword (such as for), into a Lisp macro that may introduce a loop form. For example, after evaluating

(define-loop-macro for),

one may now write an iteration as

(for i from 1 below n do ...)

This facility exists primarily for diehard users of a predecessor of loop. Its unconstrained use is not recommended, as it tends to decrease the transportability of the code and needlessly uses up a function name.

19.4 Destructuring

Destructuring provides one with the ability to “simultaneously” assign or bind multiple variables to components of some data structure. Typically this is used with list structure. For example,

(loop with (foo . bar) = '(a b c) ...)

has the effect of binding foo to a and bar to (b c). loop’s destructuring support is intended to parallel and perhaps augment that provided by the host Lisp implementation, with a goal of minimally providing destructuring over list structure patterns. Thus, in Lisp implementations with no system destructuring support at all, one may still use list-structure patterns as loop iteration variables and in with bindings. One may specify the data types of the components of a pattern by using a corresponding pattern of the data type keywords in place of a single data type keyword. This syntax remains unambiguous because wherever a data type keyword is possible, a loop keyword is the only other possibility. Thus, if one wants to do

(loop for x in l
      as i = (car x)
      and j = (cadr x)
      and k = (cddr x)

and no reference to x is needed, one may instead write

(loop for (i j . k) in l ...)

To allow some abbreviation of the data type pattern, an atomic component of the data type pattern is considered to state that all components of the corresponding part of the variable pattern are of that type. That is, the previous form could be written as

(loop for (i j . k) in l ...)
(defun map-over-properties (fn symbol)
   (loop for (propname propval) on (plist symbol) by 'cddr
	 do (funcall fn symbol propname propval)))

maps fn over the properties on symbol, giving it arguments of the symbol, the property name, and the value of that property.

19.5 The Iteration Framework

This section describes the way loop constructs iterations. It is necessary if you will be writing your own iteration paths, and may be useful in clarifying what loop does with its input. loop considers the act of stepping to have four possible parts. Each iteration-driving clause has some or all of these four parts, which are executed in this order:


This is an endtest which determines if it is safe to step to the next value of the iteration variable.


Variables that get stepped. This is internally manipulated as a list of the form (var1 val1 var2 val2 ..); all of those variables are stepped in parallel, meaning that all of the vals are evaluated before any of the vars are set.


Sometimes you can’t see if you are done until you step to the next value; that is, the endtest is a function of the stepped-to value.


Other things that need to be stepped. This is typically used for internal variables that are more conveniently stepped here, or to set up iteration variables that are functions of some internal variable(s) actually driving the iteration. This is a list like steps, but the variables in it do not get stepped in parallel.

The above alone is actually insufficient in just about all the iteration-driving clauses that loop handles. What is missing is that in most cases the stepping and testing for the first time through the loop is different from that of all other times. So, what loop deals with is two four-tuples as above; one for the first iteration, and one for the rest. The first may be thought of as describing code that immediately precedes the loop in the prog, and the second following the body code–in fact, loop does just this, but severely perturbs it in order to reduce code duplication. Two lists of forms are constructed in parallel: one is the first-iteration endtests and steps, the other the remaining-iterations endtests and steps. These lists have dummy entries in them so that identical expressions will appear in the same position in both. When loop is done parsing all of the clauses, these lists get merged back together such that corresponding identical expressions in both lists are not duplicated unless they are “simple” and it is worth doing. Thus, one may get some duplicated code if one has multiple iterations. Alternatively, loop may decide to use and test a flag variable that indicates whether one iteration has been performed. In general, sequential iterations have less overhead than parallel iterations, both from the inherent overhead of stepping multiple variables in parallel, and from the standpoint of potential code duplication. One other point that must be noted about parallel stepping is that although the user iteration variables are guaranteed to be stepped in parallel, the placement of the endtest for any particular iteration may be either before or after the stepping. A notable case of this is

(loop for i from 1 to 3 and dummy = (print 'foo)
      collect i)
  => (1 2 3)

but prints foo four times. Certain other constructs, such as for var on, may or may not do this depending on the particular construction. This problem also means that it may not be safe to examine an iteration variable in the epilogue of the loop form. As a general rule, if an iteration-driving clause implicitly supplies an endtest, then one cannot know the state of the iteration variable when the loop terminates. Although one can guess on the basis of whether the iteration variable itself holds the data upon which the endtest is based, that guess may be wrong. Thus,

(loop for subl on expr
      finally (f subl))

is incorrect, but

(loop as frob = expr while (g frob)
      finally (f frob))

is safe because the endtest is explicitly dissociated from the stepping.

19.6 Iteration Paths

Iteration paths provide a mechanism for user extension of iteration-driving clauses. The interface is constrained so that the definition of a path need not depend on much of the internals of loop. The typical form of an iteration path is

for var being {each|the} path {preposition1 expr1}...

path is an atomic symbol which is defined as a loop path function. Any number of preposition/expression pairs may be present; the prepositions allowable for any particular path are defined by that path. For example,

(loop for x being the array-elements of my-array from 1 to 10

To enhance readability, paths are usually defined in both the singular and plural forms; this particular example could have been written as

(loop for x being each array-element of my-array from 1 to 10

Another format, which is not so generally applicable, is

for var being expr0 and its path {preposition1 expr1}...

In this format, var takes on the value of expr0 the first time through the loop. Support for this format is usually limited to paths for which the next value is obtained by operating on the previous value. Thus, we can hypothesize the cdrs path, such that

(loop for x being the cdrs of '(a b c . d) collect x)
 => ((b c . d) (c . d) d)


(loop for x being '(a b c . d) and its cdrs collect x)
 => ((a b c . d) (b c . d) (c . d) d)

To satisfy the anthropomorphic among you, his, her, or their may be substituted for the its keyword, as may each. Egocentricity is not condoned. Some example uses of iteration paths are shown in section predefined-paths-section.

Very often, iteration paths step internal variables which the user does not specify, such as an index into some data-structure. Although in most cases the user does not wish to be concerned with such low-level matters, it is occasionally useful to have a handle on such things. loop provides an additional syntax with which one may provide a variable name to be used as an “internal” variable by an iteration path, with the using “prepositional phrase”. The using phrase is placed with the other phrases associated with the path, and contains any number of keyword/variable-name pairs:

(loop for x being the array-elements of a using (index i)

which says that the variable i should be used to hold the index of the array being stepped through. The particular keywords which may be used are defined by the iteration path; the index keyword is recognized by all loop sequence paths (section loop-sequence-section). Note that any individual using phrase applies to only one path; it is parsed along with the “prepositional phrases”. It is an error if the path does not call for a variable using that keyword.

By special dispensation, if a path is not recognized, then the default-loop-path path will be invoked upon a syntactic transformation of the original input. Essentially, the loop fragment

for var being frob

is taken as if it were

for var being default-loop-path in frob


for var being expr and its frob ...

is taken as if it were

for var being expr and its default-loop-path in frob

Thus, this “undefined path hook” only works if the default-loop-path path is defined. Obviously, the use of this “hook” is competitive, since only one such hook may be in use, and the potential for syntactic ambiguity exists if frob is the name of a defined iteration path. This feature is not for casual use; it is intended for use by large systems that wish to use a special syntax for some feature they provide.

19.6.1 Pre-Defined Paths

loop comes with two pre-defined iteration path functions; one implements a mapatoms-like iteration path facility and the other is used for defining iteration paths for stepping through sequences. The Interned-Symbols Path

The interned-symbols iteration path is like a mapatoms for loop.

(loop for sym being interned-symbols ...)

iterates over all of the symbols in the current package and its superiors. This is the same set of symbols over which mapatoms iterates, although not necessarily in the same order. The particular package to look in may be specified as in

(loop for sym being the interned-symbols in package ...)

which is like giving a second argument to mapatoms.

You can restrict the iteration to the symbols directly present in the specified package, excluding inherited symbols, using the local-interned-symbols path:

(loop for sym being the local-interned-symbols  {in package}


(defun my-apropos (sub-string &optional (pkg package))
    (loop for x being the interned-symbols in pkg
	  when (string-search sub-string x)
	    when (or (boundp x) (fboundp x) (plist x))
	      do (print-interesting-info x)))

In the Zetalisp and NIL implementations of loop, a package specified with the in preposition may be anything acceptable to the pkg-find-package function. The code generated by this path will contain calls to internal loop functions, with the effect that it will be transparent to changes to the implementation of packages. In the Maclisp implementation, the obarray must be an array pointer, not a symbol with an array property. The Hash-Elements Path

The hash-elements path provides an effect like that of the function maphash. It can find all the occupied entries in a hash table.

(loop for value being the hash-elements of hash-table ...)

iterates over all the occupied entries in hash-table. Each time, value is the value stored in the entry. To examine the keys of the entries as well, write

(loop for value being the hash-elements of hash-table
      with-key keysym ...)

and then keysym’s value each will be the hash key that corresponds to value. Sequence Iteration

One very common form of iteration is done over the elements of some object that is accessible by means of an integer index. loop defines an iteration path function for doing this in a general way and provides a simple interface to allow users to define iteration paths for various kinds of “indexable” data.

Macro: define-loop-sequence-path path-name-or-names fetch-fun size-fun &optional sequence-type default-var-type

path-name-or-names is either an atomic path name or list of path names. fetch-fun is a function of two arguments, the sequence and the index of the item to be fetched. (Indexing is assumed to be zero-origined.) size-fun is a function of one argument, the sequence; it should return the number of elements in the sequence. sequence-type is the name of the data-type of the sequence, and default-var-type the name of the data-type of the elements of the sequence. These are applicable to use of loop in other Lisp systems; on the Lisp Machine they might as well be omitted.

The Zetalisp implementation of loop utilizes the Zetalisp array manipulation primitives to define both array-element and array-elements as iteration paths: (define-loop-sequence-path (array-element array-elements) aref array-active-length) Then, the loop clause

for var being the array-elements of array

will step var over the elements of array, starting from element 0. The sequence path function also accepts in as a synonym for of. The range and stepping of the iteration may be specified with the use of all of the same keywords which are accepted by the loop arithmetic stepper (for var from ...); they are by, to, downto, from, downfrom, below, and above, and are interpreted in the same manner. Thus,

(loop for var being the array-elements of array
	  from 1 by 2

steps var over all of the odd elements of array, and

(loop for var being the array-elements of array
	  downto 0

steps in reverse order.

(define-loop-sequence-path (vector-elements vector-element)
    vref vector-length notype notype)

is how the vector-elements iteration path can be defined in NIL (which it is). One can then do such things as

(defun cons-a-lot (item &restv other-items)
    (and other-items
	 (loop for x being the vector-elements of other-items
	       collect (cons item x))))

All such sequence iteration paths allow one to specify the variable to be used as the index variable, by use of the index keyword with the using prepositional phrase, as described (with an example) on loop-using-crock.

19.6.2 Defining Paths

This section and the next may not be of interest to those not interested in defining their own iteration paths. In addition to the code which defines the iteration (section loop-iteration-framework-section), a loop iteration clause (e.g a for or as clause) produces variables to be bound and pre-iteration (prologue) code. This breakdown allows a user-interface to loop which does not have to depend on or know about the internals of loop. To complete this separation, the iteration path mechanism parses the clause before giving it to the user function that will return those items. A function to generate code for a path may be declared to loop with the define-loop-path function:

Macro: define-loop-path pathname-or-names path-function list-of-allowable-prepositions &rest data

This defines path-function to be the handler for the path(s) path-or-names, which may be either a symbol or a list of symbols. Such a handler should follow the conventions described below. The datum-i are optional; they are passed in to path-function as a list.

The handler will be called with the following arguments:


The name of the path that caused the path function to be invoked.


The “iteration variable”.


The data type supplied with the iteration variable, or nil if none was supplied. This is a facility of the loop intended for other Lisp systems in which declaring the type of a variable produces more efficient code. It is not documented in this manual since it is never useful on the Lisp Machine.


This is a list with entries of the form (preposition expression), in the order in which they were collected. This may also include some supplied implicitly (e.g an of phrase when the iteration is inclusive, and an in phrase for the default-loop-path path); the ordering will show the order of evaluation that should be followed for the expressions.


This is t if variable should have the starting point of the path as its value on the first iteration (by virtue of being specified with syntax like for var being expr and its path), nil otherwise. When t, expr will appear in prepositional-phrases with the of preposition; for example, for x being foo and its cdrs gets prepositional-phrases of ((of foo)).


This is the list of allowable prepositions declared for the path that caused the path function to be invoked. It and data (immediately below) may be used by the path function such that a single function may handle similar paths.


This is the list of “data” declared for the path that caused the path function to be invoked. It may, for instance, contain a canonicalized path, or a set of functions or flags to aid the path function in determining what to do. In this way, the same path function may be able to handle different paths.

The handler should return a list of either six or ten elements:


This is a list of variables that need to be bound. The entries in it may be of the form variable or (variable expression). Note that it is the responsibility of the handler to make sure the iteration variable gets bound. All of these variables will be bound in parallel; if initialization of one depends on others, it should be done with a setq in the prologue-forms. Returning only the variable without any initialization expression is not allowed if the variable is a destructuring pattern.


This is a list of forms that should be included in the loop prologue.

the four items of the iteration specification

These are the four items described in section loop-iteration-framework-section, loop-iteration-framework-page: pre-step-endtest, steps, post-step-endtest, and pseudo-steps.

another four items of iteration specification

If these four items are given, they apply to the first iteration, and the previous four apply to all succeeding iterations; otherwise, the previous four apply to all iterations.

Here are the routines that are used by loop to compare keywords for equality. In all cases, a token may be any Lisp object, but a keyword is expected to be an atomic symbol. In certain implementations these functions may be implemented as macros.

Function: si:loop-tequal token keyword

This is the loop token comparison function. token is any Lisp object; keyword is the keyword it is to be compared against. It returns t if they represent the same token, comparing in a manner appropriate for the implementation.

Function: si:loop-tmember token keyword-list

The member variant of si:loop-tequal.

Function: si:loop-tassoc token keyword-alist

The assoc variant of si:loop-tequal.

If an iteration path function desires to make an internal variable accessible to the user, it should call the following function instead of gensym:

Function: si:loop-named-variable keyword

This should only be called from within an iteration path function. If keyword has been specified in a using phrase for this path, the corresponding variable is returned; otherwise, gensym is called and that new symbol returned. Within a given path function, this routine should only be called once for any given keyword.

If the user specifies a using preposition containing any keywords for which the path function does not call si:loop-named-variable, loop will inform the user of his error. Path Definition Example

Here is an example function that defines the string-characters iteration path. This path steps a variable through all of the characters of a string. It accepts the format

(loop for var being the string-characters of str ...)

The function is defined to handle the path by

(define-loop-path string-characters string-chars-path (of))
Here is the function:
(defun string-chars-path (path-name variable data-type
			  prep-phrases inclusive?
			  allowed-prepositions data
			  &aux (bindings nil)
			       (prologue nil)
			       (string-var (gensym))
			       (index-var (gensym))
			       (size-var (gensym)))
   allowed-prepositions data ; unused variables
   ; To iterate over the characters of a string, we need
   ; to save the string, save the size of the string,
   ; step an index variable through that range, setting
   ; the user’s variable to the character at that index.
   ; We support exactly one “preposition”, which is required,
   ; so this check suffices:
   (cond ((null prep-phrases)
	  (ferror nil "OF missing in ~S iteration path of ~S"
		  path-name variable)))
   ; We do not support “inclusive” iteration:
   (cond ((not (null inclusive?))
	  (ferror nil
	    "Inclusive stepping not supported in ~S path ~
	     of ~S (prep phrases = ~:S)"
	    path-name variable prep-phrases)))
   ; Set up the bindings
   (setq bindings (list (list variable nil)
			(list string-var (cadar prep-phrases))
			(list index-var 0)
			(list size-var 0)))
   ; Now set the size variable
   (setq prologue (list `(setq ,size-var (string-length
   ; and return the appropriate stuff, explained below.
   (list bindings prologue
	 `(= ,index-var ,size-var)
	 nil nil
	 (list variable `(aref ,string-var ,index-var)
	       index-var `(1+ ,index-var))))

The first element of the returned list is the bindings. The second is a list of forms to be placed in the prologue. The remaining elements specify how the iteration is to be performed. This example is a particularly simple case, for two reasons: the actual “variable of iteration”, index-var, is purely internal (being gensymmed), and the stepping of it (1+) is such that it may be performed safely without an endtest. Thus index-var may be stepped immediately after the setting of the user’s variable, causing the iteration specification for the first iteration to be identical to the iteration specification for all remaining iterations. This is advantageous from the standpoint of the optimizations loop is able to perform, although it is frequently not possible due to the semantics of the iteration (e.g, for var first expr1 then expr2) or to subtleties of the stepping. It is safe for this path to step the user’s variable in the pseudo-steps (the fourth item of an iteration specification) rather than the “real” steps (the second), because the step value can have no dependencies on any other (user) iteration variables. Using the pseudo-steps generally results in some efficiency gains. If one desired the index variable in the above definition to be user-accessible through the using phrase feature with the index keyword, the function would need to be changed in two ways. First, index-var should be bound to (si:loop-named-variable 'index) instead of (gensym). Secondly, the efficiency hack of stepping the index variable ahead of the iteration variable must not be done. This is effected by changing the last form to be

(list bindings prologue
      (list index-var `(1+ ,index-var))
      `(= ,index-var ,size-var)
      (list variable `(aref ,string-var ,index-var))
      `(= ,index-var ,size-var)
      (list variable `(aref ,string-var ,index-var)))

Note that although the second `(= ,index-var ,size-var) could have been placed earlier (where the second nil is), it is best for it to match up with the equivalent test in the first iteration specification grouping.

20 Defstruct

defstruct provides a facility in Lisp for creating and using aggregate datatypes with named elements. These are like structures in PL/I, or records in Pascal. In the last two chapters we saw how to use macros to extend the control structures of Lisp; here we see how they can be used to extend Lisp’s data structures as well.

20.1 Introduction to Structure Macros

To explain the basic idea, assume you were writing a Lisp program that dealt with space ships. In your program, you want to represent a space ship by a Lisp object of some kind. The interesting things about a space ship, as far as your program is concerned, are its position (x and y), velocity (x and y), and mass. How do you represent a space ship?

Well, the representation could be a list of the x-position, y position, and so on. Equally well it could be an array of five elements, the zeroth being the x position, the first being the y position, and so on. The problem with both of these representations is that the “elements” (such as x position) occupy places in the object which are quite arbitrary, and hard to remember (Hmm, was the mass the third or the fourth element of the array?). This would make programs harder to write and read. It would not be obvious when reading a program that an expression such as (cadddr ship1) or (aref ship2 3) means “the y component of the ship’s velocity”, and it would be very easy to write caddr in place of cadddr.

What we would like to see are names, easy to remember and to understand. If the symbol foo were bound to a representation of a space ship, then

(ship-x-position foo)

could return its x position, and

(ship-y-position foo)

its y position, and so forth. The defstruct facility does just this.

defstruct itself is a macro which defines a structure. For the space ship example above, we might define the structure by saying:

(defstruct (ship)
  "Represents a space ship."

This says that every ship is an object with five named components. (This is a very simple case of defstruct; we will see the general form later.) The evaluation of this form does several things. First, it defines ship-x-position to be a function which, given a ship, returns the x component of its position. This is called an accessor function, because it accesses a component of a structure. defstruct defines the other four accessor functions analogously.

defstruct also defines make-ship to be a macro or function (you can specify which one) that can create a ship object. So (setq s (make-ship)) makes a new ship, and sets s to it. This is called the constructor, because it constructs a new structure.

We also want to be able to change the contents of a structure. To do this, we use the setf macro (see setf-fun), as follows (for example):

(setf (ship-x-position s) 100)

Here s is bound to a ship, and after the evaluation of the setf form, the ship-x-position of that ship is 100. Another way to change the contents of a structure is to use the alterant macro, which is described later, in using-defstruct-alterant.

How does all this map into the familiar primitives of Lisp? In this simple example, we left the choice of implementation technique up to defstruct; by default, it chooses to represent a ship as an array. The array has five elements, which are the five components of the ship. The accessor functions are defined thus:

(defun ship-x-position (ship)
  (aref ship 0))

The constructor form (make-ship) performs (make-array 5), which makes an array of the appropriate size to be a ship. Note that a program which uses ships need not contain any explicit knowledge that ships are represented as five-element arrays; this is kept hidden by defstruct.

The accessor functions are not actually ordinary functions; instead they are substs (see subst). This difference has two implications: it allows setf to understand the accessor functions, and it allows the compiler to substitute the body of an accessor function directly into any function that uses it, making compiled programs that use defstruct exactly equal in efficiency to programs that “do it by hand”. Thus writing (ship-mass s) is exactly equivalent to writing (aref s 4), and writing (setf (ship-mass s) m) is exactly equivalent to writing (setf (aref s 4) m), when the program is compiled. It is also possible to tell defstruct to implement the accessor functions as macros; this is not normally done in Zetalisp, however.

We can now use the describe-defstruct function to look at the ship object, and see what its contents are:

(describe-defstruct x 'ship) =>

#<art-q-5 17073131> is a ship
   ship-x-position:              100
   ship-y-position:              nil
   ship-x-velocity:              nil
   ship-y-velocity:              nil
   ship-mass:                    nil
#<art-q-5 17073131>

(The describe-defstruct function is explained more fully on describe-defstruct-fun.)

By itself, this simple example provides a powerful structure definition tool. But, in fact, defstruct has many other features. First of all, we might want to specify what kind of Lisp object to use for the “implementation” of the structure. The example above implemented a ship as an array, but defstruct can also implement structures as array-leaders, lists, and other things. (For array-leaders, the accessor functions call array-leader, for lists, nth, and so on.)

Most structures are implemented as arrays. Lists take slightly less storage, but elements near the end of a long list are slower to access. Array leaders allow you to have a homogeneous aggregate (the array) and a heterogeneous aggregate with named elements (the leader) tied together into one object. Packages are this sort of an object, and so are the strings which Zmacs uses for storing lines of text.

The constructor function or macro allows you to specify values for slots in the new structure. defstruct allows you to specify default initial values for slots; whenever a structure is constructed and no value is specified for a slot, the slot’s default initial value is stored in it.

The defstruct in Zetalisp also works in various dialects of Maclisp, and so it has some features that are not useful in Zetalisp. When possible, the Maclisp-specific features attempt to do something reasonable or harmless in Zetalisp, to make it easier to write code that will run equally well in Zetalisp and Maclisp. (Note that this defstruct is not necessarily the one installed in Maclisp!)

Note that there is another version of defstruct used in Common Lisp programs, which is slightly incompatible. See cli-defstruct.

20.2 How to Use Defstruct

Macro: defstruct

A call to defstruct looks like:

(defstruct (name options...)

name must be a symbol; it is the name of the structure. It is given a si:defstruct-description property that describes the attributes and elements of the structure; this is intended to be used by programs that examine Lisp programs and that want to display the contents of structures in a helpful way. name is used for other things, described below.

Each option may be either a symbol, which should be one of the recognized option names listed in the next section, or a list, whose car should be one of the option names and the rest of which should be arguments to the option. Some options have arguments that default; others require that arguments be given explicitly.

doc-string is a string which is recorded as the documentation of name as a structure. It can be accessed via (documentation 'name 'structure). It is not required.

Each slot-description may be in any of three forms:

(1)	slot-name
(2)	(slot-name [default-init slot-options...])
(3)	((slot-name-1 byte-spec-1 [default-init-1 slot-options...])
	 (slot-name-2 byte-spec-2 [default-init-2 slot-options...])

Each slot-description allocates one element of the physical structure, even though in form (3) several slots are defined.

Each slot-name must always be a symbol; an accessor function is defined for each slot.

In form (1), slot-name simply defines a slot with the given name. An accessor function is defined with the name slot-name (but see the :conc-name option, defstruct-conc-name-option). Form (2) is similar, but allows a default initialization for the slot. Initialization is explained further on defstruct-initialization. Form (3) lets you pack several slots into a single element of the physical underlying structure, using the byte field feature of defstruct, which is explained on defstruct-byte-field.

Forms (2) and (3) allow slot-options which are alternating keywords and values (unevaluated). These slot option keywords are defined:

:read-only flag

If flag is non-nil, this specifies that this slot should not be changed in an existing structure. setf will not be allowed on the slot’s accessor.

:type type-spec

Declares that the contents of this slot must be of type type-spec. The Lisp machine compiler does not use this information, but sometimes it enables defstruct to deduce that it can pack the structure into less space by using a specialized array type.

:documentation documentation-string

Makes documentation-string the documentation for the slot’s accessor function. It also goes in the si:defstruct-slot-description-documentation for this slot in the defstruct-description structure.

Here is an eggsample of using slot options:

(defstruct (eggsample :named :conc-name) 
  (yolk 'a
   :documentation "First thing you need in an eggsample.") 
  (grade 3) 
  (albumen nil :read-only t)) 

(documentation 'eggsample-yolk 'function)
=> "First thing you need in an eggsample." 

(setf (eggsample-albumen (make-eggsample)) 'eggsistential)
While in the function ...

Because evaluation of a defstruct form causes many functions and macros to be defined, you must take care not to define the same name with two different defstruct forms. A name can only have one function definition at a time; if it is redefined, the latest definition is the one that takes effect, and the earlier definition is clobbered. (This is no different from the requirement that each defun which is intended to define a distinct function must have a distinct name.)

To systematize this necessary carefulness, as well as for clarity in the code, it is conventional to prefix the names of all of the accessor functions with some text unique to the structure. In the example above, all the names started with ship-. The :conc-name option can be used to provide such prefixes automatically (see defstruct-conc-name-option). Similarly, the conventional name for the constructor in the example above was make-ship, and the conventional name for the alterant macro (see using-defstruct-alterant) was alter-ship.

The describe-defstruct function lets you examine an instance of a structure.

Function: describe-defstruct instance &optional name

describe-defstruct takes an instance of a structure, and prints out a description of the instance, including the contents of each of its slots. name should be the name of the structure; you must provide the name of the structure so that describe-defstruct can know what structure instance is an instance of, and therefore figure out what the names of the slots of instance are.

If instance is a named structure, you don’t have to provide name, since it is just the named structure symbol of instance. Normally the describe function (see describe-fun) calls describe-defstruct if it is asked to describe a named structure; however some named structures have their own idea of how to describe themselves. See named-structure for more information about named structures.

20.3 Options to Defstruct

This section explains each of the options that can be given to defstruct. Here is an example that shows the typical syntax of a call to defstruct that gives several options.

(defstruct (foo (:type (:array (mod 256)))
		(:make-array (:leader-length 3))
		(:size-macro foo))
  a b)

The :type option specifies what kind of Lisp object to use to implement the structure. It must be given one argument, which must be one of the symbols enumerated below, or a user-defined type. If the option itself is not provided, the type defaults to :array in traditional programs, or :vector in Common Lisp programs. You can define your own types; this is explained in defining-your-own-defstruct-types.


Uses a list.


Like :list, but the first element of the list holds the symbol that is the name of the structure and so is not used as a component.


These are all synonymous. They use an array, storing components in the body of the array.


Like :array, but makes the array a named structure (see named-structure) using the name of the structure as the named structure symbol. Element 0 of the array holds the named structure symbol and so is not used to hold a component of the structure.


These two synonyms are like :named-array but the array always has a leader and the named structure symbol is stored there. As a result, it is possible to use the :subtype option to specify a restricted array type, such as art-8b.


This is what you get in Common Lisp if you say (:type :vector) and :named.


Use an array, storing components in the leader of the array. (See the :make-array option, described below.)


Like :array-leader, but makes the array a named structure (see named-structure) using the name of the structure as the named structure symbol. Element 1 of the leader holds the named structure symbol and so is not used to hold a component of the structure.


Like :array, but the type of the array is art-32b.


Like :array, but the type of the array is art-float.


Like :fixnum-array or :flonum-array but also a named structure, with a leader to hold the named structure symbol.


The structure is implemented out of a binary tree of conses, with the leaves serving as the slots.


This unusual type implements the structure as a single fixnum. The structure may only have one slot. This is only useful with the byte field feature (see defstruct-byte-field); it lets you store a bunch of small numbers within fields of a fixnum, giving the fields names.


This is described in grouped-array.

The argument of :type may also have the form (type subtype). This is equivalent to specifying type for the :type option and subtype for the :subtype option. For example, (:type (:array (mod 16.))) specifies an array of four-bit bytes.


For structures which are arrays, :subtype permits the array type to be specified. It requires an argument, which must be either an array type name such as art-4b or a type specifier restricting the elements of the array. In other words, it should be a suitable value for either the type or the element-type argument to make-array.

If no :subtype option is specified but a :type slot option is given for every slot, defstruct may deduce a subtype automatically to make the structure more compact.

See type-specifiers for more information on type specifiers.


Specifies how to make a constructor for the structure. In the simplest use, there is one argument, which specifies the name to give to the standard keyword-argument constructor. If the argument is not provided or if the option itself is not provided, the name of the constructor is made by concatenating the string "make-" to the name of the structure. If the argument is provided and is nil, no constructor is defined. More complicated usage is explained in using-defstruct-constructor.


Takes one argument, which specifies the name of the alterant macro. If the argument is not provided, the name of the alterant is made by concatenating the string "alter-" to the name of the structure. If the argument is provided and is nil, no alterant is defined. Use of the alterant macro is explained in using-defstruct-alterant.

In Common Lisp programs, the default for :alterant is nil; no alterant is defined. In traditional programs, the default is alter-name.

:predicate defstruct

Causes defstruct to generate a predicate to recognize instances of the structure. Naturally it only works for “named” types. The argument to the :predicate option is the name of the predicate. If the option is present without an argument, then the name is formed by concatenating ‘-p’ to the end of the name symbol of the structure. If the option is not present, then no predicate is generated. Example:

(defstruct (foo :named :predicate)

defines a single argument function, foo-p, that is true only of instances of this structure.

The defaulting of the :predicate option is different (and complicated) in Common Lisp programs. See cli-defstruct.

:copier defstruct

Causes defstruct to generate a single argument function that can copy instances of this structure. Its argument is the name of the copying function. If the option is present without an argument, then the name is formed by concatenating ‘copy-’ with the name of the structure. Example:

(defstruct (foo (:type :list) :copier)

Generates a function approximately like:

(defun copy-foo (x)
  (list (car x) (cadr x)))

Normally, the accessors defined by defstruct expect to be given exactly one argument. However, if the :default-pointer argument is used, the argument to each accessor is optional. If the accessor is used with no argument, it evaluates the default-pointer form to find a structure and accesses the appropriate component of that structure. Here is an example:

(defstruct (room 
	     (:default-pointer *default-room*))

(room-name x) ==> (aref x 0)
(room-name)   ==> (aref *default-room* 0)

If the argument to the :default-pointer argument is not given, it defaults to the name of the structure.


It is conventional to begin the names of all the accessor functions of a structure with a specific prefix, usually the name of the structure followed by a hyphen. The :conc-name option allows you to specify this prefix and have it concatenated onto the front of all the slot names to make the names of the accessor functions. The argument should be a string to be used as the prefix, or a symbol whose pname is to be used. If :conc-name is specified without an argument, the prefix is the name of the structure followed by a hyphen. If the argument is nil or "", the names of the accessors are the same as the slot names, and it is up to you to name the slots according to some suitable convention.

In Common Lisp programs, the default for :conc-name, when this option is not specified, is the structure name followed by a hyphen. For traditional programs, the default is nil.

The keywords recognized by the constructor and alterant are the slot names, not the accessor names, transfered into the keyword package. It is important to keep this in mind when using :conc-name, since it causes the slot and accessor names to be different. Here is an example:

(defstruct (door :conc-name)

(setq d (make-door :knob-color 'red :width 5.0))

(door-knob-color d) ==> red

Builds a new structure definition as an extension of an old structure definition. Suppose you have a structure called person that looks like this:

(defstruct (person :named :conc-name)

Now suppose you want to make a new structure to represent an astronaut. Since astronauts are people too, you would like them to also have the attributes of name, age, and sex, and you would like Lisp functions that operate on person structures to operate just as well on astronaut structures. You can do this by defining astronaut with the :include option, as follows:

(defstruct (astronaut :named (:include person) 
   (favorite-beverage 'tang))

The argument to the :include option is required, and must be the name of some previously defined structure of the same type as this structure. :include does not work with structures of type :tree or of type :grouped-array.

The :include option inserts the slots of the included structure at the front of the list of slots for this structure. That is, an astronaut has five slots; first the three defined in person, and then after those the two defined in astronaut itself. The accessor functions defined by the person structure, such as person-name, can be used also on astronaut’s. New accessor functions are generated for these slots in the astronaut structure as if they were defined afresh; their names start with astronaut- instead of person-. In fact, the functions person-age and astronaut-age receive identical definitions.

Since the structures are named structures, recognizable by typep, subtypep considers astronaut a subtype of person, and typep considers any astronaut to be of type person.

The following examples illustrate how you can construct and use astronaut structures:

(setq x (make-astronaut :name 'buzz
			:age 45.
			:sex t
			:helmet-size 17.5))

(person-name x) => buzz
(astronaut-name x) => buzz
(astronaut-favorite-beverage x) => tang

(typep x 'astronaut) => t
(typep x 'person) => t

Note that the :conc-name option was not inherited from the included structure; it is present for :astronaut only because it was specified explicitly in the definition. Similarly, the :default-pointer and :but-first options are not inherited from the :include’d structure.

The following is an advanced feature. Sometimes, when one structure includes another, the default values or slot options for the slots that came from the included structure are not what you want. The new structure can specify new default values or slot options for the included slots by giving the :include option as:

(:include name new-descriptor-1 ... new-descriptor-n)

Each new-slot-descriptor is just like the slot descriptors used for defining new slots, except that byte fields are not allowed. The default initialization specified in new-slot-descriptor, or the absence of one, overrides what was specified in the included structure type (person). Any slot option values specified in new-slot-descriptor also override the values given in the included structure’s definition. Any inherited slots for which no new-slot-descriptor is given, and any slot options not explicitly overridden, are inherited.

For example, if we had wanted to define astronaut so that the default age for an astronaut is 45., and provide documentation for its accessor, then we could have said:

(defstruct (astronaut :conc-name
	     (:include person 
	       (age 45. :documentation
	         "The ASTRONAUT's age in years.")))
   (favorite-beverage 'tang))

If the :read-only option is specified as nil when t would have been inherited, an error is signaled.


This means that you want to use one of the “named” types. If you specify a type of :array, :array-leader, or :list, and give the :named option, then the :named-array, :named-array-leader, or :named-list type is used instead. Asking for type :array and giving the :named option as well is the same as asking for the type :named-array; the only difference is stylistic.

The :named option works quite differently in Common Lisp programs; see cli-defstruct.


If the structure being defined is implemented as an array, this option may be used to control those aspects of the array that are not otherwise constrained by defstruct. For example, you might want to control the area in which the array is allocated. Also, if you are creating a structure of type :array-leader, you almost certainly want to specify the dimensions of the array to be created, and you may want to specify the type of the array.

The argument to the :make-array option should be a list of alternating keyword symbols for the make-array function (see make-array-fun), and forms whose values are the arguments to those keywords. For example, (:make-array (:area 'permanent-storage-area)) would request that the array be allocated in a particular area. Note that the keyword symbol is not evaluated.

defstruct overrides any of the :make-array options that it needs to. For example, if your structure is of type :array, then defstruct supplies the size of that array regardless of what you say in the :make-array option. If you use the :initial-element make-array option, it initializes all the slots, but defstruct’s own initializations are done afterward. If a subtype has been specified to or deduced by defstruct, it overrides any :type keyword in the :make-array argument.

Constructors for structures implemented as arrays recognize the keyword argument :make-array. Attributes supplied therein overide any :make-array option attributes supplied in the original defstruct form. If some attribute appears in neither the invocation of the constructor nor in the :make-array option to defstruct, then the constructor chooses appropriate defaults. The :make-array option may only be used with the default style of constructor that takes keyword arguments.

If a structure is of type :array-leader, you probably want to specify the dimensions of the array. The dimensions of an array are given to :make-array as a position argument rather than a keyword argument, so there is no way to specify them in the above syntax. To solve this problem, you can use the keyword :dimensions or the keyword :length (they mean the same thing), with a value that is anything acceptable as make-array’s first argument.


Used for structures of type :grouped-array to control the number of repetitions of the structure to be allocated by the constructor. (See grouped-array.) The constructor also accepts a keyword argument :times to override the value given in the defstruct. If :times appears in neither the invocation of the constructor nor as a defstruct option, the constructor allocates only one instance of the structure.


Defines a special macro to expand into the size of this structure. The exact meaning of the size varies, but in general this number is the one you would need to know if you were going to allocate one of these structures yourself (for example, the length of the array or list). The argument of the :size-macro option is the name to be used for the macro. If this option is present without an argument, then the name of the structure is concatenated with ‘-size’ to produce the macro name.


(defstruct (foo :conc-name :size-macro)
  a b)
(macroexpand '(foo-size)) => 2

Like :size-macro but defines a global variable rather than a macro. The size of the structure is the variable’s value. Use of :size-macro is considered cleaner.


This allows you to tell defstruct to skip over a certain number of slots before it starts allocating the slots described in the body. This option requires an argument (which must be a fixnum), which is the number of slots you want defstruct to skip. To make use of this option requires that you have some familiarity with how defstruct is implementing your structure; otherwise, you will be unable to make use of the slots that defstruct has left unused.


This option is best explained by example:

(defstruct (head (:type :list)
		 (:default-pointer person)
		 (:but-first person-head))

The accessors expand like this:

(nose x)	==> (car (person-head x))
(nose)		==> (car (person-head person))

The idea is that :but-first’s argument is an accessor from some other structure, and it is never expected that this structure will be found outside of that slot of that other structure. Actually, you can use any one-argument function, or a macro that acts like a one-argument function. It is an error for the :but-first option to be used without an argument.

:callable-accessors defstruct

Controls whether accessors are really functions, and therefore “callable”, or whether they are really macros. With an argument of t, or with no argument, or if the option is not provided, then the accessors are really functions. Specifically, they are substs, so that they have all the efficiency of macros in compiled programs, while still being function objects that can be manipulated (passed to mapcar, etc.). If the argument is nil then the accessors are really macros.

:callable-constructors defstruct

Controls whether constructors are really functions, and therefore “callable”, or macros. An argument of t makes them functions; nil makes them macros. The default is t in Common Lisp programs, nil in traditional programs. See using-defstruct-constructor for more information.

:property defstruct

For each structure defined by defstruct, a property list is maintained for the recording of arbitrary properties about that structure. (That is, there is one property list per structure definition, not one for each instantiation of the structure.)

The :property option can be used to give a defstruct an arbitrary property. (:property property-name value) gives the defstruct a property-name property of value. Neither argument is evaluated. To access the property list, the user must look inside the defstruct-description structure himself (see defstruct-description).

:print defstruct

Controls the printed representation of his structure in a way independent of the Lisp dialect in use. Here is an example:

(defstruct (foo :named
	        (:print "#<Foo ~S ~S>"
                        (foo-a foo) (foo-b foo)))

Of course, this only works if you use some named type, so that the system can recognize examples of this structure automatically.

The arguments to the :print option are arguments to the format function (except for the stream of course!). They are evaluated in an environment where the name symbol of the structure (foo in this case) is bound to the instance of the structure to be printed.

This works by generating a defselect that creates a named structure handler. Do not use the :print option if you define a named structure handler yourself, as they will conflict.


is the Common Lisp version of the :print option. Its argument is a function to print a structure of this type, and it is called with three arguments: the structure to be printed, the stream to print it on, and the current printing depth (which should be compared with *print-level* to decide when to cut off recursion and print ‘#’). The function is expected to observe the values of the various printer-control variables such as *print-escape* (see *print-escape*-var). Example:

(defstruct (bar :named :conc-name
                  (lambda (struct stream depth)
                    depth ; unused
			(struct stream :type)
                      (format stream "with zap ~S"
                              (bar-zap struct))))))
  "The famous BAR structure."
  (zap 'yow)

(make-bar) => #<BAR with zap YOW>

In addition to the options listed above, any currently defined type (any legal argument to the :type option) can be used as an option. This is mostly for compatibility with the old version of defstruct. It allows you to say just type instead of (:type type). It is an error to give an argument to one of these options.


Finally, if an option isn’t found among those listed above, it should be a valid defstruct-keyword for the type of structure being defined, and the option should be of the form (option-name value). If so, the option is treated just like (:property option-name value). That is, the defstruct is given an option-name property of value.

This provides a primitive way for you to define your own options to defstruct, particularly in connection with user-defined types (see defining-your-own-defstruct-types). Several of the options listed above are actually implemented using this mechanism. They include :times, :subtype and :make-array.

The valid defstruct-keywords of a type are in a list in the defstruct-keywords slot of the defstruct-type-description structure for type.

20.4 Using the Constructor and Alterant

After you have defined a new structure with defstruct, you can create instances of this structure using the constructor, and you can alter the values of its slots using the alterant macro. By default, traditional defstruct defines both the constructor and the alterant, forming their names by concatenating ‘make-’ and ‘alter-’, respectively, onto the name of the structure. The defstruct for Common Lisp programs defines no alterant by default. You can specify the names yourself by passing the name you want to use as the argument to the :constructor or :alterant options, or specify that you don’t want the macro created at all by passing nil as the argument.

20.4.1 Constructors

A call to a constructor, in general, has the form

(name-of-constructor  keyword-1 value-1  keyword-2 value-2  ...)

Each keyword is a keyword (a symbol in the keyword package) whose name matches one of the slots of the structure, or one of a few specially recognized keywords.

The name of the constructor is specified by the :constructor option, which can also specify a documentation string for it:

(:constructor name-of-constructor [doc-string])

If a keyword matches the name of a slot (not the name of an accessor), then the corresponding value is used to initialize that slot of the new structure. Any slots whose values are not specified in this way are initialized to the values of the default initial value forms specified in the defstruct. If no default initial value was specified either for a slot, that slot’s initial value is undefined. You should always specify the initialization, either in the defstruct or in the constructor invocation, if you care about the initial value of the slot.

Constructors may be macros or functions. They are functions if the :callable-constructors option to defstruct is non-nil. By default, they are functions in Common Lisp programs and macros in traditional programs.

Constructor macros allow the slot name (in its own package) to be used instead of a keyword. Constructor functions do not, as they are ordinary functions defined using &key. Old code using slot names not in the keyword package should be converted.

The default initial value forms are evaluated (if needed) each time a structure is constructed, so that if (gensym) is used as a default initial value form then a new symbol is generated for each structure. The order of evaluation of the default initial value forms is unpredictable. When the constructor is a macro, the order of evaluation of the keyword argument forms it is given is also unpredictable.

The two special keyword arguments recognized by constructors are :make-array and :times. :make-array should be used only for structures which are represented as arrays, and :times only for :grouped-array structures. If one of these arguments is given, then it overrides the :make-array option or the :times option (see defstruct-make-array-option) specified in the defstruct. For example:

For example,
(make-ship :ship-x-position 10.0
           :ship-y-position 12.0
           :make-array '(:leader-length 5 :area disaster-area))

User-defined types of structures can define their own special constructor keywords.

20.4.2 By-Position Constructors

If the :constructor option is given as (:constructor name arglist [doc-string]), then instead of making a keyword driven constructor, defstruct defines a positional constructor, taking arguments whose meaning is determined by the argument’s position rather than by a keyword. The arglist is used to describe what arguments the constructor should accept. In the simplest case something like (:constructor make-foo (a b c)) defines make-foo to be a three-argument constructor macro whose arguments are used to initialize the slots named a, b, and c.

In addition, the keywords &optional, &rest, and &aux are recognized in the argument list. They work in the way you might expect, but there are a few fine points worthy of explanation:

(:constructor make-foo 
	(a &optional b (c 'sea) &rest d &aux e (f 'eff))
  "Make a FOO, with positional arguments")

This defines make-foo to be a constructor of one or more arguments. The first argument is used to initialize the a slot. The second argument is used to initialize the b slot. If there isn’t any second argument, then the default value given in the body of the defstruct (if given) is used instead. The third argument is used to initialize the c slot. If there isn’t any third argument, then the symbol sea is used instead. Any arguments following the third argument are collected into a list and used to initialize the d slot. If there are three or fewer arguments, then nil is placed in the d slot. The e slot is not initialized; its initial value is undefined, even if a default value was specified in its slot-description. Finally, the f slot is initialized to contain the symbol eff.

The actions taken in the b and e cases were carefully chosen to allow the user to specify all possible behaviors. Note that the aux “variables” can be used to override completely the default initializations given in the body.

Since there is so much freedom in defining constructors this way, it would be cruel to only allow the :constructor option to be given once. So, by special dispensation, you are allowed to give the :constructor option more than once, so that you can define several different constructors, each with a different syntax. These may include both keyword and positional constructors. If there are multiple keyword constructors, they all behave the same, differing only in the name. It is important to have a keyword constructor because otherwise the #S reader construct cannot work.

Note that positional constructors may be macros or functions, just like keyword constructors, and based on the same criterion: they are functions if the :callable-constructors option to defstruct is non-nil. By default, they are functions in Common Lisp programs and macros in traditional programs. If the positional constructor is a macro, then the actual order of evaluation of its arguments is unpredictable.

Also note that you cannot specify the :make-array or :times information in a positional constructor.

20.4.3 Alterant Macros

A call to the alterant macro, in general, has the form

(name-of-alterant-macro instance-form 
    slot-name-1 form-1
    slot-name-2 form-2

instance-form is evaluated and should return an instance of the structure. Each form is evaluated and the corresponding slot is changed to have the result as its new value. The slots are altered after all the forms are evaluated, so you can exchange the values of two slots, as follows:

(alter-ship enterprise
    :ship-x-position (ship-y-position enterprise)
    :ship-y-position (ship-x-position enterprise))

As with constructor macros, the order of evaluation of the forms is undefined. Using the alterant macro can produce more efficient Lisp than using consecutive setfs when you are altering two byte fields of the same object, or when you are using the :but-first option.

20.5 Byte Fields

The byte field feature of defstruct allows you to specify that several slots of your structure are bytes (see byte-manipulation-functions) in an integer stored in one element of the structure. For example, suppose we had the following structure:

(defstruct (phone-book-entry (:type :list))
  (area-code 617.)

This works correctly but it wastes space. Area codes and exchange numbers are always less than 1000, and so both can fit into 10 bit fields when expressed as binary numbers. Since Lisp Machine fixnums have (more than) 20 bits, both of these values can be packed into a single fixnum. To tell defstruct to do so, you can change the structure definition to the following:

(defstruct (phone-book-entry (:type :list))
  ((area-code (byte 10. 10.) 617.)
   (exchange (byte 10. 0)))

The expressions (byte ...) calculate byte specifiers to be used with the functions ldb and dpb. The accessors, constructor, and alterant will now operate as follows:

(area-code pbe)	==> (ldb (byte 10. 10.) (caddr pbe))
(exchange pbe)	==> (ldb (byte 10. 0) (caddr pbe))

   :name "Fred Derf"
   :address "259 Octal St."
   :exchange ex
   :line-number 7788.)

==> (list "Fred Derf" "259 Octal St." 
          (dpb ex (byte 10. 0) 631808.)

(alter-phone-book-entry pbe
   :area-code ac
   :exchange ex)

==> ((lambda (#:g0530)
       (setf (nth 2 #:g0530)
	     (dpb ac (byte 10. 10.) 
		     (dpb ex (byte 10. 0) (nth 2 #:g0530)))))

(This is how the expression would print; this text would not read in properly because a new uninterned symbol would be created by each use of #:.)

Note that the alterant macro is optimized to only read and write the second element of the list once, even though you are altering two different byte fields within it. This is more efficient than using two setf’s. Additional optimization by the alterant macro occurs if the byte specifiers in the defstruct slot descriptions are constants. However, you don’t need to worry about the details of how the alterant macro does its work.

If the byte specifier is nil, then the accessor is defined to be the usual kind that accesses the entire Lisp object, thus returning all the byte field components as a fixnum. These slots may have default initialization forms.

The byte specifier need not be a constant; a variable or, indeed, any Lisp form, is legal as a byte specifier. It is evaluated each time the slot is accessed. Of course, unless you are doing something very strange you will not want the byte specifier to change between accesses.

Constructors (both functions and macros) initialize words divided into byte fields as if they were deposited in in the following order:

1) Initializations for the entire word given in the defstruct form.

2) Initializations for the byte fields given in the defstruct form.

3) Initializations for the entire word given in the constructor invocation.

4) Initializations for the byte fields given in the constructor invocation.

Alterant macros work similarly: the modification for the entire Lisp object is done first, followed by modifications to specific byte fields. If any byte fields being initialized or altered overlap each other, the action of the constructor and alterant is unpredictable.

20.6 Grouped Arrays

The grouped array feature allows you to store several instances of a structure side-by-side within an array. This feature is somewhat limited; it does not support the :include and :named options.

The accessor functions are defined to take an extra argument, which should be an integer, and is the index into the array of where this instance of the structure starts. This index should normally be a multiple of the size of the structure, for things to make sense. Note that the index is the first argument to the accessor function and the structure is the second argument, the opposite of what you might expect. This is because the structure is &optional if the :default-pointer option is used.

Note that the “size” of the structure (for purposes of the :size-symbol and :size-macro options) is the number of elements in one instance of the structure; the actual length of the array is the product of the size of the structure and the number of instances. The number of instances to be created by the constructor is taken from the :times keyword of the constructor or the argument to the :times option to defstruct.

20.7 Named Structures

The named structure feature provides a very simple form of user-defined data type. (Flavors are another, more powerful, facility for defining data types, but they are more expensive in simple cases. See flavor.) A named structure is actually an array, containing elements and optionally a leader. The difference between a named structure and an ordinary array is that the named structure also contains an explicit slot to hold its ostensible data type. This data type is a symbol, any symbol the programmer cares to use. In traditional programs, named structures are normally defined using defstruct with the :named option. In Common Lisp programs, defstruct defines a named structure by default. Individual named structures are made with the constructors defined by defstruct.

The data type symbol of a named structure is also called the named structure symbol. It is stored in array element 0 if the structure has no leader. If there is a leader, the type symbol is stored in array leader element 1 (recall that element 0 is reserved for the fill pointer). If a numeric-type array is to be a named structure, it must have a leader, since a symbol cannot be an element of a numeric array.

Named structure are recognizable; that is, if you define a named structure called foo, you can always tell whether an object is a foo structure. No array created in the normal fashion, no matter what components it has, will be mistaken for a genuine foo.

Named structures can recognized by typep. Specify foo, the named structure name, as the second argument, and the object to be tested as the first argument. type-of of an ordinary array returns array, but type-of of a named structure returns the explicitly recorded data type symbol.

(defstruct (foo :named) a b)
(type-of (make-foo)) => foo
(typep (make-foo) 'foo) => t

Named structures of other types which include foo are also recognized as foo’s by typep. For example, using the previously-given definitions of person and astronaut, then

(typep (make-astronaut) 'person) => t

because the type person was explicitly included by the defstruct for astronaut. Indirect includes count also:

(defstruct (mission-specialist :named
	     (:include astronaut))

(typep (make-mission-specialist) 'person) => t
(subtypep 'person 'mission-specialist) => t

It should be emphasized that the named structure is an array. All the usual array functions, such as aref and array-dimension, can be used on it. If it is one-dimensional (as is usually the case) then the named structure is a vector and the generic sequence functions can be used on it.

(typep (make-astronaut) 'array) => t
(arrayp (make-astronaut)) => t
(array-rank (make-astronaut)) => 1

Because named structure data types are recognizable, they can define generic operations and say how to handle them. A few such operations are defined by the system and are invoked automatically from well-defined places. For example print automatically invokes the :print-self operation if you give it a named structure. Thus, each type of named structure can define how it should print. The standardly defined named structure operations are listed below. You can also define new named structure operations and invoke them by calling the named structure as a function just as you would invoke a flavor instance.

Operations on a named structure are all handled by a single function, which is found as the named-structure-invoke property of the structure type symbol. It is OK for a named structure type to have no handler function. Then invocation of any operation on the named structure returns nil, and system routines such as print take default actions.

If a handler function exists, it is given these arguments:


The name of the operation being invoked; usually a keyword.


The named structure which is being operated on.


Any other arguments which were passed when the operation was invoked. The handler function should have a rest parameter so it can accept any number of arguments.

The handler function should return nil if it does not recognize the operation. These are the named structure operations used by the system at present:


Should return a list of the names of the operations the function handles. Every handler function must handle this operation, and every opertation that the function handles should be included in this list.


Should output the printed representation of the named structure to a stream. The additional arguments are the stream to output to, the current depth in list-structure, and the current value of *print-escape*. If :print-self is not in the value returned by :which-operations, or if there is no handler function, print uses #s syntax.


Is invoked by describe and should output a description of the structure to *standard-output*. If there is no handler function or :describe is not in its :which-operations list, describe prints the names and values of the structure’s fields as defined in the defstruct.


Is invoked by sxhash and should return a hash code to use as the value of sxhash for this structure. It is often useful to call sxhash on some (perhaps all) of the components of the structure and combine the results in some way.

There is one additional argument to this operation: a flag saying whether it is permissible to use the structure’s address in forming the hash code. For some kinds of structure, there may be no way to generate a good hash code except to use the address. If the flag is nil, they must simply do the best they can, even if it means always returning zero.

It is permissible to return nil for :sxhash. Then sxhash produces a hash code in its default fashion.


Is invoked by fasload on a named structure that has been created from data in a QFASL file. The purpose of the operation is to give the structure a chance to “clean itself up” if, in order to be valid, it needs to have contents that are not exactly identical to those that were dumped. For example, readtables push themselves onto the list si:*all-readtables* so that they can be found by name.

For most kinds of structures it is acceptable not to define this operation at all (so that it returns nil).

Example handler function:

(defun (:property person named-structure-invoke)
       (op self &rest args)
  (selectq op
    (:which-operations '(:print-self :describe))
      (format (car args)
	      "This is a ~D-year-old person"
	      (person-age self)))
      (if *print-escape*
	  (si:printing-random-object (self (car args) :type)
	    (princ (person-name self) (car args)))
	(princ (person-name self) (car args))))))
(defselect ((:property person named-structure-handler)
  (:print-self (self stream ignore &optional ignore)
    (if *print-escape*
	(si:printing-random-object (self stream :type)
	  (princ (person-name self) stream))
      (princ (person-name self) stream)))
  (:describe (self)
    (format *standard-output*
	    "This is a ~D-year-old person"
	    (person-age self))))

This handler causes a person structure to include its name in its printed representation; it also causes princ of a person to print just the name, with no ‘#<’ syntax. This simple example could have been done even more simply with the :print-function option.

It is often convenient to define a handler function with defselect; but you must be careful. defselect by default defines the function to signal an error if it is called with a first argument that is not recognized. A handler function should return nil and get no error. To avoid the problem, specify ignore as the default handler when you write the defselect. See defselect-fun.

Note that the handler function of a named structure type is not inherited by other named structure types that include it. For example, the above definition of a handler for person has no effect at all on the astronaut structure. If you need such inheritance, you must use flavors rather than named structures (see flavor).

The following functions operate on named structures.

Function: named-structure-p x

This semi-predicate returns nil if x is not a named structure; otherwise it returns x’s named structure symbol.

Function: make-array-into-named-structure array

Marks array as a named structure and returns it. This is used by make-array when creating named structures. You should not normally call it explicitly.

Function: named-structure-invoke operation structure &rest args

Invokes a named structure operation on structure. operation should be a keyword symbol, and structure should be a named structure. The handler function of the named structure symbol, found as the value of the named-structure-invoke property of the symbol, is called with appropriate arguments.

If the structure type has no named-structure-invoke property, nil is returned. By convention, nil is also returned by the handler if it does not recognize operation.

(send structure operation args...) has the same effect, by calling named-structure-invoke.

See also the :named-structure-symbol keyword to make-array, make-array-fun.

20.8 Common Lisp Defstruct

Macro: cli:defstruct

The version of defstruct used in Common Lisp programs differs from the traditional defstruct in the defaults for a few options and the meanings of a few of them.

The :conc-name option defaults to the structure type name followed by a hyphen in cli:defstruct. In traditional defstruct it defaults to nil.

The :callable-constructors option defaults to t in cli:defstruct, so that the constructor is a function. Traditionally, it defaults to nil.

The :alterant option defaults to nil in cli:defstruct, so that no alterant is defined. Traditionally, an alterant is defined by default with the name alter-name.

The :type option defaults to :named-vector in cli:defstruct. This makes a named structure, and you may specify how to print it. The :predicate option defaults to t in this case.

If the :type option is specified in cli:defstruct, you never get a named structure. You get either a plain list or a plain vector. There is no type-testing predicate, and you may not request one. You may not say how to print the structure, either.

If you specify the :named option along with :type, you still do not get a named structure. You get a plain list or a plain vector in which the structure name happens to be stored. The type is either :named-list or :phony-named-vector. The :predicate option defaults to nil, but you may specify t yourself. However, any randomly created list or vector with the structure name stored in the right place will satisfy the predicate thus defined. typep cannot recognize these phony named structures, and you may not specify how to print them (they do not understand named-structure-invoke.)

20.9 The si:defstruct-description Structure

This section discusses the internal structures used by defstruct that might be useful to programs that want to interface to defstruct nicely. For example, if you want to write a program that examines structures and displays them the way describe (see describe-fun) and the Inspector do, your program should work by examining these structures. The information in this section is also necessary for anyone who is thinking of defining his own structure types.

Whenever the user defines a new structure using defstruct, defstruct creates an instance of the si:defstruct-description structure. This can be found as the si:defstruct-description property of the name of the structure; it contains such useful information as the number of slots in the structure, the defstruct options specified, and so on.

This is a simplified version of the way the si:defstruct-description structure is defined. It omits some slots whose meaning is not worth documenting here. (The actual definition is in the system-internals package.)

(defstruct (defstruct-description
		(:default-pointer description)
		(:conc-name defstruct-description-))

The name slot contains the symbol supplied by the user to be the name of his structure, such as spaceship or phone-book-entry. The size slot contains the total number of slots in an instance of this kind of structure. This is not the same number as that obtained from the :size-symbol or :size-macro options to defstruct. A named structure, for example, usually uses up an extra location to store the name of the structure, so the :size-macro option will get a number one larger than that stored in the defstruct description. The property-alist slot contains an alist with pairs of the form (property-name property) containing properties placed there by the :property option to defstruct or by property names used as options to defstruct (see the :property option, defstruct-property-option). The slot-alist slot contains an alist of pairs of the form (slot-name slot-description). A slot-description is an instance of the defstruct-slot-description structure. The defstruct-slot-description structure is defined something like this (with other slots that are omitted here), also in the si package:

(defstruct (defstruct-slot-description
		(:default-pointer slot-description)

The number slot contains the number of the location of this slot in an instance of the structure. Locations are numbered, starting with 0, and continuing up to a number one less than the size of the structure. The actual location of the slot is determined by the reference-consing function associated with the type of the structure; see defstruct-reference-consing-function. The ppss slot contains the byte specifier code for this slot if this slot is a byte field of its location. If this slot is the entire location, then the ppss slot contains nil. The init-code slot contains the initialization code supplied for this slot by the user in his defstruct form. If there is no initialization code for this slot then the init-code slot contains a canonical object which can be obtained (for comparison using eq) as the result of (si:defstruct-empty). The ref-macro-name slot contains the symbol that is defined as a macro or a subst that expands into a reference to this slot (that is, the name of the accessor function).

20.10 Extensions to Defstruct

The macro si:defstruct-define-type can be used to teach defstruct about new types that it can use to implement structures.

Macro: si:defstruct-define-type

Is used for teaching defstruct about new types.

The syntax of si:defstruct-define-type is:

(si:defstruct-define-type type
  option-1 option-2 ...)

where each option is either the symbolic name of an option or a list of the form (option-name rest). Different options interpret rest in different ways. The symbol type is given an si:defstruct-type-description property of a structure that describes the type completely.

The semantics of si:defstruct-define-type is the subject of the rest of this section.

20.10.1 Example

Let us start by examining a sample call to defstruct-define-type. This is how the :list type of structure might have been defined:

(si:defstruct-define-type :list
  (:cons (initialization-list description
         `(list . ,initialization-list))
  (:ref (slot-number description argument)
        `(nth ,slot-number ,argument)))

This is the simplest possible form of defstruct-define-type. It provides defstruct with two Lisp forms: one for creating forms to construct instances of the structure, and one for creating forms to become the bodies of accessors for slots of the structure.

The keyword :cons is followed by a list of three variables that will be bound while the constructor-creating form is evaluated. The first, initialization-list, will be bound to a list of the initialization forms for the slots of the structure. The second, description, will be bound to the defstruct-description structure for the structure (see defstruct-description). The third variable and the :list keyword will be explained later.

The keyword :ref is followed by a list of three variables that will be bound while the accessor-creating form is evaluated. The first, slot-number, will bound to the number of the slot that the new accessor should reference. The second, description, will be bound to the defstruct-description structure for the structure. The third, argument, will be bound to the form that was provided as the argument to the accessor.

20.10.2 Options to si:defstruct-define-type

This section is a catalog of all the options currently known about by si:defstruct-define-type.


Specifies the code to cons up a form that will construct an instance of a structure of this type.

The :cons option has the syntax:

(:cons (inits description keywords) kind

body is some code that should construct and return a piece of code that will construct, initialize, and return an instance of a structure of this type.

The symbol inits will be bound to the information that the constructor conser should use to initialize the slots of the structure. The exact form of this argument is determined by the symbol kind. There are currently two kinds of initialization. There is the :list kind, where inits is bound to a list of initializations, in the correct order, with nils in uninitialized slots. And there is the :alist kind, where inits is bound to an alist with pairs of the form (slot-number init-code). Additional kinds may be provided in the future.

The symbol description will be bound to the instance of the defstruct-description structure (see defstruct-description) that defstruct maintains for this particular structure. This is so that the constructor conser can find out such things as the total size of the structure it is supposed to create.

The symbol keywords will be bound to an alist with pairs of the form (keyword value), where each keyword was a keyword supplied to the constructor that wasn’t the name of a slot, and value was the Lisp object that followed the keyword. This is how you can make your own special keywords, like the existing :make-array and :times keywords. See the section on using the constructor, using-defstruct-constructor. You specify the list of acceptable keywords with the :cons-keywords option (see defstruct-define-type-keywords). It is an error not to supply the :cons option to si:defstruct-define-type.


Specifies the code to cons up a form that will reference an instance of a structure of this type.

The :ref option has the syntax:

(:ref (number description arg-1 ... arg-n)

body is some code that should construct and return a piece of code that will reference an instance of a structure of this type.

The symbol number will be bound to the location of the slot that is to be referenced. This is the same number that is found in the number slot of the defstruct-slot-description structure (see defstruct-slot-description-structure).

The symbol description will be bound to the instance of the si:defstruct-description structure that defstruct maintains for this particular structure.

The symbols arg-i are bound to the forms supplied to the accessor as arguments. Normally there should be only one of these. The last argument is the one that will be defaulted by the :default-pointer option (see defstruct-default-pointer-option). defstruct will check that the user has supplied exactly n arguments to the accessor function before calling the reference consing code.

It is an error not to supply the :ref option to si:defstruct-define-type.


Declares to defstruct that the implementation of this particular type of structure “uses up” some number of locations in the object actually constructed. This option is used by various “named” types of structures that store the name of the structure in one location. For example, named arrays have an overhead of one, and named array leaders an overhead of two, but named typed arrays have no overhead since the structure type symbol is stored in the array leader whilst the actual data specifying the values of the slots is stored in the array proper.

The syntax of :overhead is (:overhead n), where n is a fixnum that says how many locations of overhead this type needs.

This number is used only by the :size-macro and :size-symbol options to defstruct (see defstruct-size-macro-option).


Controls the use of the :named option to defstruct. With no argument, the :named option means that this type is one which records the structure type name somehow (not necessarily by using an actual named structure). With an argument, as in (:named type-name), the symbol type-name should be the name of some other structure type that defstruct should use if the user specifies this type and :named as well. For example, the definition of the :list type contains (:named :named-list), saying that a defstruct that specifies (:list :named) really uses type :named-list.


Defines additional constructor keywords for this type of structure. Using these keywords, one may specify additional information about a structure at the time it is created (“consed”) using one of its constructor functions or macros. (The :times constructor keyword for structures of type :grouped-array is an example.) The syntax is: (:cons-keywords keyword-1 ... keyword-n) where each keyword is a symbol that the constructor conser expects to find in the keywords alist (explained above).

:keywords si:defstruct-define-type

:keywords is an old name for the :cons-keywords option.


Defines additional defstruct options allowed for this type of structure. (The :subtype option for structures of type :array is an example.) These options take effect at the time the structure is defined using defstruct, and thus affect all structures of a particular type (unless overridden in some way.) In contrast, the :cons-keywords options affect the creation of individual structures of a particular type.

The syntax is: (:defstruct-keywords keyword-1 ... keyword-n) where each keyword is a keyword that defstruct will recognize as an option. defstruct puts such options, with their values, in the property-alist slot of the defstuct-description structure (defined above)

:predicate si:defstruct-define-type

Tells defstruct how to produce predicates for a particular type (for the :predicate option to defstruct). Its syntax is:

(:predicate (description name)

The variable description is bound to the defstruct-description structure maintained for the structure for which a predicate is being generated. The variable name is bound to the symbol that is to be defined as a predicate. body is a piece of code to compute the defining form for the predicate. A typical use of this option might look like:

(:predicate (description name)
  `(defun ,name (x)
     (and (frobbozp x)
	  (eq (frobbozref x 0)
:copier si:defstruct-define-type

defstruct knows how to generate a copier function using the constructor and reference code that must be provided with any new defstruct type. Nevertheless it is sometimes desirable to specify a specific method of copying a particular defstruct type. The :copier option to si:defstruct-define-type allow this to be done:

(:copier (description name)

As with the :predicate option, description is bound to an instance of the defstruct-description structure, name is bound to the symbol to be defined, and body is some code to evaluate to get the defining form. For example:

(:copier (description name)
  `(fdefine ',name 'copy-frobboz))

The :defstruct option to si:defstruct-define-type allows the user to run some code and return some forms as part of the expansion of the defstruct macro.

The :defstruct option has the syntax:

(:defstruct (description)

body is a piece of code that will be run whenever defstruct is expanding a defstruct form that defines a structure of this type. The symbol description will be bound to the instance of the defstruct-description structure that defstruct maintains for this particular structure.

The value returned by the body should be a list of forms to be included with those that the defstruct expands into. Thus, if you only want to run some code at defstruct-expand time, and you don’t want to actually output any additional code, then you should be careful to return nil from the code in this option.

defstruct will cause the body forms to be evaluated as early as possible in the parsing of a structure definition, and cause the returned forms to be evalutated as late as possible in the macro-expansion of the defstuct forms. This is so that body can rehack arguments, signal errors, and the like before many of defstruct’s internal forms are executed, while enabling it to return code which will modify or extend the default forms produced by a vanilla defstruct.

21 Objects, Message Passing, and Flavors

The object-oriented programming style used in the Smalltalk and Actor families of languages is available in Zetalisp and used by the Lisp Machine software system. Its purpose is to perform generic operations on objects. Part of its implementation is simply a convention in procedure-calling style; part is a powerful language feature, called Flavors, for defining abstract objects. This chapter attempts to explain what programming with objects and with message passing means, the various means of implementing these in Zetalisp, and when you should use them. It assumes no prior knowledge of any other languages.

21.1 Objects

When writing a program, it is often convenient to model what the program does in terms of objects, conceptual entities that can be likened to real-world things. Choosing what objects to provide in a program is very important to the proper organization of the program. In an object-oriented design, specifying what objects exist is the first task in designing the system. In a text editor, the objects might be “pieces of text”, “pointers into text”, and “display windows”. In an electrical design system, the objects might be “resistors”, “capacitors”, “transistors”, “wires”, and “display windows”. After specifying what objects there are, the next task of the design is to figure out what operations can be performed on each object. In the text editor example, operations on “pieces of text” might include inserting text and deleting text; operations on “pointers into text” might include moving forward and backward; and operations on “display windows” might include redisplaying the window and changing which “piece of text” the window is associated with.

In this model, we think of the program as being built around a set of objects, each of which has a set of operations that can be performed on it. More rigorously, the program defines several types of object (the editor above has three types), and it can create many instances of each type (that is, there can be many pieces of text, many pointers into text, and many windows). The program defines a set of types of object and, for each type, a set of operations that can be performed on any object of the type.

The new types may exist only in the programmer’s mind. For example, it is possible to think of a disembodied property list as an abstract data type on which certain operations such as get and putprop are defined. This type can be instantiated with (cons nil nil) (that is, by evaluating this form you can create a new disembodied property list); the operations are invoked through functions defined just for that purpose. The fact that disembodied property lists are really implemented as lists, indistinguishable from any other lists, does not invalidate this point of view. However, such conceptual data types cannot be distinguished automatically by the system; one cannot ask “is this object a disembodied property list, as opposed to an ordinary list”.

The defstruct for ship early in chapter defstruct-chapter defines another conceptual type. defstruct automatically defines some operations on this object, the operations to access its elements. We could define other functions that did useful things with ship’s, such as computing their speed, angle of travel, momentum, or velocity, stopping them, moving them elsewhere, and so on.

In both cases, we represent our conceptual object by one Lisp object. The Lisp object we use for the representation has structure and refers to other Lisp objects. In the disembodied property list case, the Lisp object is a list of pairs; in the ship case, the Lisp object is an array whose details are taken care of by defstruct. In both cases, we can say that the object keeps track of an internal state, which can be examined and altered by the operations available for that type of object. get examines the state of a property list, and putprop alters it; ship-x-position examines the state of a ship, and (setf (ship-x-position ship) 5.0) alters it.

We have now seen the essence of object-oriented programming. A conceptual object is modeled by a single Lisp object, which bundles up some state information. For every type of object, there is a set of operations that can be performed to examine or alter the state of the object.

21.2 Modularity

An important benefit of the object-oriented style is that it lends itself to a particularly simple and lucid kind of modularity. If you have modular programming constructs and techniques available, they help and encourage you to write programs that are easy to read and understand, and so are more reliable and maintainable. Object-oriented programming lets a programmer implement a useful facility that presents the caller with a set of external interfaces, without requiring the caller to understand how the internal details of the implementation work. In other words, a program that calls this facility can treat the facility as a black box; the program knows what the facility’s external interfaces guarantee to do, and that is all it knows.

For example, a program that uses disembodied property lists never needs to know that the property list is being maintained as a list of alternating indicators and values; the program simply performs the operations, passing them inputs and getting back outputs. The program only depends on the external definition of these operations: it knows that if it putprop’s a property, and doesn’t remprop it (or putprop over it), then it can do get and be sure of getting back the same thing it put in. The important thing about this hiding of the details of the implementation is that someone reading a program that uses disembodied property lists need not concern himself with how they are implemented; he need only understand what they undertake to do. This saves the programmer a lot of time and lets him concentrate his energies on understanding the program he is working on. Another good thing about this hiding is that the representation of property lists could be changed and the program would continue to work. For example, instead of a list of alternating elements, the property list could be implemented as an association list or a hash table. Nothing in the calling program would change at all.

The same is true of the ship example. The caller is presented with a collection of operations, such as ship-x-position, ship-y-position, ship-speed, and ship-direction; it simply calls these and looks at their answers, without caring how they did what they did. In our example above, ship-x-position and ship-y-position would be accessor functions, defined automatically by defstruct, while ship-speed and ship-direction would be functions defined by the implementor of the ship type. The code might look like this:

(defstruct (ship :conc-name)

(defun ship-speed (ship)
  (sqrt (+ (^ (ship-x-velocity ship) 2)
           (^ (ship-y-velocity ship) 2))))

(defun ship-direction (ship)
  (atan2 (ship-y-velocity ship)
         (ship-x-velocity ship)))

The caller need not know that the first two functions were structure accessors and that the second two were written by hand and do arithmetic. Those facts would not be considered part of the black box characteristics of the implementation of the ship type. The ship type does not guarantee which functions will be implemented in which ways; such aspects are not part of the contract between ship and its callers. In fact, ship could have been written this way instead:

(defstruct (ship :conc-name)

(defun ship-x-velocity (ship)
  (* (ship-speed ship) (cos (ship-direction ship))))

(defun ship-y-velocity (ship)
  (* (ship-speed ship) (sin (ship-direction ship))))

In this second implementation of the ship type, we have decided to store the velocity in polar coordinates instead of rectangular coordinates. This is purely an implementation decision. The caller has no idea which of the two ways the implementation uses; he just performs the operations on the object by calling the appropriate functions.

We have now created our own types of objects, whose implementations are hidden from the programs that use them. Such types are usually referred to as abstract types. The object-oriented style of programming can be used to create abstract types by hiding the implementation of the operations and simply documenting what the operations are defined to do.

Some more terminology: the quantities being held by the elements of the ship structure are referred to as instance variables. Each instance of a type has the same operations defined on it; what distinguishes one instance from another (besides eq-ness) is the values that reside in its instance variables. The example above illustrates that a caller of operations does not know what the instance variables are; our two ways of writing the ship operations have different instance variables, but from the outside they have exactly the same operations.

One might ask: “But what if the caller evaluates (aref ship 2) and notices that he gets back the x velocity rather than the speed? Then he can tell which of the two implementations were used.” This is true; if the caller were to do that, he could tell. However, when a facility is implemented in the object-oriented style, only certain functions are documented and advertised, the functions that are considered to be operations on the type of object. The contract from ship to its callers only speaks about what happens if the caller calls these functions. The contract makes no guarantees at all about what would happen if the caller were to start poking around on his own using aref. A caller who does so is in error; he is depending on something that is not specified in the contract. No guarantees were ever made about the results of such action, and so anything may happen; indeed, ship may get reimplemented overnight, and the code that does the aref will have a different effect entirely and probably stop working. This example shows why the concept of a contract between a callee and a caller is important: the contract specifies the interface between the two modules.

Unlike some other languages that provide abstract types, Zetalisp makes no attempt to have the language automatically forbid constructs that circumvent the contract. This is intentional. One reason for this is that the Lisp Machine is an interactive system, and so it is important to be able to examine and alter internal state interactively (usually from a debugger). Furthermore, there is no strong distinction between the “system” programs and the “user” programs on the Lisp Machine; users are allowed to get into any part of the language system and change what they want to change. Another reason is the traditional MIT AI Lab philosophy that opposes “fascist” restrictions which impose on the user “for his own good”. The user himself should decide what is good for him.

In summary: by defining a set of operations and making only a specific set of external entrypoints available to the caller, the programmer can create his own abstract types. These types can be useful facilities for other programs and programmers. Since the implementation of the type is hidden from the callers, modularity is maintained and the implementation can be changed easily.

We have hidden the implementation of an abstract type by making its operations into functions which the user may call. The important thing is not that they are functions–in Lisp everything is done with functions. The important thing is that we have defined a new conceptual operation and given it a name, rather than requiring anyone who wants to do the operation to write it out step-by-step. Thus we say (ship-x-velocity s) rather than (aref s 2).

Often a few abstract operation functions are simple enough that it is desirable to compile special code for them rather than really calling the function. (Compiling special code like this is often called open-coding.) The compiler is directed to do this through use of macros, substs, or optimizers. defstruct arranges for this kind of special compilation for the functions that get the instance variables of a structure.

When we use this optimization, the implementation of the abstract type is only hidden in a certain sense. It does not appear in the Lisp code written by the user, but does appear in the compiled code. The reason is that there may be some compiled functions that use the macros (or whatever); even if you change the definition of the macro, the existing compiled code will continue to use the old definition. Thus, if the implementation of a module is changed programs that use it may need to be recompiled. This is something we sometimes accept for the sake of efficiency.

In the present implementation of flavors, which is discussed below, there is no such compiler incorporation of nonmodular knowledge into a program, except when the :ordered-instance-variables feature is used; see ordered-instance-variables-option, where this problem is explained further. If you don’t use the :ordered-instance-variables feature, you don’t have to worry about this.

21.3 Generic Operations

Suppose we think about the rest of the program that uses the ship abstraction. It may want to deal with other objects that are like ship’s in that they are movable objects with mass, but unlike ships in other ways. A more advanced model of a ship might include the concept of the ship’s engine power, the number of passengers on board, and its name. An object representing a meteor probably would not have any of these, but might have another attribute such as how much iron is in it.

However, all kinds of movable objects have positions, velocities, and masses, and the system will contain some programs that deal with these quantities in a uniform way, regardless of what kind of object the attributes apply to. For example, a piece of the system that calculates every object’s orbit in space need not worry about the other, more peripheral attributes of various types of objects; it works the same way for all objects. Unfortunately, a program that tries to calculate the orbit of a ship needs to know the ship’s attributes, and must therefore call ship-x-position and ship-y-velocity and so on. The problem is that these functions won’t work for meteors. There would have to be a second program to calculate orbits for meteors that would be exactly the same, except that where the first one calls ship-x-position, the second one would call meteor-x-position, and so on. This would be very bad; a great deal of code would have to exist in multiple copies, all of it would have to be maintained in parallel, and it would take up space for no good reason.

What is needed is an operation that can be performed on objects of several different types. For each type, it should do the thing appropriate for that type. Such operations are called generic operations. The classic example of generic operations is the arithmetic functions in most programming languages, including Zetalisp. The + (or plus) function accepts integers, floats, ratios and complex numbers, and perform an appropriate kind of addition, based on the data types of the objects being manipulated. In our example, we need a generic x-position operation that can be performed on either ship’s, meteor’s, or any other kind of mobile object represented in the system. This way, we can write a single program to calculate orbits. When it wants to know the x position of the object it is dealing with, it simply invokes the generic x-position operation on the object, and whatever type of object it has, the correct operation is performed, and the x position is returned.

Another terminology for the use of such generic operations has emerged from the Smalltalk language: performing a generic operation is called sending a message. The message consists of an operation name (a symbol) and arguments. The objects in the program are thought of as little people, who get sent messages and respond with answers (returned values). In the example above, the objects are sent x-position messages, to which they respond with their x position.

Sending a message is a way of invoking a function without specifying which function is to be called. Instead, the data determines the function to use. The caller specifies an operation name and an object; that is, it said what operation to perform, and what object to perform it on. The function to invoke is found from this information.

The two data used to figure out which function to call are the type of the object, and the name of the operation. The same set of functions are used for all instances of a given type, so the type is the only attribute of the object used to figure out which function to call. The rest of the message besides the operation is data which are passed as arguments to the function, so the operation is the only part of the message used to find the function. Such a function is called a method. For example, if we send an x-position message to an object of type ship, then the function we find is “the ship type’s x-position method”. A method is a function that handles a specific operation on a specific kind of object; this method handles messages named x-position to objects of type ship.

In our new terminology: the orbit-calculating program finds the x position of the object it is working on by sending that object a message consisting of the operation x-position and no arguments. The returned value of the message is the x position of the object. If the object was of type ship, then the ship type’s x-position method was invoked; if it was of type meteor, then the meteor type’s x-position method was invoked. The orbit-calculating program just sends the message, and the right function is invoked based on the type of the object. We now have true generic functions, in the form of message passing: the same operation can mean different things depending on the type of the object.

21.4 Generic Operations in Lisp

How do we implement message passing in Lisp? Our convention is that objects that receive messages are always functional objects (that is, you can apply them to arguments). A message is sent to an object by calling that object as a function, passing the operation name as the first argument and the arguments of the message as the rest of the arguments. Operation names are represented by symbols; normally these symbols are in the keyword package (see package), since messages are a protocol for communication between different programs, which may reside in different packages. So if we have a variable my-ship whose value is an object of type ship, and we want to know its x position, we send it a message as follows:

(send my-ship :x-position)

To set the ship’s x position to 3.0, we send it a message like this:

(send my-ship :set :x-position 3.0)

It should be stressed that no new features are added to Lisp for message sending; we simply define a convention on the way objects take arguments. The convention says that an object accepts messages by always interpreting its first argument as an operation name. The object must consider this operation name, find the function which is the method for that operation, and invoke that function.

Function: send object operation &rest arguments

Sends object a message with operation and arguments as specified. Currently send is identical to funcall, but preferable when a message is being sent, just for clarity.

There are vague ideas of making send different from funcall if object is a symbol, list, number, or other object that does not normally handle messages when funcalled, but the meaning of this is not completely clear.

Function: lexpr-send object operation &rest arguments

Currently lexpr-send is the same as apply.

This raises the question of how message receiving works. The object must somehow find the right method for the message it is sent. Furthermore, the object now has to be callable as a function. But an ordinary function will not do. We need something that can store the instance variables (the internal state) of the object. We need a function with internal state; that is, we need a coroutine.

Of the Zetalisp features presented so far, the most appropriate is the closure (see closure). A message-receiving object could be implemented as a closure over a set of instance variables. The function inside the closure would have a big selectq form to dispatch on its first argument. (Actually, rather than using closures and a selectq, you would probably use entities (entity) and defselect (defselect-fun).)

While using closures (or entities) does work, it has several serious problems. The main problem is that in order to add a new operation to a system, it is necessary to modify a lot of code; you have to find all the types that understand that operation, and add a new clause to the selectq. The problem with this is that you cannot textually separate the implementation of your new operation from the rest of the system; the methods must be interleaved with the other operations for the type. Adding a new operation should only require adding Lisp code; it should not require modifying Lisp code.

The conventional way of making generic operations is to have a procedure for each operation, which has a big selectq for all the types; this means you have to modify code to add a type. The way described above is to have a procedure for each type, which has a big selectq for all the operations; this means you have to modify code to add an operation. Neither of these has the desired property that extending the system should only require adding code, rather than modifying code.

Closures (and entities) are also somewhat clumsy and crude. A far more streamlined, convenient, and powerful system for creating message-receiving objects exists; it is called the flavor mechanism. With flavors, you can add a new method simply by adding code, without modifying anything. Furthermore, many common and useful things are very easy to do with flavors. The rest of this chapter describes flavors.

21.5 Simple Use of Flavors

A flavor, in its simplest form, is a definition of an abstract type. New flavors are created with the defflavor special form, and methods of the flavor are created with the defmethod special form. New instances of a flavor are created with the make-instance function. This section explains simple uses of these forms.

For an example of a simple use of flavors, here is how the ship example above would be implemented.

(defflavor ship (x-position y-position 
                 x-velocity y-velocity mass)

(defmethod (ship :speed) ()
  (sqrt (+ (^ x-velocity 2)
           (^ y-velocity 2))))

(defmethod (ship :direction) ()
  (atan2 y-velocity x-velocity))

The code above creates a new flavor. The first subform of the defflavor is ship, which is the name of the new flavor. Next is the list of instance variables; they are the five that should be familiar by now. The next subform is something we will get to later. The rest of the subforms are the body of the defflavor, and each one specifies an option about this flavor. In our example, there is only one option, namely :gettable-instance-variables. This means that for each instance variable, a method should automatically be generated to return the value of that instance variable. The name of the operation is a symbol with the same name as the instance variable, but interned on the keyword package. Thus, methods are created to handle the operations :x-position, :y-position, and so on.

Each of the two defmethod forms adds a method to the flavor. The first one adds a handler to the flavor ship for the operation :speed. The second subform is the lambda-list, and the rest is the body of the function that handles the :speed operation. The body can refer to or set any instance variables of the flavor, just like variables bound by a containing let. When any instance of the ship flavor is invoked with a first argument of :direction, the body of the second defmethod is evaluated in an environment in which the instance variables of ship refer to the instance variables of this instance (the one to which the message was sent). So the arguments passed to cli:atan are the the velocity components of this particular ship. The result of cli:atan becomes the value returned by the :direction operation.

Now we have seen how to create a new abstract type: a new flavor. Every instance of this flavor has the five instance variables named in the defflavor form, and the seven methods we have seen (five that were automatically generated because of the :gettable-instance-variables option, and two that we wrote ourselves). The way to create an instance of our new flavor is with the make-instance function. Here is how it could be used:

(setq my-ship (make-instance 'ship))

This returns an object whose printed representation is #<SHIP 13731210>. (Of course, the value of the magic number will vary; it is just the object address in octal.) The argument to make-instance is the name of the flavor to be instantiated. Additional arguments, not used here, are init options, that is, commands to the flavor of which we are making an instance, selecting optional features. This will be discussed more in a moment.

Examination of the flavor we have defined shows that it is quite useless as it stands, since there is no way to set any of the parameters. We can fix this up easily by putting the :settable-instance-variables option into the defflavor form. This option tells defflavor to generate methods for operation :set for first argument :x-position, :y-position, and so on; each such method takes one additional argument and sets the corresponding instance variable to that value. It also generates methods for the operations :set-x-position, :set-y-position and so on; each of these takes one argument and sets the corresponding variable.

Another option we can add to the defflavor is :inittable-instance-variables, which allows us to initialize the values of the instance variables when an instance is first created. :inittable-instance-variables does not create any methods; instead, it makes initialization keywords named :x-position, :y-position, etc., that can be used as init-option arguments to make-instance to initialize the corresponding instance variables. The list of init options is sometimes called the init-plist because it is like a property list.

Here is the improved defflavor:

(defflavor ship (x-position y-position
                 x-velocity y-velocity mass) 

All we have to do is evaluate this new defflavor, and the existing flavor definition is updated and now includes the new methods and initialization options. In fact, the instance we generated a while ago now accepts the new operations! We can set the mass of the ship we created by evaluating

(send my-ship :set-mass 3.0)
(send my-ship :set :mass 3.0)

and the mass instance variable of my-ship is properly set to 3.0. Whether you use :set-mass or the general operation :set is a matter of style; :set is used by the expansion of (setf (send my-ship :mass) 3.0).

If you want to play around with flavors, it is useful to know that describe of an instance tells you the flavor of the instance and the values of its instance variables. If we were to evaluate (describe my-ship) at this point, the following would be printed:

#<SHIP 13731210>, an object of flavor SHIP,
 has instance variable values:
	X-POSITION:         void
	Y-POSITION:         void
	X-VELOCITY:         void
	Y-VELOCITY:         void
	MASS:               3.0

Now that the instance variables are inittable, we can create another ship and initialize some of the instance variables using the init-plist. Let’s do that and describe the result:

(setq her-ship (make-instance 'ship :x-position 0.0
			            :y-position 2.0
				    :mass 3.5))
		=> #<SHIP 13756521>

(describe her-ship)
#<SHIP 13756521>, an object of flavor SHIP,
 has instance variable values:
	X-POSITION:         0.0
	Y-POSITION:         2.0
	X-VELOCITY:         void
	Y-VELOCITY:         void
	MASS:               3.5

A flavor can also establish default initial values for instance variables. These default values are used when a new instance is created if the values are not initialized any other way. The syntax for specifying a default initial value is to replace the name of the instance variable by a list, whose first element is the name and whose second is a form to evaluate to produce the default initial value. For example:

(defvar *default-x-velocity* 2.0)
(defvar *default-y-velocity* 3.0)

(defflavor ship ((x-position 0.0)
		 (y-position 0.0)
		 (x-velocity *default-x-velocity*)
		 (y-velocity *default-y-velocity*)

(setq another-ship (make-instance 'ship :x-position 3.4))
 => #<SHIP 14563643>

(describe another-ship)
#<SHIP 14563643>, an object of flavor SHIP,
 has instance variable values:
	X-POSITION:         3.4
	Y-POSITION:         0.0
	X-VELOCITY:         2.0
	Y-VELOCITY:         3.0
	MASS:               void

x-position was initialized explicitly, so the default was ignored. y-position was initialized from the default value, which was 0.0. The two velocity instance variables were initialized from their default values, which came from two global variables. mass was not explicitly initialized and did not have a default initialization, so it was left void.

There are many other options that can be used in defflavor, and the init options can be used more flexibly than just to initialize instance variables; full details are given later in this chapter. But even with the small set of features we have seen so far, it is easy to write object-oriented programs.

21.6 Mixing Flavors

Now we have a system for defining message-receiving objects so that we can have generic operations. If we want to create a new type called meteor that would accept the same generic operations as ship, we could simply write another defflavor and two more defmethod’s that looked just like those of ship, and then meteors and ships would both accept the same operations. ship would have some more instance variables for holding attributes specific to ships and some more methods for operations that are not generic, but are only defined for ships; the same would be true of meteor.

However, this would be a a wasteful thing to do. The same code has to be repeated in several places, and several instance variables have to be repeated. The code now needs to be maintained in many places, which is always undesirable. The power of flavors (and the name “flavors”) comes from the ability to mix several flavors and get a new flavor. Since the functionality of ship and meteor partially overlap, we can take the common functionality and move it into its own flavor, which might be called moving-object. We would define moving-object the same way as we defined ship in the previous section. Then, ship and meteor could be defined like this:

(defflavor ship (engine-power number-of-passengers name) 

(defflavor meteor (percent-iron)

These defflavor forms use the second subform, which we ignored previously. The second subform is a list of flavors to be combined to form the new flavor; such flavors are called components. Concentrating on ship for a moment (analogous things are true of meteor), we see that it has exactly one component flavor: moving-object. It also has a list of instance variables, which includes only the ship-specific instance variables and not the ones that it shares with meteor. By incorporating moving-object, the ship flavor acquires all of its instance variables, and so need not name them again. It also acquires all of moving-object’s methods, too. So with the new definition, ship instances still implement the :x-velocity and :speed operations, with the same meaning as before. However, the :engine-power operation is also understood (and returns the value of the engine-power instance variable).

What we have done here is to take an abstract type, moving-object, and build two more specialized and powerful abstract types on top of it. Any ship or meteor can do anything a moving object can do, and each also has its own specific abilities. This kind of building can continue; we could define a flavor called ship-with-passenger that was built on top of ship, and it would inherit all of moving-object’s instance variables and methods as well as ship’s instance variables and methods. Furthermore, the second subform of defflavor can be a list of several components, meaning that the new flavor should combine all the instance variables and methods of all the flavors in the list, as well as the ones those flavors are built on, and so on. All the components taken together form a big tree of flavors. A flavor is built from its components, its components’ components, and so on. We sometimes use the term “components” to mean the immediate components (the ones listed in the defflavor), and sometimes to mean all the components (including the components of the immediate components and so on). (Actually, it is not strictly a tree, since some flavors might be components through more than one path. It is really a directed graph; it can even be cyclic.)

The order in which the components are combined to form a flavor is important. The tree of flavors is turned into an ordered list by performing a top-down, depth-first walk of the tree, including non-terminal nodes before the subtrees they head, ignoring any flavor that has been encountered previously somewhere else in the tree. For example, if flavor-1’s immediate components are flavor-2 and flavor-3, and flavor-2’s components are flavor-4 and flavor-5, and flavor-3’s component was flavor-4, then the complete list of components of flavor-1 would be:

flavor-1, flavor-2, flavor-4, flavor-5, flavor-3

The flavors earlier in this list are the more specific, less basic ones; in our example, ship-with-passengers would be first in the list, followed by ship, followed by moving-object. A flavor is always the first in the list of its own components. Notice that flavor-4 does not appear twice in this list. Only the first occurrence of a flavor appears; duplicates are removed. (The elimination of duplicates is done during the walk; if there is a cycle in the directed graph, it does not cause a non-terminating computation.)

The set of instance variables for the new flavor is the union of all the sets of instance variables in all the component flavors. If both flavor-2 and flavor-3 have instance variables named foo, then flavor-1 has an instance variable named foo, and any methods that refer to foo refer to this same instance variable. Thus different components of a flavor can communicate with one another using shared instance variables. (Typically, only one component ever sets the variable; the others only look at it.) The default initial value for an instance variable comes from the first component flavor to specify one.

The way the methods of the components are combined is the heart of the flavor system. When a flavor is defined, a single function, called a combined method, is constructed for each operation supported by the flavor. This function is constructed out of all the methods for that operation from all the components of the flavor. There are many different ways that methods can be combined; these can be selected by the user when a flavor is defined. The user can also create new forms of combination.

There are several kinds of methods, but so far, the only kinds of methods we have seen are primary methods. The default way primary methods are combined is that all but the earliest one provided are ignored. In other words, the combined method is simply the primary method of the first flavor to provide a primary method. What this means is that if you are starting with a flavor foo and building a flavor bar on top of it, then you can override foo’s method for an operation by providing your own method. Your method will be called, and foo’s will never be called.

Simple overriding is often useful; for example, if you want to make a new flavor bar that is just like foo except that it reacts completely differently to a few operations. However, often you don’t want to completely override the base flavor’s (foo’s) method; sometimes you want to add some extra things to be done. This is where combination of methods is used.

The usual way methods are combined is that one flavor provides a primary method, and other flavors provide daemon methods. The idea is that the primary method is “in charge” of the main business of handling the operation, but other flavors just want to keep informed that the message was sent, or just want to do the part of the operation associated with their own area of responsibility.

daemon methods come in two kinds, before and after. There is a special syntax in defmethod for defining such methods. Here is an example of the syntax. To give the ship flavor an after-daemon method for the :speed operation, the following syntax would be used:

(defmethod (ship :after :speed) () body)

Now, when a message is sent, it is handled by a new function called the combined method. The combined method first calls all of the before daemons, then the primary method, then all the after daemons. Each method is passed the same arguments that the combined method was given. The returned values from the combined method are the values returned by the primary method; any values returned from the daemons are ignored. Before-daemons are called in the order that flavors are combined, while after-daemons are called in the reverse order. In other words, if you build bar on top of foo, then bar’s before-daemons run before any of those in foo, and bar’s after-daemons run after any of those in foo.

The reason for this order is to keep the modularity order correct. If we create flavor-1 built on flavor-2, then it should not matter what flavor-2 is built out of. Our new before-daemons go before all methods of flavor-2, and our new after-daemons go after all methods of flavor-2. Note that if you have no daemons, this reduces to the form of combination described above. The most recently added component flavor is the highest level of abstraction; you build a higher-level object on top of a lower-level object by adding new components to the front. The syntax for defining daemon methods can be found in the description of defmethod below.

To make this a bit more clear, let’s consider a simple example that is easy to play with: the :print-self method. The Lisp printer (i.e the print function; see printer) prints instances of flavors by sending them :print-self messages. The first argument to the :print-self operation is a stream (we can ignore the others for now), and the receiver of the message is supposed to print its printed representation on the stream. In the ship example above, the reason that instances of the ship flavor printed the way they did is because the ship flavor was actually built on top of a very basic flavor called vanilla-flavor; this component is provided automatically by defflavor. It was vanilla-flavor’s :print-self method that was doing the printing. Now, if we give ship its own primary method for the :print-self operation, then that method completely takes over the job of printing; vanilla-flavor’s method will not be called at all. However, if we give ship a before-daemon method for the :print-self operation, then it will get invoked before the vanilla-flavor method, and so whatever it prints will appear before what vanilla-flavor prints. So we can use before-daemons to add prefixes to a printed representation; similarly, after-daemons can add suffixes.

There are other ways to combine methods besides daemons, but this way is the most common. The more advanced ways of combining methods are explained in a later section; see method-combination. vanilla-flavor and what it does for you are also explained later; see vanilla-flavor.

21.7 Flavor Functions

Macro: defflavor

A flavor is defined by a form

(defflavor flavor-name (var1 var2...) (flav1 flav2...)
	opt1 opt2...)

flavor-name is a symbol which serves to name this flavor. It is given an si:flavor property which is the internal data-structure containing the details of the flavor.

(type-of obj), where obj is an instance of the flavor named flavor-name, returns the symbol flavor-name. (typep obj flavor-name) is t if obj is an instance of a flavor, one of whose components (possibly itself) is flavor-name.

var1, var2, etc are the names of the instance-variables containing the local state for this flavor. A list of the name of an instance-variable and a default initialization form is also acceptable; the initialization form is evaluated when an instance of the flavor is created if no other initial value for the variable is obtained. If no initialization is specified, the variable remains void.

flav1, flav2, etc are the names of the component flavors out of which this flavor is built. The features of those flavors are inherited as described previously.

opt1, opt2, etc are options; each option may be either a keyword symbol or a list of a keyword symbol and arguments. The options to defflavor are described in defflavor-options.

Variable: *all-flavor-names*

A list of the names of all the flavors that have ever been defflavor’ed.

Macro: defmethod

A method, that is, a function to handle a particular operation for instances of a particular flavor, is defined by a form such as

(defmethod (flavor-name method-type operation) lambda-list
  form1 form2...)

flavor-name is a symbol which is the name of the flavor which is to receive the method. operation is a keyword symbol which names the operation to be handled. method-type is a keyword symbol for the type of method; it is omitted when you are defining a primary method. For some method-types, additional information is expected. It comes after operation.

The meaning of method-type depends on what style of method combination is declared for this operation. For instance, if :daemon combination (the default style) is in use, method types :before and :after are allowed. See method-combination for a complete description of method types and the way methods are combined.

lambda-list describes the arguments and aux variables of the function; the first argument to the method, which is the operation name itself, is automatically handled and so is not included in the lambda-list. Note that methods may not have unevaluated (&quote) arguments; that is, they must be functions, not special forms. form1, form2, etc are the function body; the value of the last form is returned.

The variant form

(defmethod (flavor-name operation) function)

where function is a symbol, says that flavor-name’s method for operation is function, a symbol which names a function. That function must take appropriate arguments; the first argument is the operation. When the function is called, self will be bound.

If you redefine a method that is already defined, the old definition is replaced by the new one. Given a flavor, an operation name, and a method type, there can only be one function (with the exception of :case methods; see case-method-combination), so if you define a :before daemon method for the foo flavor to handle the :bar operation, then you replace the previous before-daemon; however, you do not affect the primary method or methods of any other type, operation or flavor.

The function spec for a method (see method-function-spec) looks like:

(:method flavor-name operation)  or
(:method flavor-name method-type operation)  or
(:method flavor-name method-type operation suboperation)

This is useful to know if you want to trace (trace-fun), breakon (breakon-fun) or advise (advise-fun) a method, or if you want to poke around at the method function itself, e.g disassemble it (see disassemble-fun).

Function: make-instance flavor-name init-option1 value1 init-option2 value2...

Creates and returns an instance of the specified flavor. Arguments after the first are alternating init-option keywords and arguments to those keywords. These options are used to initialize instance variables and to select arbitrary options, as described above. An :init message is sent to the newly-created object with one argument, the init-plist. This is a disembodied property-list containing the init-options specified and those defaulted from the flavor’s :default-init-plist (however, init keywords that simply initialize instance variables, and the corresponding values, may be absent when the :init methods are called). make-instance is an easy-to-call interface to instantiate-flavor, below.

If :allow-other-keys is used as an init keyword with a non-nil value, this error check is suppressed. Then unrecognized keywords are simply ignored. Example:

(make-instance 'foo :lose 5 :allow-other-keys t)

specifies the init keyword :lose, but prevents an error should the keyword not be handled.

Function: instantiate-flavor flavor-name init-plist &optional send-init-message-p return-unhandled-keywords area

This is an extended version of make-instance, giving you more features. Note that it takes the init-plist as an individual argument, rather than taking a rest argument of init options and values.

The init-plist argument must be a disembodied property list; locf of a rest argument is satisfactory. Beware! This property list can be modified; the properties from the default init plist are putprop’ed on if not already present, and some :init methods do explicit putprop’s onto the init-plist.

In the event that :init methods remprop properties already on the init-plist (as opposed to simply doing get and putprop), then the init-plist is rplacd’ed. This means that the actual supplied list of options is modified. It also means that locf of a rest argument does not work; the caller of instantiate-flavor must copy its rest argument (e.g with copylist); this is because rplacd is not allowed on stack lists.

Do not use nil as the init-plist argument. This would mean to use the properties of the symbol nil as the init options. If your goal is to have no init options, you must provide a property list containing no properties, such as the list (nil).

Here is the sequence of actions by which instantiate-flavor creates a new instance:

First, the specified flavor’s instantiation flavor function (instantiation-flavor-function), if it exists, is called to determine which flavor should actually be instantiated. If there is no instantiation flavor function, the specified flavor is instantiated.

If the flavor’s method hash-table and other internal information have not been computed or are not up to date, they are computed. This may take a substantial amount of time or even invoke the compiler, but it happens only once for each time you define or redefine a particular flavor.

Next, the instance itself is created. If the area argument is specified, it is the number of an area in which to cons the instance; otherwise the flavor’s instance area function is called to choose an area if there is one; otherwise, default-cons-area is used. See instance-area-function.

Then the initial values of the instance variables are computed. If an instance variable is declared inittable, and a keyword with the same spelling as its name appears in init-plist, the property for that keyword is used as the initial value.

Otherwise, if the default init plist specifies such a property, it is evaluated and the value is used. Otherwise, if the flavor definition specifies a default initialization form, it is evaluated and the value is used. The initialization form may not refer to any instance variables. It can find the new instance in self but should not invoke any operations on it and should not refer directly to any instance variables. It can get at instance variables using accessor macros created by the :outside-accessible-instance-variables option (outside-accessible-instance-variables-option) or the function symeval-in-instance (symeval-in-instance-fun).

If an instance variable does not get initialized either of these ways it is left void; an :init method may initialize it (see below).

All remaining keywords and values specified in the :default-init-plist option to defflavor, that do not initialize instance variables and are not overridden by anything explicitly specified in init-plist are then merged into init-plist using putprop. The default init plist of the instantiated flavor is considered first, followed by those of all the component flavors in the standard order. See default-init-plist-option.

Then keywords appearing in the init-plist but not defined with the :init-keywords option or the :inittable-instance-variables option for some component flavor are collected. If the :allow-other-keys option is specified with a non-nil value (either in the original init-plist argument or by some default init plist) then these unhandled keywords are ignored. If the return-unhandled-keywords argument is non-nil, a list of these keywords is returned as the second value of instantiate-flavor. Otherwise, an error is signaled if any unrecognized init keywords are present.

If the send-init-message-p argument is supplied and non-nil, an :init message is sent to the newly-created instance, with one argument, the init-plist. get can be used to extract options from this property-list. Each flavor that needs initialization can contribute an :init method by defining a daemon.

The :init methods should not look on the init-plist for keywords that simply initialize instance variables (that is, keywords defined with :inittable-instance-variables rather than :init-keywords). The corresponding instance variables are already set up when the :init methods are called, and sometimes the keywords and their values may actually be missing from the init-plist if it is more efficient not to put them on. To avoid problems, always refer to the instance variables themselves rather than looking for the init keywords that initialize them.

Meta Method on "all: flavor instances" :init init-plist

This operation is implemented on all flavor instances. Its purpose is to examine the init keywords and perform whatever initializations are appropriate. init-plist is the argument that was given to instantiate-flavor, and may be passed directly to get to examine the value of any particular init option.

The default definition of this operation does nothing. However, many flavors add :before and :after daemons to it.

Function: instancep object

Returns t if object is an instance. This is equivalent to (typep object 'instance).

Macro: defwrapper

This is hairy and if you don’t understand it you should skip it.

Sometimes the way the flavor system combines the methods of different flavors (the daemon system) is not powerful enough. In that case defwrapper can be used to define a macro that expands into code that is wrapped around the invocation of the methods. This is best explained by an example; suppose you needed a lock locked during the processing of the :foo operation on flavor bar, which takes two arguments, and you have a lock-frobboz special-form that knows how to lock the lock (presumably it generates an unwind-protect). lock-frobboz needs to see the first argument to the operation; perhaps that tells it what sort of operation is going to be performed (read or write).

(defwrapper (bar :foo) ((arg1 arg2) . body)
  `(lock-frobboz (self arg1)
     . ,body))

The use of the body macro-argument prevents the macro defined by defwrapper from knowing the exact implementation and allows several defwrapper’s from different flavors to be combined properly.

Note well that the argument variables, arg1 and arg2, are not referenced with commas before them. These may look like defmacro “argument” variables, but they are not. Those variables are not bound at the time the defwrapper-defined macro is expanded and the back-quoting is done; rather the result of that macro-expansion and back-quoting is code which, when a message is sent, will bind those variables to the arguments in the message as local variables of the combined method.

Consider another example. Suppose you thought you wanted a :before daemon, but found that if the argument was nil you needed to return from processing the message immediately, without executing the primary method. You could write a wrapper such as

(defwrapper (bar :foo) ((arg1) . body)
  `(cond ((null arg1))
	 (t (print "About to do :FOO")
	    . ,body)))

Suppose you need a variable for communication among the daemons for a particular operation; perhaps the :after daemons need to know what the primary method did, and it is something that cannot be easily deduced from just the arguments. You might use an instance variable for this, or you might create a special variable which is bound during the processing of the operation and used free by the methods.

(defvar *communication*)
(defwrapper (bar :foo) (ignore . body)
  `(let ((*communication* nil))
     . ,body))

Similarly you might want a wrapper that puts a catch around the processing of an operation so that any one of the methods could throw out in the event of an unexpected condition.

Like daemon methods, wrappers work in outside-in order; when you add a defwrapper to a flavor built on other flavors, the new wrapper is placed outside any wrappers of the component flavors. However, all wrappers happen before any daemons happen. When the combined method is built, the calls to the before-daemon methods, primary methods, and after-daemon methods are all placed together, and then the wrappers are wrapped around them. Thus, if a component flavor defines a wrapper, methods added by new flavors execute within that wrapper’s context.

:around methods can do some of the same things that wrappers can. See around-method-type. If one flavor defines both a wrapper and an :around method for the same operation, the :around method is executed inside the wrapper.

By careful about inserting the body into an internal lambda-expression within the wrapper’s code. Doing so interacts with the internals of the flavor system and requires knowledge of things not documented in the manual in order to work properly. It is much simpler to use an :around method instead.

Macro: undefmethod (flavor [type] operation [suboperation])
(undefmethod (flavor :before :operation))
removes the method created by
(defmethod (flavor :before :operation) (args) ...)

To remove a wrapper, use undefmethod with :wrapper as the method type.

undefmethod is simply an interface to fundefine (see fundefine-fun) that accepts the same syntax as defmethod.

If a file that used to contain a method definition is reloaded and if that method no longer seems to have a definition in the file, the user is asked whether to undefmethod that method. This may be important to enable the modified program to inherit the methods it is supposed to inherit. If the method in question has been redefined by some other file, this is not done, the assumption being that the definition was merely moved.

Function: undefflavor flavor

Undefines flavor flavor. All methods of the flavor are lost. flavor and all flavors that depend on it are no longer valid to instantiate.

If instances of the discarded definition exist, they continue to use that definition.

Variable: self

When a message is sent to an object, the variable self is automatically bound to that object, for the benefit of methods which want to manipulate the object itself (as opposed to its instance variables).

Function: funcall-self operation arguments...
Function: lexpr-funcall-self operation arguments... list-of-arguments

funcall-self is nearly equivalent to funcall with self as the first argument. funcall-self used to be faster, but now funcall of self is just as fast. Therefore, funcall-self is obsolete. It should be replaced with funcall or send of self.

Likewise, lexpr-funcall-self should be replaced with use of lexpr-send to self.

Function: funcall-with-mapping-table function mapping-table &rest arguments

Applies function to arguments with sys:self-mapping-table bound to mapping-table. This is faster than binding the variable yourself and doing an ordinary funcall, because the system assumes that the mapping table you specify is the correct one for function to be run with. However, if you pass the wrong mapping table, incorrect execution will take place.

This function is used in the code for combined methods and is also useful for the user in :around methods (see around-method-type).

Function: lexpr-funcall-with-mapping-table function mapping-table &rest arguments

Applies function to arguments using lexpr-funcall, with sys:self-mapping-table bound to mapping-table.

Macro: declare-flavor-instance-variables (flavor) body...

Sometimes it is useful to have a function which is not itself a method, but which is to be called by methods and wants to be able to access the instance variables of the object self. The form

(declare-flavor-instance-variables (flavor-name)
  (defun function args body...))

surrounds the function definition with a peculiar kind of declaration which makes the instance variables of flavor flavor-name accessible by name. Any kind of function definition is allowed; it does not have to use defun per se.

If you call such a function when self’s value is an instance whose flavor does not include flavor-name as a component, it is an error.

Cleaner than using declare-flavor-instance-variables, because it does not involve putting anything around the function definition, is using a local declaration. Put (declare (:self-flavor flavorname)) as the first expression in the body of the function. For example:

(defun foo (a b)
  (declare (:self-flavor myobject))
  (+ a (* b speed)))

(where speed is an instance variable of the flavor myobject) is equivalent to

(declare-flavor-instance-variables (myobject)
(defun foo (a b)
  (+ a (* b speed))))
Special Form: with-self-variables-bound body...

Within the body of this special form, all of self’s instance variables are bound as specials to the values inside self. (Normally this is true only of those instance variables that are specified in :special-instance-variables when self’s flavor was defined.) As a result, inside the body you can use set, boundp and symeval, etc, freely on the instance variables of self.

Function: recompile-flavor flavor-name &optional single-operation (use-old-combined-methods t) (do-dependents t)

Updates the internal data of the flavor and any flavors that depend on it. If single-operation is supplied non-nil, only the methods for that operation are changed. The system does this when you define a new method that did not previously exist. If use-old-combined-methods is t, then the existing combined method functions are used if possible. New ones are generated only if the set of methods to be called has changed. This is the default. If use-old-combined-methods is nil, automatically-generated functions to call multiple methods or to contain code generated by wrappers are regenerated unconditionally. If do-dependents is nil, only the specific flavor you specified is recompiled. Normally all flavors that depend on it are also recompiled.

recompile-flavor affects only flavors that have already been compiled. Typically this means it affects flavors that have been instantiated, but does not bother with mixins (see mixin-flavor).

Variable: si:*dont-recompile-flavors*

If this variable is non-nil, automatic recompilation of combined methods is turned off.

If you wish to make several changes each of which will cause recompilation of the same combined methods, you can use this variable to speed things up by making the recompilations happen only once. Set the variable to t, make your changes, and then set the variable back to nil. Then use recompile-flavor to recompile whichever combined methods need it. For example:

(setq si:*dont-recompile-flavors* t)
(undefmethod (tv:sheet :after :bar))
(defmethod (tv:sheet :before :bar) ...)
(setq si:*dont-recompile-flavors* nil)
(recompile-flavor 'tv:sheet :bar)

tv:sheet has very many dependents; recompile-flavor even once takes painfully long. It’s nice to avoid spending the time twice.

Macro: compile-flavor-methods flavor...

The form (compile-flavor-methods flavor-name-1 flavor-name-2...), placed in a file to be compiled, directs the compiler to include the automatically-generated combined methods for the named flavors in the resulting QFASL file, provided all of the necessary flavor definitions have been made. Furthermore, all internal data structures needed to instantiate the flavor will be computed when the QFASL file is loaded rather than waiting until the first attempt to instantiate it.

This means that the combined methods get compiled at compile time and the data structures get generated at load time, rather than both things happening at run time. This is a very good thing, since if the the compiler must be invoked at run time, the program will be slow the first time it is run. (The compiler must be called in any case if incompatible changes have been made, such as addition or deletion of methods that must be called by a combined method.)

You should only use compile-flavor-methods for flavors that are going to be instantiated. For a flavor that is never to be instantiated (that is, a flavor that only serves to be a component of other flavors that actually do get instantiated), it is a complete waste of time, except in the unusual case where those other flavors can all inherit the combined methods of this flavor instead of each one having its own copy of a combined method which happens to be identical to the others. In this unusual case, you should use the :abstract-flavor option in defflavor (abstract-flavor-option).

The compile-flavor-methods forms should be compiled after all of the information needed to create the combined methods is available. You should put these forms after all of the definitions of all relevant flavors, wrappers, and methods of all components of the flavors mentioned.

The methods used by compile-flavor-methods to form the combined methods that go in the QFASL file are all those present in the file being compiled and all those defined in the Lisp world.

When a compile-flavor-methods form is seen by the interpreter, the combined methods are compiled and the internal data structures are generated.

Function: get-handler-for object operation

Given an object and an operation, this returns the object’s method for that operation, or nil if it has none. When object is an instance of a flavor, this function can be useful to find which of that flavor’s components supplies the method. If you get back a combined method, you can use the Meta-X List Combined Methods editor command (list-combined-methods) to find out what it does.

This is related to the :handler function spec (see function-spec).

It is preferable to use the generic operation :get-handler-for.

Function: flavor-allows-init-keyword-p flavor-name keyword

Returns non-nil if the flavor named flavor-name allows keyword in the init options when it is instantiated, or nil if it does not. The non-nil value is the name of the component flavor that contributes the support of that keyword.

Function: si:flavor-all-allowed-init-keywords flavor-name

Returns a list of all the init keywords that may be used in instantiating flavor-name.

Function: symeval-in-instance instance symbol &optional no-error-p

Returns the value of the instance variable symbol inside instance. If there is no such instance variable, an error is signaled, unless no-error-p is non-nil in which case nil is returned.

Function: set-in-instance instance symbol value

Sets the value of the instance variable symbol inside instance to value. If there is no such instance variable, an error is signaled.

Function: locate-in-instance instance symbol

Returns a locative pointer to the cell inside instance which holds the value of the instance variable named symbol.

Function: describe-flavor flavor-name

Prints descriptive information about a flavor; it is self-explanatory. An important thing it tells you that can be hard to figure out yourself is the combined list of component flavors; this list is what is printed after the phrase ‘and directly or indirectly depends on’.

Variable: si:*flavor-compilations*

Contains a history of when the flavor mechanism invoked the compiler. It is a list; elements toward the front of the list represent more recent compilations. Elements are typically of the form

(function-spec pathname)

where the function spec starts with :method and has a method type of :combined.

You may setq this variable to nil at any time; for instance before loading some files that you suspect may have missing or obsolete compile-flavor-methods in them.

Condition on sys:unclaimed-message: (error)

This condition is signaled whenever a flavor instance is sent a message whose operation it does not handle. The condition instance supports these operations:


The flavor instance that received the message.


The operation that was not handled.


The list of arguments to that operation

21.8 Defflavor Options

There are quite a few options to defflavor. They are all described here, although some are for very specialized purposes and not of interest to most users. Each option can be written in two forms; either the keyword by itself, or a list of the keyword and arguments to that keyword.

Several of these options declare things about instance variables. These options can be given with arguments which are instance variables, or without any arguments in which case they refer to all of the instance variables listed at the top of the defflavor. This is not necessarily all the instance variables of the component flavors, just the ones mentioned in this flavor’s defflavor. When arguments are given, they must be instance variables that were listed at the top of the defflavor; otherwise they are assumed to be misspelled and an error is signaled. It is legal to declare things about instance variables inherited from a component flavor, but to do so you must list these instance variables explicitly in the instance variable list at the top of the defflavor.


Enables automatic generation of methods for getting the values of instance variables. The operation name is the name of the variable, in the keyword package (i.e it has a colon in front of it).

Note that there is nothing special about these methods; you could easily define them yourself. This option generates them automatically to save you the trouble of writing out a lot of very simple method definitions. (The same is true of methods defined by the :settable-instance-variables option.) If you define a method for the same operation name as one of the automatically generated methods, the explicit definition overrides the automatic one.


Enables automatic generation of methods for setting the values of instance variables. The operation name is ‘:set-’ followed by the name of the variable. All settable instance variables are also automatically made gettable and inittable. (See the note in the description of the :gettable-instance-variables option, above.)

In addition, :case methods are generated for the :set operation with suboperations taken from the names of the variables, so that :set can be used to set them.


The instance variables listed as arguments, or all instance variables listed in this defflavor if the keyword is given alone, are made inittable. This means that they can be initialized through use of a keyword (a colon followed by the name of the variable) as an init-option argument to make-instance.


The instance variables listed as arguments, or all instance variables listed in this defflavor if the keyword is given alone, will be bound dynamically when handling messages. (By default, instance variables are bound lexically with the scope being the method.) You must do this to any instance variables that you wish to be accessible through symeval, set, boundp and makunbound, since they see only dynamic bindings.

This should also be done for any instance variables that are declared globally special. If you omit this, the flavor system does it for you automatically when you instantiate the flavor, and gives you a warning to remind you to fix the defflavor.


The arguments are declared to be valid keywords to use in instantiate-flavor when creating an instance of this flavor (or any flavor containing it). The system uses this for error-checking: before the system sends the :init message, it makes sure that all the keywords in the init-plist are either inittable instance variables or elements of this list. If any is not recognized, an error is signaled. When you write a :init method that accepts some keywords, they should be listed in the :init-keywords option of the flavor.

If :allow-other-keys is used as an init keyword with a non-nil value, this error check is suppressed. Then unrecognized keywords are simply ignored.


The arguments are alternating keywords and value forms, like a property list. When the flavor is instantiated, these properties and values are put into the init-plist unless already present. This allows one component flavor to default an option to another component flavor. The value forms are only evaluated when and if they are used. For example,

(:default-init-plist :frob-array
		     (make-array 100))

would provide a default “frob array” for any instance for which the user did not provide one explicitly.

(:default-init-plist :allow-other-keys t)

prevents errors for unhandled init keywords in all instantiation of this flavor and other flavors that depend on it.

:required-init-keywords defflavor

The arguments are init keywords which are to be required each time this flavor (or any flavor containing it) is instantiated. An error is signaled if any required init keyword is missing.


Declares that any flavor incorporating this one that is instantiated into an object must contain the specified instance variables. An error occurs if there is an attempt to instantiate a flavor that incorporates this one if it does not have these in its set of instance variables. Note that this option is not one of those that checks the spelling of its arguments in the way described at the start of this section (if it did, it would be useless).

Required instance variables may be freely accessed by methods just like normal instance variables. The difference between listing instance variables here and listing them at the front of the defflavor is that the latter declares that this flavor “owns” those variables and accepts responsibility for initializing them, while the former declares that this flavor depends on those variables but that some other flavor must be provided to manage them and whatever features they imply.


The arguments are names of operations that any flavor incorporating this one must handle. An error occurs if there is an attempt to instantiate such a flavor and it is lacking a method for one of these operations. Typically this option appears in the defflavor for a base flavor (see base-flavor). Usually this is used when a base flavor does a (send self ...) to send itself a message that is not handled by the base flavor itself; the idea is that the base flavor will not be instantiated alone, but only with other components (mixins) that do handle the message. This keyword allows the error of having no handler for the message to be detected when the flavor instantiated or when compile-flavor-methods is done, rather than when the missing operation is used.


The arguments are names of flavors that any flavor incorporating this one must include as components, directly or indirectly. The difference between declaring flavors as required and listing them directly as components at the top of the defflavor is that declaring flavors to be required does not make any commitments about where those flavors will appear in the ordered list of components; that is left up to whoever does specify them as components. The purpose of declaring a flavor to be required is to allow instance variables declared by that flavor to be accessed. It also provides error checking: an attempt to instantiate a flavor that does not include the required flavors as components signals an error. Compare this with :required-methods and :required-instance-variables.

For an example of the use of required flavors, consider the ship example given earlier, and suppose we want to define a relativity-mixin which increases the mass dependent on the speed. We might write,

(defflavor relativity-mixin () (moving-object))
(defmethod (relativity-mixin :mass) ()
  (// mass (sqrt (- 1 (^ (// (send self :speed)

but this would lose because any flavor that had relativity-mixin as a component would get moving-object right after it in its component list. As a base flavor, moving-object should be last in the list of components so that other components mixed in can replace its methods and so that daemon methods combine in the right order. relativity-mixin has no business changing the order in which flavors are combined, which should be under the control of its caller. For example,

(defflavor starship ()
	   (relativity-mixin long-distance-mixin ship))

puts moving-object last (inheriting it from ship).

So instead of the definition above we write,

(defflavor relativity-mixin () ()
	(:required-flavors moving-object))

which allows relativity-mixin’s methods to access moving-object instance variables such as mass (the rest mass), but does not specify any place for moving-object in the list of components.

It is very common to specify the base flavor of a mixin with the :required-flavors option in this way.


The arguments are names of flavors to be included in this flavor. The difference between declaring flavors here and declaring them at the top of the defflavor is that when component flavors are combined, if an included flavor is not specified as a normal component, it is inserted into the list of components immediately after the last component to include it. Thus included flavors act like defaults. The important thing is that if an included flavor is specified as a component, its position in the list of components is completely controlled by that specification, independently of where the flavor that includes it appears in the list.

:included-flavors and :required-flavors are used in similar ways; it would have been reasonable to use :included-flavors in the relativity-mixin example above. The difference is that when a flavor is required but not given as a normal component, an error is signaled, but when a flavor is included but not given as a normal component, it is automatically inserted into the list of components at a reasonable place.


Normally when a flavor is instantiated, the special flavor si:vanilla-flavor is included automatically at the end of its list of components. The vanilla flavor provides some default methods for the standard operations which all objects are supposed to understand. These include :print-self, :describe, :which-operations, and several other operations. See vanilla-flavor.

If any component of a flavor specifies the :no-vanilla-flavor option, then si:vanilla-flavor is not included in that flavor. This option should not be used casually.


The argument is the name of a function that is to be called to handle any operation for which there is no method. Its arguments are the arguments of the send which invoked the operation, including the operation name as the first argument. Whatever values the default handler returns are the values of the operation.

Default handlers can be inherited from component flavors. If a flavor has no default handler, any operation for which there is no method signals a sys:unclaimed-message error.


This option is mostly for esoteric internal system uses. The arguments are names of instance variables which must appear first (and in this order) in all instances of this flavor, or any flavor depending on this flavor. This is used for instance variables that are specially known about by microcode, and also in connection with the :outside-accessible-instance-variables option. If the keyword is given alone, the arguments default to the list of instance variables given at the top of this defflavor.

Removing any of the :ordered-instance-variables, or changing their positions in the list, requires that you recompile all methods that use any of the affected instance variables.


The arguments are instance variables which are to be accessible from outside of this flavor’s methods. A macro (actually a subst) is defined which takes an object of this flavor as an argument and returns the value of the instance variable; setf may be used to set the value of the instance variable. The name of the macro is the name of the flavor concatenated with a hyphen and the name of the instance variable. These macros are similar to the accessor macros created by defstruct (see defstruct.)

This feature works in two different ways, depending on whether the instance variable has been declared to have a fixed slot in all instances, via the :ordered-instance-variables option.

If the variable is not ordered, the position of its value cell in the instance must be computed at run time. This takes noticeable time, although less than actually sending a message would take. An error is signaled if the argument to the accessor macro is not an instance or is an instance that does not have an instance variable with the appropriate name. However, there is no error check that the flavor of the instance is the flavor the accessor macro was defined for, or a flavor built upon that flavor. This error check would be too expensive.

If the variable is ordered, the compiler compiles a call to the accessor macro into a subprimitive which simply accesses that variable’s assigned slot by number. This subprimitive is only three or four times slower than car. The only error-checking performed is to make sure that the argument is really an instance and is really big enough to contain that slot. There is no check that the accessed slot really belongs to an instance variable of the appropriate name.


Normally the accessor macro created by the :outside-accessible-instance-variables option to access the flavor f’s instance variable v is named f-v. Specifying (:accessor-prefix get$) causes it to be named get$v instead.


Marks this flavor as being an alias for another flavor. This flavor should have only one component, which is the flavor it is an alias for, and no instance variables or other options. No methods should be defined for it.

The effect of the :alias-flavor option is that an attempt to instantiate this flavor actually produces an instance of the other flavor. Without this option, it would make an instance of this flavor, which might behave identically to an instance of the other flavor. :alias-flavor eliminates the need for separate mapping tables, method tables, etc for this flavor, which becomes truly just another name for its component flavor.

The alias flavor and its base flavor are also equivalent when used as an argument of subtypep or as the second argument of typep; however, if the alias status of a flavor is changed, you must recompile any code which uses it as the second argument to typep in order for such code to function.

:alias-flavor is mainly useful for changing a flavor’s name gracefully.


This option marks the flavor as one that is not supposed to be instantiated (that is, is supposed to be used only as a component of other flavors). An attempt to instantiate the flavor signals an error.

It is sometimes useful to do compile-flavor-methods on a flavor that is not going to be instantiated, if the combined methods for this flavor will be inherited and shared by many others. :abstract-flavor tells compile-flavor-methods not to complain about missing required flavors, methods or instance variables. Presumably the flavors that depend on this one and actually are instantiated will supply what is lacking.


Specifies the method combination style to be used for certain operations. Each argument to this option is a list (style order operation1 operation2...). operation1, operation2, etc. are names of operations whose methods are to be combined in the declared fashion. style is a keyword that specifies a style of combination; see method-combination. order is a keyword whose interpretation is up to style; typically it is either :base-flavor-first or :base-flavor-last.

Any component of a flavor may specify the type of method combination to be used for a particular operation. If no component specifies a style of method combination, then the default style is used, namely :daemon. If more than one component of a flavor specifies the combination style for a given operation, then they must agree on the specification, or else an error is signaled.

:instance-area-function defflavor

The argument is the name of a function to be used when this flavor is instantiated, to determine which area to create the new instance in. Use a function name rather than an explicit lambda expression.

(:instance-area-function function-name)

When the instance area function is called, it is given the init plist as an argument, and should return an area number or nil to use the default. Init keyword values can be accessed using get on the init plist.

Instance area functions can be inherited from component flavors. If a flavor does not have or inherit an instance area function, its instances are created in default-cons-area.

:instantiation-flavor-function defflavor

You can define a flavor foo so that, when you try to instantiate it, it calls a function to decide what flavor it should really instantiate (not necessarily foo). This is done by giving foo an instantiation flavor function:

(:instantiation-flavor-function function-name)

When (make-instance 'foo keyword-args...) is done, the instantiation flavor function is called with two arguments: the flavor name specified (foo in this case) and the init plist (the list of keyword args). It should return the name of the flavor that should actually be instantiated.

Note that the instantiation flavor function applies only to the flavor it is specified for. It is not inherited by dependent flavors.

:run-time-alternatives defflavor
:mixture defflavor

A run-time-alternative flavor defines a collection of similar flavors, all built on the same base flavor but having various mixins as well. Instantiation chooses a flavor of the collection at run time based on the init keywords specified, using an automatically generated instantiation flavor function.

A simple example would be

(defflavor foo () (basic-foo)
     (:big big-foo-mixin))
  (:init-keywords :big))

Then (make-instance 'foo :big t) makes an instance of a flavor whose components are big-foo-mixin as well as foo. But (make-instance 'foo) or (make-instance 'foo :big nil) makes an instance of foo itself. The clause (:big big-foo-mixin) in the :run-time-alternatives says to incorporate big-foo-mixin if :big’s value is t, but not if it is nil.

There may be several clauses in the :run-time-alternatives. Each one is processed independently. Thus, two keywords :big and :wide could independently control two mixins, giving four possibilities.

(defflavor foo () (basic-foo)
     (:big big-foo-mixin)
     (:wide wide-foo-mixin))
  (:init-keywords :big))

It is possible to test for values other than t and nil. The clause

(:size (:big big-foo-mixin)
       (:small small-foo-mixin)
       (nil nil))

allows the value for the keyword :size to be :big, :small or nil (or omitted). If it is nil or omitted, no mixin is used (that’s what the second nil means). If it is :big or :small, an appropriate mixin is used. This kind of clause is distinguished from the simpler kind by having a list as its second element. The values to check for can be anything, but eq is used to compare them.

The value of one keyword can control the interpretation of others by nesting clauses within clauses. If an alternative has more than two elements, the additional elements are subclauses which are considered only if that alternative is selected. For example, the clause

(:etherial (t etherial-mixin)
	   (nil nil
		(:size (:big big-foo-mixin)
		       (:small small-foo-mixin)
		       (nil nil))))

says to consider the :size keyword only if :etherial is nil.

:mixture is synonymous with :run-time-alternatives. It exists for compatibility with Symbolics systems.


Specifies the documentation string for the flavor definition, which is made accessible through (documentation flavorname 'flavor).

This documentation can be viewed with the describe-flavor function (see describe-flavor-fun) or the editor’s Meta-X Describe Flavor command (see describe-flavor-command).

Previously this option expected two arguments, a keyword and a string. The keyword was intended to classify the flavor as a base flavor, mixin or combination. But no way was found for this classification to serve a useful purpose. Keyword are still accepted but no longer recommended for use.

21.9 Flavor Families

The following organization conventions are recommended for programs that use flavors.

A base flavor is a flavor that defines a whole family of related flavors, all of which have that base flavor as a component. Typically the base flavor includes things relevant to the whole family, such as instance variables, :required-methods and :required-instance-variables declarations, default methods for certain operations, :method-combination declarations, and documentation on the general protocols and conventions of the family. Some base flavors are complete and can be instantiated, but most are not instantiatable and merely serve as a base upon which to build other flavors. The base flavor for the foo family is often named basic-foo.

A mixin flavor is a flavor that defines one particular feature of an object. A mixin cannot be instantiated, because it is not a complete description. Each module or feature of a program is defined as a separate mixin; a usable flavor can be constructed by choosing the mixins for the desired characteristics and combining them, along with the appropriate base flavor. By organizing your flavors this way, you keep separate features in separate flavors, and you can pick and choose among them. Sometimes the order of combining mixins does not matter, but often it does, because the order of flavor combination controls the order in which daemons are invoked and wrappers are wrapped. Such order dependencies should be documented as part of the conventions of the appropriate family of flavors. A mixin flavor that provides the mumble feature is often named mumble-mixin.

If you are writing a program that uses someone else’s facility to do something, using that facility’s flavors and methods, your program may still define its own flavors, in a simple way. The facility provides a base flavor and a set of mixins: the caller can combine these in various ways depending on exactly what it wants, since the facility probably does not provide all possible useful combinations. Even if your private flavor has exactly the same components as a pre-existing flavor, it can still be useful since you can use its :default-init-plist (see default-init-plist-option) to select options of its component flavors and you can define one or two methods to customize it “just a little”.

21.10 Vanilla Flavor

The operations described in this section are a standard protocol, which all message-receiving objects are assumed to understand. The standard methods that implement this protocol are automatically supplied by the flavor system unless the user specifically tells it not to do so. These methods are associated with the flavor si:vanilla-flavor:

Flavor on : si:vanilla-flavor

Unless you specify otherwise (with the :no-vanilla-flavor option to defflavor), every flavor includes the “vanilla” flavor, which has no instance variables but provides some basic useful methods.

Message on :print-self: stream prindepth escape-p

The object should output its printed-representation to a stream. The printer sends this message when it encounters an instance or an entity. The arguments are the stream, the current depth in list-structure (for comparison with prinlevel), and whether escaping is enabled (a copy of the value of *print-escape*; see *print-escape*-var). si:vanilla-flavor ignores the last two arguments and prints something like #<flavor-name octal-address>. The flavor-name tells you what type of object it is and the octal-address allows you to tell different objects apart (provided the garbage collector doesn’t move them behind your back).

Message on : :describe

The object should describe itself, printing a description onto the *standard-output* stream. The describe function sends this message when it encounters an instance. si:vanilla-flavor outputs in a reasonable format the object, the name of its flavor, and the names and values of its instance-variables.

Message on :set: keyword value

The object should set the internal value specified by keyword to the new value value. For flavor instances, the :set operation uses :case method combination, and a method is generated automatically to set each settable instance variable, with keyword being the variable’s name as a keyword.

Message on : :which-operations

The object should return a list of the operations it can handle. si:vanilla-flavor generates the list once per flavor and remembers it, minimizing consing and compute-time. If the set of operations handled is changed, this list is regenerated the next time someone asks for it.

Message on :operation-handled-p: operation

operation is an operation name. The object should return t if it has a handler for the specified operation, nil if it does not.

Message on :get-handler-for: operation

operation is an operation name. The object should return the method it uses to handle operation. If it has no handler for that operation, it should return nil. This is like the get-handler-for function (see get-handler-for-fun), but, of course, you can use it only on objects known to accept messages.

Message on :send-if-handles: operation &rest arguments

operation is an operation name and arguments is a list of arguments for the operation. If the object handles the operation, it should send itself a message with that operation and arguments, and return whatever values that message returns. If it doesn’t handle the operation it should just return nil.

Message on :eval-inside-yourself: form

The argument is a form that is evaluated in an environment in which special variables with the names of the instance variables are bound to the values of the instance variables. It works to setq one of these special variables; the instance variable is modified. This is intended to be used mainly for debugging.

Message on :funcall-inside-yourself: function &rest args

function is applied to args in an environment in which special variables with the names of the instance variables are bound to the values of the instance variables. It works to setq one of these special variables; the instance variable is modified. This is a way of allowing callers to provide actions to be performed in an environment set up by the instance.

Message on : :break

break is called in an environment in which special variables with the names of the instance variables are bound to the values of the instance variables.

21.11 Method Combination

When a flavor has or inherits more than one method for an operation, they must be called in a specific sequence. The flavor system creates a function called a combined method which calls all the user-specified methods in the proper order. Invocation of the operation actually calls the combined method, which is responsible for calling the others.

For example, if the flavor foo has components and methods as follows:

(defflavor foo () (foo-mixin foo-base))
(defflavor foo-mixin () (bar-mixin))

(defmethod (foo :before :hack) ...)
(defmethod (foo :after :hack) ...)

(defmethod (foo-mixin :before :hack) ...)
(defmethod (foo-mixin :after :hack) ...)

(defmethod (bar-mixin :before :hack) ...)
(defmethod (bar-mixin :hack) ...)

(defmethod (foo-base :hack) ...)
(defmethod (foo-base :after :hack) ...)

then the combined method generated looks like this (ignoring many important details not related to this issue):

(defmethod (foo :combined :hack) (&rest args)
  (apply #'(:method foo :before :hack) args)
  (apply #'(:method foo-mixin :before :hack) args)
  (apply #'(:method bar-mixin :before :hack) args)
      (apply #'(:method bar-mixin :hack) args)
    (apply #'(:method foo-base :after :hack) args)
    (apply #'(:method foo-mixin :after :hack) args)
    (apply #'(:method foo :after :hack) args)))

This example shows the default style of method combination, the one described in the introductory parts of this chapter, called :daemon combination. Each style of method combination defines which method types it allows, and what they mean. :daemon combination accepts method types :before and :after, in addition to untyped methods; then it creates a combined method which calls all the :before methods, only one of the untyped methods, and then all the :after methods, returning the value of the untyped method. The combined method is constructed by a function much like a macro’s expander function, and the precise technique used to create the combined method is what gives :before and :after their meaning.

Note that the :before methods are called in the order foo, foo-mixin, bar-mixin and foo-base. (foo-base does not have a :before method, but if it had one that one would be last.) This is the standard ordering of the components of the flavor foo (see flavor-components); since it puts the base flavor last, it is called :base-flavor-last ordering. The :after methods are called in the opposite order, in which the base flavor comes first. This is called :base-flavor-first ordering.

Only one of the untyped methods is used; it is the one that comes first in :base-flavor-last ordering. An untyped method used in this way is called a primary method.

Other styles of method combination define their own method types and have their own ways of combining them. Use of another style of method combination is requested with the :method-combination option to defflavor (see method-combination-option). Here is an example which uses :list method combination, a style of combination that allows :list methods and untyped methods:

(defflavor foo () (foo-mixin foo-base))
(defflavor foo-mixin () (bar-mixin))
(defflavor foo-base () ()
  (:method-combination (:list :base-flavor-last :win)))

(defmethod (foo :list :win) ...)
(defmethod (foo :win) ...)

(defmethod (foo-mixin :list :win) ...)

(defmethod (bar-mixin :list :win) ...)
(defmethod (bar-mixin :win) ...)

(defmethod (foo-base :win) ...)

yielding the combined method

(defmethod (foo :combined :win) (&rest args)
    (apply #'(:method foo :list :win) args)
    (apply #'(:method foo-mixin :list :win) args)
    (apply #'(:method bar-mixin :list :win) args)
    (apply #'(:method foo :win) args)
    (apply #'(:method bar-mixin :win) args)
    (apply #'(:method foo-base :win) args)))

The :method-combination option in the defflavor for foo-base causes :list method combination to be used for the :win operation on all flavors that have foo-base as a component, including foo. The result is a combined method which calls all the methods, including all the untyped methods rather than just one, and makes a list of the values they return. All the :list methods are called first, followed by all the untyped methods; and within each type, the :base-flavor-last ordering is used as specified. If the :method-combination option said :base-flavor-first, the relative order of the :list methods would be reversed, and so would the untyped methods, but the :list methods would still be called before the untyped ones. :base-flavor-last is more often right, since it means that foo’s own methods are called first and si:vanilla-flavor’s methods (if it has any) are called last.

A few specific method types, such as :default and :around, have standard meanings independent of the style of method combination, and can be used with any style. They are described in a table below.

Here are the standardly defined method combination styles.


The default style of method combination. All the :before methods are called, then the primary (untyped) method for the outermost flavor that has one is called, then all the :after methods are called. The value returned is the value of the primary method.


Like the :daemon method combination style, except that the primary method is wrapped in an :or special form with all :or methods. Multiple values can be returned from the primary method, but not from the :or methods (as in the or special form). This produces code like the following in combined methods:

(progn (foo-before-method)
         (or (foo-or-method)

This is useful primarily for flavors in which a mixin introduces an alternative to the primary method. Each :or method gets a chance to run before the primary method and to decide whether the primary method should be run or not; if any :or method returns a non-nil value, the primary method is not run (nor are the rest of the :or methods). Note that the ordering of the combination of the :or methods is controlled by the order keyword in the :method-combination option.


Like :daemon-with-or except that it combines :and methods in an and special form. The primary method is run only if all of the :and methods return non-nil values.


Like the :daemon method combination style, except an or special form is wrapped around the entire combined method with all :override typed methods before the combined method. This differs from :daemon-with-or in that the :before and :after daemons are run only if none of the :override methods returns non-nil. The combined method looks something like this:

(or (foo-override-method)
    (progn (foo-before-method)

Calls all the methods inside a progn special form. Only untyped and :progn methods are allowed. The combined method calls all the :progn methods and then all the untyped methods. The result of the combined method is whatever the last of the methods returns.


Calls all the methods inside an or special form. This means that each of the methods is called in turn. Only untyped methods and :or methods are allowed; the :or methods are called first. If a method returns a non-nil value, that value is returned and none of the rest of the methods are called; otherwise, the next method is called. In other words, each method is given a chance to handle the message; if it doesn’t want to handle the message, it can return nil, and the next method gets a chance to try.


Calls all the methods inside an and special form. Only untyped methods and :and methods are allowed. The basic idea is much like :or; see above.


Calls all the methods and appends the values together. Only untyped methods and :append methods are allowed; the :append methods are called first.


Calls all the methods and nconc’s the values together. Only untyped methods and :nconc methods are allowed, etc.


Calls all the methods and returns a list of their returned values. Only untyped methods and :list methods are allowed, etc.


Calls each method with one argument; these arguments are successive elements of the list that is the sole argument to the operation. Returns no particular value. Only untyped methods and :inverse-list methods are allowed, etc.

If the result of a :list-combined operation is sent back with an :inverse-list-combined operation, with the same ordering and with corresponding method definitions, each component flavor receives the value that came from that flavor.


Calls each method on the values returned by the preceeding one. The values returned by the combined method are those of the outermost call. The format of the declaration in the defflavor is:

(:method-combination (:pass-on (ordering . arglist))
                     . operation-names)

where ordering is :base-flavor-first or :base-flavor-last. arglist may include the &aux and &optional keywords.

Only untyped methods and :pass-on methods are allowed. The :pass-on methods are called first.


With :case method combination, the combined method automatically does a selectq dispatch on the first argument of the operation, known as the suboperation. Methods of type :case can be used, and each one specifies one suboperation that it applies to. If no :case method matches the suboperation, the primary method, if any, is called.

(defflavor foo (a b) ()
  (:method-combination (:case :base-flavor-last :win)))

This method handles (send a-foo :win :a):
(defmethod (foo :case :win :a) ()

This method handles (send a-foo :win :a*b):
(defmethod (foo :case :win :a*b) ()
  (* a b))

This method handles (send a-foo :win :something-else):
(defmethod (foo :win) (suboperation)
  (list 'something-random suboperation))

:case methods are unusual in that one flavor can have many :case methods for the same operation, as long as they are for different suboperations.

The suboperations :which-operations, :operation-handled-p, :send-if-handles and :get-handler-for are all handled automatically based on the collection of :case methods that are present.

Methods of type :or are also allowed. They are called just before the primary method, and if one of them returns a non-nil value, that is the value of the operation, and no more methods are called.

Here is a table of all the method types recognized by the standard styles of method combination.

(no type)

If no type is given to defmethod, a primary method is created. This is the most common type of method.


Used for the before-daemon and after-daemon methods used by :daemon method combination.


If there are no untyped methods among any of the flavors being combined, then the :default methods (if any) are treated as if they were untyped. If there are any untyped methods, the :default methods are ignored.

Typically a base-flavor (see base-flavor) defines some default methods for certain of the operations understood by its family. When using the default kind of method combination these default methods are suppressed if another component provides a primary method.


Used for :daemon-with-or and :daemon-with-and method combination. The :or methods are wrapped in an or, or the :and methods are wrapped in an and, together with the primary method, between the :before and :after methods.


Allows the features of :or method combination to be used together with daemons. If you specify :daemon-with-override method combination, you may use :override methods. The :override methods are executed first, until one of them returns non-nil. If this happens, that method’s value(s) are returned and no more methods are used. If all the :override methods return nil, the :before, primary and :after methods are executed as usual.

In typical usages of this feature, the :override method usually returns nil and does nothing, but in exceptional circumstances it takes over the handling of the operation.

:or, :and, :progn, :list, :inverse-list, pass-on, :append, :nconc.

Each of these methods types is allowed in the method combination style of the same name. In those method combination styles, these typed methods work just like untyped ones, but all the typed methods are called before all the untyped ones.


:case methods are used by :case method combination.

These method types can be used with any method combination style; they have standard meanings independent of the method combination style being used.


An :around method is able to control when, whether and how the remaining methods are executed. It is given a continuation that is a function that will execute the remaining methods, and has complete responsibility for calling it or not, and deciding what arguments to give it. For the simplest behavior, the arguments should be the operation name and operation arguments that the :around method itself received; but sometimes the whole purpose of the :around method is to modify the arguments before the remaining methods see them.

The :around method receives three special arguments before the arguments of the operation itself: the continuation, the mapping-table, and the original-argument-list. The last is a list of the operation name and operation arguments. The simplest way for the :around method to invoke the remaining methods is to do

  continuation mapping-table

In general, the continuation should be called with either funcall-with-mapping-table or lexpr-funcall-with-mapping-table, providing the continuation, the mapping-table, and the operation name (which you know because it is the same as in the defmethod), followed by whatever arguments the remaining methods are supposed to see.

(defflavor foo-one-bigger-mixin () ())

(defmethod (foo-one-bigger-mixin :around :set-foo)
           (cont mt ignore new-foo)
  (funcall-with-mapping-table cont mt :set-foo
  			      (1+ new-foo)))

is a mixin which modifies the :set-foo operation so that the value actually used in it is one greater than the value specified in the message.


:inverse-around methods work like :around methods, but they are invoked at a different time and in a different order.

With :around methods, those of earlier flavor components components are invoked first, starting with the instantiated flavor itself, and those of earlier components are invoked within them. :inverse-around methods are invoked in the opposite order: si:vanilla-flavor would come first. Also, all :around methods and wrappers are invoked inside all the :inverse-around methods.

For example, the :inverse-around :init method for tv:sheet (a base flavor for all window flavors) is used to handle the init keywords :expose-p and :activate-p, which cannot be handled correctly until the window is entirely set up. They are handled in this method because it is guaranteed to be the first method invoked by the :init operation on any flavor of window (because no component of tv:sheet defines an :inverse-around method for this operation). All the rest of the work of making a new window valid takes place in this method’s continuation; when the continuation returns, the window must be as valid as it will ever be, and it is ready to be exposed or activated.


Used internally by defwrapper.

Note that if one flavor defines both a wrapper and an :around method for the same operation, the :around method is executed inside the wrapper.


Used internally for automatically-generated combined methods.

The most common form of combination is :daemon. One thing may not be clear: when do you use a :before daemon and when do you use an :after daemon? In some cases the primary method performs a clearly-defined action and the choice is obvious: :before :launch-rocket puts in the fuel, and :after :launch-rocket turns on the radar tracking.

In other cases the choice can be less obvious. Consider the :init message, which is sent to a newly-created object. To decide what kind of daemon to use, we observe the order in which daemon methods are called. First the :before daemon of the instantiated flavor is called, then :before daemons of successively more basic flavors are called, and finally the :before daemon (if any) of the base flavor is called. Then the primary method is called. After that, the :after daemon for the base flavor is called, followed by the :after daemons at successively less basic flavors.

Now, if there is no interaction among all these methods, if their actions are completely independent, then it doesn’t matter whether you use a :before daemon or an :after daemon. There is a difference if there is some interaction. The interaction we are talking about is usually done through instance variables; in general, instance variables are how the methods of different component flavors communicate with each other. In the case of the :init operation, the init-plist can be used as well. The important thing to remember is that no method knows beforehand which other flavors have been mixed in to form this flavor; a method cannot make any assumptions about how this flavor has been combined, and in what order the various components are mixed.

This means that when a :before daemon has run, it must assume that none of the methods for this operation have run yet. But the :after daemon knows that the :before daemon for each of the other flavors has run. So if one flavor wants to convey information to the other, the first one should “transmit” the information in a :before daemon, and the second one should “receive” it in an :after daemon. So while the :before daemons are run, information is “transmitted”; that is, instance variables get set up. Then, when the :after daemons are run, they can look at the instance variables and act on their values.

In the case of the :init method, the :before daemons typically set up instance variables of the object based on the init-plist, while the :after daemons actually do things, relying on the fact that all of the instance variables have been initialized by the time they are called.

The problems become most difficult when you are creating a network of instances of various flavors that are supposed to point to each other. For example, suppose you have flavors for “buffers” and “streams”, and each buffer should be accompanied by a stream. If you create the stream in the :before :init method for buffers, you can inform the stream of its corresponding buffer with an init keyword, but the stream may try sending messages back to the buffer, which is not yet ready to be used. If you create the stream in the :after :init method for buffers, there will be no problem with stream creation, but some other :after :init methods of other mixins may have run and made the assumption that there is to be no stream. The only way to guarantee success is to create the stream in a :before method and inform it of its associated buffer by sending it a message from the buffer’s :after :init method. This scheme–creating associated objects in :before methods but linking them up in :after methods–often avoids problems, because all the various associated objects used by various mixins at least exist when it is time to make other objects point to them.

Since flavors are not hierarchically organized, the notion of levels of abstraction is not rigidly applicable. However, it remains a useful way of thinking about systems.

21.12 Implementation of Flavors

An object that is an instance of a flavor is implemented using the data type dtp-instance. The representation is a structure whose first word, tagged with dtp-instance-header, points to a structure (known to the microcode as an “instance descriptor”) containing the internal data for the flavor. The remaining words of the structure are value cells containing the values of the instance variables. The instance descriptor is a defstruct that appears on the si:flavor property of the flavor name. It contains, among other things, the name of the flavor, the size of an instance, the table of methods for handling operations, and information for accessing the instance variables.

defflavor creates such a data structure for each flavor, and links them together according to the dependency relationships between flavors.

A message is sent to an instance simply by calling it as a function, with the first argument being the operation. The microcode binds self to the object and binds those instance variables that are supposed to be special to the value cells in the instance. Then it passes on the operation and arguments to a funcallable hash table taken from the flavor-structure for this flavor.

When the funcallable hash table is called as a function, it hashes the first argument (the operation) to find a function to handle the operation and an array called a mapping table. The variable sys:self-mapping-table is bound to the mapping table, which tells the microcode how to access the lexical instance variables, those not defined to be special. Then the function is called. If there is only one method to be invoked, this function is that method; otherwise it is an automatically-generated function called the combined method (see combined-method), which calls the appropriate methods in the right order. If there are wrappers, they are incorporated into this combined method.

The mapping table is an array whose elements correspond to the instance variables which can be accessed by the flavor to which the currently executing method belongs. Each element contains the position in self of that instance variable. This position varies with the other instance variables and component flavors of the flavor of self.

Each time the combined method calls another method, it sets up the mapping table required by that method–not in general the same one which the combined method itself uses. The mapping tables for the called methods are extracted from the array leader of the mapping table used by the combined method, which is kept in a local variable of the combined method’s stack frame while sys:self-mapping-table is set to the mapping tables for the component methods.

Variable: sys:self-mapping-table

Holds the current mapping table, which tells the running flavor method where in self to find each instance variable.

Ordered instance variables are referred to directly without going through the mapping table. This is a little faster, and reduces the amount of space needed for mapping tables. It is also the reason why compiled code contains the positions of the ordered instance variables and must be recompiled when they change.

21.12.1 Order of Definition

There is a certain amount of freedom to the order in which you do defflavor’s, defmethod’s, and defwrapper’s. This freedom is designed to make it easy to load programs containing complex flavor structures without having to do things in a certain order. It is considered important that not all the methods for a flavor need be defined in the same file. Thus the partitioning of a program into files can be along modular lines.

The rules for the order of definition are as follows.

Before a method can be defined (with defmethod or defwrapper) its flavor must have been defined (with defflavor). This makes sense because the system has to have a place to remember the method, and because it has to know the instance-variables of the flavor if the method is to be compiled.

When a flavor is defined (with defflavor) it is not necessary that all of its component flavors be defined already. This is to allow defflavor’s to be spread between files according to the modularity of a program, and to provide for mutually-dependent flavors. Methods can be defined for a flavor some of whose component flavors are not yet defined; however, in certain cases compiling those methods may produce a warning that an instance variable was declared special (because the system did not realize it was an instance variable). If this happens, you should fix the problem and recompile.

The methods automatically generated by the :gettable-instance-variables and :settable-instance-variables defflavor options (see gettable-instance-variables-option) are generated at the time the defflavor is done.

The first time a flavor is instantiated, or when compile-flavor-methods is done, the system looks through all of the component flavors and gathers various information. At this point an error is signaled if not all of the components have been defflavor’ed. This is also the time at which certain other errors are detected, for instance lack of a required instance-variable (see the :required-instance-variables defflavor option, required-instance-variables-option). The combined methods (see combined-method) are generated at this time also, unless they already exist.

After a flavor has been instantiated, it is possible to make changes to it. Such changes affect all existing instances if possible. This is described more fully immediately below.

21.12.2 Changing a Flavor

You can change anything about a flavor at any time. You can change the flavor’s general attributes by doing another defflavor with the same name. You can add or modify methods by doing defmethod’s. If you do a defmethod with the same flavor-name, operation (and suboperation if any), and (optional) method-type as an existing method, that method is replaced by the new definition. You can remove a method with undefmethod (see undefmethod-fun).

These changes always propagate to all flavors that depend upon the changed flavor. Normally the system propagates the changes to all existing instances of the changed flavor and its dependent flavors. However, this is not possible when the flavor has been changed so drastically that the old instances would not work properly with the new flavor. This happens if you change the number of instance variables, which changes the size of an instance. It also happens if you change the order of the instance variables (and hence the storage layout of an instance), or if you change the component flavors (which can change several subtle aspects of an instance). The system does not keep a list of all the instances of each flavor, so it cannot find the instances and modify them to conform to the new flavor definition. Instead it gives you a warning message, on the *error-output* stream, to the effect that the flavor was changed incompatibly and the old instances will not get the new version. The system leaves the old flavor data-structure intact (the old instances continue to point at it) and makes a new one to contain the new version of the flavor. If a less drastic change is made, the system modifies the original flavor data-structure, thus affecting the old instances that point at it. However, if you redefine methods in such a way that they only work for the new version of the flavor, then trying to use those methods with the old instances won’t work.

21.13 Useful Editor Commands

This section briefly documents some editor commands that are useful in conjunction with flavors.


The Meta-. (Edit Definition) command can find the definition of a flavor in the same way that it can find the definition of a function.

Edit Definition can find the definition of a method if you give it a suitable function spec starting with :method, such as (:method tv:sheet :expose). The keyword :method may be omitted if the definition is in the editor already. Completion is available on the flavor name and operation name, as usual only for definitions loaded into the editor.

Meta-X Describe Flavor

Asks for a flavor name in the mini-buffer and describes its characteristics. When typing the flavor name you have completion over the names of all defined flavors (thus this command can be used to aid in guessing the name of a flavor). The display produced is mouse sensitive where there are names of flavors and of methods; as usual the right-hand mouse button gives you a menu of editor commands to apply to the name and the left-hand mouse button does one of them, typically positioning the editor to the source code for that name.

Meta-X List Methods
Meta-X Edit Methods

Asks you for an operation in the mini-buffer and lists all the flavors that have a method for that operation. You may type in the operation name, point to it with the mouse, or let it default to the operation of the message being sent by the Lisp form the cursor is on. List Methods produces a mouse-sensitive display allowing you to edit selected methods or just to see which flavors have methods, while Edit Methods skips the display and proceeds directly to editing the methods.

As usual with this type of command, the editor command Control-Shift-P advances the editor cursor to the next method in the list, reading in its source file if necessary. Typing Control-Shift-P, while the display is on the screen, edits the first method.

In addition, you can find a copy of the list in the editor buffer *Possibilities*. While in that buffer, the command Control-/ visits the definition of the method described on the line the cursor is pointing at.

These techniques of moving through the objects listed apply to all the following commands as well.

Meta-X List Combined Methods
Meta-X Edit Combined Methods

Asks you for an operation name and a flavor in two mini-buffers and lists all the methods that would be called to handle that operation for an instance of that flavor.

List Combined Methods can be very useful for telling what a flavor will do in response to a message. It shows you the primary method, the daemons, and the wrappers and lets you see the code for all of them; type Control-Shift-P to get to successive ones.

Meta-X List Flavor Components
Meta-X Edit Flavor Components

Asks you for a flavor and lists or begins visiting all the flavors it depends on.

Meta-X List Flavor Dependents
Meta-X Edit Flavor Dependents

Asks you for a flavor and lists or begins visiting all the flavors that depend on it.

Meta-X List Flavor Direct Dependents
Meta-X Edit Flavor Direct Dependents

Asks you for a flavor and lists or begins visiting all the flavors that depend directly on it.

Meta-X List Flavor Methods
Meta-X Edit Flavor Methods

Asks you for a flavor and lists or begins visiting all the methods defined for that flavor. (This does not include methods inherited from its component flavors.)

21.14 Property List Operations

It is often useful to associate a property list with an abstract object, for the same reasons that it is useful to have a property list associated with a symbol. This section describes a mixin flavor that can be used as a component of any new flavor in order to provide that new flavor with a property list. For more details and examples, see the general discussion of property lists (plist). The usual property list functions (get, putprop, etc) all work on instances by sending the instance the corresponding message.

Flavor on : si:property-list-mixin

This mixin flavor provides the basic operations on property lists.

Method on si:property-list-mixin: :get property-name &optional default

Looks up the object’s property-name property. If it finds such a property, it returns the value; otherwise it returns default.

Method on si:property-list-mixin: :getl property-name-list

Like the :get operation, except that the argument is a list of property names. The :getl operation searches down the property list until it finds a property whose property name is one of the elements of property-name-list. It returns the portion of the property list begining with the first such property that it found. If it doesn’t find any, it returns nil.

Method on si:property-list-mixin: :putprop value property-name

Gives the object an property-name property of value.

(send object :set :get property-name value)

also has this effect.

Method on si:property-list-mixin: :remprop property-name

Removes the object’s property-name property, by splicing it out of the property list. It returns one of the cells spliced out, whose car is the former value of the property that was just removed. If there was no such property to begin with, the value is nil.

Method on si:property-list-mixin: :get-location-or-nil property-name
Method on si:property-list-mixin: :get-location property-name

Both return a locative pointer to the cell in which this object’s property-name property is stored. If there is no such property, :get-location-or-nil returns nil, but :get-location adds a cell to the property list and initialized to nil, and a pointer to that cell is returned.

Method on si:property-list-mixin: :push-property value property-name

The property-name property of the object should be a list (note that nil is a list and an absent property is nil). This operation sets the property-name property of the object to a list whose car is value and whose cdr is the former property-name property of the list. This is analogous to doing

(push value (get object property-name))

See the push special form (push-fun).

Method on si:property-list-mixin: :property-list

Returns the list of alternating property names and values that implements the property list.

Method on si:property-list-mixin: :property-list-location

Returns a locative pointer to the cell in the instance which holds the property list data.

Method on si:property-list-mixin: :set-property-list list

Sets the list of alternating property names and values that implements the property list to list. So does

(send object :set :property-list list)
Operation on si:print-readably-mixin: :property-list list

This initializes the list of alternating property names and values that implements the property list to list.

21.15 Printing Flavor Instances Readably

A flavor instance can print out so that it can be read back in, as long as you give it a :print-self method that produces a suitable printed representation, and provide a way to parse it. The convention for doing this is to print as

#leftHorseshoeflavor-name additional-datadelta

and make sure that the flavor defines or inherits a :read-instance method that can parse the additional-data and return an instance (see horseshoe-read). A convenient way of doing this is to use si:print-readably-mixin.

Flavor on : si:print-readably-mixin

Provides for flavor instances to print out using the #leftHorseshoe syntax, and also for reading things that were printed in that way.

Method on si:print-readably-mixin: :reconstruction-init-plist

When you use si:print-readably-mixin, you must define the operation :reconstruction-init-plist. This should return an alternating list of init options and values that could be passed to make-instance to create an instance “like” this one. Sufficient similarity is defined by the practical purposes of the flavor’s implementor.

21.16 Copying Instances

Many people have asked “How do I copy an instance?” and have expressed surprise when told that the flavor system does not include any built-in way to copy instances. Why isn’t there just a function copy-instance that creates a new instance of the same flavor with all its instance variables having the same values as in the original instance? This would work for the simplest use of flavors, but it isn’t good enough for most advanced uses of flavors. A number of issues are raised by copying:


Do you or do you not send an :init message to the new instance? If you do, what init-plist options do you supply?


If the instance has a property list, you should copy the property list (e.g. with copylist) so that putprop or remprop on one of the instances does not affect the properties of the other instance.


If the instance is a pathname, the concept of copying is not even meaningful. Pathnames are interned, which means that there can only be one pathname object with any given set of instance-variable values.


If the instance is a stream connected to a network, some of the instance variables represent an agent in another host elsewhere in the network. Should the copy talk to the same agent, or should a new agent be constructed for it?


If the instance is a stream connected to a file, should copying the stream make a copy of the file or should it make another stream open to the same file? Should the choice depend on whether the file is open for input or for output?

In general, you can see that in order to copy an instance one must understand a lot about the instance. One must know what the instance variables mean so that the values of the instance variables can be copied if necessary. One must understand what relations to the external environment the instance has so that new relations can be established for the new instance. One must even understand what the general concept ‘copy’ means in the context of this particular instance, and whether it means anything at all.

Copying is a generic operation, whose implementation for a particular instance depends on detailed knowledge relating to that instance. Modularity dictates that this knowledge be contained in the instance’s flavor, not in a “general copying function”. Thus the way to copy an instance is to send it a message, as in (send object :copy). It is up to you to implement the operation in a suitable fashion, such as

(defflavor foo (a b c) ()
  (:inittable-instance-variables a b))

(defmethod (foo :copy) ()
  (make-instance 'foo :a a :b b))

The flavor system chooses not to provide any default method for copying an instance, and does not even suggest a standard name for the copying message, because copying involves so many semantic issues.

If a flavor supports the :reconstruction-init-plist operation, a suitable copy can be made by invoking this operation and passing the result to make-instance along with the flavor name. This is because the definition of what the :reconstruction-init-plist operation should do requires it to address all the problems listed above. Implementing this operation is up to you, and so is making sure that the flavor implements sufficient init keywords to transmit any information that is to be copied. See si:print-readably-mixin-reconstruction-init-plist-method.

22 The I/O System

Zetalisp provides a powerful and flexible system for performing input and output to peripheral devices. Device independent I/O is generalized in the concept of an I/O stream. A stream is a source or sink for data in the form of characters or integers; sources are called input streams and sinks are called output streams. A stream may be capable of use in either direction, in which case it is a bidirectional stream. In a few unusual cases, it is useful to have a ‘stream’ which supports neither input nor output; for example, opening a file with direction :probe returns one (probe-streams). Streams on which characters are transferred are called character streams, and are used more often than binary streams, which usually transfer integers of type (unsigned-byte n) for some n.

Streams automatically provide a modular separation between the program which implements the stream and the program which uses it, because streams obey a standard protocol. The stream protocol is a special case is based on the general message passing protocol: a stream operation is invoked by calling the stream as a function, with a first argument that is a keyword and identifies the I/O operation desired (such as, :tyi to read a character) and additional arguments as that operation calls for them. The stream protocol consists of a particular set of operation names and calling conventions for them. It is documented in streams.

Many programs do not invoke the stream operations directly; instead, they call standard I/O functions which then invoke stream operations. This is done for two reasons: the functions may provide useful services, and they may be transportable to Common Lisp or Maclisp. Programs that use stream operations directly are not transportable outside Zetalisp. The I/O functions are documented in the first sections of this chapter.

The generality of the Zetalisp I/O stream comes from the fact that I/O operations on it can invoke arbitrary Lisp code. For example, it would be very simple to implement a "morse code" stream that accepted character output and used beep with appropriate pauses to ‘display’ it. How to implement a stream is documented in stream-implementation, and the following sections.

The most commonly used streams are windows, which read input from the keyboard and dispose of output by drawing on the screen, file streams, editor buffer streams which get input from the text in a buffer and insert output into the buffer, and string streams which do likewise with the contents of a string.

Another unusual aspect of Lisp I/O is the ability to input and output general Lisp objects, represented as text. These are done using the read and related functions and using print and related functions. They are documented in chapter expression-io-chapter.

22.1 Input Functions

The input functions read characters, lines, or bytes from an input stream. This argument is called stream. If omitted or nil, the current value of *standard-input*. This is the “default input stream”, which in simple use reads from the terminal keyboard. If the argument is t, the current value of *terminal-io* is used; this is conventionally supposed to access “the user’s terminal” and nearly always reads from the keyboard in processes belonging to windows.

If the stream is an interactive one, such as the terminal, the input is echoed, and functions which read more than a single character allow editing as well. peek-char echoes all of the characters that were skipped over if read-char would have echoed them; the character not removed from the stream is not echoed either.

When an input stream has no more data to return, it reports end of file. Each stream input operation has a convention for how to do this. The input functions accept an argument eof-option or two arguments eof-error and eof-value to tell them what to do if end of file is encountered instead of any input. The functions that take two eof- arguments are the Common Lisp ones. For them, end of file is an error if eof-error is non-nil or if it is unsupplied. If eof-error is nil, then the function returns eof-value at end of file.

The functions which have one argument called eof-option are from Maclisp. End of file causes an error if the argument is not supplied. Otherwise, end of file causes the function to return the argument’s value. Note that an eof-option of nil means to return nil if the end of the file is reached; it is not equivalent to supplying no eof-option.

Condition on sys:end-of-file: (error)

All errors signaled to report end of file possess this condition name.

The :stream operation on the condition instance returns the stream on which end of file was reached.

22.1.1 String Input Functions

Function: read-line &optional stream (eof-errorp t) eof-value ignore options

Reads a line of text, terminated by a Return. It returns the line as a character string, without the Return character that ended the line. The argument ignore must be accepted for the sake of the Common Lisp specifications but it is not used.

This function is usually used to get a line of input from the user. If rubout processing is happening, then options is passed as the list of options to the rubout handler (see rubout-handler).

There is a second value, t if the line was terminated by end of file.

Function: readline &optional stream eof-option options

Like read-line but uses the Maclisp convention for specifying what to do about end of file. This function can take its first two arguments in the other order, for Maclisp compatibility only; see the note in maclisp-input-functions.

Function: readline-trim &optional stream eof-option options

This is like readline except that leading and trailing spaces and tabs are discarded from the value before it is returned.

Function: readline-or-nil &optional stream eof-option options

Like readline-trim except that nil is returned if the line is empty or all blank.

Function: read-delimited-string &optional delimiter stream eof rubout-handler-options buffer-size

Reads input from stream until a delimiter character is reached, then returns as a string all the input up to but not including the delimiter. delimiter is either a character or a list of characters which all serve as delimiters. It defaults to the character End. stream defaults to the value of *standard-input*.

If eof is non-nil, then end of file on attempting to read the first character is an error. Otherwise it just causes an empty string to be returned. End of file once at least one character has been read is never an error but it does cause the function to return all the input so far.

Input is done using rubout handling and echoing if stream supports the :rubout-handler operation. In this case, rubout-handler-options are passed as the options argument to that operation.

buffer-size specifies the size of string buffer to allocate initially.

The second value returned is t if input ended due to end of file.

The third value is the delimiter character which terminated input, or nil if input terminated due to end of file. This character is currently represented as a fixnum, but perhaps someday will be a character object instead.

22.1.2 Character-Level Input Functions

Function: read-char &optional stream (eof-errorp t) eof-value

Reads a character from stream and returns it as a character object. End of file is an error if eof-errorp is non-nil; otherwise, it causes read-char to return eof-value. This uses the :tyi stream operation.

Function: read-byte stream &optional (eof-errorp t) eof-value

Like read-char but returns an integer rather than a character object. In strict Common Lisp, only read-char can be used on character streams and only read-byte can be used on binary streams.

Function: read-char-no-hang &optional stream (eof-errorp t) eof-value

Similar but returns nil immediately when no input is available on an interactive stream. Uses the :tyi-no-hang stream operation (streams-tyi-no-hang-method).

Function: unread-char char &optional stream

Puts char back into stream so that it will be read again as the next input character. char must be the same character that was read from stream most recently. It may not work to unread two characters in a row before reading again. Uses the :untyi stream operation (streams-untyi-method).

Function: peek-char peek-type &optional stream (eof-errorp t) eof-value

If peek-type is nil, this is like read-char except leaves the character to be read again by the next input operation.

If peek-type is t, skips whitespace characters and peeks at the first nonwhitespace character. That character is the value, and is also left to be reread.

If peek-type is a character, reads input until that character is seen. That character is unread and also returned.

Function: listen &optional stream

t if input is now available on stream. Uses the :listen operation (streams-listen-method).

Function: clear-input &optional stream

Discards any input now available on stream, if it is an interactive stream. Uses the :clear-input stream operation (streams-clear-input-method).

22.1.3 Maclisp Compatibility Input Functions

These functions accept an argument eof-option to tell them what to do if end of file is encountered instead of any input. End of file signals an error if the argument is not supplied. Otherwise, end of file causes the function to return the argument’s value. Note that an eof-option of nil means to return nil if the end of the file is reached; it is not equivalent to supplying no eof-option.

The arguments stream and eof-option can also be given in the reverse order for compatibility with old Maclisp programs. The functions attempt to figure out which way they were called by seeing whether each argument is a plausible stream. Unfortunately, there is an ambiguity with symbols: a symbol might be a stream and it might be an eof-option. If there are two arguments, one being a symbol and the other being something that is a valid stream, or only one argument, which is a symbol, then these functions interpret the symbol as an eof-option instead of as a stream. To force them to interpret a symbol as a stream, give the symbol an si:io-stream-p property whose value is t.

Function: tyi &optional stream eof-option

Reads one character from stream and returns it. The character is echoed if stream is interactive, except that Rubout is not echoed. The Control, Meta, etc shifts echo as C-, M-, etc.

The :tyi stream operation is preferred over the tyi function for some purposes. Note that it does not echo. See general-stream-ops.

(This function can take its arguments in the other order, for Maclisp compatibility only; see the note above.)

Function: readch &optional stream eof-option

Like tyi except that instead of returning a fixnum character, it returns a symbol whose print name is the character. The symbol is interned in the current package. This is just Maclisp’s version of character object. (This function can take its arguments in the other order, for Maclisp compatibility only; see the note above.)

This function is provided only for Maclisp compatibility, since in Zetalisp never uses symbols to represent characters in this way.

Function: tyipeek &optional peek-type stream eof-option

This function is provided mainly for Maclisp compatibility; the :tyipeek stream operation is usually clearer (see tyipeek-stream-operation).

What tyipeek does depends on the peek-type, which defaults to nil. With a peek-type of nil, tyipeek returns the next character to be read from stream, without actually removing it from the input stream. The next time input is done from stream the character will still be there; in general, (= (tyipeek) (tyi)) is t.

If peek-type is a fixnum less than 1000 octal, then tyipeek reads characters from stream until it gets one equal to peek-type. That character is not removed from the input stream.

If peek-type is t, then tyipeek skips over input characters until the start of the printed representation of a Lisp object is reached. As above, the last character (the one that starts an object) is not removed from the input stream.

The form of tyipeek supported by Maclisp in which peek-type is a fixnum not less than 1000 octal is not supported, since the readtable formats of the Maclisp reader and the Zetalisp reader are quite different.

Characters passed over by tyipeek are echoed if stream is interactive.

22.1.4 Interactive Input with Prompting

Function: prompt-and-read type-of-parsing format-string &rest format-args

Reads some sort of object from *query-io*, parsing it according to type-of-parsing, and prompting by calling format using format-string and format-args.

type-of-parsing is either a keyword or a list starting with a keyword and continuing with a list of options and values, whose meanings depend on the keyword used.

Most keywords specify reading a line of input and parsing it in some way. The line can be terminated with Return or End. Sometimes typing just End has a special meaning.

The keywords defined are

:eval-form prompt-and-read

This keyword directs prompt-and-read to accept a Lisp expression. It is evaluated, and the value is returned by prompt-and-read.

If the Lisp expression is not a constant or quoted, the user is asked to confirm the value it evaluated to.

A default value can be specified with an option, as in

(:eval-sexp :default default)

Then, if the user types Space, prompt-and-read returns the default as the first value and :default as the second value.

:eval-form-or-end prompt-and-read

Synonymously direct prompt-and-read to accept a Lisp expression or just the character End. If End is typed, prompt-and-read returns nil as its first value and :end as its second value. Otherwise, things proceed as for :eval-sexp.

A default value is allowed, as in :eval-sexp.

:expression prompt-and-read

Synonymously direct prompt-and-read to read an object and return it, with no evaluation.


Is like :expression except that the user is also allowed to type just End. If he does so, prompt-and-read returns the two values nil and :end.


Directs prompt-and-read to read and return a number. It insists on getting a number, forcing the user to rub out anything else. Additional features can be specified with options:

(:number :input-radix radix :or-nil nil-ok-flag)

parses the number using radix radix if the number is a rational. (By default, the ambient radix is used). If nil-ok-flag is non-nil, then the user is also permitted to type just Return or End, and then nil is returned.

:number-or-nil prompt-and-read
:decimal-number-or-nil prompt-and-read

Abbreviations for

(:number :input-radix 10)
(:number :or-nil t)
(:number :input-radix 10 :or-nil t)

Directs prompt-and-read to read a date and time, terminated with Return or End, and return it as a universal time (see get-universal-time-fun). It allows several options:

(:date :never-p never-ok :past-p past-required)

If past-required is non-nil, the date must be before the present time, or the user must rub out and use a different date. If never-ok is non-nil, the user may also type “never”; then nil is returned.

:past-date prompt-and-read
:past-date-or-never prompt-and-read

Abbreviations for

(:date :never-p t)
(:date :past-p t)
(:date :never-p t :past-p t)

Directs prompt-and-read to read a single character and return a character object representing it.


Directs prompt-and-read to read a line and return its contents as a string, using readline.


Directs prompt-and-read to read a line and return its contents as a string, using readline-trim. In addition, if the result would be empty, nil is returned instead of the empty string.


Like :string-trim but regards the line as a sequence of input strings separated by commas. Each substring between commas is trimmed, and a list of the strings is returned.


Like :string-list but converts each string to a keyword by interning it in the keyword package. The value is therefore a list of keywords.


Like :string-list but converts each string to a font name by interning it in the fonts package. The symbols must already exist in that package or the user is required to retype the input.


Directs prompt-and-read to read a string terminated by specified delimiters. With

(:delimited-string :delimiter delimiter-list
		   :buffer-size size)

you can specify a list of delimiter characters and an initial size for the buffer. The list defaults to (#\end) and the size to 100.

The work is done by read-delimited-string (read-delimited-string-fun). The delimiters and size are passed to that function.


Like :delimited-string except that nil is returned instead of the empty string if the first character read is a delimiter.


Directs prompt-and-read to read a line and interpret the contents as a network host name. The value returned is the host, looked up using si:parse-host (si:parse-host-fun). An option is defined:

(:host :default default-name :chaos-only chaos-only)

If the line read is empty, the host named default-name is used. If chaos-only is non-nil, only hosts on the Chaosnet are permitted input.


Like :host but regards the line as a sequence of host names separated by commas. Each host name is looked up as in :host and a list of the resulting hosts is returned.


Like :host but uses fs:get-pathname-host to look up the host object from its name (fs:get-pathname-host-fun). Thus, you find hosts that can appear in pathnames rather than hosts that are on the network.


Directs prompt-and-read to read a line and parse it as a pathname, merging it with the defaults. If the line is empty, the default pathname is used. These options are defined:

(:pathname :defaults defaults-alist-or-pathname
	   :version default-version)

uses defaults-alist-or-pathname as the defaults argument to fs:merge-pathname-defaults, and default-version as the version argument to it.


Is like :pathname, but if the user types just End it is interpreted as meaning “no pathname” rather than “use the default”. Then nil is returned.


Like :pathname but regards the line as a sequence of filenames separated by commas. Each filename is parsed and defaulted and a list of the resulting pathnames is returned.


Directs prompt-and-read to query the user for a fixed set of alternatives, using fquery. type-of-parsing should always be a list, whose car is :fquery and whose cdr is a list to be passed as the list of options (fquery’s first argument).

(prompt-and-read `(:fquery 
		   . ,format:y-or-p-options)
                 "Eat it? ")
is equivalent to
(y-or-n-p "Eat it? ")

This keyword is most useful as a way to get to fquery when going through an interface defined to call prompt-and-read.

22.2 Output Functions

These functions all take an optional argument called stream, which is where to send the output. If unsupplied stream defaults to the value of *standard-output*. If stream is nil, the value of *standard-output* (i.e the default) is used. If it is t, the value of *terminal-io* is used (i.e the interactive terminal). This is all more-or-less compatible with Maclisp, except that instead of the variable *standard-output* Maclisp has several variables and complicated rules. For detailed documentation of streams, refer to streams.

For print and the other expression output functions, see expression-output.

Function: write-char char &optional stream
Function: tyo char &optional stream

Outputs char to stream (using :tyo). char may be an integer or a character object; in the latter case, it is converted to an integer before the :tyo.

Function: write-byte number &optional stream

Outputs number to stream using :tyo. In strict Common Lisp, output to binary streams can be done only with write-byte and output to character streams requires write-char. In fact, the two functions are identical on the Lisp Machine.

Function: write-string string &optional stream &key (start 0) end

Outputs string (or the specified portion of it) to stream.

Function: write-line string &optional stream &key (start 0) end

Outputs string (or the specified portion) to stream, followed by a Return character.

Function: fresh-line &optional stream

Outputs a Return character to stream unless either


nothing has been output to stream yet, or


the last thing output was a Return character, or


stream does not remember what previous output there has been.

This uses the :fresh-line stream operation. The value is t if a Return is output, nil if nothing is output.

Function: force-output &optional stream

Causes stream’s buffered output, if any, to be transmitted immediately. This uses the :force-output stream operation.

Function: finish-output &optional stream

Causes stream’s buffered output, if any, to be transmitted immediately, and waits until that is finished. This uses the :finish stream operation.

Function: clear-output &optional stream

Discards any output buffered in stream. This uses the :clear-output stream operation.

Function: terpri &optional stream

Outputs a Return character to stream. It returns t for Maclisp compatibility. It is wise not to depend on the value terpri returns.

Function: cli:terpri &optional stream

Outputs a Return character to stream. Returns nil to meet Common Lisp specifications. It is wise not to depend on the value cli:terpri returns.

The format function (see format-fun) is very useful for producing nicely formatted text. It can do anything any of the above functions can do, and it makes it easy to produce good looking messages and such. format can generate a string or output to a stream.

Function: stream-copy-until-eof from-stream to-stream &optional leader-size

stream-copy-until-eof inputs characters from from-stream and outputs them to to-stream, until it reaches the end of file on the from-stream. For example, if x is bound to a stream for a file opened for input, then (stream-copy-until-eof x *terminal-io*) prints the file on the console.

If from-stream supports the :line-in operation and to-stream supports the :line-out operation, then stream-copy-until-eof uses those operations instead of :tyi and :tyo, for greater efficiency. leader-size is passed as the argument to the :line-in operation.

Function: beep &optional beep-type (stream *terminal-io*)

This function is intended to attract the user’s attention by causing an audible beep, or flashing the screen, or something similar. If the stream supports the :beep operation, then this function sends it a :beep message, passing beep-type along as an argument. Otherwise it just causes an audible beep on the terminal.

beep-type is a keyword which explains the significance of this beep. Users can redefine beep to make different noises depending on the beep type. The defined beep types are:


Used for the beep that is done when Converse is unable to send a message.


Used for the beeps done when a Converse message is received.


Used when you ask for completion in the editor and the string does not complete.


Used for the beep done when you get a notification that cannot be printed on the selected window.


Used for the beep done by yes-or-no-p or by fquery with the :beep option specified.


Used for the beep requested by the remote host being used through a Supdup window.


Used whenever no other beep type applies.

The :beep operation is described on streams-beep-method.

Function: cursorpos &rest args

This function exists primarily for Maclisp compatibility. Usually it is preferable to send the appropriate messages (see the Window System manual).

cursorpos normally operates on the *standard-output* stream; however, if the last argument is a stream or t (meaning *terminal-io*) then cursorpos uses that stream and ignores it when doing the operations described below. cursorpos only works on streams that are capable of these operations, such as windows. A stream is taken to be any argument that is not a number and not a symbol, or that is a symbol other than nil with a name more than one character long.

(cursorpos) => (line column), the current cursor position.

(cursorpos line column) moves the cursor to that position. It returns t if it succeeds and nil if it doesn’t.

(cursorpos op) performs a special operation coded by op, and returns t if it succeeds and nil if it doesn’t. op is tested by string comparison, it is not a keyword symbol and may be in any package.


Moves one space to the right.


Moves one space to the left.


Moves one line down.


Moves one line up.


Homes up (moves to the top left corner). Note that t as the last argument to cursorpos is interpreted as a stream, so a stream must be specified if the t operation is used.


Home down (moves to the bottom left corner).


Advances to a fresh line. See the :fresh-line stream operation.


Clears the window.


Clear from the cursor to the end of the window.


Clear from the cursor to the end of the line.


Clear the character position at the cursor.


b then k.

22.3 I/O Streams

An I/O stream, or just stream, is a source and/or sink of characters or bytes. A set of operations is available with every stream; operations include things like “output a character” and “input a character”. The way to perform an operation on a stream is the same for all streams, although what happens inside the stream is very different depending on what kind of a stream it is. So all a program has to know is how to deal with streams using the standard, generic operations. A programmer creating a new kind of stream only needs to implement the appropriate standard operations.

A stream is a message-receiving object. This means that it is something that you can apply to arguments. The first argument is a keyword symbol which is the name of the operation you wish to perform. The rest of the arguments depend on what operation you are doing. Message-passing and generic operations are explained in the flavor chapter (flavor).

Some streams can only do input, some can only do output, and some can do both. Some operations are only supported by some streams. Also, there are some operations that the stream may not support by itself, but which work anyway, albeit slowly, because the stream default handler can handle them. All streams support the operation :which-operations, which returns a list of the names of all of the operations that are supported “natively” by the stream. (:which-operations itself is not in the list.)

All input streams support all the standard input operations, and all output streams support all the standard output operations. All bidirectional streams support both.

Function: streamp object

According to Common Lisp, this returns t if object is a stream. In the Lisp machine, a stream is any object which can be called as a function with certain calling conventions. It is theoretically impossible to test for this. However, streamp does return t for any of the usual types of streams, and nil for any Common Lisp datum which is not a stream.

22.3.1 Standard Streams

There are several variables whose values are streams used by many functions in the Lisp system. These variables and their uses are listed here. By convention, variables that are expected to hold a stream capable of input have names ending with -input, and similarly for output. Those expected to hold a bidirectional stream have names ending with -io. The names with asterisks are synonyms introduced for the sake of Common Lisp.

Variable: *standard-input*
Variable: standard-input

In the normal Lisp top-level loop, input is read from *standard-input* (that is, whatever stream is the value of *standard-input*). Many input functions, including tyi and read, take a stream argument that defaults to *standard-input*.

Variable: *standard-output*
Variable: standard-output

In the normal Lisp top-level loop, output is sent to *standard-output* (that is, whatever stream is the value of *standard-output*). Many output functions, including tyo and print, take a stream argument that defaults to *standard-output*.

Variable: *error-output*
Variable: error-output

The value of *error-output* is a stream on which noninteractive error or warning messages should be printed. Normally this is the same as *standard-output*, but *standard-output* might be bound to a file and *error-output* left going to the terminal.

Variable: *debug-io*
Variable: debug-io

The value of *debug-io* is used for all input and output by the error handler. Normally this is a synonym for *terminal-io*. The value may be nil, which is regarded as equivalent to a synonym for *terminal-io*. This feature is provided because users often set *debug-io* by hand, and it is much easier to set it back to nil afterward than to figure out the proper synonym stream pointing to *terminal-io*.

Variable: *query-io*
Variable: query-io

The value of *query-io* is a stream that should be used when asking questions of the user. The question should be output to this stream, and the answer read from it. The reason for this is that when the normal input to a program may be coming from a file, questions such as “Do you really want to delete all of the files in your directory??” should be sent directly to the user, and the answer should come from the user, not from the data file. *query-io* is used by fquery and related functions; see fquery-fun.

Variable: *terminal-io*
Variable: terminal-io

The value of *terminal-io* is the stream that the program should use to talk to the user’s console. In an interactive program, it is the window from which the program is being run; I/O on this stream reads from the keyboard and displays on the screen. However, in a background process that has no window, *terminal-io* defaults to a stream that does not ever expect to be used. If it is used, perhaps by an error printout, it turns into a background window and requests the user’s attention.

Variable: *trace-output*
Variable: trace-output

The value of *trace-output* is the stream on which the trace function prints its output.

*standard-input*, *standard-output*, *error-output*, *debug-io*, *trace-output*, and *query-io* are initially bound to synonym streams that pass all operations on to the stream that is the value of *terminal-io*. Thus any operations performed on those streams go to the keyboard and screen.

Most user programs should not change the value of *terminal-io*. A program which wants (for example) to divert output to a file should do so by binding the value of *standard-output*; that way queries on *query-io*, debugging on *debug-io* and error messages sent to *error-output* can still get to the user by going through *terminal-io*, which is usually what is desired.

22.3.2 Standard Input Stream Operations

Meta Method on streams: :tyi &optional eof

The stream inputs one character and returns it. For example, if the next character to be read in by the stream is a ‘C’, then the form

(send s :tyi)

returns the value of #/C (that is, 103 octal). Note that the :tyi operation does not echo the character in any fashion; it just does the input. The tyi function (see tyi-fun) does echoing when reading from the terminal.

The optional eof argument to the :tyi operation tells the stream what to do if it gets to the end of the file. If the argument is not provided or is nil, the stream returns nil at the end of file. Otherwise it signals a sys:end-of-file error. Note that this is not the same as the eof-option argument to read, tyi, and related functions.

The :tyi operation on a binary input stream returns a non-negative number, not necessarily to be interpreted as a character.

For some streams (such as windows), not all the input data are numbers. Some are lists, called blips. The :tyi operation returns only numbers. If the next available input is not a number, it is discarded, and so on until a number is reached (or end of file is reached).

Meta Method on streams: :any-tyi &optional eof

Like :tyi but returns any kind of datum. Non-numbers are not discarded as they would be by :tyi. This distinction only makes a difference on streams which can provide input which is not composed of numbers; currently, only windows can do that.

Meta Method on streams: :tyipeek &optional eof

Peeks at the next character or byte from the stream without discarding it. The next :tyi or :tyipeek operation will get the same character.

eof is the same as in the :tyi operation: if nil, end of file returns nil; otherwise, it signals a sys:end-of-file error.

Meta Method on streams: :untyi char

Unreads the character or byte char; that is to say, puts it back into the input stream so that the next :tyi operation will read it again. For example,

(send s :untyi 120)
(send s :tyi) ==> 120

This operation is used by read, and any stream that supports :tyi must support :untyi as well.

You are only allowed to :untyi one character before doing a :tyi, and the character you :untyi must be the last character read from the stream. That is, :untyi can only be used to back up one character, not to stuff arbitrary data into the stream. You also can’t :untyi after you have peeked ahead with :tyipeek since that does one :untyi itself. Some streams implement :untyi by saving the character, while others implement it by backing up the pointer to a buffer.

Meta Method on streams: :string-in eof-option string &optional (start 0) end

Reads characters from the stream and stores them into the array string. Many streams can implement this far more efficiently that repeated :tyi’s. start and end, if supplied, delimit the portion of string to be stored into. If eof-option is non-nil then a sys:end-of-file error is signaled if end of file is reached on the stream before the string has been filled. If eof-option is nil, any number of characters before end of file is acceptable, even no characters.

If string has an array-leader, the fill pointer is adjusted to start plus the number of characters stored into string.

Two values are returned: the index of the next position in string to be filled, and a flag that is non-nil if end of file was reached before string was filled. Most callers do not need to look at either of these values.

string may be any kind of array, not necessarily a string; this is useful when reading from a binary input stream.

Meta Method on streams: :line-in &optional leader

The stream should input one line from the input source, and return it as a string with the carriage return character stripped off. Contrary to what you might assume from its name, this operation is not much like the readline function.

Many streams have a string that is used as a buffer for lines. If this string itself were returned, there would be problems caused if the caller of the stream attempted to save the string away somewhere, because the contents of the string would change when the next line was read in. In order to solve this problem, the string must be copied. On the other hand, some streams don’t reuse the string, and it would be wasteful to copy it on every :line-in operation. This problem is solved by using the leader argument to :line-in. If leader is nil (the default), the stream does not bother to copy the string and the caller should not rely on the contents of that string after the next operation on the stream. If leader is t, the stream does make a copy. If leader is a fixnum then the stream makes a copy with an array leader leader elements long. (This is used by the editor, which represents lines of buffers as strings with additional information in their array-leaders, to eliminate an extra copy operation.)

If the stream reaches end of file while reading in characters, it returns the characters it has read in as a string and returns a second value of t. The caller of the stream should therefore arrange to receive the second value, and check it to see whether the string returned was a whole line or just the trailing characters after the last carriage return in the input source.

This operation should be implemented by all input streams whose data are characters.

Meta Method on streams: :string-line-in eof-option string &optional (start 0) end

Reads characters, storing them in string, until string is full or a Return character is read. If input stops due to a Return, the Return itself is not put in the buffer.

Thus, this operation is nearly the same as :string-in, except that :string-in always keeps going until the buffer is full or until end of file.

start and end, if supplied, delimit the portion of string to be stored into. If eof-option is non-nil then a sys:end-of-file error is signaled if end of file is reached on the stream before the string has been filled. If eof-option is nil, any number of characters before end of file is acceptable, even no characters.

If string has an array-leader, the fill pointer is adjusted to start plus the number of characters stored into string.

string may be any kind of array, not necessarily a string; this is useful when reading from a binary input stream.

Three values are returned:


The index in string at which input stopped. This is the first index not stored in.


t if input stopped due to end of file.


t if the line is incomplete; that is, if a Return character did not terminate it.

Meta Method on streams: :read-until-eof

Discards all data from the stream until it is at end of file, or does anything else with the same result.

Meta Method on streams: :close &optional ignore

Releases resources associated with the stream, when it is not going to be used any more. On some kinds of streams, this may do nothing. On Chaosnet streams, it closes the Chaosnet connection, and on file streams, it closes the input file on the file server.

The argument is accepted for compatibility with :close on output streams.

22.3.3 Standard Output Stream Operations

Meta Method on streams: :tyo char

The stream outputs the character char. For example, if s is bound to a stream, then the form

(send s :tyo #/B)

outputs a B to the stream. For binary output streams, the argument is a non-negative number rather than specifically a character.

Meta Method on streams: :fresh-line

Tells the stream that it should position itself at the beginning of a new line. If the stream is already at the beginning of a fresh line it should do nothing; otherwise it should output a carriage return. If the stream cannot tell whether it is at the beginning of a line, it should always output a carriage return.

Meta Method on streams: :string-out (string 0) &optional start end

Outputs the characters of string successively to stream. This operation is provided for two reasons; first, it saves the writing of a loop which is used very often, and second, many streams can perform this operation much more efficiently than the equivalent sequence of :tyo operations.

If start and end are not supplied, the whole string is output. Otherwise a substring is output; start is the index of the first character to be output (defaulting to 0), and end is one greater than the index of the last character to be output (defaulting to the length of the string). Callers need not pass these arguments, but all streams that handle :string-out must check for them and interpret them appropriately.

Meta Method on streams: :line-out string &optional (start 0) end

Outputs the characters of string successively to stream, then outputs a Return character. start and end optionally specify a substring, as with :string-out. If the stream doesn’t support :line-out itself, the default handler implements it by means of :tyo.

This operation should be implemented by all output streams whose data are characters.

Meta Method on streams: :close &optional mode

Closes the stream to make the output final if this is necessary. The stream becomes closed and no further output operations should be performed on it. However, it is all right to :close a closed stream. On many file server hosts, a file being written is not accessible to be read until the output stream is closed.

This operation does nothing on streams for which it is not meaningful.

The mode argument is normally not supplied. If it is :abort, we are abnormally exiting from the use of this stream. If the stream is outputting to a file, and has not been closed already, the stream’s newly-created file is deleted; it will be as if it was never opened in the first place. Any previously existing file with the same name remains undisturbed.

Meta Method on streams: :eof

Indicates the end of data on an output stream. This is different from :close because some devices allow multiple data files to be transmitted without closing. :close implies :eof when the stream is an output stream and the close mode is not :abort.

This operation does nothing on streams for which it is not meaningful.

22.3.4 Asking Streams What They Can Do

All streams are supposed to support certain operations which enable a program using the stream to ask which operations are available.

Meta Method on streams: :which-operations

Returns a list of operations handled natively by the stream. Certain operations not in the list may work anyway, but slowly, so it is just as well if any programs that work with or without them choose not to use them.

:which-operations itself need not be in the list.

Meta Method on streams: :operation-handled-p operation

Returns t if operation is handled natively by the stream: if operation is a member of the :which-operations list, or is :which-operations.

Meta Method on streams: :send-if-handles operation &rest arguments

Performs the operation operation, with the specified arguments, only if the stream can handle it. If operation is handled, this is the same as sending an operation message directly, but if operation is not handled, using :send-if-handles avoids any error.

If operation is handled, :send-if-handles returns whatever values the execution of the operation returns. If operation is not handled, :send-if-handles returns nil.

Meta Method on streams: :direction

Returns :input, :output, or :bidirectional for a bidirectional stream.

There are a few kinds of streams, which cannot do either input or output, for which the :direction operation returns nil. For example, open with the :direction keyword specified as nil returns a stream-like object which cannot do input or output but can handle certain file inquiry operations such as :truename and :creation-date.

Meta Method on streams: :characters

Returns t if the data input or output on the stream represent characters, or nil if they are just numbers (as for a stream reading a non-text file).

Meta Method on streams: :element-type

Returns a type specified describing in principle the data input or output on the stream. Refer to the function stream-element-type, below, which works using this operation.

These functions for inquiring about streams are defined by Common Lisp.

Function: input-stream-p stream

t if stream handles input operations (at least, if it handles :tyi).

Function: output-stream-p stream

t if stream handles output operations (at least, if it handles :tyo).

Function: stream-element-type stream

Returns a type specifier which describes, conceptually, the kind of data input from or output to stream. The value is always a subtype of integer (for a binary stream) or a subtype of character (for a character stream). If it is a subtype of integer, a Common Lisp program should use read-byte (read-byte-fun) or write-byte (write-byte-fun) for I/O. If it is a subtype of character, read-char (read-char-fun) or write-char (write-char-fun) should be used.

The value returned is not intended to be rigidly accurate. It describes the typical or characteristic sort of data transferred by the stream, but the stream may on occasion deal with data that do not fit the type; also, not all objects of the type may be possible as input or even make sense as output. For example, windows describe their element type as character even though they may offer blips, which are lists, as input on occasion. In addition, streams which say they provide characters really return integers if the :tyi operation is used rather than the standard Common Lisp function read-char.

22.3.5 Operations for Interactive Streams

The operations :listen, :tyi-no-hang, :rubout-handler and :beep are intended for interactive streams, which communicate with the user. :listen and :tyi-no-hang are supported in a trivial fashion by other streams, for compatibility.

Meta Method on streams: :listen

On an interactive device, the :listen operation returns non-nil if there are any input characters immediately available, or nil if there is no immediately available input. On a non-interactive device, the operation always returns non-nil except at end of file.

The main purpose of :listen is to test whether the user has hit a key, perhaps trying to stop a program in progress.

Meta Method on streams: :tyi-no-hang &optional eof

Just like :tyi except that it returns nil rather than waiting if it would be necessary to wait in order to get the character. This lets the caller check efficiently for input being available and get the input if there is any.

:tyi-no-hang is different from :listen because it reads a character.

Streams for which the question of whether input is available is not meaningful treat this operation just like :tyi. So do Chaosnet file streams. Although in fact reading a character from a file stream may involve a delay, these delays are supposed to be insignificant, so we pretend they do not exist.

Meta Method on streams: :any-tyi-no-hang &optional eof

Like :tyi-no-hang but does not filter and discard input which is not numbers. It is therefore possible to see blips in the input stream. The distinction matters only for input from windows.

Meta Method on streams: :rubout-handler options function &rest args

This is supported by interactive bidirectional streams, such as windows on the terminal, and is described in its own section below (see rubout-handler).

Meta Method on streams: :beep &optional type

This is supported by interactive streams. It attracts the attention of the user by making an audible beep and/or flashing the screen. beep-type is a keyword selecting among several different beeping noises; see beep (beep-fun) for a list of them.

22.3.6 Cursor Positioning Stream Operations

Meta Method on streams: :read-cursorpos &optional (units :pixel)

This operation is supported by all windows and some other streams.

It returns two values, the current x and y coordinates of the cursor. It takes one optional argument, which is a symbol indicating in what units x and y should be; the symbols :pixel and :character are understood. :pixel means that the coordinates are measured in display pixels (bits), while :character means that the coordinates are measured in characters horizontally and lines vertically.

This operation and :increment-cursorpos are used by the format ~T request (see format-t-operation), which is why ~T doesn’t work on all streams. Any stream that supports this operation should support :increment-cursorpos as well.

Some streams return a meaningful value for the horizontal position but always return zero for the vertical position. This is sufficient for ~T to work.

Meta Method on streams: :increment-cursorpos x-increment y-increment &optional (units :pixel)

Moves the stream’s cursor left or down according to the specified increments, as if by outputting an appropriate number of space or return characters. x and y are like the values of :read-cursorpos and units is the same as the units argument to :read-cursorpos.

Any stream which supports this operation should support :read-cursorpos as well, but it need not support :set-cursorpos.

Moving the cursor with :increment-cursorpos differs from moving it to the same place with :set-cursorpos in that this operation is thought of as doing output and :set-cursorpos is not. For example, moving a window’s cursor down with :increment-cursorpos when it is near the bottom to begin with will wrap around, possibly doing a **MORE**. :set-cursorpos, by comparison, cannot move the cursor “down” if it is at the bottom of the window; it can move the cursor explicitly to the top of the window, but then no **MORE** will happen.

Some streams, such as those created by with-output-to-string, cannot implement arbitrary cursor motion, but do implement this operation.

Meta Method on streams: :set-cursorpos x y &optional (units :pixel)

This operation is supported by the same streams that support :read-cursorpos. It sets the position of the cursor. x and y are like the values of :read-cursorpos and units is the same as the units argument to :read-cursorpos.

Meta Method on streams: :clear-screen

Erases the screen area on which this stream displays. Non-window streams don’t support this operation.

There are many other special-purpose stream operations for graphics. They are not documented here, but in the window-system documentation. No claim that the above operations are the most useful subset should be implied.

22.3.7 Operations for Efficient Pretty-Printing

grindef runs much more efficiently on streams that implement the :untyo-mark and :untyo operations.

Meta Method on streams: :untyo-mark

This is used by the grinder (see grindef-fun) if the output stream supports it. It takes no arguments. The stream should return some object that indicates how far output has gotten up to in the stream.

Meta Method on streams: :untyo mark

This is used by the grinder (see grindef-fun) in conjunction with :untyo-mark. It takes one argument, which is something returned by the :untyo-mark operation of the stream. The stream should back up output to the point at which the object was returned.

22.3.8 Random Access File Operations

The following operations are implemented only by streams to random-access devices, principally files.

Meta Method on streams: :read-pointer

Returns the current position within the file, in characters (bytes in fixnum mode). For text files on ASCII file servers, this is the number of Lisp Machine characters, not ASCII characters. The numbers are different because of character-set translation.

Meta Method on streams: :set-pointer new-pointer

Sets the reading position within the file to new-pointer (bytes in fixnum mode). For text files on ASCII file servers, this does not do anything reasonable unless new-pointer is 0, because of character-set translation. Some file systems support this operation for input streams only.

Meta Method on streams: :rewind

This operation is obsolete. It is the same as :set-pointer with argument zero.

22.3.9 Buffered Stream Operations

Meta Method on streams: :clear-input

Discards any buffered input the stream may have. It does nothing on streams for which it is not meaningful.

Meta Method on streams: :clear-output

Discards any buffered output the stream may have. It does nothing on streams for which it is not meaningful.

Meta Method on streams: :force-output

This is for output streams to buffered asynchronous devices, such as the Chaosnet. :force-output causes any buffered output to be sent to the device. It does not wait for it to complete; use :finish for that. If a stream supports :force-output, then :tyo, :string-out, and :line-out may have no visible effect until a :force-output is done.

This operation does nothing on streams for which it is not meaningful.

Meta Method on streams: :finish

This is for output streams to buffered asynchronous devices, such as the Chaosnet. :finish does a :force-output, then waits until the currently pending I/O operation has been completed.

This operation does nothing on streams for which it is not meaningful.

The following operations are implemented only by buffered input streams. They allow increased efficiency by making the stream’s internal buffer available to the user.

Meta Method on streams: :read-input-buffer &optional eof

Returns three values: a buffer array, the index in that array of the next input byte, and the index in that array just past the last available input byte. These values are similar to the string, start, end arguments taken by many functions and stream operations. If the end of the file has been reached and no input bytes are available, this operation returns nil or signals an error, based on the eof argument, just like the :tyi operation. After reading as many bytes from the array as you care to, you must use the :advance-input-buffer operation.

Meta Method on streams: :get-input-buffer &optional eof

This is an obsolete operation similar to :read-input-buffer. The only difference is that the third value is the number of significant elements in the buffer-array, rather than a final index. If found in programs, it should be replaced with :read-input-buffer.

Meta Method on streams: :advance-input-buffer &optional new-pointer

If new-pointer is non-nil, it is the index in the buffer array of the next byte to be read. If new-pointer is nil, the entire buffer has been used up.

22.3.10 Obtaining Streams to Use

Windows are one important class of streams. Each window can be used as a stream. Output is displayed on the window and input comes from the keyboard. A window is created using make-instance on a window flavor. Simple programs use windows implicitly through *terminal-io* and the other standard stream variables.

Also important are file streams, which are produced by the function open (see open-fun). These read or write the contents of a file.

Chaosnet streams are made from Chaosnet connections. Data output to the stream goes out over the network; data coming in over the network is available as input from the stream. File streams that deal with Chaosnet file servers are very similar to Chaosnet streams, but Chaosnet streams can be used for many purposes other than file access.

String streams read or write the contents of a string. They are made by with-output-to-string or with-input-from-string (see with-input-from-string-fun), or by make-string-input-stream or make-string-output-stream, below.

Editor buffer streams read or write the contents of an editor buffer.

The null stream may be passed to a program that asks for a stream as an argument. It returns immediate end of file if used for input and throws away any output. The null stream is the symbol si:null-stream. This is to say, you do not call that function to get a stream or use the symbol’s value as the stream; the symbol itself is the object that is the stream.

The cold-load stream is able to do I/O to the keyboard and screen without using the window system. It is what is used by the error handler, if you type Terminal Call, to handle a background error that the window system cannot deal with. It is called the cold-load stream because it is what is used during system bootstrapping, before the window system has been loaded.

Function: si:null-stream operation &rest arguments

This function is the null stream. Like any stream, it supports various operations. Output operations are ignored and input operations report end of file immediately, with no data. Usage example:

(let ((*standard-output* 'si:null-stream))
Constant: si:cold-load-stream

The one and only cold-load stream. Usage example:

(let ((*query-io* si:cold-load-stream))
  (yes-or-no-p "Clear all window system locks? "))
Macro: with-open-stream (variable expression) body...

body is executed with variable bound to the value of expression, which ought to be a stream. On exit, whether normal or by throwing, a :close message with argument :abort is sent to the stream.

This is a generalization of with-open-file, which is equivalent to using with-open-stream with a call to open as the expression.

Macro: with-open-stream-case (variable expression) clauses...

Like with-open-stream as far as opening and closing the stream are concerned, but instead of a simple body, it has clauses like those of a condition-case that say what to do if expression does or does not get an error. See with-open-file-case, with-open-file-case-fun.

Function: make-synonym-stream symbol-or-locative
Function: make-syn-stream symbol-or-locative

Creates and returns a synonym stream (‘syn’ for short). Any operations sent to this stream are redirected to the stream that is the value of the argument (if it is a symbol) or the contents of it (if it is a locative).

A synonym stream is actually an uninterned symbol whose function defnition is forwarded to the function cell of the argument or to the contents of the argument as appropriate. If the argument is a symbol, the synonym stream’s print-name is symbol-syn-stream; otherwise the name is just syn-stream. Once a synonym stream is made for a symbol, it is recorded, and the same one is handed out again if there is another request for it.

The two names for this function are synonyms too.

Function: make-concatenated-stream &rest streams

Returns an input stream which will read its input from the first of streams until that reaches its eof, then read input from the second of streams, and so on until the last of streams has reached end of file.

Function: make-two-way-stream input-stream output-stream

Returns a bidirectional stream which passes input operations to input-stream and passes output operations to output-stream. This works by attempting to recognize all standard input operations; anything not recognized is passed to output-stream.

Function: make-echo-stream input-stream output-stream

Like make-two-way-stream except that each input character read via input-stream is output to output-stream before it is returned to the caller.

Function: make-broadcast-stream &rest streams

Returns a stream that only works in the output direction. Any output sent to this stream is forwarded to all of the streams given. The :which-operations is the intersection of the :which-operations of all of the streams. The value(s) returned by a stream operation are the values returned by the last stream in streams.

Function: zwei:interval-stream interval-or-from-bp &optional to-bp in-order-p hack-fonts

Returns a bidirectional stream that reads or writes all or part of an editor buffer. Note that editor buffer streams can also be obtained from open by using a pathname whose host is ED, ED-BUFFER or ED-FILE (see editor-hosts).

The first three arguments specify the buffer or portion to be read or written. Either the first argument is an interval (a buffer is one kind of interval), and all the text of that interval is read or written, or the first two arguments are two buffer pointers delimiting the range to be read or written. The third argument is used only in the latter case; if non-nil, it tells the function to assume that the second buffer pointer comes later in the buffer than the first and not to take the time to verify the assumption.

The stream has only one pointer inside it, used for both input and output. As you do input, the pointer advances through the text. When you do output, it is inserted in the buffer at the place where the pointer has reached. The pointer starts at the beginning of the specified range.

hack-fonts tells what to do about fonts. Its possible values are


The character epsilon is recognized as special when you output to the stream; sequences such as epsilon2 are interpreted as font-changes. They do not get inserted into the buffer; instead, they change the font in which following output will be inserted. On input, font change sequences are included to indicate faithfully what was in the buffer.


You are expected to read and write 16-bit characters containing font numbers.


All output is inserted in font zero and font information is discarded in the input you receive. This is the best mode to use if you are reading or otherwise parsing the contents of an editor buffer.

Macro: sys:with-help-stream (stream options...) body...

Executes the body with the variable stream bound to a suitable stream for printing a large help message. If *standard-output* is a window, then stream is also a window; a temporary window which fills the screen. Otherwise, stream is just the same as *standard-output*.

The purpose of this is to spare the user the need to read a large help printout in a small window, or have his data overwritten by it permanently. This is the mechanism used if you type the Control-Help key while in the rubout handler.

options is a list of alternating keywords and values.


The value (which is evaluated) is used as the label of the temporary window, if one is used.


The value, which is not evaluated, is a symbol. While body is executed, this symbol is bound to the width, in characters, available for the message.


The value is a symbol, like the value after :width, and it is bound to the height in lines of the area available for the help message.


The value, which is evaluated, specifies the original stream to use in deciding where to print the help message. The default is *standard-output*.

22.3.11 String I/O Streams

The functions and special forms in this section allow you to create I/O streams that input from or output to the contents of a string.

Function: make-string-input-stream string &optional (start 0) end

Returns a stream which can be used to read the contents of string (or the portion of it from index start to index end) as input. End of file occurs on reading past position end or the end of string.

Function: make-string-output-stream &optional string

Returns an output stream which will accumulate all output in a string. If string is non-nil, output is added to it with string-nconc (string-nconc-fun). Otherwise, a new string is created and used to hold the output.

Function: get-output-stream-string string-output-stream

Returns the string of output accumulated so far by a stream which was made by make-string-output-stream. The accumulated output is cleared out, so it will not be obtained again if get-output-stream-string is called another time on the same stream.

Macro: with-input-from-string (var string &key start end index) body...

The form

(with-input-from-string (var string)

evaluates the forms in body with the variable var bound to a stream which reads characters from the string which is the value of the form string. The value of the construct is the value of the last form in its body.

If the start and end arguments are specified, they should be forms. They are evaluated at run time to produce the indices starting and ending the portion of string to be read.

If the index argument is specified, it should be something setf can store in. When body is finished, the index in the string at which reading stopped is stored there. This is the index of the first character not read. If the entire string was read, it is the length of the string. The value of index is not updated until with-input-from-string is exited, so you can’t use its value within the body to see how far the reading has gotten. Example:

     (foo "This is a test." :start (+ 2 2) :end 8 :index bar)

returns " is " and sets bar to eight.

An older calling sequence which used positional rather than keyword arguments is still accepted:

(with-input-from-string (var string index end)

The functions read-from-string and cli:read-from-string are convenient special cases of what with-input-from-string can do. See read-from-string-fun.

Macro: with-output-to-string (var [string [index]]) body...

This special form provides a variety of ways to send output to a string through an I/O stream.

(with-output-to-string (var)

evaluates the forms in body with var bound to a stream which saves the characters output to it in a string. The value of the special form is the string.

(with-output-to-string (var string)

appends its output to the string which is the value of the form string. (This is like the string-nconc function; see string-nconc-fun.) The value returned is the value of the last form in the body, rather than the string. Multiple values are not returned. string must have a fill pointer. If string is too small to contain all the output, adjust-array-size is used to make it bigger.

(with-output-to-string (var string index)

is similar to the above except that index is a variable or setf-able reference which contains the index of the next character to be stored into. It must be initialized before the with-output-to-string and it is updated upon normal exit. The value of index is not updated until with-output-to-string returns, so you can’t use its value within the body to see how far the writing has gotten. The presence of index means that string is not required to have a fill-pointer; if there is one, it is updated on exit.

Another way of doing output to a string is to use the format facility (see format-fun).

22.3.12 Implementing Streams

There are two ways to implement a stream: using defun or using flavors.

Using flavors is best when you can take advantage of the predefined stream mixins, including those which perform buffering, or when you wish to define several similar kinds of streams that can inherit methods from each other.

defun (or defselect, which is a minor variation of the technique) may have an advantage if you are dividing operations into broad groups and handling them by passing them off to one or more other streams. In this case, the automatic operation decoding provided by flavors may get in the way. A number of streams in the system are implemented using defun or defselect for historical reasons. It isn’t yet clear whether there is any reason not to convert most of them to use flavors.

If you use defun, you can use the stream default handler to implement some of the standard operations for you in a default manner. If you use flavors, there are predefined mixins to do this for you.

A few streams are individual objects, one of a kind. For example, there is only one null stream, and no need for more, since two null streams would behave identically. But most streams are elements of a general class. For example, there can be many file streams for different files, even though all behave the same way. There can also be multiple streams reading from different points in the same file.

If you implement a class of streams with defun, then the actual streams must be closures of the function you define, made with closure.

If you use flavors to implement the streams, having a class of similar streams comes naturally: each instance of the flavor is a stream, and the instance variables distinguish one stream of the class from another.

22.3.13 Implementing Streams with Flavors

To define a stream using flavors, define a flavor which incorporates the appropriate predefined stream flavor, and then redefine those operations which are peculiar to your own type of stream.

Flavors for defining unbuffered streams:

Flavor on : si:stream

This flavor provides default definitions for a few standard operations such as :direction and :characters. Usually you do not have to mention this explicitly; instead you use the higher level flavors below, which are built on this one.

Flavor on : si:input-stream

This flavor provides default definitions of all the mandatory input operations except :tyi and :untyi, in terms of those two. You can make a simple non-character input stream by defining a flavor incorporating this one and giving it methods for :tyi and :untyi.

Flavor on : si:output-stream

This flavor provides default definitions of all the mandatory output operations except :tyo, in terms of :tyo. All you need to do to define a simple unbuffered non-character output stream is to define a flavor incorporating this one and give it a method for the :tyo operation.

Flavor on : si:bidirectional-stream

This is a combination of si:input-stream and si:output-stream. It defines :direction to return :bidirectional. To define a simple unbuffered non-character bidirectional stream, build on this flavor and define :tyi, :untyi and :tyo.

The unbuffered streams implement operations such as :string-out and :string-in by repeated use of :tyo or :tyi.

For greater efficiency, if the stream’s data is available in blocks, it is better to define a buffered stream. You start with the predefined buffered stream flavors, which define :tyi or :tyo themselves and manage the buffers for you. You must provide other operations that the system uses to obtain the next input buffer or to write or discard an output buffer.

Flavors for defining buffered streams:

Flavor on : si:buffered-input-stream

This flavor is the basis for a non-character buffered input stream. It defines :tyi as well as all the other standard input operations, but you must define the two operations :next-input-buffer and :discard-input-buffer, which the buffer management routines use.

Method on si:buffered-input-stream: :next-input-buffer

In a buffered input stream, this operation is used as a subroutine of the standard input operations, such as :tyi, to get the next bufferful of input data. It should return three values: an array containing the data, a starting index in the array, and an ending index. For example, in a Chaosnet stream, this operation would get the next packet of input data and return pointers delimiting the actual data in the packet.

Method on si:buffered-input-stream: :discard-input-buffer buffer-array

In a buffered input stream, this operation is used as a subroutine of the standard input operations such as :tyi. It says that the buffer management routines have used or thrown away all the input in a buffer, and the buffer is no longer needed.

In a Chaosnet stream, this operation would return the packet buffer to the pool of free packets.

Flavor on : si:buffered-output-stream

This flavor is the basis for a non-character buffered output stream. It defines :tyo as well as all the other standard output operations, but you must define the operations :new-output-buffer, :send-output-buffer and :discard-output-buffer, which the buffer management routines use.

Method on si:buffered-output-stream: :new-output-buffer

In a buffered output stream, this operation is used as a subroutine of the standard output operations, such as :tyo, to get an empty buffer for storing more output data. How the buffer is obtained depends on the kind of stream, but in any case this operation should return an array (the buffer), a starting index, and an ending index. The two indices delimit the part of the array that is to be used as a buffer.

For example, a Chaosnet stream would get a packet from the free pool and return indices delimiting the part of the packet array which can hold data bytes.

Method on si:buffered-output-stream: :send-output-buffer buffer-array ending-index

In a buffered output stream, this operation is used as a subroutine of the standard output operations, such as :tyo, to send the data in a buffer that has been completely or partially filled.

ending-index is the first index in the buffer that has not actually been stored. This may not be the same as the ending index that was returned by the :new-output-buffer operation that was used to obtain this buffer; if a :force-output is being handled, ending-index indicates how much of the buffer is currently full.

The method for this operation should process the buffer’s data and, if necessary, return the buffer to a free pool.

Method on si:buffered-output-stream: :discard-output-buffer buffer-array

In a buffered output stream, this operation is used as a subroutine of the standard output operations, such as :clear-output, to free an output buffer and say that the data in it should be ignored.

It should simply return buffer-array to a free pool, if appropriate.

Some buffered output streams simply have one buffer array which they use over and over. For such streams, :new-output-buffer can simply return that particular array each time; :send-output-buffer and :discard-output-buffer do not have to do anything about returning the buffer to a free pool. In fact, :discard-output-buffer can probably do nothing.

Flavor on : si:buffered-stream

This is a combination of si:buffered-input-stream and si:buffered-output-stream, used to make a buffered bidirectional stream. The input and output buffering are completely independent of each other. You must define all five of the low level operations: :new-output-buffer, :send-output-buffer and :discard-output-buffer for output, and :next-input-buffer and :discard-input-buffer for input.

The data in most streams are characters. Character streams should support either :line-in or :line-out in addition to the other standard operations.

Flavor on : si:unbuffered-line-input-stream

This flavor is the basis for unbuffered character input streams. You need only define :tyi and :untyi.

Flavor on : si:line-output-stream-mixin

To make an unbuffered character output stream, mix this flavor into the one you define, together with si:output-stream. In addition, you must define :tyo, as for unbuffered non-character streams.

Flavor on : si:buffered-input-character-stream

This is used just like si:buffered-input-stream, but it also provides the :line-in operation and makes :characters return t.

Flavor on : si:buffered-output-character-stream

This is used just like si:buffered-output-stream, but it also provides the :line-out operation and makes :characters return t.

Flavor on : si:buffered-character-stream

This is used just like si:buffered-stream, but it also provides the :line-in and :line-out operations and makes :characters return t.

To make an unbuffered random-access stream, you need only define the :read-pointer and :set-pointer operations as appropriate. Since you provide the :tyi or :tyo handler yourself, the system cannot help you.

In a buffered random-access stream, the random access operations must interact with the buffer management. The system provides for this.

Flavor on : si:input-pointer-remembering-mixin

Incorporate this into a buffered input stream to support random access. This flavor defines the :read-pointer and :set-pointer operations. If you wish :set-pointer to work, you must provide a definition for the :set-buffer-pointer operation. You need not do so if you wish to support only :read-pointer.

Method on si:input-pointer-remembering-mixin: :set-buffer-pointer new-pointer

You must define this operation if you use si:input-pointer-remembering-mixin and want the :set-pointer operation to work.

This operation should arrange for the next :next-input-buffer operation to provide a bufferful of data that includes the specified character or byte position somewhere inside it.

The value returned should be the file pointer corresponding to the first character or byte of that next bufferful.

Flavor on : si:output-pointer-remembering-mixin

Incorporate this into a buffered output stream to support random access. This mixin defines the :read-pointer and :set-pointer operations. If you wish :set-pointer to work, you must provide definitions for the :set-buffer-pointer and :get-old-data operations. You need not do so if you wish to support only :read-pointer.

Method on si:output-pointer-remembering-mixin: :set-buffer-pointer new-pointer

This is the same as in si:input-pointer-remembering-mixin.

Method on si:output-pointer-remembering-mixin: :get-old-data buffer-array lower-output-limit

The buffer management routines perform this operation when you do a :set-pointer that is outside the range of pointers that fit in the current output buffer. They first send the old buffer, then do :set-buffer-pointer as described above to say where in the file the next output buffer should come, then do :new-output-buffer to get the new buffer. Then the :get-old-data operation is performed.

It should fill current buffer (buffer-array) with the old contents of the file at the corresponding addresses, so that when the buffer is eventually written, any bytes skipped over by random access will retain their old values.

The instance variable si:stream-output-lower-limit is the starting index in the buffer of the part that is supposed to be used for output. si:stream-output-limit is the ending index. The instance variable si:output-pointer-base is the file pointer corresponding to the starting index in the buffer.

Flavor on : si:file-stream-mixin

Incorporate this mixin together with si:stream to make a file probe stream, which cannot do input or output but records the answers to an enquiry about a file. You should specify the init option :pathname when you instantiate the flavor.

You must provide definitions for the :plist and :truename operations; in terms of them, this mixin defines the operations :get, :creation-date, and :info.

Flavor on : si:input-file-stream-mixin

Incorporate this mixin into input streams that are used to read files. You should specify the file’s pathname with the :pathname init option when you instantiate the flavor.

In addition to the services and requirements of si:file-stream-mixin, this mixin takes care of mentioning the file in the who-line. It also includes si:input-pointer-remembering-mixin so that the :read-pointer operation, at least, will be available.

Flavor on : si:output-file-stream-mixin

This is the analogue of si:input-file-stream-mixin for output streams.

22.3.14 Implementing Streams Without Flavors

You do not need to use flavors to implement a stream. Any object that can be used as a function, and decodes its first argument appropriately as an operation name, can serve as a stream. Although in practice using flavors is as easy as any other way, it is educational to see how to define streams “from scratch”.

We could begin to define a simple output stream, which accepts characters and conses them onto a list, as follows:

(defvar the-list nil)

(defun list-output-stream (op &optional arg1 &rest rest)
  (ecase op
     (setq the-list (cons arg1 the-list)))
    (:which-operations '(:tyo))))

This is an output stream, and so it supports the :tyo operation. All streams must support :which-operations.

The lambda-list for a stream defined with a defun must always have one required parameter (op), one optional parameter (arg1), and a rest parameter (rest).

This definition is not satisfactory, however. It handles :tyo properly, but it does not handle :string-out, :direction, :send-if-handles, and other standard operations.

The function stream-default-handler exists to spare us the trouble of defining all those operations from scratch in simple streams like this. By adding one additional clause, we let the default handler take care of all other operations, if it can.

(defun list-output-stream (op &optional arg1 &rest rest)
    (selectq op
         (setq the-list (cons arg1 the-list)))
        (:which-operations '(:tyo))
          (stream-default-handler #'list-output-stream
				  op arg1 rest))))

If the operation is not one that the stream understands (e.g :string-out), it calls stream-default-handler. Note how the rest argument is passed to it. This is why the argument list must look the way it does. stream-default-handler can be thought of as a restricted analogue of flavor inheritance.

If we want to have only one stream of this sort, the symbol list-output-stream can be used as the stream. The data output to it will appear in the global value of the-list. One more step is required, though:

(defprop list-output-stream t si:io-stream-p)

This tells certain functions including read to treat the symbol list-output-stream as a stream rather than as an end of file option.

If we wish to be able to create any number of list output streams, each accumulating its own list, we must use closures:

(defvar the-stream nil
  "Inside a list output stream, holds the stream itself.")
(defvar the-list nil
  "Inside a list output stream,
holds the list of characters being accumulated.")

(defun list-output-stream (op &optional arg1 &rest rest)
    (selectq op
	 (push arg1 the-list)))
	(:withdrawal (prog1 the-list (setq the-list nil)))
        (:which-operations '(:tyo :withdrawal))
          (stream-default-handler the-stream
				  op arg1 rest))))

(defun make-list-output-stream ()
  (let ((the-stream the-list))
    (setq the-stream
	  (closure '(the-stream the-list)

We have added a new operation :withdrawal that can be used to find out what data has been accumulated by a stream. This is necessary because we can no longer simply look at or set the global value of the-list; that is not the same as the value closed into the stream.

In addition, we have a new variable the-stream which allows the function list-output-stream to know which stream it is serving at any time. This variable is passed to stream-default-handler so that when it simulates :string-out by means of :tyo, it can do the :tyo’s to the same stream that the :string-out was done to.

The same stream could be defined with defselect instead of defun. It actually makes only a small difference. The defun for list-output-stream could be replaced with this code:

(defselect (list-output-stream list-output-d-h)
  (:tyo (arg1)
    (push arg1 the-list))
  (:withdrawal ()
    (prog1 the-list (setq the-list nil))))

(defun list-output-d-h (op &optional arg1 &rest rest)
  (stream-default-handler the-stream op arg1 rest))

defselect takes care of decoding the operations, provides a definition for :which-operations, and allows you to write a separate lambda list for each operation.

By comparison, the same stream defined using flavors looks like this:

(defflavor list-output-stream ((the-list nil))
	   (si:line-output-stream-mixin si:output-stream))

(defmethod (list-output-stream :tyo) (character)
  (push character the-list))

(defmethod (list-outut-stream :withdrawal) ()
  (prog1 the-list (setq the-list nil)))

(defun make-list-output-stream ()
  (make-instance 'list-output-stream))

Here is a simple input stream, which generates successive characters of a list.

(defvar the-list)	;Put your input list here
(defvar the-stream)
(defvar untyied-char nil)

(defun list-input-stream (op &optional arg1 &rest rest)
  (selectq op
     (cond ((not (null untyied-char))
	    (prog1 untyied-char (setq untyied-char nil)))
	   ((null the-list)
	    (and arg1 (error arg1)))
	   (t (pop the-list))))
     (setq untyied-char arg1))
    (:which-operations '(:tyi :untyi))
      (stream-default-handler the-stream
                              op arg1 rest))))

(defun make-list-input-stream (the-list)
  (let (the-stream untyied-char)
    (setq the-stream
	  (closure '(the-list the-stream untyied-char)

The important things to note are that :untyi must be supported, and that the stream must check for having reached the end of the information and do the right thing with the argument to the :tyi operation.

Function: stream-default-handler stream op arg1 rest

Tries to handle the op operation on stream, given arguments of arg1 and the elements of rest. The exact action taken for each of the defined operations is explained with the documentation on that operation, above.

22.4 Formatted Output

There are two ways of doing general formatted output. One is the function format. The other is the output subsystem. format uses a control string written in a special format specifier language to control the output format. format:output provides Lisp functions to do output in particular formats.

For simple tasks in which only the most basic format specifiers are needed, format is easy to use and has the advantage of brevity. For more complicated tasks, the format specifier language becomes obscure and hard to read. Then format:output becomes advantageous because it works with ordinary Lisp control constructs.

22.4.1 The Format Function

Function: format destination control-string &rest args

Produces formatted output. format outputs the characters of control-string, except that a tilde (‘~’) introduces a directive. The character after the tilde, possibly preceded by prefix parameters and modifiers, specifies what kind of formatting is desired. Most directives use one or more elements of args to create their output; the typical directive puts the next element of args into the output, formatted in some special way.

The output is sent to destination. If destination is nil, a string is created which contains the output; this string is returned as the value of the call to format. In all other cases format returns no interesting value (generally it returns nil). If destination is a stream, the output is sent to it. If destination is t, the output is sent to *standard-output*. If destination is a string with an array-leader, such as would be acceptable to string-nconc (see string-nconc-fun), the output is added to the end of that string.

A directive consists of a tilde, optional prefix parameters separated by commas, optional colon (‘:’) and atsign (‘@’) modifiers, and a single character indicating what kind of directive this is. The alphabetic case of the character is ignored. The prefix parameters are generally decimal numbers. Examples of control strings:

"~S"        ; This is an S directive with no parameters.
"~3,4:@s"   ; This is an S directive with two parameters, 3 and 4,
            ;    and both the colon and atsign flags.
"~,4S"      ; The first prefix parameter is omitted and takes
            ;    on its default value, while the second is 4.

format includes some extremely complicated and specialized features. It is not necessary to understand all or even most of its features to use format efficiently. The beginner should skip over anything in the following documentation that is not immediately useful or clear. The more sophisticated features are there for the convenience of programs with complicated formatting requirements.

Sometimes a prefix parameter is used to specify a character, for instance the padding character in a right- or left-justifying operation. In this case a single quote ("'") followed by the desired character may be used as a prefix parameter, so that you don’t have to know the decimal numeric values of characters in the character set. For example, you can use "~5,'0d" instead of "~5,48d" to print a decimal number in five columns with leading zeros.

In place of a prefix parameter to a directive, you can put the letter V, which takes an argument from args as a parameter to the directive. Normally this should be a number but it doesn’t really have to be. This feature allows variable column-widths and the like. Also, you can use the character # in place of a parameter; it represents the number of arguments remaining to be processed.

Here are some relatively simple examples to give you the general flavor of how format is used.

(format nil "foo") => "foo"
(setq x 5)
(format nil "The answer is ~D." x) => "The answer is 5."
(format nil "The answer is ~3D." x) => "The answer is   5."
(setq y "elephant")
(format nil "Look at the ~A!" y) => "Look at the elephant!"
(format nil "The character ~:@C is strange." #\meta-beta)
      => "The character Meta-beta (Greek-b) is strange."
(setq n 3)
(format nil "~D item~:P found." n) => "3 items found."
(format nil "~R dog~:[s are~; is~] here." n (= n 1))
      => "three dogs are here."
(format nil "~R dog~:*~[~1; is~:;s are~] here." n)
      => "three dogs are here."
(format nil "Here ~[~1;is~:;are~] ~:*~R pupp~:@P." n)
      => "Here are three puppies."

The directives will now be described. arg will be used to refer to the next argument from args.


arg, any Lisp object, is printed without escaping (as by princ). ~:A prints () if arg is nil; this is useful when printing something that is always supposed to be a list. ~nA inserts spaces on the right, if necessary, to make the column width at least n. The @ modifier causes the spaces to be inserted on the left rather than the right. ~mincol,colinc,minpad,padcharA is the full form of ~A, which allows elaborate control of the padding. The string is padded on the right with at least minpad copies of padchar; padding characters are then inserted colinc characters at a time until the total width is at least mincol. The defaults are 0 for mincol and minpad, 1 for colinc, and space for padchar.


This is just like ~A, but arg is printed with escaping (as by prin1 rather than princ).


arg, a number, is printed in base ten. Unlike print, ~D never puts a decimal point after the number. ~nD uses a column width of n; spaces are inserted on the left if the number requires less than n columns for its digits and sign. If the number doesn’t fit in n columns, additional columns are used as needed. ~n,mD uses m as the pad character instead of space. If arg is not a number, it is printed in ~A format and decimal base. The @ modifier causes the number’s sign to be printed always; the default is only to print it if the number is negative. The : modifier causes commas to be printed between groups of three digits; the third prefix parameter may be used to change the character used as the comma. Thus the most general form of ~D is ~mincol,padchar,commacharD.


This is just like ~D but prints in octal instead of decimal.


This is just like ~D but prints in hex instead of decimal. Note that ~X used to have a different meaning: print one or more spaces. Uses of ~X intended to have this meaning should be replaced with ~@T.


This is just like ~D but prints in binary instead of decimal.


arg is printed in nonexponential floating point format, as in ‘10.5’. (If the magnitude of arg is very large or very small, it is printed in exponential notation.) The parameters control the details of the formatting.


is the total field width desired. If omitted, this is not constrained.


is the number of digits to print after the decimal point. If d is omitted, it is chosen to do a good job based on w (if specified) and the value of arg.


is a scale factor. arg is multiplied by (exp 10 k) before it is printed.


is a character to use for overflow. If arg is too big to print and fit the constraints of field width, etc, and ovfl is specified then the whole field is filled with ovfl. If ovfl is not specified, arg is printed using extra width as needed.


is a character to use for padding on the left, when the field width is specified and not that many characters are really needed.

If the @ modifier is used, a sign is printed even if arg is positive.

Rational numbers are converted to floats and then printed. Anything else is printed with ~wD format.


arg is printed in exponential notation, as in ‘.105e+2’. The parameters control the details of the formatting.


is the total field width desired. If omitted, this is not constrained.

d and k

control the number of mantissa digits and their arrangement around the decimal point. d+1 digits are printed. If k is positive, all of them are significant digits, and the decimal point is printed after the first k of them. If k is zero or negative, the first |k|+1 of the d+1 digits are leading zeros, and the decimal point follows the first zero. (This zero can be omitted if necessary to fit the number in w characters.) So the number of significant figures is less than d if k is negative.

The exponent printed always compensates for any powers of ten introduced according to k, so 10.5 might be printed as 0.105e+2 or as 1050.0e-2.

If d is omitted, the system chooses enough significant figures to represent the float accurately. If k is omitted, the default is one.


is the number of digits to use for the exponent. If it is not specified, however many digits are needed are used.


is the overflow character. If the exponent doesn’t fit in e digits or the entire number does not fit in w characters, then if ovfl is specified, the field of w characters is filled with ovfl. Otherwise more characters are used as needed.


is a character to use for padding on the left, when the field width is specified and not that many characters are really needed.


is a character to use to separate the mantissa from the exponent. The default is e or s or f, whichever would be used in printing the number normally.

If the @ modifier is used, a sign is printed even if arg is positive.


Prints a floating point number arg in either ~F or ~E format. Fixed format is used if the absolute value of arg is less than (expt 10 d), and exponential format otherwise. (If d is not specified, it defaults based on the value of arg.) If fixed format is used, e+2 blanks are printed at the end (where the exponent and its separator and sign would go, in exponential format). These count against the width w if that is specified. Four blanks are used if e is omitted. The diminished width available, d, ovfl and pad are used as specified. The scale factor used in fixed format is always zero, not k.

If exponential format needs to be used, all the parameters are passed to the ~E directive to print the number.

Rational numbers are converted to floats and then printed. Anything else is printed with ~wD format.


~rdig,ldig,field,padchar$ prints arg, a float, with exactly rdig digits after the decimal point. The default for rdig is 2, which is convenient for printing amounts of money. At least ldig digits are printed preceding the decimal point; leading zeros are printed if there would be fewer than ldig. The default for ldig is 1. The number is right justified in a field field columns long, padded out with padchar. The colon modifier means that the sign character is to be at the beginning of the field, before the padding, rather than just to the left of the number. The atsign modifier says that the sign character should always be output.

If arg is not a number, or is unreasonably large, it is printed in ~field,,,padchar@A format; i.e it is princ’ed right-justified in the specified field width.


(character arg) is put in the output. arg is treated as a keyboard character (see %%kbd), thus it may contain extra control-bits. These are printed first by representing them with abbreviated prefixes: ‘C-’ for Control, ‘M-’ for Meta, ‘H-’ for Hyper, and ‘S-’ for Super.

With the colon flag (~:C), the names of the control bits are spelled out (e.g ‘Control-Meta-F’) and non-printing characters are represented by their names (e.g ‘Return’) rather than being output as themselves. The printing characters Space and Altmode are also represented as their names, but all others are printed directly.

With both colon and atsign (~:@C), the colon-only format is printed, and then if the character requires the Top or Greek (Front) shift key(s) to type it, this fact is mentioned (e.g ‘universalQuantifier (Top-U)’). This is the format used for telling the user about a key he is expected to type, for instance in prompt messages.

For all three of these formats, if the character is a mouse character, it is printed as Mouse-, the name of the button, ‘-’, and the number of clicks.

With just an atsign (~@C), the character is printed in such a way that the Lisp reader can understand it, using ‘#\’ or ‘#/’, depending on the escaping character of *readtable* (see escape-characters).


Outputs a carriage return. ~n% outputs n carriage returns. No argument is used. Simply putting a carriage return in the control string would work, but ~% is usually used because it makes the control string look nicer in the Lisp source program.


The :fresh-line operation is performed on the output stream. Unless the stream knows that it is already at the front of a line, this outputs a carriage return. ~n& does a :fresh-line operation and then outputs n-1 carriage returns.


Outputs a page separator character (#\page). ~n| does this n times. With a : modifier, if the output stream supports the :clear-screen operation this directive clears the screen, otherwise it outputs page separator character(s) as if no : modifier were present. | is vertical bar, not capital I.


Outputs a tilde. ~n~ outputs n tildes.

~ <CR>

Tilde immediately followed by a carriage return ignores the carriage return and any whitespace at the beginning of the next line. With a :, the whitespace is left in place. With an @, the carriage return is left in place. This directive is typically used when a format control string is too long to fit nicely into one line of the program.


arg is ignored. ~n* ignores the next n arguments. ~:* “ignores backwards”; that is, it backs up in the list of arguments so that the argument last processed will be processed again. ~n:* backs up n arguments. ~n
is absolute; it moves to argument n (n = 0 specifies the first argument).

When within a ~{ construct (see below), the ignoring (in either direction) is relative to the list of arguments being processed by the iteration.


If arg is not 1, a lower-case ‘s’ is printed. (‘P’ is for ‘plural’.) ~:P does the same thing, after doing a ~:*; that is, it prints a lower-case s if the last argument was not 1. ~@P prints ‘y’ if the argument is 1, or ‘ies’ if it is not. ~:@P does the same thing, but backs up first.


Spaces over to a given column. ~n,mT outputs sufficient spaces to move the cursor to column n. If the cursor is already past column n, it outputs spaces to move it to column n+mk, for the smallest integer value k possible. n and m default to 1. Without the colon flag, n and m are in units of characters; with it, they are in units of pixels.

Note: this operation works properly only on streams that support the :read-cursorpos and :increment-cursorpos stream operations (see read-cursorpos). On other streams, any ~T operation simply outputs two spaces. When format is creating a string, ~T works by assuming that the first character in the string is at the left margin.

~@T simply outputs a space. ~relT simply outputs rel spaces. ~rel, periodT outputs rel spaces and then additional spaces until it reaches a column which is a multiple of period. If the output stream does not support :read-cursorpos then it simply outputs rel spaces.


~R prints arg as a cardinal English number, e.g four. ~:R prints arg as an ordinal number, e.g fourth. ~@R prints arg as a Roman numeral, e.g IV. ~:@R prints arg as an old Roman numeral, e.g IIII.

~nR prints arg in radix n. The flags and any remaining parameters are used as for the ~D directive. Indeed, ~D is the same as ~10R. The full form here is therefore ~radix,mincol,padchar,commacharR.


Uses up two arguments, and processes the first one as a format control string using the second one’s elements as arguments. Thus,

(format nil "~? ~D" "~O ~O" '(4 20.) 9)

returns "4 24 9".

~? processes the following argument as a format control string, using all the remaining arguments. Any arguments it does not use are left to be processed by the format directives following the ~? in the original control string.

(format nil "~? ~D" "~O ~O" 4 20. 9)

likewise returns "4 24 9".


Performs the formatting specified by str, with indentation on any new lines. Each time a Return is printed during the processing of str, it is followed by indentation sufficient to line up underneath the place where the cursor was at the beginning of str. For example,

(format t "Foo: ~8T~~A~" string)

prints string with each line starting at column 8. If string is (string-append "This is" #\return "the string") then the output is

Foo:    This is
	the string

Performs output with case conversion. The formatting specified by str is done, with all the letters in the resulting output being converted to upper or lower case according to the modifiers given to the ~( command:

~( without modifiers

Converts all the letters to lower case.


Converts the first letter of each word to upper case and the rest to lower case.


Converts the first letter of the first word to upper case, and all other letters to lower case.


Converts all the letters to upper case.


Converts the first letter of the first word to upper case and does not change anything else. If you arrange to generate all output in lower case except for letters that should be upper case regardless of context, you can use this directive when the output appears at the beginning of a sentence.

"~(FoO BaR~) ~:(FoO BaR~) ~@(FoO BaR~) ~:@(FoO BaR~)
~1(at the White Hart~)"
foo bar Foo Bar Foo bar FOO BAR
At the White Hart

This is a set of alternative control strings. The alternatives (called clauses) are separated by ~; and the construct is terminated by ~]. For example,

"~[Siamese ~;Manx ~;Persian ~;Tortoise-Shell ~
   ~;Tiger ~;Yu-Shiang ~]kitty"

The argth alternative is selected; 0 selects the first. If a prefix parameter is given (i.e ~n[), then the parameter is used instead of an argument (this is useful only if the parameter is ‘#’). If arg is out of range no alternative is selected. After the selected alternative has been processed, the control string continues after the ~].

~[str0~;str1~;...~;strn~:;default~] has a default case. If the last ~; used to separate clauses is instead ~:;, then the last clause is an “else” clause, which is performed if no other clause is selected. For example,

"~[Siamese ~;Manx ~;Persian ~;Tiger ~
   ~;Yu-Shiang ~:;Bad ~] kitty"

~[~tag00,tag01,...;str0~tag10,tag11,...;str1...~] allows the clauses to have explicit tags. The parameters to each ~; are numeric tags for the clause which follows it. That clause is processed which has a tag matching the argument. If ~a1,a2,b1,b2,...:; (note the colon) is used, then the following clause is tagged not by single values but by ranges of values a1 through a2 (inclusive), b1 through b2, etc. ~:; with no parameters may be used at the end to denote a default clause. For example,

"~[~'+,'-,'*,'//;operator ~'A,'Z,'a,'z:;letter ~
   ~'0,'9:;digit ~:;other ~]"

~:[false~;true~] selects the false control string if arg is nil, and selects the true control string otherwise.

~@[true~] tests the argument. If it is not nil, then the argument is not used up, but is the next one to be processed, and the one clause is processed. If it is nil, then the argument is used up, and the clause is not processed. For example,

(setq *print-level* nil *print-length* 5)
(format nil
        "~@[ *PRINT-LEVEL*=~D~]~@[ *PRINT-LENGTH*=~D~]"
        prinlevel prinlength)
   =>  " *PRINT-LENGTH*=5"

The combination of ~[ and # is useful, for example, for dealing with English conventions for printing lists:

(setq foo "Items:~#[ none~; ~S~; ~S and ~
           ~S~:;~{~#[~1; and~] ~S~^,~}~].")
(format nil foo)
	=>  "Items: none."
(format nil foo 'foo)
	=>  "Items: FOO."
(format nil foo 'foo 'bar)
	=>  "Items: FOO and BAR."
(format nil foo 'foo 'bar 'baz)
	=>  "Items: FOO, BAR, and BAZ."
(format nil foo 'foo 'bar 'baz 'quux)
	=>  "Items: FOO, BAR, BAZ, and QUUX."

Separates clauses in ~[ and ~< constructions. It is undefined elsewhere.


Terminates a ~[. It is undefined elsewhere.


This is an iteration construct. The argument should be a list, which is used as a set of arguments as if for a recursive call to format. The string str is used repeatedly as the control string. Each iteration can absorb as many elements of the list as it likes; if str uses up two arguments by itself, then two elements of the list get used up each time around the loop. If before any iteration step the list is empty, then the iteration is terminated. Also, if a prefix parameter n is given, then there can be at most n repetitions of processing of str. Here are some simple examples:

(format nil "Here it is:~{ ~S~}." '(a b c))
     => "Here it is: A B C."
(format nil "Pairs of things:~{ <~S,~S>~}." '(a 1 b 2 c 3))
     => "Pairs of things: <A,1> <B,2> <C,3>."

Using ~^ as well, to terminate str if no arguments remain, we can print a list with commas between the elements:

(format nil "Elements: ~{~S~^, ~}." '(a b c))
     => "Elements: A, B, C."

~:{str~} is similar, but the argument should be a list of sublists. At each repetition step one sublist is used as the set of arguments for processing str; on the next repetition a new sublist is used, whether or not all of the last sublist had been processed. Example:

(format nil "Pairs of things:~:{ <~S,~S>~}."
	    '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
     => "Pairs of things: <A,1> <B,2> <C,3>."

~{str~} is similar to ~{str~}, but instead of using one argument which is a list, all the remaining arguments are used as the list of arguments for the iteration. Example:

(format nil "Pairs of things:~{ <~S,~S>~}."
	    'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)
     => "Pairs of things: <A,1> <B,2> <C,3>."

~:{str~} combines the features of ~:{str~} and ~{str~}. All the remaining arguments are used, and each one must be a list. On each iteration the next argument is used as a list of arguments to str. Example:

(format nil "Pairs of things:~:{ <~S,~S>~}."
	    '(a 1) '(b 2) '(c 3))
     => "Pairs of things: <A,1> <B,2> <C,3>."

Terminating the repetition construct with ~:} instead of ~} forces str to be processed at least once even if the initial list of arguments is null (however, it does not override an explicit prefix parameter of zero).

If str is empty, then an argument is used as str. It must be a string, and precedes any arguments processed by the iteration. As an example, the following are equivalent:

(apply #'format stream string args)
(format stream "~1{~:}" string args)

This uses string as a formatting string. The ~1{ says it must be processed at most once, and the ~:} says it must be processed at least once. Therefore it is processed exactly once, using args as the arguments.

As another example, the format function itself uses format-error (a routine internal to the format package) to signal error messages, which in turn uses ferror, which uses format recursively. Now format-error takes a string and arguments, just like format, but also prints some additional information: if the control string in ctl-string actually is a string (it might be a list–see below), then it prints the string and a little arrow showing where in the processing of the control string the error occurred. The variable ctl-index points one character after the place of the error.

(defun format-error (string &rest args)
  (if (stringp ctl-string)
      (ferror nil "~1{~:}~%~VTdownArrow~%~3@T/"~A/"~%"
	      string args (+ ctl-index 3) ctl-string)
    (ferror nil "~1{~:}" string args)))

This first processes the given string and arguments using ~1{~:}, then tabs a variable amount for printing the down-arrow, then prints the control string between double-quotes. The effect is something like this:

(format t "The item is a ~[Foo~;Bar~;Loser~]." 'quux)
>>ERROR: The argument to the FORMAT "~[" command 
         must be a number
   "The item is a ~[Foo~;Bar~;Loser~]."

Terminates a ~{. It is undefined elsewhere.


~mincol,colinc,minpad,padchar<text~> justifies text within a field at least mincol wide. text may be divided up into segments with ~;–the spacing is evenly divided between the text segments. With no modifiers, the leftmost text segment is left justified in the field, and the rightmost text segment right justified; if there is only one, as a special case, it is right justified. The : modifier causes spacing to be introduced before the first text segment; the @ modifier causes spacing to be added after the last. Minpad, default 0, is the minimum number of padchar (default space) padding characters to be output between each segment. If the total width needed to satisfy these constraints is greater than mincol, then mincol is adjusted upwards in colinc increments. colinc defaults to 1. mincol defaults to 0. For example,

(format nil "~10<foo~;bar~>")          =>  "foo    bar"
(format nil "~10:<foo~;bar~>")         =>  "  foo  bar"
(format nil "~10:@<foo~;bar~>")        =>  "  foo bar "
(format nil "~10<foobar~>")            =>  "    foobar"
(format nil "~10:<foobar~>")           =>  "    foobar"
(format nil "~10@<foobar~>")           =>  "foobar    "
(format nil "~10:@<foobar~>")          =>  "  foobar  "
(format nil "$~10,,,'*<~3f~>" 2.5902)  =>  "$******2.59"

Note that text may include format directives. The last example illustrates how the ~< directive can be combined with the ~f directive to provide more advanced control over the formatting of numbers.

Here are some examples of the use of ~^ within a ~< construct. ~^ is explained in detail below, however the general idea is that it eliminates the segment in which it appears and all following segments if there are no more arguments.

(format nil "~15<~S~;~^~S~;~^~S~>" 'foo)
	=>  "            FOO"
(format nil "~15<~S~;~^~S~;~^~S~>" 'foo 'bar)
	=>  "FOO         BAR"
(format nil "~15<~S~;~^~S~;~^~S~>" 'foo 'bar 'baz)
	=>  "FOO   BAR   BAZ"

The idea is that if a segment contains a ~^, and format runs out of arguments, it just stops there instead of getting an error, and it as well as the rest of the segments are ignored.

If the first clause of a ~< is terminated with ~:; instead of ~;, then it is used in a special way. All of the clauses are processed (subject to ~^, of course), but the first one is omitted in performing the spacing and padding. When the padded result has been determined, then if it will fit on the current line of output, it is output, and the text for the first clause is discarded. If, however, the padded text will not fit on the current line, then the text segment for the first clause is output before the padded text. The first clause ought to contain a carriage return (~%). The first clause is always processed, and so any arguments it refers to will be used; the decision is whether to use the resulting segment of text, not whether to process the first clause. If the ~:; has a prefix parameter n, then the padded text must fit on the current line with n character positions to spare to avoid outputting the first clause’s text. For example, the control string

"~%;; ~{~<~%;; ~1:; ~S~>~^,~}.~%"

can be used to print a list of items separated by commas, without breaking items over line boundaries, and beginning each line with ‘;; ’. The prefix parameter 1 in ~1:; accounts for the width of the comma which will follow the justified item if it is not the last element in the list, or the period if it is. If ~:; has a second prefix parameter, then it is used as the width of the line, thus overriding the natural line width of the output stream. To make the preceding example use a line width of 50, one would write

"~%;; ~{~<~%;; ~1,50:; ~S~>~^,~}.~%"

If the second argument is not specified, then format sees whether the stream handles the :size-in-characters message. If it does, then format sends that message and uses the first returned value as the line length in characters. If it doesn’t, format uses 72. as the line length.

Rather than using this complicated syntax, one can often call the function format:print-list (see format:print-list-fun).


Terminates a ~<. It is undefined elsewhere.


This is an escape construct. If there are no more arguments remaining to be processed, then the immediately enclosing ~{ or ~< construct is terminated. If there is no such enclosing construct, then the entire formatting operation is terminated. In the ~< case, the formatting is performed, but no more segments are processed before doing the justification. The ~^ should appear only at the beginning of a ~< clause, because it aborts the entire clause. ~^ may appear anywhere in a ~{ construct.

If a prefix parameter is given, then termination occurs if the parameter is zero. (Hence ~^ is the same as ~#^.) If two parameters are given, termination occurs if they are equal. If three are given, termination occurs if the second is between the other two in ascending order. Of course, this is useless if all the prefix parameters are constants; at least one of them should be a # or a V parameter.

If ~^ is used within a ~:{ construct, then it merely terminates the current iteration step (because in the standard case it tests for remaining arguments of the current step only); the next iteration step commences immediately. To terminate the entire iteration process, use ~:^.


An escape to arbitrary user-supplied code. arg is called as a function; its arguments are the prefix parameters to ~Q, if any. args can be passed to the function by using the V prefix parameter. The function may output to *standard-output* and may look at the variables format:colon-flag and format:atsign-flag, which are t or nil to reflect the : and @ modifiers on the ~Q. For example,

(format t "~VQ" foo bar)

is a fancy way to say

(funcall bar foo)

and discard the value. Note the reversal of order; the V is processed before the Q.


This begins a directive whose name is longer than one character. The name is terminated by another \ character. The following directives have names longer than one character and make use of the ~\ mechanism as part of their operation.


This is like ~A except when output is to a window, in which case the argument is printed in a small font inside a lozenge.


This is like ~C except when output is to a window, in which case the argument is printed in a small font inside a lozenge if it has a character name, even if it is a formatting character or graphic character.


This expects an argument that is a universal time (see universal-time), and prints it as a date and time using time:print-universal-date.

(format t "It is now ~\date\" (get-universal-time))
It is now Saturday the fourth of December, 1982; 4:00:32 am

This expects an argument that is a universal time (see universal-time), and prints it in a brief format using time:print-universal-time.

(format t "It is now ~\time\" (get-universal-time))
It is now 12/04/82 04:01:38

This prints the current time and date. It does not use an argument. It is equivalent to using the ~\time\ directive with (time:get-universal-time) as argument.


This prints a time interval measured in seconds using the function time:print-interval-or-never.

(format t "It took ~\time-interval\." 3601.)
It took 1 hour 1 second.

You can define your own directives. How to do this is not documented here; read the code. Names of user-defined directives longer than one character may be used if they are enclosed in backslashes (e.g ~4,3\GRAPH\).

(Note: format also allows control-string to be a list. If the list is a list of one element, which is a string, the string is simply printed. This is for the use of the format:outfmt function below. The old feature wherein a more complex interpretation of this list was possible is now considered obsolete; use format:output if you like using lists.)

A condition instance can also be used as the control-string. Then the :report operation is used to print the condition instance; any other arguments are ignored. This way, you can pass a condition instance directly to any function that normally expects a format string and arguments.

Function: format:print-list destination element-format list &optional separator start-line tilde-brace-options

This function provides a simpler interface for the specific purpose of printing comma-separated lists with no list element split across two lines; see the description of the ~:; directive (ultra-hairy-print-list) to see the more complex way to do this within format. destination tells where to send the output; it can be t, nil, a string-nconc’able string, or a stream, as with format. element-format is a format control-string that tells how to print each element of list; it is used as the body of a ~{...~} construct. separator, which defaults to ", " (comma, space) is a string which goes after each element except the last. format control commands are not recommended in separator. start-line, which defaults to three spaces, is a format control-string that is used as a prefix at the beginning of each line of output, except the first. format control commands are allowed in separator, but they should not swallow arguments from list. tilde-brace-options is a string inserted before the opening ‘{’; it defaults to the null string, but allows you to insert colon and/or atsign. The line-width of the stream is computed the same way that the ~:; command computes it; it is not possible to override the natural line-width of the stream.

22.4.2 The Output Subsystem

The formatting functions associated with the format:output subsystem allow you to do formatted output using Lisp-style control structure. Instead of a directive in a format control string, there is one formatting function for each kind of formatted output.

The calling conventions of most of the formatting functions are similar. The first argument is usually the datum to be output. The second argument is usually the minimum number of columns to use. The remaining arguments are keyword arguments.

Most of the functions accept the keyword arguments padchar, minpad and tab-period. padchar is a character to use for padding. minpad is a minimum number of padding characters to output after the data. tab-period is the distance between allowable places to stop padding. To make the meaning of tab-period clearer, if the value of tab-period is 5, if the minimum size of the field is 10, and if the value of minpad is 2, then a datum that takes 9 characters is padded out to 15 characters. The requirement to use at least two characters of padding means it can’t fit into 10 characters, and the tab-period of 5 means the next allowable stopping place is at 10+5 characters. The default values for minpad and tab-period, if they are not specified, are zero and one. The default value for padchar is space.

The formatting functions always output to *standard-output* and do not require an argument to specify the stream. The macro format:output allows you to specify the stream or a string, just as format does, and also makes it convenient to concatenate constant and variable output.

Macro: format:output stream string-or-form...

Makes it convenient to intersperse arbitrary output operations with printing of constant strings. *standard-output* is bound to stream, and each string-or-form is processed in succession from left to right. If it is a string, it is printed; otherwise it is a form, which is evaluated for effect. Presumably the forms will send output to *standard-output*.

If stream is written as nil, then the output is put into a string which is returned by format:output. If stream is written as t, then the output goes to the prevailing value of *standard-output*. Otherwise stream is a form, which must evaluate to a stream.

Here is an example:

(format:output t "FOO is " (prin1 foo) " now." (terpri))

Because format:output is a macro, what matters about stream is not whether it evaluates to t or nil, but whether it is actually written as t or nil.

Macro: format:outfmt string-or-form...

Some system functions ask for a format control string and arguments, to be printed later. If you wish to generate the output using the formatted output functions, you can use format:outfmt, which produces a control argument that will eventually make format print the desired output (this is a list whose one element is a string containing the output). A call to format:outfmt can be used as the second argument to ferror, for example:

(ferror nil (format:outfmt "Foo is " (format:onum foo) 
			   " which is too large"))
Function: format:onum number &optional radix minwidth &key padchar minpad tab-period signed commas

Outputs number in base radix, padding to at least minwidth columns and obeying the other padding options specified as described above.

radix can be a number, or it can be :roman, :english, or :ordinal. The default radix is 10 (decimal).

If signed is non-nil, a + sign is printed if the number is positive. If commas is non-nil, a comma is printed every third digit in the customary way. These arguments are meaningful only with numeric radices.

Function: format:ofloat number &optional n-digits force-exponential-notation minwidth &key padchar minpad tab-period

Outputs number as a floating point number using n-digits digits. If force-exponential-notation is non-nil, then an exponent is always used. minwidth and the padding options are interpreted as usual.

Function: format:ostring string &optional minwidth &key padchar minpad tab-period right-justify

Outputs string, padding to at least minwidth columns if minwidth is not nil, and obeying the other padding options specified as described above.

Normally the data are left justified; any padding follows the data. If right-justify is non-nil, the padding comes before the data. The amount of padding is not affected.

The argument need not really be a string. Any Lisp object is allowed, and it is output with princ.

Function: format:oprint object &optional minwidth &key padchar minpad tab-period right-justify

Prints object, any Lisp object, padding to at least minwidth columns if minwidth is not nil, and obeying the padding options specified as described above.

Normally the data are left justified; any padding follows the data. If right-justify is non-nil, the padding comes before the data. The amount of padding is not affected.

The printing of the object is done with prin1.

Function: format:ochar character &optional style top-explain minwidth &key padchar minpad tab-period

Outputs character in one of three styles, selected by the style argument. minwidth and the padding options control padding as usual.

:read or nil

The character is printed using #\ or #/ so that it could be read back in.


Output is in the style of ‘Meta-Rubout’. Non-printing characters, and the two printing characters Space and Altmode, are represented by their names. Other printing characters are printed directly.


Brief prefixes such as ‘C-’ and ‘M-’ are used, rather than ‘Control-’ or ‘Meta-’. Also, character names are used only if there are meta bits present.


The output is the same as that of the :editor style, but If the character is not a graphic character or if it has meta bits, and the stream supports the :display-lozenged-string operation, that operation is used instead of :string-out to print the text. On windows this operation puts the character name inside a lozenge.


’, ‘’, etc are used to represent Control and Meta, and shorter names for characters are also used when possible. See character-set.

top-explain is useful with the :editor, :brief and :sail styles. It says that any character that has to be typed using the Top or Greek keys should be followed by an explanation of how to type it. For example: ‘rightArrow (Top-K)’ or ‘alpha (Greek-a)’.

Function: format:tab mincol &key padchar minpad tab-period terpri unit

Outputs padding at least until column mincol. It is the only formatting function that bases its actions on the actual cursor position rather than the width of what is being output. The padding options padchar, minpad, and tab-period are obeyed. Thus, at least the minpad number of padding characters are output even if that goes past mincol, and once past mincol, padding can only stop at a multiple of tab-period characters past mincol.

In addition, if the terpri option is t, then if column mincol is passed, format:tab starts a new line and indents it to mincol.

The unit option specifies the units of horizontal position. The default is to count in units of characters. If unit is specified as :pixel, then the computation (and the argument mincol and the minpad and tab-period options) are in units of pixels.

Macro: format:pad (minwidth &key padchar minpad tab-period...) body...

format:pad is used for printing several items in a fixed amount of horizontal space, padding between them to use up any excess space. Each of the body forms prints one item. The padding goes between items. The entire format:pad always uses at least minwidth columns; any columns that the items don’t need are distributed as padding between the items. If that isn’t enough space, then more space is allocated in units controlled by the tab-period option until there is enough space. If it’s more than enough, the excess is used as padding.

If the minpad option is specified, then at least that many pad characters must go between each pair of items.

Padding goes only between items. If you want to treat several actual pieces of output as one item, put a progn around them. If you want padding before the first item or after the last, as well as between the items, include a dummy item nil at the beginning or the end.

If there is only one item, it is right justified. One item followed by nil is left-justified. One item preceded and followed by nil is centered. Therefore, format:pad can be used to provide the usual padding options for a function that does not provide them itself.

Function: format:plural number singular &optional plural

Outputs either the singular or the plural form of a word depending on the value of number. The singular is used if and only if number is 1. singular specifies the singular form of the word. string-pluralize is used to compute the plural, unless plural is explicitly specified.

It is often useful for number to be a value returned by format:onum, which returns its argument. For example:

(format:plural (format:onum n-frobs) " frob")

prints "1 frob" or "2 frobs".

Macro: format:breakline linel print-if-terpri print-always...

Goes to the next line if there is not enough room for something to be output on the current line. The print-always forms print the text which is supposed to fit on the line. linel is the column before which the text must end. If it doesn’t end before that column, then format:breakline moves to the next line and executes the print-if-terpri form before doing the print-always forms.

Constant strings are allowed as well as forms for print-if-terpri and print-always. A constant string is just printed.

To go to a new line unconditionally, simply call terpri.

Here is an example that prints the elements of a list, separated by commas, breaking lines between elements when necessary.

(defun pcl (list linel)
  (do ((l list (cdr l))) ((null l))
    (format:breakline linel "  "
      (princ (car l))
      (and (cdr l) (princ ", ")))))

22.5 Rubout Handling

The rubout handler is a feature of all interactive streams, that is, streams that connect to terminals. Its purpose is to allow the user to edit minor mistakes made during type-in. At the same time, it is not supposed to get in the way; input is to be seen by Lisp as soon as a syntactically complete form has been typed. The definition of ‘syntactically complete form’ depends on the function that is reading from the stream; for read, it is a Lisp expression.

Some interactive streams (‘editing Lisp listeners’) have a rubout handler that allows input to be edited with the full power of the ZWEI editor. (ZWEI is the general editor implementation on which Zmacs and ZMail are based.) Most windows have a rubout handler that apes ZWEI, implementing about twenty common ZWEI commands. The cold load stream has a simple rubout handler that allows just rubbing out of single characters, and a few simple commands like clearing the screen and erasing the entire input typed so far. All three kinds of rubout handler use the same protocol, which is described in this section. We also say a little about the most common of the three rubout handlers. [Eventually some version of ZWEI will be used for all streams except the cold load stream]

The tricky thing about the rubout handler is the need for it to figure out when you are all done. The idea of a rubout handler is that you can type in characters, and they are saved up in a buffer so that if you change your mind, you can rub them out and type different characters. However, at some point, the rubout handler has to decide that the time has come to stop putting characters into the buffer and to let the function parsing the input, such as read, return. This is called activation. The right time to activate depends on the function calling the rubout handler, and may be very complicated (if the function is read, figuring out when one Lisp expression has been typed requires knowledge of all the various printed representations, what all currently-defined reader macros do, and so on). Rubout handlers should not have to know how to parse the characters in the buffer to figure out what the caller is reading and when to activate; only the caller should have to know this. The rubout handler interface is organized so that the calling function can do all the parsing, while the rubout handler does all the handling of editing commands, and the two are kept completely separate.

The basic way that the rubout handler works is as follows. When an input function that reads characters from a stream, such as read or readline (but not tyi), is invoked with a stream which has :rubout-handler in its :which-operations list, that function “enters” the rubout handler. It then goes ahead :tyi’ing characters from the stream. Because control is inside the rubout handler, the stream echoes these characters so the user can see what he is typing. (Normally echoing is considered to be a higher-level function outside of the province of streams, but when the higher-level function tells the stream to enter the rubout handler it is also handing it the responsibility for echoing.) The rubout handler is also saving all these characters in a buffer, for reasons disclosed in the following paragraph. When the parsing function decides it has enough input, it returns and control “leaves” the rubout handler. This is the easy case.

If the user types a rubout, a throw is done out of all recursive levels of read, reader macros, and so forth, back to the point where the rubout handler was entered. Also the rubout is echoed by erasing from the screen the character which was rubbed out. Now the read is tried over again, re-reading all the characters that have not been rubbed out, not echoing them this time. When the saved characters have been exhausted, additional input is read from the user in the usual fashion.

The effect of this is a complete separation of the functions of rubout handling and parsing, while at the same time mingling the execution of these two functions in such a way that input is always activated at just the right time. It does mean that the parsing function (in the usual case, read and all macro-character definitions) must be prepared to be thrown through at any time and should not have non-trivial side-effects, since it may be called multiple times.

If an error occurs while inside the rubout handler, the error message is printed and then additional characters are read. When the user types a rubout, it rubs out the error message as well as the character that caused the error. The user can then proceed to type the corrected expression; the input will be reparsed from the beginning in the usual fashion.

The rubout handler based on the ZWEI editor interprets control characters in the usual ZWEI way: as editing commands, allowing you to edit your buffered input.

The common rubout handler also recognizes a subset of the editor commands, including Rubout, Control-F and Meta-F and others. Typing Help while in the rubout handler displays a list of the commands. The kill and yank commands in the rubout handler use the same kill ring as the editor, so you can kill an expression in the editor and yank it back into a rubout handler with Control-Y, or kill an expression in the rubout handler with Control-K or Clear-input and yank it back in the editor. The rubout processor also keeps a ring buffer of most recent input strings (a separate ring for each stream), and the commands Control-C and Meta-C retrieve from this ring just as Control-Y and Meta-Y do from the kill ring.

When not inside the rubout handler, and when typing at a program that uses control characters for its own purposes, control characters are treated the same as ordinary characters.

Some programs such as the debugger allow the user to type either a control character or an expression. In such programs, you are really not inside the rubout handler unless you have typed the beginning of an expression. When the input buffer is empty, a control character is treated as a command for the program (such as, Control-C to continue in the debugger); when there is text in the rubout handler buffer, the same character is treated as a rubout handler command. Another consequence of this is that the message you get by typing Help varies, being either the rubout handler’s documentation or the debugger’s documentation.

To write a parsing function that reads with rubout handling, use with-input-editing.

Macro: with-input-editing (stream options) body...

Invokes the rubout handler on stream, if stream supports it, and then executes body. body is executed in any case, within the rubout handler if possible. rubout-handler is non-nil while in body if rubout handling is in use.

options are used as the rubout handler options. If already within an invocation of the rubout handler, options are appended to the front of the options already in effect. This happens if a function which reads input using with-input-editing, such as read or readline, is called from the body of another with-input-editing. The :norecursive option can be used to cause the outer set of options to be completely ignored even when not overridden by new ones.

body’s values are returned by with-input-editing. body ought to read input from stream and return a Lisp object that represents the input. It should have no nontrivial side effects aside from reading input from stream structure, as it may be aborted at any time it reads input and may be executed over and over.

If the :full-rubout option is specified, and the user types some input and rubs it all out, the with-input-editing form returns immediately. See :full-rubout, below.

If a preemptive command is input by the user, with-input-editing returns immediately with the values being as specified below under the :command and :preemptable options. body is aborted from its call to the :tyi operation, and the input read so far remains in the rubout handler editing buffer to be read later.

Variable: rubout-handler

If control is inside the rubout handler in this process, the value is the stream on which rubout handling is being done. Otherwise, the value is nil.

Meta Method on streams: :rubout-handler options function &rest args

Invokes the rubout handler on the stream, with options as the options, and parses by applying function to args. with-input-editing uses this operation.

Meta Method on streams: :read-bp

This operation may be used only from within the code for parsing input from this stream inside the rubout handler. It returns the index within the rubout handler buffer which parsing has reached.

Meta Method on streams: :force-rescan

This operation may be used only from within the code for parsing input from this stream inside the rubout handler. It causes parsing to start again immediately from the beginning of the buffer.

Meta Method on streams: :rescanning-p

This operation may be used only from within the code for parsing input from this stream inside the rubout handler. It returns t if parsing is now being done on input already in the buffer, nil if parsing has used up all the buffered input and the next character parsed will come from the keyboard.

Each option in the list of rubout handler options consists of a list whose first element is a keyword and whose remaining elements are the arguments of that keyword. Note that this is not the same format as the arguments to a typical function that takes keyword arguments; rather this is an alist of options. The standard options are:

(:activation fn args...)

Activate if certain characters are typed in. When the user types an activation character, the rubout handler moves the editing pointer immediately to the end of the buffer and inserts the activation character. This immediately causes the parsing function to begin rescanning the input.

fn is used to test characters for being activators. It is called with an input character as the first arg (possibly a fixnum, possibly a character object) and args as additional args. If fn returns non-nil, the character is an activation. fn is not called for blips.

After the parsing function has read the entire contents of the buffer, it sees the activation character as a blip (:activation char numeric-arg) where char is the character that activated and numeric-arg is the numeric arg that was pending for the next rubout handler command. Normally the parsing function will return at this point. Then the activation character does not echo. But if the parsing function continues to read input, the activation character echoes and is inserted in the buffer.

(:do-not-echo chars...)

Poor man’s activation characters. Like :activation except that the characters that should activate are listed explicitly, and the character itself is returned to the parsing function rather than a blip.

(:full-rubout val)

If the user rubs out all the characters he typed, then control is returned from the rubout handler immediately. Two values are returned; the first is nil and the second is val. (If the user doesn’t rub out all the characters, then the rubout handler propagates multiple values back from the function that it calls, as usual.) In the absence of this option, the rubout handler would simply wait for more characters to be typed in and would ignore any additional rubouts.

This is how the debugger knows to remove Eval: from the screen if you type the beginning of a form and rub it all out.

(:pass-through char1 char2...)

The characters char1, char2, etc. are not to be treated as special by the rubout handler. They are read as input by the parsing function. If the parsing function does not return, they can be rubbed out. This works only for characters with no modifier bits.

(:preemptable value)

Makes all blips read as input by the rubout handler act as preemptive commands. If this option is specified, the rubout handler returns immediately when it reads a blip. It returns two values: the blip that was read, and value. The parsing function is not allowed to finish parsing up to a delimiter; instead, any buffered input remains in the buffer for the next time input is done. In the mean time, the preemptive command character can be processed by the command loop.

While this applies to all blips, the blips which it is probably intended for are mouse blips.

(:command fn args...)

Makes certain characters preemptive commands. A preemptive command returns instantly to the caller of the :rubout-handler operation, regardless of the input in the buffer. It returns two values: a list (:command char numeric-arg) and the keyword :command. The parsing function is not allowed to finish parsing up to a delimiter; instead, any buffered input remains in the buffer for the next time input is done. In the mean time, the preemptive command character can be processed by the command loop.

The test for whether a character should be a preemptive command is done using fn and args just as in :activation.

(:editing-command (char doc)...)

Defines editing commands to be executed by the parsing function itself. This is how qsend implements the Control-Meta-Y command. Each char is such a command, and doc says what it does. (doc is printed out by the rubout handler’s Help command.) If any of these characters is read by the rubout handler, it is returned immediately to the parsing function regardless of where the editing pointer is in the buffer. (Normal inserted text is not returned immediately when read unless the editing pointer is at the end of the buffer.)

The parsing function should not regard these characters as part of the input. There are two reasonable things that the parsing function can do when it receives one of the editing command characters: print some output, or force some input.

If it prints output, it should invoke the :refresh-rubout-handler operation afterward before the next :tyi. This causes the rubout handler to redisplay so that the input being edited appears after the output that was done.

If the parsing function forces input, the input is read by the rubout handler. This can be used to modify the buffered input. qsend’s Control-Meta-Y command works by forcing the yanked text as input. There is no way to act directly on the buffered input because different implementations of the rubout handler store it in different ways.

(:prompt function)
(:reprompt function)

When it is time for the user to be prompted, function is called with two arguments. The first is a stream it may print on; the second is the character which caused the need for prompting, e.g #\clear-input or #\clear-screen, or nil if the rubout handler was just entered.

The difference between :prompt and :reprompt is that the latter does not call the prompt function when the rubout handler is first entered, but only when the input is redisplayed (e.g after a screen clear). If both options are specified then :reprompt overrides :prompt except when the rubout handler is first entered.

function may also be a string. Then it is simply printed.

If the rubout handler is exited with an empty buffer due to the :full-rubout option, whatever prompt was printed is erased.

(:initial-input string)

Pretends that the user typed string. When the rubout handler is entered, string is typed out. The user can input more characters or rub out characters from it.

(:initial-input-index index)

Positions the editing pointer initially index characters into the initial input string. Used only in company with with :initial-input.

(:no-input-save t)

Don’t save this batch of input in the input history when it is done. For example, yes-or-no-p specifies this option.

(:norecursive t)

If this invocation of the rubout handler is within another one, the options specified in the previous call should be completely ignored during this one. Normally, individual options specified this time override the previous settings for the same options, but any of the previous options not individually overridden are still in effect.

Rubout handlers handle the condition sys:parse-error if it is signaled by the parsing function. The handling consists of printing the error message, waiting for the user to rub out, erasing the error message, and parsing the input again. All errors signaled by a parsing function that signify that the user’s input was syntactically invalid should have this condition name. For example, the errors read signals have condition name sys:parse-error since it is is a consequence of sys:read-error.

Condition on sys:parse-error: (error)

The condition name for syntax errors in input being parsed.

The compiler handles sys:parse-error by proceeding with proceed-type :no-action. All signalers of sys:parse-error should offer this proceed type, and respond to its use by continuing to parse, ignoring the invalid input.

Function: sys:parse-ferror format-string &rest args

Signals a sys:parse-error error, using format-string and args to print the error message. The proceed-type :no-action is provided, and if a handler uses it, this function returns nil.

23 Expression Input and Output

People cannot deal directly with Lisp objects, because the objects live inside the machine. In order to let us get at and talk about Lisp objects, Lisp provides a representation of objects in the form of printed text; this is called the printed representation. This is what you have been seeing in the examples throughout this manual. Functions such as print, prin1, and princ take a Lisp object and send the characters of its printed representation to a stream. These functions (and the internal functions they call) are known as the printer. The read function takes characters from a stream, interprets them as a printed representation of a Lisp object, builds a corresponding object, and returns it. It and related functions are known as the reader. (Streams are explained in streams.)

For the rest of the chapter, the phrase ‘printed representation’ is abbreviated as ‘p.r.’

23.1 What the Printer Produces

The printed representation of an object depends on its type. In this section, we consider each type of object and explain how it is printed. There are several variables which you can set before calling the printer to control how certain kinds of objects print. They are mentioned where relevant in this section and summarized in the following section, but one of them is so important it must be described now. This is the escaping feature, controlled by the value of *print-escape*.

Escaping means printing extra syntactical delimiters and escape characters when necessary to avoid ambiguity. Without escaping, a symbol is printed by printing the contents of its name; therefore, the symbol whose name consists of the three characters 1, . and 5 prints just like the floating point number 1.5. Escaping causes the symbol to print as |1.5| to differentiate the two. | is a kind of escape character; see escape-characters for more information on escape characters and what they mean syntactically.

Escaping also involves printing package prefixes for symbols, printing double-quotes or suitable delimiters around the contents of strings, pathnames, host names, editor buffers, condition objects, and many other things. For example, without escaping, the pathname SYS: SYS; QCP1 LISP prints as exactly those characters. The string with those contents prints indistinguishably. With escaping, the pathname prints as


and the string prints as "SYS: SYS; QCP1 LISP".

The non-escaped version is nicer looking in general, but if you give it to read it won’t do the right thing. The escaped version is carefully set up so that read will be able to read it in. Printing with escaping is useful in writing expressions into files. Printing without escaping is useful when constructing messages for the user. However, when the purpose of a message printed for the user is to mention an object, the object should be printed with escaping:

Your output is in the file SYS: SYS; QCP1 QFASL.
Expected pathname properties missing from

The printed representation of an object also may depend on whether Common Lisp syntax is in use. Common Lisp syntax and traditional Zetalisp syntax are incompatible in some aspects of their specifications. In order to print objects so that they can be read back in, the printer needs to know which syntax rules the reader will use. This decision is based on the current readtable: the value of *readtable* at the time printing is done.

Now we describe how each type of object is standardly printed.


For an integer (a fixnum or a bignum): the printed representation consists of


a possible radix prefix


a minus sign, if the number is negative


the representation of the number’s absolute value


a possible radix suffix.

The radix used for printing the number’s absolute value is found as the value of *print-base*. This should be either a positive fixnum or a symbol with an si:princ-function property. In the former case, the number is simply printed in that radix. In the latter case, the property is called as a function with two arguments, minus the absolute value of the number, and the stream to print on. The property is responsible for all printing. If the value of *print-base* is unsuitable, an error is signaled.

A radix prefix or suffix is used if either *nopoint is nil and the radix used is ten, or if *nopoint is non-nil and *print-radix* is non-nil. For radix ten, a period is used as the suffix. For any other radix, a prefix of the form #radixr is used. A radix prefix or suffix is useful to make sure that read parses the number using the same radix used to print it, or for reminding the user how to interpret the number.


The printed representation of a ratio consists of


a possible radix prefix


a minus sign, if the number is negative


the numerator


a ratio delimiter


the denominator

If Common Lisp syntax is in use, the ratio delimiter is a slash (/). If traditional syntax is in use, backslash (\) is used. The numerator and denominator are printed according to *print-base*.

The condition for printing a radix prefix is the same as for integers, but a prefix #10r is used to indicate radix ten, rather than a period suffix.

Floating Point Numbers:


a minus sign, if the number is negative


one or more decimal digits


a decimal point


one or more decimal digits


an exponent, if the number is small enough or large enough to require one. The exponent, if present, consists of


a delimiter, the letter e, s or f


a minus sign, if the exponent is negative

one to three decimal digits

The number of digits printed is just enough to represent all the significant mantissa bits the number has. Feeding the p.r of a float back to the reader is always supposed to produce an equal float. Floats are always printed in decimal; they are not affected by escaping or by *print-base*, and there are never any radix prefixes or suffixes.

The Lisp Machine supports two floating point number formats. At any time, one of them is the default; this is controlled by the value of *read-default-float-format*. When a floating point number whose format is not currently the default is printed, it must be printed with an exponent so that the exponent delimiter can specify the format. The exponent is introduced in this case by f or s to specify the format. To the reader, f specifies single-float format and s specifies short-float format.

A floating point number of the default format is printed with no exponent if this looks nice; namely, if this does not require too many extra zeros to be printed before or after the decimal point. Otherwise, an exponent is printed and is delimited with e. To the reader, e means ‘use the default format’.

Normally the default float format is single-float. Therefore, the printer may print full size floats without exponents or with e exponents, but short floats are always printed with exponents introduced by s so as to tell the reader to make a short float.

Complex Numbers:

The traditional printed representation of a complex number consists of


the real part


a plus sign, if the imaginary part is positive


the imaginary part


the letter i, printed in lower case

If the imaginary part is negative, the + is omitted since the initial - of the imaginary part serves to separate it from the real part.

In Common Lisp syntax, a complex number is printed as #C(realpart imagpart); for example, #C(5 3). Common Lisp inexplicably does not allow the more natural 5+3i syntax.

The real and imaginary parts are printed individually according to the specifications above. Symbols:

If escaping is off, the p.r is simply the successive characters of the print-name of the symbol. If escaping is on, two changes must be made. First, the symbol might require a package prefix in order that read work correctly, assuming that the package into which read will read the symbol is the one in which it is being printed. See the chapter on packages (package) for an explanation of the package name prefix. If the symbol is one which would have another symbol substituted for it if printed normally and read back, such as the symbol member printed using Common Lisp syntax which would be replaced with cli:member if read in thus, it is printed with a package prefix (e.g, global:member) to make it read in properly. See reader-symbol-substitutions for more information on this.

If the symbol is uninterned, #: is printed instead of a package prefix, provided *print-gensym* is non-nil.

Secondly, if the p.r would not read in as a symbol at all (that is, if the print-name looks like a number, or contains special characters), then escape characters are added so as to suppress the other reading. Two kinds of escape characters may be used: single-character escapes and multiple escapes. A single-character escape can be used in front of a character to overrule its special syntactic meaning. Multiple escapes are used in pairs, and all the characters between the pair have their special syntactic meanings suppressed except single-character escapes. If the symbol name contains escape characters, they are escaped with single-character escapes. If the symbol name contains anything else problematical, a pair of multiple escape characters are printed around it.

The single-character and multiple escape characters are determined by the current readtable. Standardly the multiple escape character is vertical bar (|), in both traditional and Common Lisp syntax. The single-character escape character is slash (/) in traditional syntax and backslash (\) in Common Lisp syntax.

FOO        ;typical symbol, name composed of upper case letters
A/|B       ;symbol with a vertical bar in its name
|Symbol with lower case and spaces in its name|
|One containing slash (//) and vertical bar (/|) also|

Except when multiple escape characters are printed, any upper case letters in the symbol’s name may be printed as lower case, according to the value of the variable *print-case*. This is true whether escaping is enabled or not. See the next section for details.


The p.r for conses tends to favor lists. It starts with an open-parenthesis. Then the car of the cons is printed and the cdr of the cons is examined. If it is nil, a close-parenthesis is printed. If it is anything else but a cons, space dot space followed by that object is printed. If it is a cons, we print a space and start all over (from the point after we printed the open-parenthesis) using this new cons. Thus, a list is printed as an open-parenthesis, the p.r.’s of its elements separated by spaces, and a close-parenthesis. This is how the printer produces representations such as (a b (foo bar) c) in preference to synonymous forms such as (a . (b . ((foo . (bar nil)) . (c . nil)))).

The following additional feature is provided for the p.r of conses: as a list is printed, print maintains the length of the list so far and the depth of recursion of printing lists. If the length exceeds the value of the variable *print-length*, print terminates the printed representation of the list with an ellipsis (three periods) and a close-parenthesis. If the depth of recursion exceeds the value of the variable *print-level*, then the character # is printed instead of the list. These two features allow a kind of abbreviated printing that is more concise and suppresses detail. Of course, neither the ellipsis nor the # can be interpreted by read, since the relevant information is lost. In Common Lisp read syntax, either one causes read to signal an error.

If *print-pretty* is non-nil, conses are given to the grinder to print.

If *print-circle* is non-nil, a check is made for cars or cdrs that are circular or shared structure, and any object (except for an interned symbol) already mentioned is replaced by a #n# label reference. See circular-structure-reading for more information on them.

(let ((*print-circle* t))
  (prin1 (circular-list 3 4)))
#1= (3 4 . #1#)

Character Objects:

When escaping is off, a character object is printed by printing the character itself, with no delimiters.

In Common Lisp syntax, a character object is printed with escaping as #font\character-or-name. font is the character’s font number, in decimal, or is omitted if zero. character-or-name begins with prefixes for any modifier bits (control, meta, etc) present in the character, each followed by a hyphen. Then comes a representation of the character sans font and modifier bits. If this reduced character is a graphic character, it represents itself. Otherwise, it certainly has a standard name; the name is used. If a graphic characters has special syntactic properties (such as whitespace, paretheses, and macro characters) and modifier bit prefixes have been printed then a single-character escape character is printed before it.

In traditional syntax, the p.r is the similar except that the \ is replaced by /.


If escaping is off, the p.r is simply the successive characters of the string. If escaping is on, double-quote characters (‘"’) are printed surrounding the contents, and any single-character escape characters or double-quotes inside the contents are preceded by single-character escapes. If the string contains a Return character followed by an open parenthesis, a single-character escape is printed before the open parenthesis. Examples:

"/"Foo/", he said."

Named Structures:

If the named structure type symbol has a named-structure-invoke property, the property is called as a function with four arguments: the symbol :print-self, the named structure itself, the stream to print on, and the current depth of list structure (see below). It is this function’s responsibility to output a suitable printed representation to the stream. This allows a user to define his own p.r for his named structures; more information can be found in the named structure section (see named-structure). Typically the printed representation used starts with either #< if it is not supposed to be readable or # (see horseshoe-read) if it is supposed to be readable.

If the named structure symbol does not have a named-structure-invoke property, the printed-representation depends on whether escaping is in use. If it is, #s syntax is used:

   component value
   component value

Named structure component values are checked for circular or shared structure if *print-circle* is non-nil.

If escaping is off, the p.r is like that used for miscellaneous data-types: #<, the named structure symbol, the numerical address of the structure, and >.

Other Arrays:

If *print-array* is non-nil, the array is printed in a way which shows the elements of the array. Bit vectors use #* syntax, other vectors use #(...) syntax, and arrays of rank other than one use #na(...) syntax. The printed representation does not indicate the array type (that is, what elements it is allowed to contain). If the printed representation is read in, a general array (array type art-q) is always created. See array-syntax for more information on these syntaxes. Examples:

(vector 1 2 5) => #(1 2 5)
(make-array '(2 4) :initial-element t) => #2a((t t t t) (t t t t))

Vector and array groupings count like list groupings in maintaining the depth value that is compared with *print-level* for cutting off things that get too deep. More than *print-length* elements in a given vector or array grouping level are cut off with an ellipsis just like a list that is so long.

Array elements are checked for circular or shared structure if *print-circle* is non-nil.

If *print-array* is nil, the p.r starts with #<. Then the art- symbol for the array type is printed. Next the dimensions of the array are printed, separated by hyphens. This is followed by a space, the machine address of the array, and a >, as in #<ART-COMPLEX-FLOAT-3-6 34030451>.

Instances and Entities:

If the object says it can handle the :print-self message, that message is sent with three arguments: the stream to print to, the current depth of list structure (see below), and whether escaping is enabled. The object should print a suitable p.r on the stream. See flavor for documentation on instances. Most such objects print like “any other data type” below, except with additional information such as a name. Some objects print only their name when escaping is not in effect (when princ’ed). Some objects, including pathnames, use a printed representation that begins with #, ends with delta, and contains sufficient information for the reader to reconstruct an equivalent object. See horseshoe-read. If the object cannot handle :print-self, it is printed like “any other data type”.

Any Other Data Type:

The printed representation starts with #< and ends with >. This sort of printed representation cannot be read back in. The #< is followed by the dtp- symbol for this datatype, a space, and the octal machine address of the object. The object’s name, if one can be determined, often appears before the address. If this style of printed representation is being used for a named structure or instance, other interesting information may appear as well. Finally a greater-than sign (>) is printed in octal. Examples:

#'equal => #<DTP-U-ENTRY EQUAL 410>
(value-cell-location nil) => #<DTP-LOCATIVE 1>

Including the machine address in the p.r makes it possible to tell two objects of this kind apart without explicitly calling eq on them. This can be very useful during debugging. It is important to know that if garbage collection is turned on, objects will occasionally be moved, and therefore their octal machine addresses will be changed. It is best to shut off garbage collection temporarily when depending on these numbers.

Printed representations that start with ‘#<’ can never be read back. This can be a problem if, for example, you are printing a structure into a file with the intent of reading it in later. The following feature allows you to make sure that what you are printing may indeed be read with the reader.

Variable: si:print-readably

When si:print-readably is bound to t, the printer signals an error if there is an attempt to print an object that cannot be interpreted by read. When the printer sends a :print-self or a :print message, it assumes that this error checking is done for it. Thus it is possible for these messages not to signal an error, if they see fit.

Macro: si:printing-random-object (object stream . keywords) &body body

The vast majority of objects that define :print-self messages have much in common. This macro is provided for convenience so that users do not have to write out that repetitious code. It is also the preferred interface to si:print-readably. With no keywords, si:printing-random-object checks the value of si:print-readably and signals an error if it is not nil. It then prints a number sign and a less-than sign, evaluates the forms in body, then prints a space, the octal machine address of the object and a greater-than sign. A typical use of this macro might look like:

(si:printing-random-object (ship stream :typep)
  (tyo #\space stream)
  (prin1 (ship-name ship) stream))

This might print #<ship "ralph" 23655126>.

The following keywords may be used to modify the behaviour of si:printing-random-object:


This suppresses printing of the octal address of the object.


This prints the result of (type-of object) after the less-than sign. In the example above, this option could have been used instead of the first two forms in the body.

Condition on sys:print-not-readable: (error)

This condition is signaled by si:print-readably when the object cannot be printed readably.

The condition instance supports the operation :object, which returns the object that was being printed.

If you want to control the printed representation of some object, usually the right way to do it is to make the object an array that is a named structure (see named-structure), or an instance of a flavor (see flavor). However, occasionally it is desirable to get control over all printing of objects, in order to change, in some way, how they are printed. If you need to do this, the best way to proceed is to customize the behavior of si:print-object (see si:print-object-fun), which is the main internal function of the printer. All of the printing functions, such as print and princ, as well as format, go through this function. The way to customize it is by using the “advice” facility (see advise).

23.2 Options that Control Printing

Several special variables are defined by the system for the user to set or bind before calling print or other printing functions. Their values, as set up by the user, control how various kinds of objects are printed.

Variable: *print-escape*

Escaping is done if this variable is non-nil. See the previous section for a description of the many effects of escaping. Most of the output functions bind this variable to t or to nil, so you rarely use the variable itself.

Variable: *print-base*
Variable: base

The radix to use for printing integers and ratios. The value must be either an integer from 2 to 36 or a symbol with a valid si:princ-function property, such as :roman or :english.

The default value of *print-base* is ten. In input from files, the Base attribute (see file-attribute-list) controls the value of *print-base* (and of *read-base*).

The synonym base is from Maclisp.

Variable: *print-radix*

If non-nil, integers and ratios are output with a prefix or suffix indicating the radix used to print them. For integers and radix ten, a period is printed as a suffix. Otherwise, a prefix such as #x or #3r is printed. The default value of *print-radix* is nil.

Variable: *nopoint

If the value of *nopoint is nil, a trailing decimal point is printed when a fixnum is printed out in base 10. This allows the numbers to be read back in correctly even if *read-base* is not 10 at the time of reading. The default value of *nopoint is t. *nopoint has no effect if *print-radix* is non-nil.

*nopoint exists for Maclisp compatibility. But to get truly compatible behavior, you must set *nopoint to nil (and, by default, base and ibase to eight).

Variable: *print-circle*

If non-nil, the printer recognizes circular and shared structure and prints it using #n= labels so that it has a finite printed representation (which can be read back in). The default is nil, since t makes printing slower. See circular-structure-reading for information on the #n= construct.

Variable: *print-pretty*

If non-nil, the printer actually calls grind-top-level so that it prints extra whitespace for the sake of formatting. The default is nil.

Variable: *print-gensym*

If non-nil, uninterned symbols are printed with the prefix #: to mark them as such (but only when *print-escape* is non-nil). The prefix causes the reader to construct a similar uninterned symbol when the expression is read. If nil, no prefix is used for uninterned symbols. The default is t.

Variable: *print-array*

If non-nil, non-string arrays are printed using the #(...), #* or #na(...) syntax so that you can see their contents (and so that they can be read back in). If nil, such arrays are printed using #<...> syntax and do not show their contents. The default is nil. The printing of strings is not affected by this variable.

Variable: *print-case*

Controls the case used for printing upper-case letters in the names of symbols. Its value should be :upcase, :downcase or :capitalize. These mean, respectively, to print those letters as upper case, to print them as lower case, or to capitalize each word (see string-capitalize, string-capitalize-fun). Any lower case letters in the symbol name are printed as lower case and escaped suitably; this flag does not affect them. Note that the case used for printing the upper case letters has no effect on reading the symbols back in, since they are case-converted by read. Any upper case letters that happen to be escaped are always printed in upper case.

(dolist (*print-case* '(:upcase :downcase :capitalize))
  (prin1-then-space 'foo)
  (prin1-then-space '|Foo|))

prints FOO |Foo| foo |Foo| Foo |Foo| .

Variable: *print-level*
Variable: prinlevel

*print-level* can be set to the maximum number of nested lists that can be printed before the printer gives up and just prints a # instead of a list element. If it is nil, which it is initially, any number of nested lists can be printed. Otherwise, the value of *print-level* must be a fixnum. Example:

(let ((*print-level* 2))
  (prin1 '(a (b (c (d e))))))

prints (a (b #)).

The synonym prinlevel is from Maclisp.

Variable: *print-length*
Variable: prinlength

*print-length* can be set to the maximum number of elements of a list that can be printed before the printer gives up and prints an ellipsis (three periods). If it is nil, which it is initially, any length list may be printed. Example:

(let ((*print-length* 3))
  (prin1 '((a b c d) #(e f g h) (i j k l) (m n o p))))

prints ((a b c ...) #(e f g ...) (i j k ...) ...).

The synonym prinlength is from Maclisp.

23.3 What The Reader Accepts

The purpose of the reader is to accept characters, interpret them as the p.r of a Lisp object, and create and return such an object. The reader cannot accept everything that the printer produces; for example, the p.r.’s of compiled code objects, closures, stack groups, etc., cannot be read in. However, it has many features that are not seen in the printer at all, such as more flexibility, comments, and convenient abbreviations for frequently-used unwieldy constructs.

This section shows what kind of p.r.’s the reader understands, and explains the readtable, reader macros, and various features provided by read.

The syntax specified for Common Lisp is incompatible with the traditional Zetalisp syntax. Therefore, the Lisp Machine supports both traditional and Common Lisp syntax, but read must be told in advance which one to use. This is controlled by the choice of readtable (see readtable). When reading input from a file, the Lisp system chooses the syntax according to the file’s attribute list: Common Lisp syntax is used if the Common Lisp attribute is present (see file-attribute-list).

The main difference between traditional and Common Lisp syntax is that traditionally the single-character escape is slash (/), whereas in Common Lisp syntax it is backslash (\). Thus, the division function which in traditional syntax is written // is written just / in Common Lisp syntax. The other differences are obscure and are mentioned below where they occur.

In general, the reader operates by recognizing tokens in the input stream. Tokens can be self-delimiting or can be separated by delimiters such as whitespace. A token is the p.r of an atomic object such as a symbol or number, or a special character such as a parenthesis. The reader reads one or more tokens until the complete p.r of an object has been seen, then constructs and returns that object.

Escape characters can be used to suppress the special syntactic significance of any character, including :, Space, ( or ". There are two kinds of escape character: the single-character escape (/ in traditional syntax, \ in Common Lisp syntax) suppresses the significance of the immediately following character; multiple escapes (vertical bar, |) are used in pairs, and suppress the special significance of all the characters except escapes between the pair. Escaping a character causes it to be treated as a token constituent and causes the token containing it to be read as a symbol. For example, (12 5 x) represents a list of three elements, two of which are integers, but (/12 5/ x) or (|15| |5 X|) represents a list of two elements, both symbols. Escaping also prevents conversion of letters to upper case, so that |x| is the symbol whose print name contains a lower-case x.

The circle-cross (circleX) character an octal escape character which may be useful for including weird characters in the input. The next three characters are read and interpreted as an octal number, and the character whose code is that number replaces the circle-cross and the digits in the input stream. This character is always treated as a token constituent and forces the token to be read as a symbol. circleX is allowed in both traditional and Common Lisp syntax, but it is not valid Common Lisp.


The reader understands the p.r.’s of integers in a way more general than is employed by the printer. Here is a complete description of the format for integers.

Let a simple integer be a string of digits, optionally preceded by a plus sign or a minus sign, and optionally followed by a trailing decimal point. A simple integer is interpreted by read as an integer. If the trailing decimal point is present, the digits are interpreted in decimal radix; otherwise, they are considered as a number whose radix is the value of the variable *read-base*.

Variable: *read-base*
Variable: ibase

The value of ibase or *read-base* is an integer between 2 and 36 that is the radix in which integers and ratios are read. The initial value of is ten. For input from files or editor buffers, the Base attribute specifies the value to be used (see file-attribute-list); if it is not given, the ambient value is used.

The synonym ibase is from Maclisp.

If the input radix is greater than ten, letters starting with a are used as additional “digits” with values ten and above. For example, in radix 16, the letters a through f are digits with values ten through 15. Alphabetic case is not significant. These additional digits can be used wherever a simple integer is expected and are parsed using the current input radix. For example, if *read-base* is 16 then ff is recognized as an integer (255 decimal). So is 10e5, which is a float when *read-base* is ten.

Traditional syntax also permits a simple integer, followed by an underscore (_) or a circumflex (^), followed by another simple integer. The two simple integers are interpreted in the usual way; the character in between indicates an operation that is then performed on the two integers. The underscore indicates a binary “left shift”; that is, the integer to its left is doubled the number of times indicated by the integer to its right. The circumflex multiplies the integer to its left by *read-base* the number of times indicated by the integer to its right. (The second simple integer is not allowed to have a leading minus sign.) Examples: 3_2 means 12 and 645^3 means 645000.

Here are some examples of valid representations of integers to be given to read:

+45^+6     ;means 45000000
2_11       ;4096
105_1000   ;(ash 105 1000) has this value.

Floating Point Numbers:

Floats can be written with or without exponent. The syntax for a float without exponent is an optional plus or minus sign, optionally some digits, a decimal point, and one or more digits. A float with exponent consists of a simple integer or a float without exponent, followed by an exponent delimiter (a letter) and a simple integer (the exponent itself) which is the power of ten by which the number is to be scaled. The exponent may not have a trailing decimal point. Both the mantissa and the exponent are always interpreted in base ten, regardless of the value of *read-base*.

Only certain letters are allowed for delimiting the exponent: e, s, f, d and l. The case of the letter is not significant. s specifies that the number should be a short float; f, that it should be a full-size float. d or l are equivalent to f; Common Lisp defines them to mean ‘double float’ or ‘long float’, but the Lisp Machine does not support anything longer than a full-size float, so it regards d and l as synonymous with f. e tells the reader to use the current default format, whatever it may be, as specified by the value of *read-default-float-format*.

Variable: *read-default-float-format*

The value is the type for read to produce by default for floats whose precise type is not specified by the syntax. The value should be either global:small-float or global:single-float, these being the only distinct floating formats that the Lisp Machine has. The default is single-float, to make full-size floats.

Here are some examples of printed-representations that always read as full-size floats:

6.03f23  1F-9     1.f3      3d6

Here are some examples of printed-representations that always read as short floats:

0s0      1.5s9    -42S3     1.s5

These read as floats or as a short floats according to *read-default-float-format*:

0.0      1.5      14.0      0.01
707     -.3      +3.14159  6.03e23
1E-9     1.e3


The syntax for a rational is an integer, a ratio delimiter, and another integer. The integers may not include the ^ and _ scaling characters or decimal points, and only the first one may have a sign. The ratio delimiter is backslash (\) in traditional syntax, slash (/) in Common Lisp syntax. Here are examples:

1\2      -100000000000000\3     80\10    traditional
1/2      -100000000000000/3     80/10    Common Lisp

Recall that rationals include the integers; 80\10 as input to the reader is equivalent to 8.

Complex Numbers:

The traditional syntax for a complex number is a number (for the real part), a sign (+ or -), an unsigned number (for the imaginary part), and the letter i. The real and imaginary parts can be any type of number, but they are converted to be of the same type (both floating of the same format, or both rational). For example:


The Common Lisp syntax for a complex number is #c(real imag), where real is the real part and imag is the imaginary part. This construction is allowed in traditional syntax too.

#c(1 -3/4)
#c(1.2s0 3.45s8)


A string of letters, numbers, and characters without special syntactic meaning is recognized by the reader as a symbol, provided it cannot be interpreted as a number. Alphabetic case is ignored in symbols; lower-case letters are translated to upper-case unless escaped. When the reader sees the p.r of a symbol, it interns it on a package (see package, for an explanation of interning and the package system). Symbols may start with digits; you could even have one named -345t; read accepts this as a symbol without complaint. If you want to put strange characters (such as lower-case letters, parentheses, or reader macro characters) inside the name of a symbol, they must be escaped. If the symbol’s name would look like a number, at least one character in the name must be escaped, but it matters not which one.

Examples of symbols:
bar/(baz/)    ; traditional
bar\(baz\)    ; Common Lisp
|Frob Sale| and F|rob |S|ale| are equivalent

|a/|b|    ; traditional
|a\|b|    ; Common Lisp

In Common Lisp syntax, a symbol composed only of two or more periods is not allowed unless escaping is used.

The reader can be directed to perform substitutions on the symbols it reads. Symbol substitutions are used to implement the incompatible Common Lisp definitions of various system functions. Reading of Common Lisp code is done with substitutions that replace subst with cli:subst, member with cli:member, and so on. This is why, when a Common Lisp program uses the function member, it gets the standard Common Lisp member function rather than the traditional one. This is why we say that cli:member is “the Common Lisp version of member”. While cli:member can be referred to from any program in just that way, it exists primarily to be referred to from a Common Lisp program which says simply member.

Symbol substitutions do not apply to symbols written with package prefixes, so one can use a package prefix to force a reference to a symbol that is normally substituted for, such as using global:member in a Common Lisp program.


Strings are written with double-quote characters (") before and after the string contents. To include a double-quote character or single-character escape character in the contents, write an extra single-character escape character in front of it.

Examples of strings:
"This is a typical string."
"That is a /"cons cell/"."    ;; traditional
"That is a \"cons cell\"."    ;; Common Lisp
"Strings are often used for I//O."    ;; traditional
"Strings are often used for I/O."     ;; Common Lisp
"Here comes one backslash: \\"        ;; Common Lisp


When read sees an open-parenthesis, it knows that the p.r of a cons is coming, and calls itself recursively to get the elements of the cons or the list that follows. The following are valid p.r’s of conses:

(foo . bar)
(foo "bar" 33)
(foo . ("bar" . (33 . nil)))
(foo bar . quux)

The first is a cons, whose car and cdr are both symbols. The second is a list, and the third is equivalent to the second (although print would never produce it). The fourth is a dotted list; the cdr of the last cons cell (the second one) is not nil, but quux.

The reader always allocates new cons cells to represent parentheses. They are never shared with other structure, not even part of the same read. For example,

(let ((x (read)))
  (eq (car x) (cdr x)))
((a b) . (a b))          ;; data for read
  => nil

because each time (a b) is read, a new list is constructed. This contrasts with the case for symbols, as very often read returns symbols that it found interned in the package rather than creating new symbols itself. Symbols are the only thing that work this way.

The dot that separates the two elements of a dotted-pair p.r for a cons is only recognized if it is surrounded by delimiters (typically spaces). Thus dot may be freely used within print-names of symbols and within numbers. This is not compatible with Maclisp; in Maclisp (a.b) reads as a cons of symbols a and b, whereas in Zetalisp it reads as a list of a symbol a.b.


A comment begins with a semicolon (;) and continues to the end of the line. Comments are ignored completely by the reader. If the semicolon is escaped or inside a string, it is not recognized as starting a comment; it is part of a symbol or part of the string.

;; This is a comment.
"This is a string; but no comment."

Another way to write a comment is to start it with #| and end it with |#. This is useful for commenting out multiple-line segments of code. The two delimiters nest, so that #| #| |# |# is a single comment. This prevents surprising results if you use this construct to comment out code which already contains such a comment.

(cond ((atom x) y)
      ((foo x)
       (do-it y))
      (t (hack y)))


The single-quote character (') is an abbreviation for a list starting with the symbol quote. The following pairs of p.r’s produce equal lists:

'a   and   (quote a)
'(x (y))   and   (quote (x (y)))

The backquote character (`) and comma are used in a syntax that abbreviates calls to the list and vector construction functions. For example,

`(a ,b c)

reads as a list whose meaning as a Lisp form is equivalent to

(list 'a b 'c)

See backquote for full details about backquote.

23.3.1 Sharp-sign Constructs

Sharp-sign (#) is used to introduce syntax extensions. It is the beginning of a two-character sequence whose meaning depends on the second character. Sharp-sign is only recognized with a special meaning if it occurs at the beginning of a token. If encountered while a token is in progress, it is a symbol constituent. For example, #xff is a sharp-sign construct that interprets ff as a hexidecimal number, but 1#xff is just a symbol.

If the sharp-sign is followed by decimal digits, the digits form a parameter. The first non-digit determines which sharp-sign construct is actually in use, and the decimal integer parsed from the digits is passed to it. For example, #r means “read in specified radix”; it must actually be used with a radix notated in decimal between the # and the r, as in #8r.

It is possible for a sharp-sign construct to have different meanings in Common Lisp and traditional syntax. The only constructs which differ are #\ and #/.

The function set-dispatch-macro-character (see set-dispatch-macro-character-fun) can be used to define additional sharp sign abbreviations.

Here are the currently-defined sharp sign constructs:


#/ is used in traditional syntax only to represent the number that is the character code for a character. You can follow the #/ with the character itself, or with the character’s name. The name is preferable for nonprinting characters, and it is the only way to represent characters which have control bits since they cannot go in files. Here are examples of #/:

#/a          #o141
#/A          #o101
#/(          #o50
#/c-a        the character code for Control-A
#/c-/a       the character code for Control-a
#/c-sh-a     the character code for Control-a
#/c-/A       the character code for Control-A
#/c-/(       the character code for Control-(
#/return     the character code for Return
#/h-m-system the character code for Hyper-Meta-System

To represent a printing character, write #/x where x is the character. For example, #/a is equivalent to #o141 but clearer in its intent. To avoid ambiguity, the character following x should not be a letter; good style would require this anyway.

As in strings, upper and lower-case letters are distinguished after #/. Any character works after #/, even those that are normally special to read, such as parentheses. Thus, #/A is equivalent to #o101, and #/( is equivalent to #o50. Note that the slash causes this construct to be parsed correctly by the editors Emacs and Zmacs. Even non-printing characters may be used, but for them it is preferable to use the character’s name.

To refer to a character by name, write #/ followed by the name. For example, #/return reads as the numeric code for the character Return. The defined character names are documented below (see xr-special-character-names). In general, the names that are written on the keyboard keys are accepted. In addition, all the nonalphanumeric characters have names. The abbreviations cr for return and sp for space are accepted, since these characters are used so frequently. The page separator character is called page, although form and clear-screen are also accepted since the keyboard has one of those legends on the page key. The rules for reading name are the same as those for symbols; thus letters are converted to upper case unless escaped, and the name must be terminated by a delimiter such as a space, a carriage return, or a parenthesis.

When the system types out the name of a special character, it uses the same table that #/ uses; therefore, any character name typed out is acceptable as input.

#/ can also be used to read in the names of characters that have modifier bits (Control, Meta, Super and Hyper). The syntax looks like #/control-meta-b to get a ‘B’ character with the control and meta bits set. You can use any of the prefix bit names control, meta, hyper, and super. They may be in any order, and case is not significant. Prefix bit names can be abbreviated as the single letters c, m, h and s, and control may be spelled ctrl as it is on the keyboard. The last hyphen may be followed by a single character or by any of the special character names normally recognized by #/. A single character is treated the same way the reader normally treats characters in symbols; if you want to use a lower-case character or a special character such as a parenthesis, you must precede it by a slash character. Examples: #/Hyper-Super-A, #/meta-hyper-roman-i, #/CTRL-META-/(.

An obsolete method of specifying control bits in a character is to insert the characters alpha, beta, epsilon, pi and  between the # and the /. Those stand for control, meta, control-meta, super and hyper, respectively. This syntax should be converted to the new #\control-meta-x syntax described below.

greek (or front), top, and shift (or sh) are also allowed as prefixes of names. Thus, #/top-g is equivalent to #/^K or #/uparrow. #/top-g should be used if you are specifying the keyboard commands of a program and the mnemonic significance belongs to the ‘G’ rather than to the actual character code.


In traditional syntax, #\ is a synonym for #/. In the past, #/ had to be used before a single character and #\ had to be used in all other cases. Now either one is allowed in either case.

In Common Lisp syntax, #\ produces a character object rather than a fixnum representing a character.


#/x is the traditional syntax way to produce a character object. It is used just like #/. Thus, Common Lisp #\ is equivalent to traditional syntax #/.


#^x is exactly like #/control-x if the input is being read by Zetalisp; it generates Control-x. In Maclisp x is converted to upper case and then exclusive-or’ed with 100 (octal). Thus #^x always generates the character returned by tyi if the user holds down the control key and types x. (In Maclisp #/control-x sets the bit set by the Control key when the TTY is open in fixnum mode.)


#'foo is an abbreviation for (function foo). foo is the p.r of any object. This abbreviation can be remembered by analogy with the ' macro-character, since the function and quote special forms are somewhat analogous.


#(elements...) constructs a vector (rank-one array) of type art-q with elements elements. The length of the vector is the number of elements written. Thus, #(a 5 "Foo") reads as a vector containing a symbol, an integer and a string. If a decimal integer appears after the #, it specifies the length of the vector. The last element written is replicated to fill the remaining elements.


#na contents signifies an array of rank n, containing contents. contents is passed to make-array as the initial-contents argument. It is a list of lists of lists... or vector of vectors... as deep as n. The dimensions of the array are specified by the lengths of the lists or vectors. The rank is specified explicitly so that the reader can distinguish whether a list or vector in the contents is a sequence of array elements or a single array element. The array type is always art-q.

#2a ((x y) (a b) ((uu 3) "VV"))
produces a 3 by 2 array.  (uu 3) is one of the elements.
#2a ("foo" "bar")

produces a 2 by 3 array whose elements are character objects. Recall that a string is a kind of vector.

#0a 5

produces a rank-0 array whose sole element is 5.


#*bbb... signifies a bit vector; bbb... are the bits (characters 1 or 0). A vector of type art-1b is created and filled with the specified bits, the first bit specified going in array element 0. The length is however many bits you specify. Alternatively, specify the length with a decimal number between the # and the *. The last 1 or 0 specified is duplicated to fill the additional bits. Thus, #8*0101 is the same as #*01011111.


#s(type slot value slot value slot value ...) constructs a structure of type type. Any structure type defined with defstruct can be used as type provided it has a standard constructor taking slot values as keyword arguments. (Standard constructors can be functions or macros; either kind works for #s.) The slot names and values appearing in the read syntax are passed to the constructor so that they initialize the structure. Example:

(defstruct (foo :named)
#s (foo :bar 5 :lose haha)

produces a foo whose bar component is 5 and whose lose component is haha.


Are used to represent circular structure or shared structure. #n= preceding an object “labels” that object with the label n, a decimal integer. This has no effect on the way the object labeled is read, but it makes the label available for use in a #n# construct within that object (to create circular structure) or later on (to create shared structure). #n# counts as an object in itself, and reads as the object labeled by n.

For example, #1=(a . #1#) is a way of notating a circular list such as would be produced by (circular-list 'a). The list is labeled with label 1, and then its cdr is given as a reference to label 1. (#1=#:foo #1#) is an example of shared structure. An uninterned symbol named foo is used as the first element of the list, and labeled. The second element of the list is the very same uninterned symbol, by virtue of a reference to the label.

Printing outputs #n= and #n# to represent circular or shared structure when *print-circle is non-nil.


Evaluate a form at load time. #,foo evaluates foo (the p.r of a Lisp form) at read time, except that during file-to-file compilation it is arranged that foo will be evaluated when the QFASL file is loaded. This is a way, for example, to include in your code complex list-structure constants that cannot be written with quote. Note that the reader does not put quote around the result of the evaluation. You must do this yourself if you want it, typically by using the ' macro-character. An example of a case where you do not want quote around it is when this object is an element of a constant list.

#. evaluates foo (the p.r of a lisp form) at read time, regardless of who is doing the reading.


#` is a construct for repeating an expression with some subexpressions varying. It is an abbreviation for writing several similar expressions or for the use of mapc. Each subexpression that is to be varied is written as a comma followed by a list of the things to substitute. The expression is expanded at read time into a progn containing the individual versions.

#`(send stream ',(:clear-input :clear-output))

expands into

(progn (send stream :clear-input)
       (send stream :clear-output))

Multiple repetitions can be done in parallel by using commas in several subexpressions:

#`(rename-file ,("foo" "bar") ,("ofoo" "obar"))

expands into

(progn (rename-file "foo" "ofoo")
       (rename-file "bar" "obar"))

If you want to do multiple independent repetitions, you must use nested #` constructs. Individual commas inside the inner #` apply to that #`; they vary at maximum speed. To specify a subexpression that varies in the outer #`, use two commas.

#`#`(print (* ,(5 7) ,,(11. 13.)))

expands into

(progn (progn (print (* 5 11.)) (print (* 7 11.)))
       (progn (print (* 5 13.)) (print (* 7 13.)))

#o number reads number in octal regardless of the setting of *read-base*. Actually, any expression can be prefixed by #o; it is read with *read-base* bound to 8.


Like #o but reads in binary.


Like #x but reads in radix 16 (hexadecimal). The letters a through f are used as the digits beyond 9.


#radixr number reads number in radix radix regardless of the setting of *read-base*. As with #o, any expression can be prefixed by #radixr; it is read with *read-base* bound to radix. radix must be a valid decimal integer between 2 and 36.

For example, #3r102 is another way of writing 11 and #11r32 is another way of writing 35. Bases larger than ten use the letters starting with a as the additional digits.


#c(real imag) constructs a complex number with real part real and imaginary part. It is equivalent to real+imagi, except that #c is allowed in Common Lisp syntax and the other is not.


This abbreviation provides a read-time conditionalization facility. It is used as #+feature form. If feature is a symbol, then this is read as form if feature is present in the list *features* (see *features*-var). Otherwise, the construct is regarded as whitespace.

Alternately, feature may be a boolean expression composed of and, or, and not operators and symbols representing items that may appear on *features*. Thus, #+(or lispm amber) causes the following object to be seen if either of the features lispm or amber is present.

For example, #+lispm form makes form count if being read by Zetalisp, and is thus equivalent to #q form. Similarly, #+maclisp form is equivalent to #m form. #+(or lispm nil) form makes form count on either Zetalisp or in NIL.

Here is a list of features with standard meanings:


This feature is present on any Lisp machine (no matter what version of hardware or software).


This feature is present in Maclisp.


This feature is present in NIL (New Implementation of Lisp).


This feature is present in the MIT Lisp machine system, which is what this manual is about.


This feature is present in the Symbolics version of the Lisp machine system. May you be spared the dishonor of using it.

#+, and the other read-time conditionalization constructs that follow, discard the following expression by reading it with *read-suppress* bound to t if the specified condition is false.


#-feature form is equivalent to #+(not feature) form.


#q foo reads as foo if the input is being read by Zetalisp, otherwise it reads as nothing (whitespace). This is considered obsolete; use #+lispm instead.


#m foo reads as foo if the input is being read into Maclisp, otherwise it reads as nothing (whitespace). This is considered obsolete; use #+maclisp instead.


#n foo reads as foo if the input is being read into NIL or compiled to run in NIL, otherwise it reads as nothing (white space). This is considered obsolete; use #+nil instead.


# introduces an expression in infix notation.  should be used to terminate it. The text in between describes a Lisp object such as a symbol, number or list but using a nonstandard, infix-oriented syntax. For example,

is equivalent to
(setq x (+ y (car (aref a1 i j))))

It is not strictly true that the Lisp object produced in this way has to be an expression. Since the conversion is done at read time, you can use a list expressed this way for any purpose. But the infix syntax is designed to be used for expressions.

For full details, refer to the file SYS: IO1; INFIX LISP.


This is not legal reader syntax. It is used in the p.r of objects that cannot be read back in. Attempting to read a #< signals an error.


This is used in the p.r of miscellaneous objects (usually named structures or instances) that can be read back in. # should be followed by a typename and any other data needed to construct an object, terminated with a delta. For example, a pathname might print as


The typename is a keyword that read uses to figure out how to read in the rest of the printed representation and construct the object. It is read in in package user (but it can contain a package prefix). The resulting symbol should either have a si:read-instance property or be the name of a flavor that handles the :read-instance operation.

In the first case, the property is applied as a function to the typename symbol itself and the input stream. In the second, the handler for that operation is applied to the operation name (as always), the typename symbol, and the input stream (three arguments, but the first is implicit and not mentioned in the defmethod). self will be nil and instance variables should not be referred to. si:print-readably-mixin is a useful implementation the :read-instance operation for general purposes; see si:print-readably-mixin-flavor.

In either case, the handler function should read the remaining data from the stream, and construct and return the datum it describes. It should return with the delta character waiting to be read from the input stream (:untyi it if necessary). read signals an error after it is returned to if a delta character is not next.

The typename can be any symbol with an appropriate property or flavor, not necessarily related to the type of object that is created; but for clarity, it is good if it is the same as the type-of of the object printed. Since the type symbol is passed to the handler, one flavor’s handler can be inherited by many other flavors and can examine the type symbol read in to decide what flavor to construct.


#| is used to comment out entire pieces of code. Such a comment begins with #| and ends with |#. The text in between should be one or more properly balanced p.r’s of Lisp objects, possibly including nested #|...|# comments. This text is skipped over by the reader, and does not contribute to the value returned by read.

23.4 Expression Output Functions

These functions all take an optional argument called stream, which is where to send the output. If unsupplied stream defaults to the value of *standard-output*. If stream is nil, the value of *standard-output* (i.e the default) is used. If it is t, the value of *terminal-io* is used (i.e the interactive terminal). This is all more-or-less compatible with Maclisp, except that instead of the variable *standard-output* Maclisp has several variables and complicated rules. For detailed documentation of streams, refer to streams.

Function: prin1 object &optional stream

Outputs the printed representation of object to stream, with escaping (see escaping). object is returned.

Function: prin1-then-space object &optional stream

Like prin1 except that output is followed by a space.

Function: print object &optional stream

Like prin1 except that output is preceded by a carriage return and followed by a space. object is returned.

Function: princ object &optional stream

Like prin1 except that the output is not escaped. object is returned.

Function: write object &key stream escape radix base circle pretty level length case gensym array

Prints object on stream, having bound all the printing flags according to the keyword arguments if specified. For example, the keyword argument array specifies how to bind *print-array*; if array is omitted, the ambient value of *print-array* is used. This function is sometimes cleaner than binding a printing control variable explicitly. The value is object.

23.4.1 Pretty-Printing Output Functions

Function: pprint object &optional stream

pprint is like prin1 except that *print-pretty* is bound to t so that the grinder is used. pprint returns zero values, just as the form (values) does.

Macro: grindef function-spec...

Prints the definitions of one or more functions, with indentation to make the code readable. Certain other “pretty-printing” transformations are performed: The quote special form is represented with the ' character. Displacing macros are printed as the original code rather than the result of macro expansion. The code resulting from the backquote (`) reader macro is represented in terms of `.

The subforms to grindef are the function specs whose definitions are to be printed; the usual way grindef is used is with a form like (grindef foo) to print the definition of foo. When one of these subforms is a symbol, if the symbol has a value its value is prettily printed also. Definitions are printed as defun special forms, and values are printed as setq special forms.

If a function is compiled, grindef says so and tries to find its previous interpreted definition by looking on an associated property list (see uncompile (uncompile-fun). This works only if the function’s interpreted definition was once in force; if the definition of the function was simply loaded from a QFASL file, grindef cannot not find the interpreted definition.

With no subforms, grindef assumes the same arguments as when it was last called.

Function: grind-top-level obj &optional width (stream *standard-output*) (untyo-p nil) (displaced 'si:displaced) (terpri-p t) notify-fun loc

Pretty-prints obj on stream, putting up to width characters per line. This is the primitive interface to the pretty-printer. Note that it does not support variable-width fonts. If the width argument is supplied, it is how many characters wide the output is to be. If width is unsupplied or nil, grind-top-level tries to figure out the natural width of the stream, by sending a :size-in-characters message to the stream and using the first returned value. If the stream doesn’t handle that message, a width of 95. characters is used instead.

The remaining optional arguments activate various strange features and usually should not be supplied. These options are for internal use by the system and are documented here for only completeness. If untyo-p is t, the :untyo and :untyo-mark operations are be used on stream, speeding up the algorithm somewhat. displaced controls the checking for displacing macros; it is the symbol which flags a place that has been displaced, or nil to disable the feature. If terpri-p is nil, grind-top-level does not advance to a fresh line before printing.

If notify-fun is non-nil, it should be a function that to be called with three arguments for each “token” in the pretty-printed output. Tokens are atoms, open and close parentheses, and reader macro characters such as '. The arguments given to notify-fun are the token, its “location” (see next paragraph), and t if it is an atom or nil if it is a character.

loc is the “location” (typically a cons) whose car is obj. As the grinder recursively descends through the structure being printed, it keeps track of the location where each thing came from, for the benefit of the notify-fun. This makes it possible for a program to correlate the printed output with the list structure. The “location” of a close parenthesis is t, because close parentheses have no associated location.

23.4.2 Non-Stream Printing Functions

Function: write-to-string object &key escape radix base circle pretty level length case gensym array
Function: prin1-to-string object
Function: princ-to-string object

Like write, prin1 and princ, respectively, but put the output in a string and return the string (see write-fun).

See also the with-output-to-string special form (with-output-to-string-fun).

The following obsolete functions are for Maclisp compatibility only. The examples use traditional syntax.

Function: exploden object

Returns a list of characters (represented as fixnums) that are the characters that would be typed out by (princ object) (i.e the unescaped printed representation of object).

(exploden '(+ /12 3)) => #o(50 53 40 61 62 40 63 51)
Function: explodec object

Returns a list of characters represented by symbols, interned in the current package, whose names are the characters that would be typed out by (princ object) (i.e the unescaped printed representation of object).

(explodec '(+ /12 3)) => (|(| + | | |1| |2| | | |3| |)|)

(Note that there are escaped spaces in the above list.)

Function: explode object

Like explodec but uses the escaped printed representation.

(explode '(+ /12 3)) => (|(| + | | // |1| |2| | | |3| |)|)

(Note that there are escaped spaces in the above list.)

Function: flatsize object

Returns the number of characters in the escaped printed representation of object.

Function: flatc object

Returns the number of characters in the unescaped printed representation of object.

23.5 Expression Input Functions

Most expression input functions read characters from an input stream. This argument is called stream. If unsupplied it defaults to the value of *standard-input*.

All of these functions echo their input and permit editing if used on an interactive stream (one which supports the :rubout-handler operation; see below.)

The functions accept an argument eof-option or two arguments eof-error and eof-value to tell them what to do if end of file is encountered instead of an object’s p.r. The functions that take two eof- arguments are the Common Lisp ones.

In functions that accept the eof-option argument, if no argument is supplied, an error is signaled at eof. If the argument is supplied, end of file causes the function to return that argument. Note that an eof-option of nil means to return nil if the end of the file is reached; it is not equivalent to supplying no eof-option.

In functions that accept two arguments eof-error and eof-value, end of file is an error if eof-error is non-nil or if it is unsupplied. If eof-error is nil, then the function returns eof-value at end of file.

An error is always signaled if end of file is encountered in the middle of an object; for example, if a file does not contain enough right parentheses to balance the left parentheses in it. Mere whitespace does not count as starting an object. If a file contains a symbol or a number immediately followed by end-of-file, it can be read normally without error; if an attempt is made to read further, end of file is encountered immediately and the eof- argument(s) obeyed.

These end-of-file conventions are not completely compatible with Maclisp. Maclisp’s deviations from this are generally considered to be bugs rather than features.

For Maclisp compatibility, nil as the stream argument also means to use the value of *standard-input*, and t as the stream argument means to use the value of *terminal-io*. This is only advertised to work in functions that Maclisp has, and should not be written in new programs. Instead of the variable *standard-input* Maclisp has several variables and complicated rules. For detailed documentation of streams, refer to streams.

The functions below that take stream and eof-option arguments can also be called with the stream and eof-option in the other order. This functionality is only for compatibility with old Maclisp programs, and should never be used in new programs. The functions attempt to figure out which way they were called by seeing whether each argument is a plausible stream. Unfortunately, there is an ambiguity with symbols: a symbol might be a stream and it might be an eof-option. If there are two arguments, one being a symbol and the other being something that is a valid stream, or only one argument, which is a symbol, then these functions interpret the symbol as an eof-option instead of as a stream. To force them to interpret a symbol as a stream, give the symbol an si:io-stream-p property whose value is t.

Function: read &optional stream eof-option rubout-handler-options

Reads the printed representation of a Lisp object from stream, builds a corresponding Lisp object, and returns the object. rubout-handler-options are used as options for the rubout handler, if stream supports one; see rubout-handler for more information on this.

Function: cli:read &optional stream (eof-errorp t) eof-value recursive-p

The Common Lisp version of read differs only in how its arguments are passed.

recursive-p should be non-nil when calling from the reader or from the defining function of a read-macro character; that is, when reading a subexpression as part of the task of reading a larger expression. This has two effects: the subexpression is allowed to share #n# labels with the containing expression, and whitespace which terminates the subexpression (if it is a symbol or number) is not discarded.

Function: read-or-end &optional stream eof-option rubout-handler-options

Like read, but on an interactive stream if the input is just the character End it returns the two values nil and :end.

Variable: read-preserve-delimiters

Certain printed representations given to read, notably those of symbols and numbers, require a delimiting character after them. (Lists do not, because the matching close-parenthesis serves to mark the end of the list.) Normally read throws away the delimiting character if it is whitespace, but preserves it (using the :untyi stream operation) if the character is syntactically meaningful, since it may be the start of the next expression.

If read-preserve-delimiters is bound to t around a call to read, the delimiting character is never thrown away, even if it is whitespace. This may be useful for certain reader macros or special syntaxes.

Function: read-preserving-whitespace &optional stream (eof-errorp t) eof-value recursive-p

Like cli:read but binds read-preserve-delimiters to t. This is the Common Lisp way of requesting the read-preserve-delimiters feature.

Function: read-delimited-list char &optional stream recursive-p

Reads expressions from stream until the character char is seen at top level when an expression is expected; then returns a list of the objects read. char may be a fixnum or a character object. For example, if char is #/], and the text to be read from stream is a (b c)] ... then the objects a and (b c) are read, the ] is seen as a terminator and discarded, and the value returned is (a (b c)). recursive-p is as for cli:read. End of file within this function is always an error since it is always “within an object”–the object whose textual representation is terminated by char.

Note that use of this function does not cause char to terminate tokens. Usually you want that to happen, but it is purely under the control of the readtable. So you must modify the readtable to make this so. The usual way is to define char as a macro character whose defining function just signals an error. The defining function is not called when char is encountered in the expected context by read-delimited-list; if char is encountered anywhere else, it is an unbalanced bracket and an error is appropriate.

Function: read-for-top-level &optional stream eof-option

This is a slightly different version of read. It differs from read only in that it ignores close-parentheses seen at top level, and it returns the symbol si:eof if the stream reaches end-of-file if you have not supplied an eof-option (instead of signalling an error as read would). This version of read is used in the system’s “read-eval-print” loops.

Function: read-check-indentation &optional stream eof-option

This is like read, but validates the input based on indentation. It assumes that the input data is formatted to follow the usual convention for source files, that an open-parenthesis in column zero indicates a top-level list (with certain specific exceptions). An open-parenthesis in column zero encountered in the middle of a list is more likely to result from close-parentheses missing before it than from a mistake in indentation.

If read-check-indentation finds an open-parenthesis following a return character in the middle of a list, it invents enough close-parentheses to close off all pending lists, and returns. The offending open-parenthesis is :untyi’d so it can begin the next list, as it probably should. End of file in the middle of a list is handled likewise.

read-check-indentation notifies the caller of the incorrect formatting by signaling the condition sys:missing-closeparen. This is how the compiler is able to record a warning about the missing parentheses. If a condition handler proceeds, read goes ahead and invents close-parentheses.

There are a few special forms that are customarily used around function definitions–for example, eval-when, local-declare, and comment. Since it is desirable to begin the function definitions in column zero anyway, read-check-indentation allows a list to begin in column zero within one of these special forms. A non-nil si:may-surround-defun property identifies the symbols for which this is allowed.

Variable: read-check-indentation

This variable is non-nil during a read in which indentation is being checked.

23.5.1 Non-Stream Parsing Functions

The following functions do expression input but get the characters from a string or a list instead of a stream.

Function: read-from-string string &optional eof-option (start 0) end

The characters of string are given successively to the reader, and the Lisp object built by the reader is returned. Macro characters and so on all take effect. If string has a fill-pointer it controls how much can be read.

eof-option is what to return if the end of the string is reached, as in read. start is the index in the string of the first character to be read. end is the index at which to stop reading; that point is treated as end of file.

read-from-string returns two values; the first is the object read and the second is the index of the first character in the string not read. If the entire string was read, this is the length of the string.

(read-from-string "(a b c)") => (a b c) and 7
Function: cli:read-from-string string &optional (eof-errorp t) eof-value &key (start 0) end preserve-whitespace

The Common Lisp version of read-from-string uses a different calling convention. The arguments mean the same thing but are arranged differently. There are three arguments with no counterparts: eof-errorp and eof-value, which are simply passed on to cli:read, and preserve-whitespace, which if non-nil means that the reading is done with read-preserve-delimiters bound to t.

See also the with-input-from-string special form (with-input-from-string-fun).

Function: parse-integer string &key (start 0) end (radix 10.) junk-allowed

Parses the contents of string (or the portion from start to end) as a numeral for an integer using the specified radix, and returns the integer. Radices larger than ten are allowed, and they use letters as digits beyond 9. Leading whitespace is always allowed and ignored. A leading sign is also allowed and considered part of the number.

When junk-allowed is nil, the entire specified portion of string must consist of an integer and leading and trailing whitespace. Otherwise, an error happens.

If junk-allowed is non-nil, parsing just stops when a non-digit is encountered. The number parsed so far is returned as the first value, and the index in string at which parsing stopped is returned as the second value. This number equals end (or the length of string) if there is nothing but a number. If non-digits are found without finding a number first, the first value is nil. Examples:

(parse-integer " 1A " :radix 16.) => 26.
(parse-integer " 15X " :end 3) => 15.
(parse-integer " -15X " :junk-allowed t) => -15. 3
(parse-integer " 15X ") => error!
Function: readlist char-list

This function is provided mainly for Maclisp compatibility. char-list is a list of characters. The characters may be represented by anything that the function character accepts: character objects, fixnums, strings, or symbols. The characters are given successively to the reader, and the Lisp object built by the reader is returned. Macro characters and so on all take effect.

If there are more characters in char-list beyond those needed to define an object, the extra characters are ignored. If there are not enough characters, some kind of sys:read-end-of-file error is signaled.

23.5.2 Input Error Conditions

Condition on sys:read-error: (sys:parse-error error)

This condition name classifies all errors detected by the reader per se. Since sys:parse-error is implied, all sys:read-error errors must provide the proceed type :no-action so that automatic proceed is possible if the error happens during compilation. See sys:parse-error-condition.

Since this condition name implies sys:parse-error and error, those two are not mentioned as implications below when sys:read-error is.

Condition on sys:read-end-of-file: (sys:read-error sys:end-of-file)

Whenever the reader signals an error for end of file, the condition object possesses this condition name.

Since sys:end-of-file is implied, the :stream operation on the condition instance returns the stream on which end of file was reached.

Condition on sys:read-list-end-of-file: (sys:read-end-of-file sys:read-error sys:end-of-file)

This condition is signaled when read detects end of file in the middle of a list.

In addition to the :stream operation provided because sys:end-of-file is one of the proceed types, the condition instance supports the :list operation, which returns the list read so far.

Proceed type :no-action is provided. If it is used, the reader invents a close-parenthesis to close off the list. Within read-check-indentation, the reader signals the error only once, no matter how many levels of list are unterminated.

Condition on sys:read-string-end-of-file: (sys:read-end-of-file sys:read-error sys:end-of-file)

This is signaled when read detects end of file in the middle of a string delimited by double-quotes.

The :string operation on the condition instance returns the string read so far.

Proceed type :no-action terminates the string and returns. If the string is within other constructs that are unterminated, another end of file error is will be signaled later.

Condition on sys:read-symbol-end-of-file: (sys:read-end-of-file sys:read-error sys:end-of-file)

This is signaled when read detects end of file within a multiple escape construct.

The :string operation on the condition instance returns the print name read so far.

Proceed type :no-action terminates the symbol and returns. If the symbol is within other constructs that are unterminated, another end of file error is will be signaled later.

Condition on sys:missing-closeparen: (condition)

This condition, which is not an error, is signaled when read-check-indentation finds an open-parenthesis in column zero within a list.

Proceed type :no-action is provided. On proceeding, the reader invents enough close-parentheses to close off all the lists that are pending.

23.6 The Readtable

The syntax used by the reader is controlled by a data structure called the readtable. (Some aspects of printing are also controlled by the readtable.) There can be many readtables, but the one that is used is the one which is the value of *readtable*. A particular syntax can be selected for use by setting or binding *readtable* to a readtable which specifies that syntax before reading or printing. In particular, this is how Common Lisp or traditional syntax is selected. The readtable also controls the symbol substitutions which implement the distinction between the traditional and Common Lisp versions of functions such as subst, memberand defstruct.

The functions in this section allow you to modify the syntax of individual characters in a readtable in limited ways. You can also copy a readtable; then you can modify one copy and leave the other unchanged.

A readtables may have one or more names. Named readtables are recorded in a central data base so that you can find a readtable by name. When you copy a readtable, the new one is anonymous and is not recorded in the data base.

Variable: readtable
Variable: *readtable*

The value of readtable or *readtable* is the current readtable. This starts out as the initial standard readtable. You can bind this variable to change temporarily the readtable being used.

The two names are synonymous.

Constant: si:standard-readtable

This is copied into *readtable* every time the machine is booted. Therefore, it is normally the same as *readtable* unless you make *readtable* be some other readtable. If you alter the contents of *readtable* without setting or binding it to some other readtable, this readtable is changed.

Constant: si:initial-readtable

The value of si:initial-readtable is a read-only copy of the default current readtable. Its purpose is to preserve a copy of the standard read syntax in case you modify the contents of *readtable* and regret it later. You could use si:initial-readtable as the from-readtable argument to copy-readtable or set-syntax-from-char to restore all or part of the standard syntax.

Constant: si:common-lisp-readtable

A readtable which initially is set up to define Common Lisp read syntax. Reading of Common Lisp programs is done using this readtable.

Constant: si:initial-common-lisp-readtable

A read-only copy of si:common-lisp-readtable, whose purpose is to preserve a copy of the standard Common Lisp syntax in case you modify si:common-lisp-readtable (such as, by reading a Common Lisp program which modifies the current readtable).

Function: si:rdtbl-names readtable

Returns the list of names of readtable. You may setf this to add or remove names.

Function: si:find-readtable-named name

Returns the readtable named name, or nil if none is recorded.

Function: readtablep object

t if object is a readtable.

The user can program the reader by changing the readtable in any of three ways. The syntax of a character can be set to one of several predefined possibilities. A character can be made into a macro character, whose interpretation is controlled by a user-supplied function which is called when the character is read. The user can create a completely new readtable, using the readtable compiler (SYS: IO; RTC LISP) to define new kinds of syntax and to assign syntax classes to characters. Use of the readtable compiler is not documented here.

Function: copy-readtable &optional from-readtable to-readtable

from-readtable, which defaults to the current readtable, is copied. If from-readtable is nil, the standard Common Lisp syntax is copied. If to-readtable is unsupplied or nil, a fresh copy is made. Otherwise to-readtable is clobbered with the copied syntax.

Use copy-readtable to get a private readtable before using the following functions to change the syntax of characters in it. The value of *readtable* at the start of a Lisp Machine session is the initial standard readtable, which usually should not be modified.

Function: set-syntax-from-char to-char from-char &optional to-readtable from-readtable

Copies the syntax of from-char in from-readtable to character to-char in to-readtable. to-readtable defaults to the current readtable and from-readtable defaults to si:initial-standard-readtable (standard traditional syntax).

Function: cli:set-syntax-from-char to-char from-char &optional to-readtable from-readtable

Is a Common Lisp function which copies the syntax of from-char in from-readtable to character to-char in to-readtable. to-readtable defaults to the current readtable and from-readtable defaults to si:initial-common-lisp-readtable (standard Common Lisp syntax).

Common Lisp has a peculiar idea of what it means to copy the syntax of a character. The only aspect of syntax that the readtable supposedly specifies is the choice among


token constituent: digits, letters, random things like @, !, $, and also colon!


whitespace: spaces, Tab, Return.


single escape character: / traditionally, \ in Common Lisp.


multiple escape character: vertical-bar.


macro character: standardly ()",.'`;


nonterminating macro character: # is the only such character standardly defined.

The differences among macro characters are determined entirely by the functions that they invoke. The differences among token constituents (including the difference between A and colon) are fixed! You can make A be a macro character, or whitespace, or a quote character, but if you make it a token constituent then it always behaves the way it normally does. You can make colon be a macro character, or whitespace, etc, but if it is a token constituent it always delimits package names. If you make open-parenthesis into a token constituent, there is only one kind of token constituent it can be (it forces the token to be a symbol, like $ or @ or %).

This is not how Lisp Machine readtables really work, but since cli:set-syntax-from-char is provided just for Common Lisp, the behavior specified by Common Lisp is laboriously provided. So, if from-char is some kind of token constituent, this function makes to-char into a token constituent of the kind that to-char is supposed to be–not the kind of token constituent that from-char is.

By contrast, the non-Common-Lisp set-syntax-from-char would make to-char have exactly the same syntactic properties that from-char has.

Function: set-character-translation from-char to-char &optional readtable

Changes readtable so that from-char will be translated to to-char upon read-in, when readtable is the current readtable. This is normally used only for translating lower case letters to upper case. Character translation is inhibited by escape characters and within strings. readtable defaults to the current readtable.

The following syntax-setting functions are more or less obsolete.

Function: set-syntax-from-description char description &optional readtable

Sets the syntax of char in readtable to be that described by the symbol description. readtable defaults to the current readtable.

Each readtable has its own set of descriptions which it defines. The following descriptions are defined in the standard readtable:


An ordinary character such as ‘A’.


A token separator such as ‘(’. (Obviously left parenthesis has other properties besides being a break.


A token separator that can be ignored, such as ‘ ’.


A self-delimiting single-character symbol. The initial readtable does not contain any of these.


The character quoter. In the initial readtable this is ‘/’.


The symbol print-name quoter. In the initial readtable this is ‘|’.


A macro character. Don’t use this; use set-macro-character (set-macro-character-fun).


A macro character recognized only at the start of a token. In the initial readtable, ‘#’ is such a character. (It is also a dispatching macro, but that is another matter.) The correct way to make a character be a macro is with set-macro-character.


The octal escape for special characters. In the initial readtable this is ‘circleX’.


a character for shifting an integer by digits. In the initial readtable this is ‘^’.


A character for shifting an integer by bits. In the initial readtable this is ‘_’ (underscore).


Obsolete synonyms for si:escape and si:character-code-escape.

Unfortunately it is no longer possible to provide si:doublequote as double-quote is now an ordinary macro character.

These symbols may be moved to the keyword package at some point.

Function: setsyntax character arg2 arg3

This exists only for Maclisp compatibility. The above functions are preferred in new programs. The syntax of character is altered in the current readtable, according to arg2 and arg3. character can be a fixnum, a symbol, or a string, i.e anything acceptable to the character function. arg2 is usually a keyword; it can be in any package since this is a Maclisp compatibility function. The following values are allowed for arg2:


The character becomes a macro character. arg3 is the name of a function to be invoked when this character is read. The function takes no arguments, may tyi or read from *standard-input* (i.e may call tyi or read without specifying a stream), and returns an object which is taken as the result of the read.


Like :macro but the object returned by the macro function is a list that is nconced into the list being read. If the character is read anywhere except inside a list (at top level or after a dotted-pair dot), then it may return (), which means it is ignored, or (obj), which means that obj is read.


The character becomes a self-delimiting single-character symbol. If arg3 is a fixnum, the character is translated to that character.


The syntax of the character is not changed, but if arg3 is a fixnum, the character is translated to that character.

a symbol

The syntax of the character is changed to be the same as that of the character arg2 in the standard initial readtable. arg2 is converted to a character by taking the first character of its print name. Also if arg3 is a fixnum, the character is translated to that character.

23.7 Read-Macro Characters

A read-macro character (or just macro character) is a character whose syntax is defined by a function which the reader calls whenever that character is seen (unless it is escaped). This function can optionally read additional characters and is then responsible for returning the object which they represent.

The standard meanings of the characters open-parenthesis, semicolon, single-quote, double-quote, #, backquote (`) and comma are implemented by making them macro characters.

For example, open-parenthesis is implemented as a macro character whose defining function reads expressions until a close-parenthesis is found, throws away the close-parenthesis, and returns a list of the expressions read. (It actually must be more complicated than this in order to deal properly with dotted lists and with indentation checking.) Semicolon is implemented as a macro character whose defining function swallows characters until a Return and then returns no values.

Close-parenthesis and close-horseshoe (delta) are also macro characters so that they will terminate symbols. Their defining functions signal errors if actually called; but when these delimiters are encountered in their legitimate contexts they are recognized and handled specially before the defining function is called.

The user can also define macro characters.

When a macro’s defining function is called, it receives two arguments: the input stream, and the macro character being handled. The function may read characters from the stream, and should return zero or more values, which are the objects that the macro construct “reads as”. Zero values causes the macro construct to be ignored (the semicolon macro character does this), and one value causes the macro construct to read as a single object (most macro characters do this). More than one value is allowed only within a list.

Macro characters may be terminating or non-terminating. A non-terminating macro character is only recognized as a macro character when it appears at the beginning of a token. If it appears when a token is already in progress, it is treated as a symbol constituent. Of the standard macro characters, all but # are terminating.

One kind of macro character is the dispatch macro character. This kind of character is handled by reading one more character, converting it to upper case, and looking it up in a table. Thus, the dispatch macro character is the start of a two-character sequence, with which is associated a defining function. # is the only standardly defined dispatch macro character.

When a dispatch macro character is used, it may be followed by a decimal integer which serves as a parameter. The character for the dispatch is actually the first non-digit seen.

The defining function for a dispatch macro two-character sequence is almost like that of an ordinary macro character. However, it receives one more argument. This is the parameter, the decimal integer that followed the dispatch macro character, or nil if no parameter was written. Also, the second argument is the subdispatch character, the second character of the sequence. The dispatch macro character itself is not available.

Function: set-macro-character char function &optional non-terminating-p in-readtable

Sets the syntax of character char in readtable in-readtable to be that of a macro character which is handled by function. When that character is read by read, function is called.

char is made a non-terminating macro character if non-terminating-p is non-nil, a terminating one otherwise.

Function: get-macro-character char in-readtable

Returns two values that describe the macro character status of char in in-readtable. If char is not a macro character, both values are nil. Otherwise, the first value is the function and the second value is the non-terminating-p for this character.

Those two values, passed to set-macro-character, are usually sufficient to recreate exactly the syntax char has now; however, since one of the arguments that the function receives is the macro character that invoked it, it may not behave the same if installed on a different character or in a different readtable. In particular, the definition of a dispatch macro character is a standard function that looks the macro character up in the readtable. Thus, the definition only records that the macro character is a dispatch macro character; it does not say what subcharacters are allowed or what they mean.

Function: make-dispatch-macro-character char &optional non-terminating-p in-readtable

Makes char be a dispatch macro character in in-readtable. This means that when char is seen read will read one more character to decide what to do. # is an example of a dispatch macro character. non-terminating-p means the same thing as in set-macro-character.

Function: set-dispatch-macro-character char subchar function &optional in-readtable

Sets the syntax of the two-character sequence char subchar, assuming that char is already a dispatch macro character. function becomes the defining function for this sequence.

If subchar is lower case, it is converted to upper case. Case is never significant for the character that follows a dispatch macro character. The decimal digits may not be defined as subchars since they are always used for infix numeric arguments as in #5r.

Function: get-dispatch-macro-character char subchar &optional in-readtable

Returns the function for subchar following dispatch macro character char in readtable in-readtable. The value is nil if subchar is not defined for following char.

These subroutines are for use by the defining functions of macro characters. Ordinary read should not be used for reading subexpressions, and the ordinary :tyi operation or functions read-char or tyi should not be used for single-character input. The functions below should be used instead.

Function: si:read-recursive &optional stream

Equivalent to (cli:read stream t nil t). See cli:read-fun. This is the recommended way for a macro character’s defining function to read a subexpression.

Function: si:xr-xrtyi stream ignore-whitespace no-chars-special no-multiple-escapes

Reads the next input character from stream, for a macro character’s defining function. If ignore-whitespace is non-nil, any whitespace characters seen are discarded and the first non-whitespace character is returned.

The first value is the character as translated; the third value is the original character, before translation. The second value is a syntax code which is of no interest to users except to be passed to si:xr-xruntyi if this character must be unread.

Normally, this function processes all the escape characters, and performs translations (such as from lower case letters to upper case letters) on characters not escaped. Font specifiers (epsilons followed by digits or *) are ignored if the file is formatted using them.

If no-multiple-escapes is non-nil, multiple escapes (vertical bar characters) are not processed; they are returned to the caller. This mode is used for reading the contents of strings. If no-chars-special is non-nil, no escape characters are processed. All characters are simply returned to the caller (except that font specifiers are still discarded if appropriate).

Function: si:xr-xruntyi stream char num

Unreads char, for a macro character’s defining function. char should be the third value returned by the last call to si:xr-xrtyi, and num should be the second value.

Variable: *read-suppress*

If this variable is non-nil, all the standard read functions and macro characters do their best to avoid any errors, and any side effects except for removing characters from the input stream. For example, symbols are not interned to avoid either errors (for nonexistent packages) or side effects (adding new symbols to packages). In fact, nil is used in place of any symbol that is written.

User macro characters should also notice this variable when appropriate.

The purpose of the variable is to allow expressions to be skipped and discarded. The read-time conditional constructs #+ and #- bind it to t to skip the following expression if it is not wanted.

The following functions for defining macro characters are more or less obsolete.

Function: set-syntax-macro-char char function &optional readtable

Changes readtable so that char is a macro character. When char is read, function is called. readtable defaults to the current readtable.

function is called with two arguments, list-so-far and the input stream. When a list is being read, list-so-far is that list (nil if this is the first element). At the top level of read, list-so-far is the symbol :toplevel. After a dotted-pair dot, list-so-far is the symbol :after-dot. function may read any number of characters from the input stream and process them however it likes.

function should return three values, called thing, type, and splice-p. thing is the object read. If splice-p is nil, thing is the result. If splice-p is non-nil, then when reading a list thing replaces the list being read–often it will be list-so-far with something else nconc’ed onto the end. At top-level and after a dot, if splice-p is non-nil the thing is ignored and the macro-character does not contribute anything to the result of read. type is a historical artifact and is not really used; nil is a safe value. Most macro character functions return just one value and let the other two default to nil.

Note that the convention for values returned by function is different from that used for functions specified in set-macro-character, above. set-syntax-macro-char works by encapsulating function in a closure to convert the values to the sort that set-macro-character wants and then passing the closure to set-macro-character.

function should not have any side-effects other than on the stream and list-so-far. Because of the way the rubout-handler works, function can be called several times during the reading of a single expression in which the macro character only appears once.

char is given the same syntax that single-quote, backquote, and comma have in the initial readtable (it is called :macro syntax).

Function: set-syntax-#-macro-char char function &optional readtable

Causes function to be called when #char is read. readtable defaults to the current readtable. The function’s arguments and return values are the same as for normal macro characters, documented above. When function is called, the special variable si:xr-sharp-argument contains nil or a number that is the number or special bits between the # and char.

Function: setsyntax-sharp-macro character type function &optional readtable

This exists only for Maclisp compatibility. set-dispatch-macro-character should be used instead. If function is nil, #character is turned off, otherwise it becomes a macro that calls function. type can be :macro, :peek-macro, :splicing, or :peek-splicing. The splicing part controls whether function returns a single object or a list of objects. Specifying peek causes character to remain in the input stream when function is called; this is useful if character is something like a left parenthesis. function gets one argument, which is nil or the number between the # and the character.

23.8 The :read and :print Stream Operations

A stream can specially handle the reading and printing of objects by handling the :read and :print stream operations. Note that these operations are optional and most streams do not support them.

If the read function is given a stream that has :read in its which-operations, then instead of reading in the normal way it sends the :read message to the stream with one argument, read’s eof-option if it had one or a magic internal marker if it didn’t. Whatever the stream returns is what read returns. If the stream wants to implement the :read operation by internally calling read, it must use a different stream that does not have :read in its which-operations.

If a stream has :print in its which-operations, it may intercept all object printing operations, including those due to the print, prin1, and princ functions, those due to format, and those used internally, for instance in printing the elements of a list. The stream receives the :print message with three arguments: the object being printed, the depth (for comparison against the *print-level* variable), and escape-p (which is the value of *print-escape*). If the stream returns nil, then normal printing takes place as usual. If the stream returns non-nil, then print does nothing; the stream is assumed to have output an appropriate printed representation for the object. The two following functions are useful in this connection; however, they are in the system-internals package and may be changed without much notice.

Function: si:print-object object depth stream &optional which-operations

Outputs the printed-representation of object to stream, as modified by depth and the values of the *print-... variables.

This is the internal guts of the Lisp printer. When a stream’s :print handler calls this function, it should supply the list (:string-out) for which-operations, to prevent itself from being called recursively. Or it can supply nil if it does not want to receive :string-out messages.

If you want to customize the behavior of all printing of Lisp objects, advising (see advise) this function is the way to do it. See customizing-the-printer.

Function: si:print-list list depth stream which-operations

This is the part of the Lisp printer that prints lists. A stream’s :print handler can call this function, passing along its own arguments and its own which-operations, to arrange for a list to be printed the normal way and the stream’s :print hook to get a chance at each of the list’s elements.

24 Naming of Files

A Lisp Machine generally has access to many file systems. While it may have its own file system on its own disks, usually a community of Lisp Machine users want to have a shared file system accessible by any of the Lisp Machines over a network. These shared file systems can be implemented by any computer that is capable of providing file system service. A file server computer may be a special-purpose computer that does nothing but service file system requests from computers on a network, or it may be a time-sharing system.

Programs need to use names to designate files within these file systems. The main difficulty in dealing with names of files is that different file systems have different naming formats for files. For example, in the ITS file system, a typical name looks like:


with DSK being a device name, GEORGE being a directory name, FOO being the first file name and QFASL being the second file name. However, in TOPS-20, a similar file name is expressed as:


It would be unreasonable for each program that deals with file names to be expected to know about each different file name format that exists, or new formats that could get added in the future. However, existing programs should retain their abilities to manipulate the names.

The functions and flavors described in this chapter exist to solve this problem. They provide an interface through which a program can deal with names of files and manipulate them without depending on anything about their syntax. This lets a program deal with multiple remote file servers simultaneously, using a uniform set of conventions.

24.1 Pathnames

All file systems dealt with by the Lisp Machine are mapped into a common model, in which files are named by something called a pathname. A pathname always has six components, each with a standard meaning. These components are the common interface that allows programs to work the same way with different file systems; the mapping of the pathname components into the concepts peculiar to each file system is taken care of by the pathname software. Pathname components are described in the following section, and the mappings between components and user syntax is described for each file system later in this chapter.

Function: pathnamep object

t if object is a pathname.

A pathname is an instance of a flavor (see flavor); exactly which flavor depends on what the host of the pathname is, but pathname is always one of its component flavors. If p is a pathname, then (typep p 'pathname) returns t. One of the messages handled by host objects is the :pathname-flavor operation, which returns the name of the flavor to use for pathnames on that host. And one of the differences between host flavors is how they handle this operation.

There are functions for manipulating pathnames, and there are also messages that can be sent to them. These are described later in this chapter.

Two important operations of the pathname system are parsing and merging. Parsing is the conversion of a string–which might be something typed in by the user when asked to supply the name of a file–into a pathname object. This involves finding out what host the pathname is for, then using the file name syntax conventions of that host to parse the string into the standard pathname components. Merging is the operation that takes a pathname with missing components and supplies values for those components from a set of defaults.

The function string, applied to a pathname, converts it into a string that is in the file name syntax of its host’s file system, except that the name of the host followed by a colon is inserted at the front. This is the inverse of parsing. princ of a pathname also does this, then prints the contents of the string. Flavor operations such as :string-for-dired exist which convert all or part of a pathname to a string in other fashions that are designed for specific applications. prin1 of a pathname prints the pathname using the # syntax so it can be read back in to produce an equivalent pathname (or the same pathname, if read in the same session).

Since each kind of file server can have its own character string representation of names of its files, there has to be a different parser for each of these representations, capable of examining such a character string and figuring out what each component is. The parsers all work differently. How can the parsing operation know which parser to use? The first thing that the parser does is to figure out which host this filename belongs to. A filename character string may specify a host explicitly by having the name of the host, followed by a colon, at either the beginning or the end of the string. For example, the following strings all specify hosts explicitly:

AI: COMMON; GEE WHIZ		; This specifies host AI.
COMMON; GEE WHIZ AI:		; So does this.
AI: ARC: USERS1; FOO BAR	; So does this.
ARC: USERS1; FOO BAR AI:	; So does this.
EE:PS:<COMMON>GEE.WHIZ.5	; This specifies host EE.
PS:<COMMON>GEE.WHIZ.5 EE:	; So does this.

If the string does not specify a host explicitly, the parser chooses a host by default and uses the syntax for that host. The optional arguments passed to the parsing function (fs:parse-pathname) tell it which host to assume. Note: the parser is not confused by strings starting with DSK: or PS: because it knows that neither of those is a valid host name. But if the default host has a device whose name happens to match the name of some host, you can prevent the device name from being misinterpreted as a host name by writing an extra colon at the beginning of the string: For example, :EE:<RMS>FOO.BAR refers to the device EE on the default host (assumed to use TOPS-20 syntax) rather than to the host named EE.

Pathnames are kept unique, like symbols, so that there is only one object with a given set of components. This is useful because a pathname object has a property list (see plist) on which you can store properties describing the file or family of files that the pathname represents. The uniqueness implies that each time the same components are typed in, the program gets the same pathname object and finds there the properties it ought to find.

Note that a pathname is not necessarily the name of a specific file. Rather, it is a way to get to a file; a pathname need not correspond to any file that actually exists, and more than one pathname can refer to the same file. For example, the pathname with :newest as its version refers to the same file as a pathname which has the appropriate number as the version. In systems with links, multiple file names, logical devices, etc, two pathnames that look quite different may really turn out to address the same file. To get from a pathname to a file requires doing a file system operation such as open.

When you want to store properties describing an individual file, use the pathname you get by sending :truename to a stream rather than the pathname you open. This avoids problems with different pathnames that refer to the same file.

To get a unique pathname object representing a family of files, send the message :generic-pathname to a pathname for any file in the family (see generic-pathname).

24.2 Pathname Components

These are the components of a pathname. They are clarified by an example below.


An object that represents the file system machine on which the file resides. A host object is an instance of a flavor one of whose components is si:basic-host. The precise flavor varies depending on the type of file system and how the files are to be accessed.


Corresponds to the “device” or “file structure” concept in many host file systems.


The name of a group of related files belonging to a single user or project. Corresponds to the “directory” concept in many host file systems.


The name of a group of files that can be thought of as conceptually the “same” file. Many host file systems have a concept of “name” which maps directly into this component.


Corresponds to the “filetype” or “extension” concept in many host file systems. This says what kind of file this is; such as, a Lisp source file, a QFASL file, etc.


Corresponds to the “version number” concept in many host file systems. This is a number that increments every time the file is modified. Some host systems do not support version numbers.

As an example, consider a Lisp program named CONCH. If it belongs to GEORGE, who uses the FISH machine, the host would be the host-object for the machine FISH, the device would probably be the default and the directory would be GEORGE. On this directory would be a number of files related to the CONCH program. The source code for this program would live in a set of files with name CONCH, type LISP, and versions 1, 2, 3, etc. The compiled form of the program would live in files named CONCH with type QFASL; each would have the same version number as the source file that it came from. If the program had a documentation file, it would have type INFO.

Not all of the components of a pathname need to be specified. If a component of a pathname is missing, its value is nil. Before a file server can do anything interesting with a file, such as opening the file, all the missing components of a pathname must be filled in from defaults. But pathnames with missing components are often handed around inside the machine, since almost all pathnames typed by users do not specify all the components explicitly. The host is not allowed to be missing from any pathname; since the behavior of a pathname is host-dependent to some extent, it has to know what its host is. All pathnames have host attributes, even if the string being parsed does not specify one explicitly.

A component of a pathname can also be the special symbol :unspecific. :unspecific means, explicitly, “this component has been specified as missing”, whereas nil means that the component was not specified and should default. In merging, :unspecific counts as a specified component and is not replaced by a default. :unspecific does not mean “unspecified”; it is unfortunate that those two words are similar.

:unspecific is used in generic pathnames, which refer not to a file but to a whole family of files. The version, and usually the type, of a generic pathname are :unspecific. Another way :unspecific is used has to do with mapping of pathnames into file systems such as ITS that do not have all six components. A component that is really “not there” is :unspecific in the pathname. When a pathname is converted to a string, nil and :unspecific both cause the component not to appear in the string.

A component of a pathname can also be the special symbol :wild. This is useful only when the pathname is being used with a directory primitive such as fs:directory-list (see fs:directory-list-fun), where it means that this pathname component matches anything. The printed representation of a pathname usually designates :wild with an asterisk; however, this is host-dependent.

What values are allowed for components of a pathname depends, in general, on the pathname’s host. However, in order for pathnames to be usable in a system-independent way certain global conventions are adhered to. These conventions are stronger for the type and version than for the other components, since the type and version are actually understood by many programs, while the other components are usually just treated as something supplied by the user that only needs to be remembered.

In general, programs can interpret the components of a pathname independent of the file system; and a certain minimum set of possible values of each component are supported on all file systems. The same pathname component value may have very different representations when the pathname is made into a string, depending on the file system. This does not affect programs that operate on the components. The user, when asked to type a pathname, always uses the system-dependent string representation. This is convenient for the user who moves between using the Lisp Machine on files stored on another host and making direct use of that host. However, when the mapping between string form and components is complicated, the components may not be obvious from what you type.

The type is always a string, or one of the special symbols nil, :unspecific, and :wild. Certain hosts impose a limit on the size of string allowed, often very small. Many programs that deal with files have an idea of what type they want to use. For example, Lisp source programs are usually "LISP", compiled Lisp programs are "QFASL", etc. However, these file type conventions are host-specific, for the important reason that some hosts do not allow a string five characters long to be used as the type. Therefore, programs should use a canonical type rather than an actual string to specify their conventional default file types. Canonical types are described below.

For the version, it is always legitimate to use a positive fixnum, or certain special symbols. nil, :unspecific, and :wild have been explained above. The other standardly allowed symbols are :newest and :oldest. :newest refers to the largest version number that exists when reading a file, or that number plus one when writing a new file. :oldest refers to the smallest version number that exists. Some file systems may define other special version symbols, such as :installed for example, or may allow negative numbers. Some do not support versions at all. Then a pathname may still contain any of the standard version components, but it does not matter what the value is.

The device, directory, and name are more system-dependent. These can be strings (with host-dependent rules on allowed characters and length) or they can be structured. A structured component is a list of strings. This is used for file system features such as hierarchical directories. The system is arranged so that programs do not need to know about structured components unless they do host-dependent operations. Giving a string as a pathname component to a host that wants a structured value converts the string to the appropriate form. Giving a structured component to a host that does not understand them converts it to a string by taking the first element and ignoring the rest.

Some host file systems have features that do not fit into this pathname model. For instance, directories might be accessible as files, there might be complicated structure in the directories or names, or there might be relative directories, such as ‘<’ in Multics. These features appear in the parsing of strings into pathnames, which is one reason why the strings are written in host-dependent syntax. Pathnames for hosts with these features are also likely to handle additional messages besides the common ones documented in this chapter, for the benefit of host-dependent programs that want to access those features. However, once your program depends on any such features, it will work only for certain file servers and not others; in general, it is a good idea to make your program work just as well no matter what file server is being used.

24.2.1 Raw Components and Interchange Components

On some host file systems it is conventional to use lower-case letters in file names, while in others upper case is customary, or possibly required. When pathname components are moved from pathnames of one file system to pathnames of another file system, it is useful to convert the case if necessary so that you get the right case convention for the latter file system as a default. This is especially useful when copying files from one file system to another.

The Lisp Machine system defines two representations for each of several pathname components (the device, directory, name and type). There is the raw form, which is what actually appears in the filename on the host file system, and there is the interchange form, which may differ in alphabetic case from the raw form. The raw form is what is stored inside the pathname object itself, but programs nearly always operate on the interchange form. The :name, :type, etc, operations return the interchange form, and the :new-name, etc, operations expect the interchange form. Additional operations :raw-name, etc, are provided for working with the raw components, but these are rarely needed.

The interchange form is defined so that it is always customarily in upper case. If upper case is customary on the host file system, then the interchange form of a component is the same as the raw form. If lower case is customary on the host file system, as on Unix, then the interchange form has case inverted. More precisely, an all-upper-case component is changed to all-lower-case, an all-lower-case component is changed to all-upper-case, and a mixed-case component is not changed. (This is a one-to-one mapping). Thus, a Unix pathname with a name component of "foo" has an interchange-format name of "FOO", and vice versa.

For host file systems which record case when files are created but ignore case when comparing filenames, the interchange form is always upper case.

The host component is not really a name, and case is always ignored in host names, so there is no need for two forms of host component. The version component does not need them either, because it is never a string.

24.2.2 Pathname Component Operations

Method on pathname: :host
Method on pathname: :device
Method on pathname: :directory
Method on pathname: :name
Method on pathname: :type
Method on pathname: :version

These return the components of the pathname, in interchange form. The returned values can be strings, special symbols, or lists of strings in the case of structured components. The type is always a string or a symbol. The version is always a number or a symbol.

Method on pathname: :raw-device
Method on pathname: :raw-directory
Method on pathname: :raw-name
Method on pathname: :raw-type

These return the components of the pathname, in raw form.

Method on pathname: :new-device dev
Method on pathname: :new-directory dir
Method on pathname: :new-name name
Method on pathname: :new-type type
Method on pathname: :new-version version

These return a new pathname that is the same as the pathname they are sent to except that the value of one of the components has been changed. The specified component value is interpreted as being in interchange form, which means its case may be converted. The :new-device, :new-directory and :new-name operations accept a string (or a special symbol) or a list that is a structured name. If the host does not define structured components, and you specify a list, its first element is used.

Method on pathname: :new-raw-device dev
Method on pathname: :new-raw-directory dir
Method on pathname: :new-raw-name name
Method on pathname: :new-raw-type type

These return a new pathname that is the same as the pathname they are sent to except that the value of one of the components has been changed. The specified component value is interpreted as raw.

Method on pathname: :new-suggested-name name
Method on pathname: :new-suggested-directory dir

These differ from the :new-name and :new-directory operations in that the new pathname constructed has a name or directory based on the suggestion, but not necessarily identical to it. It tries, in a system-dependent manner, to adapt the suggested name or directory to the usual customs of the file system in use.

For example, on a TOPS-20 system, these operations would convert name or dir to upper case, because while lower-case letters may appear in TOPS-20 pathnames, it is not customary to generate such pathnames by default.

Method on pathname: :new-pathname &rest options

This returns a new pathname that is the same as the pathname it is sent to except that the values of some of the components have been changed. options is a list of alternating keywords and values. The keywords all specify values of pathname components; they are :host, :device, :directory, :name, :type, and :version. Alternatively, the keywords :raw-device, :raw-directory, :raw-name and :raw-type may be used to specify a component in raw form.

Two additional keywords, :canonical-type and :original-type, allow the type field to be specified as a canonical type. See the following section for a description of canonical types. Also, the value specified for the keyword :type may be a canonical type symbol.

If an invalid component is specified, it is replaced by some valid component so that a valid pathname can be returned. You can tell whether a component is valid by specifying it in :new-pathname and seeing whether that component of the resulting pathname matches what you specified.

The operations :new-name, etc, are equivalent to :new-pathname specifying only one component to be changed; in fact, that is how those operations are implemented.

24.2.3 Canonical Types

Canonical types are a way of specifying a pathname type component using host-dependent conventions without making the program itself explicitly host dependent. For example, the function compile-file normally provides a default type of "LISP", but on VMS systems the default must be "LSP" instead, and on Unix systems it is "l". What compile-file actually does is to use a canonical type, the keyword :lisp, as the default. This keyword is given a definition as a canonical type, which specifies what it maps into on various file systems.

A single canonical type may have more than one mapping on a particular file system. For example, on TOPS-20 systems the canonical type :LISP maps into either "LISP" or "LSP". One of the possibilities is marked as “preferred”; in this case, it is "LISP". The effect of this is that either FOO.LISP or FOO.LSP would be acceptable as having canonical type :lisp, but merging yields "LISP" as the type when defaulting from :lisp.

Note that the canonical type of a pathname is not a distinct component. It is another way of describing or specifying the type component.

A canonical type must be defined before it is used.

Macro: fs:define-canonical-type symbol standard-mapping system-dependent-mappings...

Defines symbol as a canonical type. standard-mapping is the actual type component that it maps into (a string), with exceptions as specified by system-dependent-mappings. Each element of system-dependent-mappings (that is, each additional argument) is a list of the form

(system-type preferred-mapping other-mappings...)

system-type is one of the system-type keywords the :system-type operation on a host object can return, such as :unix, :tops20, and :lispm (see si:host-alist-var). The argument describes how to map this canonical type on that type of file system. preferred-map (a string) is the preferred mapping of the canonical type, and other-mappings are additional strings that are accepted as matching the canonical type.

system-type may also be a list of system types. Then the argument applies to all of those types of file systems.

All of the mapping strings are in interchange form.

For example, the canonical type :lisp is defined as follows:

(fs:define-canonical-type :lisp "LISP"
  (:unix "L" "LISP")
  (:vms "LSP")
  ((:tops20 :tenex) "LISP" "LSP"))

Other canonical types defined by the system include :qfasl, :text, :press, :qwabl, :babyl, :mail, :xmail, :init, :patch-directory, :midas, :palx, :unfasl, :widths, :output, mac, tasm, doc, mss, tex, pl1 and clu. The standard mapping for each is the symbol’s pname.

To match a pathname against a canonical type, use the :canonical-type operation.

Method on pathname: :canonical-type

Returns two values which describe whether and how this pathname’s type component matches any canonical type.

If the type component is one of the possible mappings of some canonical type, the first value is that canonical type (the symbol). The second value is nil if the type component is the preferred mapping of the canonical type; otherwise it is the actual type component, in interchange form. The second value is called the original type of the pathname.

If the type component does not match a canonical type, the first value is the type component in interchange form (a string), and the second value is nil.

This operation is useful in matching a pathname against a canonical type; the first value is eq to the canonical type if the pathname matches it. The operation is also useful for transferring a type field from one file system to another while preserving canonical type; this is described below.

A new pathname may also be constructed by specifying a canonical type.

Method on pathname: :new-canonical-type canonical-type &optional original-type

Returns a pathname different from this one in having a type component that matches canonical-type.

If original-type is a possible mapping for canonical-type on this pathname’s host, then it is used as the type component. Otherwise, the preferred mapping for canonical-type is used. If original-type is not specified, it defaults to this pathname’s type component. If it is specified as nil, the preferred mapping of the canonical type is always used. If canonical-type is a string rather than an actual canonical type, it is used directly as the type component, and the original-type does not matter.

The :new-pathname operation accepts the keywords :canonical-type and :original-type. The :new-canonical-type operation is equivalent to :new-pathname with those keywords.

Suppose you wish to copy the file named old-pathname to a directory named target-directory-pathname, possibly on another host, while preserving the name, version and canonical type. That is, if the original file has a name acceptable for a QFASL file, the new file should also. Here is how to compute the new pathname:

(multiple-value-bind (canonical original)
    (send old-pathname :canonical-type)
  (send target-directory-pathname :new-pathname 
	:name (send old-pathname :name)
	:version (send old-pathname :version)
	:canonical-type canonical
	:original-type original))

Suppose that old-pathname is OZ:<FOO>A.LISP.5, where OZ is a TOPS-20, and the target directory is on a VMS host. Then canonical is :lisp and original is "LISP". Since "LISP" is not an acceptable mapping for :lisp on a VMS system, the resulting pathname has as its type component the preferred mapping for :lisp on VMS, namely, "LSP".

But if the target host is a Unix host, the new file’s type is "LISP", since that is an acceptable (though not preferred) mapping for :lisp on Unix hosts. If you would rather that the preferred mapping always be used for the new file’s type, omit the :original-type argument to the :new-pathname operation. This would result in a type component of "L" in interchange form, or "l" in raw form, in the new file’s pathname.

The function compile-file actually does something cleverer than using the canonical type as a default. Doing that, and opening the resulting pathname, would look only for the preferred mapping of the canonical type. compile-file actually tries to open each possible mapping, trying the preferred mapping first. Here is how it does so:

Method on pathname: :open-canonical-default-type canonical-type &rest options

If this pathname’s type component is non-nil, the pathname is simply opened, passing the options to the :open operation. If the type component is nil, each mapping of canonical-type is tried as a type component, in the order the mappings appear in the canonical type definition. If an open succeeds, a stream is returned. The possibilities continue to be tried as long as fs:file-not-found errors happen; other errors are not handled. If all the possibilities fail, a fs:file-not-found error is signaled for the caller, with a pathname that contains the preferred mapping as its type component.

24.3 Defaults and Merging

When the user is asked to type in a pathname, it is of course unreasonable to require the user to type a complete pathname, containing all components. Instead there are defaults, so that components not specified by the user can be supplied automatically by the system. Each program that deals with pathnames typically has its own set of defaults.

The system defines an object called a defaults alist. Functions are provided to create one, get the default pathname out of one, merge a pathname with one, and store a pathname back into one. A defaults alist can remember more than one default pathname if defaults are being kept separately for each host; this is controlled by the variable fs:*defaults-are-per-host*. The main primitive for using defaults is the function fs:merge-pathname-defaults (see fs:merge-pathname-defaults-fun).

In place of a defaults alist, you may use just a pathname. Defaulting one pathname from another is useful for cases such as a program that has an input file and an output file, and asks the user for the name of both, letting the unsupplied components of one name default from the other. Unspecified components of the output pathname come from the input pathname, except that the type should default not to the type of the input but to the appropriate default type for output from this program.

The implementation of a defaults alist is an association list of host names and default pathnames. The host name nil is special and holds the defaults for all hosts, when defaults are not per-host.

The merging operation takes as input a pathname, a defaults alist (or another pathname), a default type, and a default version, and returns a pathname. Basically, the missing components in the pathname are filled in from the defaults alist. However, if a name is specified but the type or version is not, then the type or version is treated specially.

Here are the merging rules in full detail.

If no host is specified, the host is taken from the defaults. If the pathname explicitly specifies a host and does not supply a device, then the the default file device for that host is used.

If the pathname specifies a device named DSK, that is replaced with the working device for the pathname’s host, and the directory defaults to the working directory for the host if it is not specified. See fs:set-host-working-directory, below.

Next, if the pathname does not specify a host, device, directory, or name, that component comes from the defaults.

If the value of fs:*always-merge-type-and-version* is non-nil, the type and version are merged just like the other components.

If fs:*always-merge-type-and-version* is nil, as it normally is, the merging rules for the type and version are more complicated and depend on whether the pathname specifies a name. If the pathname doesn’t specify a name, then the type and version, if not provided, come from the defaults, just like the other components. However, if the pathname does specify a name, then the type and version come from the default-type and default-version arguments to merge-pathname-defaults. If those arguments were omitted, the value of fs:*name-specified-default-type* (initially, :lisp) is used as the default type, and :newest is used as the default version.

The reason for this is that the type and version “belong to” some other filename, and are thought to be unlikely to have anything to do with the new filename you are typing in.

Function: fs:set-host-working-directory host pathname

Sets the working device and working directory for host to those specified in pathname. host should be a host object or the name of a host. pathname may be a string or a pathname. The working device and working directory are used for defaulting pathnames in which the device is specified as DSK.

The editor command Meta-X Set Working Directory provides a convenient interface to this function.

The following special variables are parts of the pathname interface that are relevant to defaults.

Variable: fs:*defaults-are-per-host*

This is a user customization option intended to be set by a user’s LISPM INIT file (see lispm-init-file). The default value is nil, which means that each program’s set of defaults contains only one default pathname. If you type in just a host name and a colon, the other components of the name default from the previous host, with appropriate translation to the new host’s pathname syntax. If fs:*defaults-are-per-host* is set to t, each program’s set of defaults maintains a separate default pathname for each host. If you type in just a host name and a colon, the last file that was referenced on that host is used.

Variable: fs:*always-merge-type-and-version*

If this variable is non-nil, then the type and version are defaulted only from the pathname defaults just like the other components.

Variable: fs:*name-specified-default-type*

If fs:*always-merge-type-and-version* is nil, then when a name is specified but not a type, the type defaults from an argument to the merging function. If that argument is not specified, this variable’s value is used. It may be a string or a canonical type keyword. The value is initially :lisp.

Variable: *default-pathname-defaults*

This is the default defaults alist; if the pathname primitives that need a set of defaults are not given one, they use this one. Most programs, however, should have their own defaults rather than using these.

Variable: cli:*default-pathname-defaults*

The Common Lisp version of the default pathname defaults. The value of this variable is a pathname rather than an alist. This variable is magically (with a forwarding pointer) identified with a cell in the defaults-alist which the system really uses, so that setting this variable modifies the contents of the alist.

Variable: fs:last-file-opened

This is the pathname of the last file that was opened. Occasionally this is useful as a default. Since some programs deal with files without notifying the user, you must not expect the user to know what the value of this symbol is. Using this symbol as a default may cause unfortunate surprises if you don’t announce it first, and so such use is discouraged.

These functions are used to manipulate defaults alists directly.

Function: fs:make-pathname-defaults

Creates a defaults alist initially containing no defaults. If you ask this empty set of defaults for its default pathname before anything has been stored into it you get the file FOO on the user’s home directory on the host he logged in to.

Function: fs:copy-pathname-defaults defaults

Creates a defaults alist, initially a copy of defaults.

Function: fs:default-pathname &optional defaults host default-type default-version

This is the primitive function for getting a default pathname out of a defaults alist. Specifying the optional arguments host, default-type, and default-version to be non-nil forces those fields of the returned pathname to contain those values.

If fs:*defaults-are-per-host* is nil (its default value), this gets the one relevant default from the alist. If it is t, this gets the default for host if one is specified, otherwise for the host most recently used.

If defaults is not specified, the default defaults are used.

This function also has an additional optional argument internal-p, which is obsolete.

Function: fs:default-host defaults

Returns the default host object specified by the defaults-alist defaults. This is the host used by pathname defaulting with the given defaults if no host is specified.

Function: fs:set-default-pathname pathname &optional defaults

This is the primitive function for updating a set of defaults. It stores pathname into defaults. If defaults is not specified, the default defaults are used.

24.4 Pathname Functions

This function obtains a pathname from an object if that is possible.

Function: pathname object

Converts object to a pathname and returns that, if possible. If object is a string or symbol, it is parsed. If object is a plausible stream, it is asked for its pathname with the :pathname operation. If object is a pathname, it is simply returned. Any other kind of object causes an error.

These functions are what programs use to parse and default file names that have been typed in or otherwise supplied by the user.

Function: parse-namestring thing &optional host defaults &key (start 0) end junk-allowed

Is the Common Lisp function for parsing file names. It is equivalent to fs:parse-pathname except in that it takes some keyword arguments where the other function takes all positional arguments.

Function: fs:parse-pathname thing &optional host defaults (start 0) end junk-allowed

This turns thing, which can be a pathname, a string, a symbol, or a Maclisp-style name list, into a pathname. Most functions that are advertised to take a pathname argument call fs:parse-pathname on it so that they can accept anything that can be turned into a pathname. If thing is itself a pathname, it is returned unchanged.

If thing is a string, start and end are interpreted as indices specifying a substring to parse. They are just like the second and third arguments to substring. The rest of thing is ignored. start and end are ignored if thing is not a string.

If junk-allowed is non-nil, parsing stops without error if the syntax is invalid, and this function returns nil. The second value is then the index of the invalid character. If parsing is successful, the second value is the index of the place at which parsing was supposed to stop (end, or the end of thing). If junk-allowed is nil, invalid syntax signals an error.

This function does not do defaulting, even though it has an argument named defaults; it only does parsing. The host and defaults arguments are there because in order to parse a string into a pathname, it is necessary to know what host it is for so that it can be parsed with the file name syntax peculiar to that host. If thing does not contain a manifest host name, then if host is non-nil, it is the host name to use, as a string. If thing is a string, a manifest host name may be at the beginning or the end, and consists of the name of a host followed by a colon. If host is nil then the host name is obtained from the default pathname in defaults. If defaults is not supplied, the default defaults (*default-pathname-defaults*) are used.

Note that if host is specified, and thing contains a host name, an error is signaled if they are not the same host.

Condition on fs:pathname-parse-error: (fs:pathname-error error)

This condition is signaled when fs:parse-pathname finds a syntax error in the string it is given.

fs:parse-pathname sets up a nonlocal proceed type :new-pathname for this condition. The proceed type expects one argument, a pathname, which is returned from fs:parse-pathname.

Function: fs:merge-pathname-defaults pathname &optional defaults default-type default-version

Fills in unspecified components of pathname from the defaults and returns a new pathname. This is the function that most programs should call to process a file name supplied by the user. pathname can be a pathname, a string, a symbol, or a Maclisp namelist. The returned value is always a pathname. The merging rules are documented on pathname-merging-rules.

If defaults is a pathname, rather than a defaults alist, then the defaults are taken from its components. This is how you merge two pathnames. (In Maclisp that operation is called mergef.)

defaults defaults to the value of *default-pathname-defaults* if unsupplied. default-type defaults to the value of fs:*name-specified-default-type*. default-version defaults to :newest.

Function: merge-pathnames pathname &optional defaults (default-version :newest)

Is the Common Lisp function for pathname defaulting. It does only some of the things that fs:merge-pathname-defaults does. It merges defaults from defaults (which defaults to the value of *default-pathname-defaults*) into pathname to get a new pathname, which is returned. pathname can be a string (or symbol); then it is parsed and the result is defaulted. default-version is used as the version when pathname has a name but no version.

Function: fs:merge-and-set-pathname-defaults pathname &optional defaults default-type default-version

This is the same as fs:merge-pathname-defaults except that after it is done the defaults-list defaults is modified so that the merged pathname is the new default. This is handy for programs that have sticky defaults, which means that the default for each command is the last filename used. (If defaults is a pathname rather than a defaults alist, then no storing back is done.) The optional arguments default the same way as in fs:merge-pathname-defaults.

These functions convert a pathname into a namestring for all or some of the pathname’s components.

Function: namestring pathname

Returns a string containing the printed form of pathname, as you would type it in. This uses the :string-for-printing operation.

Function: file-namestring pathname

Returns a string showing just the name, type and version of pathname. This uses the :string-for-dired operation.

Function: directory-namestring pathname

Returns a string showing just the device and directory of pathname. This uses the :string-for-directory operation.

Function: enough-namestring pathname &optional defaults

Returns a string showing just the components of pathname which would not be obtained by defaulting from defaults. This is the shortest string that would suffice to specify pathname, given those defaults. It is made by using the :string-for-printing operation on a modified pathname.

This function yields a pathname given its components.

Function: make-pathname &key (defaults t) host device raw-device directory raw-directory name raw-name type raw-type version canonical-type original-type

Returns a pathname whose components are as specified.

If defaults is a pathname or a defaults-alist, any components not explicitly specified default from it. If defaults is t (which is the default), then unspecified components default to nil, except for the host (since every pathname must have a specific host), which defaults based on *default-pathname-defaults*.

These functions give the components of a pathname.

Function: pathname-host pathname

Returns the host component of pathname.

Function: pathname-device pathname
Function: pathname-directory pathname
Function: pathname-name pathname
Function: pathname-type pathname
Function: pathname-version pathname

Likewise, for the other components

These functions return useful information.

Function: fs:user-homedir &optional host reset-p (user user-id) force-p
Function: user-homedir-pathname &optional host reset-p (user user-id) force-p

Returns the pathname of the user’s home directory on host. These default to the logged in user and the host logged in to. Home directory is a somewhat system-dependent concept, but from the point of view of the Lisp Machine it is the directory where the user keeps personal files such as init files and mail.

This function returns a pathname without any name, type, or version component (those components are all nil).

If reset-p is specified non-nil, the machine the user is logged in to is changed to be host.

The synonym user-homedir-pathname is from Common Lisp.

Function: init-file-pathname program-name &optional host

Returns the pathname of the logged-in user’s init file for the program program-name, on the host, which defaults to the host the user logged in to. Programs that load init files containing user customizations call this function to find where to look for the file, so that they need not know the separate init file name conventions of each host operating system. The program-name "LISPM" is used by the login function.

These functions are useful for poking around.

Function: fs:describe-pathname pathname

If pathname is a pathname object, this describes it, showing you its properties (if any) and information about files with that name that have been loaded into the machine. If pathname is a string, this describes all interned pathnames that match that string, ignoring components not specified in the string. One thing this is useful for is finding the directory of a file whose name you remember. Giving describe (see describe-fun) a pathname object invokes this function.

Function: fs:pathname-plist pathname

Parses and defaults pathname, then returns the list of properties of that pathname.

Variable: fs:*pathname-hash-table*

This is the hash table in which pathname objects are interned. You can find all pathnames ever constructed by applying the function maphash to this hash table.

24.5 Generic Pathnames

A generic pathname stands for a whole family of files. The property list of a generic pathname is used to remember information about the family, some of which (such as the package) comes from the -*- line (see file-attribute-list) of a source file in the family. Several types of files with that name, in that directory, belong together. They are different members of the same family; for example, they may be source code and compiled code. However, there may be several other types of files that form a logically distinct group even though they have this same name; TEXT and PRESS for example. The exact mapping is done on a per host basis since it can sometimes be affected by host naming conventions.

The generic pathname of pathname p usually has the same host, device, directory, and name as p does. However, it has a version of :unspecific. The type of the generic pathname is obtained by sending a :generic-base-type type-of-p message to the host of p. The default response to this message is to return the associated type from fs:*generic-base-type-alist* if there is one, else type-of-p. Both the argument and the value are either strings, in interchange form, or canonical type symbols.

However, the ITS file system presents special problems. One cannot distinguish multiple generic base types in this same way since the type component does not exist as such; it is derived from the second filename, which unfortunately is also sometimes used as a version number. Thus, on ITS, the type of a generic pathname is always :unspecific if there is any association for the type of the pathname on fs:*generic-base-type-alist*.

Since generic pathnames are primarily useful for storing properties, it is important that they be as standardized and conceptualized as possible. For this reason, generic pathnames are defined to be backtranslated, i.e the generic pathname of a pathname that is (or could be) the result of a logical host translation has the host and directory of the logical pathname. For example, the generic pathname of OZ:<L.WINDOW>;STREAM LISP would be SYS:WINDOW;STREAM   if OZ is the system host.

All version numbers of a particular pathname share the same identical generic pathname. If the values of particular properties have changed between versions, it is possible for confusion to result. One way to deal with this problem is to have the property be a list associating version number with the actual desired property. Then it is relatively easy to determine which versions have which values for the property in question and select one appropriately. But in the applications for which generic pathnames are typically used, this is not necessary.

The :generic-pathname operation on a pathname returns its corresponding generic pathname. See pathname-generic-pathname-method. The :source-pathname operation on a pathname returns the actual or probable pathname of the corresponding source file (with :newest as the version). See pathname-source-pathname-method.

Variable: fs:*generic-base-type-alist*

This is an association list of the file types and the type of the generic pathname used for the group of which that file type is a part. Constructing a generic pathname replaces the file type with the association from this list, if there is one (except that ITS hosts always replace with :unspecific). File types not in this list are really part of the name in some sense. The initial list is

 ((:text . :text) ("DOC" . :text)
  (:press . :text) ("XGP" . :text)
  (:lisp . :unspecific) (:qfasl . :unspecific)
  (nil . :unspecific))

The association of :lisp and :unspecific is unfortunately made necessary by the problems of ITS mentioned previously. This way makes the generic pathnames of logically mapped LISP files identical no matter whether the logical host is mapped to an ITS host or not.

The first entry in the list with a particular cdr is the entry for the type that source files have. Note how the first element whose cdr is :unspecific is the one for :lisp. This is how the :source-pathname operation knows what to do, by default.

Some users may need to add to this list.

The system records certain properties on generic pathnames automatically.


This property is used to record compilation and other warnings for the file.


This property records all the functions and other things defined in the file. The value has one element for each package into which the file has been loaded; the element’s car is the package itself and the cdr is a list of definitions made.

Each definition is a cons whose car is the symbol or function spec defined and whose cdr is the type of definition (usually one of the symbols defun, defvar, defflavor and defstruct).


This property’s value is a list of the names of all the systems (defined with defsystem, see defsystem-fun) of which this is a source file.


This property records what version of the file was most recently loaded. In case the file has been loaded into more than one package, as is sometimes necessary, the loaded version is remembered for each package separately. This is how make-system tells whether a file needs to be reloaded. The value is a list with an element for each package that the file has been loaded into; the elements look like

(package file-information)

package is the package object itself; file-information is the value returned by the :info operation on a file stream, and is usually a cons whose car is the truename (a pathname) and whose cdr is the file creation date (a universal time number).

Some additional properties are put on the generic pathname by reading the attribute list of the file (see fs:read-attribute-list-fun). It is not completely clear that this is the right place to store these properties, so it may change in the future. Any property name can appear in the attributes list and get onto the generic pathname; the standard ones are described in file-attribute-list.

24.6 Pathname Operations

This section documents the operations a user may send to a pathname object. Pathnames handle some additional operations that are only intended to be sent by the file system itself, and therefore are not documented here. Someone who wants to add a new host to the system would need to understand those internal operations.

The operations on pathnames that actually operate on files are documented in pathname-file-operations. Certain pathname flavors, for specific kinds of hosts, allow additional special purpose operations. These are documented in specific-host-syntax in the section on the specific host type.

Method on pathname: :generic-pathname

Returns the generic pathname for the family of files of which this pathname is a member. See generic-pathname for documentation on generic pathnames.

Method on pathname: :source-pathname

Returns the pathname for the source file in the family of files to which this pathname belongs. The returned pathname has :newest as its version. If the file has been loaded in some fashion into the Lisp environment, then the pathname type is that which the user actually used. Otherwise, the conventional file type for source files is determined from the generic pathname.

Method on pathname: :primary-device

Returns the default device name for the pathname’s host. This is used in generating the initial default pathname for a host.

Operations dealing with wildcards.

The character * in a namestring is a wildcard. It means that the pathname is a really a pattern which specifies a set of possible filenames rather than a single filename. The matches any sequence of characters within a single component of the name. Thus, the component FOO* would match FOO, FOOBAR, FOOT, or any other component starting with FOO.

Any component of a pathname can contain wildcards except the host; wild hosts are not allowed because a known host is required in order to know what flavor the pathname should be. If a pathname component is written in the namestring as just *, the actual component of the pathname instance is the keyword :wild. Components which contain wildcards but are not simply a single wildcard are represented in ways subject to change.

Pathnames whose components contain wildcards are called wild pathnames. Wild pathnames useful in functions such as delete-file for requesting the deletion of many files at once. Less obviously but more fundamentally, wild pathnames are required for most use of the function fs:directory-list; an entire directory’s contents are obtained by specifying a pathname whose name, type and version components are :wild.

Method on pathname: :wild-p

Returns non-nil if this pathname contains any sort of wildcards. If the value is not nil, it is a keyword, one of device, :directory, :name, :type and :version, and it identifies the ‘first’ component which is wild.

Method on pathname: :device-wild-p

t if this pathname’s device contains any sort of wildcards.

Method on pathname: :directory-wild-p
Method on pathname: :name-wild-p
Method on pathname: :type-wild-p
Method on pathname: :version-wild-p

Similar, for the other components that can be wild. (The host cannot ever be wild.)

Method on pathname: :pathname-match candidate-pathname &optional (match-host-p t)

Returns t if candidate-pathname matches the pathname on which the operation is invoked (called, in this context, the pattern pathname). If the pattern pathname contains no wildcards, the pathnames match only if they are identical. This operation is intended in cases where wildcards are expected.

Wildcard matching is done individually by component; the operation returns t only if each component matches. Within each component, an occurrencs of * in pattern pathname’s component can match any sequence of characters in candidate-pathname’s component. Other characters, except for host-specific wildcards, must match exactly. :wild as a component of the pattern pathname matches any component that candidate-pathname may have.

Note that if a component of the pattern pathname is nil, candidate-pathname’s component must be nil also to match it. Most user programs that read pathnames and use them as patterns default unspecified components to :wild first.


(defvar pattern)
(defun test (str)
  (send pattern
        (parse-namestring str)))

(setq pattern
      (parse-namestring "OZ:*:<F*O>*.TEXT.*"))

(test "OZ:<FOO>A.TEXT") => t
(test "OZ:<FO>HAHA.TEXT.3") => t
(test "OZ:<FPPO>HAHA.TEXT.*") => t
(test "OZ:<FOX>LOSE.TEXT") => nil

(setq pattern
      (parse-namestring "OZ:*:<*>A.TEXT*.5"))

(test "OZ:<FOO>A.TEXT.5") => t
(test "OZ:<FOO>A.TEXTTTT.5") => t
(test "OZ:<FOO>A.TEXT") => nil

If match-host-p is nil, then the host components of the two pathnames are not tested. The result then depends only on the other components.

Method on pathname: :translate-wild-pathname target-pattern starting-data &optional reversible

Returns a pathname corresponding to starting-data under the mapping defined by the wild pathnames source-pattern, which is the pathname this operation is invoked on, and target-pattern, the argument. It is expected that starting-data would match the source pattern under the :pathname-match operation.

:translate-wild-pathname is used by functions such as copy-file which use one wild pathname to specify a set of files and a second wild pathname to specify a corresponding filename for each file in the set. The first wild pathname would be used as the source-pattern and the second, specifying the name to copy each file to, would be passed as the target-pattern pathname.

Each component of the result is computed individually from the corresponding components of starting-data and the pattern pathnames, using the following rules:


If target-pattern’s component is ;wild, then the result component is taken from starting-data.


Otherwise, each non-wild character in target-pattern’s component is taken literally into the result. Each wild character in target-pattern’s component is paired with a wild character in source-pattern’s component, and thereby with the portion of starting-data’s component which that matched. This portion of starting-data appears in the result in place of the wild target character.


(setq source (fs:parse-pathname "OZ:PS:<FOO>A*B*.*.*"))
(setq target (fs:parse-pathname "OZ:SS:<*>*LOSE*.*B.*"))

(send source :translate-wild-pathname target
      (fs:parse-pathname "OZ:PS:<FOO>ALIBI.LISP.3"))
 => the pathname OZ:SS:<FOO>LILOSEI.LISPB.3

It is easiest to understand the mapping as being done in interchange case: the interchange components of the arguments are used and the results specify the interchange components of the value.

The type component is slightly special; if the target-pattern type is :wild, the canonical type of starting-data is taken and then interpreted according to the mappings of the target host. Example:

(setq source (fs:parse-pathname "OZ:PS:<FOO>A*.*.*"))
(setq target (fs:parse-pathname "U://usr//foo//b*.*"))

(send source :translate-wild-pathname target
      (fs:parse-pathname "OZ:PS:<FOO>ALL.LISP"))
 => the pathname U:/usr/foo/bll.l

If reversible is non-nil, rule 1 is not used; rule 2 controls all mapping. This mode is used by logical pathname translation. It makes a difference when the target pattern component is :wild and the source pattern component contains wildcards but is not simply :wild. For example, with source and target pattern components BIG* and *, and starting data BIGGER, the result is ordinarily BIGGER by rule 1, but with reversible translation the result is GER.

Operations to get a path name string out of a pathname object:

Method on pathname: :string-for-printing

Returns a string that is the printed representation of the path name. This is the same as what you get if you princ the pathname or take string of it.

Method on pathname: :string-for-wholine length

Returns a string like the :string-for-printing, but designed to fit in length characters. length is a suggestion; the actual returned string may be shorter or longer than that. However, the who-line updater truncates the value to that length if it is longer.

Method on pathname: :string-for-editor

Returns a string that is the pathname with its components rearranged so that the name is first. The editor uses this form to name its buffers.

Method on pathname: :string-for-dired

Returns a string to be used by the directory editor. The string contains only the name, type, and version.

Method on pathname: :string-for-directory

Returns a string that contains only the device and directory of the pathname. It identifies one directory among all directories on the host.

Method on pathname: :string-for-host

Returns a string that is the pathname the way the host file system likes to see it.

Operations to move around through a hierarchy of directories:

Method on pathname: :pathname-as-directory

Assuming that the file described by the pathname is a directory, return another pathname specifying that as a directory. Thus, if sent to a pathname OZ:<RMS>FOO.DIRECTORY, it would return the pathname OZ:<RMS.FOO>. The name, type and version of the returned pathname are :unspecific.

Method on pathname: :directory-pathname-as-file

This is the inverse of the preceding operation. It returns a pathname specifying as a file the directory of the original pathname. The name, type and version of the original pathname are ignored.

The special symbol :root can be used as the directory component of a pathname on file systems that have a root directory.

Operations to manipulate the property list of a pathname:

Method on pathname: :get property-name &optional default-value
Method on pathname: :getl list-of-property-names
Method on pathname: :putprop value property-name
Method on pathname: :remprop property-name
Method on pathname: :plist

These manipulate the pathname’s property list, and are used if you call the property list functions of the same names (see get-fun) giving the pathname as the first argument. Please read the paragraph on pathname-plist-warning explaining the care you must take in using property lists of pathnames.

24.7 Host File Systems Supported

This section lists the host file systems supported, gives an example of the pathname syntax for each system, and discusses any special idiosyncracies. More host types may be added in the future.

24.7.1 ITS

An ITS pathname looks like "host: device: dir; name type-or-version". The primary device is DSK: but other devices such as ML:, ARC:, DVR:, or PTR: may be used.

ITS does not exactly fit the virtual file system model, in that a file name has two components (FN1 and FN2) rather than three (name, type, and version). Consequently to map any virtual pathname into an ITS filename, it is necessary to decide whether the FN2 is the type or the version. The rule is that usually the type goes in the FN2 and the version is ignored; however, certain types (LISP and TEXT) are ignored and instead the version goes in the FN2. Also if the type is :unspecific the FN2 is the version.

Given an ITS filename, it is converted into a pathname by making the FN2 the version if it is ‘<’, ‘>’, or a number. Otherwise the FN2 becomes the type. ITS pathnames allow the special version symbols :oldest and :newest, which correspond to ‘<’ and ‘>’ respectively.

In every ITS pathname either the version or the type is :unspecific or nil; sometimes both are. When you create a new ITS pathname, if you specify only the version or only the type, the one not specified becomes :unspecific. If both are specified, the version is :unspecific unless the type is a normally-ignored type (such as LISP) in which case the version is :newest and the type is :unspecific so that numeric FN2’s are found.

Each component of an ITS pathname is mapped to upper case and truncated to six characters.

Special characters (space, colon, and semicolon) in a component of an ITS pathname can be quoted by prefixing them with right horseshoe (delta) or equivalence sign (). Right horseshoe is the same character code in the Lisp Machine character set as control-Q in the ITS character set.

An ITS pathname can have a structured name, which is a list of two strings, the FN1 and the FN2. In this case there is neither a type nor a version.

An ITS pathname with an FN2 but no FN1 (i.e a type and/or version but no name) is represented with the placeholder FN1 ‘’, because ITS pathname syntax provides no way to write an FN2 without an FN1 before it.

The ITS init file naming convention is "homedir; user program".

Variable: fs:*its-uninteresting-types*

The ITS file system does not have separate file types and version numbers; both components are stored in the “FN2”. This variable is a list of the file types that are “not important”; files with these types use the FN2 for a version number. Files with other types use the FN2 for the type and do not have a version number. The initial list is

("LISP" "TEXT" nil :unspecific)

Some users may need to add to this list.

Method on its-pathname: :fn1
Method on its-pathname: :fn2

These two operations return a string that is the FN1 or FN2 host-dependent component of the pathname.

Method on pathname: :type-and-version
Method on pathname: :new-type-and-version new-type new-version

These two operations provide a way of pretending that ITS pathnames can have both a type and a version. They use the first three characters of the FN2 to store a type and the last three to store a version number.

On an ITS-pathname, :type-and-version returns the type and version thus extracted (not the same as the type and version of the pathname). :new-type-and-version returns a new pathname constructed from the specified new type and new version.

On any other type of pathname, these operations simply return or set both the type component and the version component.

24.7.2 TOPS-20 (Twenex), Tenex, and VMS.

A pathname on TOPS-20 (better known as Twenex) looks like


The primary device is PS:.

TOPS-20 pathnames are mapped to upper case. Special characters (including lower-case letters) are quoted with the circle-cross (circleX) character, which has the same character code in the Lisp Machine character set as Control-V, the standard Twenex quoting character, in the ASCII character set.

If you specify a period after the name, but nothing after that, then the type is :unspecific, which translates into an empty extension on the TOPS-20 system. If you omit the period, you have allowed the type to be defaulted.

TOPS-20 pathnames allow the special version symbols :oldest and :newest. In the string form of a pathname, these are expressed as ‘.-2’, and as an omitted version.

The directory component of a TOPS-20 pathname may be structured. The directory <FOO.BAR> is represented as the list ("FOO" "BAR").

The characters * and % are wildcards that match any sequence of characters and any single character (within one pathname component), respectively. To specify a filename that actually contains a * or % character, quote the character with circleX. When a component is specified with just a single *, the symbol :wild appears in the pathname object.

The TOPS-20 init file naming convention is "<user>program.INIT".

When there is an attempt to display a TOPS-20 file name in the who-line and there isn’t enough room to show the entire name, the name is truncated and followed by a center-dot character to indicate that there is more to the name than can be displayed.

Tenex pathnames are almost the same as TOPS-20 pathnames, except that the version is preceeded by a semi-colon instead of a period, the default device is DSK instead of PS, and the quoting requirements are slightly different.

VMS pathnames are basically like TOPS-20 pathnames, with a few complexities. The primary device is USRD$.

First of all, only alphanumeric characters are allowed in filenames (though $ and underscore can appear in device names).

Secondly, a version number is preceded by ‘;’ rather than by ‘.’.

Thirdly, file types (called “extensions” in VMS terminology) are limited to three characters. Each of the system’s canonical types has a special mapping for VMS pathnames, which is three characters long:

:lisp  LSP	:text  TXT	:qfasl  QFS	:midas  MID
:press  PRS	:widths  WID	:patch-directory  PDR
:qwabl  QWB	:babyl  BAB	:mail  MAI	:xmail  XML
:init  INI 	:unfasl  UNF	:output  OUT

24.7.3 Unix and Multics Pathnames

A Unix pathname is a sequence of directory or file names separated by slashes. The last name is the filename; preceding ones are directory names (but directories are files anyway). There are no devices or versions. Alphabetic case is significant in Unix pathnames, no case conversion is normally done, and lower case is the default. Therefore, components of solid upper or lower case are inverted in case when going between interchange form and raw form. (What the user types in a pathname string is the raw form.)

Unix allows you to specify a pathname relative to your default directory by using just a filename, or starting with the first subdirectory name; you can specify it starting from the root directory by starting with a slash. In addition, you can start with ‘..’ as a directory name one or more times, to refer upward in the hierarchy from the default directory.

Unix pathnames on the Lisp Machine provide all these features too, but the canonicalization to a simple descending list of directory names starting from the root is done on the Lisp Machine itself when you merge the specified pathname with the defaults.

If a pathname string starts with a slash, the pathname object that results from parsing it is called “absolute”. Otherwise the pathname object is called “relative”.

In an absolute pathname object, the directory component is either a symbol (nil, :unspecific or :root), a string, or a list of strings. A single string is used when there is only one level of directory in the pathname.

A relative pathname has a directory that is a list of the symbol :relative followed by some strings. When the pathname is merged with defaults, the strings in the list are appended to the strings in the default directory. The result of merging is always an absolute pathname.

In a relative pathname’s string form, the string “..” can be used as a directory name. It is translated to the symbol :up when the string is parsed. That symbol is processed when the relative pathname is merged with the defaults.

Restrictions on the length of Unix pathnames require abbreviations for the standard Zetalisp pathname types, just as for VMS. On Unix the preferred mappings of all canonical types are one or two characters long. We give here the mappings in raw form; they are actually specified in interchange form.

:lisp  l	:text  tx	:qfasl  qf	:midas  md
:press  pr	:widths  wd	:patch-directory  pd
:qwabl  qw	:babyl  bb	:mail  ma	:xmail  xm
:init  in	:unfasl  uf	:output  ot

The Multics file system is much like the Unix one; there are absolute and relative pathnames, absolute ones start with a directory delimiter, and there are no devices or versions. Alphabetic case is significant.

There are differences in details. Directory names are terminated, and absolute pathnames begun, with the character ‘>’. The containing directory is referred to by the character ‘<’, which is complete in itself. It does not require a delimiter. Thus, <<FOO>BAR refers to subdirectory FOO, file BAR in the superdirectory of the superdirectory of the default directory.

The limits on filename sizes are very large, so the system canonical types all use their standard mappings. Since the mappings are specified as upper case, and then interpreted as being in interchange form, the actual file names on Multics contain lower case.

24.7.4 Lisp Machine File Systems

There are two file systems that run in the MIT Lisp Machine system. They have different pathname syntax. Both can be accessed either remotely like any other file server, or locally.

The Local-File system uses host name LM for the machine you are on. A Local-File system on another machine can be accessed using the name of that machine as a host name, provided that machine is known as a file server.

The remainder of the pathname for the Local-File system looks like "directory; name.type#version". There is no restriction on the length of names; letters are converted to upper case. Subdirectories are allowed and are specified by putting periods between the directory components, as in RMS.SUBDIR;.

The TOPS-20 pathname syntax is also accepted. In addition, if the flag fs:*lmfs-use-twenex-syntax* is non-nil, Local-File pathnames print out using TOPS-20 syntax. Note that since the printed representation of a pathname is cached, changing this flag’s value does not change the printing of pathnames with existing representations.

The Local-File system on the filecomputer at MIT has the host name FS.

The LMFILE system is primarily for use as a file server, unless you have 512k of memory. At MIT it runs on the filecomputer and is accessed remotely with host name FC.

The remainder of an LMFILE pathname looks like "directory; name type#version". However, the directory and name can be composed of any number of subnames, separated by backslashes. This is how subdirectories are specified. FOO;BAR\X refers to the same file as FOO\BAR;X, but the two ways of specifying the file have different consequences in defaulting, getting directory listings, etc.

Case is significant in LMFILE pathnames; however, when you open a file, the LMFILE system ignores the case when it matches your pathname against the existing files. As a result, the case you use matters when you create or rename a file, and appears in directory listings, but it is ignored when you refer to an existing file, and you cannot have two files whose names differ only in case. When components are accessed in interchange form, they are always converted to upper case.

24.7.5 Logical Pathnames

There is another kind of pathname that doesn’t correspond to any particular file server. It is called a logical pathname, and its host is called a logical host. Every logical pathname can be translated into a corresponding physical pathname because each logical host records a corresponding actual (“physical”) host and rules for translating the other components of the pathname.

The reason for having logical pathnames is to make it easy to keep bodies of software on more than one file system. An important example is the body of software that constitutes the Lisp Machine system. Every site has a copy of all of the sources of the programs that are loaded into the initial Lisp environment. Some sites may store the sources on an ITS file system, while others may store them on a TOPS-20. However, system software (including make-system) wishes to be able to find a particular file independent of the name of the host a particular site stores it on, or even the kind of host it is. This is done by means of the logical host SYS; all pathnames for system files are actually logical pathnames with host SYS. At each site, SYS is defined as a logical host, but translations are different at each site. For example, at MIT the source files are stored on the TOPS-20 system named OZ, so MIT’s site file says that SYS should translate to the host OZ.

Each logical host, such as SYS, has a list of translations, each of which says how to map certain pathnames for that host into pathnames for the corresponding physical host. To translate a logical pathname, the system tests each of the logical host’s translations, in sequence, to see if it is applicable. (If none is applicable, an error is signaled.) A translation consists of a pair of pathnames or namestrings, typically containing wildcards. Unspecified components in them default to :wild. The from-pathname of the translation is used to match against the pathname to be translated; if it matches, the corresponding to-pathname is used to construct the translation, filling in its wild fields from the pathname being translated as in the :translate-wild-pathname operation (pathname-translate-wild-pathname-method).

Most commonly the translations contain pathnames that have only directories specified, everything else wild. Then the other components are unchanged by translation.

If the files accessed through the logical host are moved, the translations can be changed so that the same logical pathnames refer to the same files on their new physical host via physical pathnames changed to fit the restrictions and the conventions of the new physical host.

Each translation is specified as a list of two strings. The strings are parsed into pathnames and any unspecified components are defaulted to :wild. The first string of the pair is the source pattern; it is parsed with logical pathname syntax. The second string is the target pattern, and it is parsed with the pathname syntax for the specified physical host.

For example, suppose that logical host FOO maps to physical host BAR, a Tops-20, and has the following list of translations:

(("BACK;" "PS:<FOO.BACK>")

Then all pathnames with host FOO and directory BACK translate to host BAR, device PS and directory <FOO.BACK> with name, type and version unchanged. All pathnames with host FOO, directory FRONT and type QFASL translate to host BAR, device SS, directory <FOO.QFASL> and type QFASL, with name and version unchanged. All other pathnames with host FOO and directory FRONT map to host BAR, device PS and directory <FOO.FRONT>, with name, type and version unchanged. Note that the first translation whose pattern matches a given pathname is the one that is used.

Another site might define FOO’s to map to a Unix host QUUX, with the following translation list:

(("BACK;" "//nd//foo//back//")
 ("FRONT;" "//nd//foo//front//"))

This site apparently does not see a need to store the QFASL files in a separate directory. Note that the slashes are duplicated to quote them for Lisp; the actual namestrings contain single slashes as is usual with Unix.

If the last translation’s source pattern is entirely wild, it applies to any pathname not so far handled. Example:

(("BACK;" "//nd//foo//back//")
 ("" "//nd//foo1//*//"))

Physical pathnames can also be back-translated into the corresponding logical pathname. This is the inverse transformation of ordinary translation. It is necessary to specify which logical host to back translate for, as it may be that the same physical pathname could be the translation of different logical pathnames on different hosts. Use the :back-translated-pathname operation, below.

Function: fs:add-logical-pathname-host logical-host physical-host translations
Function: fs:set-logical-pathname-host logical-host &key physical-host translations

Both create a new logical host named logical-host. Its corresponding physical host (that is, the host to which it should forward most operations) is physical-host. logical-host and physical-host should both be strings. translations should be a list of translation specifications, as described above. The two functions differ only in that one accepts positional arguments and the other accepts keyword arguments. Example:

(add-logical-pathname-host "MUSIC" "MUSIC-10-A"
      '(("MELODY;" "SS:<MELODY>")

This creates a new logical host called MUSIC. An attempt to open the file MUSIC:DOC;MANUAL TEXT 2 will be re-directed to the file MUSIC-10-A:PS:<MUSIC-DOCUMENTATION>MANUAL.TEXT.2 (assuming that the host MUSIC-10-A is a TOPS-20 system).

Function: fs:make-logical-pathname-host name

Requests that the definition of logical host name be loaded from a standard place in the file system: namely, the file SYS: SITE; name TRANSLATIONS. This file is loaded immediately with load, in the fs package. It should contain code to create the logical host; normally, a call to fs:set-logical-pathname-host or fs:add-logical-pathname-host, above.

The same file is automatically reloaded, if it has been changed, at appropriate times: by load-patches, and whenever site information is updated.

Method on fs:logical-pathname: :translated-pathname

Converts a logical pathname to a physical pathname. It returns the translated pathname of this instance, a pathname whose host component is the physical host that corresponds to this instance’s logical host.

If this operation is applied to a physical pathname, it simply returns that pathname unchanged.

Method on fs:logical-pathname: :back-translated-pathname pathname

Converts a physical pathname to a logical pathname. pathname should be a pathname whose host is the physical host corresponding to this instance’s logical host. This returns a pathname whose host is the logical host and whose translation is pathname. If pathname is not the translation of any logical pathname on this instance’s host, nil is returned.

Here is an example of how this would be used in connection with truenames. Given a stream that was obtained by opening a logical pathname,

(send stream :pathname)

returns the logical pathname that was opened.

(send stream :truename)

returns the true name of the file that is open, which of course is a pathname on the physical host. To get this in the form of a logical pathname, one would do

(send (send stream :pathname)
      (send stream :truename))

If this operation is applied to a physical pathname, it simply returns its argument. Thus the above example works no matter what kind of pathname was opened to create the stream.

Condition on fs:unknown-logical-pathname-translation: (fs:pathname-error error)

This is signaled when a logical pathname has no translation. The condition instance supports the :logical-pathname operation, which returns the pathname that was untranslatable.

The proceed type :define-directory is supported. It expects a single argument, a pathname or a string to be parsed into one. This defines the target pattern for a translation whose source pattern is the directory from the untranslatable pathname (and all else wild). Such a translation is added to the logical host, making it possible to translate the pathname.

A logical pathname looks like "host: directory; name type version". There is no way to specify a device; parsing a logical pathname always returns a pathname whose device component is :unspecific. This is because devices don’t have any meaning in logical pathnames.

The equivalence-sign character () can be used for quoting special characters such as spaces and semicolons. The double-arrow character (‘’) can be used as a place-holder for components that are nil, and the up-horseshoe (‘circlePlus’) indicates :unspecific (generic pathnames typically have :unspecific as the type and the version). All letters are mapped to upper case unless quoted. The :newest, :oldest, and :wild values for versions are written as ‘>’, ‘<’, and ‘*’ respectively.

There isn’t any init file naming convention for logical hosts; you can’t log into them. The :string-for-host, :string-for-wholine, :string-for-dired, and :string-for-editor messages are all passed on to the translated pathname, but the :string-for-printing is handled by the fs:logical-pathname flavor itself and shows the logical name.

24.7.6 Editor Buffer Pathnames

The hosts ED, ED-BUFFER and ED-FILE are used in pathnames which refer to buffers in the editor. If you open such a pathname, you get a stream that reads or writes the contents of an editor buffer. The three host names differ only in the syntax of the pathname, and in how it is interpreted.

The host ED is followed by an abbreviation that should complete to the name of an existing editor buffer. For example, the pathname ED:FOO could refer to the buffer FOO.LISP PS:<ME> OZ:.

The host ED-BUFFER is followed by an exact buffer name. If there is no buffer with that name, one is created. This is most useful for creating a buffer.

The host ED-FILE is followed by an arbitrary pathname, including a host name. An ED-FILE pathname refers to a buffer visiting that file. If necessary, the file is read into the editor. For example, ED-FILE: OZ: PS:<ME>FOO.LISP would refer to the same buffer as ED: FOO. The current default defaults are used in processing the pathname that follows ED-FILE, when the pathname is parsed.

24.8 Hosts

Each host known to the Lisp Machine is represented by a flavor instance known as a host object. The host object records such things as the name(s) of the host, its operating system type, and its network address(es). Host objects print like #FS:TOPS20-CHAOS-HOST "MIT-OZ"delta, so they can be read back in.

Not all hosts support file access. Those that do support it appear on the list fs:*pathname-host-list* and can be the host component of pathnames. A host object is also used as an argument when you make a Chaosnet connection for any purpose.

The hosts that you can use for making network connections appear in the value of si:host-alist. Most of the hosts you can use for pathnames are among these; but some, such as logical hosts, are not.

24.8.1 Parsing Hostnames

Function: si:parse-host namestring &optional no-error-p (unknown-ok t)

Returns a host object that recognizes the specified name. If the name is not recognized, it is an error, unless no-error-p is non-nil; in that case, nil is returned.

If unknown-ok is non-nil (the default), a host table server on the local network is contacted, to see if perhaps it can find the name there. If it can’t, an error is signalled or nil is returned, according to no-error-p. The host instance created in this manner contains all the kinds of information that a host defined from the host table file has.

If a string of the form CHAOS|nnn is used, a host object is created and given nnn (interpreted as octal) as its Chaosnet address. This can be done regardless of the unknown-ok argument.

The first argument is allowed to be a host object instead of a string. In this case, that argument is simply returned.

Condition on sys:unknown-host-name: (sys:local-network-error sys:network-error error)

This condition is signaled by si:parse-host when the host is not recognized, if that is an error.

The :name operation on the condition instance returns the string given to si:parse-host.

Function: si:get-host-from-address address network

Returns a host object given an address and the name of the network which that address is for. Usually the symbol :chaos is used as the network name.

nil is returned if there is no known host with that address.

Function: fs:get-pathname-host name &optional no-error-p

Returns a host object that can be used in pathnames. If the name is not recognized, it is an error, unless no-error-p is non-nil; in that case, nil is returned.

The first argument is allowed to be a host object instead of a string. In this case, that argument is simply returned.

si:parse-host and fs:get-pathname-host differ in the set of hosts searched.

Condition on fs:unknown-pathname-host: (fs:pathname-error error)

This condition is signaled by fs:get-pathname-host when the host is not recognized, if that is an error.

The :name operation on the condition instance returns the string given to fs:get-pathname-host.

Variable: fs:*pathname-host-list*

This is a list of all the host objects that support file access.

Variable: si:host-alist

This variable is a list of one element for each known network host. The element looks like this:

(full-name host-object (nickname nickname2 ... full-name)
 system-type machine-type site
 network list-of-addresses network2 list-of-addresses2 ...)

The full-name is the host’s official name. The :name operation on the host object returns this.

The host-object is a flavor instance that represents this host. It may be nil if none has been created yet; si:parse-host creates them when they are referred to.

The nicknames are alternate names that si:parse-host should recognize for this host, but which are not its official name.

The system-type is a symbol that tells what software the host runs. This is used to decide what flavor of host object to construct. Symbols now used include :lispm, :its, :tops-20, :tenex, :vms, :unix, :multics, :minits, :waits, :chaos-gateway, :dos, :rsx, :magicsix, :msdos, and others. Not all of these are specifically understood in any way by the Lisp Machine. If none of these applies to a host you wish to add, use a new symbol.

The machine-type is a symbol that describes the hardware of the host. Symbols in use include :lispm, :pdp10, :pdp11, :vax, :nu, :pe3230, and :ibmpc. (nil) has also been observed to appear here. Note that these machine types attempt to have wide meanings, lumping together various brands, models, etc.

The site does not describe anything about the host. Instead it serves to say what the Lisp Machine’s site name was when the host was defined. This is so that, when a Lisp Machine system is moved to a different institution that has a disjoint set of hosts, all the old site’s hosts can be deleted from the host alist by site reinitialization.

The networks and lists of addresses describe how to reach the host. Usually there is only one network and only one address in the list. The generality is so that hosts with multiple addresses on multiple networks can be recorded. Networks include :chaos and :arpa. The address is meaningful only to code for a specific network.

24.8.2 Host Object Operations

Meta Method on "host: objects" :name

Returns the full, official name of the host.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :name-as-file-computer

Returns the name to print in pathnames on this host (assuming it supports files). This is likely to be a short nickname of the host.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :short-name

Returns the shortest known nickname for this host.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :pathname-host-namep string

Returns t if string is recognized as a name for this host for purposes of pathname parsing. The local host will recognise LM as a pathname host name.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :system-type

Returns the operating system type symbol for this host. See host-table.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :network-type

Returns the symbol for one network that this host is connected to, or nil if it is not connected to any. :chaos is preferred if it is one of the possible values.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :network-typep network

Returns t if the host is connected to the specified network.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :network-addresses

Returns an alternating list of network names and lists of addresses, such as

(:chaos (3104) :arpa (106357002))

You can therefore find out all networks a host is known to be on, and its addresses on any network.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :sample-pathname

Returns a pathname for this host, whose device, directory, name, type and version components are all nil. Sample pathnames are often useful because many file-system-dependent pathname operations depend only on the pathname’s host.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :open-streams

Returns a list of all the open file streams for files on this host.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :close-all-files

Closes all file streams open for files on this host.

Meta Method on "host: objects" :generic-base-type type-component

Returns the type component for a generic pathname assuming it is being made from a pathname whose type component is the one specified.

25 Accessing Files

The Lisp Machine can access files on a variety of remote file servers, which are typically (but not necessarily) accessed through the Chaosnet, as well as accessing files on the Lisp Machine itself, if the machine has its own file system. You are not allowed to refer to files without first logging in, and you may also need to specify a username and password for the host on which the file is stored; see login-fun.

The way to read or write a file’s contents is to open the file to get an input or output stream, use the standard stream I/O functions or operations described in chapters io-chapter and expression-io-chapter, and then close the stream. The first section of this chapter tells how to open and close the stream. The rest of the chapter describes things specific to files such as deleting and renaming, finding out the true name of the file that has been opened, and listing a directory.

Files are named with pathnames. There is much to know about pathnames aside from accessing files with them; all this is described in the previous chapter.

Many functions in this chapter take an argument called file which is intended to specify a file to be operated on. This argument may be given as a pathname (which is defaulted), a namestring (which is parsed into a pathname and then defaulted), or a stream open to a file (the same file is used).

25.1 Opening and Closing File Streams

Macro: with-open-file (stream file options...) body...

Evaluates the body forms with the variable stream bound to a stream that reads or writes the file named by the value of file. The options forms evaluate to the file-opening options to be used; see file-opening-options.

When control leaves the body, either normally or abnormally (via throw), the file is closed. If a new output file is being written and control leaves abnormally, the file is aborted and it is as if it were never written. Because it always closes the file, even when an error exit is taken, with-open-file is preferred over open. Opening a large number of files and forgetting to close them tends to break some remote file servers, ITS’s for example.

If an error occurs in opening the file, the result depends on the values of the error option, the if-exists option, and the if-does-not-exist option. An error may be signaled (and possibly corrected with a new pathname), or stream may be bound to a condition object or even nil.

Macro: with-open-file-case (stream file options...) clauses...

This opens and closes the file like with-open-file, but what happens afterward is determined by clauses that are like the clauses of a condition-case (condition-case-fun). Each clause begins with a condition name or a list of condition names and is executed if open signals a condition that possesses any of those names. A clause beginning with the symbol :no-error is executed if the file is opened successfully. This would be where the reading or writing of the file would be done.

(with-open-file-case (stream (send generic-pathname
  (sys:remote-network-error (format t "~&Host down."))
  (fs:file-not-found (format t "~&(New file)"))
  (:no-error (setq list (read stream))))
Macro: file-retry-new-pathname (pathname-var condition-names...) body...
Macro: file-retry-new-pathname-if cond-form (pathname-var condition-names...) body...

file-retry-new-pathname executes body. If body does not signal any of the conditions in condition-names, body’s values are simply returned. If any of condition-names is signaled, file-retry-new-pathname reads a new pathname, setq’s pathname-var to it, and executes body again.

The user can type End instead of a pathname if he wishes to let the condition be handled by the debugger.

file-retry-new-pathname-if is similar, but the conditions are handled only if cond-form’s value is non-nil.

For an example, see the example of the following macro.

Macro: with-open-file-retry (stream (pathname-var condition-names...) options...) body...

Like with-open-file inside of a file-retry-new-pathname. If an error occurs while opening the file and it has one of the specified condition-names, a new pathname is read, the variable pathname-var is setq’d to it, and another attempt is made to open a file with the newly specified name. Example:

(with-open-file-retry (instream (infile fs:file-not-found))

infile should be a variable whose value is a pathname or namestring. The example is equivalent to

(file-retry-new-pathname (infile fs:file-not-found)
  (with-open-file (instream infile)
Macro: with-open-file-search

Opens a file, trying various pathnames until one of them succeeds. The pathnames tried differ only in their type components. For example, load uses this macro to search for either a compiled file or a source file. The calling sequence looks like

   (streamvar (operation defaults auto-retry)
	      types-and-pathname options...)

with-open-file-search tries opening various files until one succeeds; then binds streamvar to the stream and executes body, closing the stream on exit. The values of body are returned.

types-and-pathname specifies which files to open. It should be a form which evaluates to two values, the first being a list of types to try and the second being a pathname called the base pathname. Each pathname to try is made by merging the base pathname with the defaults defaults and one of the types. The types may be strings or canonical type keywords (see canonical-types).

options are forms whose values should be alternating to keywords and values, which are passed to open each time.

If all the names to be tried fail, a fs:multiple-file-not-found error is signaled. operation is provided just so that the :operation operation on the condition object can return it. Usually the value given for operation should be the user-level function for which the with-open-file-search is being done.

If auto-retry is non-nil, an error causes the user to be prompted for a new base pathname. The entire set of types specified is tried anew with the new pathname.

Function: open file &rest options

Returns a stream that is connected to the specified file. Unlike Maclisp, the open function creates streams only for files; streams of other kinds are created by other functions. The file and options arguments are the same as in with-open-file; see above.

When the caller is finished with the stream, it should close the file by using the :close operation or the close function. The with-open-file special form does this automatically and so is usually preferred. open should only be used when the control structure of the program necessitates opening and closing of a file in some way more complex than the simple way provided by with-open-file. Any program that uses open should set up unwind-protect handlers (see unwind-protect-fun) to close its files in the event of an abnormal exit.

Function: close stream &optional option

The close function simply sends the :close message to stream. If option is :abort for a file output stream, the file is discarded.

Function: cli:close stream &key abort

The Common Lisp version of close is the same as close except for its calling convention. If abort is non-nil for a file output stream, the file is discarded.

Function: fs:close-all-files

Closes all open files. This is useful when a program has run wild opening files and not closing them. It closes all the files in :abort mode (see close-message), which means that files open for output are deleted. Using this function is dangerous, because you may close files out from under various programs like Zmacs and ZMail; only use it if you have to and if you feel that you know what you’re doing.

The options used when opening a file are normally alternating keywords and values, like any other function that takes keyword arguments. In addition, for compatibility with the Maclisp open function, if only a single option is specified it is either a keyword or a list of keywords (not alternating with values).

The file-opening options control things like whether the stream is for input from a existing file or output to a new file, whether the file is text or binary, etc.

The following keyword arguments are standardly recognized; additional keywords can be implemented by particular file system hosts.


Controls which direction of I/O can be done on the resulting stream. The possible values are :input (the default), :output, nil, :probe, :probe-directory and :probe-link. The first two should be self-explanatory. nil or :probe means that this is a “probe” opening; no data are to be transferred, the file is being opened only to verify its existence or access its properties. The stream created in this case does not permit any I/O. nil and :probe differ in causing different defaults for the argument if-does-not-exist. If that argument is specified explicitly, nil and :probe are equivalent.

:probe-directory is used to see whether a directory exists. If the directory specified for the file to be opened is found, then the open completes (returning a non-I/O stream) as if the specified file existed whether it really exists or not.

:probe-link is used to find out the truename of a link. If the file specified exists as a link, then the open completes returning a non-I/O stream which describes the link itself rather than the file linked to. If the file exists and is not a link, the open also completes for it as with any probe.

Common Lisp defines the value :io for this argument, requesting a stream that can do input and output, but no file system supported by the Lisp Machine has this capability.


The possible values are t (the default), nil, which means that the file is a binary file, and :default, which means that the file system should decide whether the file contains characters or binary data and open it in the appropriate mode.


The possible values are nil (the default), a number, which is the number of bits per byte, and :default, which means that the file system should choose the byte size based on attributes of the file. If the file is being opened as characters, nil selects the appropriate system-dependent byte size for text files; it is usually not useful to use a different byte size. If the file is being opened as binary, nil selects the default byte size of 16 bits.


This is the Common Lisp way to specify what kind of objects the stream wants to read or write. This combines the effect of the characters and byte-size arguments. The value is a type specifier; it must be one of the following:


Read or write characters as usual. The default.


Read or write characters, dealing with characters that are more than 8 bits. You can succeed in writing out any sequence of character objects and reading it back, but the file does not look anything like a text file.

(unsigned-byte n)

Read or write n-bit bytes. Like characters = nil, byte-size = n.


Similar, but uses the byte size that the file was originally written with. This is the same as characters = nil, byte-size = :default.

(signed-byte n)

Read or write n-bit bytes, sign-extending on input. Each byte read from the file is sign-extended so that its most significant bit serves as a sign bit.


Similar, but uses the byte size that the file was originally written with.

(mod n)

Like unsigned-byte for a big enough byte size to hold all numbers less than n. bit is also accepted, and means (mod 2).


Is allowed, even though it is not a type specifier. It is the same as using :default as the value of characters.


For output opens, if-exists specifies what to do if a file with the specified name already exists. There are several values you can use:


Create a new version. This makes sense only when the pathname has :newest as its version, and it is the default in that case.


Make a new file which, when closed, replaces the old one.


Write over the data of the existing file, starting at the beginning, and set the file’s length to the length of the newly written data.


Like :overwrite except that it discards the old contents of the file immediately, making it empty except for what is written into it this time.


Add new data onto the existing file at the end.


Rename the existing file and then create a new one.


Rename the existing file, create a new one, and delete the old file when the new one is closed.


Signal an error (fs:file-already-exists). This is the default when the pathname’s version is not :newest. The further handling of the error is controlled by the error argument.


Return nil from open in this case. The error argument is irrelevant in this case.


Specifies what to do when the file requested does not exist. There are three allowed values:


Create a file. This is the default for output opens, except when if-exists is :append, :overwrite or :truncate. This silly exception is part of the Common Lisp specifications.


Signal an error. This is the default for input opens, and also for output opens when if-exists is :append, :overwrite or :truncate. The further handling of the error is controlled by the error argument.


Return nil from open. This is the default for :probe opens. The error argument is irrelevant in this case.


Specifies what to do if an error is signaled for any reason. (Note that the values of the if-exists and if-does-not-exist arguments control whether an error is signaled in certain circumstances.) The possible values are t (the default), :reprompt and nil. t means that nothing special is done, so the error invokes the debugger if the caller does not handle it. nil means that the condition object should be returned as the value of open. :reprompt means that a new file name should be read and opened.

Any caller which need not know reliably which file was ultimately opened might as well specify :reprompt for this argument. Callers which need to know if a different file is substituted should never specify :reprompt; they may use with-open-file-retry or file-retry-new-pathname (see file-retry-new-pathname-fun) if they wish to permit an alternative file name to be substituted.


If specified as t when opening a file for output, the file is submitted as a batch job if it is closed normally. The default is nil. You must specify :direction :output as well.


The default is nil. If t is specified, and the file system has the concept of deleted but not expunged files, it is possible to open a deleted file. Otherwise deleted files are invisible.


If t is specified, the file is marked as temporary, if the file system has that concept. The default is nil.


If t is specified, the file’s reference and modification dates are not updated. The default is nil.


This controls the kind of file to be opened. The default is nil, a normal file. Other possible values are :directory and :link. Only certain file systems recognize this keyword.


When creating a file with flavor :link, this argument must be specified; its value is a pathname or namestring that becomes the target of the link.


The value can be either nil (the default) or t. If the value is t, and the :direction is :output, the resulting file will be submitted as a batch job. Currently, this option is implemented only for Twenex and VMS.


The value may be nil (the default), which means there is no estimated size, or a number of bytes. Some file systems use this to optimize disk allocation.


The value may be nil (the default), or a string that is the name of a physical volume on which the file is to be stored. This is not meaningful for all file systems.


The value may be nil (the default), or a string that is the name of a logical volume on which the file is to be stored. This is not meaningful for all file systems.


The value may be nil (the default), or t, which disables the special treatment of rubout in ASCII files. Normally, rubout is an escape which causes the following character to be interpreted specially, allowing all characters from 0 through 376 (octal) to be stored. This applies to ASCII file servers only.


The value may be nil (the default), or t, which disables all character set translation in ASCII files. This applies to ASCII file servers only.

In the Maclisp compatibility mode, there is only one option, and it is either a symbol or a list of symbols. These symbols are recognized no matter what package they are in, since Maclisp does not have packages. The following symbols are recognized:

in, read

Select opening for input (the default).

out, write, print

Select opening for output; a new file is to be created.

binary, fixnum

Select binary mode; otherwise character mode is used. Note that fixnum mode uses 16-bit binary words and is not compatible with Maclisp fixnum mode, which uses 36-bit words. On the PDP-10, fixnum files are stored with two 16-bit words per PDP-10 word, left-justified and in PDP-10 byte order.

character, ascii

The opposite of fixnum. This is the default.

single, block

Ignored for compatibility with the Maclisp open function.


Must be followed by a number in the options list, and must be used in combination with fixnum. The number is the number of bits per byte, which can be from 1 to 16. On a PDP-10 file server these bytes will be packed into words in the standard way defined by the ILDB instruction. The :tyi stream operation will (of course) return the bytes one at a time.

probe, error, noerror, raw, super-image, deleted, temporary

These are not available in Maclisp. The corresponding keywords in the normal form of file-opening options are preferred over these.

25.2 File Stream Operations

The following functions and operations may be used on file streams, in addition to the normal I/O operations which work on all streams. Note that several of these operations are useful with file streams that have been closed. Some operations use pathnames; refer to pathname for an explanation of pathnames.

Function: file-length file-stream

Returns the length of the file open on file-stream, in terms of the units in which I/O is being done on that stream. (A stream is needed, rather than just a pathname, in order to specify the units.)

Function: file-position file-stream &optional new-position

With one argument, returns the current position in the file of file-stream, using the :read-pointer stream operation. It may return nil meaning that the position cannot be determined. In fact, it always returns nil for a stream open in character mode and not at the beginning of the file.

With two arguments, sets the position using the :set-pointer stream operation, if possible, and returns t if the setting was possible and nil if not. You can specify :start as the new-position to position to the beginning of the file, or :end to position to the end.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :pathname

Returns the pathname that was opened to get this stream. This may not be identical to the argument to open, since missing components will have been filled in from defaults. The pathname may have been replaced wholesale if an error occurred in the attempt to open the original pathname.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :truename

Returns the pathname of the file actually open on this stream. This can be different from what :pathname returns because of file links, logical devices, mapping of version :newest to a particular version number, etc. For an output stream the truename is not meaningful until after the stream has been closed, at least when the file server is an ITS.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :generic-pathname

Returns the generic pathname of the pathname that was opened to get this stream. Normally this is the same as the result of sending the :generic-pathname message to the value of the :pathname operation on the stream; however, it does special things when the Lisp system is bootstrapping itself.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :qfaslp

Returns t if the file has a magic flag at the front that says it is a QFASL file, nil if it is an ordinary file.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :length

Returns the length of the file, in bytes or characters. For text files on ASCII file servers, this is the number of ASCII characters, not Lisp Machine characters. The numbers are different because of character-set translation; see character-set-differences for a full explanation. For an output stream the length is not meaningful until after the stream has been closed, at least when the file server is an ITS.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :creation-date

Returns the creation date of the file, as a number that is a universal time. See the chapter on the time package (time).

Meta Method on "file: streams" :info

Returns a cons of the file’s truename and its creation date. This can be used to tell if the file has been modified between two open’s. For an output stream the information is not guaranteed to be correct until after the stream has been closed.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :properties &optional (error-p t)

This returns two values: a property list (like an element of the list returned by fs:directory-list), and a list of the settable properties. See the section on standard file properties (directory-list) for a description of the ones that may possible found in the list.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :set-byte-size new-byte-size

This is only allowed on binary file streams. The byte size can be changed to any number of bits from 1 to 16.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :delete &optional (error-p t)

Deletes the file open on this stream. For the meaning of error-p, see the deletef function. The file doesn’t really go away until the stream is closed.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :undelete &optional (error-p t)

If you have used the :deleted option in open to open a deleted file, this operation undeletes the file.

Meta Method on "file: streams" :rename new-name &optional (error-p t)

Renames the file open on this stream. For the meaning of error-p, see the renamef function.

File output streams implement the :finish and :force-output operations.

25.3 Manipulating Files

This section describes functions for doing things to files aside from reading or writing their contents.

Function: truename object

Returns the truename of the file specified somehow by object. If object is a plausible stream, it is asked for the truename with the :truename operation. Otherwise, object is converted to a pathname and that pathname is opened to get its file’s truename.

Function: delete-file file &key (error-p t) query?
Function: deletef file &optional (error-p t) query?

Both delete the specified file. The two functions differ in accepting keyword arguments versus positional arguments. file may contain wildcard characters, in which case multiple files are deleted.

If query? is non-nil, the user is queried about each file (whether there are wildcards or not). Only the files that the user confirms are actually deleted.

If error-p is t, then if an error occurs it is signaled as a Lisp error. If error-p is nil and an error occurs, the error message is returned as a condition object. Otherwise, the value is a list of elements, one for each file considered. The car of each element is the truename of the file, and the cadr is non-nil if the file was actually deleted (it is always t unless querying was done).

Function: undelete-file file &key (error-p t) query?
Function: undeletef file &optional (error-p t) query?

Both undelete the specified file. Wildcards are allowed, just as in deletef. The rest of the calling conventions are the same as well. The two functions differ in taking keyword arguments versus positional arguments.

Not all file systems support undeletion, and if it is not supported on the one you are using, it gets an error or returns a string according to error-p. To find out whether a particular file system supports this, send the :undeletable-p operation to a pathname. If it returns t, the file system of that pathname supports undeletion.

Function: rename-file file new-name &key (error-p t) query?
Function: renamef file new-name &optional (error-p t) query?

Both rename the specified file to new-name (a pathname or string). The two functions differ in taking keyword arguments versus positional arguments. file may contain wildcards, in which case multiple files are renamed. Each file’s new name is produced by passing new-name to merge-pathname-defaults with the file’s truename as the defaults. Therefore, new-name should be a string in this case.

If query? is non-nil, the user is queried about each file (whether there are wildcards or not). Only the files that the user confirms are actually renamed.

If error-p is t, then if an error occurs it is signaled as a Lisp error. If error-p is nil and an error occurs, the error message is returned as a condition object. Otherwise, the value is a list of elements, one for each file considered. The car of each element is the original truename of the file, the cadr is the name it was to be renamed to, and the caddr is non-nil if the file was renamed. The caddr is nil if the user was queried and said no.

Function: copy-file file new-name &key (error t) (copy-creation-date t) (copy-author t) report-stream (create-directories :query) (characters :default) (byte-size :default)

Copies the file specified by file to the name new-name.

characters and byte-size specify what mode of I/O to use to transfer the data. characters can be


to specify character input and output.


for binary input and output,


meaning ask the user which one


meaning ask if it is not possible to tell with certainty which method is best,


meaning to guess as well as possible automatically.

If binary transfer is done, byte-size specifies the byte size to use; :default means to ask the file system for the byte size that the old file is stored in, just as it does in open.

copy-author and copy-creation-date say whether to set those properties of the new file to be the same as those of the old file. If a property is not copied, it is set to your login name or the current date and time.

report-stream, if non-nil, is a stream on which a message should be printed describing the file copied, where it is copied to, and which mode was used.

create-directories says what to do if the output filename specifies a directory that does not exist. It can be t meaning create the directory, nil meaning treat it as an error, or :query meaning ask the user which one to do. The default is :query.

error, if nil, means that if an error happens then this function should just return an error indication.

If the pathname to copy from contains wildcards, multiple files are copied. The new name for each file is obtained by merging new-name (parsed into a pathname) with that file’s truename as a default. The mode of copy is determined for each file individually, and each copy is reported on the report-stream if there is one. If error is nil, an error in copying one file does not prevent the others from being copied.

There are four values. If wildcards were used, each value is a list with one element describing each file that matched; otherwise, each value describes the single file specified (though the value may be a list anyway). The values, for each file, are:


The defaulted pathname to be opened for output in copying this file.


The truename of the file copied


The truename of the new file, If the file was successfully copied. A condition object, if there was an error and error was nil. nil if the user was asked whether to copy this file and said no.


A Common Lisp type descriptor such as string-char or (unsigned-byte 8) saying how the file was copied.

Function: probe-file file
Function: probef file

Returns nil if there is no file named file; otherwise returns a pathname that is the true name of the file, which can be different from file because of file links, version numbers, etc. If file is a stream, this function cannot return nil.

Any problem in opening the file except for fs:file-not-found signals an error.

probef is the Maclisp name; probe-file is the Common Lisp name.

Function: file-write-date file

Returns the creation date/time of file, as a universal time.

Function: file-author file

Returns the name of the author of file (the user who wrote it), as a string.

Function: viewf file &optional (output-stream *standard-output*) leader

Copies the contents of the specified file, opened in character mode, onto output-stream. Normally this has the effect of printing the file on the terminal. leader is passed along to stream-copy-until-eof (see stream-copy-until-eof-fun).

Creates a link named link-name which points to a file named link-to. An error happens if the host specified in link-name does not support links, or for any of the usual problems that can happen in creating a file.

25.3.1 Loading Files

To load a file is to read through the file, evaluating each form in it. Programs are typically stored in files; the expressions in the file are mostly special forms such as defun and defvar which define the functions and variables of the program.

Loading a compiled (or QFASL) file is similar, except that the file does not contain text but rather pre-digested expressions created by the compiler which can be loaded more quickly.

These functions are for loading single files. There is a system for keeping track of programs which consist of more than one file; for further information refer to system-system.

Function: load file &key verbose print (if-does-not-exist t) set-default-pathname package

Loads the specified file into the Lisp environment. If file is a stream, load reads from it; otherwise file is defaulted from the default pathname defaults and the result specifies a file to be opened. If the file is a QFASL file, fasload is used; otherwise readfile is used. If file specifies a name but no type, load looks first for the canonical type :qfasl and then for the canonical type :lisp.

Normally the file is read into the package specified in its attribute list, but if package is supplied then the file is read in that package. If package is nil and verbose is nil, load prints a message saying what file is being loaded and what package is being used. verbose defaults to the value of *load-verbose*.

If if-does-not-exist is nil, load just returns nil if no file with the specified name exists. Error conditions other than fs:file-not-found are not handled by this option.

If a file is loaded, load returns the file’s truename.

If print is non-nil, the value of each expression evaluated from the file is printed on *standard-output*.

pathname is defaulted from the default pathname defaults. If set-default-pathname is non-nil, the pathname defaults are set to the name of the file loaded. The default for set-default-pathname is t.

load used to be called with a different calling sequence:

(load pathname pkg nonexistent-ok

This calling sequence is detected and still works, but it is obsolete.

Variable: *load-verbose*

Is the default value for the verbose argument to load.

Function: readfile file &optional pkg no-msg-p

readfile is the version of load for text files. It reads and evaluates each expression in the file. As with load, pkg can specify what package to read the file into. Unless no-msg-p is t, a message is printed indicating what file is being read into what package.

Function: fasload file &optional pkg no-msg-p

fasload is the version of load for QFASL files. It defines functions and performs other actions as directed by the specifications inserted in the file by the compiler. As with load, pkg can specify what package to read the file into. Unless no-msg-p is t, a message is printed indicating what file is being read into what package.

25.4 Pathname Operations That Access Files

Here are the operations that access files. Many accept an argument error or error-p which specifies whether to signal an error or to return a condition instance, if the file cannot be accessed. For these arguments, nil and non-nil are the only significant values. :reprompt has no special meaning as a value. That value when passed to one of the file accessing functions (open, deletef, etc) has its special significance at a higher level.

Method on pathname: :truename

Returns a pathname object describing the exact name of the file specified by the pathname the object is sent to.

This may be different from the original pathname. For example, the original pathname may have :newest as the version, but the truename always has a number as the version if the file system supports versions.

Method on pathname: :open pathname &rest options

Opens a stream for the file named by the pathname. The argument pathname is what the :pathname operation on the resulting stream should return. When a logical pathname is opened, pathname is that logical pathname, but self is its translated pathname.

options is a list of alternating keywords and values, as would be passed to open. The old style of open keywords are not allowed; when they are used with open, open converts them to the new style before sending the :open message.

Method on pathname: :delete &optional (error-p t)
Method on pathname: :undelete &optional (error-p t)

Respectively delete or undelete the file specified by the pathname.

All file systems support :delete but not all support :undelete.

If error-p is nil, problems such as nonexistent files cause a string describing the problem to be returned. Otherwise, they signal an error.

Method on pathname: :undeletable-p

Returns t if this pathname is for a file system which allows deletion to be undone. Such pathnames support the :undelete and :expunge operations.

Method on pathname: :rename new-name &optional (error-p t)

Renames the file specified by the pathname. new-name, a string or pathname, specifies the name to rename to. If it is a string, it is parsed using self as the defaults.

If error-p is nil, problems such as nonexistent files cause a string describing the problem to be returned. Otherwise, they signal an error.

Method on pathname: :complete-string string options

Attempts to complete the filename string, returning the results. This operation is used by the function fs:complete-pathname (see fs:complete-pathname-fun). The pathname the message is sent to is used for defaults. options is a list whose elements may include :deleted, :read (file is for input), :write (it’s for output), :old (only existing files allowed), or :new-ok (new files are allowed too).

There are two values: a string, which is the completion as far as possible, and a flag, which can be :old, :new or nil. :old says that the returned string names an existing file, :new says that the returned string is no file but some completion was done, nil says that no completion was possible.

Method on pathname: :change-properties error-p &rest properties

Changes the properties of the file specified by the pathname. properties should be an alternating list of property names and values.

Method on pathname: :directory-list options

Performs the work of (fs:directory-list this-pathname options...).

Method on pathname: :properties

Returns a property list (in the form of a directory-list element) and a list of settable properties. See directory-list for more information on file properties.

Method on pathname: :wildcard-map function plistp dir-list-options &rest args

Maps function over all the files specified by this pathname (which may contain wildcards). Each time function is called, its first argument is a pathname with no wildcards, or else a directory-list element (whose car is a pathname and whose cdr contains property names and values). The elements of args are given to function as additional arguments.

plistp says whether function’s first argument should be a directory-list element or just a pathname. t specifies a directory-list element. That provides more information, but it makes it necessary to do extra work if the specified pathname does not contain wildcards.

dir-list-options is passed to fs:directory-list. You can use this to get deleted files mentioned in the list, for example.

The remaining file-access operations are defined only on certain file systems.

Method on pathname: :expunge &key (error t)

Expunges the directory specified by the host, device and directory components of the pathname.

The argument error says whether to signal an error if the directory does not exist. nil means just return a string instead.

Method on pathname: :create-directory &key (error t)

Creates the directory specified in this pathname.

Method on pathname: :remote-connect &key (error t) access

Performs the work of fs:remote-connect with the same arguments on this pathname’s host.

25.5 File Attribute Lists

Any text file can contain an attribute list that specifies several attributes of the file. The above loading functions, the compiler, and the editor look at this property list. Attribute lists are especially useful in program source files, i.e a file that is intended to be loaded (or compiled and then loaded). QFASL files also contain attribute lists, copied from their source files.

If the first non-blank line in a text file contains the three characters ‘-*-’, some text, and ‘-*-’ again, the text is recognized as the file’s attribute list. Each attribute consists of the attribute name, a colon, and the attribute value. If there is more than one attribute they are separated by semicolons. An example of such an attribute list is:

; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:Cellophane; Base:10 -*-

This defines three attributes: mode, package, and base. The initial semicolon makes the line look like a comment rather than a Lisp expression. Another example is:

c Part of the Lisp Machine manual.  -*- Mode:Bolio -*-

An attribute name is made up of letters, numbers, and otherwise-undefined punctuation characters such as hyphens. An attribute value can be such a name, or a decimal number, or several such items separated by commas. Spaces may be used freely to separate tokens. Upper and lower-case letters are not distinguished. There is no quoting convention for special characters such as colons and semicolons.

If the attribute list text contains no colons, it is an old Emacs format, containing only the value of the Mode attribute.

The file attribute list format actually has nothing to do with Lisp; it is just a convention for placing some information into a file that is easy for a program to interpret. The Emacs editor on the PDP-10 knows how to interpret these attribute lists (primarily in order to look at the Mode attribute).

The Lisp Machine handles the attribute list stored in the file by parsing it into a Lisp data structure, a property list. Attribute names are interpreted as Lisp symbols and are interned on the keyword package. Numbers are interpreted as Lisp fixnums and are read in decimal. If a attribute value contains any commas, then the commas separate several expressions that are formed into a list.

When a file is compiled, its attribute list data structure is stored in the QFASL file. It can be loaded back from the QFASL file as well. The representation in the QFASL file resembles nothing described here, but when the attribute list is extracted from there, the same Lisp data structure described above is obtained.

When a file is edited, loaded, or compiled, its file attribute list is read in and the properties are stored on the property list of the generic pathname (see generic-pathname) for that file, where they can be retrieved with the :get and :plist messages. This is done using the function fs:read-attribute-list, below. So the way you examine the properties of a file is usually to use messages to a pathname object that represents the generic pathname of a file. Note that there are other properties there, too.

Here the attribute names with standard meanings:


The editor major mode to be used when editing this file. This is typically the name of the language in which the file is written. The most common values are Lisp and Text.


This attribute specifies the package in which symbols in the file should be interned. The attribute may be either the name of a package, or a list that specifies both the package name and how to create the package if it does not exist. If it is a list, it should look like (name superpackage initial-size ...options...). See package for more information about packages.


The number base in which the file is written (remember, it is always parsed in decimal). This affects both *read-base* and *print-base*, since it is confusing to have the input and output bases be different. The most common values are 8 and 10.


The value specifies the syntax (that is, the choice of readtable) to use for reading Lisp objects from this file. The defined values are t or traditional for traditional Lisp Machine syntax, and cl or common-lisp for Common Lisp syntax. If you do not specify this option, the objects in the file are read using whatever readtable is current in the program that reads them.


If the attribute value is not nil, the file is written in lower-case letters and the editor does not translate to upper case. (The editor does not translate to upper case by default unless the user enables Electric Shift Lock mode.)


The attribute value is a list of font names, separated by commas. The editor uses this for files that are to be displayed in a specific font, or contain multiple fonts. If this attribute is present, the file is actually stored in the file system with font-change indicators. A font-change indicator is an epsilon (epsilon) followed by a digit or *. epsilonn means to enter font n. The previous font is saved on a stack and epsilon* means to pop the stack, returning to the previous font. If the file includes an epsilon as part of its contents, it is stored as epsilonepsilon.

When expressions are read from such files, font-change indicators are ignored, and epsilonepsilon is treated as a single epsilon.


If the attribute value is not nil, Overstrike characters in the file should cause characters to overprint on each other. The default is to disallow overprinting and display Overstrike the way other special function keys are displayed. This default is to prevent the confusion that can be engendered by overstruck text.


If the attribute value is not nil, the file is a patch file. When it is loaded the system will not complain about function redefinitions. In a patch file, the defvar special-form turns into defconst; thus patch files always reinitialize variables. Patch files are usually created by special editor commands described in patch-facility.


A non-nil value for this attribute identifies files that are part of the cold load, the core from which a new system version is built. Certain features that do not work in the cold load check this flag to give an error or a compiler warning if used in such files, so that the problem can be detected sooner.

You are free to define additional file attributes of your own. However, to avoid accidental name conflicts, you should choose names that are different from all the names above, and from any names likely to be defined by anybody else’s programs.

The following functions are used to examine file attribute lists:

Function: fs:file-attribute-list pathname

Returns the attribute list of the file specified by the pathname. This works on both text files and QFASL files.

Function: fs:extract-attribute-list stream

Returns the attribute list read from the specified stream, which should be pointing to the beginning of a file. This works on both text streams and QFASL file binary streams. After the attribute list is read, the stream’s pointer is set back to the beginning of the file using the :set-pointer file stream operation (see streams-set-pointer-method).

Function: fs:read-attribute-list pathname stream

pathname should be a pathname object (not a string or namelist, but an actual pathname); usually it is a generic pathname (see generic-pathname). stream should be a stream that has been opened and is pointing to the beginning of the file whose file attribute list is to be parsed. The attribute list is read from the stream and then corresponding properties are placed on the specified pathname. The attribute list is also returned.

The fundamental way that programs in the Lisp Machine notice the presence of properties on a file’s attribute list is by examining the property list in the generic pathname. However, there is another way that is more convenient for some applications. File attributes can cause special variables to be bound whenever Lisp expressions are being read from the file–when the file is being loaded, when it is being compiled, when it is being read from by the editor, and when its QFASL file is being loaded. This is how the Package and Base attributes work. You can also deal with attributes this way, by using the following function:

Function: fs:file-attribute-bindings pathname

Returns values describing the special variables that should be bound before reading expressions from file pathname. It examines the property list of pathname and finds all those property names that have fs:file-attribute-bindings properties. Each such property name specifies a set of variables to bind and a set of values to which to bind them. This function returns two values, a list of all the variables and a list of all the corresponding values. Usually you use this function by calling it on a generic pathname that has had fs:read-attribute-list done on it, and then you use the two returned values as the first two arguments of a progv special form (see progv-fun). Inside the body of the progv the specified bindings will be in effect.

pathname may be anything acceptable as the first argument of get. Usually it is a generic pathname.

Of the standard attribute names, the following ones have fs:file-attribute-bindings, with the following effects. Package binds the variable package (see package-var) to the package. Base binds the variables *print-base* (see base-var) and *read-base* (see ibase-var) to the value. Readtable binds the variable readtable to a value computed from the specified attribute. Patch-file binds fs:this-is-a-patch-file to the value. Cold-load binds si:file-in-cold-load to the value. Fonts binds si:read-discard-font-changes to t.

Any properties whose names do not have fs:file-attribute-bindings properties are ignored completely.

You can also add your own attribute names that affect bindings. If an indicator symbol has an fs:file-attribute-bindings property, the value of that property is a function that is called when a file with a file attribute of that name is going to be read from. The function is given three arguments: the file pathname, the attribute name, and the attribute value. It must return two values: a list of variables to be bound and a list of values to bind them to. The function for the Base keyword could have been defined by:

(defun (:base file-attribute-bindings) (file ignore bse)
  (if (not (and (typep bse 'fixnum)
		(> bse 1)
		(< bse 37.)))
      (ferror 'fs:invalid-file-attrbute
	      "File ~A has an illegal -*- Base:~D -*-"
	      file bse))
  (values (list 'base 'ibase) (list bse bse)))
Function: fs:extract-attribute-bindings stream

Returns two values: a list of variables, and a corresponding list of values to bind them to, giving the attribute bindings of the attribute list found on stream

Condition on fs:invalid-file-attribute: (error)

An attribute in the file attribute list had a bad value. This is detected within fs:file-attribute-bindings.

25.6 Accessing Directories

To understand the functions in this section, it is vital to have read the chapter on pathnames. The filespec argument in many of these functions may be a pathname or a namestring; its name, type and version default to :wild.

Function: listf filespec

Prints on *standard-output* the names of the files that match filespec, and their sizes, creation dates, and other information that comes in the directory listing.

Function: fs:directory-list filespec &rest options

Finds all the files that match filespec and returns a list with one element for each file. Each element is a list whose car is the pathname of the file and whose cdr is a list of the properties of the file; thus the element is a disembodied property list and get may be used to access the file’s properties. The car of one element is nil; the properties in this element are properties of the file system as a whole rather than of a specific file.

filespec normally contains wildcards, and the data returned describe all existing files that match it. If it contains no wildcards, it specifies a single file and only that file is described in the data that are returned.

The options are keywords which modify the operation. The following options are currently defined:


If a file-system error (such as no such directory) occurs during the operation, normally an error is signaled and the user is asked to supply a new pathname. However, if :noerror is specified then, in the event of an error, a condition object describing the error is returned as the result of fs:directory-list. This is identical to the :noerror option to open.


This is for file servers on which deletion is not permanent. It specifies that deleted (but not yet expunged) files are to be included in the directory listing.


This requests that the directory list be sorted by filenames before it is returned.

The properties that may appear in the list of property lists returned by fs:directory-list are host-dependent to some extent. The following properties are those that are defined for both ITS and TOPS-20 file servers. This set of properties is likely to be extended or changed in the future.


The length of the file expressed in terms of the basic units in which it is written (characters in the case of a text file).


The number of bits in one of those units.


The length of the file in terms of the file system’s unit of storage allocation.


The number of bits in one of those units.


The date the file was created, as a universal time. See time.


The most recent date on which the file was used, as a universal time or nil, meaning the file was never referenced.


The most recent date on which the file’s contents were changed, as a universal time.


The name of the person who created the file, as a string.


The name of the person who last read the file, as a string.


t if the file exists only on disk, nil if it has been backed up on magnetic tape.


t if this file is actually a directory.


t if this file is temporary.


t if this file is deleted. Deleted files are included in the directory list only if you specify the :deleted option.


t indicates that the file is not allowed to be deleted.


t indicates that the file may not be superseded; that is, a file with the same name and higher version may not be created.


t indicates that this file is not supposed to be deleted automatically for lack of use.


t indicates that this file is not supposed to be dumped onto magnetic tape for backup purposes.


t indicates that this file contains characters (that is, text). nil indicates that the file contains binary data. This property, rather than the file’s byte size, should be used to decide whether it is a text file.


If the file is a link, this property is a string containing the name that the link points to.


T if the file’s contents are not online.


The last time this file was dumped during an incremental dump (a universal time).


The tape on which the last was saved in that incremental dump (a string).


The last time this file was dumped during an full dump (a universal time).


The tape on which the last was saved in that full dump (a string).


The number of files differing in version that are kept around.


The generation-retention-count that a file ordinarily gets when it is created in this directory.


The interval at which files are expunged from this directory, in seconds.


The last (universal) time this directory was expunged, or nil.


The account to which the file belongs, a string.


A system-dependent description of the protection of this file as a string.


A string naming the physical volume on which the file is found.


A string naming the logical volume on which the file is found.


A string describing the pack on which this file is found.


A system-dependent description of the space usage on the file system. This usually appears in the plist that applies to the entire directory list.

The element in the directory list that has nil instead of a file’s pathname describes the directory as a whole.


This property is an alist in which each element maps a physical volume name (a string) into a number, that is the number of free blocks on that volume.


This property is a list of file property names that may be set. This information is provided in the directory list because it is different for different file systems.


This property is the pathname from which this directory list was made.


This is the number of words in a block in this directory. It can be used to interpret the numbers of free blocks.

Function: fs:directory-list-stream filespec &rest options

This is like fs:directory-list but returns the information in a different form. Instead of returning the directory list all at once, it returns a special kind of stream which gives out one element of the directory list at a time.

The directory list stream supports two operations: :entry and :close. :entry asks for the next element of the directory stream. :close closes any connection to a remote file server.

The purpose of using fs:directory-list-stream instead of fs:directory-list is that, when communicating with a remote file server, the directory list stream can give you some of the information without waiting for it to all be transmitted and parsed. This is desirable if the directory is being printed on the console.

Function: directory filespec

Returns a list of pathnames (truenames) of the files in the directory specified by filespec. Wildcards are allowed. This is the Common Lisp way to find the contents of a directory.

Function: fs:expunge-directory filespec &key (error t)

Expunges the directory specified in filespec; that is, permanently eliminates any deleted files in that directory. If error is nil, there is no error if the directory does not exist.

Note that not all file systems support this function. To find out whether a particular one does, send the :undeletable-p operation to a pathname. If it returns t, the file system of that pathname supports undeletion (and therefore expunging).

Function: fs:create-directory filespec &key (error t)

Creates the directory specified in filespec. If error is nil, there is no error if the directory cannot be created; instead an error string is returned. Not all file servers support creation of directories.

Function: fs:remote-connect filespec &key (error t) access

Performs the TOPS-20 “connect” or “access” function, or their equivalents, in a remote file server. Access is done if access is non-nil; otherwise, connect is done.

The connect operation grants you full access to the specified directory. The access operation grants you whatever access to all files and directories you would have if logged in on the specified directory. Both operations affect access only, since the connected directory of the remote server is never used by the Lisp Machine in choosing which file to operate on.

This function may ask you for a password if one is required for the directory you specify. If the operation cannot be performed, then if error is nil, an error object is returned.

File Properties:

Function: fs:change-file-properties file error-p &rest properties

Changes one or more properties of the file file. The properties arguments are alternating keywords and values. If an error occurs accessing the file or changing the properties, the error-p argument controls what is done; if it is nil, a condition object describing the error is returned; if it is t a Lisp error is signaled. If no error occurs, fs:change-file-properties returns t.

Only some of the properties of a file may be changed; for instance, its creation date or its author. Exactly which properties may be changed depends on the host file system; a list of the changeable property names is the :settable-properties property of the file system as a whole, returned by fs:directory-list as explained above.

Function: fs:file-properties file &optional (error-p t)

Returns a disembodied property list for a single file (compare this to fs:directory-list). The car of the returned list is the truename of the file and the cdr is an alternating list of indicators and values. The error-p argument is the same as in fs:change-file-properties.

Filename Completion:

Function: fs:complete-pathname defaults string type version &rest options

string is a partially-specified file name. (Presumably it was typed in by a user and terminated with the Altmode key or the End key to request completion.) fs:complete-pathname looks in the file system on the appropriate host and returns a new, possibly more specific string. Any unambiguous abbreviations are expanded out in a host-dependent fashion.

defaults, type, and version are the arguments to be given to fs:merge-pathname-defaults (see fs:merge-pathname-defaults-fun) when the user’s input is eventually parsed and defaulted.

options are keywords (without following values) that control how the completion is performed. The following option keywords are allowed:


Looks for files which have been deleted but not yet expunged.

:read or :in

The file is going to be read. This is the default.

:print or :write or :out

The file is going to be written (i.e a new version is going to be created).


Looks only for files that already exist. This is the default.


Allows either a file that already exists or a file that does not yet exist. An example of the use of this is the C-X C-F (Find File) command in the editor.

The first value returned is always a string containing a file name, either the original string or a new, more specific string. The second value returned indicates the success or failure of the completion. It is nil if an error occurred. One possible error is that the file is on a file system that does not support completion, in which case the original string is returned unchanged. Other possible second values are :old, which means that the string completed to the name of a file that exists, :new, which means that the string completed to the name of a file that could be created, and nil again, which means that there is no possible completion.

Balance Directories:

Function: fs:balance-directories filespec1 filespec2 &rest options

fs:balance-directories is a function for maintaining multiple copies of a directory. Often it is useful to maintain copies of your files on more than one machine; this function provides a simple way of keeping those copies up to date.

The function first parses filespec1, filling in missing components with wildcards (except for the version, which is :newest). Then filespec2 is parsed with filespec1 as the default. The resulting pathnames are used to generate directory lists using fs:directory-list. Note that the resulting directory lists need not be entire directories; any subset of a directory that fs:directory-list can produce will do.

First the directory lists are matched up on the basis of file name and type. All of the files in either directory list which have both the same name and the same type are grouped together.

The directory lists are next analyzed to determine if the directories are consistent, meaning that two files with the same name and type have equal creation-dates when their versions match, and greater versions have later creation-dates. If any inconsistencies are found, a warning message is printed on the console.

If the version specified for both filespec1 and filespec2 was :newest (the default), then the newest version of each file in each directory is copied to the other directory if it is not already there. The result is that each directory has the newest copy of every file in either of the two directories.

If one or both of the specified versions is not :newest, then every version that appears in one directory list and not in the other is copied. This has the result that the two directories are completely the same. (Note that this is probably not the right thing to use to copy an entire directory. Use copy-file with a wildcard argument instead.)

The options are keywords arguments which modify the operation. The following options are currently defined:


This option takes one argument, which is a list of file names to ignore when making the directory lists. The default value is nil.


This option is identical to the :error option to open.


This option takes one argument, which indicates whether or not the user should be asked before files are transferred. If the argument is nil, no querying is done. If it is :1->2, then only files being transferred from filespec2 to filespec1 are queried, while if it is :2->1, then files transferred from filespec1 to filespec2 are queried. If the argument is :always, then the user is asked about all files.


This option is identical to the :copy-mode option of copy-file, and is used to control whether files are treated as binary or textual data.


This option specifies transfer of files in one direction only. If the value is :1->2 then files are transfered only from filespec1 to filespec2, never in the other direction. If the value is :2->1 then files are transferred only from filespec2 to filespec1. nil, the default, means transfer in either direction as appropriate.

25.7 Errors in Accessing Files

Flavor Condition on fs:file-error: (error)

This flavor is the basis for all errors signaled by the file system.

It defines two special operations, :pathname and :operation. Usually, these return the pathname of the file being operated on, and the operation used. This operation was performed either on the pathname object itself, or on a stream.

It defines prompting for the proceed types :retry-file-operation and :new-pathname, both of which are provided for many file errors. :retry-file-operation tries the operation again exactly as it was requested by the program; :new-pathname expects on argument, a pathname, and tries the same operation on this pathname instead of the original one.

Condition on fs:file-operation-failure: (fs:file-error)

This condition name signifies a problem with the file operation requested. It is an alternative to fs:file-request-failure (file-request-failure-page), which means that the file system was unable to consider the operation properly.

All the following conditions in this section are always accompanied by fs:file-operation-failure, fs:file-error, and error, so they will not be mentioned.

Condition on : fs:file-open-for-output

The request cannot be performed because the file is open for output.

Condition on : fs:file-locked

The file cannot be accessed because it is already being accessed. Just which kinds of simultaneous access are allowed depends on the file system.

A link could not be opened because it pointed, directly or indirectly through other links, to itself. In fact, some systems report this condition whenever a chain of links exceeds a fixed length.

Condition on : fs:invalid-byte-size

In open, the specified byte size was not valid for the particular file server or file.

Condition on : fs:no-more-room

Processing a request requires resources not available, such as space in a directory, or free disk blocks.

Condition on : fs:filepos-out-of-range

The :set-pointer operation was used with a pointer value outside the bounds of the file.

Condition on : fs:not-available

A requested pack, file, etc. exists but is currently off line or not available to users.

Condition on : fs:file-lookup-error

This condition name categorizes all sorts of failure to find a specified file, for any operation.

Condition on fs:device-not-found: (fs:file-lookup-error)

The specified device does not exist.

Condition on fs:directory-not-found: (fs:file-lookup-error)

The specified directory does not exist.

Condition on fs:file-not-found: (fs:file-lookup-error)

There is no file with the specified name, type and version. This implies that the device and directory do exist, or one of the errors described above would have been signaled.

Condition on fs:multiple-file-not-found: (fs:file-lookup-error)

There is no file with the specified name and any of the specified types, in with-open-file-search. Three special operations are defined:


Returns the function which used with-open-file-search, such as load.


The base pathname used.


A list of all the pathnames that were looked for.

The file specified was a link, but the link’s target filename fails to be found.

Condition on : fs:access-error

The operation is possible, but the file server is insubordinate and refuses to obey you.

Condition on fs:incorrect-access-to-file: (access-error).
Condition on fs:incorrect-access-to-directory: (access-error).

The file server refuses to obey you because of protection attached to the file (or, the directory).

Condition on : fs:invalid-wildcard

A pathname had a wildcard in a place where the particular file server does not support them. Such pathnames are not created by pathname parsing, but they can be created with the :new-pathname operation.

Condition on : fs:wildcard-not-allowed

A pathname with a wildcard was used in an operation that does not support it. For example, opening a file with a wildcard in its name.

Condition on : fs:wrong-kind-of-file

An operation was done on the wrong kind of file. If files and directories share one name space and it is an error to open a directory, the error possesses this condition name.

Condition on : fs:creation-failure

An attempt to create a file or directory failed for a reason specifically connected with creation.

Condition on fs:file-already-exists: (fs:creation-failure)

The file or directory to be created already exists.

Condition on fs:superior-not-directory: (fs:creation-failure fs:wrong-kind-of-file)

In file systems where directories and files share one name space, this error results from an attempt to create a file using a filename specifying a directory whose name exists in the file system but is not a directory.

Condition on : fs:delete-failure

A file to be deleted exists, but for some reason cannot be deleted.

Condition on fs:directory-not-empty: (fs:delete-failure)

A file could not be deleted because it is a directory and has files in it.

Condition on fs:dont-delete-flag-set: (fs:delete-failure)

A file could not be deleted because its “don’t delete” flag is set.

Condition on : fs:rename-failure

A file to be renamed exists, but the renaming could not be done. The :new-pathname operation on the condition instance returns the specified new pathname, which may be a pathname or a string.

Condition on fs:rename-to-existing-file: (fs:rename-failure)

Renaming cannot be done because there is already a file with the specified new name.

Condition on fs:rename-across-directories: (fs:rename-failure)

Renaming cannot be done because the new pathname contains a different device or directory from the one the file is on. This may not always be an error–some file systems support it in certain cases–but when it is an error, it has this condition name.

Condition on fs:unknown-property: (fs:change-property-failure)

A property name specified in a :change-properties operation is not supported by the file server. (Some file servers support only a fixed set of property names.) The :property operation on the condition instance returns the problematical property name.

Condition on fs:invalid-property-value: (fs:change-property-failure)

In a :change-properties operation, some property was given a value that is not valid for it. The :property operation on the condition instance returns the property name, and the :value operation returns the specified value.

Condition on fs:invalid-property-name: (fs:change-property-failure)

In a :change-properties operation, a syntactically invalid property name was specified. This may be because it is too long to be stored. The :property operation on the condition instance returns the property name.

25.8 File Servers

Files on remote file servers are accessed using file servers over the Chaosnet. Normally connections to servers are established automatically when you try to use them, but there are a few ways you can interact with them explicitly.

When characters are written to a file server computer that normally uses the ASCII character set to store text, Lisp Machine characters are mapped into an encoding that is reasonably close to an ASCII transliteration of the text. When a file is written, the characters are converted into this encoding; the inverse transformation is done when a file is read back. No information is lost. Note that the length of a file, in characters, is not the same measured in original Lisp Machine characters as it is measured in the encoded ASCII characters. In the currently implemented ASCII file servers, the following encoding is used. All printing characters and any characters not mentioned explicitly here are represented as themselves. Codes 010 (lambda), 011 (gamma), 012 (delta), 014 (plus-minus), 015 (circle-plus), 177 (integral), 200 through 207 inclusive, 213 (Delete), and 216 and anything higher, are preceded by a 177; that is, 177 is used as a quoting character for these codes. Codes 210 (Overstrike), 211 (Tab), 212 (Line), and 214 (Page), are converted to their ASCII cognates, namely 010 (backspace), 011 (horizontal tab), 012 (line feed), and 014 (form feed) respectively. Code 215 (Return) is converted into 015 (carriage return) followed by 012 (line feed). Code 377 is ignored completely, and so cannot be stored in files.

When a file server is first created for you on a particular host, you must tell the server how to log in on that host. This involves specifying a username, and, if the obstructionists are in control of your site, a password. The Lisp Machine prompts you for these on the terminal when they are needed.

Logging in a file server is not the same thing as logging in on the Lisp Machine (see login, login-fun). The latter identifies you as a user in general and involves specifying one host, your login host. The former identifies you to a particular file server host and must be done for each host on which you access files. However, logging in on the Lisp Machine does specify the username for your login host and logs in a file server there.

The Lisp Machine uses your username (or the part that follows the last period) as a first guess for your password (this happens to take no extra time). If that does not work, you are asked to type a password, or else a username and a password, on the keyboard. You do not have to give the same user name that you are logged in as, since you may have or use different user names on different machines.

Once a password is recorded for one host, the system uses that password as the guess if you connect to a file server on another host.

Variable: fs:user-unames

This is an alist matching host names with the usernames you have specified on those hosts. Each element is the cons of a host object and the username, as a string.

For hosts running ITS, the symbol fs:its is used instead of a host object. This is because every user has the same username on all ITS hosts.

Variable: fs:user-host-password-alist

Once you have specified a password for a given username and host, it is remembered for the duration of the session in this variable. The value is a list of elements, each of the form

((username hostname) password)

All three data are strings.

The remembered passwords are used if more than one file server is needed on the same host, or if the connection is broken and a new file server needs to be created.

If you are very scared of your password being known, you can turn off the recording by setting this variable:

Variable: fs:record-passwords-flag

Passwords are recorded when typed in if this variable is non-nil.

You should set the variable at the front of your init file, and also set fs:user-host-password-alist to nil, since it will already have recorded your password when you logged in.

If you do not use a file server for a period of time, it is killed to save resources on the server host.

Variable: fs:host-unit-lifetime

This is the length of time after which an idle file server connection should be closed, in 60ths of a second. The default is 20 minutes.

Some hosts have a caste system in which all users are not equal. It is sometimes necessary to enable one’s privileges in order to exercise them. This is done with these functions:

Function: fs:enable-capabilities host &rest capabilities

Enables the named capabilities on file servers for the specified host. capabilities is a list of strings, whose meanings depend on the particular file system that is available on host. If capabilities is nil, a default list of capabilities is enabled; the default is also dependent on the operating system type.

Function: fs:disable-capabilities host &rest capabilities

Disables the named capabilities on file servers for the specified host. capabilities is a list of strings, whose meanings depend on the particular file system that is available on host. If capabilities is nil, a default list of capabilities is disabled; the default is also dependent on the operating system type.

The PEEK utility has a mode that displays the status of all your file connections, and of the host unit data structures that record them. Clicking on a connection with the mouse gets a menu of operations, of which the most interesting is reset. Resetting a host unit may be useful if the connection becomes hung.

25.8.1 Errors in Communication with File Servers

Condition on fs:file-request-failure: (fs:file-error error)

This condition name categorizes errors that prevent the file system from processing the request made by the program.

The following condition names are always accompanied by the more general classifications fs:file-request-failure, fs:file-error, and error.

Condition on : fs:data-error

This condition signifies inconsistent data found in the file system, indicating a failure in the file system software or hardware.

Condition on : fs:host-not-available

This condition signifies that the file server host is up, but refusing connections for file servers.

Condition on : fs:network-lossage

This condition signifies certain problems in the use of the Chaosnet by a file server, such as failure to open a data connection when it is expected.

Condition on : fs:not-enough-resources

This condition signifies a shortage of resources needed to consider processing a request, as opposed to resources used up by the request itself. This may include running out of network connections or job slots on the server host. It does not include running out of space in a directory or running out of disk space, because these are resources whose requirements come from processing the request.

Condition on : fs:unknown-operation

This condition signifies that the particular file system fails to implement a standardly defined operation; such as, expunging or undeletion on ITS.

26 The Chaosnet

The purpose of the basic software protocol of Chaosnet is to allow high-speed communication among processes on different machines, with no undetected transmission errors.

26.1 Chaosnet Overview

The principal service provided by Chaosnet is a connection between two user processes. This is a full-duplex reliable packet-transmission channel. The network undertakes never to garble, lose, duplicate, or resequence the packets; in the event of a serious error it may break the connection off entirely, informing both user processes. User programs may deal explicitly in terms of packets. They may also ignore packet boundaries and treat the connection as two uni-directional streams of 8-bit or 16-bit bytes, but this really works by means of packets.

If you just want to ask a question of another process or host and receive a reply, you can use a simple transaction: You send only one packet to the other host, and it sends one packet back. This is more efficient than establishing a connection and using it only briefly. In a simple transaction, the server cannot tell whether the user received the answer; and if the user does not receive the answer, it cannot tell whether the server received the question. In fact, the server might receive the question more than once. If this is unacceptable, a connection must be used.

Each node (or host) on the network is identified by an address, which is a 16-bit number. These addresses are used in the routing of packets. There is a table (the system host table, SYS: CHAOS; HOSTS TXT) that relates symbolic host names to numeric host addresses. The host table can record addresses on any number of different networks, and in certain contexts a host address is meaningful only together with the name of the network it is for.

The data transmitted over connections are in units called packets. Each packet contains an 8-bit number, the opcode, which indicates what its function is. Opcode numbers are always given in octal. Opcodes less than 200 (octal) are special purpose. Each such opcode that is used has an assigned name and a specific function. Users need not know about all of them. Opcodes 200 through 277 (octal) are used for 8-bit user data. Opcodes 300 through 377 (octal) are used for 16-bit user data.

Each packet also contains some number of data bytes, whose meaning depends on the opcode. If the opcode is for user data, then it is up to the application user software to decide on the interpretation.

Establishing a connection:

A connection is created because one process sends a request to a host. The request is a packet containing the special-purpose opcode RFC. The data contains a contact name which is used to find the process to connect to. There may be a process on the target host listening on this contact name. If so, it decides whether to agree to the connection. Alternatively, the contact name can be the name of a standard service such as TELNET. In this case, the receiving host creates a process to respond, loaded with the program for that service.

Once a connection has been established, there is no more need for the contact name and it is discarded. The Lisp Machine remembers what contact name was used to open a connection, but this is only for the user’s information.

In the case where two existing processes that already know about each other want to establish a connection, they must agree on a contact name, and then one of them must send the request while the other listens. They must agree between themselves which is to do which.

Contact names are restricted to strings of upper-case letters, numbers, and ASCII punctuation. The maximum length of a contact name is limited only by the packet size, although on ITS hosts the names of automatically-started servers are limited by the file-system to six characters. The contact name is terminated by a space. If the RFC packet contains data beyond the contact name, it is just for interpretation by the listening process, which can also use it in deciding whether to accept the connection.

A simple transaction is also begun with an RFC packet. There is nothing in the RFC packet which indicates whether it is intended to start a connection or a simple transaction. The server has the option of doing either one. But normally any given server always does one or the other, and the requestor knows which one to expect.

The server accepts the request for a connection by sending an OPN packet (a packet with opcode OPN) to the requestor. It can also refuse the connection by sending a CLS packet. The data in the CLS packet is a string explaining the reason for the refusal. Another alternative is to tell the requestor to try a different host or a different contact name. This is called forwarding the request, and is done with a FWD packet.

The server can also respond with an answer, an ANS packet, which is the second half of a simple transaction. (Refusing and forwarding are also meaningful when a simple transaction is intended, just as when a connection is intended).

Once the connection is open:

Data transmitted through Chaosnet generally follow Lisp Machine standards. Bits and bytes are numbered from right to left, or least-significant to most-significant. The first 8-bit byte in a 16-bit word is the one in the arithmetically least-significant position. The first 16-bit word in a 32-bit double-word is the one in the arithmetically least-significant position. This is the “little-endian” convention.

Big-endian machines such as the PDP-10 need to reorder the characters in a word in order to access them conveniently. For their sake, some packet opcodes imply 8-bit data and some imply 16-bit data. Packets known to contain 8-bit bytes, including opcodes 200 through 277, are stored in the big-endian machine’s memory a character at a time, whereas packets containing 16-bit data are stored 16 bits at a time.

The character set used is dictated by the higher-level protocol in use. Telnet and Supdup, for example, each specifies its own ASCII-based character set. The default character set–used for new protocols and for text that appears in the basic Chaosnet protocol, such as contact names–is the Lisp Machine character set.

If one process tries to send data faster than the other can process it, the buffered packets could devour lots of memory. Preventing this is the purpose of flow control. Each process specifies a window size, which is the number of packets that are allowed to be waiting for that process to read. Attempting to send on a connection whose other side’s window is full waits until the other side reads some packets. The default window size is 13, but for some applications you might wish to specify a larger value (see chaos:connect, chaos:connect-fun). There is little reason ever to specify a smaller value.

Breaking a connection:

Either end of a connection can break the connection abruptly by sending a CLS packet. The data in this packet is a string describing why the connection was broken.

To break a connection gently, it is necessary to verify that all the data transmitted was received properly before sending a CLS. This matters in some applications and is unnecessary in others. When it is needed, it is done by sending a special packet, an EOF packet, which is mostly like a data packet except for its significance with regard to closing the connection. The EOF packet is like the words “the end” at the end of a book: it tells the recipient that it has received all the data it is supposed to receive, that there are no missing pages that should have followed. When the sender of the EOF sees the acknowledgement for the EOF packet, indicating that the EOF was received and understood, it can break the connection with a CLS.

If a process that expects to receive an EOF gets a CLS with no EOF, it takes this to mean that the connection was broken before the transmission was finished. If the process does receive an EOF, it does not break the connection itself immediately. It waits to see the sender of the EOF break it. If this does not happen in a few seconds, the EOF recipient can break the connection.

It is illegal to put data in an EOF packet; in other words, the byte count should always be zero. Most Chaosnet implementations simply ignore any data that is present in an EOF.

If both sides are sending data and both need to know for certain where “the end” is, they must do something a little more complicated. Arbitrarily call one party the user and the other the server. The protocol is that after sending all its data, each party sends an EOF and waits for it to be acknowledged. The server, having seen its EOF acknowledged, sends a second EOF. The user, having seen its EOF acknowledged, looks for a second EOF and then sends a CLS and goes away. The server goes away when it sees the user’s CLS, or after a brief timeout has elapsed. This asymmetrical protocol guarantees that each side gets a chance to know that both sides agree that all the data have been transferred. The first CLS is sent only after both sides have waited for their (first) EOF to be acknowledged.

Clearing up inconsistencies:

If a host crashes, it is supposed to forget all the connections that it had. When a packet arrives on one of the former connections, the host will report “no such connection” to the sender with a LOS packet, whose data is a string explaining what happened. The same thing happens if a CLS packet is lost; the intended recipient may keep trying to use the connection that the other side (which sent the CLS) no longer believes should exist. LOS packets are used whenever a host receives a packet that it should not be getting; the recipient of the LOS packet knows that the connection it thought it was using does not exist any more.

26.2 Conns

On the Lisp Machine, your handle on a connection is a named structure of type chaos:conn. The conn may have an actual connection attached to it, or it may have a connection still being made, or record that a connection was refused, closed or broken.

chaos:inactive-state "connection state"

This conn is not really in use at all.

chaos:rfc-sent-state "connection state"

This conn was used to request a connection to another process, but no reply has been received. When the reply is received, it may change the conn’s state to chaos:answered-state, chaos:cls-received-state, or chaos:open-state.

chaos:listening-state "connection state"

This conn is being used to listen with. If a RFC packet is received for the contact name you are listening on, the state changes to chaos:rfc-received-state.

chaos:rfc-received-state "connection state"

This means that your listen has “heard” an RFC packet that matches it. You can accept, reject, forward or answer the request. Accepting goes to state chaos:open-state; refusing or forwarding goes to to state chaos:inactive-state.

chaos:open-state "connection state"

This conn is one end of an open connection. You can receive any data packets that are waiting and you can transmit data.

chaos:answered-state "connection state"

This conn was used to send an RFC packet and an ANS packet was received in response (a simple transaction answer arrived). You can read the ANS packet, that is all.

chaos:cls-received-state "connection state"

This conn has received a CLS packet (the connection was closed or refused). You can read any data packets that came in before the CLS; after them you can read the CLS.

chaos:los-received-state "connection state"

This conn’s connection was broken and the other end sent a LOS packet to say so. The LOS packet is the only packet available to be read.

chaos:host-down-state "connection state"

The host at the other end of this conn’s connection has not responded to anything for a significant time.

chaos:foreign-state "connection state"

The connection is being used with a foreign protocol encapsulated in UNC packets (see the MIT AI Lab memo entitled “Chaosnet” for more information on this).

These are the fields of a conn that you might be interested in:

Function: chaos:conn-state conn

This slot holds the state of conn. It is one of the symbols listed above.

Function: chaos:conn-foreign-address conn

Returns the address of the host at the other end of this connection. Use si:get-host-from-address to find out which host this is (see si:get-host-from-address-fun).

Function: chaos:conn-read-pkts conn

Internally threaded chain of incoming packets available to be read from conn.

Its main use for the applications programmer is to test whether there are any incoming packets.

Function: chaos:conn-window-available conn

Returns the number of packets you may transmit before the network software forces you to wait for the receiver to read some. This is just a minimum. By the time you actually send this many packets, the receiver may already have said he has room for some more.

Function: chaos:conn-plist conn

This slot is used to store arbitrary properties on conn. You can store properties yourself; use property names that are not in the chaos package to avoid conflict.

Function: chaos:contact-name conn

Returns the contact name with which conn was created. The contact name is not significant to the functioning of the connection once an RFC and LSN have matched, but it is remembered for the sake of debugging. The user can use this function or the :contact-name message to a stream to determine any contact name “arguments.”

Function: chaos:wait conn state timeout &optional whostate

Waits until the state of conn is not the symbol state, or until timeout 60ths of a second have elapsed. If the timeout occurs, nil is returned; otherwise t is returned. whostate is the process state to put in the who-line; it defaults to "Chaosnet wait".

26.3 Opening and Closing Connections

26.3.1 User-Side

Function: chaos:connect host contact-name &optional window-size timeout

Opens a stream connection; returns a conn if it succeeds or else a string giving the reason for failure. host may be a number or the name of a known host. contact-name is a string containing the contact name and any additional arguments to go in the RFC packet. If window-size is not specified it defaults to 13. If timeout is not specified it defaults to 600 (ten seconds).

Function: chaos:simple host contact-name &optional timeout

Taking arguments similar to those of chaos:connect, this performs the user side of a simple-transaction. The returned value is either an ANS packet or a string containing a failure message. The ANS packet should be disposed of (using chaos:return-pkt, see below) when you are done with it.

Function: chaos:remove-conn conn

Makes conn null and void. It becomes inactive, all its buffered packets are freed, and the corresponding Chaosnet connection (if any) goes away. This is called removing the connection. conn itself is marked for reuse for another Chaosnet connection, so you should not do anything else with it after it is removed.

Function: chaos:close-conn conn &optional reason

Closes and removes the connection. If it is open, a CLS packet is sent containing the string reason. Don’t use this to reject RFC’s; use chaos:reject for that.

Function: chaos:open-foreign-connection host index &optional pkt-allocation distinguished-port

Creates a conn that may be used to transmit and receive foreign protocols encapsulated in UNC packets. host and index are the destination address for packets sent with chaos:send-unc-pkt. pkt-allocation is the ‘window size’, i.e the maximum number of input packets that may be buffered. It defaults to 10. If distinguished-port is supplied, the local index is set to it. This is necessary for protocols that define the meanings of particular index numbers.

See the MIT AI Lab memo entitled “Chaosnet” for more information on using foreign protocols.

26.3.2 Server-Side

Function: chaos:listen contact-name &optional window-size wait-for-rfc

Waits for an RFC for the specified contact name to arrive, then returns a conn that is in chaos:rfc-received-state. If window-size is not specified it defaults to 13. If wait-for-rfc is specified as nil (it defaults to t) then the conn is returned immediately without waiting for an RFC to arrive.

Variable: chaos:server-alist

Contains an entry for each server that always exists. When an RFC arrives for one of these servers, the specified form is evaluated in the background process; typically it creates a process that will then do a chaos:listen. Use the add-initialization function to add entries to this list. Here is how the EVAL server is installed:

Function: chaos:accept conn

conn must be in chaos:rfc-received-state. An OPN packet is transmitted and conn enters the chaos:open-state. If the RFC packet has not already been read with chaos:get-next-pkt, it is discarded. You should read it before accepting, if it contains arguments in addition to the contact name.

Function: chaos:reject conn reason

conn must be in chaos:rfc-received-state. A CLS packet containing the string reason is sent and conn is removed from the connection table.

Function: chaos:forward-all contact-name host

Causes all future requests for connection to this host on contact-name to be forwarded to the same contact name at host host.

Function: chaos:answer-string conn string

conn must be in chaos:rfc-received-state. An ANS packet containing the string string is sent and conn is removed from the connection table.

Function: chaos:answer conn pkt

conn must be in chaos:rfc-received-state. pkt is transmitted as an ANS packet and conn is removed. Use this function when the answer is some binary data rather than a text string.

Function: chaos:fast-answer-string contact-name string

If a pending RFC exists to contact-name, an ANS containing string is sent in response to it and t is returned. Otherwise nil is returned. This function involves the minimum possible overhead. No conn is created.

26.4 Stream Input and Output

Function: chaos:open-stream host contact-name &key window-size timeout error direction characters ascii-translation

Opens a Chaosnet connection and returns a stream that does I/O to it. host is the host to connect to; contact-name is the contact name at that host. These two arguments are passed along to chaos:connect.

If host is nil, a connection to contact-name is listened for, and a stream is returned as soon as a request comes in for that contact name. At this time, you must accept or reject the connection by invoking the stream operation :accept or :reject. Before you decide which to do, you can use the :foreign-host operation to find out where the connection came from.

The remaining arguments are:


These two arguments specify two arguments for chaos:connect.


If the value is non-nil, a failure to connect causes a Lisp error. Otherwise, it causes a string describing the error to be returned.


These three arguments are passed along to chaos:make-stream.

Function: chaos:make-stream conn &key direction characters ascii-translation

Creates and returns a stream that does I/O on the connection conn, which should be open as a stream connection. direction may be :input, :output or :bidirectional.

If characters is non-nil (which is the default), the stream reads and writes 8-bit bytes. If characters is nil, the stream reads and writes 16-bit bytes.

If ascii-translation is non-nil, characters written to the stream are translated to standard ASCII before they are sent, and characters read are translated from ASCII to the Lisp Machine character set.

Method on chaos:basic-stream: :connection

Returns the connection with which this stream is connected.

Method on chaos:basic-stream: :contact-name

Return the contact name with with this stream was opened.

Method on chaos:basic-stream: :foreign-host

Returns the host object for the host at the other end of this stream’s connection.

Method on chaos:basic-stream: :accept

Accepts the request for a connection which this stream received. Used only for streams made by chaos:open-stream with nil as the host argument.

Method on chaos:basic-stream: :reject reason-string

Rejects the request for a connection which this stream received, sending reason-string in the CLS packet as the reason. Used only for streams made by chaos:open-stream with nil as the host argument.

Method on chaos:basic-stream: :close &optional abort-p

Sends a CLS packet and removes the connection. For output connections and bidirectional connections, the :eof operation is performed first, if abort-p is nil.

Method on chaos:basic-output-stream: :force-output

Any buffered output is transmitted. Normally output is accumulated until a full packet’s worth of bytes are available, so that maximum-size packets are transmitted.

Method on chaos:basic-output-stream: :finish

Waits until either all packets have been sent and acknowledged, or the connection ceases to be open. If successful, returns t; if the connection goes into a bad state, returns nil.

Method on chaos:basic-output-stream: :eof

Forces out any buffered output, sends an EOF packet, and does a :finish.

Method on chaos:basic-input-stream: :clear-eof

Allows you to read past an EOF packet on input. Normally, each :tyi done at eof returns nil or signals the specified eof error. If you do :clear-eof on the stream, you can then read more data (assuming there are data packets following the EOF packet).

26.5 Packet Input and Output

Input and output on a Chaosnet connection can be done at the whole-packet level, using the functions in this section. A packet is represented by a chaos:pkt data structure. Allocation of pkts is controlled by the system; each pkt that it gives you must be given back. There are functions to convert between pkts and strings. A pkt is an art-16b array containing the packet header and data; the leader of a pkt contains a number of fields used by the system.

Constant: chaos:first-data-word-in-pkt

This is the index in any pkt of the element that is the first 16-bit word of user data. (Preceding elements are used to store a header used by the hardware.)

Constant: chaos:max-data-words-per-pkt

The maximum number of 16-bit data words allowed in a packet.

Function: chaos:pkt-opcode pkt

Accessor for the opcode of the packet pkt. To set the opcode, do

(setf (chaos:pkt-opcode my-pkt) my-opcode)

The system provides names for all the opcodes standardly used. The names useful to the applications programmer appear at the end of this section.

Function: chaos:pkt-nbytes pkt

Accessor for the number-of-data-bytes field of pkt’s. This field says how much of pkt’s contects are valid data, measured in 8-bit bytes. This field can be set with setf also.

Function: chaos:pkt-string pkt

An indirect array that is the data field of pkt as a string of 8-bit bytes. The length of this string is equal to (chaos:pkt-nbytes pkt). If you wish to record the contects of pkt permanently, you must copy this string.

Function: chaos:set-pkt-string pkt &rest strings

Copies the strings into the data field of pkt, concatenating them, and sets (chaos:pkt-nbytes pkt) accordingly.

Function: chaos:get-pkt

Allocates a pkt for use by the user.

Function: chaos:return-pkt pkt

Returns pkt to the system for reuse. The packets given to you by chaos:get-pkt, chaos:get-next-pkt and chaos:simple should be returned to the system in this way when you are finished with them.

Function: chaos:send-pkt conn pkt &optional (opcode chaos:dat-op)

Transmits pkt on conn. pkt should have been allocated with chaos:get-pkt and then had its data field and n-bytes filled in. opcode must be a data opcode (#o200 or more) or EOF. An error is signaled, with condition chaos:not-open-state, if conn is not open.

Giving a pkt to chaos:send-pkt constitutes giving it back to the system. You do not need to call chaos:return-pkt.

Function: chaos:send-string conn &rest strings

Sends a data packet containing the concatenation of strings as its data.

Function: chaos:send-unc-pkt conn pkt &optional pkt-number ack-number

Transmits pkt, an UNC packet, on conn. The opcode, packet number, and acknowledge number fields in the packet header are filled in (the latter two only if the optional arguments are supplied).

See the MIT AI Lab memo entitled “Chaosnet” for more information on using foreign protocols.

Function: chaos:may-transmit conn

A predicate that returns t if there is any space in the window for transmitting on conn. If the value is nil, you may have to wait if you try to transmit. If the value is t, you certainly do not have to wait.

Function: chaos:finish-conn conn &optional (whostate "Net Finish")

Waits until either all packets have been sent and acknowledged, or the connection ceases to be open. If successful, returns t; if the connection goes into a bad state, returns nil. whostate is the process state to display in the who-line while waiting.

Function: chaos:conn-finished-p conn

t unless conn is open and has sent packets which have not been acknowledged.

Function: chaos:get-next-pkt conn &optional (no-hang-p nil) whostate check-conn-state

Returns the next input packet from conn. When you are done with the packet you must give it back to the system with chaos:return-pkt. This can return an RFC, CLS, or ANS packet, in addition to data, UNC, or EOF.

If no packets are available, nil is returned if no-hang-p is t. Otherwise, chaos:get-next-pkt waits for a packet to come in or for the state to change. whostate is displayed in the who line; it defaults to "Chaosnet Input".

If check-conn-state is non-nil, the connection state is checked for validity before anything else is done, and an error is signaled if the connection is in a bad state, with condition name chaos:host-down, chaos:los-received-state, or chaos:read-on-closed-connection. If check-conn-state is nil and no-hang-p is t, nil is returned. check-conn-state defaults to (not no-hang-p).

Function: chaos:data-available conn

A predicate that returns t if there any input packets available from conn.

Here are symbolic names for the opcodes that an applications programmer needs to know about:

Constant: chaos:rfc-op

This special-purpose opcode is used for requesting a connection. The data consists of the contact name terminated by a space character, followed optionally by additional data whose meaning is up to the server for that contact name.

Constant: chaos:brd-op

This special purpose opcode is for requesting responses from many hosts. Currently, there is no user end for initiating these requests in the Lisp Machine system, but the Lisp Machine can respond to such requests. An incoming packet of this type is treated like an RFC packet.

Constant: chaos:lsn-op

This special-purpose opcode is used when you ask to listen on a contact name. The data is just the contact name. This packet is never actually sent over the network, just kept in the Chaosnet software and compared with the contact names in RFC packets that arrive.

Constant: chaos:opn-op

This special-purpose opcode is used by the server process to accept the request for a connection conveyed by an RFC packet. Its data serves only internal functions.

Constant: chaos:ans-op

This special-purpose opcode is used to send a simple reply. The simple reply is sent back in place of opening a connection.

Constant: chaos:los-op

This special-purpose packet is what you receive if you try to use a connection that has been broken. Its data is a message explaining the situation, which you can print for the user.

Constant: chaos:cls-op

This special-purpose packet is used to close a connection. Its data is a message explaining the reason, and it can be printed for the user. Note that you cannot count on receiving a CLS packet because it is not retransmitted if it is lost. If that happens you get a LOS when you try to use the connection (thinking it is still open).

CLS packets are also used for refusing to open a connection in the first place.

Constant: chaos:eof-op

This special-purpose opcode is used to indicate the end of the data that you really want to transmit. When this packet is acknowledged by the other process, you know that all the real data was received properly. You can wait for this with chaos:finish. The EOF packet carries no data itself.

Constant: chaos:dat-op

This is opcode 200 (octal), which is the normal opcode used for 8-bit user data. Some protocols use multiple data opcodes in the range 200 through 277, but simple protocols that do not need to distinguish types of packets just use opcode 200.

26.6 Connection Interrupts

Function: chaos:interrupt-function conn

This attribute of a conn is a function to be called when certain events occur on this connection. Normally this is nil, which means not to call any function, but you can use setf to store a function here. Since the function is called in the Chaosnet background process, it should not do any operations that might have to wait for the network, since that could permanently hang the background process.

The function’s first argument is one of the following symbols, giving the reason for the interrupt. The function’s second argument is conn. Additional arguments may be present depending on the reason. The possible reasons are:


A packet has arrived for the connection when it had no input packets queued. It is now possible to do chaos:get-next-pkt without having to wait. There are no additional arguments.


An acknowledgement has arrived for the connection and made space in the window when formerly it was full. Additional output packets may now be transmitted with chaos:send-pkt without having to wait. There are no additional arguments.


The state of the connection has changed. The third argument to the function is the symbol for the new state.

Function: chaos:read-pkts conn

Some interrupt functions want to look at the queued input packets of a connection when they get a :input interrupt. chaos:read-pkts returns the first packet available for reading. Successive packets can be found by following chaos:pkt-link.

Lists of packets in the NCP are threaded together by storing each packet in the chaos:pkt-link of its predecessor. The list is terminated with nil.

26.7 Chaosnet Errors

Flavor Condition on sys:network-error: (error)

All errors from the Chaosnet code use flavors built on this one.

26.7.1 Local Problems

Flavor Condition on sys:local-network-error: (sys:network-error error)

This flavor is used for problems in connection with the Chaosnet that have entirely to do with what is going on in this Lisp Machine.

Condition on sys:network-resources-exhausted: (sys:local-network-error sys:network-error error)

Signaled when some local resource in the NCP was exhausted. Most likely, there are too many Chaosnet connections and the connection table is full.

Condition on sys:unknown-address: (sys:local-network-error sys:network-error error)

The address argument to chaos:connect or some similar function was not recognizable. The :address operation on the condition instance returns the address that was supplied.

26.7.2 Problems Involving Other Machines’ Actions

Flavor Condition on sys:remote-network-error: (sys:network-error error)

This flavor is used for network problems that involve the actions (or lack of them) of other machines. It is often useful to test for as a condition name.

The operations :connection and :foreign-host return the chaos:conn object and the host object for the foreign host.

All the condition names listed below imply the presence of sys:remote-network-error, sys:network-error and error. For brevity, these are not mentioned in the individual descriptions.

Every instance of sys:remote-network-error is either a sys:connection-error or a sys:bad-connection-state.

Condition on : sys:connection-error

This condition name categorizes failure to complete a connection.

Condition on : sys:bad-connection-state

This condition name categorizes errors where an existing, valid connection becomes invalid. The error is not signaled until you try to use the connection.

Condition on : sys:host-not-responding

This condition name categorizes errors where no packets whatever are received from the foreign host, making it seem likely that that host or the network is down.

Condition on sys:host-not-responding-during-connection: (sys:connection-error sys:host-not-responding)

This condition is signaled when a host does not respond while it is being asked to make a connection.

Condition on sys:no-server-up: (sys:connection-error)

This condition is signaled by certain functions which request service from any available machine which can provide it, if no such machine is responding or no host is listed as a server for a particular service.

Condition on sys:host-stopped-responding: (sys:bad-connection-state sys:host-not-responding)

This condition is signaled when a host does not respond even though a connection to it already exists.

Condition on sys:connection-refused: (sys:connection-error)

This is signaled when a connection is refused.

The :reason operation on the condition instance returns the reason specified in the CLS packet (a string) or nil if no reason was given.

Note that many Chaosnet implementations do not send CLS packets when there is no process or server listening for a contact name. Also, it is possible for the CLS packet to get lost in the network, so that the error actually signalled is not unlikely to be sys:host-not-responding-during-connection.

Condition on sys:connection-closed: (sys:bad-connection-state)

This is signaled when you try to send on a connection which has been closed by the other host.

The :reason operation on the condition instance returns the reason specified in the CLS packet (a string) or nil if no reason was given.

Condition on sys:connection-lost: (sys:bad-connection-state)

This is signaled when you try to use a connection on which a LOS packet was received.

The :reason operation on the condition instance returns the reason specified in the CLS packet (a string) or nil if no reason was given.

Condition on sys:connection-no-more-data: (sys:bad-connection-state)

This is signaled when you try to read from a connection which has been closed by the other host, when there are no packets left to be read. (It is no error to read from a connection which has been closed, if you have not yet read all the packets which arrived, including the CLS packet).

The :reason operation on the condition instance returns the reason specified in the CLS packet (a string) or nil if no reason was given.

26.8 Information and Control

Function: chaos:host-up-p host &optional (timeout 180.)

t if host responds over the Chaosnet within timeout sixtieths of a second, otherwise nil. The value is always nil if host is not on the Chaosnet.

Function: chaos:up-hosts host-list &optional number-of-hosts (timeout 250.)

Returns a list of all the hosts in host-list which are currently responding over the Chaosnet. host-list is a list of host names and/or host objects. The value is always a list of host objects, possibly nil for none of them.

If number-of-hosts is non-nil, it should be a positive integer; when that many hosts have responded, chaos:up-hosts returns right away without bothering to listen for replies from the rest.

timeout is an integer; if a host fails to respond for that many sixtieths of a second, it is assumed to be down.

Function: chaos:host-data &optional host

host may be a number or a known host name, and defaults to the local host. Two values are returned. The first value is the host name and the second is the host number. If the host is a number not in the table, it is asked its name using the STATUS protocol; if no response is received the name "Unknown" is returned.

Function: chaos:print-conn conn &optional (short t)

Prints everything the system knows about the connection. If short is nil it also prints everything the system knows about each queued input and output packet on the connection.

Function: chaos:print-pkt pkt &optional (short nil)

Prints everything the system knows about the packet, except its data field. If short is t, only the first line of the information is printed.

Function: chaos:print-all-pkts pkt &optional (short t)

Calls chaos:print-pkt on pkt and all packets on the threaded list emanating from it.

Function: chaos:status

Prints the hardware status. (Currently works for the CADR only.)

Function: chaos:reset

Resets the hardware and software and turns off Chaosnet communication.

Function: chaos:assure-enabled

Turns on Chaosnet communication if it is not already on. It is normally always on unless you call one of the functions in this section.

Function: chaos:enable

Resets the hardware and turns on Chaosnet communication.

Function: chaos:disable

Resets the hardware and turns off Chaosnet communication.

Function: chaos:show-routing-table host &optional (stream *standard-output)

Print out host’s routing table onto stream.

Function: chaos:show-routing-path &key (from si:local-host) to (stream *standard-output)

Show how a packet would get from from to to. For this to work when the hosts are on different subnets, the bridge must respond to the DUMP-ROUTING-TABLE request.

Constant: chaos:my-address

The sixteen bit Chaosnet address of this Lisp Machine. On the CADR, this is set by reading a location off the Chaosnet (I/O) board. On a Lambda, this is set by looking at the name of the disk pack, and using that as a host name to get the Chaosnet address. (This is because a Lambda talks Chaosnet through an Ethernet interface, which has a pre-assigned address of its own.)

Constant: chaos:my-subnet

The high eight bits of chaos:my-address.

Constant: chaos:routing-table

This is an art-16b array which contains for each subnet the address of a bridge which is the best way of getting to that subnet. Since (currently) Lisp Machines can only have one interface to the network, the addresses in the table all contain the same subnet, namely, the name of chaos:my-address.

Constant: chaos:maximum-routing-cost

The maximum cost that a route can be in the routing table. Subnets with a cost greater than this do not appear in the Peek Chaosnet display

Constant: chaos:routing-table-cost

This is an art-16b array which contains for each subnet the cost for getting to that subnet.

Variable: chaos:*receive-broadcast-packets-p*

If not nil (the default), broadcast packets are responded to.

Variable: chaos:*brd-history*

A list of elements of the form (contact-name address) recording what hosts have been contacting this machine with broadcast requests.

Variable: chaos:*brd-pkts-in*

The number of broadcast packets (opcode BRD-OP) that have been received. This should never be less than (length chaos:*brd-history*).

The PEEK program has a mode that displays the status of all of the Lisp Machine’s Chaosnet connections, and various other information, in a continuously updating fashion.

26.9 Higher-Level Protocols

This section briefly documents some of the higher-level protocols of the most general interest. There are quite a few other protocols which are too specialized to mention here. All protocols other than the STATUS protocol are optional and are only implemented by those hosts that need them. All hosts are required to implement the STATUS protocol since it is used for network maintenance.

The site files tell the Lisp Machine which hosts at your site implement certain higher-level protocols. See site-files.

26.9.1 Status

All network nodes, even bridges, are required to answer RFC’s with contact name STATUS, returning an ANS packet in a simple transaction. This protocol is primarily used for network maintenance. The answer to a STATUS request should be generated by the Network Control Program, rather than by starting up a server process, in order to provide rapid response.

The STATUS protocol is used to determine whether a host is up, to determine whether an operable path through the network exists between two hosts, to monitor network error statistics, and to debug new Network Control Programs and new Chaosnet hardware. The hostat function on the Lisp Machine uses this protocol.

The first 32 bytes of the ANS contain the name of the node, padded on the right with zero bytes. The rest of the packet contains blocks of information expressed in 16-bit and 32-bit words, low byte first (little-endian convention). The low-order half of a 32-bit word comes first. Since ANS packets contain 8-bit data (not 16-bit), big-endian machines such as PDP-10s have to shuffle the bytes explicitly when using this protocol. The first 16-bit word in a block is its identification. The second 16-bit word is the number of 16-bit words to follow. The remaining words in the block depend on the identification.

This is the only block type currently defined. All items are optional, according to the count field, and extra items not defined here may be present and should be ignored. Note that items after the first two are 32-bit words.

word 0

A number between 400 and 777 octal. This is 400 plus a subnet number. This block contains information on this host’s direct connection to that subnet.

word 1

The number of 16-bit words to follow, usually 16.

words 2-3

The number of packets received from this subnet.

words 4-5

The number of packets transmitted to this subnet.

words 6-7

The number of transmissions to this subnet aborted by collisions or because the receiver was busy.

words 8-9

The number of incoming packets from this subnet lost because the host had not yet read a previous packet out of the interface and consequently the interface could not capture the packet.

words 10-11

The number of incoming packets from this subnet with CRC errors. These were either transmitted wrong or damaged in transmission.

words 12-13

The number of incoming packets from this subnet that had no CRC error when received, but did have an error after being read out of the packet buffer. This error indicates either a hardware problem with the packet buffer or an incorrect packet length.

words 14-15

The number of incoming packets from this subnet that were rejected due to incorrect length (typically not a multiple of 16 bits).

words 16-17

The number of incoming packets from this subnet rejected for other reasons (e.g too short to contain a header, garbage byte-count, forwarded too many times.)

If word 0, the identification, is a number between 0 and 377 octal, this is an obsolete format of block. The identification is a subnet number and the counts are as above except that they are only 16 bits instead of 32, and consequently may overflow. This format should no longer be sent by any hosts.

Identification numbers of 1000 octal and up are reserved for future use.

26.9.2 Routing Information

For network and NCP debugging, this RFC/ANS protocol should be implemented. The contact name is DUMP-ROUTING-TABLE, and the response is an ANS packet whose words alternately contain a method to getting to a subnet, and the cost. If the method is zero, then the machine knows of no way to get to that subnet. If the method is positive and less than 400 (octal), it is an interface of some kind to that subnet. If the method is 400 (octal) or greater, this is actually a bridge (host) off which the machine is bouncing packets destined for the subnet.

26.9.3 Telnet and Supdup

The Telnet and Supdup protocols of the Arpanet exist in identical form in Chaosnet. These protocols allow access to a computer system as an interactive terminal from another network node.

The contact names are TELNET and SUPDUP. The direct borrowing of the Telnet and Supdup protocols was eased by their use of 8-bit byte streams and of only a single connection. Note that these protocols define their own character sets, which differ from each other and from the Chaosnet standard character set.

For the Telnet protocol, refer to the RFC 854 (An RFC is a network document put out by the NIC or Network Information Center.) For the Supdup protocol, see MIT AI Lab memo 644.

Chaosnet contains no counterpart of the INR/INS attention-getting feature of the Arpanet. The Telnet protocol sends a packet with opcode 201 octal in place of the INS signal. This is a controlled packet and hence does not provide the “out of band” feature of the Arpanet INS, however it is satisfactory for the Telnet ‘interrupt process’ and ‘discard output’ operations on the kinds of hosts attached to Chaosnet.

26.9.4 File Access

The FILE protocol is primarily used by Lisp Machines to access files on network file servers. ITS, TOPS-20, Tenex, Unix, VMS, and Lisp Machines are equipped to act as file servers. A user end for the file protocol also exists for all the operating systems mentioned (except VMS) and is used for general-purpose file transfer. For complete documentation on the file protocol, see SYS: DOC; FILE TEXT. The Arpanet file transfer protocols have not been implemented on the Chaosnet (except through the Arpanet gateway described below).

26.9.5 Mail

The MAIL protocol is used to transmit inter-user messages through the Chaosnet. The Arpanet mail protocol in FTP was not used because of its complexity and poor state of documentation. This simple protocol is by no means the last word in mail protocols; however, it is adequate for the mail systems we presently possess.

The sender of mail connects to contact name MAIL and establishes a stream connection. It then sends the names of all the recipients to which the mail is to be sent at (or via) the server host. The names are sent one to a line and terminated by a blank line (two carriage returns in a row). The Lisp Machine character set is used. A reply (see below) is immediately returned for each recipient. A recipient is typically just the name of a user, but it can be a user-atsign-host sequence or anything else acceptable to the mail system on the server machine. After sending the recipients, the sender sends the text of the message, terminated by an EOF. After the mail has been successfully swallowed, a reply is sent. After the sender of mail has read the reply, both sides close the connection.

In the MAIL protocol, a reply is a signal from the server to the user (or sender) indicating success or failure. The first character of a reply is a plus sign for success, a minus sign for permanent failure (e.g no such user exists), or a percent sign for temporary failure (e.g unable to receive message because disk is full). The rest of a reply is a human-readable character string explaining the situation, followed by a carriage return.

The message text transmitted through the mail protocol normally contains a header formatted in the Arpanet standard fashion. Refer to the Arpanet Protocols Handbook.

The SMTP protocol can also be used over Chaosnet; the contact name is SMTP. See RFC 821 for details.

26.9.6 Send

The SEND protocol is used to transmit an interactive message (requiring immediate attention) between users. The sender connects to contact name SEND at the machine to which the recipient is logged in. The remainder of the RFC packet contains the name of the person being sent to. A stream connection is opened and the message is transmitted, followed by an EOF. Both sides close after following the end-of-data protocol described in safe-eof-protocol. The fact that the RFC was responded to affirmatively indicates that the recipient is in fact present and accepting messages. The message text should begin with a suitable header, naming the user that sent the message. The standard for such headers, not currently adhered to by all hosts, is one line formatted as in the following example:

Moon@MIT-MC 6/15/81 02:20:17

Automatic reply to the sender can be implemented by searching for the first ‘@’ and using the SEND protocol to the host following the ‘@’ with the argument preceding it.

26.9.7 Name

The Name/Finger protocol of the Arpanet exists in identical form on the Chaosnet. Both Lisp Machines and timesharing machines support this protocol and provide a display of the user(s) currently logged in to them.

The contact name is NAME, which can be followed by a space and a string of arguments like the “command line” of the Arpanet Name protocol. A stream connection is established and the “finger” display is output in Lisp Machine character set, followed by an EOF.

Lisp Machines also support the FINGER protocol, a simple-transaction version of the NAME protocol. An RFC with contact name FINGER is transmitted and the response is an ANS containing the following items of information separated by carriage returns: the logged-in user ID, the location of the terminal, the idle time in minutes or hours-colon-minutes, the user’s full name, and the user’s group affiliation.

26.9.8 Time

The Time protocol allows a host such as a Lisp Machine that has no long-term timebase to ask the time of day. An RFC to contact name TIME evokes an ANS containing the universal time as a 32-bit number in four 8-bit bytes, least-significant byte first.

Function: chaos:host-time &optional hosts

Returns either a universal time, or a string explaining why the time couldn’t be found out, from one of hosts. Hosts defaults to the list of Chaosnet time server hosts.

Function: chaos:print-host-times &optional hosts (stream *standard-output*)

Print out on stream the times given by hosts. Any host that returns a time that is more than three minutes off this hosts time will have its repsonse marked with “!” Hosts defaults to the list of Chaosnet time server hosts.

26.9.9 Time Server Control

For a time server that does not have any other way to correct its own time (usually because it is a bridge), that host should support this simple way of accepting a request to reset its own timebase. The contact name is RESET-TIME-SERVER, and the response (on successful completion) is an ANS. Following such a request, if the network is the only source of a timebase, it may be wise to immediately disable the TIME server, wait about 20 seconds, and then attempt to get the time from the network. This may prevent the host from getting bad times from other machines that were “infected” with it.

Function: chaos:reset-time-server host

Reset the network time server of host. It will try to tell you the time it gets afterward, if possible.

26.9.10 Uptime

This is similar to the TIME protocol, except that the contact name is UPTIME, and the time returned is actually an interval (in seconds) describing how long the host has been up.

Function: host-uptime host &optional (stream *standard-output*)

Return the number of seconds that host has been up, and print that out in human-readable form if stream is not nil.

Function: uptime &optional (stream *standard-output*) hosts

Print out the uptimes for hosts (which if not supplied defaults to all Chaosnet hosts) onto stream.

26.9.11 Internet Gateway

This protocol allows a Chaosnet host to access almost any service on the Internet. The gateway server runs on each ITS host that is connected to both networks. It creates an Internet connection and a Chaosnet connection and forwards data bytes from one to the other. It also provides for a one-way auxiliary connection, used for the data connection of the Arpanet File Transfer Protocol.

The RFC packet contains a contact name of TCP, a space, the name of the Internet host to be connected to, optionally followed by a space and the contact-socket number in octal, which defaults to 1 if omitted. The name of host can also be an Internet-format address. The bi-directional 8-bit connection is made by connecting to the host with TCP.

If a data packet with opcode 201 (octal) is received, an Arpanet INS signal is transmitted. Any data bytes in this packet are transmitted normally. (This does nothing in the current server, since TCP does not define an interrupt signal.)

If a data packet with opcode 210 (octal) is received, an auxiliary connection on each network is opened. The first eight data bytes are the Chaosnet contact name for the auxiliary connection; the user should send an RFC with this name to the server. The next four data bytes are the TCP socket number to be connected to, in the wrong order, most-significant byte first. The byte-size of the auxiliary connection is 8 bits.

The normal closing of an TCP connection corresponds to an EOF packet. Closing due to an error, such as Host Dead, corresponds to a CLS packet.

26.9.12 Host Table

The HOSTAB protocol may be used to access tables of host addresses on other networks, such as the Arpanet or Internet. Servers for this protocol currently exist for Tenex, TOPS-20, ITS, and Lisp Machines.

The user connects to contact name HOSTAB, undertakes a number of transactions, then closes the connection. Each transaction is initiated by the user transmitting a host name followed by a carriage return. The server responds with information about that host, terminated with an EOF, and is then ready for another transaction. The server’s response consists of a number of attributes of the host. Each attribute consists of an identifying name, a space character, the value of the attribute, and a carriage return. Values may be strings (free of carriage returns and not surrounded by double-quotes) or octal numbers. Attribute names and most values are in upper case. There can be more than one attribute with the same name; for example, a host may have more than one name or more than one network address.

The standard attribute names defined now are as follows. Note that more are likely to be added in the future.


The value is an error message. The only error one might expect to get is “no such host”.


The value is a name of the host. There may be more than one NAME attribute; the first one is always the official name, and any additional names are nicknames.


The value is the type of machine, such as LISPM, PDP10, etc.


The value is the type of software running on the machine, such as LISPM, ITS, etc.


The value is an address of the host on the Arpanet, in the form host/imp. The two numbers are decimal.


The value is an address of the host on Chaosnet, as an octal number.


The value is an address of the host on Dialnet, as a telephone number.


The value is an address of the host on the LCSnet, as two octal numbers separated by a slash.


The value is an address of the host on the SUnet, in the form net#host. The two numbers are octal.

26.9.13 Dover

A press file may be sent to the Dover printer at MIT by connecting to contact name DOVER at host AI-CHAOS-11. This host provides a protocol translation service that translates from Chaosnet stream protocol to the EFTP protocol spoken by the Dover printer. Only one file at a time can be sent to the Dover, so an attempt to use this service may be refused by a CLS packet containing the string "BUSY". Once the connection has been established, the press file is transmitted as a sequence of 8-bit bytes in data packets (opcode 200). It is necessary to provide packets rapidly enough to keep the Dover’s program (Spruce) from timing out; a packet every five seconds suffices. Of course, packets are normally transmitted much more rapidly.

Once the file has been transmitted, an EOF packet must be sent. The transmitter must wait for that EOF to be acknowledged, then send a second one, and then close the connection. The two EOF’s are necessary to provide the proper connection-closing sequence for the EFTP protocol. Once the press file has been transmitted to the Dover in this way and stored on the Dover’s local disk, it will be processed, prepared for printing, and printed.

If an error message is returned by the Dover while the press file is being transmitted, it is reported back through the Chaosnet as a LOS containing the text of the error message. Such errors are fairly common; the sender of the press file should be prepared to retry the operation a few times.

Most programs that send press files to the Dover first wait for the Dover to be idle, using the Foreign Protocol mechanism of Chaosnet to check the status of the Dover. This is optional, but is courteous to other users since it prevents printing from being held up while additional files are sent to the Dover and queued on its local disk.

It would be possible to send to a press file to the Dover using its EFTP protocol through the Foreign Protocol mechanism, rather than using the AI-CHAOS-11 gateway service. This is not usually done because EFTP, which requires a handshake for every packet, tends to be very slow on a timesharing system.

26.9.14 Remote Disk

The Remote Disk server exists on Lisp Machines to allow other machines to refer to or modify the contents of the Lisp Machine’s disk. Primarily this is used for printing and editing the disk label.

After first establishing a connection to contact name REMOTE-DISK, the user process sends commands as packets which contain a line of text, ending with a Return character. The text consists of a command name, a space, and arguments interpreted according to the command. The server processing the command may send disk data to the user, or it may read successive packets and write them to the disk. It is up to the user to know how many packets of disk data to read or send after each command. The commands are:

READ unit block n-blocks

Reads n-blocks of data from disk unit starting at block and transmits their contents to the user process.

WRITE unit block n-blocks

Reads data from the net connection and stores it into n-blocks disk blocks on disk unit starting at block.

SAY text

Prints text, which is simply all the rest of the line following SAY, on the screen of the server host as a notification.

Each disk block is transmitted as three packets, the first two containing the data for 121 (decimal) Lisp Machine words, and the third containing the data for the remaining 14 (decimal) words of the disk block. Each packet’s data ends with a checksum made by adding together all the 8-bit bytes of the actual disk data stored in the packet.

26.9.15 The Eval Server

The Eval server is available on Lisp Machines with contact name EVAL. It provides a read-eval-print loop which reads and prints using the Chaosnet connection. The data consists of text in the ASCII character set.

Each time a complete s-expression arrives, the Eval server reads it, evaluates it and prints the list of values back onto the network connection, followed by a CRLF. There is no way for the user process to tell the end of the output for a particular s-expression; the usual application is simply to copy all the output to a user’s terminal asynchronously.

The Eval server is disabled when the Lisp Machine is logged in, unless the user requests to enable it.

Function: chaos:eval-server-on mode

Turn the Eval server on this Lisp Machine on or off. mode can be t (on), nil (off), or :notify (on, but notify the user when a connection is made).

26.10 Using Higher Level Protocols

Function: qsend user &optional text

Sends a message to another user. qsend is different from mail because it sends the message immediately; it will appear within seconds on the other user’s screen, rather than being saved in her mail file.

user should be a string of the form "username@hostname"; host is the name of the Lisp Machine or timesharing system the user is currently logged-in to. Multiple recipients separated by commas are also allowed. text is a string which is the message. If text is not specified, you are prompted to type in a message.

Unlike mail and bug, qsend does not put up a window to allow you to compose the message; it just reads it from the input stream. Use Converse if you wish to compose sends in the editor. Converse can be invoked by typing System C. If you have started typing in a message to qsend, you can switch to Converse by typing Control-Meta-E (“Edit”). The text you have typed so far is transferred into Converse.

qsend does give you the ability to insert the text of the last message you received. Type Control-Meta-Y to do this.

Function: reply &optional text
Function: qreply &optional text

Sends text as a message to the last user who sent a message to you, like qsend with an appropriate first argument provided. The two names are synonymous.

Function: chaos:shout &optional message

Sends message to every Lisp Machine at your site. If you do not specify message, it is read from *standard-input*.

Function: print-sends

Reprints any messages that have been received. This is useful if you want to see a message again.

Function: supdup &optional host

host may be a string or symbol, which is taken as a host name, or a number, which is taken as a host number. If no host is given, the machine you are logged-in to is assumed. This function opens a connection to the host over the Chaosnet using the Supdup protocol, and allows the Lisp Machine to be used as a terminal for any ITS, UNIX or TOPS-20 system.

To give commands to supdup, type the Network key followed by one character. Type Network followed by Help for documentation.

Function: telnet &optional host simulate-imlac

telnet is similar to supdup but uses the Arpanet-standard Telnet protocol, simulating a printing terminal rather than a display terminal.

Function: hostat &rest hosts

Asks each of the hosts for its status using the STATUS protocol, and prints the results. If no hosts are specified, all hosts on the Chaosnet are asked. Hosts can be specified either by name or by number.

For each host, a line is output that either says that the host is not responding or gives metering information for the host’s network attachments. If a host is not responding, that usually means that it is down or there is no such host at that address. A Lisp Machine can fail to respond if it is looping inside without-interrupts or paging extremely heavily, such that it is simply unable to respond within a reasonable amount of time.

Function: finger &optional spec (stream *standard-output*)
Function: whois &optional spec (stream *standard-output*)

Prints brief (finger) or verbose (whois) information about a user or users specified by spec, on stream. spec can be a user name, @ followed by a host name, or a user name, @, and a host name. If there is no host name, the default login host is used. If there is no user name, all users on the host are described.

(finger "@OZ")
(whois "RMS@OZ")
Function: chaos:finger-all-lms &optional stream print-free return-free hosts

Prints a line of information about the user of each Lisp Machine in hosts (the default is all Lisp Machines at this site) on stream (default is *standard-output*).

If print-free is non-nil, information on free Lisp Machines and nonresponding Lisp Machines is also printed.

If return-free is non-nil, then this function returns two values, the first a list of host objects of free Lisp Machines, the second a list of host objects of nonresponding Lisp Machines.

Function: chaos:user-logged-into-host-p username host

Returns t if there is a user named username logged in on host (a host name or host object).

Function: chaos:find-hosts-or-lispms-logged-in-as-user user hosts

Return a list of host objects for hosts on which user is logged in. All Lisp Machines at this site are checked, and so are hosts (which are presumably non-Lisp machines).

Function: tv:close-all-servers reason

Close the connections of all network servers on this Lisp Machine, giving reason (a string) as the reason in the CLS packet.

Note that PEEK has a mode that displays information on the active network servers.

27 Packages

A Lisp program is a collection of function definitions. The functions are known by their names, and so each must have its own name to identify it. Clearly a programmer must not use the same name for two different functions.

The Lisp Machine consists of a huge Lisp environment, in which many programs must coexist. All of the operating system, the compiler, the editor, and a wide variety of programs are provided in the initial environment. Furthermore, every program that you use during a session must be loaded into the same environment. Each of these programs is composed of a group of functions; apparently each function must have its own distinct name to avoid conflicts. For example, if the compiler had a function named pull, and you loaded a program which had its own function named pull, the compiler’s pull would be redefined, probably breaking the compiler.

It would not really be possible to prevent these conflicts, since the programs are written by many different people who could never get together to hash out who gets the privilege of using a specific name such as pull.

Now, if we are to enable two programs to coexist in the Lisp world, each with its own function pull, then each program must have its own symbol named pull, because there can’t be two function definitions on the same symbol. This means that separate name spaces–mappings between names and symbols–must be provided for the two programs. The package system is designed to do just that.

Under the package system, the author of a program or a group of closely related programs identifies them together as a package. The package system associates a distinct name space with each package.

Here is an example: suppose there are two programs named chaos and arpa, for handling the Chaosnet and Arpanet respectively. The author of each program wants to have a function called get-packet, which reads in a packet from the network (or something). Also, each wants to have a function called allocate-pbuf, which allocates the packet buffer. Each “get” routine first allocates a packet buffer, and then reads bits into the buffer; therefore, each version of get-packet should call the respective version of allocate-pbuf.

Without the package system, the two programs could not coexist in the same Lisp environment. But the package feature can be used to provide a separate name space for each program. What is required is to define a package named chaos to contain the Chaosnet program, and another package arpa to hold the Arpanet program. When the Chaosnet program is read into the machine, its symbols would be entered in the chaos package’s name space. So when the Chaosnet program’s get-packet referred to allocate-pbuf, the allocate-pbuf in the chaos name space would be found, which would be the allocate-pbuf of the Chaosnet program–the right one. Similarly, the Arpanet program’s get-packet would be read in using the arpa package and would refer to the Arpanet program’s allocate-pbuf.

In order to have multiple name spaces, the function intern, which searches for a name, must allow the name space to be specified. intern accepts an optional second argument which is the package to search.

It’s obvious that every file has to be loaded into the right package to serve its purpose. It may not be so obvious that every file must be compiled in the right package, but it’s just as true. Luckily, this usually happens automatically.

The system can get the package of a source file from its -*- line. For instance, you can put at the front of your file a line such as

; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:System-Internals -*-

The compiler puts the package name into the QFASL file for use when it is loaded. If a file doesn’t have such a package specification in it, the system loads it into the current package and tells you what it did.

27.1 The Current Package

At any time, one package is the current package. By default, symbol lookup happens in the current package.

Variable: package
Variable: *package*

The value of the this variable is the current package. intern searches this package if it is not given a second argument. Many other functions for operating on packages also use this as the default.

Setting or binding the variable changes the current package. May the Goddess help you if you set it to something that isn’t a package!

The two names are synonymous.

Each process or stack group can have its own setting for the current package by binding *package* with let. The actual current package at any time is the value bound by the process which is running. The bindings of another process are irrelevant until the process runs.

Macro: pkg-bind pkg body...

pkg may be a package or a package name. The forms of the body are evaluated sequentially with the variable *package* bound to the package named by pkg.

(pkg-bind "ZWEI"
  (read-from-string function-name))

When a file is loaded, *package* is bound to the correct package for the file (the one named in the file’s -*- line). The Chaosnet program file has Package: Chaos; in the -*- line, and therefore its symbols are looked up in the chaos package. A QFASL file has an encoded representation of the -*- line of the source file; it looks different, but it serves the same purpose.

The current package is also relevant when you type Lisp expressions on the keyboard; it controls the reading of the symbols that you type. Initially it is the package user. You can select a different package using pkg-goto, or even by setqing *package*. If you are working with the Chaosnet program, it might be useful to type (pkg-goto 'chaos) so that your symbols are found in the chaos package by default. The Lisp listen loop binds *package* so that pkg-goto in one Lisp listener does not affect others, or any other processes whatever.

Function: pkg-goto package &optional globally

Sets *package* to package, if package is suitable. (Autoexporting packages used by other packages are not suitable because it you could cause great troubles by interning new symbols in them). package may be specified as a package object or the name of one. If globally is non-nil, then this function also calls pkg-goto-globally (see below)

The Zmacs editor records the correct package for each buffer; it is determined from the file’s -*- line. This package is used whenever expressions are read from the buffer. So if you edit the definition of the Chaosnet get-packet and recompile it, the new definition is read in the chaos package. The current buffer’s package is also used for all expressions or symbols typed by the user. Thus, if you type Meta-. allocate-pbuf while looking at the Chaosnet program, you get the definition of the allocate-pbuf function in the chaos package.

The variable *package* also has a global binding, which is in effect in any process or stack group which does not rebind the variable. New processes that do bind *package* generally use the global binding to initialize their own bindings, doing (let ((*package* *package*)) ...). Therefore, it can be useful to set the global binding. But you cannot do this with setq or pkg-goto from a Lisp listener, or in a file, because that will set the local binding of *package* instead. Therefore you must use setq-globally (setq-globally-fun) or pkg-goto-globally.

Function: pkg-goto-globally package

Sets the global binding of *package* to package. An error is signaled if package is not suitable. Bindings of package other than the the global one are not changed, including the current binding if it is not the global one.

The name of the current package is always displayed in the middle of the who line, with a colon following it. This describes the process which the who line in general is describing; normally, the process of the selected window. No matter how the current package is changed, the who line will eventually show it (at one-second intervals). Thus, while a file is being loaded, the who line displays that file’s package; in the editor, the who line displays the package of the selected buffer.

27.2 Package Prefixes

The separation of name spaces is not an uncrossable gulf. Consider a program for accessing files, using the Chaosnet. It may be useful to put it in a distinct package file-access, not chaos, so that the programs are protected from accidental name conflicts. But the file program cannot exist without referring to the functions of the Chaosnet program.

The colon character (‘:’) has a special meaning to the Lisp reader. When the reader sees a colon preceded by the name of a package, it reads the next Lisp object with *package* bound to that package. Thus, to refer to the symbol connect in package chaos, we write chaos:connect. Some symbols documented in this manual require package prefixes to refer to them; they are always written with an appropriate prefix.

Similarly, if the chaos program wanted to refer to the arpa program’s allocate-pbuf function (for some reason), it could use arpa:allocate-pbuf.

Package prefixes are printed on output also. If you would need a package prefix to refer to a symbol on input, then the symbol is printed with a suitable package prefix if it supposed to be printed readably (prin1, as opposed to princ). Just as the current package affects how a symbol is read, it also affects how the symbol is printed. A symbol available in the current package is never printed with a package prefix.

The printing of package prefixes makes it possible to print list structure containing symbols from many packages and read the text to produce an equal list with the same symbols in it–provided the current package when the text is read is the same one that was current when the text was printed.

The package name in a package prefix is read just like a symbol name. This means that escape characters can be used to include special characters in the package name. Thus, foo/:bar:test refers to the symbol test in the package whose name is “FOO:BAR”, and so does |FOO:BAR|:test. Also, letters are converted to upper case unless they are escaped. For this reason, the actual name of a package is normally all upper case, but you can use either case when you write a package prefix.

In Common Lisp programs, simple colon prefixes are supposed to be used only for referring to external symbols (see external-symbols). To refer to other symbols, one is supposed to use two colons, as in chaos::lose-it-later. The Lisp machine tradition is to allow reference to any symbol with a single colon. Since this is upward compatible with what is allowed in Common Lisp, single-colon references are always allowed. However, double-colon prefixes are printed for internal symbols when Common Lisp syntax is in use, so that data printed on a Lisp Machine can be read by other Common Lisp implementations.

27.3 Home Packages of Symbols

Each symbol remembers one package which it belongs to: normally, the first one it was ever interned in. This package is available as (symbol-package symbol).

With make-symbol (see make-symbol-fun) it is possible to create a symbol that has never been interned in any package. It is called an uninterned symbol, and it remains one as long as nobody interns it. The package cell of an uninterned symbol contains nil. Uninterned symbols print with #: as a prefix, as in #:foo. This syntax can be used as input to create an uninterned symbol with a specific name; but a new symbol is created each time you type it, since the mechanism which normally makes symbols unique is interning in a package. Thus, (eq #:foo #:foo) returns nil.

Function: symbol-package symbol

Returns the contents of symbol’s package cell, which is the package which owns symbol, or nil if symbol is uninterned.

Function: package-cell-location symbol

Returns a locative pointer to symbol’s package cell. It is preferable to write

(locf (symbol-package symbol))

rather than calling this function explicitly.

Printing of package prefixes is based on the contents of the symbol’s package cell. If the cell contains the chaos package, then chaos: is printed as the prefix when a prefix is necessary. As a result of obscure actions involving interning and uninterning in multiple packages, the symbol may not actually be present in chaos any more. Then the printed prefix is inaccurate. This cannot be helped. If the symbol is not where it claims to be, there is no easy way to find wherever it might be.

27.4 Keywords

Distinct name spaces are useful for symbols which have function definitions or values, to enable them to be used independently by different programs.

Another way to use a symbol is to check for it with eq. Then there is no possibility of name conflict. For example, the function open, part of the file system, checks for the symbol :error in its input using eq. A user function might do the same thing. Then the symbol :error is meaningful in two contexts, but these meanings do not affect each other. The fact that a user program contains the code (eq sym :error) does not interfere with the function of system code which contains a similar expression.

There is no need to separate name spaces for symbols used in this way. In fact, it would be a disadvantage. If both the Chaosnet program and the Arpanet program wish to recognize a keyword named “address”, for similar purposes (naturally), it is very useful for programs that can call either one if it is the same keyword for either program. But which should it be? chaos:address? arpa:address?

To avoid this uncertainty, one package called keyword has been set aside for the keywords of all programs. The Chaosnet and Arpanet programs would both look for keyword:address, normally written as just :address.

Symbols in keyword are the normal choice for names of keyword arguments; if you use &key to process them, code is automatically generated to look for for symbols in keyword. They are also the normal choice for flavor operation names, and for any set of named options meaningful in a specific context.

keyword and the symbols belonging to it are treated differently from other packages in a couple of ways designed to make them more convenient for this usage.


Symbols belonging to keyword are constants; they always evaluate to themselves. (This is brought about by storing the symbol in its own value cell when the symbol is placed in the package). So you can write just :error rather than ':error. The nature of the application of keywords is such that they would always be quoted if they were not constant.


A colon by itself is a sufficient package prefix for keyword. This is because keywords are the most frequent application of package prefixes.

Function: keywordp object

t if object is a symbol which belongs to the keyword package.

There are certain cases when a keyword should not be used for a symbol to be checked for with eq. Usually this is when the symbol 1) does not need to be known outside of a single program, and 2) is to be placed in shared data bases such as property lists of symbols which may sometimes be in global or keyword. For example, if the Chaosnet program were to record the existence of a host named CAR by placing an :address property on the symbol :car, or the symbol car (notice that chaos:car is car), it would risk conflicts with other programs that might wish to use the :address property of symbols in general. It is better to call the property chaos:address.

27.5 Inheritance between Name Spaces

In the simplest (but not the default) case, a package is independent of all other packages. This is not the default because it is not usually useful. Consider the standard Lisp function and variables names, such as car: how can the Chaosnet program, using the chaos package, access them? One way would be to install all of them in the chaos package, and every other package. But it is better to have one table of the standard Lisp symbols and refer to it where necessary. This is called inheritance. The single package global is the only one which actually contains the standard Lisp symbols; other packages such as chaos contain directions to “search global too”.

Each package has a hash table of the symbols. The symbols in this table are said to be present (more explicitly, present directly) in the package, or interned in it. In addition, each package has a list of other packages to inherit from. By default, this list contains the package global and no others; but packages can be added and removed at any time with the functions use-package and unuse-package. We say that a package uses the packages it inherits from. Both the symbols present directly in the package and the symbols it inherits are said to be available in the package.

Here’s how this works in the above example. When the Chaosnet program is read into the Lisp world, the current package would be the chaos package. Thus all of the symbols in the Chaosnet program would be interned in the chaos package. If there is a reference to a standard Lisp symbol such as append, nothing is found in the chaos package’s own table; no symbol of that name is present directly in chaos. Therefore the packages used by chaos are searched, including global. Since global contains a symbol named append, that symbol is found. If, however, there is a reference to a symbol that is not standard, such as get-packet, the first time it is used it is not found in either chaos or global. So intern makes a new symbol named get-packet, and installs it in the chaos package. When get-packet is referred to later in the Chaosnet program, intern finds get-packet immediately in the chaos package. global does not need to be searched.

When the Arpanet program is read in, the current package is arpa instead of chaos. When the Arpanet program refers to append, it gets the global one; that is, it shares the same one that the Chaosnet program got. However, if it refers to get-packet, it does not get the same one the Chaosnet program got, because the chaos package is presumably not used by arpa. The get-packet in chaos not being available, no symbol is found, so a new one is created and placed in the arpa package. Further references in the Arpanet program find that get-packet. This is the desired result: the packages share the standard Lisp symbols only.

Inheritance between other packages can also be useful, but it must be restricted: inheriting only some of the symbols of the used package. If the file access program refers frequently to the advertised symbols of the Chaosnet program–the connection states, such as open-state, functions such as connect, listen and open-stream, and others–it might be convenient to be able to refer to these symbols from the file-access package without need for package prefixes.

One way to do this is to place the appropriate symbols of the chaos package into the file-access package as well. Then they can be accessed by the file access program just like its own symbols. Such sharing of symbols between packages never happens from the ordinary operation of packages, but it can be requested explicitly using import.

Function: import symbols &optional (package *package*)

Is the standard Common Lisp way to insert a specific symbol or symbols into a package. symbols is a symbol or a list of symbols. Each of the specified symbols becomes present directly in package.

If a symbol with the same name is already present (directly or by inheritance) in package, an error is signaled. On proceeding, you can say whether to leave the old symbol there or replace it with the one specified in import.

But importing may not be the best solution. All callers of the Chaosnet program probably want to refer to the same set of symbols: the symbols described in the documentation of the Chaosnet program. It is simplest if the Chaosnet program, rather than each caller, says which symbols they are.

Restricted inheritance allows the chaos package to specify which of its symbols should be inheritable. Then file-access can use package chaos and the desired symbols are available in it.

The inheritable symbols of a package such as chaos in this example are called external; the other symbols are internal. Symbols are internal by default. The function export is how symbols are made external. Only the external symbols of a package are inherited by other packages which use it. This is true of global as well; Only external symbols in global are inherited. Since global exists only for inheritance, every symbol in it is external; in fact, any symbol placed in global is automatically made external. global is said to be autoexporting. A few other packages with special uses, such as keyword and fonts, are autoexporting. Ordinary packages such as chaos, which programs are loaded in, should not be.

If a request is made to find a name in a package, first the symbols present directly in that package are searched. If the name is not found that way, then all the packages in the used-list are searched; but only external symbols are accepted. Internal symbols found in the used packages are ignored. If a new symbol needs to be created and put into the name space, it is placed directly in the specified package. New symbols are never put into the inherited packages.

The used packages of a package are not in any particular order. It does not make any difference which one is searched first, because they are not allowed to have any conflicts among them. If you attempt to set up an inheritance situation where a conflict would exist, you get an error immediately. You can then specify explicitly how to resolve the conflict. See name-conflict.

The packages used by the packages used are not searched. If package file-access uses package chaos and file mypackage uses package file-access, this does not cause mypackage to inherit anything from chaos. This is desirable; the Chaosnet functions for whose sake file-access uses chaos are not needed in the programs in mypackage simply to enable them to communicate with file-access. If it is desirable for mypackage to inherit from chaos, that can be requested explicitly.

These functions are used to set up and control package inheritance.

Function: use-package packages &optional (in-package *package*)

Makes in-package inherit symbols from packages, which should be either a single package or name for a package, or a list of packages and/or names for packages.

This can cause a name conflict, if any of packages has a symbol whose name matches a symbol in in-package. In this case, an error is signaled, and you must resolve the conflict or abort.

Function: unuse-package packages &optional (in-package *package*)

Makes in-package cease to inherit symbols from packages.

Function: package-use-list package

Returns the list of packages used by package.

Function: package-used-by-list package

Returns the list of packages which use package.

You can add or remove inheritance paths at any time, no matter what else you have done with the package.

These functions are used to make symbols external or internal in a package. By default, they operate on the current package.

Function: export symbols &optional (package *package*)

Makes symbols external in package. symbols should be a symbol or string or a list of symbols and/or strings. The specified symbols or strings are interned in package, and the symbols found are marked external in package.

If one of the specified symbols is found by inheritance from a used package, it is made directly present in package and then marked external there. (We know it was already external in the package it was inherited from.)

Note that if a symbol is present directly in several packages, it can be marked external or internal in each package independently. Thus, it is the symbol’s presence in a particular package which is external or not, rather than the symbol itself. export makes symbols external in whichever package you specify; if the same symbols are present directly in any other package, their status as external or internal in the other package is not affected.

Function: unexport symbols &optional (package *package*)

Makes symbols not be external in package. An error occurs if any of the symbols fails to be directly present in package.

Function: package-external-symbols package

Returns a list of all the external symbols of package.

Sometimes it will be discovered that a symbol which ought to be in global is not there, and the file defining it has already been loaded, thus mistakenly creating a symbol with that name in some other package. Creating a symbol in global would not fix the problem, since pointers to the misbegotten symbol already exist. Even worse, similarly named symbols may have been created mistakenly in other packages by code attempting to refer to the global symbol, and those symbols also are already pointed to. globalize is designed for use in correcting such a situation.

Function: globalize symbol-or-string &optional (package "GLOBAL")

If name-or-symbol is a name (a string), interns the name in into-package and then forwards together all symbols with the same name in all the packages that use into-package as well as in into-package itself. These symbols are forwarded together so that they become effectively one symbol as far as the value, function definition and properties are concerned. The value of the composite is taken from whichever of the symbols had a value; a proceedable error is signaled if multiple, distinct values were found. The function definition is treated similarly, and so is each property that any of the symbols has.

If name-or-symbol is a symbol, globalize interns that symbol in into-package and then forwards the other symbols to that one.

The symbol which ultimately is present in into-package is also exported.

27.6 Packages and Interning

The most important service of the package system is to look up a name in a package and return the symbol which has that name in the package’s name space. This is done by the function intern, and is called interning. When you type a symbol as input, read converts your characters to the actual symbol by calling intern.

The function intern allows you to specify a package as the second argument. It can be specified by giving either the package object itself or a string or symbol that is a name for the package. intern returns three values. The first is the interned symbol. The second is a keyword that says how the symbol was found. The third is the package in which the symbol was actually found. This can be either the specified package or one of its used packages.

When you don’t specify the second argument to intern, the current package, which is the value of the symbol *package*, is used. This happens, in particular, when you call read and read calls intern. To specify the package for such functions to use, bind the symbol *package* temporarily to the desired package with pkg-bind.

There are actually four forms of the intern function: regular intern, intern-soft, intern-local, and intern-local-soft. -soft means that the symbol should not be added to the package if there isn’t already one; in that case, all three values are nil. -local turns off inheritance; it means that the used packages should not be searched. Thus, intern-local can be used to cause shadowing. intern-local-soft is right when you want complete control over what packages to search and when to add symbols. All four forms of intern return the same three values, except that the soft forms return nil nil nil when the symbol isn’t found.

Function: intern string-or-symbol &optional (pkg *package*)

The simplest case of intern is where string-or-symbol is a string. (It makes a big difference which one you use.) intern searches pkg and its used packages sequentially, looking for a symbol whose print-name is equal to string-or-symbol. If one is found, it is returned. Otherwise, a new symbol with string-or-symbol as print name is created, placed in package pkg, and returned.

The first value of intern is always the symbol found or created. The second value tells whether an existing symbol was found, and how. It is one of these four values:


A symbol was found present directly in pkg, and it was internal in pkg.


A symbol was found present directly in pkg, and it was external in pkg.


A symbol was found by inheritance from a package used by pkg. You can deduce that the symbol is external in that package.


A new symbol was created

The third value returned by intern says which package the symbol found or created is present directly in. This is different from pkg if and only if if the second value is :inherited.

If string-or-symbol is a symbol, the search goes on just the same, using the print-name of string-or-symbol as the string to search for. But if no existing symbol is found, string-or-symbol itself is placed directly into pkg, just as import would do. No new symbol is created; string-or-symbol itself is the “new” symbol. This is done even if string-or-symbol is already present in another package. You can create arbitrary arrangements of sharing of symbols between packages this way.

Note: intern is sensitive to case; that is, it will consider two character strings different even if the only difference is one of upper-case versus lower-case. The reason that symbols get converted to upper-case when you type them in is that the reader converts the case of characters in symbols; the characters are converted to upper-case before intern is ever called. So if you call intern with a lower-case "foo" and then with an upper-case "FOO", you won’t get the same symbol.

Function: intern-local string-or-symbol &optional (pkg *package*)

Like intern but ignores inheritance. If a symbol whose name matches string-or-symbol is present directly in pkg, it is returned; otherwise string-or-symbol (if it is a symbol) or a new symbol (if string-or-symbol is a string) is placed directly in pkg.

intern-local returns second and third values with the same meaning as those of intern. However, the second value can never be :inherited, and the third value is always pkg.

The function import is implemented by passing the symbol to be imported to intern-local.

Function: intern-soft string &optional (pkg *package*)
Function: find-symbol string &optional (pkg *package*)

Like intern but never creates a symbol or modifies pkg. If no existing symbol is found, nil is returned for all three values. It makes no important difference if you pass a symbol instead of a string.

intern-soft returns second and third values with the same meaning as those of intern. However, if the second value is nil, it does not mean that a symbol was created, only that none was found. In this case, the third value is nil rather than a package.

find-symbol is the Common Lisp name for this function. The two names are synonymous.

Function: intern-local-soft string &optional (pkg *package*)

Like intern-soft but without inheritance. If a matching symbol is found directly present in pkg, it is returned; otherwise, the value is nil.

intern-local-soft returns second and third values with the same meaning as those of intern. However, if the second value is nil, it does not mean that a symbol was created, only that none was found. Also, it can never be :inherited. The third value is rather useless as it is either pkg, or nil if the second value is nil.

Function: remob symbol &optional (package (symbol-package symbol))
Function: unintern symbol &optional (package *package*)

Both remove symbol from package. symbol itself is unaffected, but intern will no longer find it in package. symbol is not removed from any other package, even packages used by package, if it should be present in them. If symbol was present in package (and therefore, was removed) then the value is t; otherwise, the value is nil.

In remob, package defaults to the contents of the symbol’s package cell, the package it belongs to. In unintern, package defaults to the current package. unintern is the Common Lisp version and remob is the traditional version.

If package is the package that symbol belongs to, then symbol is marked as uninterned: nil is stored in its package cell.

If a shadowing symbol is removed, a previously-hidden name conflict between distinct symbols with the same name in two used packages can suddenly be exposed, like a discovered check in chess. If this happens, an error is signaled.

27.7 Shadowing and Name Conflicts

In a package that uses global, it may be desirable to avoid inheriting a few standard Lisp symbols. Perhaps the user has defined a function copy-list, knowing that this symbol was not in global, and then a system function copy-list was created as part of supporting Common Lisp. Rather than changing the name in his program, he can shadow copy-list in the program’s package. Shadowing a symbol in a package means putting a symbol in that package which hides any symbols with the same name which could otherwise have been inherited there. The symbol is explicitly marked as a shadowing symbol so that the name conflict does not result in an error.

Shadowing of symbols and shadowing of bindings are quite distinct. The same word is used for them because they are both examples of the general abstract concept of shadowing, which is meaningful whenever there is inheritance.

Shadowing can be done in the definition of a package (see defpackage-fun) or by calling the function shadow. (shadow "COPY-LIST") creates a new symbol named copy-list in the current package, regardless of any symbols with that name already available through inheritance. Once the new symbol is present directly in the package and marked as a shadowing symbol, the potentially inherited symbols are irrelevant.

Function: shadow names &optional (package *package*)

Makes sure that shadowing symbols with the specified names exist in package. names is either a string or symbol or a list of such. If symbols are used, only their names matter; they are equivalent to strings. Each name specified is handled independently as follows:

If there is a symbol of that name present directly in package, it is marked as a shadowing symbol, to avoid any complaints about name conflicts.

Otherwise, a new symbol of that name is created and interned in package, and marked as a shadowing symbol.

Shadowing must be done before programs are loaded into the package, since if the programs are loaded without shadowing first they will contain pointers to the undesired inherited symbol. Merely shadowing the symbol at this point does not alter those pointers; only reloading the program and rebuilding its data structures from scratch can do that.

If it is necessary to refer to a shadowed symbol, it can be done using a package prefix, as in global:copy-list.

Shadowing is not only for symbols inherited from global; it can be used to reject inheritance of any symbol. Shadowing is the primary means of resolving name conflicts in which there multiple symbols with the same name are available, due to inheritance, in one package.

Name conflicts are not permitted to exist unless a resolution for the conflict has been stated in advance by specifying explicitly which symbol is actually to be seen in package. If no resolution has been specified, any command which would create a name conflict signals an error instead.

For example, a name conflict can be created by use-package if it adds a new used package with its own symbol foo to a package which already has or inherits a different symbol with the same name foo. export can cause a name conflict if the symbol becoming external is now supposed to be inherited by another package which already has a conflicting symbol. On either occasion, if shadowing has not already been performed to control the outcome, an error is signaled and the useage or exportation does not occur.

The conflict is resolved–in advance, always–by placing the preferred choice of symbol in the package directly, and marking it as a shadowing symbol. This can be done with the function shadowing-import. (Actually, you can proceed from the error and specify a resolution, but this works by shadowing and retrying. From the point of view of the retried operation, the resolution has been done in advance.)

Function: shadowing-import symbols &optional (package *package*)

Interns the specified symbols in package and marks them as shadowing symbols. symbols must be a list of symbols or a single symbol; strings are not allowed.

Each symbol specified is placed directly into package, after first removing any symbol with the same name already interned in package. This is rather drastic, so it is best to use shadowing-import right after creating a package, when it is still empty.

shadowing-import is primarily useful for choosing one of several conflicting external symbols present in packages to be used.

Once a package has a shadowing symbol named foo in it, any other potentially conflicting external symbols with name foo can come and go in the inherited packages with no effect. It is therefore possible to perform the use-package of another package containing another foo, or to export the foo in one of the used packages, without getting an error.

In fact, shadow also marks the symbol it creates as a shadowing symbol. If it did not do so, it would be creating a name conflict and would always get an error.

Function: package-shadowing-symbols package

Returns the list of shadowing symbols of package. Each of these is a symbol present directly in package. When a symbol is present directly in more than one package, it can be a shadowing symbol in one and not in another.

27.8 Styles of Using Packages

The unsophisticated user need never be aware of the existence of packages when writing his programs. His files are loaded into package user by default, and keyboard input is also read in user by default. Since all the functions that unsophisticated users are likely to need are provided in the global package, which user inherits from, they are all available without special effort. In this manual, functions that are not in the global package are documented with colons in their names, and they are all external, so typing the name the way it is documented does work in both traditional and Common Lisp syntax.

However, if you are writing a generally useful tool, you should put it in some package other than user, so that its internal functions will not conflict with names other users use. If your program contains more than a few files, it probably should have its own package just on the chance that someone else will use it someday along with other programs.

If your program is large, you can use multiple packages to help keep its modules independent. Use one package for each module, and export from it those of the module’s symbols which are reasonable for other modules to refer to. Each package can use the packages of other modules that it refers to frequently.

27.9 Package Naming

A package has one name, also called the primary name for extra clarity, and can have in addition any number of nicknames. All of these names are defined globally, and all must be unique. An attempt to define a package with a name or nickname that is already in use is an error.

Either the name of a package or one of its nicknames counts as a name for the package. All of the functions described below that accept a package as an argument also accept a name for a package (either as a string, or as a symbol whose print-name is the name). Arguments that are lists of packages may also contain names among the elements.

When the package object is printed, its primary name is used. The name is also used by default when printing package prefixes of symbols. However, when you create the package you can specify that one of the nicknames should be used instead for this purpose. The name to be used for this is called the prefix name.

Case is significant in package name lookup. Usually package names should be all upper case. read converts package prefixes to upper case except for quoted characters, just as it does to symbol names, so the package prefix will match the package name no matter what case you type it in, as long as the actual name is upper case: TV:FOO and tv:foo refer to the same symbol. |tv|:foo is different from them, and normally erroneous since there is no package initially whose name is ‘tv’ in lower case.

In the functions find-package and pkg-find-package, and others which accept package names in place of packages, if you specify the name as a string you must give it in the correct case:

(find-package "TV") => the tv package
(find-package "tv") => nil

You can alternatively specify the name as a symbol; then the symbol’s pname is used. Since read converts the symbol’s name to upper case, you can type the symbol in either upper or lower case:

(find-package 'TV) => the tv package
(find-package 'tv) => the tv package
since both use the symbol whose pname is "TV".

Relevant functions:

Function: package-name package

Returns the name of package (as a string).

Function: package-nicknames package

Returns the list of nicknames (strings) of package. This does not include the name itself.

Function: package-prefix-print-name package

Returns the name to be used for printing package prefixes that refer to package.

Function: rename-package package new-name &optional new-nicknames

Makes new-name be the name for package, and makes new-nicknames (a list of strings, possibly nil) be its nicknames. An error is signaled if the new name or any of the new nicknames is already in use for some other package.

Function: find-package name &optional use-local-names-package

Returns the package which name is a name for, or nil if there is none. If use-local-names-package is non-nil, the local nicknames of that package are checked first. Otherwise only actual names and nicknames are accepted. use-local-names-package should be supplied only when interpreting package prefixes.

If name is a package, it is simply returned.

If a list is supplied as name, it is interpreted as a specification of a package name and how to create it. The list should look like

(name super-or-use size)
(name options)

If name names a package, it is returned. Otherwise a package is created by passing name and the options to make-package.

Function: pkg-find-package name &optional create-p use-local-names-package

Invokes find-package on name and returns the package that finds, if any. Otherwise, a package may be created, depending on create-p and possibly on how the user answers. These values of create-p are meaningful:


An error is signaled if an existing package is not found.


A package is created, and returned.


nil is returned.


The user is asked whether to create a package. If he answers Yes, a package is created and returned. If he answers No, nil is returned.

If a package is created, it is done by calling make-package with name as the only argument.

This function is not quite for historical compatibility only, since certain values of create-p provide useful features.

Condition on sys:package-not-found: (error)

is signaled by pkg-find-package with second argument :error, nil or omitted, when the package does not exist.

The condition instance supports the operations :name and :relative-to; these return whatever was passed as the first and third arguments to pkg-find-package (the package name, and the package whose local nicknames should be searched).

The proceed types that may be available include


says to search again for the specified name in case it has become defined; if it is still undefined, the error occurs again.


says to search again for the specified name, and create a package with that name (and default characteristics) if none exists yet.


is accompanied by a name (a string) as an argument. That name is used instead, ignoring any local nicknames. If that name too is not found, another error occurs.


(available on errors from within read) says to continue with the entire read as well as is possible without having a valid package.

27.9.1 Local Nicknames for Packages

Suppose you wish to test new versions of the Chaosnet and file access programs. You could create new packages test-chaos and test-file-access, and use them for loading the new versions of the programs. Then the old, installed versions would not be affected; you could still use them to edit and save the files of the new versions. But one problem must be solved: when the new file access program says "chaos:connect" it must get test-chaos:connect rather than the actual chaos:connect.

This is accomplished by making "CHAOS" a local nickname for "TEST-CHAOS" in the context of the package test-file-access. This means that the when a chaos: prefix is encountered while reading in package test-file-access, it refers to test-chaos rather than chaos.

Local nicknames are allowed to conflict with global names and nicknames; in fact, they are rarely useful unless they conflict. The local nickname takes precedence over the global name.

It is necessary to have a way to override local nicknames. If you (pkg-goto 'test-file-access), you may wish to call a function in chaos (to make use of the old, working Chaosnet program). This can be done using #: as the package prefix instead of just :. #: inhibits the use of local nicknames when it is processed. It always refers to the package which is globally the owner of the name that is specified.

#: prefixes are printed whenever the package name printed is also a local nickname in the current package; that is, whenever an ordinary colon prefix would be misunderstood when read back

These are the functions which manage local nicknames.

Function: pkg-add-relative-name in-pkg name for-pkg

Defines name as a local nickname in in-pkg for for-pkg. in-pkg and for-pkg may be packages, symbols or strings.

Function: pkg-delete-relative-name in-pkg name

Eliminates name as a local nickname in in-pkg.

Looking up local nicknames is done with find-package, by providing a non-nil use-local-names-package argument.

27.10 Defining Packages

Before any package can be referred to or made current, it must be defined. This is done with the special form defpackage, which tells the package system all sorts of things, including the name of the package, what packages it should use, its estimated size, and some of the symbols which belong in it. The defpackage form is recognized by Zmacs as a definition of the package name.

Macro: defpackage name &key ...

Defines a package named name. The alternating keywords and values are passed, unevaluated, to make-package to specify the rest of the information about how to construct the package.

If a package named name already exists, it is modified insofar as this is possible to correspond to the new definition.

Here are the possible options and their meanings


A list of nicknames for the new package. The nicknames should be specified as strings.


A number; the new package is initially made large enough to hold at least this many symbols before a rehash is needed.


A list of packages or names for packages which the new package should inherit from, or a single name or package. It defaults to just the global package.


Specifies the name to use for printing package prefixes that refer to this package. It must be equal to either the package name or one of the nicknames. The default is to use the name.


If non-nil, means that this package should not be put on the list *all-packages*. As a result, find-package will not find this package, not by its name and not by any of its nicknames. You can make normal use of the package in all other respects (passing it as the second argument to intern, passing it to use-package to make other packages inherit from it or it from others, and so on).

import defpackage
shadow defpackage
shadowing-import defpackage

If any of these arguments is non-nil, it is passed to the function of the same name, to operate on the package. Thus, if shadow is ("FOO" "BAR"), then

(shadow this-package '("FOO" "BAR"))

is done.

You could accomplish as much by calling export, import, shadow or shadowing-import yourself, but it is clearer to specify all such things in one central place, the defpackage.


If non-nil, is a list containing a package (or package name) followed by names of symbols to import from that package. Specifying import-from as (chaos "CONNECT" "LISTEN") is nearly the same as specifying import as (chaos:connect chaos:listen), the difference being that with import-from the symbols connect and listen are not looked up in the chaos package until it is time to import them.


If non-nil, should be a package or name to be the superpackage of the new package. This means that the new package should inherit from that package, and also from all the packages that package inherits from. In addition, the superpackage is marked as autoexporting. Superpackages are obsolete and are implemented for compatibility only.


An alist specifying the local nicknames to have in this package for other packages. Each element looks like (localname package), where package is a package or a name for one, and localname is the desired local nickname.


An alist specifying local nicknames by which this package can be referred to from other packages. Each element looks like (package localname), where package is a package name and localname is the name to refer to this package by from package.

For example, the system package eh could have been defined this way:

(defpackage "EH" :size 1200
  :use ("GLOBAL" "SYS") :nicknames ("DBG" "DEBUGGER")
  :shadow ("ARG"))

It has room initially for at least 1200 symbols, nicknames dbg and debugger, uses system as well as global, and contains a symbol named arg which is not the same as the arg in global. You may note that the function eh:arg is documented in this manual (see eh-arg-fun), as is the function arg (see arg-fun).

The packages of our inheritance example (pkg-inheritance-example) might have been defined by

(defpackage 'chaos :size 1000 :use '(sys global)
   :export ("CONNECT" "OPEN-STREAM" "LISTEN" ...

(defpackage 'file-access :size 1500
   :use '(chaos global)
   :export ("OPEN-FILE" "CLOSE-FILE" "DELETE-FILE" ...)
   :import (chaos:connect chaos:open-state))

(defpackage 'mypackage :size 400
   :use '(file-access global))

It is usually best to put the package definition in a separate file, which should be loaded into the user package. (It cannot be loaded into the package it is defining, and no other package has any reason to be preferred.) Often the files to be loaded into the package belong to one or a few systems; then it is often convenient to put the system definitions in the same file (see system-system).

A package can also be defined by the package attribute in a file’s -*- line. Normally this specifies which (existing) package to load, compile or edit the file in. But if the attribute value is a list, as in

-*-Package: (foo :size 300 :use (global system)); ...-*-

then loading, compiling or editing the file automatically creates package foo, if necessary with the specified options (just like defpackage options). No defpackage is needed. It is wise to use this feature only when the package is used for just a single file. For programs containing multiple files, it is good to make a system for them, and then convenient to put a defpackage near the defsystem.

Function: make-package name &key nicknames size use prefix-name invisible export shadow import shadowing-import import-from super relative-names relative-names-for-me

Creates and returns new package with name name.

The meanings of the keyword arguments are described under defpackage (defpackage-fun).

Function: pkg-create-package name &optional (super *package*) (size #o 200)

Creates a new package named name of size size with superpackage super. This function is obsolete.

Function: kill-package name-or-package

Kills the package specified or named. It is removed from the list which is searched when package names are looked up.

Macro: package-declare

package-declare is an older way of defining a package, obsolete but still used.

(package-declare name superpackage size nil
		 option-1 option-2 ...)

creates a package named name with initial size size.

super specifies the superpackage to use for this package. Superpackages were an old way of specifying inheritance; it was transitive, all symbols were inherited, and only one inheritance path could exist. If super is global, nothing special needs to be done; otherwise, the old superpackage facility is simulated using the super argument to make-package.

body is now allowed to contain only these types of elements:

(shadow names)

Passes the names to the function SHADOW.

(intern names)

Converts each name to a string and interns it in the package.

(refname refname packagename)

Makes refname a local nickname in this package for the package named packagename.

(myrefname packagename refname)

Makes refname a local nickname in the package named packagename for this package. If packagename is "GLOBAL", makes refname a global nickname for this package.

(external names)

Does nothing. This controlled an old feature that no longer exists.

27.11 Operating on All the Symbols in a Package

To find and operate on every symbol present or available in a package, you can choose between iteration macros that resemble dolist and mapping functionals that resemble mapcar.

Note that all constructs that include inherited symbols in the iteration can process a symbol more than once. This is because a symbol can be directly present in more than one package. If it is directly present in the specified package and in one or more of the used packages, the symbol is processed once each time it is encountered. It is also possible for the iteration to include a symbol that is not actually available in the specified package. If that package shadows symbols present in the packages it uses, the shadowed symbols are processed anyway. If this is a problem, you can explicitly use intern-soft to see if the symbol handed to you is really available in the package. This test is not done by default because it is slow and rarely needed.

Macro: do-symbols (var package result-form) body...

Executes body once for each symbol findable in package either directly or through inheritance. On each iteration, the variable var is bound to the next such symbol. Finally the result-form is executed and its values are returned.

Macro: do-local-symbols (var package result-form) body...

Executes body once for each symbol present directly in package. Inherited symbols are not considered. On each iteration, the variable var is bound to the next such symbol. Finally the result-form is executed and its values are returned.

Macro: do-external-symbols (var package result-form) body...

Executes body once for each external symbol findable in package either directly or through inheritance. On each iteration, the variable var is bound to the next such symbol. Finally the result-form is executed and its values are returned.

Macro: do-local-external-symbols (var package result-form) body...

Executes body once for each external symbol present directly in package. Inherited symbols are not considered. On each iteration, the variable var is bound to the next such symbol. Finally the result-form is executed and its values are returned.

Macro: do-all-symbols (var result-form) body...

Executes body once for each symbol present in any package. On each iteration, the variable var is bound to the next such symbol. Finally the result-form is executed and its values are returned.

Since a symbol can be directly present in more than one package, it is possible for the same symbol to be processed more than once.

Function: mapatoms function &optional (package *package*) (inherited-p t)

function should be a function of one argument. mapatoms applies function to all of the symbols in package. If inherited-p is non-nil, then the function is applied to all symbols available in package, including inherited symbols.

Function: mapatoms-all function &optional (package "GLOBAL")

function should be a function of one argument. mapatoms-all applies function to all of the symbols in package and all other packages which use package.

It is used by such functions as apropos and who-calls (see apropos-fun)

  #'(lambda (x)
      (and (alphalessp 'z x)
           (print x))))

27.12 Packages as Lisp Objects

A package is a conceptual name space; it is also a Lisp object which serves to record the contents of that name space, and is passed to functions such as intern to identify a name space.

Function: packagep object

t if object is a package.

Variable: *all-packages*

The value is a list of all packages, except for invisible ones (see the invisble argument to make-package, make-package-fun).

Function: list-all-packages

A Common Lisp function which returns *all-packages*.

Constant: pkg-global-package
Constant: pkg-system-package
Constant: pkg-keyword-package

Respectively, the packages named global, system and keyword.

Function: describe-package package

Prints everything there is to know about package, except for all the symbols interned in it. package can be specified as a package or as the name of one.

To see all the symbols interned in a package, do

(mapatoms 'print package)

27.13 Common Lisp and Packages

Common Lisp does not have defpackage or -*- lines in files. One is supposed to use the function in-package to specify which package a file is loaded in.

Function: in-package name &key nicknames use

Creates a package named name, with specified nicknames and used packages, or modifies an existing package named name to have those nicknames and used packages.

Then *package* is set to this package.

Writing a call to in-package at the beginning of the file causes *package* to be set to that package for the rest of the file.

If you wish to use this technique for the sake of portability, it is best to have a -*- line with a package attribute also. While in-package does work for loading and compilation of the file, Zmacs does not respond to it.

In Common Lisp, the first argument to intern or find-symbol is required to be a symbol.

27.14 Initialization of the Package System

This section describes how the package system is initialized when generating a new software release of the Lisp Machine system; none of this should affect users.

The cold load, which contains the irreduceable minimum of the Lisp system needed for loading the rest, contains the code for packages, but no packages. Before it begins to read from the keyboard, it creates all the standard packages based on information in si:initial-packages, applying make-package to each element of it. At first all of the packages are empty. The symbols which belong in the packages global and system are recorded on lists which are made from the files SYS: SYS2; GLOBAL LISP and SYS: SYS2; SYSTEM LISP. Symbols referred to in the cold load which belong in packages other than si have strings (package names) in their package slots; scanning through the area which contains all the symbols, the package initializer puts each such symbol into the package it specifies, and all the rest into si unless they are already in global or system.

27.15 Initial Packages

The initially present packages include:


Contains advertised global functions.


The default current package for the user’s type-in.

sys or system

Contains internal global symbols used by various system programs. Many system packages use system.

si or system-internals

Contains subroutines of many advertised system functions. Many files of the Lisp system are loaded in si.


Contains the compiler. compiler uses sys.

fs or file-system

Contains the code that deals with pathnames and accessing files. fs uses sys.

eh or dbg

Contains the error handler and the debugger. Uses sys.

cc or cadr

Contains the program that is used for debugging another machine. Uses sys.


Contains the Chaosnet controller. Uses sys.


Contains the window system. Uses sys.


Contains the editor.


Contains the function format and its associated subfunctions.


(Common Lisp Incompatible) contains symbols such as cli:member which the same pname as symbols in global but incompatible definitions.

There are quite a few others, but it would be pointless to list them all.

Packages that are used for special sorts of data:


Contains the names of all fonts.


Contains the keywords for format, as well as the code.


Contains all keyword symbols, symbols always written with a plain colon as a prefix. These symbols are peculiar in that they are automatically given themselves as values.

Here is a picture depicting the initial package inheritance structure

                           global		      keyword
       /-----------------------------------\	      fonts
       |     |          |          |       |
     user  zwei      system      format  (etc)	      cli
                |          |     |     |    |      |
         system-internals  eh  chaos  cadr  fs  compiler

27.16 Multiple Instantiations of a Program

This isn’t finished yet, which is why we don’t say how to do any of this.

Suppose a maintainer of ZWEI (the Lisp Machine editor) has made some changes to ZWEI, and would like to debug them. He has a problem: if he reads in the new version, which presumably may be full of bugs, then he will not be able to do any editing! This would be annoying, since the editor is very useful.

We would like both the regular and the experimental versions of the editor to both be loaded into the Lisp world. In order for two definitions of each editor function to coexist, we need to load the new version into a separate package, which must have a different name (not named zwei, like the package the original editor is in). If the test version’s package is called test-zwei, then the user can try it by calling (test-zwei:ed), and edit it using (ed).

However, there is a problem to be faced. The editor redefines a few entry-point functions (ed, edprop, etc) which reside in global. If the test editor redefined them, the whole point of the separate package would be lost. So, the test-zwei package must shadow all these symbols.

Further complications are needed to make it possible to test one program using another instead of by hand. Suppose that there is a program named random residing in its own package, and containing a function named number. Suppose that we have a debugged program dp (Dissociated Press) which uses random:number. And now, we have written a new version of random and want to test it using dp, without installing it and breaking system tools which use random. What we want to do is to load in a test version of random, test-random, and also a test-dp which will refer to it, to test it with.

This can be done if we can make the test-dp package take references to random as references to the test-random package. All this takes is an entry on test-dp’s refname-alist, associating the name random with the test-random package. Then, when random:number is seen in the course of reading in the old dp program into test-dp, test-random:number will actually be used. Note that normally test-dp wouldn’t have an entry on its own refname-alist for random; it would inherit the association from global. We are actually shadowing in test-dp the definition of random as a package refname which is present in global. Here is what we will get.

                            global  [random -> random]
      |        |                      |               |
     dp  =>  random                test-dp  =>      test-random
                           [random -> test-random]

(‘=>’ indicates who calls whom; ‘->’ indicates a refname).

So far, every package has had its own name as a refname for itself. A test package, however, shouldn’t have its actual name as a refname for itself, but the name its program expects: random, not test-random. This is necessary to handle test packages with subpackages right, together with shadowing. In fact every package has a “program name” as well as a “name”. For ordinary packages, they are the same, but for a test package, the program name is identical to that of the original package.

Suppose we have the Macsyma program with all of its sub-packages as described above. Further assume that the input sub-program’s author has his own symbol named simp, and he calls macsyma:simp in various places to get the one in the macsyma package. Now, say someone wants to load an experimental macsyma into the machine: he would name the new obarray test-macsyma or something. In order to assure that the reference to macsyma:simp is properly resolved, the refname-alist of test-macsyma must contain test-macsyma under the name macsyma. This, finally, is the reason why each package has a reference to itself on its refname-alist.

28 Maintaining Large Systems

When a program gets large, it is often desirable to split it up into several files. One reason for this is to help keep the parts of the program organized, to make things easier to find. It’s also useful to have the program broken into small pieces that are more convenient to edit and compile. It is particularly important to avoid the need to recompile all of a large program every time any piece of it changes; if the program is broken up into many files, only the files that have changes in them need to be recompiled.

The apparent drawback to splitting up a program is that more commands are needed to manipulate it. To load the program, you now have to load several files separately, instead of just loading one file. To compile it, you have to figure out which files need compilation, by seeing which have been edited since they were last compiled, and then you have to compile those files.

What’s even more complicated is that files can have interdependencies. You might have a file called DEFS that contains some macro definitions (or flavor or structure definitions), and functions in other files might use those macros. This means that in order to compile any of those other files, you must first load the file DEFS into the Lisp environment so that the macros will be defined and can be expanded at compile time. You have to remember this whenever you compile any of those files. Furthermore, if DEFS has changed, other files of the program may need to be recompiled because the macros may have changed and need to be re-expanded.

This chapter describes the system facility, which takes care of all these things for you. The way it works is that you define a set of files to be a system, using the defsystem special form, described below. This system definition says which files make up the system, which ones depend on the presence of others, and so on. You put this system definition into its own little file, and then all you have to do is load that file and the Lisp environment will know about your system and what files are in it. You can then use the make-system function (see make-system-fun) to load in all the files of the system, recompile all the files that need compiling, and so on.

The system facility is very general and extensible. This chapter explains how to use it and how to extend it. This chapter also explains the patch facility, which lets you conveniently update a large program with incremental changes.

28.1 Defining a System

Macro: defsystem name (keyword args...)...

Defines a system named name. The options selected by the keywords are explained in detail later. In general, they fall into two categories: properties of the system and transformations. A transformation is an operation such as compiling or loading that takes one or more files and does something to them. The simplest system is a set of files and a transformation to be performed on them.

Here are a few examples.

(defsystem mysys
  (:compile-load ("OZ:<GEORGE>PROG1.LISP" "OZ:<GEORGE2>PROG2.LISP")))

(defsystem zmail
  (:name "ZMail")
  (:pathname-default "SYS: ZMAIL;")
  (:package zwei)
  (:module defs "DEFS")
  (:module mult "MULT" :package tv)
  (:module main ("TOP" "COMNDS" "MAIL" "USER" "WINDOW"
		 "FILTER" mult "COMETH"))
  (:compile-load defs)
  (:compile-load main (:fasload defs)))

(defsystem bar
  (:module reader-macros "BAR:BAR;RDMAC")
  (:module other-macros "BAR:BAR;MACROS")
  (:module main-program "BAR:BAR;MAIN")
  (:compile-load reader-macros)
  (:compile-load other-macros (:fasload reader-macros))
  (:compile-load main-program (:fasload reader-macros

The first example defines a new system called mysys, which consists of two files, stored on a Tops-20 host names OZ, both of which are to be compiled and loaded. The second example is somewhat more complicated. What all the options mean is described below, but the primary difference is that there is a file DEFS which must be loaded before the rest of the files (main) can be compiled. Also, the files are stored on logical host SYS and directory ZMAIL.

The last example has two levels of dependency. reader-macros must be compiled and loaded before other-macros can be compiled. Both reader-macros and other-macros must then be loaded before main-program can be compiled. All the source files are stored on host BAR, presumably a logical host defined specifically for this system. It is desirable to use a logical host for the files of a system if there is a chance that people at more than one site will be using it; the logical host allows the identical defsystem to be valid at all sites. See logical-pathnames for more on logical hosts and logical pathnames.

Note that The defsystem options other than transformations are:


Specifies a “pretty” version of the name for the system, for use in printing.


Specified an abbreviated name used in constructing disk label comments and in patch file names for some file systems.


Specifies the names of other systems used to make up this system. Performing an operation on a system with component systems is equivalent to performing the same operation on all the individual systems. The format is (:component-systems names...).


Specifies the package in which transformations are performed. A package specified here overrides one in the -*- line of the file in question.


Gives a local default within the definition of the system for strings to be parsed into pathnames. Typically this specifies the directory, when all the files of a system are on the same directory.


Gives a default for the file to use to store compiler warnings in, when make-system is used with the :batch option.


Makes the system be a patchable system (see patch-facility). An optional argument specifies the directory to put patch files in. The default is the :pathname-default of the system.


Specifies what the status of the system should be when make-system is used to create a new major version. The default is :experimental. See patch-system-status for further details.


Make a patchable system not appear in the disk label comment. This should probably never be specified for a user system. It is used by patchable systems internal to the main Lisp system, to avoid cluttering up the label.


Specifies the file type to use for compiled Lisp files. The value you specify should be a string. If you do not specify this, the standard file type :qfasl is used.


Allows assigning a name to a set of files within the system. This name can then be used instead of repeating the filenames. The format is (:module name files options...). files is usually a list of filenames (strings). In general, it is a module-specification, which can be any of the following:

a string

This is a file name.

a symbol

This is a module name. It stands for all of the files which are in that module of this system.

an external module component

This is a list of the form (system-name module-names...), to specify modules in another system. It stands for all of the files which are in all of those modules.

a list of module components

A module component is any of the above, or the following:

a list of file names

This is used in the case where the names of the input and output files of a transformation are not related according to the standard naming conventions, for example when a QFASL file has a different name or resides on a different directory than the source file. The file names in the list are used from left to right, thus the first name is the source file. Each file name after the first in the list is defaulted from the previous one in the list.

To avoid syntactic ambiguity, this is allowed as a module component but not as a module specification.

The currently defined options for the :module clause are


Overrides any package specified for the whole system for transformations performed on just this module.

In the second defsystem example above, there are three modules. Each of the first two has only one file, and the third one (main) is made up both of files and another module. To take examples of the other possibilities,

(:module prog (("SYS: GEORGE; PROG" "SYS: GEORG2; PROG")))
(:module foo (defs (zmail defs)))

The prog module consists of one file, but it lives in two directories, GEORGE and GEORG2. If this were a Lisp program, that would mean that the file SYS: GEORGE; PROG LISP would be compiled into SYS: GEORG2; PROG QFASL. The foo module consists of two other modules the defs module in the same system, and the defs module in the zmail system. It is not generally useful to compile files that belong to other systems; thus this foo module would not normally be the subject of a transformation. However, dependencies (defined below) use modules and need to be able to refer to (depend on) modules of other systems.

Function: si:set-system-source-file system-name filename

This function specifies which file contains the defsystem for the system system-name. filename can be a pathname object or a string.

Sometimes it is useful to say where the definition of a system can be found without taking time to load that file. If make-system, or require (require-fun), is ever used on that system, the file whose name has been specified will be loaded automatically.

28.2 Transformations

Transformations are of two types, simple and complex. A simple transformation is a single operation on a file, such as compiling it or loading it. A complex transformation takes the output from one transformation and performs another transformation on it, such as loading the results of compilation.

The general format of a simple transformation is (name input dependencies condition). input is usually a module specification or another transformation whose output is used. The transformation name is to be performed on all the files in the module, or all the output files of the other transformation.

dependencies and condition are optional.

dependencies is a transformation specification, either a list (transformation-name module-names...) or a list of such lists. A module-name is either a symbol that is the name of a module in the current system, or a list (system-name module-names...). A dependency declares that all of the indicated transformations must be performed on the indicated modules before the current transformation itself can take place. Thus in the zmail example above, the defs module must have the :fasload transformation performed on it before the :compile transformation can be performed on main.

The dependency has to be a tranformation that is explicitly specified as a transformation in the system definition, not just an action that might be performed by anything. That is, if you have a dependency (:fasload foo), it means that (fasload foo) is a tranformation of your system and you depend on that tranformation; it does not simply mean that you depend on foo’s being loaded. Furthermore, it doesn’t work if (:fasload foo) is an implicit piece of another tranformation. For example, the following works:

(defsystem foo
  (:module foo "FOO")
  (:module bar "BAR")
  (:compile-load (foo bar)))

but this doesn’t work:

(defsystem foo
  (:module foo "FOO")
  (:module bar "BAR")
  (:module blort "BLORT")
  (:compile-load (foo bar))
  (:compile-load blort (:fasload foo)))

because foo’s :fasload is not mentioned explicitly (i.e at top level) but is only implicit in the (:compile-load (foo bar)). One must instead write:

(defsystem foo
  (:module foo "FOO")
  (:module bar "BAR")
  (:module blort "BLORT")
  (:compile-load foo)
  (:compile-load bar)
  (:compile-load blort (:fasload foo)))

condition is a predicate which specifies when the transformation should take place. Generally it defaults according to the type of the transformation. Conditions are discussed further on transformation-condition-discussion.

The defined simple transformations are:


Calls the fasload function to load the indicated files, which must be QFASL files whose pathnames have canonical type :qfasl (see canonical-types). The condition defaults to si:file-newer-than-installed-p, which is t if a newer version of the file exists on the file computer than was read into the current environment.


Calls the readfile function to read in the indicated files, whose names must have canonical type :lisp. Use this for files that are not to be compiled. condition defaults to si:file-newer-than-installed-p.


Calls the compile-file function to compile the indicated files, whose names must have canonical type :lisp. condition defaults to si:file-newer-than-file-p, which returns t if the source file has been written more recently than the binary file.

A special simple transformation is


(:do-components dependencies) inside a system with component systems causes the dependencies to be done before anything in the component systems. This is useful when you have a module of macro files used by all of the component systems.

The defined complex transformations are


(:compile-load input compile-dependencies load-dependencies compile-condition load-condition) is the same as (:fasload (:compile input compile-dependencies compile-condition) load-dependencies load-condition). This is the most commonly-used transformation. Everything after input is optional.


See compile-load-init-transformation.

As was explained above, each filename in an input specification can in fact be a list of strings when the source file of a program differs from the binary file in more than just the file type. In fact, every filename is treated as if it were an infinite list of filenames with the last filename, or in the case of a single string the only filename, repeated forever at the end. Each simple transformation takes some number of input filename arguments and some number of output filename arguments. As transformations are performed, these arguments are taken from the front of the filename list. The input arguments are actually removed and the output arguments left as input arguments to the next higher transformation. To make this clearer, consider the prog module above having the :compile-load transformation performed on it. This means that prog is given as the input to the :compile transformation and the output from this transformation is given as the input to the :fasload transformation. The :compile transformation takes one input filename argument, the name of a Lisp source file, and one output filename argument, the name of the QFASL file. The :fasload transformation takes one input filename argument, the name of a QFASL file, and no output filename arguments. So, for the first and only file in the prog module, the filename argument list looks like ("SYS: GEORGE; PROG" "SYS: GEORG2; PROG" "SYS: GEORG2; PROG" ...). The :compile transformation is given arguments of "SYS: GEORGE; PROG" and "SYS: GEORG2; PROG" and the filename argument list which it outputs as the input to the :fasload transformation is ("SYS: GEORG2; PROG" "SYS: GEORG2; PROG" ...). The :fasload transformation then is given its one argument of "SYS: GEORG2; PROG".

Note that dependencies are not transitive or inherited. For example, if module a depends on macros defined in module b, and therefore needs b to be loaded in order to compile, and b has a similar dependency on c, c need not be loaded for compilation of a. Transformations with these dependencies would be written

(:compile-load a (:fasload b))
(:compile-load b (:fasload c))

To say that compilation of a depends on both b and c, you would instead write

(:compile-load a (:fasload b c))
(:compile-load b (:fasload c))

If in addition a depended on c (but not b) during loading (perhaps a contains defvars whose initial values depend on functions or special variables defined in c) you would write the transformations

(:compile-load a (:fasload b c) (:fasload c))
(:compile-load b (:fasload c))

28.3 Making a System

Function: make-system name &rest keywords

The make-system function does the actual work of compiling and loading. In the example above, if PROG1 and PROG2 have both been compiled recently, then

(make-system 'mysys)

loads them as necessary. If either one might also need to be compiled, then

(make-system 'mysys :compile)

does that first as necessary.

The very first thing make-system does is check whether the file which contains the defsystem for the specified system has changed since it was loaded. If so, it offers to load the latest version, so that the remainder of the make-system can be done using the latest system definition. (This only happens if the filetype of that file is LISP.) After loading this file or not, make-system goes on to process the files that compose the system.

If the system name is not recognized, make-system attempts to load the file SYS: SITE; system-name SYSTEM, in the hope that that contains a system definition or a call to si:set-system-source-file.

make-system lists what transformations it is going to perform on what files, then asks the user for confirmation. If the user types S when confirmation is requested, then make-system asks about each file individually so that the user can decide selectively which transformations should be performed; then collective reconfirmation is requested. This is like what happens if the :selective keyword is specified. If the user types Y, the transformations are performed. Before each transformation a message is printed listing the transformation being performed, the file it is being done to, and the package. This behavior can be altered by keywords.

If the system being made is patchable, and if loading has not been inhibited, then the system’s patches are loaded afterward. Loading of patches is silent if the make-system is, and requires confirmation if the make-system does.

These are the keywords recognized by the make-system function and what they do.

:noconfirm make-system

Assumes a yes answer for all questions that would otherwise be asked of the user.

:selective make-system

Asks the user whether or not to perform each transformation that appears to be needed for each file.

:silent make-system

Avoids printing out each transformation as it is performed.

:reload make-system

Bypasses the specified conditions for performing a transformation. Thus files are compiled even if they haven’t changed and loaded even if they aren’t newer than the installed version.

:noload make-system

Does not load any files except those required by dependencies. For use in conjunction with the :compile option.

:compile make-system

Compiles files also if need be. The default is to load but not compile.

:recompile make-system

This is equivalent to a combination of :compile and :reload: it specifies compilation of all files, even those whose sources have not changed since last compiled.

:no-increment-patch make-system

When given along with the :compile option, disables the automatic incrementing of the major system version that would otherwise take place. See patch-facility.

:increment-patch make-system

Increments a patchable system’s major version without doing any compilations. See patch-facility.

:no-reload-system-declaration make-system

Turns off the check for whether the file containing the defsystem has been changed. Then the file is loaded only if it has never been loaded before.

:batch make-system

Allows a large compilation to be done unattended. It acts like :noconfirm with regard to questions, turns off more-processing and fdefine-warnings (see inhibit-fdefine-warnings, inhibit-fdefine-warnings-var), and saves the compiler warnings in an editor buffer and a file (it asks you for the name).

:defaulted-batch make-system

This is like :batch except that it uses the default for the pathname to store warnings in and does not ask the user to type a pathname.

:print-only make-system

Just prints out what transformations would be performed; does not actually do any compiling or loading.

:noop make-system

Is ignored. This is useful mainly for programs that call make-system, so that such programs can include forms like

(make-system 'mysys (if compile-p :compile :noop))

28.4 Adding New Keywords to make-system

make-system keywords are defined as functions on the si:make-system-keyword property of the keyword. The functions are called with no arguments. Some of the relevant variables they can use are

Variable: si:*system-being-made*

The internal data structure that represents the system being made.

Variable: si:*make-system-forms-to-be-evaled-before*

A list of forms that are evaluated before the transformations are performed.

Variable: si:*make-system-forms-to-be-evaled-after*

A list of forms that are evaluated after the transformations have been performed. Transformations can push entries here too.

Variable: si:*make-system-forms-to-be-evaled-finally*

A list of forms that are evaluated by an unwind-protect when the body of make-system is exited, whether it is completed or not. Closing the batch warnings file is done here. Unlike the si:*make-system-forms-to-be-evaled-after* forms, these forms are evaluated outside of the “compiler warnings context”.

Variable: si:*query-type*

Controls how questions are asked. Its normal value is :normal. :noconfirm means ask no questions and :selective means asks a question for each individual file transformation.

Variable: si:*silent-p*

If t, no messages are printed out.

Variable: si:*batch-mode-p*

If t, :batch was specified.

Variable: si:*redo-all*

If t, all transformations are performed, regardless of the condition functions.

Variable: si:*top-level-transformations*

A list of the types of transformations that should be performed, such as (:fasload :readfile). The contents of this list are controlled by the keywords given to make-system. This list then controls which transformations are actually performed.

Variable: si:*file-transformation-function*

The actual function that gets called with the list of transformations that need to be performed. The default is si:do-file-transformations.

Macro: si:define-make-system-special-variable variable value [defvar-p]

Causes variable to be bound to value during the body of the call to make-system. This allows you to define new variables similar to those listed above. value is evaluated on entry to make-system. If defvar-p is specified as (or defaulted to) t, variable is defined with defvar. It is not given an initial value. If defvar-p is specified as nil, variable belongs to some other program and is not defvar’ed here.

The following simple example adds a new keyword to make-system called :just-warn, which means that fdefine warnings (see fdefine-fun) regarding functions being overwritten should be printed out, but the user should not be queried.

   inhibit-fdefine-warnings inhibit-fdefine-warnings nil)

(defun (:just-warn si:make-system-keyword) ()
  (setq inhibit-fdefine-warnings :just-warn))

(See the description of the inhibit-fdefine-warnings variable, on inhibit-fdefine-warnings-var.)

make-system keywords can do something directly when called, or they can have their effect by pushing a form to be evaluated onto si:*make-system-forms-to-be-evaled-after* or one of the other two similar lists. In general, the only useful thing to do is to set some special variable defined by si:define-make-system-special-variable. In addition to the ones mentioned above, user-defined transformations may have their behavior controlled by new special variables, which can be set by new keywords. If you want to get at the list of transformations to be performed, for example, the right way is to set si:*file-transformation-function* to a new function, which then can call si:do-file-transformations with a possibly modified list. That is how the :print-only keyword works.

28.5 Adding New Options for defsystem

Options to defsystem are defined as macros on the si:defsystem-macro property of the option keyword. Such a macro can expand into an existing option or transformation, or it can have side effects and return nil. There are several variables they can use; the only one of general interest is

Variable: si:*system-being-defined*

The internal data structure that represents the system that is currently being constructed.

Macro: si:define-defsystem-special-variable variable value

Causes value to be evaluated and variable to be bound to the result during the expansion of the defsystem special form. This allows you to define new variables similar to the one listed above.

Macro: si:define-simple-transformation

This is the most convenient way to define a new simple transformation. The form is

(si:define-simple-transformation name function
	default-condition input-file-types output-file-types
        pretty-names compile-like load-like)

For example,

(si:define-simple-transformation :compile si:qc-file-1
	si:file-newer-than-file-p (:lisp) (:qfasl))

input-file-types and output-file-types are how a transformation specifies how many input filenames and output filenames it should receive as arguments, in this case one of each. They also, obviously, specify the default file type for these pathnames. The si:qc-file-1 function is mostly like compile-file, except for its interface to packages. It takes input-file and output-file arguments.

pretty-names, compile-like, and load-like are optional.

pretty-names specifies how messages printed for the user should print the name of the transformation. It can be a list of the imperative (“Compile”), the present participle (“Compiling”), and the past participle (“compiled”). Note that the past participle is not capitalized, because when used it does not come at the beginning of a sentence. pretty-names can be just a string, which is taken to be the imperative, and the system will conjugate the participles itself. If pretty-names is omitted or nil it defaults to the name of the transformation.

compile-like and load-like say when the transformation should be performed. Compile-like transformations are performed when the :compile keyword is given to make-system. Load-like transformations are performed unless the :noload keyword is given to make-system. By default compile-like is t but load-like is nil.

Complex transformations are defined as normal macro expansions, for example,

(defmacro (:compile-load si:defsystem-macro)
		(input &optional com-dep load-dep
				 com-cond load-cond)
  `(:fasload (:compile ,input ,com-dep ,com-cond)
	     ,load-dep ,load-cond))

28.6 More Esoteric Transformations

It is sometimes useful to specify a transformation upon which something else can depend, but which is performed not by default, but rather only when requested because of that dependency. The transformation nevertheless occupies a specific place in the hierarchy. The :skip defsystem macro allows specifying a transformation of this type. For example, suppose there is a special compiler for the read table which is not ordinarily loaded into the system. The compiled version should still be kept up to date, and it needs to be loaded if ever the read table needs to be recompiled.

(defsystem reader
  (:pathname-default "SYS: IO;")
  (:package system-internals)
  (:module defs "RDDEFS")
  (:module reader "READ")
  (:module read-table-compiler "RTC")
  (:module read-table "RDTBL")
  (:compile-load defs)
  (:compile-load reader (:fasload defs))
  (:skip :fasload (:compile read-table-compiler))
  (:rtc-compile-load read-table (:fasload read-table-compiler)))

Assume that there is a complex transformation :rtc-compile-load, which is like :compile-load except that is is built on a transformation called something like :rtc-compile, which uses the read table compiler rather than the Lisp compiler. In the above system, then, if the :rtc-compile transformation is to be performed, the :fasload transformation must be done on read-table-compiler first, that is the read table compiler must be loaded if the read table is to be recompiled. If you say (make-system 'reader :compile), then the :compile transformation is done on the read-table-compiler module despite the :skip, compiling the read table compiler if need be. If you say (make-system 'reader), the reader and the read table are loaded, but the :skip keeps this from happening to the read table compiler.

So far nothing has been said about what can be given as a condition for a transformation except for the default functions, which check for conditions such as a source file being newer than the binary. In general, any function that takes the same arguments as the transformation function (e.g compile-file) and returns t if the transformation needs to be performed, can be in this place as a symbol, including for example a closure. To take an example, suppose there is a file that contains compile-flavor-methods for a system and that should therefore be recompiled if any of the flavor method definitions change. In this case, the condition function for compiling that file should return t if either the source of that file itself or any of the files that define the flavors have changed. This is what the :compile-load-init complex transformation is for. It is defined like this:

(defmacro (:compile-load-init si:defsystem-macro)
		(input add-dep &optional com-dep load-dep
		 &aux function)
  (setq function (let-closed ((*additional-dependent-modules*
  `(:fasload (:compile ,input ,com-dep ,function) ,load-dep))

(defun compile-load-init-condition (source-file qfasl-file)
  (or (si:file-newer-than-file-p source-file qfasl-file)
      (local-declare ((special *additional-dependent-modules*))

The condition function generated when this macro is used returns t either if si:file-newer-than-file-p would with those arguments, or if any of the other files in add-dep, which presumably is a module specification, are newer than the QFASL file. Thus the file (or module) to which the :compile-load-init transformation applies will be compiled if it or any of the source files it depends on has been changed, and will be loaded under the normal conditions. In most (but not all cases), com-dep is a :fasload transformation of the same files as add-dep specifies, so that all the files this one depends on will be loaded before compiling it.

28.7 Common Lisp Modules

In Common Lisp, a module is a name given to a group of files of code. Modules are not like systems because nothing records what the “contents” of any particular module may be. Instead, one of the files which defines the module contains a provide form which says, when that file is loaded, “Module foo is now present.” Other files may say, using require, “I want to use module foo.”

Normally the require form also specifies the files to load if foo has not been provide’d already. This is where the information of which files are in a module is stored. If the require does not have file names in it, the module name foo is used in an implementation-dependent manner to find files to load. The Lisp Machine does this by using it as a system name in make-system.

Function: provide module-name

Adds module-name to the list *modules* of modules already loaded. module-name should be a string; case is significant.

Function: require module-name &rest files

If module module-name is not already loaded (on *modules*), files are loaded in order to make the module available. module-name should be a string; case is significant. The elements of files should be pathnames or namestrings. If files is nil, (make-system module-name :noconfirm) is done. Note, however, that case is not significant in the argument to make-system.

Variable: *modules*

A list of names (strings) of all modules provide’d so far.

28.8 The Patch Facility

The patch facility allows a system maintainer to manage new releases of a large system and issue patches to correct bugs. It is designed to be used to maintain both the Lisp Machine system itself and applications systems that are large enough to be loaded up and saved on a disk partition.

When a system of programs is very large, it needs to be maintained. Often problems are found and need to be fixed, or other little changes need to be made. However, it takes a long time to load up all of the files that make up such a system, and so rather than having every user load up all the files every time he wants to use the system, usually the files just get loaded once into a Lisp world, which is then saved away on a disk partition. Users then use this disk partition, copies of which may appear on many machines. The problem is that since the users don’t load up the system every time they want to use it, they don’t get all the latest changes.

The purpose of the patch system is to solve this problem. A patch file is a little file that, when you load it, updates the old version of the system into the new version of the system. Most often, patch files just contain new function definitions; old functions are redefined to do their new thing. When you want to use a system, you first use the Lisp environment saved on the disk, and then you load all the latest patches. Patch files are very small, so loading them doesn’t take much time. You can even load the saved environment, load up the latest patches, and then save it away, to save future users the trouble of even loading the patches. (Of course, new patches may be made later, and then these will have to be loaded if you want to get the very latest version.)

For every system, there is a series of patches that have been made to that system. To get the latest version of the system, you load each patch file in the series, in order. Sooner or later, the maintainer of a system wants to stop building more and more patches, and recompile everything, starting afresh. A complete recompilation is also necessary when a system is changed in a far-reaching way, that can’t be done with a small patch; for example, if you completely reorganize a program, or change a lot of names or conventions, you might need to completely recompile it to make it work again. After a complete recompilation has been done, the old patch files are no longer suitable to use; loading them in might even break things.

The way all this is kept track of is by labelling each version of a system with a two-part number. The two parts are called the major version number and the minor version number. The minor version number is increased every time a new patch is made; the patch is identified by the major and minor version number together. The major version number is increased when the program is completely recompiled, and at that time the minor version number is reset to zero. A complete system version is identified by the major version number, followed by a dot, followed by the minor version number. Thus, patch 93.9 is for major version 93 and minor version 9; it is followed by patch 93.10.

To clarify this, here is a typical scenario. A new system is created; its initial version number is 1.0. Then a patch file is created; the version of the program that results from loading the first patch file into version 1.0 is called 1.1. Then another patch file might be created, and loading that patch file into system 1.1 creates version 1.2. Then the entire system is recompiled, creating version 2.0 from scratch. Now the two patch files are irrelevant, because they fix old software; the changes that they reflect are integrated into system 2.0.

Note that the second patch file should only be loaded into system 1.1 in order to create system 1.2; you shouldn’t load it into 1.0 or any other system besides 1.1. It is important that all the patch files be loaded in the proper order, for two reasons. First, it is very useful that any system numbered 1.1 be exactly the same software as any other system numbered 1.1, so that if somebody reports a bug in version 1.1, it is clear just which software is being complained about. Secondly, one patch might patch another patch; loading them in some other order might have the wrong effect.

The patch facility keeps track of all the patch files that exist, remembering which version each one creates. There is a separate numbered sequence of patch files for each major version of each system. All of them are stored in the file system, and the patch facility keeps track of where they all are. In addition to the patch files themselves, there are patch directory files that contain the patch facility’s data base by which it keeps track of what minor versions exist for a major version, and what the last major version of a system is. These files and how to make them are described below.

In order to use the patch facility, you must define your system with defsystem (see system-system) and declare it as patchable with the :patchable option. When you load your system (with make-system, see make-system-fun), it is added to the list of all systems present in the world. The patch facility keeps track of which version of each patchable system is present and where the data about that system reside in the file system. This information can be used to update the Lisp world automatically to the latest versions of all the systems it contains. Once a system is present, you can ask for the latest patches to be loaded, ask which patches are already loaded, and add new patches.

You can also load in patches or whole new systems and then save the entire Lisp environment away in a disk partition. This is explained on disk-partition.

When a Lisp Machine is booted, it prints out a line of information for each patchable system present in the booted Lisp world, saying which major and minor versions are loaded. This is done by print-herald (see print-herald-fun).

Function: print-system-modifications &rest system-names

With no arguments, this lists all the systems present in this world and, for each system, all the patches that have been loaded into this world. For each patch it shows the major version number (which is always the same since a world can only contain one major version), the minor version number, and an explanation of what the patch does, as typed in by the person who made the patch.

If print-system-modifications is called with arguments, only the modifications to the systems named are listed.

Function: print-herald &optional format-dest

Prints the names and loaded version numbers of all patchable systems loaded, and the microcode. Also printed are the number of the band you booted, the amount of physical and virtual memory you have, the host name of the machine, and its associated machine name. Example:

MIT System, band 7 of CADR-1.
640K physical memory, 16127K virtual memory.
 System        98.43
 CADR          3.6
 ZMail         53.10
 MIT-Specific  22.0
 Microcode     309
MIT Lisp Machine One, with associated machine OZ.

format-dest defaults to t; if it is nil the answer is returned as a string rather than printed out. format-dest can also be a stream to print on.

Function: si:get-system-version &optional system

Returns two values, the major and minor version numbers of the version of system currently loaded into the machine, or nil if that system is not present. system defaults to "System".

Function: si:system-version-info &optional (brief-p nil)

Returns a string giving information about which systems and what versions of the systems are loaded into the machine, and what microcode version is running. A typical string for it to produce is:

"System 98.48, CADR 3.6, MIT-Specific 22.0, microcode 309"

If brief-p is t, it uses short names, suppresses the microcode version, any systems which should not appear in the disk label comment, the name System, and the commas:


28.8.1 Defining a System

In order to use the patch facility, you must declare your system as patchable by giving the :patchable option to defsystem (see system-system). The major version of your system in the file system is incremented whenever make-system is used to compile it. Thus a major version is associated with a set of QFASL files. The major version of your system that is remembered as having been loaded into the Lisp environment is set to the major version in the file system whenever make-system is used to load your system and the major version in the file system is greater than what you had loaded before.

After loading your system, you can save it with the disk-save function (see disk-save-fun). disk-save asks you for any additional information you want printed as part of the greeting when the machine is booted. This is in addition to the names and versions of all the systems present in this world. If the system version does not fit in the partition comment field allocated in the disk label, disk-save asks you to type in an abbreviated form.

28.8.2 Loading Patches

Function: load-patches &rest options

This function is used to bring the current world up to the latest minor version of whichever major version it is, for all systems present, or for certain specified systems. If there are any patches available, load-patches offers to read them in. With no arguments, load-patches updates all the systems present in this world. If you do not specify the systems to operate on, load-patches also reloads the site files if they have changed (site-files), and reloads the files defining logical host translations if they have changed (fs:make-logical-pathname-host-fun).

options is a list of keywords. Some keywords are followed by an argument. The following options are accepted:

:systems list

list is a list of names of systems to be brought up to date. If this option is not specified, all patchable systems loaded are processed.


Loads unreleased patches with no special querying. These patches should be loaded for experimental use if you wish the benefit of the latest bug fixes, but should not be loaded if you plan to save a band.


Loads the latest site files if they have been changed since last loaded. This is the default if you do not specify explicitly which systems to process.


Prevents loading of site files. This is the default when you specify the systems to process.


Reloads the files defining logical host translations if they have been changed since last loaded. This is the default if you do not specify explicitly which systems to process.


Prevents loading of logical host translation files. This is the default when you specify the systems to process.


Prints an explanation of what is being done. This is the default.


For each patch, says what it is and then ask the user whether or not to load it. This is the default. If the user answers P (for ‘Proceed’), selective mode is turned off for any remaining patches to the current system.


Turns off :selective.


Turns off both :selective and :verbose. In :silent mode all necessary patches are loaded without printing anything and without querying the user.


Loads patches that have not been finished yet, if they have been compiled.

load-patches returns t if any patches were loaded.

When you load a patchable system with make-system, load-patches is called automatically on that system.

Function: si:patch-loaded-p major-version minor-version &optional (system-name "SYSTEM")

Returns t if the changes in patch major-version.minor-version of system system-name are loaded. If major-version is the major version of that system which is currently loaded, then the changes in that patch are loaded if the current minor version is greater than or equal to minor-version. If the currently loaded major version is greater than major-version then it is assumed that the newer system version contains all the improvements patched into earlier versions, so the value is t.

28.8.3 Making Patches

There are two editor commands that are used to create patch files. During a typical maintenance session on a system you will make several edits to its source files. The patch system can be used to copy these edits into a patch file so that they can be automatically incorporated into the system to create a new minor version. Edits in a patch file can be modified function definitions, new functions, modified defvar’s and defconst’s, or arbitrary forms to be evaluated, even including load’s of new files.

The first step in making a patch is to start it. At this stage you must specify which patchable system you are making a patch for. Then you add one or more pieces of code from other source files to the patch. Finally you finish the patch. This is when you fill in the description of what the patch does; this description is what load-patches prints when it offers to load the patch. If you have any doubts about whether the patch will load and work properly, you finish it unreleased; then you can load it to test it but no bands can be saved containing the patch until you explicitly release it later.

It is important that any change you patch should go in a patch for the patchable system to which the changed source file belongs. This makes sure that nobody loads the change into a Lisp world which does not contain the file you were changing–something that might cause trouble. Also, it ensures that you never patch changes to the same piece of code in two different patchable systems’ patches. This would lead to disaster because there is no constraint on the order in which patches to two different systems are loaded.

Starting a patch can be done with Meta-X Start Patch. It reads the name of the system to patch with the minibuffer. Meta-X Add Patch can also start a patch, so an explicit Meta-X Start Patch is needed only infrequently.

Meta-X Add Patch adds the region (if there is one) or the current “defun” to the patch file currently being constructed. If you change a function, you should recompile it, test it, then once it works use Add Patch to put it in the patch file. If no patch is being constructed, one is started for you; you must type in the name of the system to patch.

A convenient way to add all your changes to a patch file is to use Meta-X Add Patch Changed Sections or Meta-X Add Patch Buffer Changed Sections. These commands ask you, for each changed function (or each changed function in the current buffer), whether to add it to the patch being constructed. If you use these commands more than once, a function which has been added to the patch and has not been changed since is considered “unchanged”.

The patch file being constructed is in an ordinary editor buffer. If you mistakenly Add Patch something that doesn’t work, you can select the buffer containing the patch file and delete it. Then later you can Add Patch the corrected version.

While you are making your patch file, the minor version number that has been allocated for you is reserved so that nobody else can use it. This way if two people are patching a system at the same time, they do not both get the same minor version number.

After testing and patching all of your changes, use Meta-X Finish Patch to install the patch file so that other users can load it. This compiles the patch file if you have not done so yourself (patches are always compiled). It also asks you for a comment describing the reason for the patch; load-patches and print-system-modifications print these comments. If the patch is complex or it has a good chance of causing new problems, you should not use Meta-X Finish Patch; instead, you should make an unreleased patch.

A finished patch can be released or unreleased. If a patch is unreleased, it can be loaded in the usual manner if the user says ‘yes’ to a special query, but once it has been loaded the user will be strongly discouraged from saving a band. Therefore, you still have a chance to edit the patch file and recompile it if there is something wrong with it. You can be sure that the old broken patch will not remain permanently in saved bands.

To finish a patch without releasing it, use the command Meta-X Finish Patch Unreleased. Then the patch can be tested by loading it. After a sufficient period for testing, you can release the patch with Meta-X Release Patch. If you discover a bug in the patch after this point, it is not sufficient to correct it in this patch file; you must put the fix in a new patch to correct any bands already saved with the broken version of this patch.

It is a good principle not to add any new features or fix any additional bugs in a patch once that patch is released; change it only to correct problems with that patch. New fixes to other bugs should go in new patches.

You can only be constructing one patch at any time. Meta-X Add Patch automatically adds to the patch you are constructing. But you can start constructing a different patch without finishing the first. If you use the command Meta-X Start Patch while constructing a patch, you are given the option of starting a new patch. The old patch ceases to be the one you are constructing but the patch file remains in its editor buffer. Later, or in another session, you can go back to constructing the first patch with the command Meta-X Resume Patch. This commands asks for both a patchable system name and the patch version to resume constructing. You can simply save the editor buffer of a patch file and resume constructing that patch in a later session. You can even resume constructing a finished patch; though it rarely makes sense to do this unless the patch is unreleased.

If you start to make a patch and change your mind, use the command Meta-X Cancel Patch. This deletes the record that says that this patch is being worked on. It also tells the editor that you are no longer constructing any patch. You can undo a finished (but unreleased) patch by using Resume Patch and then Cancel Patch. If a patch is released, you cannot remove it from saved bands, so it is not reasonable to cancel it at that stage.

28.8.4 Private Patches

A private patch is a file of changes which is not installed to be loaded automatically in sequence by all users. It is loaded only by explicit request (using the function load). A private patch is not associated with any particular patchable system, and has no version number.

To make a private patch, use the editor command Meta-X Start Private Patch. Instead of a patchable system name, you must specify a filename to use for the patch file; since the patch is not to be installed, there is no standard naming convention for it to follow. Add text to the patch using Meta-X Add Patch and finish it using Meta-X Finish Patch. There is no concept of release for private patches so there is no point in using Meta-X Finish Patch Unreleased. There is also no data base recording all private patches, so Meta-X Start Private Patch will resume an existing patch, or even a finished patch. In fact, finishing a private patch is merely a way to write a comment into it and compile it.

Once the private patch file is made, you can load it like any other file.

The private patch facility is just an easy way to copy code from various files into one new file with Patch-File: T in its attribute list (to prevent warnings about redefining functions defined in other files) and compile that file.

28.8.5 System Status

The patch system has the concept of the status of a major version of a system. A status keyword is recorded in the Lisp world for each patchable system that is loaded. There is also a current status for each major version of each system, recorded in the patch directory file for that major version. Loading patches updates the status in the Lisp world to match the current status stored in the patch directory. The status in the patch directory is changed with si:set-system-status.

The status is displayed when the system version is displayed, in places such as the system greeting message (print-herald) and the disk partition comment.

The status is one of the following keywords:


The system has been built but has not yet been fully debugged and released to users. This is the default status when a new major version is created, unless it is overridden with the :initial-status option to defsystem.


The system is released for general use. This status produces no extra text in the system greeting and the disk partition comment.


The system is no longer supported.


This is like :experimental, but is used when the system was thought incorrectly to have been debugged, and hence was :released for a while.


Unreleased patches to this system have been loaded. If any patchable system is in this status, disk-save demands extra confirmation, and the resulting saved band is identified as “Bad” in its disk partition comment.

Function: si:set-system-status system status &optional major-version

Changes the current status of a system, as recorded in the patch directory file. system is the name of the system. major-version is the number of the major version to be changed; if unsupplied it defaults to the version currently loaded into the Lisp world. status should be one of the keywords above.

Do not set the current system status to :inconsistent. A status of :inconsistent is set up in the Lisp world when an unreleased patch is loaded, and once set that way it never changes in that Lisp world. The status recorded in the system’s patch directory file should describe the situation where all currently released patches are loaded. It should never be :inconsistent.

28.8.6 Patch Files

The patch system maintains several different types of files in the directory associated with your system. This directory is specified to defsystem via either the :patchable option or the :pathname-default option. These files are maintained automatically, but they are described here so that you can know what they are and when they are obsolete and can be deleted.

If the :patchable option to defsystem had no argument, then the patch data files are stored on the host, device and directory specified as the system’s pathname default. The names and types of the filenames are all standard and do not include the name of the system in any way.

If the :patchable option to defsystem is given an argument, this argument is a file namestring specifying the host, device and directory to use for storing the patch data files. In addition, the system’s short name is used in constructing the names of the files. This allows you to store the patch data files for several systems in the same directory.

There are three kinds of files that record patch information:

* the system patch directory

This file records the current major version number, so that when the system is recompiled a new number can be allocated.

On Tops-20, this file has, by default, a name like OZ:PS:<MYDIR>PATCH.DIRECTORY, where the host, device, and directory (OZ:PS:<MYDIR>) come from the system’s :pathname-default as explained above.

If :patchable is given an argument, this file for system FOO has a name like OZ:PS:<PATDIR>FOO.PATCH-DIRECTORY, where the host, device and directory come from :patchable’s argument.

* the patch directory of a major version

There is a file of this kind for each major version of the system. It records the patches that have been made for that major version: the minor version, author, description and release status of each one.

The data in this file are in the form of a printed representation of a Lisp list with two elements. The first is the system status of this major version (:experimental, :released, :broken or :obsolete). The second is another list with an element for each patch. The element for a patch is a list of length four: the minor version, the patch description (a string) or nil for an unfinished patch, the author’s name (a string), and a flag that is t if the patch is unreleased.

On a Tops-20, for major version 259, this file has, by default, a name like OZ:PS:<MYDIR>PATCH-259.DIRECTORY.

If :patchable is given an argument, this file for system FOO has a name like OZ:PS:<PATDIR>FOO-259.PATCH-DIRECTORY.

* the individual patch

For each patch made, there is a Lisp source file and a QFASL file.

On a Tops-20, for version 259.12, these files have, by default, names like OZ:PS:<MYDIR>PATCH-259-12.LISP and OZ:PS:<MYDIR>PATCH-259-12.QFASL.

If :patchable is given an argument, this file for system FOO has a name like OZ:PS:<PATDIR>FOO-259-12.PATCH-DIRECTORY.

On certain types of file systems, slightly different naming conventions are used to keep the names short enough to be legal.

29 Processes

The Lisp Machine supports multi-processing; several computations can be executed concurrently by placing each in a separate process. A process is like a processor, simulated by software. Each process has its own program counter, its own stack of function calls and its own special-variable binding environment in which to execute its computation. (This is implemented with stack groups; see stack-group.)

If all the processes are simply trying to compute, the machine allows them all to run an equal share of the time. This is not a particularly efficient mode of operation since dividing the finite memory and processor power of the machine among several processes certainly cannot increase the available power and in fact wastes some of it in overhead. The typical use for processes is that at any time only one or two are trying to run. The rest are either waiting for some event to occur or stopped and not allowed to compete for resources.

A process waits for an event by means of the process-wait primitive, which is given a predicate function which defines the event being waited for. A module of the system called the process scheduler periodically calls that function. If it returns nil the process continues to wait; if it returns t the process is made runnable and its call to process-wait returns, allowing the computation to proceed.

A process may be active or stopped. Stopped processes are never allowed to run; they are not considered by the scheduler, and so can never become the current process until they are made active again. The scheduler continually tests the waiting functions of all the active processes, and those which return non-nil values are allowed to run. When you first create a process with make-process, it is inactive.

The activity of a process is controlled by two sets of Lisp objects associated with it, called its run reasons and its arrest reasons. These sets are implemented as lists. Any kind of object can be in these sets; typically keyword symbols and active objects such as windows and other processes are found. A process is considered active when it has at least one run reason and no arrest reasons.

To get a computation to happen in another process, you must first create a process, then say what computation you want to happen in that process. The computation to be executed by a process is specified as an initial function and a list of arguments to that function. When the process starts up it applies the function to the arguments. In some cases the initial function is written so that it never returns, while in other cases it performs a certain computation and then returns, which stops the process.

To reset a process means to exit its entire computation nonlocally using *unwind-stack (see *unwind-stack-fun). Some processes are temporary and die when reset. The other, permanent functions start their computations over again when reset. Resetting a process clears its waiting condition, so that if it is active it becomes runnable. To preset a function is to set up its initial function (and arguments) and then reset it. This is how you start up a computation in a process.

All processes in a Lisp Machine run in the same virtual address space, sharing the same set of Lisp objects. Unlike other systems that have special restricted mechanisms for inter-process communication, the Lisp Machine allows processes to communicate in arbitrary ways through shared Lisp objects. One process can inform another of an event simply by changing the value of a global variable. Buffers containing messages from one process to another can be implemented as lists or arrays. The usual mechanisms of atomic operations, critical sections, and interlocks are provided (see store-conditional [store-conditional-fun], without-interrupts [without-interrupts-fun], and process-lock [process-lock-fun]).

A process is a Lisp object, an instance of one of several flavors of process (see flavor). The remainder of this chapter describes the operations defined on processes, the functions you can apply to a process, and the functions and variables a program running in a process can use to manipulate its process.

29.1 The Scheduler

At any time there is a set of active processes; as described above, these are all the processes that are not stopped. Each active process is either currently running, runnable (ready to run), or waiting for some condition to become true. The active processes are managed by a special stack group called the scheduler, which repeatedly examines each active process to determine whether it is waiting or ready to run. The scheduler then selects one process and starts it up.

The process chosen by the scheduler becomes the current process, that is, the one process that is running on the machine. The scheduler sets the variable current-process to it. It remains the current process and continues to run until either it decides to wait, or a sequence break occurs. In either case, the scheduler stack group is resumed. It then updates the process’s run time meters and chooses a new process to run next. This way, each process that is ready to run gets its share of time in which to execute.

Each process has a priority which is a number. Most processes have priority zero. Larger numbers give a process more priority. The scheduler only considers the highest priority runnable processes, so if there is one runnable process with priority 20 then no process with lesser priority can run.

The scheduler determines whether a process is runnable by applying the process’s wait-function to its wait-argument-list. If the wait-function returns a non-nil value, then the process is ready to run; otherwise, it is waiting.

A process can wait for some condition to become true by calling process-wait (see process-wait-fun). This function sets the process’s wait-function and wait-argument-list as specified by the caller, and resumes the scheduler stack group. A process can also wait for just a moment by calling process-allow-schedule (see process-allow-schedule-fun), which resumes the scheduler stack group but leaves the process runnable; it will run again as soon as all other runnable processes have had a chance.

A sequence break is a kind of interrupt that is generated by the Lisp system for any of a variety of reasons; when it occurs, the scheduler is resumed. The function si:sb-on (see si:sb-on-fun) can be used to control when sequence breaks occur. The default is to sequence break once a second. Thus even if a process never waits and is not stopped, it is forced to return control to the scheduler once a second so that any other runnable processes can get their turn.

The system does not generate a sequence break when a page fault occurs; thus time spent waiting for a page to come in from the disk is “charged” to a process the same as time spent computing, and cannot be used by other processes. It is done this way for the sake of simplicity; this allows the whole implementation of the process system to reside in ordinary virtual memory, so that it does not have to worry specially about paging. The performance penalty is small since Lisp Machines are personal computers, not multiplexed among a large number of processes. Usually only one process at a time is runnable.

A process’s wait function is free to touch any data structure it likes and to perform any computation it likes. Of course, wait functions should be kept simple, using only a small amount of time and touching only a small number of pages, or system performance will be impacted since the wait function will consume resources even when its process is not running.

If a wait function gets an error, the error occurs inside the scheduler. If this enters the debugger, all scheduling comes to a halt until the user proceeds or aborts. Aborting in the debugger inside the scheduler “blasts” the current process by giving it a trivial wait function that always returns nil; this prevents recurrence of the same problem. It is best to write wait functions that cannot get errors, by keeping them simple and by arranging for any problems to be detected before the scheduler sees the wait function. process-wait calls the wait function once before giving it to the scheduler, and this often exposes an error before it can interfere with scheduling.

Note well that a process’s wait function is executed inside the scheduler stack-group, not inside the process. This means that a wait function may not access special variables bound in the process. It is allowed to access global variables. It can access variables bound by a process through the closure mechanism (closure). If the wait function is defined lexically within the caller of process-wait then it can access local variables through the lexical scoping mechanism. Most commonly any values needed by the wait function are passed to it as arguments.

Variable: current-process

The value of current-process is the process that is currently executing, or nil while the scheduler is running. When the scheduler calls a process’s wait-function, it binds current-process to the process so that the wait-function can access its process.

Macro: without-interrupts body...

The body forms are evaluated with inhibit-scheduling-flag bound to t. This is the recommended way to lock out multi-processing over a small critical section of code to prevent timing errors. In other words the body is an atomic operation. The values of the last form in the body are ultimately returned.

In this example, list is presumed to be a global variable referred to from two places in the code which different processes will execute.

  (push item list))

  (cond ((memq item list)
	 (setq list (delq item list))
	(t nil)))
Variable: inhibit-scheduling-flag

The value of inhibit-scheduling-flag is normally nil. without-interrupts binds it to t, which prevents process-switching until inhibit-scheduling-flag becomes nil again. It is cleaner to use without-interrupts than to refer directly to this variable.

Function: process-wait whostate function &rest arguments

This is the primitive for waiting. The current process waits until the application of function to arguments returns non-nil (at which time process-wait returns). Note that function is applied in the environment of the scheduler, not the environment of the process-wait, so special bindings in effect when process-wait was called are not be in effect when function is applied. Be careful when using any free references in function. whostate is a string containing a brief description of the reason for waiting. If the who-line at the bottom of the screen is looking at this process, it will show whostate.

(process-wait "Buffer"
	#'(lambda (b) (not (zerop (buffer-n-things b))))
Function: process-sleep interval

Waits for interval sixtieths of a second, and then returns. It uses process-wait.

Function: sleep seconds

Waits seconds seconds and then returns. seconds need not be an integer. This also uses process-wait.

Function: process-wait-with-timeout whostate interval function &rest arguments

This is like process-wait except that if interval sixtieths of a second go by and the application of function to arguments is still returning nil, then process-wait-with-timeout returns anyway. The value returned is the value of applying function to arguments; thus, it is non-nil if the wait condition actually occurred, nil for a time-out.

If interval is nil, there is no timeout, and this function is then equivalent to process-wait.

Macro: with-timeout (interval timeout-forms...) body...

body is executed with a timeout in effect for interval sixtieths of a second. If body finishes before that much time elapses, the values of the last form in body are returned.

If after interval has elapsed body has not completed, its execution is terminated with a throw caught by the with-timeout form. Then the timeout-forms are evaluated and the values of the last one of them are returned.

For example,
(with-timeout ((* 60. 60.) (format *query-io* " ... Yes.") t)
  (y-or-n-p "Really do it? (Yes after one minute) "))

is a convenient way to ask a question and assume an answer if the user does not respond promptly. This is a good thing to do for queries likely to occur when the user has walked away from the terminal and expects an operation to finish without his attention.

Function: process-allow-schedule

Resumes the scheduler momentarily; all other processes will get a chance to run before the current process runs again.

Constant: sys:scheduler-stack-group

This is the stack group in which the scheduler executes.

Variable: sys:clock-function-list

This is a list of functions to be called by the scheduler 60 times a second. Each function is passed one argument, the number of 60ths of a second since the last time that the functions on this list were called. These functions implement various system overhead operations such as blinking the blinking cursor on the screen. Note that these functions are called inside the scheduler, just as are the functions of simple processes (see simple-process). The scheduler calls these functions as often as possible, but never more often than 60 times a second. That is, if there are no processes ready to run, the scheduler calls the clock functions 60 times a second, assuming that, all together, they take less than 1/60 second to run. If there are processes continually ready to run, then the scheduler calls the clock functions as often as it can; usually this is once a second, since usually the scheduler gets control only once a second.

Variable: sys:active-processes

This is the scheduler’s data-structure. It is a list of lists, where the car of each element is an active process or nil and the cdr is information about that process.

Variable: sys:all-processes

This is a list of all the processes in existence. It is mainly for debugging.

Constant: si:initial-process

This is the process in which the system starts up when it is booted.

Function: si:sb-on &optional when

Controls what events cause a sequence break, i.e when rescheduling occurs. The following keywords are names of events which can cause a sequence break.


This event happens periodically based on a clock. The default period is one second. See sys:%tv-clock-rate, sys:%tv-clock-rate-meter.


Happens when a character is received from the keyboard.


Happens when a packet is received from the Chaosnet, or transmission of a packet to the Chaosnet is completed.

Since the keyboard and Chaosnet are heavily buffered, there is no particular advantage to enabling the :keyboard and :chaos events, unless the :clock event is disabled.

With no argument, si:sb-on returns a list of keywords for the currently enabled events.

With an argument, the set of enabled events is changed. The argument can be a keyword, a list of keywords, nil (which disables sequence breaks entirely since it is the empty list), or a number, which is the internal mask, not documented here.

29.2 Locks

A lock is a software construct used for synchronization of two processes. A lock is either held by some process, or is free. When a process tries to seize a lock, it waits until the lock is free, and then it becomes the process holding the lock. When it is finished, it unlocks the lock, allowing some other process to seize it. A lock protects some resource or data structure so that only one process at a time can use it.

In the Lisp Machine, a lock is a locative pointer to a cell. If the lock is free, the cell contains nil; otherwise it contains the process that holds the lock. The process-lock and process-unlock functions are written in such a way as to guarantee that two processes can never both think that they hold a certain lock; only one process can ever hold a lock at one time.

Function: process-lock locative &optional (lock-value current-process) (whostate "Lock") timeout

This is used to seize the lock that locative points to. If necessary, process-lock waits until the lock becomes free. When process-lock returns, the lock has been seized. lock-value is the object to store into the cell specified by locative, and whostate is passed on to process-wait.

If timeout is non-nil, it should be a fixnum representing a time interval in 60ths of a second. If it is necessary to wait more than that long, an error with condition name sys:lock-timeout is signaled.

Function: process-unlock locative &optional (lock-value current-process)

This is used to unlock the lock that locative points to. If the lock is free or was locked by some other process, an error is signaled. Otherwise the lock is unlocked. lock-value must have the same value as the lock-value parameter to the matching call to process-lock, or else an error is signaled.

Condition on sys:lock-timeout: (error)

This condition is signaled when process-lock waits longer than the specified timeout.

It is a good idea to use unwind-protect to make sure that you unlock any lock that you seize. For example, if you write

   (progn (process-lock lock-3)
   (process-unlock lock-3))

then even if function-1 or function-2 does a throw, lock-3 will get unlocked correctly. Particular programs that use locks often define special forms that package this unwind-protect up into a convenient stylistic device.

A higher level locking construct is with-lock:

Macro: with-lock (lock &key norecursive) body...

Executes the body with lock locked. lock should actually be an expression whose value would be the status of the lock; it is used inside locf to get a locative pointer with which the locking and unlocking are done.

It is OK for one process to lock a lock multiple times, recursively, using with-lock, provided norecursive is not nil.

norecursive should be literally t or nil; it is not evaluated. If it is t, this call to with-lock signals an error if the lock is already locked by the running process.

A lower level construct which can be used to implement atomic operations, and is used in the implementation of process-lock, is store-conditional.

Function: store-conditional location oldvalue newvalue

This stores newvalue into location iff location currently contains oldvalue. The value is t iff the cell was changed.

If location is a list, the cdr of the list is tested and stored in. This is in accord with the general principle of how to access the contents of a locative properly, and makes (store-conditional (locf (cdr x)) ...) work.

An even lower-level construct is the subprimitive %store-conditional, which is like store-conditional with no error checking, but is faster.

29.2.1 Process Queues

A process queue is a kind of lock which can record several processes which are waiting for the lock and grant them the lock in the order that they requested it. The queue has a fixed size. If the number of processes waiting remains less than that size then they will all get the lock in the order of requests. If too many processes are waiting then the order of requesting is not remembered for the extra ones, but proper interlocking is still maintained.

Function: si:make-process-queue name size

Makes and returns a process queue object named name, able to record size processes. The count of size includes the process that owns the lock.

Function: si:process-enqueue process-queue &optional lock-value who-state

Attempts to lock process-queue on behalf of lock-value. If lock-value is nil then the locking is done on behalf of current-process.

If the queue is locked, then lock-value or the current process is put on the queue. Then this function waits for that lock value to reach the front of the queue. When it does so, the lock has been granted, and the function returns. The lock is now locked in the name of lock-value or the current process, until si:process-dequeue is used to unlock it.

who-state appears in the who line during the wait. It defaults to "Lock".

Function: si:process-deqeueue process-queue &optional lock-value

Unlocks process-queue. lock-value (which defaults to the current process) must be the value which now owns the lock on the queue, or an error occurs. The next process or other object on the queue is granted the lock and its call to si:process-enqueue will therefore return.

Function: si:reset-process-queue process-queue

Unlocks the queue and clears out the list of things waiting to lock it.

Function: si:process-queue-locker process-queue

Returns the object in whose name the queue is currently locked, or nil if it is not now locked.

29.3 Creating a Process

There are two ways of creating a process. One is to create a permanent process which you will hold on to and manipulate as desired. The other way is to say simply, “call this function on these arguments in another process, and don’t bother waiting for the result.” In the latter case you never actually use the process itself as an object.

Function: make-process name &key ...

Creates and returns a process named name. The process is not capable of running until it has been reset or preset in order to initialize the state of its computation.

Usually you do not need to specify any of the keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are allowed:


Specifying t here gives you a simple process (see simple-process).


Specifies the flavor of process to be created. See process-flavors, for a list of all the flavors of process supplied by the system.


Specifies the stack group the process is to use. If this option is not specified, a stack group is created according to the relevant options below.


What to do with the process when the machine is booted. See si:process-warm-boot-action-method.


See si:process-quantum-method.


See si:process-priority-method.


Lets you supply an initial run reason. The default is nil.


Lets you supply an initial arrest reason. The default is nil.


The area in which to create the stack group. The default is the value of default-cons-area.

:special-pdl-area make-process
:regular-pdl-size make-process
:special-pdl-size make-process

These are passed on to make-stack-group, make-stack-group-fun.

:swap-sv-of-sg-that-calls-me make-process
:trap-enable make-process

Specify those attributes of the stack group. You don’t want to use these.

If you specify :flavor, there can be additional options provided by that flavor.

The following functions allow you to call a function and have its execution happen asynchronously in another process. This can be used either as a simple way to start up a process that will run “forever”, or as a way to make something happen without having to wait for it to complete. When the function returns, the process is returned to a pool of free processes for reuse. The only difference between these three functions is in what happens if the machine is booted while the process is still active.

Normally the function to be run should not do any I/O to the terminal, as it does not have a window and terminal I/O will cause it to make a notification and wait for user attention. Refer to sg-terminal-io-issues for a discussion of the issues.

Function: process-run-function name-or-options function &rest args

Creates a process, presets it to apply function to args, and starts it running. The value returned is the new process. The process is killed if function returns; by default, it is also killed if it is reset. Example:

(defun background-print (file)
  (process-run-function "Print" 'hardcopy-file file))

creates a background process that prints the specified file.

name-or-options can be either a string specifying a name for the process or a list of alternating keywords and values that can specify the name and various other parameters.


This keyword should be followed by a string which specifies the name of the process. The default is "Anonymous".


This keyword says what to do to the process if it is reset. nil means the process should be killed; anything else means the process should be restarted. nil is the default.


What to do with the process when the machine is booted. See si:process-warm-boot-action-method.


This is a simpler way of saying what to do with the process when the machine is booted. If the :warm-boot-action keyword is not supplied or its value is nil, then this keyword’s value is used instead. nil means the process should be killed; anything else means the process should be restarted. nil is the default.


See si:process-quantum-method.


See si:process-priority-method.

Function: process-run-restartable-function name-or-keywords function &rest args

This is the same as process-run-function except that the default is that the process will be restarted if reset or after a warm boot. You can get the same effect by using process-run-function with appropriate keywords.

29.4 Process Generic Operations

These are the operations that are defined on all flavors of process. Certain process flavors may define additional operations. Not all possible operations are listed here, only those of interest to the user.

29.4.1 Process Attributes

Method on si:process: :name

Returns the name of the process, which was the first argument to make-process or process-run-function when the process was created. The name is a string that appears in the printed-representation of the process, stands for the process in the who-line and the peek display, etc.

Method on si:process: :stack-group

Returns the stack group currently executing on behalf of this process. This can be different from the initial-stack-group if the process contains several stack groups that coroutine among themselves, or if the process is in the error-handler, which runs in its own stack group.

Note that the stack-group of a simple process (see simple-process) is not a stack group at all, but a function.

Method on si:process: :initial-stack-group

Returns the stack group the initial-function is called in when the process starts up or is reset.

Method on si:process: :initial-form

Returns the initial “form” of the process. This isn’t really a Lisp form; it is a cons whose car is the initial-function and whose cdr is the list of arguments to which that function is applied when the process starts up or is reset.

In a simple process (see simple-process), the initial form is a list of one element, the process’s function.

To change the initial form, use the :preset operation (see si:process-preset-method).

Method on si:process: :wait-function

Returns the process’s current wait-function, which is the predicate used by the scheduler to determine if the process is runnable. This is #'true if the process is running, and #'false if the process has no current computation (for instance, if it has just been created, its initial function has returned) or if the program has decided to wait indefinitely. The wait-function of a flushed process is si:flushed-process, a function equivalent to #'false but recognizably distinct.

Method on si:process: :wait-argument-list

Returns the arguments to the process’s current wait-function. This is frequently the &rest argument to process-wait in the process’s stack. The system always uses it in a safe manner, i.e it forgets about it before process-wait returns.

Method on si:process: :whostate

Returns a string that is the state of the process to go in the who-line at the bottom of the screen. This is "run" if the process is running or trying to run; otherwise, it is the reason why the process is waiting. If the process is stopped, then this whostate string is ignored and the who-line displays arrest if the process is arrested or stop if the process has no run reasons.

Method on si:process: :quantum
Method on si:process: :set-quantum 60ths

Respectively return and change the number of 60ths of a second this process is allowed to run without waiting before the scheduler will run someone else. The quantum defaults to 1 second.

Method on si:process: :quantum-remaining

Returns the amount of time remaining for this process to run, in 60ths of a second.

Method on si:process: :priority
Method on si:process: :set-priority priority-number

Respectively return and change the priority of this process. The larger the number, the more this process gets to run. Within a priority level the scheduler runs all runnable processes in a round-robin fashion. Regardless of priority a process will not run for more than its quantum. The default priority is 0, and no normal process uses other than 0.

Method on si:process: :warm-boot-action
Method on si:process: :set-warm-boot-action action

Respectively return and change the process’s warm-boot-action, which controls what happens if the machine is booted while this process is active. (Contrary to the name, this applies to both cold and warm booting.) This can be nil or :flush, which means to flush the process (see flushed-process), or can be a function to call. The default is si:process-warm-boot-delayed-restart, which resets the process, causing it to start over at its initial function. You can also use si:process-warm-boot-reset, which throws out of the process’ computation and kills the process, or si:process-warm-boot-restart, which is like the default but restarts the process at an earlier stage of system reinitialization. This is used for processes like the keyboard process and chaos background process, which are needed for reinitialization itself.

Method on si:process: :simple-p

Returns nil for a normal process, t for a simple process. See simple-process.

Method on si:process: :idle-time

Returns the time in seconds since this process last ran, or nil if it has never run.

Method on si:process: :total-run-time

Returns the amount of time this process has run, in 60ths of a second. This includes cpu time and disk wait time.

Method on si:process: :disk-wait-time

Returns the amount of time this process has spent waiting for disk I/O, in 60ths of a second.

Method on si:process: :cpu-time

Returns the amount of time this process has spent actually executing instructions, in 60ths of a second.

Method on si:process: :percent-utilization

Returns the fraction of the machine’s time this process has been using recently, as a percentage (a number between 0 and 100.0). The value is a weighted average giving more weight to more recent history.

Method on si:process: :reset-meters

Resets the run-time counters of the process to zero.

29.4.2 Run and Arrest Reasons

Method on si:process: :run-reasons

Returns the list of run reasons, which are the reasons why this process should be active (allowed to run).

Method on si:process: :run-reason object

Adds object to the process’s run reasons. This can activate the process.

Method on si:process: :revoke-run-reason object

Removes object from the process’s run reasons. This can stop the process.

Method on si:process: :arrest-reasons

Returns the list of arrest reasons, which are the reasons why this process should be inactive (forbidden to run).

Method on si:process: :arrest-reason object

Adds object to the process’s arrest reasons. This can stop the process.

Method on si:process: :revoke-arrest-reason object

Removes object from the process’s arrest reasons. This can activate the process.

Method on si:process: :active-p
Method on si:process: :runnable-p

These two operations are the same. t is returned if the process is active, i.e it can run if its wait-function allows. nil is returned if the process is stopped.

29.4.3 Bashing the Process

Method on si:process: :preset function &rest args

Sets the process’s initial function to function and initial arguments to args. The process is then reset so that any computation occuring in it is terminated and it begins anew by applying function to args. A :preset operation on a stopped process returns immediately, but does not activate the process; hence the process will not really apply function to args until it is activated later.

Method on si:process: :reset &optional no-unwind kill

Forces the process to throw out of its present computation and apply its initial function to its initial arguments, when it next runs. The throwing out is skipped if the process has no present computation (e.g it was just created), or if the no-unwind option so specifies. The possible values for no-unwind are:


Unwind unless the stack group to be unwound is the one currently executing, or belongs to the current process.


Unwind in all cases. This may cause the operation to throw through its caller instead of returning.


Never unwind.

If kill is t, the process is to be killed after unwinding it. This is for internal use by the :kill operation only.

A :reset operation on a stopped process returns immediately, but does not activate the process; hence the process will not really get reset until it is activated later.

Method on si:process: :flush

Forces the process to wait forever. A process may not :flush itself. Flushing a process is different from stopping it, in that it is still active and hence if it is reset or preset it will start running again.

A flushed process can be recognized because its wait-function is si:flushed-process. If a process belonging to a window is flushed, exposing or selecting the window resets the process.

Method on si:process: :kill

Gets rid of the process. It is reset, stopped, and removed from sys:all-processes.

Method on si:process: :interrupt function &rest args

Forces the process to apply function to args. When function returns, the process continues the interrupted computation. If the process is waiting, it wakes up, calls function, then waits again when function returns.

If the process is stopped it does not apply function to args immediately, but will later when it is activated. Normally the :interrupt operation returns immediately, but if the process’s stack group is in an unusual internal state :interrupt may have to wait for it to get out of that state.

29.5 Process Flavors

These are the flavors of process provided by the system. It is possible for users to define additional flavors of their own.

Flavor on : si:process

This is the standard default kind of process.

Flavor on : si:simple-process

A simple process is not a process in the conventional sense. It has no stack group of its own; instead of having a stack group that gets resumed when it is time for the process to run, it has a function that gets called when it is time for the process to run. When the wait-function of a simple process becomes true, and the scheduler notices it, the simple process’s function is called in the scheduler’s own stack group. Since a simple process does not have any stack group of its own, it can’t save control state in between calls; any state that it saves must be saved in data structure.

The only advantage of simple processes over normal processes is that they use up less system overhead, since they can be scheduled without the cost of resuming stack-groups. They are intended as a special, efficient mechanism for certain purposes. For example, packets received from the Chaosnet are examined and distributed to the proper receiver by a simple process that wakes up whenever there are any packets in the input buffer. However, they are harder to use, because you can’t save state information across scheduling. That is, when the simple process is ready to wait again, it must return; it can’t call process-wait and continue to do something else later. In fact, it is an error to call process-wait from inside a simple process. Another drawback to simple processes is that if the function signals an error, the scheduler itself is broken and multiprocessing stops; this situation can be repaired only by aborting, which blasts the process. Also, when a simple process is run, no other process is scheduled until it chooses to return; so simple processes should never run for a long time without returning.

Asking for the stack group of a simple process does not signal an error, but returns the process’s function instead.

Since a simple process cannot call process-wait, it needs some other way to specify its wait-function. To set the wait-function of a simple process, use si:set-process-wait (see below). So, when a simple process wants to wait for a condition, it should call si:set-process-wait to specify the condition, then return.

Function: si:set-process-wait simple-process wait-function wait-argument-list

Sets the wait-function and wait-argument-list of simple-process. See the description of the si:simple-process flavor (above) for more information.

29.6 Other Process Functions

Function: process-enable process

Activates process by revoking all its run and arrest reasons, then giving it a run reason of :enable.

Function: process-reset-and-enable process

Resets process, then enables it.

Function: process-disable process

Stops process by revoking all its run reasons. Also revokes all its arrest reasons.

The remaining functions in this section are obsolete, since they simply duplicate what can be done by sending a message. They are documented here because their names are in the global package.

Function: process-preset process function &rest args

Sends a :preset message.

Function: process-reset process

Sends a :reset message.

Function: process-name process

Gets the name of a process, like the :name operation.

Function: process-stack-group process

Gets the current stack group of a process, like the :stack-group operation.

Function: process-initial-stack-group process

Gets the initial stack group of a process, like the :initial-stack-group operation.

Function: process-initial-form process

Gets the initial form of a process, like the :initial-form operation.

Function: process-wait-function process

Gets the current wait-function of a process, like the :wait-function operation.

Function: process-wait-argument-list p

Gets the arguments to the current wait-function of a process, like the :wait-argument-list operation.

Function: process-whostate p

Gets the current who-line state string of a process, like the :whostate operation.

30 Errors and Debugging

The first portion of this chapter explains how programs can handle errors, by means of condition handlers. It also explains how a program can signal an error if it detects something it doesn’t like.

The second explains how users can handle errors, by means of an interactive debugger; that is, it explains how to recover if you do something wrong. A new user of the Lisp Machine, or someone who just wants to know how to deal with errors and not how to cause them, should ignore the first sections and skip ahead to debugger.

The remaining sections describe some other debugging facilities. Anyone who is going to be writing programs for the Lisp Machine should familiarize himself with these.

The trace facility provides the ability to perform certain actions at the time a function is called or at the time it returns. The actions may be simple typeout, or more sophisticated debugging functions.

The advise facility is a somewhat similar facility for modifying the behavior of a function.

The breakon facility allows you to cause the debugger to be entered when a certain function is called. You can then use the debugger’s stepping commands to step to the next function call or return.

The step facility allows the evaluation of a form to be intercepted at every step so that the user may examine just what is happening throughout the execution of the form. Stepping works only on interpreted code.

The MAR facility provides the ability to cause a trap on any memory reference to a word (or a set of words) in memory. If something is getting clobbered by agents unknown, this can help track down the source of the clobberage.

30.1 Conditions

Programmers often want to control what action is taken by their programs when errors or other exceptional situations occur. Usually different situations are handled in different ways, and in order to express what kind of handling each situation should have, each situation must have an associated name. In Zetalisp, noteworthy events are represented by objects called condition instances. When an event occurs, a condition instance is created; it is then signaled, and a handler for that condition may be invoked.

When a condition is signaled, the system (essentially) searches up the stack of nested function invocations looking for a handler established to handle that condition. The handler is a function that gets called to deal with the condition. The condition mechanism itself is just a convenient way for finding an appropriate handler function for a particular exceptional situation.

When a condition is signaled, a condition instance is created to represent the event and hold information about it. This information includes condition names then classify the condition and any other data that is likely to be of interest to condition handlers. A condition instance is immutable once it has been created. Some conditions are errors, which means that the debugger is invoked if they are signaled and not handled.

Condition instances are flavor instances. The flavor condition is the base flavor from which all flavors of condition are built. Several operations that are defined on condition instances are described below. The flavor error, which is built on condition, is the base flavor for all kinds of conditions which are errors.

A condition name is a symbol then is used to identify a category of conditions. Each condition instance possesses one or more condition names. Each condition handler specifies one or more condition names that it should apply to. A handler applies to a condition if they have any condition names in common. This is the sole purpose of condition names: to match condition instances with their handlers. The meaning of every condition name signaled by the system is described in this manual. The condition name index is a directory for them. Conditions that are errors possess the condition name error.

In PL/I, CLU, ADA and most other systems that provide named conditions, each condition has only one name. That is to say, the categories identified by condition names are disjoint. In Zetalisp, each condition instance can have multiple condition names, which means that the categories identified by condition names can overlap and be subdivided.

For example, among the condition names defined by the system are condition, error, sys:arithmetic-error, sys:floating-exponent-underflow and sys:divide-by-zero. condition is a condition name that all condition instances possess. error identifies the category of conditions that are considered errors. sys:arithmetic-error identifies the category of errors that pertain to arithmetic operations. sys:floating-exponent-underflow and sys:divide-by-zero are the most specific level of categorization. So, the condition signaled when you evaluate (* 1s-30 1s-30 1s-30 1s-30) possesses condition names sys:floating-exponent-underflow, sys:arithmetic-error, error and condition, while the one signaled if you evaluate (// 1 0) possesses condition names sys:divide-by-zero, sys:arithmetic-error, error and condition. In this example, the categories fall into a strict hierarchy, but this does not need to be the case.

Condition names are documented throughout the manual, with definitions like this:

Flavor Condition on sys:divide-by-zero: (sys:arithmetic-error error)

The condition name sys:divide-by-zero is always accompanied by sys:arithmetic-error and error (that is, it categorizes a subset of those categories). The presence of error implies that all sys:divide-by-zero conditions are errors.

The condition instance also records additional information about the event. For example, the condition instance signaled by dividing by zero handles the :function operation by returning the function that did the division (it might be truncate, floor, ceiling or round, as well as //). In general, for each condition name there are conventions saying what additional information is provided and what operations to use to obtain it.

The flavor of the condition instance is always one of the condition names, and so are its component flavors (with a few exceptions; si:vanilla-flavor and some other flavor components are omitted, since they are not useful categories for condition handlers to specify). In our example, the flavor of the condition is sys:arithmetic-error, and its components include error and condition. Condition names require new flavors only when they require significantly different handling by the error system; you will understand in detail after finishing this section.

Function: condition-typep condition-instance condition-name

Returns t if condition-instance possesses condition name condition-name. condition-name can also be a combination of condition names using and, or and not; then the condition tested for is a boolean combination of the presence or absence of various condition names. Example:

(condition-typep error 'fs:file-not-found)
(condition-typep error 
   '(or fs:file-not-found fs:directory-not-found))
Function: errorp object

Returns t if object is a condition instance and its flavor incorporates error. This is normally equivalent to (typep object 'error). Some functions such as open optionally return the condition instance rather than signaling it, if an error occurs. errorp is useful in testing the value returned.

Method on condition: :condition-names

Returns a list of all the condition names possesses by this condition instance.

30.2 Handling Conditions

A condition handler is a function that is associated with certain condition names (categories of conditions). The variable eh:condition-handlers contains a list of the handlers that are current; handlers are established using macros which bind this variable. When a condition is signaled, this list is scanned and all the handlers which apply are called, one by one, until one of the handlers either throws or returns non-nil.

Since each new handler is pushed onto the front of eh:condition-handlers, the innermost-established handler gets the first chance to handle the condition. When the handler is run, eh:condition-handlers is bound so that the running handler (and all the ones that were established farther in) are not in effect. This avoids the danger of infinite recursion due to an error in a handler invoking the same handler.

One thing a handler can do is throw to a tag. Often the catch for this tag is right next to the place where the handler is established, but this does not have to be so. A simple handler that applies to all errors and just throws to a tag is established using ignore-errors.

Macro: ignore-errors body...

An error within the execution of body causes control to return from the ignore-errors form. In this case, the values are nil, t. If there is no error inside body, the first value is that of the last form in the body and the second is nil.

Errors whose condition instances return true for the :dangerous-condition-p operation are not handled. These include such things as running out of virtual memory.

A handler can also signal another condition. For example, signaling sys:abort has the effect of pretending that the user typed the Abort key. The following function creates a handler which signals sys:abort.

Function: si:eval-abort-trivial-errors form

Evaluates form with a condition handler for many common error conditions such as :wrong-type-argument, :unbound-variable and :unclaimed-message. The handler asks the user whether to allow the debugger to be entered. If the user says ‘no’, the handler signals the sys:abort condition. If the user says ‘yes’, the handler does not handle the condition, allowing the debugger to do so.

In some cases the handler attempts to determine whether the incorrect variable, operation, or argument appeared in form; if it did not, the debugger is always allowed to run. The assumption is that form was typed in by the user, and the intention is to distinguish trivial mistakes from program bugs.

The handler can also ask to proceed from the condition. This is done by returning a non-nil value. See the section on proceeding, proceeding, for more information.

The handler can also decline to handle the condition, by returning nil. Then the next applicable handler is called, and so on until either some handler does handle the condition or there are no more handlers.

The handler function is called in the environment where the condition was signaled, and in the same stack group. All special variables have the values they had at the place where the signaling was done, and all catch tags that were available at the point of signaling may be thrown to.

The handler receives the condition instance as its first argument. When establishing the handler, you can also provide additional arguments to pass to the handler when it is called. This allows the same function to be used in varying circumstances.

The fundamental means of establishing a condition handler is the macro condition-bind.

Macro: condition-bind (handlers...) body...
Macro: condition-bind-default (handlers...) body...

A condition-bind form looks like this:

(condition-bind ((conditions handler-form additional-arg-forms...)
                 (conditions handler-form additional-arg-forms...))

The purpose is to execute body with one or more condition handlers established.

Each list of conditions and handler-form establishes one handler. conditions is a condition name or a list of condition names to which the handler should apply. It is not evaluated. handler-form is evaluated to produce the function that is the actual handler. The additional-arg-forms are evaluated, on entry to the condition-bind, to produce additional arguments that are passed to the handler function when it is called. The arguments to the handler function are the condition instance being signaled, followed by the values of any additional-arg-forms.

conditions can be nil; then the handler applies to all conditions that are signaled. In this case it is up to the handler function to decide whether to do anything. It is important for the handler to refrain from handling certain conditions that are used for debugging, such as break and eh:call-trap. The :debugging-condition-p operation on condition instances returns non-nil for these conditions. Certain other conditions such as sys:virtual-memory-overflow should be handled only with great care. The :dangerous-condition-p operation returns non-nil for these conditions. Example:

(condition-bind ((nil 'myhandler "it happened here" 45))
  (catch 'x

(defun myhandler (condition string value)
  (unless (or (condition-typep condition 'fs:file-error)
              (send condition :dangerous-condition-p)
              (send condition :debugging-condition-p))
    (format error-output "~&~A:~%~A~%" string condition)
    (throw 'x value)))

myhandler declines to handle file errors, and all debugging conditions and dangerous errors. For all other conditions, it prints the string specified in the condition bind and throws to the tag x the value specified there (45).

condition-bind-default is like condition-bind but establishes a default handler instead of an ordinary handler. Default handlers work like ordinary handlers, but they are tried in a different order: first all the applicable ordinary handlers are given a chance to handle the condition, and then the default handlers get their chance. A more flexible way of doing things like this is described under signal-condition (signal-condition-fun).

Condition handlers that simply throw to the function that established them are very common, so there are special constructs provided for defining them.

Macro: condition-case (variables...) body-form clauses...
(condition-case (variable)
  (condition-names forms...)
  (condition-names forms...)

body-form is executed with a condition handler established that will throw back to the condition-case if any of the specified condition names is signaled.

Each list starting with some condition names is a clause, and specifies what to do if one of those condition names is signaled. condition-names is either a condition name or a list of condition names; it is not evaluated.

Once the handler per se has done the throw, the clauses are tested in order until one is found that applies. This is almost like a selectq, except that the signaled condition can have several condition names, so the first clause that matches any of them gets to run. The forms in the clause are executed with variable bound to the condition instance that was signaled. The values of the last form in the clause are returned from the condition-case form.

If none of the specified conditions is signaled during the execution of body-form (or if other handlers, established within body-form, handle them) then the values of body-form are returned from the condition-case form.

variable may be omitted if it is not used.

It is also possible to have a clause starting with :no-error in place of a condition name. This clause is executed if body-form finishes normally. Instead of just one variable there can be several variables; during the execution of the :no-error clause, these are bound to the values returned by body-form. The values of the last form in the clause become the values of the condition-case form.

Here is an example:

(condition-case ()
    (print foo)
  (error (format t " <<Error in printing>>")))
Macro: condition-call (variables...) body-form clauses...

condition-call is an extension of condition-case that allows you to give each clause an arbitrary conditional expression instead of just a list of condition names. It looks like this:

(condition-call (variables...)
  (test forms...)
  (test forms...)

The difference between this and condition-case is the test in each clause. The clauses in a condition-call resemble the clauses of a cond rather than those of a selectq.

When a condition is signaled, each test is executed while still within the environment of the signaling (that is, within the actual handler function). The condition instance can be found in the first variable. If any test returns non-nil, then the handler throws to the condition-call and the corresponding clause’s forms are executed. If every test returns nil, the condition is not handled by this handler.

In fact, each test is computed a second time after the throw has occurred in order to decide which clause to execute. The code for the test is copied in two different places, once into the handler function to decide whether to throw, and once in a cond which follows the catch.

The last clause can be a :no-error clause just as in condition-case. It is executed if the body returns without error. The values returned by the body are stored in the variables. The values of the last form in the :no-error clause are returned by the condition-call.

Only the first of variables is used if there is no :no-error clause. The variables may be omitted entirely in the unlikely event that none is used. Example:

(condition-call (instance)
  ((condition-typep instance
     '(and fs:file-error (not fs:no-more-room)))

The condition name fs:no-more-room is a subcategory of fs:file-error; therefore, this handles all file errors except for fs:no-more-room.

Each of the four condition handler establishing constructs has a conditional version that decides at run time whether to establish the handlers.

Macro: condition-bind-if cond-form (handlers...) body...
(condition-bind-if cond-form
                   ((conditions handler-form additional-arg-forms...)
                    (conditions handler-form additional-arg-forms...))

begins by executing cond-form. If it returns non-nil, then all proceeds as for a regular condition-bind. If cond-form returns nil, then the body is still executed but without the condition handler.

Macro: condition-case-if cond-form (variables...) body-form clauses...
(condition-case-if cond-form (variables...)
  (condition-names forms...)
  (condition-names forms...)

begins by executing cond-form. If it returns non-nil, then all proceeds as for a regular condition-case. If cond-form returns nil, then the body-form is still executed but without the condition handler. body-form’s values are returned, or, if there is a :no-error clause, it is executed and its values returned.

Macro: condition-call-if cond-form ([variable]) body-form clauses...
(condition-call-if cond-form (variables...)
  (test forms...)
  (test forms...)

begins by executing cond-form. If it returns non-nil, then everything proceeds as for a regular condition-call. If cond-form returns nil, then the body-form is still executed but without the condition handler. In that case, body-form’s values are returned, or, if there is a :no-error clause, it is executed and its values returned.

Macro: condition-bind-default-if cond-form (handlers...) body...

This is used just like condition-bind-if, but establishes a default handler instead of an ordinary handler.

Variable: eh:condition-handlers

This is the list of established condition handlers. Each element looks like this:

(condition-names function additional-arg-values...)

condition-names is a condition name or a list of condition names, or nil which means all conditions.

function is the actual handler function.

additional-arg-values are additional arguments to be passed to the function when it is called. function’s first argument is always the condition instance.

Both the links of the value of eh:condition-handlers and the elements are usually created with with-stack-list, so copy them if you want to save them for any period of time.

Variable: eh:condition-default-handlers

This is the list of established default condition handlers. The data format is the same as that of eh:condition-handlers.

30.3 Standard Condition Flavors

Flavor on : condition

The flavor condition is the base flavor of all conditions, and provides default definitions for all the operations described in this chapter.

condition incorporates si:property-list-mixin, which defines operations :get and :plist. Each property name on the property list is also an operation name, so that sending the :foo message is equivalent to (send instance :get :foo). In addition, (send instance :set :foo value) is equivalent to (send instance :set :get :foo value).

condition also provides two instance variables, eh:format-string and eh:format-args. condition’s method for the the :report operation passes these to format to print the error message.

Flavor on : error

The flavor error makes a condition an error condition. errorp returns t for such conditions, and the debugger is entered if they are signaled and not otherwise handled.

Flavor on : sys:no-action-mixin

This mixin provides a definition of the proceed type :no-action.

Flavor on : sys:proceed-with-value-mixin

This mixin provides a definition of the proceed type :new-value.

Flavor on : ferror

This flavor is a mixture of error, sys:no-action-mixin and sys:proceed-with-value-mixin. It is the flavor used by default by the functions ferror and cerror, and is often convenient for users to instantiate.

Flavor on : sys:warning

This flavor is a mixture of sys:no-action-mixin and condition.

Flavor on : sys:bad-array-mixin

This mixin provides a definition of the proceed type :new-array.

30.4 Condition Operations

Every condition instance can be asked to print an error message which describes the circumstances that led to the signaling of the condition. The easiest way to print one is to print the condition instance without escaping (princ, or format operation ~A). This actually uses the :report operation, which implements the printing of an error message. When a condition instance is printed with escaping, it uses the #leftHorseshoe syntax so that it can be read back in. This is done using si:print-readably-mixin, si:print-readably-mixin-flavor.

Method on condition: :report stream

Prints on stream the condition’s error message, a description of the circumstances for which the condition instance was signaled. The output should neither start nor end with a carriage return.

If you are defining a new flavor of condition and wish to change the way the error message is printed, this is the operation to redefine. All others use this one.

Method on condition: :report-string

Returns a string containing the text that the :report operation would print.

Operations provided specifically for condition handlers to use:

Method on condition: :dangerous-condition-p

Returns t if the condition instance is one of those that indicate events that are considered extremely dangerous, such as running out of memory. Handlers that normally handle all conditions might want to make an exception for these.

Method on condition: :debugging-condition-p

Returns t if the condition instance is one of those that are signaled as part of debugging, such as break, which is signaled when you type Meta-Break. Although these conditions normally enter the debugger, they are not errors; this serves to prevent most condition handlers from handling them. But any condition handler which is written to handle all conditions should probably make a specific exception for these.

See also the operations :proceed-types and :proceed-type-p, which have to do with proceeding (proceeding).

30.4.1 Condition Operations for the Debugger

Some operations are intended for the debugger to use. They are documented because some flavors of condition redefine them so as to cause the debugger to behave differently. This section is of interest only to advanced users.

Method on condition: :print-error-message stack-group brief-flag stream

This operation is used by the debugger to print a complete error message. This is done primarily using the :report operation.

Certain flavors of condition define a :after :print-error-message method which, when brief-flag is nil, prints additional helpful information which is not part of the error message per se. Often this requires access to the stack group in addition to the data in the condition instance. The method can assume that if brief-flag is nil then stack-group is not the one which is executing.

For example, the :print-error-message method of the condition signaled when you call an undefined function checks for the case of calling a function such as bind that is meaningful only in compiled code; if that is what happened, it searches the stack to look for the name of the function in which the call appears. This is information that is not considered crucial to the error itself, and is therefore not recorded in the condition instance.

Method on condition: :maybe-clear-input stream

This operation is used on entry to the debugger to discard input. Certain condition flavors, used by stepping redefine this operation to do nothing, so that input is not discarded.

Method on condition: :bug-report-recipient-system

The value returned by this operation is used to determine what address to mail bug reports to, when the debugger Control-M command is used. By default, it returns "LISPM". The value is passed to the function bug.

Method on condition: :bug-report-description stream &optional numeric-arg

This operation is used by the Control-M command to print on stream the information that should go in the bug report. numeric-arg is the numeric argument, if any, that the user gave to the Control-M command.

Method on condition: :find-current-frame stack-group

Returns the stack indices of the stack frames that the debugger should operate on.

The first value is the frame “at which the error occurred.” This is not the innermost stack frame; it is outside the calls to such functions as ferror and signal-condition which were used to signal the error.

The second value is the initial value for the debugger command loop’s current frame.

The third value is the innermost frame that the debugger should be willing to let the user see. By default this is the innermost active frame, but it is safe to use an open but not active frame within it.

The fourth value, if non-nil, tells the debugger to consider the innermost frame to be “interesting”. Normally, frames that are part of the interpreter (calls to si:eval1, si:apply-lambda, prog, cond, etc.) are considered uninteresting.

This is a flavor operation so that certain flavors of condition can redefine it.

Method on condition: :debugger-command-loop stack-group &optional error-object

Enters the debugger command loop. The initial error message and backtrace have already been printed. This message is sent in an error handler stack group; stack-group is the stack group in which the condition was signaled. error-object is the condition object which was signaled; it defaults to the one the message is sent to.

This operation uses :or method combination (see method-combination). Some condition flavors add methods that perform some other sort of processing or enter a different command loop. For example, unbound variable errors look for look-alike symbols in other packages at this point. If the added method returns nil, the original method that enters the usual debugger command loop is called.

30.5 Signaling Conditions

Signaling a condition has two steps, creating a condition instance and signaling the instance. There are convenience interface functions that combine the two steps. You can also do them separately. If you just want to signal an error and do not want to worry much about condition handling, the function ferror is all you need to know.

30.5.1 Convenience Functions for Signaling

Function: ferror &rest make-condition-arguments

Creates a condition instance using make-condition and then signals it with signal-condition, specifying no local proceed types, and with t as the use-debugger argument so the debugger is always entered if the condition is not otherwise handled.

The first argument to ferror is always a signal name (often nil). The second argument is usually a format string and the remaining arguments are additional arguments for format; but this is under the control of the definition of the signal name. Example:

(ferror 'math:singular-matrix
        "The matrix ~S cannot be inverted." matrix)

For compatibility with the Symbolics system, if the first argument to ferror is a string, then a signal name of nil is assumed. The arguments to ferror are passed on to make-condition with an additional nil preceding them.

If you prefer, you can use the formatted output functions (format:outfmt-fun) to generate the error message. Here is an example, though in a simple case like this using format is easier:

(ferror 'math:singular-matrix
    "The matrix "
    (prin1 matrix)
    " cannot be inverted.")

In this case, arguments past the second one are not used for printing the error message, but the signal name may still expect them to be present so it can put them in the condition instance.

Function: cerror proceed-type ignore signal-name &rest signal-name-arguments

Creates a condition instance, by passing the signal-name and signal-name-arguments to make-condition, and then signals it. If proceed-type is non-nil then it is provided to signal-condition as a proceed type. For compatibility with old uses of cerror, if proceed-type is t, :new-value is provided as the proceed type. If proceed-type is :yes, :no-action is provided as the proceed type.

The second argument to cerror is not used and is present for historical compatibility. It may be given a new meaning in the future.

If a condition handler or the debugger decides to proceed, the second value it returns becomes the value of cerror.

Common Lisp defines another calling sequence for this function:

(cerror continue-format-string error-format-string args...)

This signals an error of flavor eh:common-lisp-cerror, which prints an error message using error-format-string and args. It allows one proceed type, whose documentation is continue-format-string, and which proceeds silently, returning nil from cerror. cerror can tell which calling sequence has been used and behaves accordingly.

Function: warn format-string &rest args

Prints a warning on *error-output* by passing the args to format, starting on a fresh line, and then returns.

If *break-on-warnings* is non-nil, however, warn signals a procedable error, using the arguments to make an error message. If the user proceeds, warn simply returns.

Function: *break-on-warnings*

If non-nil, warn signals an error rather than just printing a message.

Macro: check-type place type-spec [description]
Macro: check-arg-type place type-spec [description]

Signals a correctable error if the value of place does not fit the type type-spec. place is something that setf can store in. type-spec is a type specifier, a suitable second argument to typep, and is not evaluated (see type-specifiers). A simple example is:

(check-type foo (integer 0 10))

This signals an error unless (typep foo '(integer 0 10)); that is, unless foo’s value is an integer between zero and ten, inclusive.

If an error is signaled, the error message contains the name of the variable or place where the erroneous value was found, and the erroneous value itself. An English description of the type of object that was wanted is computed automatically from the type specifier for use in the error message. For the commonly used type specifiers this computed description is adequate. If it is unsatisfactory in a particular case, you can specify description, which is used instead. In order to make the error message grammatical, description should start with an indefinite article.

The error signaled is of condition sys:wrong-type-argument (see sys:wrong-type-argument-condition). The proceed type :argument-value is provided. If a handler proceeds using this proceed type, it should specify one additional argument; that value is stored into place with setf. The new value is then tested, and so on. check-type returns when a value passes the test.

check-arg-type is an older name for this macro.

Macro: check-arg var-name predicate description [type-symbol]

check-arg is an obsolete variant of check-type. predicate is either a symbol which is predicate (a function of one argument) or a list which is a form. If it is a predicate, it is applied to the value of var-name, which is valid if the predicate returns non-nil. If it is a form, it is evaluated, and the value is valid of the form returns non-nil. The form ought to make use of var-name, but nothing checks this.

There is no way to compute an English description of valid values from predicate, so a description string must always be supplied.

type-symbol is a symbol that is used by condition handlers to determine what type of argument was expected. If predicate is a symbol, you may omit type-symbol, and predicate is used for that purpose as well. The use of the type-symbol is not really well-defined, and check-type, where a type specifier serves both purposes, is superior to check-arg for this reason.


(check-arg foo stringp "a string")

(check-arg h
           (or (stringp h) (typep h 'fs:host))
           "a host name"

Other functions that can be used to test for invalid values include ecase and ccase (ecase-fun), which are error-checking versions of selectq, and etypecase and ctypecase (etypecase-fun), error-checking versions of typecase.

Macro: assert test-form [(places...) [string args...]]

Signals an error if test-form evaluates to nil. The rest of the assert form is relevant only if the error happens.

First of all, the places are forms that can be stored into with setf, and which are used (presumably) in test-form. The reason that the places are specified again in the assert is so that the expanded code can arrange for the user to be able to specify a new value to be stored into any one of them when he proceeds from the error. When the error is signaled, one proceed-type is provided for each place that is given. The condition object has flavor eh:failed-assertion.

If the user does proceed with a new value in that fashion, the test-form is evaluated again, and the error repeats until the test-form comes out non-nil.

The string and args are used to print the error message. If they are omitted, "Failed assertion" is used. They are evaluated only when an error is signaled, and are evaluated again each time an error is signaled. setf’ing the places may also involve evaluation, which happens each time the user proceeds and sets one.

(assert (neq (car a) (car b)) ((car a) (car b))
	"The CARS of A and B are EQ: ~S and ~S" 
	(car a) (car b))

The places here are (car a) and (car b). The args happen to be the same two forms, by not-exactly-coincidence; the current values of the places are often useful in the error message.

The remaining signaling functions are provided for compatibility only.

Function: error &rest make-condition-arguments

error exists for compatibility with Maclisp and the Symbolics version of Zetalisp. It takes arguments in three patterns:

(error string object [interrupt])

which is used in Maclisp, and

(error condition-instance)
(error flavor-name init-options...)

which are used by Symbolics. (In fact, the arguments to error are simply passed along to make-condition if they do not appear to fit the Maclisp pattern).

If the Maclisp argument pattern is not used then there is no difference between error and ferror.

Function: cli:error format-string &rest args

The Common Lisp version of error signals an uncorrectable error whose error message is printed by passing format-string and args to format.

Function: fsignal format-string &rest format-args

This function is for Symbolics compatibility only, and is equivalent to

(cerror :no-action nil nil format-string format-args...)
Function: signal signal-name &rest remaining-make-condition-arguments

The signal-name and remaining-make-condition-arguments are passed to make-condition, and the result is signaled with signal-condition.

If the remaining-make-condition-arguments are keyword arguments and :proceed-types is one of the keywords, the associated value is used as the list of proceed types. In particular, if signal-name is actually a condition instance, so that the remaining arguments will be ignored by make-condition, it works to specify the proceed types this way.

If the proceed types are not specified, a list of all the proceed types that the condition instance knows how to prompt the user about is used by default.

Macro: errset form [flag]

Catches errors during the evaluation of form. If an error occurs, the usual error message is printed unless flag is nil. Then control is thrown and the errset-form returns nil. flag is evaluated first and is optional, defaulting to t. If no error occurs, the value of the errset-form is a list of one element, the value of form.

errset is an old, Maclisp construct, implemented much like condition-case. Many uses of errset or errset-like constructs really ought to be checking for more specific conditions instead.

Macro: catch-error form [flag]

catch-error is a variant of errset. This construct catches errors during the evaluation of form and returns two values. If form returns normally, the first value is form’s first value and the second value is nil. If an error occurs, the usual error message is printed unless flag is nil, and then control is thrown out of the catch-error form, which returns two values, first nil and second a non-nil value that indicates the occurrence of an error. flag is evaluated before form and is optional, defaulting to t.

Variable: errset

If this variable is non-nil, errset forms are not allowed to trap errors. The debugger is entered just as if there were no errset. This is intended mainly for debugging. The initial value of errset is nil.

Macro: err

This is for Maclisp compatibility only and should not be used.

(err) is a dumb way to cause an error. If executed inside an errset, that errset returns nil, and no message is printed. Otherwise an error is signaled with error message just "ERROR>>".

(err form) evaluates form and causes the containing errset to return the result. If executed when not inside an errset, an error is signaled with form’s value printed as the error message.

(err form flag), which exists in Maclisp, is not supported.

30.5.2 Creating Condition Instances

You can create a condition instance quite satisfactorily with make-instance if you know which instance variables to initialize. For example,

(make-instance 'ferror :condition-names '(foo)
               :format-string "~S loses."
               :format-args losing-object)

creates an instance of ferror just like the one that would be signaled if you do

(ferror 'foo "~S loses." losing-object)

Note that the flavor name and its components’ names are added in automatically to whatever you specify for the :condition-names keyword.

Direct use of make-instance is cumbersome, however, and it is usually handier to define a signal name with defsignal or defsignal-explicit and then create the instance with make-condition.

A signal name is a sort of abbreviation for all the things that are always the same for a certain sort of condition: the flavor to use, the condition names, and what arguments are expected. In addition, it allows you to use a positional syntax for the arguments, which is usually more convenient than a keyword syntax in simple use.

Here is a typical defsignal:

(defsignal series-not-convergent sys:arithmetic-error (series)
  "Signaled by limit extractor when SERIES does not converge.")

This defines a signal name series-not-convergent, together with the name of the flavor to use (sys:arithmetic-error, whose meaning is being stretched a little), an interpretation for the arguments (series, which is explained below), and a documentation string. The documentation string is not used in printing the error message; it is documentation for the signal name. It becomes accessible via (documentation 'series-not-convergent 'signal).

series-not-convergent could then be used to signal an error, or just to create a condition instance:

(ferror 'series-not-convergent
        "The series ~S went to infinity." myseries)

(make-condition 'series-not-convergent
                "The series ~S went to infinity." myseries)

The list (series) in the defsignal is a list of implicit instance variable names. They are matched against arguments to make-condition following the format string, and each implicit instance variable name becomes an operation defined on the condition instance to return the corresponding argument. (You can imagine that :gettable-instance-variables is in effect for all the implicit instance variables.) In this example, sending a :series message to the condition instance returns the value specified via myseries when the condition was signaled. The implicit instance variables are actually implemented using the condition instance’s property list.

Thus, defsignal spares you the need to create a new flavor merely in order to remember a particular datum about the condition.

Macro: defsignal signal-name (flavor condition-names...) implicit-instance-variables documentation extra-init-keyword-forms

Defines signal-name to create an instance of flavor with condition names condition-names, and implicit instance variable whose names are taken from the list implicit-instance-variables and whose values are taken from the make-condition arguments following the format string.

Instead of a list (flavor condition-names...) there may appear just a flavor name. This is equivalent to using signal-name as the sole condition name.

The extra-init-keyword-forms are forms to be evaluated to produce additional keyword arguments to pass to make-instance. These can be used to initialize other instance variables that particular flavors may have. These expressions can refer to the implicit-instance-variables.

documentation is a string which is recorded so that it can be accessed via the function documentation, as in (documentation signal-name 'signal).

Macro: defsignal-explicit signal-name (flavor condition-names...) signal-arglist documentation init-keyword-forms...

Like defsignal, defsignal-explicit defines a signal name. This signal name is used the same way, but the way it goes about creating the condition instance is different.

First of all, there is no list of implicit instance variables. Instead, signal-arglist is a lambda list which is matched up against all the arguments to make-condition except for the signal-name itself. The variables bound by the lambda list can be used in the init-keyword-forms, which are evaluated to get arguments to pass to make-instance. For example:

(defsignal-explicit mysignal-3 
           (my-error-flavor mysignal-3 my-signals-category)
           (format-string losing-object &rest format-args)
  "The third kind of thing I like to signal."
  :format-string format-string
  :format-args (cons losing-object (copylist format-args))
  :losing-object-name (send losing-object :name))

Since implicit instance variables are really just properties on the property list of the instance, you can create them by using init keyword :property-list. The contents of the property list determines what implicit instance variables exist and their values.

Function: make-condition signal-name &rest arguments

make-condition is the fundamental way that condition instances are created. The signal-name says how to interpret the arguments and come up with a flavor and values for its instance variables. The handling of the arguments is entirely determined by the signal-name.

If signal-name is a condition instance, make-condition returns it. It is not useful to call make-condition this way explicitly, but this allows condition instances to be passed to the convenience functions error and signal which call make-condition.

If the signal-name was defined with defsignal or defsignal-explicit, then that definition specifies exactly how to interpret the arguments and create the instance. In general, if the signal-name has an eh:make-condition-function property (which is what defsignal defines), this property is a function to which the signal-name and arguments are passed, and it does the work.

Alternatively, the signal-name can be the name of a flavor. Then the arguments are passed to make-instance, which interprets them as init keywords and values. This mode is not really recommended and exists for compatibility with Symbolics software.

If the signal-name has no eh:make-condition-function property and is not a flavor name, then a trivial defsignal is assumed as a default. It looks like this:

(defsignal signal-name ferror ())

So the value is an instance of ferror, with the signal-name as a condition name, and the arguments are interpreted as a format string and args for it.

The signal-name nil actually has a definition of this form. nil is frequently used as a signal name in the function ferror when there is no desire to use any condition name in particular.

30.5.3 Signaling a Condition Instance

Once you have a condition instance, you are ready to invoke the condition handling mechanism by signaling it. A condition instance can be signaled any number of times, in any stack groups.

Function: signal-condition condition-instance &optional proceed-types invoke-debugger ucode-error-status inhibit-resume-handlers

Invoke the condition handling mechanism on condition-instance. The list of proceed-types says which proceed types (among those conventionally defined for the type of condition you have signaled) you are prepared to implement, should a condition handler return one (see “proceeding”). These are in addition to any proceed types implemented nonlocally by condition-resume forms.

ucode-error-status is used for internal purposes in signaling errors detected by the microcode.

signal-condition tries various possible handlers for the condition. First eh:condition-handlers is scanned for handlers that are applicable (according to the condition names they specify) to this condition instance. After this list is exhausted, eh:condition-default-handlers is scanned the same way. Each handler that is tried can terminate the act of signaling by throwing out of signal-condition, or it can specify a way to proceed from the signal. The handler can also return nil to decline to handle the condition; then the next possible handler is offered a chance.

If all handlers decline to handle the condition and invoke-debugger is non-nil, the debugger is the handler of last resort. With the debugger, the user can ask to throw or to proceed. The default value of invoke-debugger is non-nil if the condition-instance is an error.

If all handlers decline to act and invoke-debugger is nil, signal-condition proceeds using the first proceed type on the list of available ones, provided it is a nonlocal proceed type. If it is a local proceed type, or if there are no proceed types, signal-condition just returns nil. (It would be slightly simpler to proceed using the first proceed type whether it is local or not. But in the case of a local proceed type, this would just mean returning the proceed type instead of nil. It is considered slightly more useful to return nil, allowing the signaler to distinguish the case of a condition not handled. The signaler knows which proceed types it specified, and can if it wishes consider nil as equivalent to the first of them.)

Otherwise, by this stage, a proceed type has been chosen from the available list. If the proceed type was among those specified by the caller of signal-condition, then proceeding consists simply of returning to that caller. The chosen proceed type is the first value, and arguments (returned by the handler along with the proceed type) may follow it. If the proceed type was implemented nonlocally with condition-resume (see condition-resume-fun), then the associated proceed handler function on eh:condition-resume-handlers is called.

If inhibit-resume-handlers is non-nil, resume handlers are not invoked. If a handler returns a nonlocal proceed type, signal-condition just returns to its caller as if the proceed type were local. If the condition is not handled, signal-condition returns nil.

The purpose of condition-bind-default is so that you can define a handler that is allowed to handle a signal only if none of the callers’ handlers handle it. A more flexible technique for doing this sort of thing is to make an ordinary handler signal the same condition instance recursively by calling signal-condition, like this:

  (signal-condition condition-instance
                    eh:condition-proceed-types nil nil t))

This passes along the same list of proceed types specified by the original signaler, prevents the debugger from being called, and prevents resume handlers from being run. If the first value signal-condition returns is non-nil, one of the outer handlers has handled the condition; your handler’s simplest option is to return those same values so that the other handler has its way (but it could also examine them and return modified values). Otherwise, you go on to handle the condition in your default manner.

Variable: eh:trace-conditions

This variable may be set to a list of condition names to be traced. Whenever a condition possessing a traced condition name is signaled, an error is signaled to report the fact. (Tracing of conditions is turned off while this error is signaled and handled). Proceeding with proceed type :no-action causes the signaling of the original condition to continue.

If eh:trace-conditions is t, all conditions are traced.

30.6 Proceeding

Both condition handlers and the user (through the debugger) have the option of proceeding certain conditions.

Each condition name can define, as a convention, certain proceed types, which are keywords that signify a certain conceptual way to proceed. For example, condition name sys:wrong-type-argument defines the proceed type :argument-value which means, “Here is a new value to use as the argument.”

Each signaler may or may not implement all the proceed types which are meaningful in general for the condition names being signaled. For example, it is futile to proceed from a sys:wrong-type-argument error with :argument-value unless the signaler knows how to take the associated value and store it into the argument, or do something else that fits the conceptual specifications of :argument-value. For some signalers, it may not make sense to do this at all. Therefore, one of the arguments to signal-condition is a list of the proceed types that this particular signaler knows how to handle.

In addition to the proceed types specified by the individual signaler, other proceed types can be provided nonlocally; they are implemented by a resume handler which is in effect through a dynamic scope. See below, nonlocal-proceed.

A condition handler can use the operations :proceed-types and :proceed-type-p on the condition instance to find out which proceed types are available. It can request to proceed by returning one of the available proceed types as a value. This value is returned from signal-condition, and the condition’s signaler can take action as appropriate.

If the handler returns more than one value, the remaining values are considered arguments of the proceed type. The meaning of the arguments to a proceed type, and what sort of arguments are expected, are part of the conventions associated with the condition name that gives the proceed type its meaning. For example, the :argument-value proceed type for sys:wrong-type-argument errors conventionally takes one argument, which is the new value to use. All the values returned by the handler are returned by signal-condition to the signaler.

Here is an example of a condition handler that proceeds from sys:wrong-type-argument errors. It makes any atom effectively equivalent to nil when used in car or any other function that expects a list. The handler uses the :description operation, which on sys:wrong-type-argument condition instances returns a keyword describing the data type that was desired.

	 #'(lambda (condition)
	       (if (eq (send condition :description) 'cons)
		   (values :argument-value nil)))))

Here the argument to the :argument-value proceed type is nil.

Method on condition: :proceed-types

Returns a list of the proceed types available for this condition instance. This operation should be used only within the signaling of the condition instance, as it refers to the special variable in which signal-condition stores its second argument.

Method on condition: :proceed-type-p proceed-type

t if proceed-type is one of the proceed types available for this condition instance. This operation should be used only within the signaling of the condition instance, as it refers to the special variable in which signal-condition stores its second argument.

30.6.1 Proceeding and the Debugger

If the condition invokes the debugger, then the user has the opportunity to proceed. When the debugger is entered, the available proceed types are assigned command characters starting with Super-A. Each character becomes a command to proceed using the corresponding proceed type.

Three additional facilities are required to make it convenient for the user to proceed using the debugger. Each is provided by methods defined on condition flavors. When you define a new condition flavor, you must provide methods to implement these facilities.


It must be possible to tell the user what each proceed type is for.

Prompting for arguments:

The user must be asked for the arguments for the proceed type. Each proceed type may have different arguments to ask for.

Not always the same proceed types:

Usually the user can choose among the same set of proceed types that a handler can, but sometimes it is useful to provide the user with a few extra ones, or to suppress some of them for him.

These three facilities are provided by methods defined on condition flavors. Each proceed type that is provided by signalers should be accompanied by suitable methods. This means that you must normally define a new flavor if you wish to use a new proceed type.

The :document-proceed-type operation is supposed to print documentation of what a proceed type is for. For example, when sent to a condition instance describing an unbound variable error, if the proceed type specified is :new-value, the text printed is something like “Proceed, reading a value to use instead.”

Method on condition: :document-proceed-type proceed-type stream

Prints on stream a description of the purpose of proceed type proceed-type. This operation uses :case method combination (see method-combination), to make it convenient to define the way to document an individual proceed type. The string printed should start with an imperative verb form, capitalized, and end with a period. Example:

This example is an :or method so that it can consider any proceed type. If it returns non-nil, the system considers that it has handled the proceed type and no other methods get a chance. eh:places is an instance variable of the flavor sys:failed-assertion; its values are the proceed types this method understands.

(defmethod (sys:failed-assertion :or :document-proceed-type)
	   (proceed-type stream ignore)
  (when (memq proceed-type eh:places)
    (format stream
            "Try again, setting ~S.~
	     You type an expression for it."

As a last resort, if the condition instance has a :case method for :proceed-asking-user with proceed-type as the suboperation, and this method has a documentation string, it is printed. This is in fact the usual way that a proceed type is documented.

The :proceed-asking-user operation is supposed to ask for suitable arguments to pass with the proceed type. Sending :proceed-asking-user to an instance of sys:unbound-variable with argument :new-value would read and evaluate one expression, prompting appropriately.

Method on condition: :proceed-asking-user proceed-type continuation read-object-fn

The method for :proceed-asking-user embodies the knowledge of how to prompt for and read the additional arguments that go with proceed-type.

:case method combination is used (see method-combination), making it possible to define the handling of each proceed type individually in a separate function. The documentation string of the :case method for a proceed type is also used as the default for :document-proceed-type on that proceed type.

The argument continuation is an internal function of the debugger which actually proceeds from the signaled condition if the :proceed-asking-user method calls it. This is the only way to cause proceeding actually to happen. Call continuation with funcall, giving a proceed type and suitable arguments. The proceed type passed to continuation need not be the same as the one given to :proceed-asking-user; it should be one of the proceed types available for handlers to use.

Alternatively, the :prompt-and-read method can return without calling continuation; then the debugger continues to read commands. The options which the fs:no-more-room condition offers in the debugger, to run Dired or expunge a directory, work this way.

The argument read-object-fn is another internal function of the debugger whose purpose is to read arguments from the user or request confirmation. If you wish to do those things, you must funcall read-object-function to do it. Use the calling sequence documented for the function prompt-and-read (see prompt-and-read-fun). (The read-object-fn may or may not actually use prompt-and-read.)

Here is how sys:proceed-with-value-mixin provides for the proceed type :new-value. Note the documentation string, which is automatically use by :document-proceed-type since no :case method for that operation is provided.

(defmethod (proceed-with-value-mixin 
		 :case :proceed-asking-user :new-value)
	   (continuation read-object-function)
  "Return a value; the value of an expression you type."
  (funcall continuation :new-value
	   (funcall read-object-function
		    "~&Form whose value to use instead: ")))

The :user-proceed-types operation is given the list of proceed types actually available and is supposed to return the list of proceed types to offer to the user. By default, this operation returns its argument: all proceed types are available to the user through the debugger.

For example, the condition name sys:unbound-variable conventionally defines the proceed types :new-value and :no-action. The first specifies a new value; the second attempts to use the variable’s current value and gets another error if the variable is still unbound. These are clean operations for handlers to use. But it is more convenient for the user to be offered only one choice, which will use the variable’s new value if it is bound now, but otherwise ask for a new value. This is implemented with a :user-proceed-types method that replaces the two proceed types with a single one.

Or, you might wish to offer the user two different proceed types that differ only in how they ask the user for additional information. For handlers, there would be only one proceed type.

Finally, there may be proceed types intended only for the debugger which do not actually proceed; these should be inserted into the list by the :user-proceed-types method.

Method on condition: :user-proceed-types proceed-types

Assuming that proceed-types is the list of proceed types available for condition handlers to return, this operation returns the list of proceed types that the debugger should offer to the user.

Only the proceed types offered to the user need to be handled by :document-proceed-type and :proceed-asking-user.

The flavor condition itself defines this to return its argument. Other condition flavors may redefine this to filter the argument in some appropriate fashion.

:pass-on method combination is used (see method-combination), so that if multiple mixins define methods for :user-proceed-types, each method gets a chance to add or remove proceed types. The methods should not actually modify the argument, but should cons up a new list in which certain keywords are added or removed according to the other keywords that are there.

Elements should be removed only if they are specifically recognized. This is to say, the method should make sure that any unfamiliar elements present in the argument are also present in the value. Arranging to omit certain specific proceed types is legitimate; returning only the intersection with a constant list is not legitimate.

Here is an example of nontrivial use of :user-proceed-types:

(defflavor my-error () (error))

(defmethod (my-error :user-proceed-types) (proceed-types)
  (if (memq :foo proceed-types)
      (cons :foo-two-args proceed-types)

(defmethod (my-error :case :proceed-asking-user :foo) 
	       (cont read-object-fn)
  "Proceeds, reading a value to foo with."
  (funcall cont :foo
	   (funcall read-object-fn :eval-read
		    "Value to foo with: ")))

(defmethod (my-error :case :proceed-asking-user :foo-two-args)
	       (cont read-object-fn)
  "Proceeds, reading two values to foo with."
  (funcall cont :foo
	   (funcall read-object-fn :eval-read
		    "Value to foo with: ")
	   (funcall read-object-fn :eval-read
		    "Value to foo some more with: ")))

In this example, if the signaler provides the proceed type :foo, then it is described for the user as “proceeds, reading a value to foo with”; and if the user specifies that proceed type, he is asked for a single value, which is used as the argument when proceeding. In addition, the user is offered the proceed type :foo-two-args, which has its own documentation and which reads two values. But for condition handlers there is really only one proceed type, :foo. :foo-two-args is just an alternate interface for the user to proceed type :foo, and this is why the :user-proceed-types method offers :foo-two-args only if the signaler is willing to accept :foo.

30.6.2 How Signalers Provide Proceed Types

Each condition name defines a conceptual meaning for certain proceed types, but this does not mean that all of those proceed types may be used every time the condition is signaled. The signaler must specifically implement the proceed types in order to make them do what they are conventionally supposed to do. For some signalers it may be difficult to do, or may not even make sense. For example, it is no use having a proceed type :store-new-value if the signaler does not have a suitable place to store, permanently, the argument the handler supplies.

Therefore, we require each signaler to specify just which proceed types it implements. Unless the signaler explicitly specifies proceed types one way or another, no proceed types are allowed (except for nonlocal ones, described in the following section).

One way to specify the proceed types allowed is to call signal-condition and pass the list of proceed types as the second argument.

Another way that is less general but more convenient is signal-proceed-case.

Macro: signal-proceed-case ((variables...) make-condition-arguments...) clauses...

Signals a condition, providing proceed types and code to implement them. Each clause specifies a proceed type to provide, and also contains code to be run if a handler should proceed with that proceed type.

(signal-proceed-case ((argument-vars...)
                     signal-name signal-name-arguments...)
  (proceed-type forms...)
  (proceed-type forms...)

A condition-object is created with make-condition using the signal-name and signal-name-arguments; then it is signaled giving a list of the proceed types from all the clauses as the list of proceed types allowed.

The variables argument-vars are bound to the values returned by signal-condition, except for the first value, which is tested against the proceed-type from each clause, using a selectq. The clause that matches is executed.

(defsignal my-wrong-type-arg 
           (eh:wrong-type-argument-error sys:wrong-type-argument)
  (old-value arg-name description)
  "Wrong type argument from my own code.")

	  "The argument ~A was ~S, which is not a cons."
	  'foo foo 'cons)
  (:argument-value (car newarg)))

The signal name my-wrong-type-arg creates errors with condition name sys:wrong-type-argument. The signal-proceed-case shown signals such an error, and handles the proceed type :argument-value. If a handler proceeds using that proceed type, the handler’s value is put in newarg, and then its car is returned from the signal-proceed-case.

30.6.3 Nonlocal Proceed Types

When the caller of signal-condition specifies proceed types, these are called local proceed types. They are implemented at the point of signaling. There are also nonlocal proceed types, which are in effect for all conditions (with appropriate condition names) signaled during the execution of the body of the establishing macro. We say that the macro establishes a resume handler for the proceed type.

The most general construct for establishing a resume handler is condition-resume. For example, in

    '(fs:file-error :retry-open t
		    ("Proceeds, opening the file again.")
		    (lambda (ignore) (throw 'tag nil)))
    (catch 'tag (return (open pathname)))))

the proceed type :retry-open is available for all fs:file-error conditions signaled within the call to open.

Macro: condition-resume handler-form &body body
Macro: condition-resume-if cond-form handler-form &body body

Both execute body with a resume handler in effect for a nonlocal proceed type according to the value of handler-form. For condition-resume-if, the resume handler is in effect only if cond-form’s value is non-nil.

The value of the handler-form should be a list with at least five elements:
(condition-names proceed-type predicate format-string-and-args 
 handler-function additional-args...)

condition-names is a condition name or a list of them. The resume handler applies to these conditions only.

proceed-type is the proceed type implemented by this resume handler.

predicate is either t or a function that is applied to a condition instance and determines whether the resume handler is in effect for that condition instance.

format-string-and-args is a list of a string and additional arguments that can be passed to format to print a description of what this proceed type is for. These are needed only for anonymous proceed types.

handler-function is the function called to do the work of proceeding, once this proceed type has been returned by a condition handler or the debugger.

catch-error-restart-explicit-if makes it easy to establish a particular simple kind of resume handler.

Macro: catch-error-restart-explicit-if cond-form (condition-names proceed-type format-string format-args...) body...

Executes body with (if cond-form produces a non-nil value) a resume handler for proceed type proceed-type and condition(s) condition-names. condition-names should be a symbol or a list of symbols; it is not evaluated. proceed-type should be a symbol.

If proceeding is done using this resume handler, control returns from the catch-error-restart-explicit-if form. The first value is nil and the second is non-nil.

format-string and the format-args, all of which are evaluated, are used by the :document-proceed-type operation to describe the proceed type, if it is anonymous.

For condition handlers there is no distinction between local and nonlocal proceed types. They are both included in the list of available proceed types returned by the :proceed-types operation (all the local proceed types come first), and the condition handler selects one by returning the proceed type and any conventionally associated arguments. The debugger’s :user-proceed-types, :document-proceed-type and :proceed-asking-user operations are also make no distinction.

The difference comes after the handler or the debugger returns to signal-condition. If the proceed type is a local one (one of those in the second argument to signal-condition), signal-condition simply returns. If the proceed type is not among those the caller handles, signal-condition looks for a resume handler associated with the proceed type, and calls its handler function. The arguments to the handler function are the condition instance, the additional-args specified in the resume handler, and any arguments returned by the condition handler in addition to the proceed type. The handler function is supposed to do a throw. If it returns to signal-condition, an error is signaled.

You are allowed to use “anonymous” nonlocal proceed types, which have no conventional meaning and are not specially known to the :document-proceed-type and :proceed-asking-user operations. The anonymous proceed type may be any Lisp object. The default definition of :proceed-asking-user handles an anonymous proceed type by simply calling the continuation passed to it, reading no arguments. The default definition of :document-proceed-type handles anonymous proceed types by passing format the format-string-and-args list found in the resume handler (this is what that list is for).

Anonymous proceed types are often lists. Such proceed types are usually made by some variant of error-restart, and they are treated a little bit specially. For one thing, they are all put at the end of the list returned by the :proceed-types operation. For another, the debugger command Control-C or Resume never uses a proceed type which is a list. If no atomic proceed type is available, Resume or Control-C is not allowed.

Macro: error-restart (condition-names format-string format-args...) body...
Macro: error-restart-loop
Macro: catch-error-restart
Macro: catch-error-restart-if cond-form (condition-names format-string format-args...) body...

All execute body with an anonymous resume handler for condition-names. The proceed type for this resume handler is a list, so the Resume key will not use it. condition-names is either a single condition name or a list of them, or nil meaning all conditions; it is not evaluated.

format-string and the format-args, all of which are evaluated, are used by the :document-proceed-type operation to describe the anonymous proceed type.

If the resume handler made by error-restart is invoked by proceeding from a signal, the automatically generated resume handler function does a throw back to the error-restart and the body is executed again from the beginning. If body returns, the values of the last form in it are returned from the error-restart form.

error-restart-loop is like error-restart except that it loops to the beginning of body even if body completes normally. It is like enclosing an error-restart in an iteration.

catch-error-restart is like error-restart except that it never loops back to the beginning. If the anonymous proceed type is used for proceeding, the catch-error-restart form returns with nil as the first value and a non-nil second value.

catch-error-restart-if is like catch-error-restart except that the resume handler is only in effect if the value of the cond-form is non-nil.

All of these variants of error-restart can be written in terms of condition-resume-if.

These forms are typically used by any sort of command loop, so that aborting within the command loop returns to it and reads another command. error-restart-loop is often right for simple command loops. catch-error-restart is useful when aborting should terminate execution rather than retry, or with an explicit conditional to test whether a throw was done.

error-restart forms often specify (error sys:abort) as the condition-names. The presence of error causes them to be listed (and assigned command characters) by the debugger, for all errors, and the presence of sys:abort causes the Abort key to use them. If you would like a procede type to be offered as an option by the debugger, but do not want the Abort key to use it, specify just error.

Function: eh:invoke-resume-handler condition-instance proceed-type &rest args

Invokes the innermost applicable resume handler for proceed-type. Applicability of a resume handler is determined by matching its condition names against those possessed by condition-instance and by applying its predicate, if not t, to condition-instance.

If proceed-type is nil, the innermost applicable resume handler is invoked regardless of its proceed type. However, in this case, the scan stops if t is encountered as an element of eh:condition-resume-handlers.

Variable: eh:condition-resume-handlers

The current list of resume handlers for nonlocal proceed types. condition-resume works by binding this variable. Elements are usually lists that have the format described above under condition-resume. The symbol t is also meaningful as an element of this list. It terminates the scan for a resume handler when it is made by signal-condition for a condition that was not handled. t is pushed onto the list by break loops and the debugger to shield the evaluation of your type-in from automatic invocation of resume handlers established outside the break loop or the error.

The links of this list, and its elements, are often created using with-stack-list. so be careful if you try to save the value outside the context in which you examine it.

Condition on sys:abort: (condition)

This condition is signaled by the Abort key; it is how that key is implemented. Most command loops use some version of error-restart to set up a resume handler for sys:abort so that it will return to the innermost command loop if (as is usually the case) no handler handles it. These resume handlers usually apply to error as well as sys:abort, so that the debugger will offer a specific command to return to the command loop even if it is not the innermost one.

30.7 The Debugger

When an error condition is signaled and no handlers decide to handle the error, an interactive debugger is entered to allow the user to look around and see what went wrong, and to help him continue the program or abort it. This section describes how to use the debugger.

30.7.1 Entering the Debugger

There are two kinds of errors; those generated by the Lisp Machine’s microcode, and those generated by Lisp programs (by using ferror or related functions). When there is a microcode error, the debugger prints out a message such as the following:

The symbol FOOBAR is unbound.
While in the function LOSE-XCT leftArrow LOSE-COMMAND-LOOP leftArrow LOSE

The first line of this error message indicates entry to the debugger and contains some mysterious internal microcode information: the micro program address, the microcode trap name and parameters, and a microcode backtrace. Users can ignore this line in most cases. The second line contains a description of the error in English. The third line indicates where the error happened by printing a very abbreviated “backtrace” of the stack (see below); in the example, it is saying that the error was signaled inside the function lose-xct, which was called by lose-command-loop.

Here is an example of an error from Lisp code:

>>ERROR: The argument X was 1, which is not a symbol,
While in the function FOO leftArrow SI:EVAL1 leftArrow SI:LISP-TOP-LEVEL1

Here the first line contains the English description of the error message, and the second line contains the abbreviated backtrace. foo signaled the error by calling ferror; however, ferror is censored out of the backtrace.

After the debugger’s initial message, it prints the function that got the error and its arguments. Then it prints a list of commands you can use to proceed from the error, or to abort to various command loops. The possibilities depend on the kind of error and where it happened, so the list is different each time; that is why the debugger prints it. The commands in the list all start with Super-A, Super-B and continue as far as is necessary.

Variable: eh:*inhibit-debugger-proceed-prompt*

If this is non-nil, the list of Super commands is not printed when the debugger is entered. Type Help P to see the list.

The debugger normally uses the stream *debug-io* for all its input and output (see debug-io-var). By default it is a synonym for *terminal-io*. The value of this variable in the stack group in which the error was signaled is the one that counts.

Variable: eh:*debug-io-override*

If this is non-nil, it is used by the debugger instead of the value of *debug-io*. The value in the stack group where the error was signaled is the one that counts.

The debugger can be manually entered either by causing an error (e.g by typing a ridiculous symbol name such as ahsdgf at the Lisp read-eval-print loop) or by typing the Break key with the Meta shift held down while the program is reading from the terminal. Typing the Break key with both Control and Meta held down forces the program into the debugger immediately, even if it is running. If the Break key is typed without Meta, it puts you into a read-eval-print loop using the break function (see break-fun) rather than into the debugger.

Function: eh &optional process

Causes process to enter the debugger, and directs the debugger to read its commands from the ambient value of *terminal-io*, current when you call eh, rather than process’s own value of *terminal-io* which is what would be used if process got an error in the usual way. The process in which you invoked eh waits while you are in the debugger, so there is no ambiguity about which process will handle your keyboard input.

If process had already signaled an error and was waiting for exposure of a window, then it enters the debugger to handle that error. Otherwise, the break condition is signaled in it (just like what Control-Meta-Break does) to force it into the debugger.

The Resume command makes process resume execution. You can also use other debugger commands such as Abort, Control-R, Control-Meta-R and Control-T to start it up again. Exiting the debugger in any way causes eh to return in its process.

process can also be a window, or any flavor instance which understands the :process operation and returns a process.

If process is not a process but a stack group, the current state of the stack group is examined. In this case, the debugger runs in “examine-only” mode, and executes in the process in which you invoked eh. You cannot resume execution of the debugged stack group, but Resume exits the debugger. It is your responsibility to ensure that no one tries to execute in the stack group being debugged while the debugger is looking at it.

If process is nil, eh finds all the processes waiting to enter the debugger and asks you which one to use.

30.7.2 How to Use the Debugger

Once inside the debugger, the user may give a wide variety of commands. This section describes how to give the commands, then explains them in approximate order of usefulness. A summary is provided at the end of the listing.

When the debugger is waiting for a command, it prompts with an arrow:


If the error took place in the evaluation of an expression that you typed at the debugger, you are in a second level (or deeper) error. The number of arrows in the prompt indicates the depth.

The debugger also warns you about certain unusual circumstances that may cause paradoxical results. For example, if default-cons-area is anything except working-storage-area, a message to that effect is printed. If *read-base* and *print-base* are not the same, a message is printed.

At this point, you may type either a Lisp expression or a command; a Control or Meta character is interpreted as a command, whereas most normal characters are interpreted as the first character of an expression. If you type the Help key or the ? key, you can get some introductory help with the debugger.

If you type a Lisp expression, it is interpreted as a Lisp form and evaluated in the context of the current frame. That is, all dynamic bindings used for the evaluation are those in effect in the current frame, with certain exceptions explained below. The results of the evaluation are printed, and the debugger prompts again with an arrow. If, during the typing of the form, you change your mind and want to get back to the debugger’s command level, type the Abort key or a Control-G; the debugger responds with an arrow prompt. In fact, at any time that input is expected from you, while you are in the debugger, you may type Abort or Control-G to cancel any debugger command that is in progress and get back to command level. Control-G is useful because it can never exit from the debugger as Abort can.

This read-eval-print loop maintains the values of +, *, and - almost like the Lisp listen loop. The difference is that some single-character debugger commands such as C-M-A also set * and + in their own way.

If an error occurs in the evaluation of the Lisp expression you type, you may enter a second invocation of the debugger, looking at the new error. The prompt in this event is ‘rightArrowrightArrow’ to make it clear which level of error you are examining. You can abort the computation and get back to the first debugger level by typing the Abort key (see below).

Various debugger commands ask for Lisp objects, such as an object to return or the name of a catch-tag. You must type a form to be evaluated; its value is the object that is actually used. This provides greater generality, since there are objects to which you might want to refer that cannot be typed in (such as arrays). If the form you type is non-trivial (not just a constant form), the debugger shows you the result of the evaluation and asks for confirmation before proceeding. If you answer negatively, or if you abort, the command is canceled and the debugger returns to command level. Once again, the special bindings in effect for evaluation of the form are those of the current frame you have selected.

The Meta-S and Control-Meta-S commands allow you to look at the bindings in effect at the current frame. A few variables are rebound by the debugger itself whenever a user-provided form is evaluated, so you you must use Meta-S to find the values they actually had in the erring computation.


*terminal-io* is rebound to the stream the debugger is using.


*standard-input* and *standard-output* are rebound to be synonymous with *terminal-io*.

+, ++, +++
*, **, ***, *values*

+ and * are rebound to the debugger’s previous form and previous value. Commands for examining arguments and such, including C-M-A, C-M-L and C-M-V, leave * set to the value examined and + set to a locative to where the value was found. When the debugger is first entered, + is the last form typed, which is typically the one that caused the error, and * is the value of the previous form.


These variables (see evalhook-var) are rebound to nil, turning off the step facility if it was in use when the error occurred.


These are rebound to nil, so that errors occurring within forms you type while in the debugger do not magically resume execution of the erring program.


To prevent resume handlers established outside the error from being invoked automatically by deeper levels of error, this variable is rebound to a new value, which has an element t added in the front.

30.7.3 Debugger Commands

All debugger commands are single characters, usually with the Control or Meta bits. The single most useful command is Abort (or Control-Z), which exits from the debugger and throws out of the computation that got the error. (This is the Abort key, not a 5-letter command.) Often you are not interested in using the debugger at all and just want to get back to Lisp top level; so you can do this in one keystroke.

If the error happened while you were innocently using a system utility such as the editor, then it represents a bug in the system. Report the bug using the debugger command Control-M. This gives you an editor preinitialized with the error message and a backtrace. You should type in a precise description of what you did that led up to the problem, then send the message by typing End. Be as complete as possible, and always give the exact commands you typed, exact filenames, etc. rather then general descriptions, as much as possible. The person who investigates the bug report will have to try to make the problem happen again; if he does not know where to find your file, he will have a difficult time.

The Abort command signals the sys:abort condition, returning control to the most recent command loop. This can be Lisp top level, a break, or the debugger command loop associated with another error. Typing Abort multiple times throws back to successively older read-eval-print or command loops until top level is reached. Typing Meta-Abort, on the other hand, always throws to top level. Meta-Abort is not a debugger command, but a system command that is always available no matter what program you are in.

Note that typing Abort in the middle of typing a form to be evaluated by the debugger aborts that form and returns to the debugger’s command level, while typing Abort as a debugger command returns out of the debugger and the erring program, to the previous command level. Typing Abort after entering a numeric argument just discards the argument.

Self-documentation is provided by the Help or ? command, which types out some documentation on the debugger commands, including any special commands that apply to the particular error currently being handled.

Often you want to try to proceed from the error. When the debugger is entered, it prints a table of commands you can use to proceed, or abort to various levels. The commands are Super-A, Super-B, and so on. How many there are and what they do is different each time there is an error, but the table says what each one is for. If you want to see the table again, type Help followed by P.

The Resume (or Control-C) command is often synonymous with Super-A. But Resume only proceeds, never aborts. If there is no way to proceed, just ways to abort, then Resume does not do anything.

The debugger knows about a current stack frame, and there are several commands that use it. The initially current stack frame is the one which signaled the error, either the one which got the microcode-detected error or the one which called ferror, cerror, or error. When the debugger starts it up it shows you this frame in the following format:

   Arg 0 (X): 13
   Arg 1 (Y): 1

and so on. This means that foo was called with two arguments, whose names (in the Lisp source code) are x and y. The current values of x and y are 13 and 1 respectively. These may not be the original arguments if foo happens to setq its argument variables.

The Clear-Screen (or Control-L) command clears the screen, retypes the error message that was initially printed when the debugger was entered, and prints out a description of the current frame, in the above format.

Several commands are provided to allow you to examine the Lisp control stack and to make frames current other than the one that got the error. The control stack (or “regular pdl”) keeps a record of all functions currently active. If you call foo at Lisp’s top level, and it calls bar, which in turn calls baz, and baz gets an error, then a backtrace (a backwards trace of the stack) would show all of this information. The debugger has two backtrace commands. Control-B simply prints out the names of the functions on the stack; in the above example it would print

BAZ leftArrow BAR leftArrow FOO leftArrow SI:*EVAL

The arrows indicate the direction of calling. The Meta-B command prints a more extensive backtrace, indicating the names of the arguments to the functions and their current values; for the example above it might look like:

   Arg 0 (X): 13
   Arg 1 (Y): 1

   Arg 0 (ADDEND): 13

   Arg 0 (FROB): (A B C . D)

and so on. The backtrace commands all accept numeric arguments which say how many frames to describe, the default being to describe all the frames.

Moving around in the stack:

The Control-N command makes the “next” older frame be current. This is the frame which called the one that was current at before. The new current frame’s function and arguments are printed in the format shown immediately above.

Control-P moves the current frame in the reverse direction. If you use it immediately after getting an error it selects frames that are part of the act of signaling.

Meta-< selects the frame in which the error occurred, the same frame that was selected when the debugger was entered. Meta-> selects the outermost or initial stack frame. Control-S asks you for a string and searches down the stack (toward older frames) from the current frame for a frame whose executing function’s name contains that string. That frame becomes current and is printed out. These commands are easy to remember since they are analogous to editor commands.

The Control-Meta-N, Control-Meta-P, and Control-Meta-B commands are like the corresponding Control commands but don’t censor the stack to omit “uninteresting” functions. When looking at interpreted code, the debugger usually tries to skip over frames that belong to the functions composing the interpreter, such as eval, prog, and cond. Control-Meta-N, Control-Meta-P, and Control-Meta-B show everything. They also show frames that are not yet active; that is, frames whose arguments are still being computed for functions that are going to be called. The Control-Meta-U command goes down the stack (to older frames) to the next interesting function and makes that the current frame.

Meta-L prints out the current frame in “full screen” format, which shows the arguments and their values, the local variables and their values, and the machine code with an arrow pointing to the next instruction to be executed. Refer to understanding-compiled-code for help in reading this machine code.

Commands such as Control-N and Control-P, which are useful to issue repeatedly, take a prefix numeric argument and repeat that many types. The numeric argument is typed by using Control or Meta and the number keys, as in the editor. Some other commands such as Control-M also use the numeric argument; refer to the table at the end of the section for detailed information.

Resuming execution:

Meta-C is similar to Control-C, but in the case of an unbound variable or undefined function, actually setqs the variable or defines the function, so that the error will not happen again. Control-C (or Resume) provides a replacement value but does not actually change the variable. Meta-C proceeds using the proceed type :store-new-value, and is available only if that proceed type is provided.

Control-R is used to return a value or values from the current frame; the frame that called that frame continues running as if the function of the current frame had returned. This command prompts you for each value that the caller expects; you can type either a form which evaluates to the desired value or End if you wish to return no more values.

The Control-T command does a throw to a given tag with a given value; you are prompted for the tag and the value.

Control-Meta-R reinvokes the current frame; it starts execution at the beginning of the function, with the arguments currently present in the stack frame. These are the same arguments the function was originally called with unless either the function itself has changed them with setq or you have set them in the debugger. If the function has been redefined in the meantime (perhaps you edited it and fixed its bug) the new definition is used. Control-Meta-R asks for confirmation before resuming execution.

Meta-R is similar to Control-Meta-R but allows you to change the arguments if you wish. You are prompted for the new arguments one by one; you can type a form which evaluates to the desired argument, or Space to leave that argument unchanged, or End if you do not want any more arguments. Space is allowed only if this argument was previously passed, and End is not allowed for a required argument. Once you have finished specifying the arguments, you must confirm before execution resumes.

Stepping through function calls and returns:

You can request a trap to the debugger on exit from a particular frame, or the next time a function is called.

Each stack frame has a “trap on exit” bit. The Control-X command toggles this bit. The Meta-X command sets the bit to cause a trap for the current frame and all outer frames. If a program is in an infinite loop, this is a good way to find out how far back on the stack the loop is taking place. This also enables you to see what values are being returned. The Control-Meta-X command clears the trap-on-exit bit for the current frame and outer frames.

The Control-D command proceeds like Control-C but requests a trap the next time a function is called. The Meta-D command toggles the trap-on-next-call bit for the erring stack group. It is useful if you wish to set the bit and then resume execution with something other than Control-C. The function breakon may be used to request a trap on calling a particular function. Trapping on entry to a frame automatically sets the trap-on-exit bit for that frame; use Control-X to clear it if you do not want another trap.

Transfering to other systems:

Control-E puts you into the editor, looking at the source code for the function in the current frame. This is useful when you have found the function that caused the error and that needs to be fixed. The editor command Control-Z will return to the debugger, if it is still there.

Control-M puts you into the editor to mail a bug report. The error message and a backtrace are put into the editor buffer for you. A numeric argument says how many frames to include in the backtrace.

Control-Meta-W calls the window debugger, a display-oriented debugger. It is not documented in this manual, but should be usable without further documentation.

Examining and setting the arguments, local variables, and values:

Control-Meta-A takes a numeric argument, n, and prints out the value of the nth argument of the current frame. It leaves * set to the value of the argument, so that you can use the Lisp read-eval-print loop to examine it. It also leaves + set to a locative pointing to the argument on the stack, so that you can change that argument (by calling rplacd on the locative). Control-Meta-L is similar, but refers to the nth local variable of the frame. Control-Meta-V refers to the nth value this frame has returned (in a trap-on-exit). Control-Meta-F refers to the function executing in the frame; it ignores its numeric argument and doesn’t allow you to change the function.

Another way to examine and set the arguments, locals and values of a frame is with the functions eh-arg, eh-loc, eh-val and eh-fun. Use these functions in expressions you evaluate inside the debugger, and they refer to the arguments, locals, values and function, respectively, of the debugger’s current frame.

The names eh:arg, eh:val, etc are for compatibility with the Symbolics system.

Function: eh-arg arg-number-or-name
Function: eh:arg arg-number-or-name

When used in an expression evaluated in the debugger, eh-arg returns the value of the specifed argument in the debugger’s current frame. Argument names are compared ignoring packages; only the pname of the symbol you supply is relevant. eh-arg can appear in setf and locf to set an argument or get its location.

Function: eh-loc local-number-or-name
Function: eh:loc local-number-or-name

Like eh-arg but accesses the current frame’s local variables instead of its arguments.

Function: eh-val &optional value-number-or-name
Function: eh:val &optional value-number-or-name

eh-val is used in an expression evaluated in the debugger when the current frame is returning multiple values, to examine those values. This is only useful if the function has already begun to return some values (as in a trap-on-exit), since otherwise they are all nil. If a name is specified, it is looked for in the function’s values or return-list declaration, if any.

eh-val can be used with setf and locf. You can make a frame return a specific sequence of values by setting all but the last value with eh-val and doing Control-R to return the last value.

eh-val with no argument returns a list of all the values this frame is returning.

Function: eh-fun
Function: eh:fun

eh-fun can be called in an expression being evalued inside the debugger to return the function-object being called in the current frame. It can be used with setf and locf.

30.7.4 Summary of Commands


Prints argument list of function in current frame.


Sets * to the nth argument of the current frame.


Prints brief backtrace.


Prints longer backtrace.


Prints longer backtrace with no censoring of “uninteresting” functions.

Control-C or Resume

Attempts to continue, using the first proceed type on the list of available ones for this error.


Attempts to continue, setq’ing the unbound variable or otherwise “permanently” fixing the error. This uses the proceed type :store-new-value, and is available only if that proceed type is.


Attempts to continue like Control-C, but trap on the next function call.


Toggles the flag that causes a trap on the next function call after you continue or otherwise exit the debugger.


Switches to Zmacs to edit the source code for the function in the current frame.


Sets * to the function in the current frame.

Control-G or Abort

Quits to command level. This is not a command, but something you can type to escape from typing in an argument of a command.


Describes the condition handlers and resume handlers established by the current frame.

Control-L or Clear-Screen

Redisplays error message and current frame.


Displays the current frame, including local variables and compiled code.


Sets * to the value of local variable n of the current frame.


Sends a bug report containing the error message and a backtrace of n frames (default is 3).

Control-N or Line

Moves to the next (older) frame. With argument, moves down n frames.


Moves to next frame and displays it like Meta-L. With argument, move down n frames.


Moves to next frame even if it is “uninteresting” or still accumulating arguments. With argument, moves down n frames.

Control-P or Return

Moves up to previous (newer) frame. With argument, moves up n frames.


Moves to previous frame and displays it like Meta-L. With argument, moves up n frames.


Moves to previous frame even if it is “uninteresting” or still accumulating arguments. With argument, moves up n frames.


Returns a value or values from the current frame.


Reinvokes the function in the current frame (restart its execution at the beginning), optionally changing the arguments.


Reinvokes the function in the current frame with the same arguments.


Searches for a frame containing a specified function.


Reads the name of a special variable and returns that variable’s value in the current frame. Instance variables of self may also be specified even if not special.


Prints a list of special variables bound by the current frame and the values they are bound to by the frame. If the frame binds self, all the instance variables of self are listed even if they are not special.


Throws a value to a tag.


Moves down the stack to the previous “interesting” frame.


Toggles the flag in the current frame that causes a trap on exit or throw through that frame.


Sets the flag causing a trap on exit or throw through the frame for the current frame and all the frames outside of it.


Clears the flag causing a trap on exit or throw through the frame for the current frame and all the frames outside of it.


Sets * to the nth value being returned from the current frame. This is non-nil only in a trap on exit from the frame.


Switches to the window-oriented debugger.

Control-Z or Abort

Aborts the computation and throw back to the most recent break or debugger, to the program’s command level, or to Lisp top level.

? or Help

Prints debugger command self-documentation.


Moves to the frame in which the error was signaled, and makes it current once again.


Moves to the outermost (oldest) stack frame.

Control-0 through Control-Meta-9

Numeric arguments to the following command are specified by typing a decimal number with Control and/or Meta held down.

Super-A, etc.

The commands Super-A, Super-B, etc. are assigned to all the available proceed types for this error. The assignments are different each time the debugger is entered, so it prints a list of them when it starts up. Help P prints the list again.

30.7.5 Deexposed Windows and Background Processes

If the debugger is entered in a window that is not exposed, a notification is used to inform you that it has happened.

In general, a notification appears as a brief message printed inside square brackets if the selected window can print it. Otherwise, blinking text appears in the mouse documentation line telling you that a notification is waiting; to see the notification, type Terminal N or select a window that can print it. In either case, an audible beep is made.

In the case of a notification that the debugger is waiting to use a deexposed window, you can select and expose the window in which the error happened by typing Terminal 0 S. You can do this even if the notification has not been printed yet because the selected window cannot print it. If you select the waiting window, in this way or in any other way, the notification is discarded since you already know what it was intended to tell you.

If the debugger is entered in a process that has no window or other suitable stream to type out on, the window system assigns it a “background window”. Since this window is initially not exposed, a notification is printed as above and you must use Terminal 0 S to see the window.

If an error happens in the scheduler stack group or the first level error handler stack group which are needed for processes to function, or in the keyboard or mouse process (both needed for the window system to function), the debugger uses the cold load stream, a primitive facility for terminal I/O which bypasses the window system.

If an error happens in another process but the window system is locked so that the notification mechanism cannot function, the cold load stream is used to ask what to do. You can tell the debugger to use the cold load stream immediately, to forcibly clear the window system locks and notify immediately as above, or to wait for the locks to become unlocked and then notify as above. If you tell it to wait, you can resume operation of the machine. Meanwhile, you can use the command Terminal Control-Clear-Input to forcibly unlock the locks, or Terminal Call to tell the debugger to use the cold load stream. The latter command normally enters a break-loop that uses the cold-load stream, but if there are any background errors, it offers to enter the debugger to handle them. You can also handle the errors in a Lisp listen loop of your choice by means of the function eh (eh-fun), assuming you can select a functioning Lisp listen loop.

30.7.6 Debugging after a Warm Boot

After a warm boot, the process that was running at the time of booting (or at the time the machine crashed prior to booting) may be debugged if you answer ‘no’ when the system asks whether to reset that process.

Function: si:debug-warm-booted-process

Invoke the debugger, like the function eh (eh-fun), on the process that was running as of the last warm boot (assuming there was such a process).

On the CADR, the state you see in the debugger is not correct; some of the information dates from some period of time in advance of the boot or the crash.

On the Lambda, the state you see in the debugger will, in some system version, be accurate.

30.8 Tracing Function Execution

The trace facility allows the user to trace some functions. When a function is traced, certain special actions are taken when it is called and when it returns. The default tracing action is to print a message when the function is called, showing its name and arguments, and another message when the function returns, showing its name and value(s).

The trace facility is closely compatible with Maclisp. You invoke it through the trace and untrace special forms, whose syntax is described below. Alternatively, you can use the trace system by clicking Trace in the system menu, or by using the Meta-X Trace command in the editor. This allows you to select the trace options from a menu instead of having to remember the following syntax.

Special Form: trace

A trace form looks like:

(trace spec-1 spec-2 ...)

Each spec can take any of the following forms:

a symbol

This is a function name, with no options. The function is traced in the default way, printing a message each time it is called and each time it returns.

a list (function-name option-1 option-2 ...)

function-name is a symbol and the options control how it is to be traced. The various options are listed below. Some options take arguments, which should be given immediately following the option name.

a list (:function function-spec option-1 option-2 ...)

This is like the previous form except that function-spec need not be a symbol (see function-spec). It exists because if function-name was a list in the previous form, it would instead be interpreted as the following form:

a list ((function-1 function-2...) option-1 option-2 ...)

All of the functions are traced with the same options. Each function can be either a symbol or a general function-spec.

The following trace options exist:

:break pred

Causes a breakpoint to be entered after printing the entry trace information but before applying the traced function to its arguments, if and only if pred evaluates to non-nil. During the breakpoint, the symbol arglist is bound to a list of the arguments of the function.

:exitbreak pred

This is just like break except that the breakpoint is entered after the function has been executed and the exit trace information has been printed, but before control returns. During the breakpoint, the symbol arglist is bound to a list of the arguments of the function, and the symbol values is bound to a list of the values that the function is returning.


Causes the error handler to be called when the function is entered. Use Resume (or Control-C) to continue execution of the function. If this option is specified, there is no printed trace output other than the error message printed by the error handler. This is semi-obsolete, as breakon is more convenient and does more exactly the right thing.


Causes the function to be single-stepped whenever it is called. See the documentation on the step facility, stepper-section.

:stepcond pred

Causes the function to be single-stepped only if pred evaluates to non-nil.

:entrycond pred

Causes trace information to be printed on function entry only if pred evaluates to non-nil.

:exitcond pred

Causes trace information to be printed on function exit only if pred evaluates to non-nil.

:cond pred

This specifies both :exitcond and :entrycond together.

:wherein function

Causes the function to be traced only when called, directly or indirectly, from the specified function function. One can give several trace specs to trace, all specifying the same function but with different wherein options, so that the function is traced in different ways when called from different functions.

This is different from advise-within, which only affects the function being advised when it is called directly from the other function. The trace :wherein option means that when the traced function is called, the special tracing actions occur if the other function is the caller of this function, or its caller’s caller, or its caller’s caller’s caller, etc.

:argpdl pdl

Specifies a symbol pdl, whose value is initially set to nil by trace. When the function is traced, a list of the current recursion level for the function, the function’s name, and a list of arguments is consed onto the pdl when the function is entered, and cdr’ed back off when the function is exited. The pdl can be inspected from within a breakpoint, for example, and used to determine the very recent history of the function. This option can be used with or without printed trace output. Each function can be given its own pdl, or one pdl may serve several functions.

:entryprint form

The form is evaluated and the value is included in the trace message for calls to the function. You can give this option multiple times, and all the form’s thus specified are evaluated and printed. \\ precedes the values to separate them from the arguments.

:exitprint form

The form is evaluated and the value is included in the trace message for returns from the function. You can give this option multiple times, and all the form’s thus specified are evaluated and printed. \\ precedes the values to separate them from the returned values.

:print form

The form is evaluated and the value is included in the trace messages for both calls to and returns from the function. Equivalent to :exitprint and :entryprint at once.

:entry list

This specifies a list of arbitrary forms whose values are to be printed along with the usual entry-trace. The list of resultant values, when printed, is preceded by \\ to separate it from the other information.

:exit list

This is similar to entry, but specifies expressions whose values are printed with the exit-trace. Again, the list of values printed is preceded by \\.

:arg :value :both nil

These specify which of the usual trace printouts should be enabled. If :arg is specified, then on function entry the name of the function and the values of its arguments will be printed. If :value is specified, then on function exit the returned value(s) of the function will be printed. If :both is specified, both of these will be printed. If nil is specified, neither will be printed. If none of these four options are specified the default is to :both. If any further options appear after one of these, they are not treated as options! Rather, they are considered to be arbitrary forms whose values are to be printed on entry and/or exit to the function, along with the normal trace information. The values printed will be preceded by a //, and follow any values specified by :entry or :exit.

Note that since these options “swallow” all following options, if one is given it should be the last option specified.

In the evaluation of the expression arguments to various trace options such as :cond and :break, the value of arglist is a list of the arguments given to the traced function. Thus

(trace (foo :break (null (car arglist))))

would cause a break in foo if and only if the first argument to foo is nil. If the :break option is used, the variable arglist is valid inside the break-loop. If you setq arglist before actual function execution, the arguments seen by the function will change.

In the evaluation of the expression arguments to various trace options such as :cond and :break on exit from the traced function, the variable values is bound to a list of the resulting values of the traced function. If the :exitbreak option is used, the variables values and arglist are valid inside the break-loop. If you setq values, the values returned by the function will change.

The trace specifications may be “factored”, as explained above. For example,

(trace ((foo bar) :break (bad-p arglist) :value))
is equivalent to
(trace (foo :break (bad-p arglist) :value)
       (bar :break (bad-p arglist) :value))

Since a list as a function name is interpreted as a list of functions, non-atomic function names (see function-spec) are specified as follows:

(trace (:function (:method flavor :message) :break t))

trace returns as its value a list of names of all functions it traced. If called with no arguments, as just (trace), it returns a list of all the functions currently being traced.

If you attempt to trace a function already being traced, trace calls untrace before setting up the new trace.

Tracing is implemented with encapsulation (see encapsulate), so if the function is redefined (e.g with defun or by loading it from a QFASL file) the tracing will be transferred from the old definition to the new definition.

Tracing output is printed on the stream that is the value of *trace-output*. This is synonymous with *terminal-io* unless you change it.

Special Form: untrace

Undoes the effects of trace and restores functions to their normal, untraced state. untrace accepts multiple specifications, e.g (untrace foo quux fuphoo). Calling untrace with no arguments will untrace all functions currently being traced.

Variable: trace-compile-flag

If the value of trace-compile-flag is non-nil, the functions created by trace are compiled, allowing you to trace special forms such as cond without interfering with the execution of the tracing functions. The default value of this flag is nil.

See also the function compile-encapsulations, compile-encapsulations-fun.

30.9 Breakon

The function breakon allows you to request that the debugger be entered whenever a certain function is called.

Function: breakon function-spec &optional condition-form

Encapsulates the definition of function-spec so that a trap-on-call occurs when it is called. This enters the debugger. A trap-on-exit will occur when the stack frame is exited.

If condition-form is non-nil, its value should be a form to be evaluated each time function-spec is called. The trap occurs only if condition-form evaluates to non-nil. Omitting the condition-form is equivalent to supplying t. If breakon is called more than once for the same function-spec and different condition-forms, the trap occurs if any of the conditions are true.

breakon with no arguments returns a list of the functions that are broken on.

Conditional breakons are useful for causing the trap to occur only in a certain stack group. This sometimes allows debugging of functions that are being used frequently in background processes.

(breakon 'foo `(eq current-stack-group ',current-stack-group))

If you wish to trap on calls to foo when called from the execution of bar, you can use (si:function-active-p 'bar) as the condition. If you want to trap only calls made directly from bar, the thing to do is

(breakon '(:within bar foo))

rather than a conditional breakon.

To break only the n’th time foo is called, do

(defvar i n)
(breakon 'foo '(zerop (decf i)))

Another useful form of conditional breakon allows you to control trapping from the keyboard:

(breakon 'foo '(tv:key-state :mode-lock))

The trap occurs only when the Mode-Lock key is down. This key is not normally used for much else. With this technique, you can successfully trap on functions used by the debugger!

Function: unbreakon function-spec &optional conditional-form

Remove the breakon set on function-spec. If conditional-form is specified, remove only that condition. Breakons with other conditions are not removed.

With no arguments, unbreakon removes all breakons from all functions.

To cause the encapsulation which implements the breakon to be compiled, call compile-encapsulations or set compile-encapsulations-flag non-nil. See compile-encapsulations-fun. This may eliminate some of the problems that occur if you breakon a function such as prog that is used by the evaluator. (A conditional to trap only in one stack group will help here also.)

30.10 Advising a Function

To advise a function is to tell it to do something extra in addition to its actual definition. It is done by means of the function advise. The something extra is called a piece of advice, and it can be done before, after, or around the definition itself. The advice and the definition are independent, in that changing either one does not interfere with the other. Each function can be given any number of pieces of advice.

Advising is fairly similar to tracing, but its purpose is different. Tracing is intended for temporary changes to a function to give the user information about when and how the function is called and when and with what value it returns. Advising is intended for semi-permanent changes to what a function actually does. The differences between tracing and advising are motivated by this difference in goals.

Advice can be used for testing out a change to a function in a way that is easy to retract. In this case, you would call advise from the terminal. It can also be used for customizing a function that is part of a program written by someone else. In this case you would be likely to put a call to advise in one of your source files or your login init file (see login-fun), rather than modifying the other person’s source code.

Advising is implemented with encapsulation (see encapsulate), so if the function is redefined (e.g with defun or by loading it from a QFASL file) the advice will be transferred from the old definition to the new definition.

Macro: advise

A function is advised by the special form

(advise function class name position
  form1 form2...)

None of this is evaluated. function is the function to put the advice on. It is usually a symbol, but any function spec is allowed (see function-spec). The forms are the advice; they get evaluated when the function is called. class should be either :before, :after, or :around, and says when to execute the advice (before, after, or around the execution of the definition of the function). The meaning of :around advice is explained a couple of sections below.

name is used to keep track of multiple pieces of advice on the same function. name is an arbitrary symbol that is remembered as the name of this particular piece of advice. If you have no name in mind, use nil; then we say the piece of advice is anonymous. A given function and class can have any number of pieces of anonymous advice, but it can have only one piece of named advice for any one name. If you try to define a second one, it replaces the first. Advice for testing purposes is usually anonymous. Advice used for customizing someone else’s program should usually be named so that multiple customizations to one function have separate names. Then, if you reload a customization that is already loaded, it does not get put on twice.

position says where to put this piece of advice in relation to others of the same class already present on the same function. If position is nil, the new advice goes in the default position: it usually goes at the beginning (where it is executed before the other advice), but if it is replacing another piece of advice with the same name, it goes in the same place that the old piece of advice was in.

If you wish to specify the position, position can be the numerical index of which existing piece of advice to insert this one before. Zero means at the beginning; a very large number means at the end. Or, position can be the name of an existing piece of advice of the same class on the same function; the new advice is inserted before that one.

For example,
(advise factorial :before negative-arg-check nil
  (if (minusp (first arglist))
      (ferror nil "factorial of negative argument")))

This modifies the (hypothetical) factorial function so that if it is called with a negative argument it signals an error instead of running forever.

advise with no arguments returns a list of advised functions.

Macro: unadvise
(unadvise function class position)

removes pieces of advice. None of its arguments are evaluated. function and class have the same meaning as they do in the function advise. position specifies which piece of advice to remove. It can be the numeric index (zero means the first one) or it can be the name of the piece of advice.

If some of the arguments are missing or nil, all pieces of advice which match the non-nil arguments are removed. Thus, if function is missing or nil, all advice on all functions which match the specified class and position are removed. If position is missing or nil, then all advice of the specified class on the specified function is removed. If only function is non-nil, all advice on that function is removed.

The following are the primitive functions for adding and removing advice. Unlike the above special forms, these are functions and can be conveniently used by programs. advise and unadvise are actually macros that expand into calls to these two.

Function: si:advise-1 function class name position forms

Adds advice. The arguments have the same meaning as in advise. Note that the forms argument is not a &rest argument.

Function: si:unadvise-1 &optional function class position

Removes advice. If function or class or position is nil or unspecified, advice is removed from all functions or all classes of advice or advice at all positions are removed.

You can find out manually what advice a function has with grindef, which grinds the advice on the function as forms that are calls to advise. These are in addition to the definition of the function.

To cause the advice to be compiled, call compile-encapsulations or set compile-encapsulations-flag non-nil. See compile-encapsulations-fun.

30.10.1 Designing the Advice

For advice to interact usefully with the definition and intended purpose of the function, it must be able to interface to the data flow and control flow through the function. We provide conventions for doing this.

The list of the arguments to the function can be found in the variable arglist. :before advice can replace this list, or an element of it, to change the arguments passed to the definition itself. If you replace an element, it is wise to copy the whole list first with

(setq arglist (copylist arglist))

After the function’s definition has been executed, the list of the values it returned can be found in the variable values. :after advice can set this variable or replace its elements to cause different values to be returned.

All the advice is executed within a block nil so any piece of advice can exit the entire function with return. The arguments of the return are returned as the values of the function and no further advice is executed. If a piece of :before advice does this then the function’s definition is not even called.

30.10.2 :around Advice

A piece of :before or :after advice is executed entirely before or entirely after the definition of the function. :around advice is wrapped around the definition; that is, the call to the original definition of the function is done at a specified place inside the piece of :around advice. You specify where by putting the symbol :do-it in that place.

For example, (+ 5 :do-it) as a piece of :around advice would add 5 to the value returned by the function. This could also be done by (setq values (list (+ 5 (car values)))) as :after advice.

When there is more than one piece of :around advice, the pieces are stored in a sequence just like :before and :after advice. Then, the first piece of advice in the sequence is the one started first. The second piece is substituted for :do-it in the first one. The third one is substituted for :do-it in the second one. The original definition is substituted for :do-it in the last piece of advice.

:around advice can access arglist, but values is not set up until the outermost :around advice returns. At that time, it is set to the value returned by the :around advice. It is reasonable for the advice to receive the values of the :do-it (e.g with multiple-value-list) and fool with them before returning them (e.g with values-list).

:around advice can return from the block at any time, whether the original definition has been executed yet or not. It can also override the original definition by failing to contain :do-it. Containing two instances of :do-it may be useful under peculiar circumstances. If you are careless, the original definition may be called twice, but something like

(if (foo) (+ 5 :do-it) (* 2 :do-it))

will work reasonably.

30.10.3 Advising One Function Within Another

It is possible to advise the function foo only for when it is called directly from a specific other function bar. You do this by advising the function specifier (:within bar foo). That works by finding all occurrences of foo in the definition of bar and replacing them with #:altered-foo-within-bar. (Note that this is an uninterned symbol.) This can be done even if bar’s definition is compiled code. The symbol #:altered-foo-within-bar starts off with the symbol foo as its definition; then the symbol #:altered-foo-within-bar, rather than foo itself, is advised. The system remembers that foo has been replaced inside bar, so that if you change the definition of bar, or advise it, then the replacement is propagated to the new definition or to the advice. If you remove all the advice on (:within bar foo), so that its definition becomes the symbol foo again, then the replacement is unmade and everything returns to its original state.

(grindef bar) prints foo where it originally appeared, rather than #:altered-foo-within-bar, so the replacement is not seen. Instead, grindef prints calls to advise to describe all the advice that has been put on foo or anything else within bar.

An alternate way of putting on this sort of advice is to use advise-within.

Macro: advise-within
(advise-within within-function function-to-advise
	       class name position

advises function-to-advise only when called directly from the function within-function. The other arguments mean the same thing as with advise. None of them are evaluated.

To remove advice from (:within bar foo), you can use unadvise on that function specifier. Alternatively, you can use unadvise-within.

Macro: unadvise-within
(unadvise-within within-function function-to-advise class position)

removes advice that has been placed on (:within within-function function-to-advise). Any of the four arguments may be missing or nil; then that argument is unconstrained. All advice matching whichever arguments are non-nil is removed. For example, (unadvise-within foo nil :before) removes all :before-advice from anything within foo. (unadvise-within) removes all advice placed on anything within anything. By contrast, (unadvise) removes all advice, including advice placed on a function for all callers. Advice placed on a function not within another specific function is never removed by unadvise-within.

The function versions of advise-within and unadvise-within are called si:advise-within-1 and si:unadvise-within-1. advise-within and unadvise-within are macros that expand into calls to the other two.

30.11 Stepping Through an Evaluation

The Step facility gives you the ability to follow every step of the evaluation of a form, and examine what is going on. It is analogous to a single-step proceed facility often found in machine-language debuggers. If your program is doing something strange, and it isn’t obvious how it’s getting into its strange state, then the stepper is for you.

There are two ways to enter the stepper. One is by use of the step function.

Function: step form

This evaluates form with single stepping. It returns the value of form.

For example, if you have a function named foo, and typical arguments to it might be t and 3, you could say

(step '(foo t 3))

to evaluate the form (foo t 3) with single stepping.

The other way to get into the stepper is to use the :step option of trace (see trace-fun). If a function is traced with the :step option, then whenever that function is called it will be single stepped.

Note that any function to be stepped must be interpreted; that is, it must be a lambda-expression. Compiled code cannot be stepped by the stepper.

When evaluation is proceeding with single stepping, before any form is evaluated, it is (partially) printed out, preceded by a forward arrow (rightArrow) character When a macro is expanded, the expansion is printed out preceded by a double arrow (doubleArrow) character. When a form returns a value, the form and the values are printed out preceded by a backwards arrow (leftArrow) character; if there is more than one value being returned, an and-sign (andSign) character is printed between the values. When the stepper has evaluated the args to a form and is about to apply the function, it prints a lambda () because entering the lambda is the next thing to be done.

Since the forms may be very long, the stepper does not print all of a form; it truncates the printed representation after a certain number of characters. Also, to show the recursion pattern of who calls whom in a graphic fashion, it indents each form proportionally to its level of recursion.

After the stepper prints any of these things, it waits for a command from the user. There are several commands to tell the stepper how to proceed, or to look at what is happening. The commands are:

Control-N (Next)

Steps to the Next event, then asks for another command. Events include beginning to evaluate a form at any level or finishing the evaluation of a form at any level.


Steps to the next event at this level. In other words, continue to evaluate at this level, but don’t step anything at lower levels. This is a good way to skip over parts of the evaluation that don’t interest you.

Control-A (Args)

Skips over the evaluation of the arguments of this form, but pauses in the stepper before calling the function that is the car of the form.

Control-U (Up)

Continues evaluating until we go up one level. This is like the space command, only more so; it skips over anything on the current level as well as lower levels.

Control-X (eXit)

Exits; finishes evaluation without any more stepping.

Control-T (Type)

Retypes the current form in full (without truncation).

Control-G (Grind)

Grinds (i.e prettyprints) the current form.

Control-E (Editor)

Switches windows, to the editor.

Control-B (Breakpoint)

Enters a break loop from which you can examine the values of variables and other aspects of the current environment. From within this loop, the following variables are available:


the current form.


the list of returned values.


the first returned value.

If you change the values of these variables, you will affect execution.


Clears the screen and redisplays the last 10 pending forms (forms that are being evaluated).


Like Control-L, but doesn’t clear the screen.


Like Control-L, but redisplays all pending forms.

? or Help

Prints documentation on these commands.

It is strongly suggested that you write some little function and try the stepper on it. If you get a feel for what the stepper does and how it works, you will be able to tell when it is the right thing to use to find bugs.

30.12 Evalhook

The evalhook facility provides a “hook” into the evaluator; it is a way you can get a Lisp form of your choice to be executed whenever the evaluator is called. The stepper uses evalhook, and usually it is the only thing that ever needs to. However, if you want to write your own stepper or something similar, this is the primitive facility that you can use to do so. The way this works is a bit hairy, but unless you need to write your own stepper you don’t have to worry about it.

Variable: evalhook
Variable: *evalhook*

If the value of evalhook is non-nil, then special things happen in the evaluator. Its value is called the hook function. When a form (any form, even a number or a symbol) is to be evaluated, the hook function is called instead. Whatever values the hook function returns are taken to be the results of the evaluation. Both evalhook and applyhook are bound to nil before the hook function is actually called.

The hook function receives two arguments: the form that was to be evaluated, and the lexical environment of evaluation. These two arguments allow the hook function to perform later, if it wishes, the very same evaluation that the hook was called instead of.

Variable: applyhook
Variable: *applyhook*

If the value of applyhook is non-nil, it is called the next time the interpreter is about to apply a function to its evaluated arguments. Whatever values the apply hook function returns are taken to be the results of calling the other function. Both evalhook and applyhook are bound to nil before the hook function is actually called.

The hook function receives three arguments: the function that was going to be called, the list of arguments it was going to receive, and the lexical environment of evaluation. These arguments allow the hook function to perform later, if it wishes, the very same evaluation that the hook was called instead of.

When either the evalhook or the applyhook is called, both variables are bound to nil. They are also rebound to nil by break and by the debugger, and setq’ed to nil when errors are dismissed by throwing to the Lisp top level loop. This provides the ability to escape from this mode if something bad happens.

In order not to impair the efficiency of the Lisp interpreter, several restrictions are imposed on the evalhook and applyhook. They apply only to evaluation–whether in a read-eval-print loop, internally in evaluating arguments in forms, or by explicit use of the function eval. They do not have any effect on compiled function references, on use of the function apply, or on the mapping functions.

Function: evalhook form evalhook applyhook &optional environment

Evaluates form in the specified environment, with evalhook and applyhook in effect for all recursive evaluations of subforms of form. However, the evalhook is not called for the evaluation of form itself.

environment is a list which represents the lexical environment to be in effect for the evaluation of form. nil means an empty lexical environment, in which no lexical bindings exist. This is the environment used when eval itself is called. Aside from nil, the only reasonable way to get a value to pass for environment is to use the last argument passed to a hook function. You must take care not to use it after the context in which it was made is exited, because environments normally contain stack lists which become garbage after their stack frames are popped.

environment has no effect on the evaluation of a variable which is regarded as special. This is always done by examining the value cell. However, environment contains the record of the local special declarations currently in effect, so it does enter in the decision of whether a variable is special.

Here is an example of the use of evalhook:
;; This function evaluates a form while printing debugging information.
(defun hook (x)
   (evalhook x 'hook-function nil))

;; Notice how this function calls evalhook to evaluate the form f,
;; so as to hook the sub-forms.
(defun hook-function (f env)
   (let ((v (multiple-value-list
	      (evalhook f 'hook-function nil env))))
     (format t "form: ~S~%values: ~S~%" f v)
     (values-list v)))

The following output might be seen from (hook '(cons (car '(a . b)) 'c)):

form: (quote (a . b))
values: ((a . b))
form: (car (quote (a . b)))
values: (a)
form: (quote c)
values: (c)
(a . c)
Function: applyhook function list-of-args evalhook applyhook &optional environment

Applies function to list-of-args in the specified environment, with evalhook and applyhook in effect for all recursive evaluations of subforms of function’s body. However, applyhook is not called for this application of function itself. For more information, refer to the definition of evalhook, immediately above.

30.13 The MAR

The MAR facility allows any word or contiguous set of words to be monitored constantly, and can cause an error if the words are referenced in a specified manner. The name MAR is from the similar device on the ITS PDP-10’s; it is an acronym for ‘Memory Address Register’. The MAR checking is done by the Lisp Machine’s memory management hardware, so the speed of general execution is not significantly slowed down when the MAR is enabled. However, the speed of accessing pages of memory containing the locations being checked is slowed down somewhat, since every reference involves a microcode trap.

These are the functions that control the MAR:

Function: set-mar location cycle-type &optional n-words

Sets the MAR on n-words words, starting at location. location may be any object. Often it will be a locative pointer to a cell, probably created with the locf special form. n-words currently defaults to 1, but eventually it may default to the size of the object. cycle-type says under what conditions to trap. :read means that only reading the location should cause an error, :write means that only writing the location should, t means that both should. To set the MAR to detect setq (and binding) of the variable foo, use

(set-mar (variable-location foo) :write)
Function: clear-mar

Turns off the MAR. Warm-booting the machine disables the MAR but does not turn it off, i.e references to the MARed pages are still slowed down. clear-mar does not currently speed things back up until the next time the pages are swapped out; this may be fixed some day.

Function: mar-mode

(mar-mode) returns a symbol indicating the current state of the MAR. It returns one of:


The MAR is not set.


The MAR will cause an error if there is a read.


The MAR will cause an error if there is a write.


The MAR will cause an error if there is any reference.

Note that using the MAR makes the pages on which it is set somewhat slower to access, until the next time they are swapped out and back in again after the MAR is shut off. Also, use of the MAR currently breaks the read-only feature if those pages were read-only.

Proceeding from a MAR break allows the memory reference that got an error to take place, and continues the program with the MAR still effective. When proceeding from a write, you have the choice of whether to allow the write to take place or to inhibit it, leaving the location with its old contents.

Condition on sys:mar-break: (condition)

This is the condition, not an error, signaled by a MAR break.

The condition instance supports these operations:


The object one of whose words was being referenced.


The offset within the object of the word being referenced.


The value read, or to be written.


Either :read or :write.

The proceed type :no-action simply proceeds, continuing with the interrupted program as if the MAR had not been set. If the trap was due to writing, the proceed type :proceed-no-write is also provided, and causes the program to proceed but does not store the value in the memory location.

Most–but not all–write operations first do a read. setq and rplaca both do. This means that if the MAR is in :read mode it catches writes as well as reads; however, they trap during the reading phase, and consequently the data to be written are not yet known. This also means that setting the MAR to t mode causes most writes to trap twice, first for a read and then again for a write. So when the MAR says that it trapped because of a read, this means a read at the hardware level, which may not look like a read in your program.

31 How to Read Assembly Language

Sometimes it is useful to study the machine language code produced by the Lisp Machine’s compiler, usually in order to analyze an error, or sometimes to check for a suspected compiler problem. This chapter explains how the Lisp Machine’s instruction set works and how to understand what code written in that instruction set is doing. Fortunately, the translation between Lisp and this instruction set is very simple; after you get the hang of it, you can move back and forth between the two representations without much trouble. The following text does not assume any special knowledge about the Lisp Machine, although it sometimes assumes some general computer science background knowledge.

31.1 Introduction

Nobody looks at machine language code by trying to interpret octal numbers by hand. Instead, there is a program called the Disassembler which converts the numeric representation of the instruction set into a more readable textual representation. It is called the Disassembler because it does the opposite of what an Assembler would do; however, there isn’t actually any assembler that accepts this input format, since there is never any need to manually write assembly language for the Lisp Machine.

The simplest way to invoke the Disassembler is with the Lisp function disassemble. Here is a simple example. Suppose we type:

(defun foo (x)
  (assq 'key (get x 'propname)))

(compile 'foo)

(disassemble 'foo)

This defines the function foo, compiles it, and invokes the Disassembler to print out the textual representation of the result of the compilation. Here is what it looks like:

22 MOVE D-PDL FEF|6           ;'KEY
23 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
24 MOVE D-PDL FEF|7           ;'PROPNAME

The Disassembler is also used by the Error Handler and the Inspector. When you see stuff like the above while using one of these programs, it is disassembled code, in the same format as the disassemble function uses. Inspecting a compiled code object shows the disassembled code.

Now, what does this mean? Before we get started, there is just a little bit of jargon to learn.

The acronym PDL stands for Push Down List, and means the same thing as Stack: a last-in first-out memory. The terms PDL and stack will be used interchangeably. The Lisp Machine’s architecture is rather typical of “stack machines”; there is a stack that most instructions deal with, and it is used to hold values being computed, arguments, and local variables, as well as flow-of-control information. An important use of the stack is to pass arguments to instructions, though not all instructions take their arguments from the stack.

The acronym ‘FEF’ stands for Function Entry Frame. A FEF is a compiled code object produced by the compiler. After the defun form above was evaluated, the function cell of the symbol foo contained a lambda expression. Then we compiled the function foo, and the contents of the function cell were replaced by a FEF. The printed representation of the FEF for foo looks like this:


The FEF has three parts (this is a simplified explanation): a header with various fixed-format fields; a part holding constants and invisible pointers, and the main body, holding the machine language instructions. The first part of the FEF, the header, is not very interesting and is not documented here (you can look at it with describe but it won’t be easy to understand). The second part of the FEF holds various constants referred to by the function; for example, our function foo references two constants (the symbols key and propname), and so (pointers to) those symbols are stored in the FEF. This part of the FEF also holds invisible pointers to the value cells of all symbols that the function uses as variables, and invisible pointers to the function cells of all symbols that the function calls as functions. The third part of the FEF holds the machine language code itself.

Now we can read the disassembled code. The first instruction looked like this:

22 MOVE D-PDL FEF|6           ;'KEY

This instruction has several parts. The 22 is the address of this instruction. The Disassembler prints out the address of each instruction before it prints out the instruction, so that you can interpret branching instructions when you see them (we haven’t seen one of these yet, but we will later). The MOVE is an opcode: this is a MOVE instruction, which moves a datum from one place to another. The D-PDL is a destination specification. The D stands for ‘Destination’, and so D-PDL means ‘Destination-PDL’: the destination of the datum being moved is the PDL. This means that the result will be pushed onto the PDL, rather than just moved to the top; this instruction is pushing a datum onto the stack. The next field of the instruction is FEF|6. This is an address, and it specifies where the datum is coming from. The vertical bar serves to separate the two parts of the address. The part before the vertical bar can be thought of as a base register, and the part after the bar can be thought of as being an offset from that register. FEF as a base register means the address of the FEF that we are disassembling, and so this address means the location six words into the FEF. So what this instruction does is to take the datum located six words into the FEF, and push it onto the PDL. The instruction is followed by a comment field, which looks like ;'KEY. This is not a comment that any person wrote; the disassembler produces these to explain what is going on. The semicolon just serves to start the comment, the way semicolons in Lisp code do. In this case, the body of the comment, 'KEY, is telling us that the address field (FEF|6) is addressing a constant (that is what the single-quote in 'KEY means), and that the printed representation of that constant is KEY. With the help of this comment we finally get the real story about what this instruction is doing: it is pushing (a pointer to) the symbol key onto the stack.

The next instruction looks like this:

23 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X

This is a lot like the previous instruction; the only difference is that a different “base register” is being used in the address. The ARG base register is used for addressing your arguments: ARG|0 means that the datum being addressed is the zeroth argument. Again, the comment field explains what that means: the value of X (which was the zeroth argument) is being pushed onto the stack.

The third instruction is just like the first and second ones; it pushes the symbol propname onto the stack.

The fourth instruction is something new:


The first thing we see here is (MISC). This means that this is one of the so-called miscellaneous instructions. There are quite a few of these instructions. With some exceptions, each miscellaneous instruction corresponds to a Lisp function and has the same name as that Lisp function. If a Lisp function has a corresponding miscellaneous instruction, then that function is hand-coded in Lisp Machine microcode.

Miscellaneous instructions only have a destination field; they don’t have any address field. The inputs to the instruction come from the stack: the top n elements on the stack are used as inputs to the instruction and popped off the stack, where n is the number of arguments taken by the function. The result of the function is stored wherever the destination field says. In our case, the function being executed is get, a Lisp function of two arguments. The top two values will be popped off the stack and used as the arguments to get (the value pushed first is the first argument, the value pushed second is the second argument, and so on). The result of the call to get will be sent to the destination D-PDL; that is, it will be pushed onto the stack. (In case you were wondering about how we handle optional arguments and multiple-value returns, the answer is very simple: functions that use either of those features cannot be miscellaneous instructions! If you are curious as to what functions are hand-microcoded and thus available as miscellaneous instructions, you can look at the defmic forms in the file SYS: SYS; DEFMIC LISP.)

The fifth and last instruction is similar to the fourth:


What is new here is the new value of the destination field. This one is called D-RETURN, and it can be used anywhere destination fields in general can be used (like in MOVE instructions). Sending something to “Destination-Return” means that this value should be the returned value of the function, and that we should return from this function. This is a bit unusual in instruction sets; rather than having a “return” instruction, we have a destination that, when stored into, returns from the function. What this instruction does, then, is to invoke the Lisp function assq on the top two elements of the stack and return the result of assq as the result of this function.

Now, let’s look at the program as a whole and see what it did:

22 MOVE D-PDL FEF|6           ;'KEY
23 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
24 MOVE D-PDL FEF|7           ;'PROPNAME

First it pushes the symbol key. Then it pushes the value of x. Then it pushes the symbol propname. Then it invokes get, which pops the value of x and the symbol propname off the stack and uses them as arguments, thus doing the equivalent of evaluating the form (get x 'propname). The result is left on the stack; the stack now contains the result of the get on top, and the symbol key underneath that. Next, it invokes assq on these two values, thus doing the equivalent of evaluating (assq 'key (get x 'propname)). Finally, it returns the value produced by assq. Now, the original Lisp program we compiled was:

(defun foo (x)
  (assq 'key (get x 'propname)))

We can see that the code produced by the compiler is correct: it will do the same thing as the function we defined will do.

In summary, we have seen two kinds of instructions so far: the MOVE instruction, which takes a destination and an address, and two of the large set of miscellaneous instructions, which take only a destination, and implicitly get their inputs from the stack. We have seen two destinations (D-PDL and D-RETURN), and two forms of address (FEF addressing and ARG addressing).

31.2 A More Advanced Example

Here is a more complex Lisp function, demonstrating local variables, function calling, conditional branching, and some other new instructions.

(defun bar (y)
  (let ((z (car y)))
    (cond ((atom z)
	   (setq z (cdr y))
	   (foo y))

The disassembled code looks like this:

20 CAR D-PDL ARG|0            ;Y
21 POP LOCAL|0                ;Z
24 CDR D-PDL ARG|0            ;Y
25 POP LOCAL|0                ;Z
26 CALL D-RETURN FEF|6        ;#'FOO
27 MOVE D-LAST ARG|0          ;Y

The first instruction here is a CAR instruction. It has the same format as MOVE: there is a destination and an address. The CAR instruction reads the datum addressed by the address, takes the car of it, and stores the result into the destination. In our example, the first instruction addresses the zeroth argument, and so it computes (car y); then it pushes the result onto the stack.

The next instruction is something new: the POP instruction. It has an address field, but it uses it as a destination rather than as a source. The POP instruction pops the top value off the stack, and stores that value into the address specified by the address field. In our example, the value on the top of the stack is popped off and stored into address LOCAL|0. This is a new form of address; it means the zeroth local variable. The ordering of the local variables is chosen by the compiler, and so it is not fully predictable, although it tends to be by order of appearance in the code; fortunately you never have to look at these numbers, because the comment field explains what is going on. In this case, the variable being addressed is z. So this instruction pops the top value on the stack into the variable z. The first two instructions work together to take the car of y and store it into z, which is indeed the first thing the function bar ought to do. (If you have two local variables with the same name, then the comment field won’t tell you which of the two you’re talking about; you’ll have to figure that out yourself. You can tell two local variables with the same name apart by looking at the number in the address.)

The next instruction is a familiar MOVE instruction, but it uses a new destination: D-IGNORE. This means that the datum being addressed isn’t moved anywhere. If so, then why bother doing this instruction? The reason is that there is conceptually a set of indicator bits, as are found in most modern computers such as the 68000, the Vax, as well as in obsolete computers such as the 370. Every instruction that moves or produces a datum sets the indicator bits from that datum so that following instructions can test them. So the reason that the MOVE instruction is being done is so that someone can test the indicators set up by the value that was moved, namely the value of z.

All instructions except the branch instructions set the indicator bits from the result produced and/or stored by that instruction.

The next instruction is a conditional branch; it changes the flow of control, based on the values in the indicator bits, which in this case reflect the value popped by the POP instruction 21. The branch instruction is BR-NOT-ATOM 27, which means “Branch, if the quantity was not an atom, to location 27; otherwise proceed with execution”. If z was an atom, the Lisp Machine branches to location 27, and execution proceeds there. (As you can see by skipping ahead, location 27 just contains a MOVE instruction, which will cause the function to return nil.)

If z is not an atom, the program keeps going, and the CDR instruction is next. This is just like the CAR instruction except that it takes the cdr; this instruction pushes the value of (cdr y) onto the stack. The next one pops that value off into the variable z.

There are just two more instructions left. These two instructions are our first example of how function calling is compiled. It is the only really tricky thing in the instruction set. Here is how it works in our example:

25 CALL D-RETURN FEF|6        ;#'FOO
26 MOVE D-LAST ARG|0          ;Y

The form being compiled here is (foo y). This means we are applying the function which is in the function cell of the symbol foo, and passing it one argument, the value of y. The way function calling works is in the following three steps. First of all, there is a CALL instruction that specifies the function object being applied to arguments. This creates a new stack frame on the stack, and stores the function object there. Secondly, all the arguments being passed except the last one are pushed onto the stack. Thirdly and lastly, the last argument is sent to a special destination, called D-LAST, meaning “this is the last argument”. Storing to this destination is what actually calls the function, not the CALL instruction itself.

There are two things you might wonder about this. First of all, when the function returns, what happens to the returned value? Well, this is what we use the destination field of the CALL instruction for. The destination of the CALL is not stored into at the time the CALL instruction is executed; instead, it is saved on the stack along with the function operation (in the stack frame created by the CALL instruction). Then, when the function actually returns, its result is stored into that destination.

The other question is what happens when there isn’t any last argument; that is, when there is a call with no arguments at all? This is handled by a special instruction called CALL0. The address of CALL0 addresses the function object to be called; the call takes place immediately and the result is stored into the destination specified by the destination field of the CALL0 instruction.

So, let’s look at the two-instruction sequence above. The first instruction is a CALL; the function object it specifies is at FEF|6, which the comment tells us is the contents of the function cell of foo (the FEF contains an invisible pointer to that function cell). The destination field of the CALL is D-RETURN, but we aren’t going to store into it yet; we will save it away in the stack frame and use it later. So the function doesn’t return at this point, even though it says D-RETURN in the instruction; this is the tricky part.

Next we have to push all the arguments except the last one. Well, there’s only one argument, so nothing needs to be done here. Finally, we move the last argument (that is, the only argument: the value of y) to D-LAST, using the MOVE instruction. Moving to D-LAST is what actually invokes the function, so at this point the function foo is invoked. When it returns, its result is sent to the destination stored in the stack frame: D-RETURN. Therefore, the value returned by the call to foo will be returned as the value of the function bar. Sure enough, this is what the original Lisp code says to do.

When the compiler pushes arguments to a function call, it sometimes does it by sending the values to a destination called D-NEXT (meaning the “next” argument). This is exactly the same as D-PDL when producing a compiled function. The distinction is important when the compiler output is passed to the microcompiler to generate microcode.

Here is another example to illustrate function calling. This Lisp function calls one function on the results of another function.

(defun a (x y)
  (b (c x y) y))

The disassembled code looks like this:

22 CALL D-RETURN FEF|6        ;#'B
23 CALL D-PDL FEF|7           ;#'C
24 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
25 MOVE D-LAST ARG|1          ;Y
26 MOVE D-LAST ARG|1          ;Y

The first instruction starts off the call to the function b. The destination field is saved for later: when this function returns, we will return its result as a’s result. Next, the call to c is started. Its destination field, too, is saved for later; when c returns, its result should be pushed onto the stack, so that it will be the next argument to b. Next, the first and second arguments to c are passed; the second one is sent to D-LAST and so the function c is called. Its result, as we said, will be pushed onto the stack, and thus become the first argument to b. Finally, the second argument to b is passed, by storing in D-LAST; b gets called, and its result is sent to D-RETURN and is returned from a.

31.3 The Rest of the Instructions

Now that we’ve gotten some of the feel for what is going on, I will start enumerating the instructions in the instruction set. The instructions fall into four classes. Class I instructions have both a destination and an address. Class II instructions have an address, but no destination. Class III instructions are the branch instructions, which contain a branch address rather than a general base-and-offset address. Class IV instructions have a destination, but no address; these are the miscellaneous instructions.

We have already seen just about all the Class I instructions. There are nine of them in all: MOVE, CALL, CALL0, CAR, CDR, CAAR, CADR, CDAR, and CDDR. MOVE just moves a datum from an address to a destination; the CxR and CxxR instructions are the same but perform the function on the value before sending it to the destination; CALL starts off a call to a function with some arguments; CALL0 performs a call to a function with no arguments.

We’ve seen most of the possible forms of address. So far we have seen the FEF, ARG, and LOCAL base registers. There are two other kinds of addresses. One uses a “constant” base register, which addresses a set of standard constants: NIL, T, 0, 1, and 2. The disassembler doesn’t even bother to print out CONSTANT|n, since the number n would not be even slightly interesting; it just prints out 'NIL or '1 or whatever. The other kind of address is a special one printed as PDL-POP, which means that to read the value at this address, an object should be popped off the top of the stack.

There are more Class II instructions. The only one we’ve seen so far is POP, which pops a value off the stack and stores it into the specified address. Another, called MOVEM (from the PDP-10 opcode name, meaning MOVE to Memory), stores the top element of the stack into the specified address, but doesn’t pop it off the stack.

Seven Class II instructions implement heavily-used two-argument functions: +, -, *, /, LOGAND, LOGXOR, and LOGIOR. These instructions take the first argument from the top of the stack (popping it off) and their second argument from the specified address, and they push the result on the stack. Thus the stack level does not change due to these instructions. Here is a small function that shows some of these new things:

(defun foo (x y)
  (setq x (logxor y (- x 2))))

The disassembled code looks like this:

16 MOVE D-PDL ARG|1           ;Y
17 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
20 - '2
22 MOVEM ARG|0                ;X

Instructions 20 and 21 use two of the new Class II instructions: the - and LOGXOR instructions. Instructions 21 and 23 use the PDL-POP address type, and instruction 20 uses the “constant” base register to get to a fixnum 2. Finally, instruction 22 uses the MOVEM instruction; the compiler wants to use the top value of the stack to store it into the value of x, but it doesn’t want to pop it off the stack because it has another use for it: to return it from the function.

Another four Class II instructions implement some commonly used predicates: =, >, <, and EQ. The two arguments come from the top of the stack and the specified address; the stack is popped, the predicate is applied to the two objects, and the result is left in the indicators so that a branch instruction can test it, and branch based on the result of the comparison. These instructions remove the top item on the stack and don’t put anything back, unlike the previous set, which put their results back on the stack.

Next, there are four Class II instructions to read, modify, and write a quantity in ways that are common in Lisp code. These instructions are called SETE-CDR, SETE-CDDR, SETE-1+, and SETE-1-. The SETE- means to set the addressed value to the result of applying the specified one-argument function to the present value. For example, SETE-CDR means to read the value addressed, apply cdr to it, and store the result back in the specified address. This is used when compiling (setq x (cdr x)), which commonly occurs in loops; the other functions are used frequently in loops, too.

There are two instructions used to bind special variables. The first is BIND-NIL, which binds the cell addressed by the address field to nil; the second is BIND-POP, which binds the cell to an object popped off the stack rather than nil. The latter instruction pops a value off the stack; the former does not use the stack at all.

There are two instructions to store common values into addressed cells. SET-NIL stores nil into the cell specified by the address field; SET-ZERO stores 0. Neither instruction uses the stack at all.

Finally, the PUSH-E instruction creates a locative pointer to the cell addressed by the specified address, and pushes it onto the stack. This is used in compiling (value-cell-location 'z) where z is an argument or a local variable, rather than a symbol (special variable).

Those are all of the Class II instructions. Here is a contrived example that uses some of the ones we haven’t seen, just to show you what they look like:

(defun weird (x y)
  (cond ((= x y)
	 (let ((*foo* nil) (*bar* 5))
	   (declare (special *foo* *bar*))
	   (setq x (cdr x)))
	 (setq x nil)
	 (caar (variable-location y)))))

The disassembled code looks like this:

24 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
25 = ARG|1                    ;Y
26 BR-NIL 35
27 BIND-NIL FEF|6             ;*FOO*
31 BIND-POP FEF|7             ;*BAR*
32 SETE-CDR ARG|0             ;X
33 (MISC) UNBIND 2 bindings 
35 SET-NIL ARG|0              ;X
36 PUSH-E ARG|1               ;Y

Instruction 25 is an = instruction; it numerically compares the top of the stack, x, with the addressed quantity, y. The x is popped off the stack, and the indicators are set to the result of the equality test. Instruction 26 checks the indicators, branching to 35 if the result of the call to = was nil; that is, the machine will branch to 35 if the two values were not equal. Instruction 27 binds *foo* to nil; instructions 30 and 31 bind *bar* to 5. Instruction 30 is a peculiar class IV instruction called PUSH-NUMBER which pushes a constant integer on the stack. The integer must be in the range of zero to 511 in order for PUSH-NUMBER to be used. Instruction 32 demonstrates the use of SETE-CDR to compile (setq x (cdr x)), and instruction 35 demonstrates the use of SET-NIL to compile (setq x nil). Instruction 36 demonstrates the use of PUSH-E to compile (variable-location y).

The Class III instructions are for branching. These have neither addresses nor destinations of the usual sort. Instead, they have branch-addresses; they say where to branch, if the branch is going to happen. There are several instructions, differing in the conditions under which they branch and whether they pop the stack. Branch-addresses are stored internally as self-relative addresses, to make Lisp Machine code relocatable, but the disassembler does the addition for you and prints out FEF-relative addresses so that you can easily see where the branch is going to.

The branch instructions we have seen so far decide whether to branch on the basis of the nil-indicator, that is, whether the last value dealt with was nil or non-nil. BR-NIL branches if it was nil, and BR-NOT-NIL branches if it was not nil. There are two more instructions that test the result of the atom predicate on the last value dealt with. BR-ATOM branches if the value was an atom (that is, if it was anything besides a cons). and BR-NOT-ATOM branches if the value was not an atom (that is, if it was a cons). The BR instruction is an unconditional branch (it always branches).

None of the above branching instructions deal with the stack. There are two more instructions called BR-NIL-POP and BR-NOT-NIL-POP, which are the same as BR-NIL and BR-NOT-NIL except that if the branch is not done, the top value on the stack is popped off the stack. These are used for compiling and and or special forms.

Finally, there are the Class IV instructions, most of which are miscellaneous hand-microcoded Lisp functions. The file SYS: SYS; DEFMIC LISP has a list of all the miscellaneous instructions. Most correspond to Lisp functions, including the subprimitives, although some of these functions are very low level internals that may not be documented anywhere (don’t be disappointed if you don’t understand all of them). Please do not look at this file in hopes of finding obscure functions that you think you can use to speed up your programs; in fact, the compiler automatically uses these things when it can, and directly calling weird internal functions will only serve to make your code hard to read, without making it any faster. In fact, we don’t guarantee that calling undocumented functions will continue to work in the future.

The DEFMIC file can be useful for determining if a given function is in microcode, although the only definitive way to tell is to compile some code that uses it and look at the results, since sometimes the compiler converts a documented function with one name into an undocumented one with another name.

31.4 Function Entry

When a function is first entered in the Lisp Machine, interesting things can happen because of the features that are invoked by use of the various lambda-list keywords. The microcode performs various services when a function is entered, even before the first instruction of the function is executed. These services are called for by various fields of the header portion of the FEF, including a list called the Argument Descriptor List, or ADL. We won’t go into the detailed format of any of this, as it is complex and the details are not too interesting. Disassembling a function that makes use of the ADL prints a summary of what the ADL says to do, before the beginning of the code.

The function-entry services include the initialization of unsupplied optional arguments and of &AUX variables. The ADL has a little instruction set of its own, and if the form that computes the initial value is something simple, such as a constant or a variable, then the ADL can handle things itself. However, if things get too complicated, instructions are needed, and the compiler generates some instructions at the front of the function to initialize the unsupplied variables. In this case, the ADL specifies several different starting addresses for the function, depending on which optional arguments have been supplied and which have been omitted. If all the optional arguments are supplied, then the ADL starts the function off after all the instructions that would have initialized the optional arguments; since the arguments were supplied, their values should not be set, and so all these instructions are skipped over. Here’s an example:

(defvar *y*)

(defun foo (&optional (x (car *y*)) (z (* x 3)))
  (cons x z))

The disassembled code looks like this:

Arg 0 (X) is optional, local,
  initialized by the code up to pc 32.
Arg 1 (Z) is optional, local,
  initialized by the code up to pc 35.

30 CAR D-PDL FEF|6            ;*Y*
31 POP ARG|0                  ;X
32 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
33 * '3
34 POP ARG|1                  ;Z
35 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
36 MOVE D-PDL ARG|1           ;Z

If no arguments are supplied, the function will be started at instruction 30; if only one argument is supplied, it will be started at instruction 32; if both arguments are supplied, it will be started at instruction 35.

The thing to keep in mind here is that when there is initialization of variables, you may see it as code at the beginning of the function, or you may not, depending upon whether it is too complex for the ADL to handle. This is true of &aux variables as well as unsupplied &optional arguments.

When there is a &rest argument, it is passed to the function as the zeroth local variable, rather than as any of the arguments. This is not really so confusing as it might seem, since a &rest argument is not an argument passed by the caller; rather it is a list of some of the arguments, created by the function-entry microcode services. In any case the comment tells you what is going on. In fact, one hardly ever looks much at the address fields in disassembled code, since the comment tells you the right thing anyway. Here is a silly example of the use of a &rest argument:

(defun prod (&rest values)
  (apply #'* values))

The disassembled code looks like this:

20 MOVE D-PDL FEF|6           ;#'*

As can be seen, values is referred to as LOCAL|0.

Another thing the microcode does at function entry is to bind the values of any arguments or &aux variables that are special. Thus, you won’t see any BIND instructions for binding them.

31.5 Special Class IV Instructions

We said earlier that most of the Class IV instructions are miscellaneous hand-microcoded Lisp functions. However, a few of them are not Lisp functions at all. There are two instructions that are printed as UNBIND 3 bindings or POP 7 values; the number can be anything up to 16 (these numbers are printed in decimal). These instructions just do what they say, unbinding the last n values that were bound or popping the top n values off the stack.

Another Class IV instruction is PUSH-NUMBER. It pushes a constant integer, in the range zero to 511. An example of it appeared on push-number-use.

The array referencing functions–aref, aset, and aloc–take a variable number of arguments, but they are handled differently depending on how many there are. For one-, two-, and three-dimensional arrays, these functions are turned into internal functions with names ar-1, as-1, and ap-1 (with the number of dimensions substituted for 1). Again, there is no point in using these functions yourself; it would only make your code harder to understand but not any faster at all. When there are more than three dimensions, the functions aref, aset and aloc are called in the ordinary manner.

(defun foo (y x i j &aux v)
  (setq v (aref x i j))
  (setf (aref y i) v))
16 MOVE D-PDL ARG|1           ;X
17 MOVE D-PDL ARG|2           ;I
20 MOVE D-PDL ARG|3           ;J
21 (MISC) AR-2 D-PDL
22 POP LOCAL|0                ;V
23 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;Y
24 MOVE D-PDL ARG|2           ;I
25 MOVE D-PDL LOCAL|0         ;V

Reference to one-dimensional arrays with constant subscripts use special instructions which have the array index encoded instead of an address.

(defun foo (x)
  (+ (aref x 3) (array-leader x 2))
  (setf (aref x 5) t))
16 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
17 AR-1 (3) D-IGNORE
20 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
22 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
24 SET-AR-1 (5) D-RETURN

The AR-1 instruction is to be distinguished from the MISC AR-1 instruction. AR-1 pops an array off the stack and encodes the subscript itself. The 3 in (3) is the subscript. ARRAY-LEADER is similar but refers to an array leader slot. SET-AR-1 pops an array and then pops a value to store into it at the specified slot. SET-AR-1 is analogous. There also exist %INSTANCE-REF and SET-%INSTANCE-REF instructions.

When you call a function and expect to get more than one value back, a slightly different kind of function calling is used. Here is an example that uses multiple-value to get two values back from a function call:

(defun foo (x)
  (let (y z)
    (multiple-value (y z)
      (bar 3))
    (+ x y z)))

The disassembled code looks like this:

20 MOVE D-PDL FEF|6           ;#'BAR
21 MOVE D-PDL '2
24 POP LOCAL|1                ;Z
25 POP LOCAL|0                ;Y
26 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
27 + LOCAL|0                  ;Y
30 + LOCAL|1                  ;Z

A %CALL-MULT-VALUE instruction is used instead of a CALL instruction. The destination field of %CALL-MULT-VALUE is unused and will always be D-IGNORE. %CALL-MULT-VALUE takes two “arguments”, which it finds on the stack; it pops both of them. The first one is the function object to be applied; the second is the number of return values that are expected. The rest of the call proceeds as usual, but when the call returns, the returned values are left on the stack. The number of objects left on the stack is always the same as the second “argument” to %CALL-MULT-VALUE. In our example, the two values returned are left on the stack, and they are immediately popped off into z and y. There is also a %CALL0-MULT-VALUE instruction, for the same reason CALL0 exists.

The multiple-value-bind form works similarly; here is an example:

(defun foo (x)
  (multiple-value-bind (y *foo* z)
      (bar 3)
    (declare (special *foo*))
    (+ x y z)))

The disassembled code looks like this:

22 MOVE D-PDL FEF|7           ;#'BAR
23 MOVE D-PDL '3
26 POP LOCAL|1                ;Z
27 BIND-POP FEF|6             ;*FOO*
30 POP LOCAL|0                ;Y
31 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;X
32 + LOCAL|0                  ;Y
33 + LOCAL|1                  ;Z

The %CALL-MULT-VALUE instruction is still used, leaving the results on the stack; these results are used to bind the variables.

Calls done with multiple-value-list work with the %CALL-MULT-VALUE-LIST instruction. It takes one “argument” on the stack: the function object to apply. When the function returns, the list of values is left on the top of the stack. Here is an example:

(defun foo (x y)
  (multiple-value-list (bar -7 y x)))

The disassembled code looks like this:

22 MOVE D-PDL FEF|6           ;#'BAR
24 MOVE D-PDL FEF|7           ;'-7
25 MOVE D-PDL ARG|1           ;Y
26 MOVE D-LAST ARG|0          ;X

Returning of more than one value from a function is handled by special miscellaneous instructions. %RETURN-2 and %RETURN-3 are used to return two or three values; these instructions take two and three arguments, respectively, on the stack and return from the current function just as storing to D-RETURN would. If there are more than three return values, they are all pushed, then the number that there were is pushed, and then the %RETURN-N instruction is executed. None of these instructions use their destination field. Note: the return-list function is just an ordinary miscellaneous instruction; it takes the list of values to return as an argument on the stack and returns those values from the current function.

The function apply is compiled using a special instruction called %SPREAD to iterate over the elements of its last argument, which should be a list. %SPREAD takes one argument (on the stack), which is a list of values to be passed as arguments (pushed on the stack). If the destination of %SPREAD is D-PDL (or D-NEXT), then the values are just pushed; if it is D-LAST, then after the values are pushed, the function is invoked. apply with more than two arguments will always compile using a %SPREAD whose destination is D-LAST. Here is an example:

(defun foo (a b &rest c)
  (apply #'format t a c)

The disassembled code looks like this:

22 MOVE D-PDL ARG|0           ;A
23 MOVE D-PDL LOCAL|0         ;C
25 MOVE D-RETURN ARG|1        ;B

Note that in instruction 23, the address LOCAL|0 is used to access the &rest argument.

The catch special form is also handled specially by the compiler. Here is a simple example of catch:

(defun a ()
  (catch 'foo (bar)))

The disassembled code looks like this:

24 MOVE D-PDL FEF|6           ;'30
26 MOVE D-PDL FEF|7           ;'FOO
27 CALL0 D-RETURN FEF|8       ;#'BAR

The %CATCH-OPEN instruction is like the CALL instruction; it starts a call to the catch function. It takes one “argument” on the stack, which is the location in the program that should be branched to if this catch is thrown to. In addition to saving that program location, the instruction saves the state of the stack and of special-variable binding so that they can be restored in the event of a throw. So instructions 24 and 25 start a catch block, and the rest of the function computes the two arguments of the catch. Note, however, that catch is not actually called. The last form inside the catch, in this case (bar), is compiled so as to return its values directly out of the function a. The only way that the inactive stack frame for catch matters is if a throw is done during the execution of bar. This searches for a pending call to catch and returns from that frame. In this case, since the %CATCH-OPEN instruction specifies D-RETURN, the values thrown are returned from a.

You may have wondered why instruction 24 is there at all. If the destination of a catch is not D-RETURN, it is necessary for throw to resume execution of the function containing the catch. Then it is necessary to specify what instruction to resume at. For example:

(defun a ()
  (catch 'foo (bar))
  (print t))

The disassembled code looks like this:

26 MOVE D-PDL FEF|6           ;'32
30 MOVE D-PDL FEF|7           ;'(BAR)
31 MOVE D-LAST FEF|8          ;'FOO
32 CALL D-RETURN FEF|9        ;#'PRINT

The instruction 26 pushes 32, which is the number of instruction at which execution should resume if there is a throw.

To allow compilation of (multiple-value (...) (catch ...)), there is a special instruction called %CATCH-OPEN-MULT-VALUE, which is a cross between %CATCH-OPEN and %CALL-MULT-VALUE.

32 Querying the User

The following functions provide a convenient and consistent interface for asking questions of the user. Questions are printed and the answers are read on the stream *query-io*, which normally is synonymous with *terminal-io* but can be rebound to another stream for special applications.

The macro with-timeout (see with-timeout-fun) can be used with the functions in this chapter to assume an answer if the user does not respond in a fixed period of time.

We first describe two simple functions for yes-or-no questions, then the more general function on which all querying is built.

Function: y-or-n-p &optional format-string &rest format-args

This is used for asking the user a question whose answer is either ‘y’ for ‘yes’ or ‘n’ for ‘no’. It prints a message by passing format-string and format-args to format, reads a one-character answer, echoes it as ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, and returns t if the answer is ‘yes’ or nil if the answer is ‘no’. The characters which mean ‘yes’ are ‘Y’, ‘T’, Space, and Hand-up. The characters which mean "no" are ‘N’, Rubout, and Hand-down. If any other character is typed, the function beeps and demands a ‘Y or N’ answer.

You should include a question mark and a space at the end of the message. y-or-n-p does type ‘(Y or N)’ for you.

*query-io* is used for all input and output.

y-or-n-p should be used only for questions that the user knows are coming. If the user is not going to be anticipating the question (e.g if the question is “Do you really want to delete all of your files?” out of the blue) then y-or-n-p should not be used, because the user might type ahead a ‘T’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, Space, or Rubout, and therefore accidentally answer the question. In such cases, use yes-or-no-p.

Function: yes-or-no-p &optional format-string &rest format-args

This is used for asking the user a question whose answer is either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It prints a message by passing format-string and format-args to format, beeps, and reads in a line from *query-io*. If the line is ‘yes’, it returns t. If the line is ‘no’, it returns nil. (Case is ignored, as are leading and trailing spaces and tabs.) If the input line is anything else, yes-or-no-p beeps and demands a ‘yes or no’ answer.

You should include a question mark and a space at the end of the message. yes-or-no-p does type ‘(Yes or No)’ for you.

*query-io* is used for all input and output.

To allow the user to answer a yes-or-no question with a single character, use y-or-n-p. yes-or-no-p should be used for unanticipated or momentous questions; this is why it beeps and why it requires several keystrokes to answer it.

Function: fquery options format-string &rest format-args

Asks a question, printed by (format *query-io* format-string format-args...), and returns the answer. fquery takes care of checking for valid answers, reprinting the question when the user clears the screen, giving help, and so forth.

options is a list of alternating keywords and values, used to select among a variety of features. Most callers pass a constant list as the options (rather than consing up a list whose contents varies). The keywords allowed are:


What type of answer is expected. The currently-defined types are :tyi (a single character), :readline or :mini-buffer-or-readline (a line terminated by a carriage return). :tyi is the default. :mini-buffer-or-readline is nearly the same as :readline, the only difference being that the former uses a minibuffer if used inside the editor.


Defines the allowed answers. The allowed forms of choices are complicated and explained below. The default is the same set of choices as the y-or-n-p function (see above). Note that the :type and :choices options should be consistent with each other.


If t, the allowed choices are listed (in parentheses) after the question. The default is t; supplying nil causes the choices not to be listed unless the user tries to give an answer which is not one of the allowed choices.


Specifies a function to be called if the user hits the Help key. The default help-function simply lists the available choices. Specifying nil disables special treatment of Help. Specifying a function of three arguments–the stream, the list of choices, and the type-function–allows smarter help processing. The type-function is the internal form of the :type option and can usually be ignored.


If non-nil, a signal name (see signal-name) to be signaled before asking the question. A condition handler may handle the condition, specifying an answer for fquery to return, in which case the user is not asked. The details are given below. The default signal name is :fquery, which signals condition name :fquery.


If t, *query-io* is advanced to a fresh line before asking the question. If nil, the question is printed wherever the cursor was left by previous typeout. The default is t.


If t, fquery beeps to attract the user’s attention to the question. The default is nil, which means not to beep unless the user tries to give an answer which is not one of the allowed choices.


The value should be either an I/O stream or a symbol or expression that will evaluate to one. fquery uses the specified stream instead of *query-io* for all its input and output.


If t, fquery throws away type-ahead before reading the user’s response to the question. Use this for unexpected questions. The default is nil, which means not to throw away type-ahead unless the user tries to give an answer which is not one of the allowed choices. In that case, type-ahead is discarded since the user probably wasn’t expecting the question.


If t and *query-io* is a typeout-window, the window is “made complete” after the question has been answered. This tells the system that the contents of the window are no longer useful. Refer to the window system documentation for further explanation. The default is t.

The argument to the :choices option is a list each of whose elements is a choice. The cdr of a choice is a list of the user inputs which correspond to that choice. These should be characters for :type :tyi or strings for :type :readline. The car of a choice is either a symbol which fquery should return if the user answers with that choice, or a list whose first element is such a symbol and whose second element is the string to be echoed when the user selects the choice. In the former case nothing is echoed. In most cases :type :readline would use the first format, since the user’s input has already been echoed, and :type :tyi would use the second format, since the input has not been echoed and furthermore is a single character, which would not be mnemonic to see on the display.

A choice can also be the symbol :any. If used, it must be the last choice. It means that any input is allowed, and should simply be returned as a string or character if it does not match any of the other choices.

Perhaps this can be clarified by example. The yes-or-no-p function uses this list of choices:

((t "Yes") (nil "No"))

and the y-or-n-p function uses this list:

(((t "Yes.") #\y #\t #\space #\hand-up)
 ((nil "No.") #\n #\rubout #\hand-down))

If a signal name is specified (or allowed to default to :fquery), before asking the question fquery will signal it. (See condition for information about conditions.) make-condition will receive, in addition to the signal name, all the arguments given to fquery, including the list of options, the format string, and all the format arguments. fquery provides one proceed type, :new-value, and if a condition handler proceeds, the argument it proceeds with is returned by fquery.

If you want to use the formatted output functions instead of format to produce the promting message, write

(fquery options (format:outfmt exp-or-string exp-or-string ...))

format:outfmt puts the output into a list of a string, which makes format print it exactly as is. There is no need to supply additional arguments to the fquery unless it signals a condition. In that case the arguments might be passed so that the condition handler can see them. The condition handler will receive a list containing one string, the message, as its third argument instead of just a string. If this argument is passed along to format, all the right things happen.

Condition on fquery: (condition)

This condition is signaled, by default, by fquery. The condition instance supports these operations:


Returns the list of options given to fquery.


Returns the format string given to fquery.


Returns the list of additional args for format, given to fquery.

One proceed type is provided, :new-value. It should be used with a single argument, which will be returned by fquery in lieue of asking the user.

Constant: format:y-or-n-p-options

A suitable list to pass as the first argument to fquery to make it behave like y-or-n-p.

Constant: format:yes-or-no-p-options

A suitable list to pass as the first argument to fquery to make it behave like yes-or-no-p.

Constant: format:y-or-n-p-choices

A list which y-or-n-p uses as the value of the :choices option.

33 Initializations

There are a number of programs and facilities in the Lisp Machine that require that “initialization routines” be run either when the facility is first loaded, or when the system is booted, or both. These initialization routines may set up data structures, start processes running, open network connections, and so on.

It is easy to perform an action when a file is loaded: simply place an expression to perform the action in the file. But this causes the action to be repeated if the file is loaded a second time, and often that should not be done. Also, this does not provide a way to cause actions to be taken at other times, such as when the system is booted or when a garbage collection is started.

The initialization list facility serves these needs. An initialization list is a symbol whose value is a list of initializations, put on by various programs, all to be performed when a certain event (such as a cold boot) happens. When the event occurs, the system function in charge of handling the event (si:lisp-reinitialize, for cold boot) executes all the initializations on the appropriate list, in the order they are present on the list.

Each initialization has a name, a form to be evaluated, a flag saying whether the form has yet been evaluated, and the source file of the initialization, if any. The name is a string or a symbol and lies in the car of an initialization; thus assoc may be used on initialization lists to find particular initializations.

System and user files place initializations on initialization lists using the function add-initialization. The name of the initialization is specified so that the system can distinguish between adding a new initialization and repeating or changing the definition of an initialization already known: if there is already an initialization with the specified name, this is a new definition of the same initialization. One can specify that the initialization be executed immediately if it is new but not if it is repeated.

User programs are free to create their own initialization lists to be run at their own times.

33.1 System Initialization Lists

There are several initialization lists built into the system. Each one is invoked by the system at a specific time, such as immediately after a cold boot, or during disk-save. A user program can put initializations on these lists to cause actions to be taken at those times as the program needs. This avoids the need to modify system functions such as lisp-reinitialize or disk-save in order to make them interact properly with the user program.

The system initialization lists are generally identified by keywords rather than by their actual names. We name them here by their keywords. In each case, the actual initialization list symbol is in the si package, and its name is the conventional keyword followed by ‘-initialization-list’. Thus, for :cold, there is si:cold-initialization-list. This is just a convention.

Unless otherwise specified, an initialization added to a system list is not run when it is added, only when the appropriate event happens. A few system lists are exceptions and also run each initialization when it is added. Such exceptions are noted explicitly.

The :once initialization list is used for initializations that need to be done only once when the subsystem is loaded and must never be done again. For example, there are some databases that need to be initialized the first time the subsystem is loaded, but should not be reinitialized every time a new version of the software is loaded into a currently running system. This list is for that purpose. When a new initialization is added to this list, it is executed immediately; but when an initialization is redefined, it is not executed again.

The :cold initialization list is used for things that must be run once at cold-boot time. The initializations on this list are run after the ones on :system but before the ones on the :warm list.

The :warm initialization list is used for things which must be run every time the machine is booted, including warm boots. The function that prints the greeting, for example, is on this list. For cold boots, the :cold initializations are done before the :warm ones.

The :system initialization list is like the :warm list but its initializations are run before those of the :cold list. These are generally very fundamental system initializations that must be done before the :cold or :warm initializations can work. Initializing the process and window systems, the file system, and the Chaosnet NCP falls in this category. By default, a new initialization added to this list is run immediately also. In general, the system list should not be touched by user subsystems, though there may be cases when it is necessary to do so.

The :before-cold initialization list is used for things to be run by disk-save. Thus they happen essentially at cold boot time, but only once when the world is saved, not each time it is started up.

The :site initialization list is run every time a new site table and host table are loaded by update-site-configuration-info. By default, adding an initialization to this list runs the initialization immediately, even if the initialization is not new.

The :site-option initialization list is run every time the site options may have changed; that is, when a new site tables are loaded or after a cold boot (to see the per-machine options of the machine being booted on). By default, adding an initialization to this list runs the initialization immediately, even if the initialization is not new.

The :full-gc initialization list is run by the function si:full-gc just before garbage collecting. Initializations might be put on this list to discard pointers to bulky objects, or to turn copy lists into cdr-coded form so that they will remain permanently localized.

The :after-flip initialization list is run after every garbage collection flip, at the beginning of scavenging. These initializations can force various objects to be copied into new space near each other simply by referencing them all consecutively.

The :after-full-gc initialization list is run by the function si:full-gc just after a flip is done, but before scavenging.

The :login and :logout lists are run by the login and logout functions (see login-fun) respectively. Note that disk-save calls logout. Also note that often people don’t call logout; they just cold-boot the machine.

33.2 Programming Initializations

Function: add-initialization name form &optional list-of-keywords initialization-list-name

Adds an initialization called name with the form form to the initialization list specified either by initialization-list-name or by keyword. If the initialization list already contains an initialization called name, it is redefined to execute form.

initialization-list-name, if specified, is a symbol that has as its value the initialization list. If it is void, it is initialized (!) to nil, and is given a si:initialization-list property of t. If a keyword specifies an initialization list, initialization-list-name is ignored and should not be specified.

The keywords allowed in list-of-keywords are of two kinds. Most specify the initialization list to use; a list of such keywords makes up most of the previous section. Aside from them, four other keywords are allowed, which specify when to evaluate form. They are called the when-keywords. Here is what they mean:


Only place the form on the list. Do not evaluate it until the time comes to do this kind of initialization. This is the default unless :system, :once, :site or :site-option is specified.


Evaluate the form now if it is not flagged as having been evaluated before. This is the default if :system or :once is specified.


Evaluate the form now unconditionally as well as adding it to the list.


Do not evaluate the form now, but set the flag to nil even if the initialization is already in the list and flagged t.

Actually, the keywords are compared with string-equal and may be in any package. If both kinds of keywords are used, the list keyword should come before the when-keyword in list-of-keywords; otherwise the list keyword may override the when-keyword.

The add-initialization function keeps each list ordered so that initializations added first are at the front of the list. Therefore, by controlling the order of execution of the additions, you can control explicit dependencies on order of initialization. Typically, the order of additions is controlled by the loading order of files. The system list is the most critically ordered of the predefined lists.

The add-initialization keywords that specify an initialization list are defined by a variable; you can add new keywords to it.

Variable: si:initialization-keywords

Each element on this list defines the keyword for one initialization list. Each element is a list of two or three elements. The first is the keyword symbol that names the initialization list. The second is a special variable, whose value is the initialization list itself. The third, if present, is a symbol defining the default “time” at which initializations added to this list should be evaluated; it should be si:normal, si:now, si:first, or si:redo. This third element just acts as a default; if the list of keywords passed to add-initialization contains one of the keywords normal, now, first, or redo, it overrides this default. If the third element is not present, it is as if the third element were si:normal.

Function: delete-initialization name &optional keywords initialization-list-name

Removes the specified initialization from the specified initialization list. Keywords may be any of the list options allowed by add-initialization.

Function: initializations initialization-list-name &optional redo-flag flag-value

Performs the initializations in the specified list. redo-flag controls whether initializations that have already been performed are re-performed; nil means no, non-nil is yes, and the default is nil. flag-value is the value to be bashed into the flag slot of an entry. If it is unspecified, it defaults to t, meaning that the system should remember that the initialization has been done. The reason that there is no convenient way for you to specify one of the specially-known-about lists is that you shouldn’t be calling initializations on them. This is done by the system when it is appropriate.

Function: reset-initializations initialization-list-name

Bashes the flag of all entries in the specified list to nil, thereby causing them to get rerun the next time the function initializations is called on the initialization list.

34 Dates and Times

The time package contains a set of functions for manipulating dates and times: finding the current time, reading and printing dates and times, converting between formats, and other miscellany regarding peculiarities of the calendar system. It also includes functions for accessing the Lisp Machine’s microsecond timer.

Times are represented in two different formats by the functions in the time package. One way is to represent a time by many numbers, indicating a year, a month, a date, an hour, a minute, and a second (plus, sometimes, a day of the week and timezone). If a year less than 100 is specified, a multiple of 100 is added to it to bring it within 50 years of the present. Year numbers returned by the time functions are greater than 1900. The month is 1 for January, 2 for February, etc. The date is 1 for the first day of a month. The hour is a number from 0 to 23. The minute and second are numbers from 0 to 59. Days of the week are fixnums, where 0 means Monday, 1 means Tuesday, and so on. A timezone is specified as the number of hours west of GMT; thus in Massachusetts the timezone is 5. Any adjustment for daylight savings time is separate from this.

This “decoded” format is convenient for printing out times into a readable notation, but it is inconvenient for programs to make sense of these numbers and pass them around as arguments (since there are so many of them). So there is a second representation, called Universal Time, which measures a time as the number of seconds since January 1, 1900, at midnight GMT. This “encoded” format is easy to deal with inside programs, although it doesn’t make much sense to look at (it looks like a huge integer). So both formats are provided; there are functions to convert between the two formats; and many functions exist in two versions, one for each format.

The Lisp Machine hardware includes a timer that counts once every microsecond. It is controlled by a crystal and so is fairly accurate. The absolute value of this timer doesn’t mean anything useful, since it is initialized randomly; what you do with the timer is to read it at the beginning and end of an interval, and subtract the two values to get the length of the interval in microseconds. These relative times allow you to time intervals of up to an hour (32 bits) with microsecond accuracy.

The Lisp Machine keeps track of the time of day by maintaining a timebase, using the microsecond clock to count off the seconds. On the CADR, when the machine first comes up, the timebase is initialized by querying hosts on the Chaosnet to find out the current time. The Lambda has a calendar clock which never stops, so it normally does not need to do this. You can also set the time base using time:set-local-time, described below.

There is a similar timer that counts in 60ths of a second rather than microseconds; it is useful for measuring intervals of a few seconds or minutes with less accuracy. Periodic housekeeping functions of the system are scheduled based on this timer.

34.1 Getting and Setting the Time

Function: get-decoded-time
Function: time:get-time

Gets the current time, in decoded form. Return seconds, minutes, hours, date, month, year, day-of-the-week, and daylight-savings-time-p, with the same

meanings as decode-universal-time (see decode-universal-time-fun). If the current time is not known, nil is returned.

The name time:get-time is obsolete.

Function: get-universal-time

Returns the current time in Universal Time form.

Function: time:set-local-time &optional new-time

Sets the local time to new-time. If new-time is supplied, it must be either a universal time or a suitable argument to time:parse-universal-time (see time:parse-universal-time-fun). If it is not supplied, or if there is an error parsing the argument, you are prompted for the new time. Note that you will not normally need to call this function; it is useful mainly when the timebase gets screwed up for one reason or another.

34.1.1 Elapsed Time in 60ths of a Second

The following functions deal with a different kind of time. These are not calendrical date/times, but simply elapsed time in 60ths of a second. These times are used for many internal purposes where the idea is to measure a small interval accurately, not to depend on the time of day or day of month.

Function: time

Returns a number that increases by 1 every 60th of a second. The value wraps around roughly once a day. Use the time-lessp and time-difference functions to avoid getting in trouble due to the wrap-around. time is completely incompatible with the Maclisp function of the same name.

Note that time with an argument measures the length of time required to evaluate a form. See time-fun-2.

Function: get-internal-run-time
Function: get-internal-real-time

Returns the total time in 60ths of a second since the last boot. This value does not wrap around. Eventually it becomes a bignum. The Lisp Machine does not distinguish between run time and real time.

Constant: internal-time-units-per-second

According to Common Lisp, this is the ratio between a second and the time unit used by values of get-internal-real-time. On the Lisp Machine, the value is 60. The value may be different in other Common Lisp implementations.

Function: time-lessp time1 time2

t if time1 is earlier than time2, compensating for wrap-around, otherwise nil.

Function: time-difference time1 time2

Assuming time1 is later than time2, returns the number of 60ths of a second difference between them, compensating for wrap-around.

Function: time-increment time interval

Increments time by interval, wrapping around if appropriate.

34.1.2 Elapsed Time in Microseconds

Function: time:microsecond-time

Returns the value of the microsecond timer, as a bignum. The values returned by this function wrap around back to zero about once per hour.

Function: time:fixnum-microsecond-time

Returns as a fixnum the value of the low 23 bits of the microsecond timer. This is like time:microsecond-time, with the advantage that it returns a value in the same format as the time function, except in microseconds rather than 60ths of a second. This means that you can compare fixnum-microsecond-times with time-lessp and time-difference. time:fixnum-microsecond-time is also a bit faster, but has the disadvantage that since you only see the low bits of the clock, the value can wrap around more quickly (about every eight seconds). Note that the Lisp Machine garbage collector is so designed that the bignums produced by time:microsecond-time are garbage-collected quickly and efficiently, so the overhead for creating the bignums is really not high.

34.2 Printing Dates and Times

The functions in this section create printed representations of times and dates in various formats and send the characters to a stream. To any of these functions, you may pass nil as the stream parameter and the function will return a string containing the printed representation of the time, instead of printing the characters to any stream.

The three functions time:print-time, time:print-universal-time, time:print-brief-universal-time and time:print-current-time accept an argument called date-print-mode, whose purpose is to control how the date is printed. It always defaults to the value of time:*default-date-print-mode*. Possible values include:


Print the date as in ‘3/16/53’.


Print as in ‘16/3/53’.


Print as in ‘16-3-53’.


Print as in ‘16-Mar-53’.

:|dd mmm yy|

Print as in ‘16 Mar 53’.


Print as in ‘16Mar53’.


Print as in ‘530316’.


Print as in ‘53Mar16’.

Function: time:print-current-time &optional (stream *standard-output*)

Prints the current time, formatted as in 11/25/80 14:50:02, to the specified stream. The date portion may be printed differently according to the argument date-print-mode.

Function: time:print-time seconds minutes hours date month year &optional (stream *standard-output*) date-print-mode

Prints the specified time, formatted as in 11/25/80 14:50:02, to the specified stream. The date portion may be printed differently according to the argument date-print-mode.

Function: time:print-universal-time universal-time &optional (stream *standard-output*) (timezone time:*timezone*) date-print-mode

Prints the specified time, formatted as in 11/25/80 14:50:02, to the specified stream. The date portion may be printed differently according to the argument date-print-mode.

Function: time:print-brief-universal-time universal-time &optional (stream *standard-output*) reference-time date-print-mode

This is like time:print-universal-time except that it omits seconds and only prints those parts of universal-time that differ from reference-time, a universal time that defaults to the current time. Thus the output is in one of the following three forms:

02:59		;the same day
3/4 14:01	;a different day in the same year
8/17/74 15:30	;a different year

The date portion may be printed differently according to the argument date-print-mode.

Variable: time:*default-date-print-mode*

Holds the default for the date-print-mode argument to each of the functions above. Initially the value here is :mm//dd/yy.

Function: time:print-current-date &optional (stream *standard-output*)

Prints the current time, formatted as in Tuesday the twenty-fifth of November, 1980; 3:50:41 pm, to the specified stream.

Function: time:print-date seconds minutes hours date month year day-of-the-week &optional (stream *standard-output*)

Prints the specified time, formatted as in Tuesday the twenty-fifth of November, 1980; 3:50:41 pm, to the specified stream.

Function: time:print-universal-date universal-time &optional (stream *standard-output*) (timezone time:*timezone*)

Prints the specified time, formatted as in Tuesday the twenty-fifth of November, 1980; 3:50:41 pm, to the specified stream.

34.3 Reading Dates and Times

These functions accept most reasonable printed representations of date and time and convert them to the standard internal forms. The following are representative formats that are accepted by the parser. Note that slashes are escaped with additional slashes, as is necessary if these strings are input in traditional syntax.

"March 15, 1960"      "3//15//60"   "3//15//1960"
"15 March 1960"       "15//3//60"   "15//3//1960"
"March-15-60"         "3-15-60"     "3-15-1960"
"15-March-60"         "15-3-60"     "15-3-1960"
"15-Mar-60"           "3-15"        "15 March 60"
"Fifteen March 60"    "The Fifteenth of March, 1960;"
"Friday, March 15, 1980"

"1130."     "11:30"     "11:30:17"  "11:30 pm"
"11:30 AM"  "1130"      "113000"
"11.30"     "11.30.00"  "11.3"      "11 pm"

"12 noon"   "midnight"  "m"    "6:00 gmt"  "3:00 pdt"

   any date format may be used with any time format

"One minute after March 3, 1960"
   meaning one minute after midnight
"Two days after March 3, 1960"
"Three minutes after 23:59:59 Dec 31, 1959"

"Now"     "Today"     "Yesterday"   "five days ago"
"two days after tomorrow"   "the day after tomorrow"         
"one day before yesterday"  "BOB@OZ's birthday"
Function: time:parse string &optional (start 0) (end nil) (futurep t) base-time must-have-time date-must-have-year time-must-have-second (day-must-be-valid t)

Interpret string as a date and/or time, and return seconds, minutes, hours, date, month, year, day-of-the-week, daylight-savings-time-p, and relative-p. start and end delimit a substring of the string; if end is nil, the end of the string is used. must-have-time means that string must not be empty. date-must-have-year means that a year must be explicitly specified. time-must-have-second means that the second must be specified. day-must-be-valid means that if a day of the week is given, then it must actually be the day that corresponds to the date. base-time provides the defaults for unspecified components; if it is nil, the current time is used. futurep means that the time should be interpreted as being in the future; for example, if the base time is 5:00 and the string refers to the time 3:00, that means the next day if futurep is non-nil, but it means two hours ago if futurep is nil. The relative-p returned value is t if the string included a relative part, such as ‘one minute after’ or ‘two days before’ or ‘tomorrow’ or ‘now’; otherwise, it is nil.

If the input is not valid, the error condition sys:parse-error is signaled (see sys:parse-error-condition).

Function: time:parse-universal-time string &optional (start 0) (end nil) (futurep t) base-time must-have-time date-must-have-year time-must-have-second (day-must-be-valid t)

This is the same as time:parse except that it returns two values: an integer, representing the time in Universal Time, and the relative-p value.

34.4 Reading and Printing Time Intervals

In addition to the functions for reading and printing instants of time, there are other functions specifically for printing time intervals. A time interval is either a number (measured in seconds) or nil, meaning ‘never’. The printed representations used look like ‘3 minutes 23 seconds’ for actual intervals, or ‘Never’ for nil (some other synonyms and abbreviations for ‘never’ are accepted as input).

Function: time:print-interval-or-never interval &optional (stream *standard-output*)

interval should be a non-negative fixnum or nil. Its printed representation as a time interval is written onto stream.

Function: time:parse-interval-or-never string &optional start end

Converts string, a printed representation for a time interval, into a number or nil. start and end may be used to specify a portion of string to be used; the default is to use all of string. It is an error if the contents of string do not look like a reasonable time interval. Here are some examples of acceptable strings:

"4 seconds"       "4 secs"          "4 s"
"5 mins 23 secs"  "5 m 23 s"        "23 SECONDS 5 M"
           "3 yrs 1 week 1 hr 2 mins 1 sec"
"never"           "not ever"        "no"              ""

Note that several abbreviations are understood, the components may be in any order, and case (upper versus lower) is ignored. Also, “months” are not recognized, since various months have different lengths and there is no way to know which month is being spoken of. This function always accepts anything that was produced by time:print-interval-or-never; furthermore, it returns exactly the same fixnum (or nil) that was printed.

Function: time:read-interval-or-never &optional (stream *standard-input*)

Reads a line of input from stream (using readline) and then calls time:parse-interval-or-never on the resulting string.

34.5 Time Conversions

Function: decode-universal-time universal-time &optional (timezone time:*timezone*)

Converts universal-time into its decoded representation. The following values are returned: seconds, minutes, hours, date, month, year, day-of-the-week, daylight-savings-time-p, and the timezone used. daylight-savings-time-p tells you whether or not daylight savings time is in effect; if so, the value of hour has been adjusted accordingly. You can specify timezone explicitly if you want to know the equivalent representation for this time in other parts of the world.

Function: encode-universal-time seconds minutes hours date month year &optional timezone

Converts the decoded time into Universal Time format, and return the Universal Time as an integer. If you don’t specify timezone, it defaults to the current timezone adjusted for daylight savings time; if you provide it explicitly, it is not adjusted for daylight savings time. If year is less than 100, it is shifted by centuries until it is within 50 years of the present.

Variable: time:*timezone*

The value of time:*timezone* is the time zone in which this Lisp Machine resides, expressed in terms of the number of hours west of GMT this time zone is. This value does not change to reflect daylight savings time; it tells you about standard time in your part of the world.

34.6 Internal Functions

These functions provide support for those listed above. Some user programs may need to call them directly, so they are documented here.

Function: time:initialize-timebase

Initializes the timebase by querying Chaosnet hosts to find out the current time. This is called automatically during system initialization. You may want to call it yourself to correct the time if it appears to be inaccurate or downright wrong. See also time:set-local-time, time:set-local-time-fun.

Function: time:daylight-savings-time-p hours date month year

Returns t if daylight savings time is in effect for the specified hour; otherwise, return nil. If year is less than 100, it is shifted by centuries until it is within 50 years of the present.

Function: time:daylight-savings-p

Returns t if daylight savings time is currently in effect; otherwise, returns nil.

Function: time:month-length month year

Returns the number of days in the specified month; you must supply a year in case the month is February (which has a different length during leap years). If year is less than 100, it is shifted by centuries until it is within 50 years of the present.

Function: time:leap-year-p year

Returns t if year is a leap year; otherwise return nil. If year is less than 100, it is shifted by centuries until it is within 50 years of the present.

Function: time:verify-date date month year day-of-the-week

If the day of the week of the date specified by date, month, and year is the same as day-of-the-week, returns nil; otherwise, returns a string that contains a suitable error message. If year is less than 100, it is shifted by centuries until it is within 50 years of the present.

Function: time:day-of-the-week-string day-of-the-week &optional (mode :long)

Returns a string representing the day of the week. As usual, 0 means Monday, 1 means Tuesday, and so on. Possible values of mode are:


Returns the full English name, such as "Monday", "Tuesday", etc. This is the default.


Returns a three-letter abbreviation, such as "Mon", "Tue", etc.


Returns a longer abbreviation, such as "Tues" and "Thurs".


Returns the French name, such as "Lundi", "Mardi", etc.


Returns the German name, such as "Montag", "Dienstag", etc.


Returns the Italian name, such as "Lunedi", "Martedi", etc.

Function: time:month-string month &optional (mode :long)

Returns a string representing the month of the year. As usual, 1 means January, 2 means February, etc. Possible values of mode are:


Returns the full English name, such as "January", "February", etc. This is the default.


Returns a three-letter abbreviation, such as "Jan", "Feb", etc.


Returns a longer abbreviation, such as "Sept", "Novem", and "Decem".


Returns the Roman numeral for month (this convention is used in Europe).


Returns the French name, such as "Janvier", "Fevrier", etc.


Returns the German name, such as "Januar", "Februar", etc.


Returns the Italian name, such as "Gennaio", "Febbraio", etc.

Function: time:timezone-string &optional (timezone time:*timezone*) (daylight-savings-p (time:daylight-savings-p))

Return the three-letter abbreviation for this time zone. For example, if timezone is 5, then either "EST" (Eastern Standard Time) or "CDT" (Central Daylight Time) is used, depending on daylight-savings-p.

35 Miscellaneous Useful Functions

This chapter describes a number of functions that don’t logically fit in anywhere else. Most of these functions are not normally used in programs, but are “commands”, i.e things that you type directly at Lisp.

35.1 Documentation

Function: documentation name doc-type

Returns the documentation string of name in the role doc-type. doc-type should be a symbol, but only its print-name matters. function as doc-type requests the documentation of name as a function, variable as doc-type requests the documentation of name as a variable, and so on.

When doc-type is function, name can be any function spec, and the documentation string of its function definition is returned. Otherwise, name must be a symbol, and doc-type may be anything. However, only these values of doc-type are standardly used:


Documentation of name as a special variable. Such documentation is recorded automatically by defvar, defconst, defconstant, defparameter (defvar-fun).


Documentation of name as a type for typep. Recorded automatically when a documentation string is given in a deftype form (deftype-fun).


Documentation of name as a defstruct type. Recorded automatically by a defstruct for name (defstruct).


Documentation on what it means to setf a form that starts with name. Recorded when there is a documentation string in a defsetf of name (defsetf-fun).


Documentation of the flavor named name. Put on by the :documentation option in a defflavor for name (defflavor-fun).


Documentation of the resource named name. Put on when there is a documentation string in a defresource of name (defresource-fun).


Documentation for name as a signal name. Put on when there is a documentation string in a defsignal or defsignal-explicit for name (defsignal-fun).

Documentation strings for any doc-type can be added to name by doing (setf (documentation name doc-type) string).

The command Control-Shift-D in Zmacs and the rubout handler, used within a call to a function, prints the documentation of that function. Control-Shift-V, within a symbol, prints the documentation of that symbol as a variable.

35.2 Hardcopy

The hardcopy functions allow you to specify the printer to use on each call. The default is set up by the site files for your site, but can be overridden for a particular machine in the LMLOCS file or by a user in his INIT file. Any kind of printer can be used, no matter how it is actually driven, if it is hooked into the software properly as described below.

A printer-type is a keyword that has appropriate properties; a printer is either a printer-type or a list starting with one. The rest of the list can specify which printer of that type you want to use (perhaps with a host name or filename).

The printer types defined by the system are:

:dover printer-type

This printer type is used by itself as a printer, and refers to the Dover at MIT.

:xgp printer-type

This printer type indicates a printer that is accessed by writing spool files in MIT XGP format. A printer would be specified as a list, (:xgp filename), specifying where to write the spool file.

:press-file printer-type

This printer type is used in a list together with a file name, as in (:press-file "OZ:<RMS>FOO.PRESS"). Something is “printed” on such a printer by being converted to a press file and written under that name.

Function: hardcopy-file filename &rest options

Print the file filename in hard copy on the specified printer or the default printer. options is a list of keyword argument names and values. There are only two keywords that are always meaningful: :format and :printer. Everything else is up to the individual printer to interpret. The list here is only a paradigm or suggestion.


The value is the printer to use. The default is the value of si:*default-printer*.


The value is a keyword that specifies the format of file to be parsed. The standard possibilities are :text (an ordinary file of text), :xgp (a file of the sort once used by the XGP at MIT), :press (a Xerox-style press file) and :suds-plot (a file produced by the Stanford drawing program). However, each kind of printer may define its own format keywords.

:font-list hardcopy-file

The value of font is the name of a font to print the file in (a string). Alternatively, you can give :font-list and specify a list of such font names, for use if the file contains font-change commands. The interpretation of a font name is dependent on the printer being used. There is no necessary relation to Lisp machine display fonts. However, printers are encouraged to use, by default, fonts that are similar in appearance to the Lisp machine fonts listed in the file’s attribute list, if it is a text file.


The value is the name of the font for use in page headers, if there are any.


The value is the extra spacing to use between lines, in over and beyond the height of the fonts.


If the value is non-nil, a heading is added to each page.


The value is the number of copies to print.


If the printer provides optional spooling, this argument says whether to spool (default is nil). Some printers may intrinsically always spool; others may have no way to spool.

Function: set-printer-default-option printer-type option value

Sets a default for option for printers of type printer-type. Any use of the hardcopy functions with a printer of that type and no value specified for option will use the value value. For example,

(set-printer-default-option :dover :spool t)

causes output to Dover printers to be spooled unless the :spool option is explicitly specified with value nil.

Currently defaultable options are :font, :font-list, :heading-font, :page-headings, :vsp, :copies, and :spool.

Function: hardcopy-stream stream &rest options

Like hardcopy-file but uses the text read from stream rather than opening a file. The :format option is not allowed (since implementing it requires the ability to open the file with unusual open options).

Function: hardcopy-bit-array array left top right bottom &rest options

Print all or part of the bit-array array on the specified or default printer. options is a list of keyword argument names and values; the only standard option is :printer, which specifies the printer to use. The default printer is si:*default-bit-array-printer*, or, if that is nil, si:*default-printer.

left, top, right and bottom specify the subrectangle of the array to be printed. All four numbers measure from the top left corner (which is element 0, 0).

Function: hardcopy-status &optional printer (stream *standard-output*)

Prints the status of printer, or the default printer. This should include if possible such things as whether the printer has paper and what is in the queue.

Variable: si:*default-printer*

This is the default printer. It is set from the :default-printer site option.

Variable: si:*default-bit-array-printer*

If non-nil, this is the default printer for printing bit arrays, overriding si:*default-printer*. A separate default is provided for bit arrays since some printers that can print files cannot print bit arrays. This variable is set initially from the :default-bit-array-printer site option.

Defining a printer type:

A printer type is any keyword that has suitable functions on the appropriate properties.

To be used with the function hardcopy-file, the printer type must have a si:print-file property. To be used with hardcopy-stream, the printer type must have a si:print-stream property. hardcopy-bit-array uses the si:print-bit-array property. hardcopy-status uses the si:print-status property. (The hardcopy functions’ names are not themselves used simply to avoid using a symbol in the global package as a property name of a symbol that might be in the global package as well).

Each property, to be used, should be a function whose first argument will be the printer and whose remaining arguments will fit the same pattern as those of the hardcopy function the user called. (They will not necessarily be the same arguments, as some additional keywords may be added to the list of keyword arguments; but they will fit the same description.)

For example,

(hardcopy-file "foo" :printer '(:press-file ""))

results in the execution of

(funcall (get :press-file 'si:print-file)
         '(:press-file "")
	 "foo" :printer '(:press-file ""))

A printer type need not support operations that make no sense on it. For example, there is no si:print-status property on :press-file.

35.3 Metering

The metering system is a way of finding out what parts of your program use up the most time. When you run your program with metering, every function call and return is recorded, together with the time at which it took place. Page faults are also recorded. Afterward, the metering system analyzes the records and tells you how much time was spent executing withain each function. Because the records are stored in the disk partition called METR, there is room for a lot of data.

Before you meter a program, you must enable metering in some or all stack groups. meter:enable is used for this. Then you evaluate one or more forms with metering, perhaps by using meter:test or meter:run. Finally, you use meter:analyze to summarize and print the metering data.

There are two parameters that control whether metering data are recorded. First of all, the variable sys:%meter-microcode-enables contains bits that enable recording of various kinds of events. Secondly, each stack group has a flag that controls whether events are recorded while running in that stack group.

Variable: sys:%meter-microcode-enables

Enables recording of metering data. Each bit controls recording of one kind of event.


This bit enables recording of page faults.


This bit enables recording of consing.


This bit enables recording of function entry and exit.


This bit enables recording of stack group switching.

The value is normally zero, which turns off all recording.

These are the functions used to control which stack groups do metering:

Function: meter:enable &rest things

Enables metering in the stack groups specified by things. Each thing in things may be a stack group, a process (which specifies the process’s stack group), or a window (which specifies the window’s process’s stack group). t is also allowed. It enables metering in all stack groups.

Function: meter:disable &rest things

Disables metering in the stack groups specified by things. The arguments allowed are the same as for meter:enable. (meter:disable t) turns off (meter:enable t), but does not disable stack groups enabled individually. (meter:disable) disables all stack groups no matter how you specified to enable them.

Variable: meter:metered-objects

This is a list of all the things you have enabled with meter:enable and not disabled.

These are the functions to evaluate forms with metering:

Function: meter:run forms

Clears out the metering data and evaluates the forms with sys:%meter-microcode-enables bound to 14 octal (record function entry and exit, and stack group switching). Any of the evaluation that takes place in enabled stack groups will record metering data.

Function: meter:test form (enables #o14)

Clears out the metering data, enables metering for the current stack group only, and evaluates form with sys:%meter-microcode-enables bound to enables.

This is how you print the results:

Function: meter:analyze &key analyzer stream file buffer return info &allow-other-keys

Analyzes the data recorded by metering. analyzer is a keyword specifies a kind of analysis. :tree is the default. Another useful alternative is :list-events. Particular analyzers handle other keyword arguments in addition to those listed above.

The output is printed on stream, written to a file named file, or put in an editor buffer named buffer (at most one of these three arguments should be specified). The default is to print on *standard-output*.

Analyzing the metering data involves creating a large intermediate data base. Normally this is created afresh each time meter:analyze is called. If you specify a non-nil value for return, the intermediate data structure is returned by meter:analyze, and can be passed in on another call as the info argument. This can save time. But you can only do this if you use the same analyzer each time, as different analyzers use different termporary data structures.

The default analyzer :tree prints out the amount of run time and real time spent executing each function that was called. The real time includes time spend waiting and time spent writing metering data to disk; for computational tasks, the latter makes the real time less useful than the run time. :tree handles these additional keyword arguments to meter:analyze:

:find-callers "meter:analyze"

The argument for this keyword is a function spec or a list of function specs. A list of who called the specified functions, and how often, is printed instead of the usual output.

:stack-group "meter:analyze"

The argument is a stack group or a list of them; only the activities in those stack groups are printed.

:sort-function "meter:analyze"

The argument is the name of a suitable sorting function that is used to sort the items for the various functions that were called. Sorting functions provided include meter:max-page-faults, meter:max-calls, meter:max-run-time (the default), meter:max-real-time, and meter:max-run-time-per-call.

:summarize "meter:analyze"

The argument is a function spec or a list of function specs; only those functions’ statistics are printed.

:inclusive "meter:analyze"

If this is non-nil, the times for each function include the time spent in executing subroutines called from the function.

Note: if a function is called recursively, the time spent in the inner call(s) is counted twice (or more).

The analyzer :list-events prints out one line about each event recorded. The line contains the run time and real time (in microseconds), the running count of page faults, the stack group name, the function that was running, the stack depth, the type of event, and a piece of data. For example:


real run   pf  stack-group    function  stack event data
time time                               level type

:list-events is often useful with recording of page faults (sys:%meter-microcode-enables set to 1).

Function: meter:reset

Clears out all metering data.

Because metering records pointers to Lisp objects in a disk partition which is not part of the Lisp address space, garbage collection is inhibited (by arresting the gc process) when you turn on metering.

Function: meter:resume-gc-process

Allows garbage collection to continue (if it is already turned on) by unarresting it.

35.4 Poking Around in the Lisp World

Function: who-calls x &optional package (inheritors t) (inherited t)

x must be a symbol or a list of symbols. who-calls tries to find all of the functions in the Lisp world that call x as a function, use x as a variable, or use x as a constant. (Constants which are lists containing x are not found.) It tries to find all of the functions by searching all of the function cells of all of the symbols in package and packages that inherit from package (unless inheritors is nil) and packages package inherits from (unless inherited is nil). package defaults to the global package, which means that all normal packages are checked.

If who-calls encounters an interpreted function definition, it simply tells you if x appears anywhere in the interpreted code. who-calls is smarter about compiled code, since it has been nicely predigested by the compiler. Macros expanded in the compilation of the code can be found because they are recorded in the caller’s debugging info alist, even though they are not actually referred to by the compiled code.

If x is a list of symbols, who-calls does them all simultaneously, which is faster than doing them one at a time.

who-uses is an obsolete name for who-calls.

The editor has a command, Meta-X List Callers, which is similar to who-calls.

The symbol :unbound-function is treated specially by who-calls. (who-calls :unbound-function) searches all the compiled code for any calls through a symbol that is not currently defined as a function. This is useful for finding errors such as functions you misspelled the names of or forgot to write.

who-calls prints one line of information for each caller it finds. It also returns a list of the names of all the callers.

Function: what-files-call x &optional package (inheritors t) (inherited t)

Similar to who-calls but returns a list of the pathnames of all the files that contain functions that who-calls would have printed out. This is useful if you need to recompile and/or edit all of those files.

Function: apropos substring &optional package &key (inheritors t) inherited dont-print predicate boundp fboundp

(apropos substring) tries to find all symbols whose print-names contain substring as a substring. Whenever it finds a symbol, it prints out the symbol’s name; if the symbol is defined as a function and/or bound to a value, it tells you so and prints the names of the arguments (if any) to the function.

If predicate is non-nil, it should be a function; only symbols on which the function returns non-nil are counted. In addition, fboundp non-nil means only symbols with function definitions are considered, and boundp non-nil means that only symbols with values are considered.

apropos looks for symbols on package, and all packages that use package (unless inheritors is nil). If inherited is non-nil, all packages used by package are searched as well. package can be a package or a symbol or string naming a package. It can also be a list of packages, symbols and strings; all of the packages thus specified are searched. package defaults to a list of all packages except invisible ones.

apropos returns a list of all the symbols it finds. If dont-print is non-nil, that is all it does.

Function: sub-apropos substring starting-list &key predicate dont-print

Finds all symbols in starting-list whose names contain substring, and that satisfy predicate. If predicate is nil, the substring is the only condition. The symbols are printed if dont-print is nil. A list of the symbols found is returned, in any case.

This function is most useful when applied to the value of *, after apropos has returned a long list.

Function: where-is pname &optional package

Prints the names of all packages that contain a symbol with the print-name pname. If pname is a string it gets upper-cased. The package package and all packages that inherit from it are searched. package can be a package or the name of a package, or a list of packages and names. It defaults to a list of all packages except invisible ones. where-is returns a list of all the symbols it finds.

Function: describe x

describe tries to tell you all of the interesting information about any object x (except for array contents). describe knows about arrays, symbols, floats, packages, stack groups, closures, and FEFs, and prints out the attributes of each in human-readable form. Sometimes objects found inside x are described also; such recursive descriptions are indented appropriately. For instance, describe of a symbol also describes the symbol’s value, its definition, and each of its properties. describe of a float (full-size or short) shows you its internal representation in a way that is useful for tracking down roundoff errors and the like.

If x is a named-structure, describe invokes the :describe operation to print the description, if that is supported. To understand this, you should read the section on named structures (see named-structure). If the :describe operation is not supported, describe looks on the named-structure symbol for information that might have been left by defstruct; this information would tell it what the symbolic names for the entries in the structure are, and describe knows how to use the names to print out what each field’s name and contents is.

describe of an instance always invokes the :describe operation. All flavors support it, since si:vanilla-flavor defines a method for it.

describe always returns its argument, in case you want to do something else to it.

Function: inspect x

A window-oriented version of describe. See the window system documentation for details, or try it and type Help.

Function: disassemble function

Prints out a human-readable version of the macro-instructions in function. function should be a FEF, or a function spec whose definition is a FEF. The macro-code instruction set is explained in macro-code.

The grindef function (see grindef-fun) may be used to display the definition of a non-compiled function.

Function: room &rest areas

Prints a summary of memory usage.

The first line of output tells you the amount of physical memory on the machine, the amount of available virtual memory not yet filled with data (that is, the portion of the available virtual memory that has not yet been allocated to any region of any area), and the amount of wired physical memory (i.e memory not available for paging).

Following lines tell you how much room is left in some areas. For each area it tells you about, it prints out the name of the area, the number of regions that currently make up the area, the current size of the area in kilowords, and the amount of the area that has been allocated, also in kilowords. If the area cannot grow, the percentage that is free is displayed.

(room) tells you about those areas that are in the list that is the value of the variable room. These are the most interesting ones.

(room area1 area2...) tells you about those areas, which can be either the names or the numbers.

(room t) tells you about all the areas.

(room nil) does not tell you about any areas; it only prints the first line of output.

Variable: room

The value of room is a list of area names and/or area numbers, denoting the areas that the function room should describe if given no arguments. Its initial value is:

(working-storage-area macro-compiled-program)

35.5 Utility Programs

Function: ed &optional x

ed is the main function for getting into the editor, Zmacs. The commands of Zmacs are very similar to those of Emacs.

(ed) or (ed nil) simply enters the editor, leaving you in the same buffer as the last time you were in the editor. It has the same effect as typing System E.

(ed t) puts you in a fresh buffer with a generated name (like BUFFER-4).

(ed pathname) edits that file. pathname may be an actual pathname or a string.

(ed 'foo) tries hard to edit the definition of the foo function. It can find a buffer or file containing the source code for foo and position the cursor at the beginning of the code. In general, foo can be any function-spec (see function-spec).

(ed 'zwei:reload) reinitializes the editor. It forgets about all existing buffers, so use this only as a last resort.

Function: zwei:save-all-files

This function is useful in emergencies in which you have modified material in Zmacs buffers that needs to be saved, but the editor is partially broken. This function does what the editor’s Save All Files command does, but it stays away from redisplay and other advanced facilities so that it might work if other things are broken.

Function: dired &optional pathname

Puts up a window and edits the directory named by pathname, which defaults to the last file opened. While editing a directory you may view, edit, compare, hardcopy, and delete the files and subdirectories it contains. While in the directory editor type the Help key for further information.

Function: mail &optional user text call-editor-anyway

Sends the string text as mail to user. user should also be a string, of the form "username@hostname". Multiple recipients separated by commas are also allowed.

If you do not provide two arguments, mail puts up an editor window in which you may compose the mail. Type the End key to send the mail and return from the mail function.

The window is also used if call-editor-anyway is non-nil.

Function: bug &optional topic text call-editor-anyway

Reports a bug. topic is the name of the faulty program (a symbol or a string). It defaults to lispm (the Lisp Machine system itself). text is a string which contains the information to report. If you do not provide two arguments, or if call-editor-anyway is non-nil, a window is put up for you to compose the mail.

bug is like mail but includes information about the system version and what machine you are on in the text of the message. This information is important to the maintainers of the faulty program; it aids them in reproducing the bug and in determining whether it is one that is already being worked on or has already been fixed.

Function: print-notifications &optional (from 0) to

Reprints any notifications that have been received. from and to are used to restrict which notifications are printed; both count from the most recent notification as number 0. Thus, (print-notifications 2 8) prints six notifications after skipping the two most recent.

The difference between notifications and sends is that sends come from other users, while notifications are usually asynchronous messages from the Lisp Machine system itself. However, the default way for the system to inform you about a send is to make a notification! So print-notifications normally includes all sends as well.

Typing Terminal 1 N pops up a window and calls print-notifications to print on it.

Function: si:print-disk-error-log

Prints information about the half dozen most recent disk errors (since the last cold boot).

Function: peek &optional character

Selects the PEEK utility, which displays various information about the system, periodically updating it. PEEK has several modes, which are entered by typing a single key which is the name of the mode or by clicking on the menu at the top. The initial mode is selected by the argument, character. If no argument is given, PEEK starts out by explaining what its modes are.

Function: time form

Evaluates form and prints the length of time that the evaluation took. The values of form are returned.

Note that time with no argument is a function to return a time value counting in 60ths of a second; see time-fun-1. This unfortunate collision is a consequence of Common Lisp.

35.6 The Lisp Listen Loop

These functions constitute the Lisp top level read-eval-print loop or listen loop and its associated functions.

Function: si:lisp-top-level

This is the first function called in the initial Lisp environment. It calls lisp-reinitialize, clears the screen, and calls si:lisp-top-level1.

Function: lisp-reinitialize

This function does a wide variety of things, such as resetting the values of various global constants and initializing the error system.

Function: si:lisp-top-level1 *terminal-io*

This is the actual listen loop. Within it, *terminal-io* is bound to the argument supplied. This is the stream used for reading and printing if *standard-input* and *standard-output* are synonyms for *terminal-io*, as they normally are.

The listen loop reads a form from *standard-input*, evaluates it, prints the result (with escaping) to *standard-output*, and repeats indefinitely. If several values are returned by the form all of them are printed. Also the values of *, +, -, //, ++, **, +++, *** and *values* are maintained (see below).

Function: break format-string &rest format-args

Enters a breakpoint loop, which is similar to a Lisp top level loop. format-string and the format-args are passed to format to print a message.

;Breakpoint message; Resume to continue, Abort to quit.

and then enters a loop reading, evaluating, and printing forms. A difference between a break loop and the top level loop is that when reading a form, break checks for the following special cases: If the Abort key is typed, control is returned to the previous break or error-handler, or to top-level if there is none. If the Resume key is typed, break returns nil. If the list (return form) is typed, break evaluates form and returns the result, without ever calling the function return.

Inside the break loop, the streams *standard-output*, *standard-input*, and query-io are bound to be synonymous to *terminal-io*; *terminal-io* itself is not rebound. Several other internal system variables are bound, and you can add your own symbols to be bound by pushing elements onto the value of the variable sys:*break-bindings* (see sys:*break-bindings*-var).

break used to be a special form whose first argument was a string or symbol which was simply printed without evaluating it. In order to facilitate conversion, break really still is a special form. If the call appears to use the old conventions, it behaves in the old way, but the compiler issues a warning if it sees such code.

Variable: prin1

The value of this variable is normally nil. If it is non-nil, then the read-eval-print loop uses its value instead of the definition of prin1 to print the values returned by functions. This hook lets you control how things are printed by all read-eval-print loops–the Lisp top level, the break function, and any utility programs that include a read-eval-print loop. It does not affect output from programs that call the prin1 function or any of its relatives such as print and format; if you want to do that, read about customizing the printer, on customizing-the-printer. If you set prin1 to a new function, remember that the read-eval-print loop expects the function to print the value but not to output a return character or any other delimiters.

Variable: -

While a form is being evaluated by a read-eval-print loop, - is bound to the form itself.

Variable: +

While a form is being evaluated by a read-eval-print loop, + is bound to the previous form that was read by the loop.

Variable: *
Variable: //

While a form is being evaluated by a read-eval-print loop, * is set to the result printed the last time through the loop. If there were several values printed (because of a multiple-value return), * is bound to the first value. // is bound to a list of all the values of the previous form.

If evaluation of a form is aborted, * and // remain set to the results of the last successfully completed form. If evaluation is successful but printing is aborted, * and // are already set for the following form.

Note that when using Common Lisp syntax you would type just /.

Variable: ++

++ holds the previous value of +, that is, the form evaluated two interactions ago.

Variable: +++

+++ holds the previous value of ++.

Variable: **
Variable: ////

Hold the previous values of * and //, that is, the results of the form evaluated two interactions ago. Only forms whose evaluation is successful cause the values of * and // to move into ** and ////.

Note that when using Common Lisp syntax you would type just //.

Variable: ***
Variable: //////

Hold the previous values of ** and ////, that is, the results of the form evaluated three interactions ago. Note that when using Common Lisp syntax you would type just ///.

Variable: *values*

*values* holds a list of all lists of values produced by evaluation in this Lisp listener. (car *values*) is nearly equivalent to //, (cadr *values*) to ////, and so on. The difference is that an element is pushed on *values* for each form whose evaluation is started. If evaluation is aborted, the element of *values* is nil.

Variable: sys:*break-bindings*

When break is called, it binds some special variables under control of the list which is the value of sys:*break-bindings*. Each element of the list is a list of two elements: a variable and a form that is evaluated to produce the value to bind it to. The bindings happen sequentially. Users may push things on this list (adding to the front of it), but should not replace the list wholesale since several of the variable bindings on this list are essential to the operation of break.

Variable: lisp-crash-list

The value of lisp-crash-list is a list of forms. lisp-reinitialize sequentially evaluates these forms, and then sets lisp-crash-list to nil.

In most cases, the initialization facility should be used rather than lisp-crash-list. Refer to initialization.

35.7 The Garbage Collector

Function: gc-on

Turns automatic garbage collection on. Garbage collection will happen when and as needed. Automatic garbage collection is off by default.

Since garbage collection works by copying, you are asked for confirmation if there may not be enough space to complete a garbage collection even if it is started immediately.

Function: gc-off

Turns automatic garbage collection off.

Variable: gc-on

t when garbage collection is on, nil when it is not. You cannot control garbage collection by setting this variable; it exists so you can examine it. In particular, you can tell if the system found it necessary to turn off garbage collection because it was close to running out of virtual memory.

Normally, automatic garbage collection happens in incremental mode; that is, scavenging happens in parallel with computation. Each consing operation scavenges or copies four words per word consed. In addition, scavenging goes on whenever the machine appears idle.

Variable: si:inhibit-idle-scavenging-flag

If this is non-nil, scavenging is not done during idle time.

If you are running a noninteractive crunching program, the incremental nature of garbage collection may not be helpful. Then you can make garbage collection more efficient by making it a batch process.

Variable: si:gc-reclaim-immediately

If this variable is non-nil, automatic garbage collection is done as a batch operation: when the garbage collection process decides that the time has come, it copies all the useful data and discards the old address space, running full blast. (It is still possible to use the machine while this is going on, but it is slow.) More specifically, the garbage collection process scavenges and reclaims oldspace immediately right after a flip happens, using all of the machine’s physical memory. This variable is only relevant if you have turned on automatic garbage collection with (gc-on).

A batch garbage collection requires less free space than an incremental one. If there is not enough space to complete an incremental garbage collection, you may be able to win by selecting batch garbage collection instead.

Variable: si:gc-reclaim-immediately-if-necessary

If this variable is non-nil, then automatic garbage collection is done in batch mode if, when the flip is done, there does not seem to be enough space left to do it incrementally. This variable’s value is relevant only if si:gc-reclaim-immediately is nil.

Variable: si:gc-flip-ratio

This variable tells the garbage collector what fraction of the data it should expect to have to copy, after each flip. It should be a positive number no larger than one. By default, it is one. But if your program is consing considerable amounts of garbage, a value less than one may be safe. The garbage collector uses this variable to figure how much space it will need to copy all the living data, and therefore indirectly how often garbage collection must be done.

Variable: si:gc-flip-minimum-ratio

This value is used, when non-nil, to control warnings about having too little space to garbage collect. Its value is a positive number no greater than one, just like that of si:gc-flip-ratio. The difference between the two is that si:gc-flip-ratio controls when garbage collection is recommended, whereas si:gc-flip-minimum-ratio controls when the system considers the last possible time to do so. If si:gc-flip-minimum-ratio is nil, si:gc-flip-ratio serves both purposes.

Garbage collection is turned off if it appears to be about to run out of memory. You get a notification if this happens. You also get a notification when you are nearly at the point of not having enough space to guarantee garbage collecting successfully.

In addition to turning on automatic garbage collection, you can also manually request one immediate complete collection with the function si:full-gc. The usual reason for doing this is to make a band smaller before saving it. si:full-gc also resets all temporary areas (see si:reset-temporary-area, si:reset-temporary-area-fun).

Function: si:full-gc

Performs a complete garbage collection immediately. This does not turn automatic garbage collection on or off; it performs the garbage collection in the process you call it in. A full gc of the standard system takes about 7 minutes, currently.

Function: si:clean-up-static-area area-number

This is a more selective way of causing static areas to be garbage collected once. The argument is the area number of a static area; that particular area will be garbage collected the next time a garbage collection is done (more precisely, it will be copied and discarded after the next flip). If you then call si:full-gc, it will happen then.

Function: gc-status

The function gc-status prints information related to garbage collection. When scavenging is in progress, it tells you how the task is progressing. While scavenging is not in progress and oldspace does not exist, it prints information about how soon a new flip will be required.

While a garbage collection is not in progress, the output from gc-status looks like this:

Dynamic (new+copy) space 557,417, Old space 0, Static 3,707,242,
Free space 10,453,032, with 10,055,355 needed for garbage collection
 assuming 100% live data (SI:GC-FLIP-RATIO = 1).
If GC is turned on, a flip will happen in 397,677 words.
Scavenging during cons Off, Idle scavenging On,
Automatic garbage collection Off.
GC Flip Ratio 1, GC Reclaim Immediately Off
Dynamic (new+copy) space 561,395, Old space 0, Static 3,707,242,
Free space 10,453,032, with 10,058,670 needed for garbage collection
 assuming 100% live data (SI:GC-FLIP-RATIO = 1).
A flip will happen in 394,362 words.
Scavenging during cons On, Idle scavenging On,
Automatic garbage collection On.
GC Flip Ratio 1, GC Reclaim Immediately Off

The “dynamic space” figure is the amount of garbage collectable space and the “static” figure is the amount of static space used. There is no old space since an old space only exists during garbage collection.

The amount of space needed for garbage collection represents an estimate of how much space user programs will use up while scavenging is in progress. It includes a certain amount of padding. The difference between the free space and that amount is how much consing you can do before a garbage collection will begin (if automatic garbage collection is on).

The amount needed for a garbage collection depends on the value of si:*gc-reclaim-immediately*; more if it is nil.

While a garbage collection is in progress, the output looks like this:

Incremental garbage collection now in progress.
Dynamic (new+copy) space 45,137, Old space 972,514, Static 3,707,498,
Between 3,701,440 and 4,629,998 words of scavenging left to do.
Free space 9,289,795 (of which 928,558 might be needed for copying).
Ratio scavenging work/free space = 0.55.
Scavenging during cons On, Idle scavenging On,
Automatic garbage collection On.
GC Flip Ratio 1, GC Reclaim Immediately Off

Notice that most of the dynamic space has become old space and new space is small. Not much has been copied since the flip took place. The maximum and minimum estimates for the amount of scavenging are based on different limits for how much of old space may need to be copied; as scavenging progresses, the maximum decreases steadily, but the minimum may increase. The free space is smaller now, but it will get larger when scavenging is finished and old space is freed up. (The total amounts are not the same now because unused parts of regions may not be included in any of the figures.)

Function: si:set-scavenger-ws number-of-pages

Incremental scavenging is restricted to a fixed amount of physical memory to reduce its interference with your other activities.

This function specifies the number of pages of memory that incremental garbage collection can use. 256 is a good value for a 256k machine. If the garbage collector gets very poor paging performance, use of this function may fix it.

35.8 Logging In

Logging in tells the Lisp Machine who you are, so that other users can see who is logged in, you can receive messages, and your INIT file can be run. An INIT file is a Lisp program which gets loaded when you log in; it can be used to set up a personalized environment.

When you log out, it should be possible to undo any personalizations you have made so that they do not affect the next user of the machine. Therefore, anything done by an INIT file should be undoable. In order to do this, for every form in the INIT file, a Lisp form to undo its effects should be added to the list that is the value of logout-list. The login-forms construct helps make this easy; see below.

Variable: user-id

The value of user-id is either the name of the logged in user, as a string, or else an empty string if there is no user logged in. It appears in the who-line.

Variable: logout-list

The value of logout-list is a list of forms to be evaluated when the user logs out.

Function: login name &optional host inhibit-init-file

Sets your name (the variable user-id) to name and logs in a file server on host. host also becomes your default file host. The default value of host depends on which Lisp Machine you use using; it is called the associated machine (see si:associated-machine-var). login also runs the :login initialization list (see login-init-list).

If host requires passwords for logging in you are asked for a password. Adding an asterisk at the front of your password enables any special capabilities you may be authorized to use, by calling fs:enable-capabilities (fs:enable-capabilities-fun).

Unless inhibit-init-file is specified as non-nil, login loads your init file if it exists. On ITS, your init file is name LISPM on your home directory. On TOPS-20 your init file is LISPM.INIT on your directory. On VMS, it is LISPM.INI. On Unix, it is lispm.init.

If anyone is logged into the machine already, login logs him out before logging in name. (See logout.) Init files should be written using the login-forms construct so that logout can undo them. Usually, however, you cold-boot the machine before logging in, to remove any traces of the previous user. login returns t.

Function: log1 &rest options

Like login but the arguments are specified differently. options is a list of keywords and values; the keywords :host and :init specify the host to log in on and whether to load the init file if any. Any other keywords are also allowed. log1 itself ignores them, but the init file can act on them. The purpose of log1, as opposed to login, is to enable you to specify other keywords for your init file’s sake.

Variable: si:user-init-options

During the execution of the user’s init file, inside log1, this variable contains the arguments given to log1. Options not meaningful to log1 itself can be specified, so that the init file can find them here and act on them.

Function: logout

First, logout evaluates the forms on logout-list. Then it sets user-id to an empty string and logout-list to nil. Then it runs the :logout initialization list (see login-init-list), and returns t.

Macro: login-forms undoable-forms...

The body of a login-forms is composed of forms to be evaluated, whose effects are to be undone if you log out. For example,

  (setq fs:*defaults-are-per-host* t))

would set the variable immediately but arrange for its previous value to be restored if you log out.

login-forms is not an AI program; it must be told how to undo each function that will be used immediately inside it. This is done by giving the function name (such as setq) a :undo-function property which is a function that takes a form as an argument and returns a form to undo the original form. For setq, this is done as follows:

(defun (setq :undo-function) (form &aux results)
  (do ((l (cdr form) (cddr l)))
      ((null l))
    (cond ((boundp (car l))
	   (push `(setq ,(car l) ',(symeval (car l))) results))
	  (t (push `(makunbound ',(car l)) results))))
  `(progn . ,results))

Undo functions are standardly provided for the functions setq, pkg-goto-globally, setq-globally, add-initialization, deff, defun, defsubst, macro, advise and zwei:set-comtab. Constructs which macroexpand into uses of those functions are also supported.

Note that setting *read-base* and *print-base* should be done with setq-globally rather than setq, since those variables are likely to be bound by the load function while the init file is executed.

Macro: login-setq variable value...

login-setq is like setq except that it puts a setq form on logout-list to set the variables to their previous values. login-setq is obsolete; use login-forms around a setq instead.

Function: login-eval x

login-eval is used for functions that are “meant to be called” from INIT files, such as zwei:set-comtab-return-undo, which conveniently return a form to undo what they did. login-eval pushes the result of the form x onto logout-list. It is obsolete now because login-forms is a cleaner interface.

Function: si:undoable-forms-1 undo-list-name forms &optional complaint-string

This is what login-forms uses. forms is a list of forms; they are evaluated and forms for undoing their effects are pushed onto the value of the symbol undo-list-name. If an element of forms has no known way to be undone, a message is printed using the string complaint-string. For login-forms, the string supplied is "at logout".

35.9 Dribble Files

Function: dribble &optional filename

With an argument, dribble opens filename as a ‘dribble file’ (also known as a ‘wallpaper file’) and then enters a Lisp listen loop in which *standard-input* and *standard-output* are rebound to direct all the output and echoing they do to the file as well as to the terminal.

Dribble output can be sent to an editor buffer by using a suitable pathname; see editor-hosts.

Calling dribble with no arguments terminates dribbling; it throws to the original call to dribble, which closes the file and returns.

Function: dribble-all &optional filename

Like dribble except that all input and output goes to the dribble file, including break loops, queries, warnings and sessions in the debugger. This works by binding *terminal-io* instead of *standard-output* and *standard-input*.

35.10 Version Information

Common Lisp defines several standard ways of inquiring about the identity and capabilities of the Lisp system you are using.

Variable: *features*

A list of atoms which describe the software and hardware features of the Lisp implementation. By default, this is

(:loop :defstruct :lispm :cadr :mit :chaos :sort :fasload :string
 :newio :roman :trace :grindef :grind :common)

Most important is the symbol :lispm; this indicates that the program is executing on the Lisp Machine. :cadr indicates the type of hardware, :mit which version of the Lisp Machine operating system, and :chaos that the Chaosnet protocol is available. :common indicates that Common Lisp is supported.

Most of the other elements are for Maclisp compatibility. Common Lisp defines the variable *features* but does not define what should appear in the list. The order of elements in the list has no significance. Membership checks should use string-equal so that packages are not significant

The #+ and #- read constructs (sharp-plus) check for the presence of an element in this list. Thus, #+lispm when read by a Lisp Machine causes the following expression to be significant, because :lispm is present in the features list.

The remaining standard means of inquiry are specified by Common Lisp to be functions rather than variables, for reasons that seem poorly thought out.

Function: lisp-implementation-type

Returns a string saying what kind of Lisp implementation you are using. On the Lisp Machine it is always "Zetalisp".

Function: lisp-implementation-version

Returns a string saying the version numbers of the Lisp implementation. On the Lisp Machine it looks something like

"System 98.3, CADR 3.0, ZMAIL 52.2".
Function: machine-type

Returns a string describing the kind of hardware in use. It is "CADR" or "LAMBDA".

Function: machine-version

Returns a string describing the kind of hardware and microcode version. It starts with the value of machine-type. It might be "CADR Microcode 309".

Function: machine-instance

Returns a string giving the name of this machine. Do not be confused; the value is a string, not an instance. Example: "CADR-18".

Function: software-type

Returns a string describing the type of operating system software that Lisp is working with. On the Lisp Machine, it is always "Zetalisp", since the Lisp Machine Lisp software is the operating system.

Function: software-version

Returns a string describing the version numbers of the operating system software in use. This is the same as lisp-implementation-version on the Lisp Machine since the same software is being described.

Function: short-site-name

Returns a string giving briefly the name of the site you are at. A site is an institution which has a group of Lisp Machines. The string you get is the value of the :short-site-name site option as given in SYS: SITE; SITE LISP. See site-files for more information. Example: "MIT AI Lab".

Function: long-site-name

Returns a string giving a verbose name for the site you are at. This string is specified by the site option :long-site-name. Example: "Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory".

35.11 Booting and Disk Partitions

A Lisp Machine disk is divided into several named partitions (also called bands sometimes). Partitions can be used for many things. Every disk has a partition named PAGE, which is used to implement the virtual memory of the Lisp Machine. When you run Lisp, this is where the Lisp world actually resides. There are also partitions that hold saved images of the Lisp Machine microcode, conventionally named MCRn (where n is a digit), and partitions that hold saved images of Lisp worlds, conventionally named LODn. A saved image of a Lisp world is also called a virtual memory load or system load. The microcode and system load are stored separately so that the microcode can be changed without going through the time-consuming process of generating a new system load.

The directory of partitions is in a special block on the disk called the label. The label names one of the partitions as the current microcode and one as the current system load. When you cold-boot, the contents of the current microcode band are loaded into the microcode memory, and then the contents of the current saved image of the Lisp world is copied into the PAGE partition. Then Lisp starts running. When you warm-boot, the contents of the current microcode band are loaded, but Lisp starts running using the data already in the PAGE partition.

For each partition, the directory of partitions contains a brief textual description of the contents of the partition. For microcode partitions, a typical description might be "UCADR 310"; this means that version 310 of the microcode is in the partition. For saved Lisp images, it is a little more complicated. Ideally, the description would say which versions of which systems are loaded into the band. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough room for that in most cases. A typical description is "99.4 Daed 5.1", meaning that this band contains version 99.4 of System and version 5.1 of Daedalus. The description is created when a Lisp world is saved away by disk-save (see below).

35.11.1 Manipulating the Label

Function: print-disk-label &optional (unit 0) (stream *standard-output*)

Prints a description of the label of the disk specified by unit onto stream. The description starts with the name of the disk pack, various information about the disk that is generally uninteresting, and the names of the two current load partitions (microcode and saved Lisp image). This is followed by one line of description for each partition. Each one has a name, disk address, size, and textual comment. The current microcode partition and the current system load partition are marked with asterisks, each at the beginning of the line.

unit may be the unit number of the disk (most Lisp machines just have one unit, number 0), or the host name of another Lisp Machine on the Chaosnet, as a string (in which case the label of unit 0 on that machine is printed, and the user of that machine is notified that you are looking at his label), or, for CADRs only, the string "CC" (which prints the label of unit 0 of the machine connected to this machine’s debugging hardware).

Use of "CC" as the unit is the way to examine or fix up the label of a machine which cannot work because of problems with the label. On a Lambda, this must be done through the SDU.

Function: set-current-band partition-name &optional (unit 0)

Sets the current saved Lisp image partition to be partition-name. If partition-name is a number, the name LODn is used.

unit can be a disk drive number, the host name of another Lisp Machine, or the string "CC". See the comments under print-disk-label, above.

If the partition you specify goes with a version of microcode different from the one that is current, this function offers to select the an appropriate microcode partition as well. Normally you should answer Y.

Function: set-current-microload partition-name &optional (unit 0)

Sets the current microcode partition to be partition-name. If partition-name is a number, the name MCRn is used.

unit can be a disk drive number, the host name of another Lisp Machine, or the string "CC". See the comments under print-disk-label, above.

Function: si:current-band &optional (unit 0)
Function: si:current-microload &optional (unit 0)

Return, respectively, the name of the current band and the current microload on the specified unit.

When using the functions to set the current load partitions, be extra sure that you are specifying the correct partition. Having done it, cold-booting the machine will reload from those partitions. Some versions of the microcode will not work with some versions of the Lisp system, and if you set the two current partitions incompatibly, cold-booting the machine will fail. To fix this, on a CADR, use another CADR’s debugging hardware, running print-disk-label and set-current-band on the other CADR and giving "CC" as the unit argument. On a Lambda, this is done via the SDU.

Function: si:edit-disk-label unit &optional init-p

Runs an interactive label editor on the specified unit. This editor allows you to change any field in the label. The Help key documents the commands. You have to be an expert to need this and to understand what it does, so the commands are not documented here. Ask someone if you need help. You can screw yourself very badly with this function.

Function: disk-restore &optional partition

Allows booting from a band other than the current one. partition may be the name or the number of a disk partition containing a virtual-memory load, or nil or omitted, meaning to use the current partition. The specified partition is copied into the paging area of the disk and then started.

Although you can use this to boot a different Lisp image than the installed one, this does not provide a way to boot a different microcode image. disk-restore brings up the new band with the currently running microcode.

disk-restore asks the user for confirmation before doing it.

Function: describe-partition partition &optional unit

Tells you various useful things about a partition; including where on disk the partition begins, and how long it is.

If you specify a saved Lisp system partition, such as LOD3, it also tells you important information about the contents of the partition: the microcode version which the partition goes with, the size of the data in the partition and the highest virtual address used. The size of the partition tells how large a partition you need to make a copy of this one, and the highest virtual address used (which is measured in units of disk blocks) tells you how large a PAGE partition you need in order to run this partition.

35.11.2 Updating Software

Of all the procedures described in this section, the most common one is to take a partition containing a Lisp image, update it to have all the latest patches (see patch-facility), and save it away in a disk partition. The function load-and-save-patches does it all conveniently for you.

Function: load-and-save-patches

Loads patches and saves a band, with a simple user interface. Run this function immediately after cold booting, without logging in first; it logs in automatically as LISPM (or whatever is specified in the site files). The first thing it does is print the list of disk partitions and ask you which one to save in. Answer LODn, using the name of a partition from the printed list. You must then confirm. Then the patches are loaded and the resulting world is saved with no further user interaction, as long as no problem arises.

It is convenient to use this function just before you depart, allowing it to finish unattended.

If you wish to do something other than loading all and only the latest patches, you must perform the steps by hand. Start by cold-booting the machine, to get a fresh, empty system. Next, you must log in as something whose INIT file does not affect the Lisp world noticably (so that when you save away the Lisp image, the side-effects of the INIT file won’t get saved too); on MIT-OZ, for example, you can log in as LISPM with password LISPM. Now you can load in any new software you want; usually you should also do (load-patches) for good measure. You may also want to call si:set-system-status to change the release status of the system.

When you’re done loading everything, do (print-disk-label) to find a band in which to save your new Lisp world. It is best not to reuse the current band, since if something goes wrong during the saving of the partition, while you have written, say, half of the band that is current, it may be impossible to cold-boot the machine. Once you have found the partition, you use the disk-save function to save everything into that partition.

Function: disk-save partition-name &optional no-query incremental

Saves the current Lisp world in the designated partition. partition-name may be a partition name (a string), or it may be a number in which case the name LODn is used.

The user is first asked for yes-or-no confirmation that he really wants to reuse the named partition. A non-nil value for no-query prevents this question. This is only for callers that have already asked.

Next it is necessary to figure out what to put into the textual description of the band, for the disk label. This starts with the brief version of si:system-version-info (see si:system-version-info-fun). Then comes a string of additional information; if no-query is nil, the user is offered the chance to provide a new string. The current value of this string is returned by si:system-version-info and printed by booting. The version info and the string both go in the comment field of the disk label for this band. If they don’t together fit into the fixed size available, the user is asked to retype the whole thing (the version info as well as your comment) in a compressed form that does fit.

The Lisp environment is then saved away into the designated partition, and then the equivalent of a cold-boot from that partition is done.

Once the patched system has been successfully saved and the system comes back up, you can make it current with set-current-band.

When you do a disk-save, it may tell you that the band you wish to save in is not big enough to hold all the data in your current world. It may be possible for you to reduce the size of the data so that it will fit in that band, by garbage collecting. Simply do (si:full-gc).

Try to avoid saving patched systems after running the editor or the compiler. This works, but it makes the saved system a lot bigger. In order to produce a clean saved environment, you should try to do as little as possible between the time you cold-boot and the time you save the partition.

Variable: si:login-history

The value of si:login-history is a list of entries, one for each person who has logged into this world since it was created. This makes it possible to tell who disk-saved a band with something broken in it. Each entry is a list of the user ID, the host logged into, the Lisp Machine on which the world was being executed, and the date and time.

35.11.3 Saving Personal Software

If you have a large application system which takes a while to load, you may wish to save a band containing it.

To do this, boot a fresh band, log in without running your init file, do make-system to load the application system, and then invoke disk-save. When disk-save asks for an additional comment, give your name or the name of the application system you loaded, and a date. This will tell other people who to ask whether the band is still in use if they would like to save other things.

You can greatly reduce the amount of disk space needed for the saved band by making it an incremental band; that is, a band which contains the differences between the Lisp world you want to save and the system band you originally loaded. Since all the pages of the system which your application program did not change do not have to be saved, an incremental band is generally much smaller–perhaps by a factor of ten.

To make an incremental band, give a non-nil third argument to disk-save, as in

(disk-save "lod4" nil t)

Figuring out which pages need to be saved in the incremental band takes a couple of extra minutes.

You can restore the incremental band with disk-restore or boot it like any other band. This works by first booting the original band and then copying in the differences that the incremental band records. It takes only a little longer than booting the original system band.

The original band to which an incremental band refers must be a complete load. When you update a standard system band (loading patches, for instance) you should always make a complete load, so that the previous system band is not needed for the new one to function.

The incremental band records the partition name of the original system band. That original band must still exist, with the same contents, in order for the incremental band to work properly. The incremental band contains some error check data which is used to verify this. The error checking is done by the microcode when the incremental band is booted, but it is also done by set-current-band, so that you are not permitted to select an incremental band if it is not going to work.

When using incremental bands, it is important to preserve the system bands that they depend on. Therefore, system bands should not be updated too frequently. describe-partition on an incremental band says which full band it depends on; you can use this to determine which bands should be kept for the sake of incremental bands that depend on them.

In order to realize the maximum savings in disk space possible because of incremental bands, you must make the partition you saved in smaller once the save is finished and you know how much space was actually used. This is done with si:edit-disk-label. The excess space at the end of the partition can be used to make another partition which is used for the next incremental band saved. Eventually when some of the incremental bands are no longer needed the rest must be shuffled so that the free space can be put together into larger partitions. This can be done with si:copy-disk-partition.

An easier technique is to divide a couple of the initial partitions into several equal-sized partitions of about 4000 pages, and use these for all incremental saving. You can easily provide room for 12 incremental bands this way in addition to a few system bands and file system.

You must not do a garbage collection to reduce the size of the world before you make an an incremental band. This is because garbage collection alters so many pages that an incremental band would be as big as a complete band.

35.11.4 Copying Bands

The normal way to install new software on a machine is to copy the microcode and world load bands from another machine.

The first step is to find a machine that is not in use and has the desired system. Let us call this the source machine. The machine where the new system is to be installed is the target machine. You can use finger to see which machines are free, and use print-disk-label with an argument to examine the label of that machine’s disk and see if it has the system you want.

Then you should do a (print-disk-label) to find suitable partitions to copy them into. It is advisable not to copy them into the selected partitions; if you did that, and the machine crashed in the middle, you would be unable to boot it.

Before copying a band from another machine, double-check the partition names by printing the labels of both machines, and make sure no one is using the other machine. Also double-check with describe-partition that the world load and microcode go together. Then use this function:

Function: si:receive-band source-host source-band target-band &optional subset-start subset-size

Copies the partition on source-host’s partition named source-band onto the local machine’s partition named target-band. This takes about ten minutes. It types out the size of the partition in pages, and types a number every 100 pages telling how far it has gotten. It displays an entry in the who line on the remote machine saying what’s going on.

The subset-start and subset-size arguments can be used to transfer only part of a partition. They are measured in blocks. The default for the first is zero, and the default for the second is to continue to the end of the data in the band. These arguments are useful for restarting a transfer that was aborted due to network problems or a crash, based on the count of hundreds of blocks that was printed out before the crash.

To go the other direction, use si:transmit-band.

Function: si:transmit-band source-band target-host target-band &optional subset-start subset-size

This is just like si:receive-band, except you use it on the source machine instead of the target machine. It copies the local machine’s partition named source-band onto target-machine’s partition named target-band.

It is preferable to use si:receive-band so that you are present at the machine being written on.

After transferring the band, it is good practice to make sure that it really was copied successfully by comparing the original and the copy. All of the known reasons for errors during band transfer have (of course) been corrected, but peace of mind is valuable. If the copy was not perfectly faithful, you might not find out about it until a long time later, when you use whatever part of the system that had not been copied properly.

Function: si:compare-band source-host source-band target-band &optional subset-start subset-size

This is like si:receive-band, except that it does not change anything. It compares the two bands and complains about any differences.

Having gotten the current microcode load and system load copied into partitions on your machine, you can make them current for booting using set-current-band.

35.11.5 Cold Load Bands

Function: recompile-world &rest keywords

recompile-world is a rather ad-hoc tool for recompiling all of the Lisp Machine system packages. It works by calling the pkg-load facility. It will find all files that need recompiling from any of the packages:

system-internals format compiler
chaos supdup peek eine

keywords is a list of keywords; usually it is empty. The useful keywords are:


After compiling, load in any files which are not loaded.


Don’t ask for confirmation for each package.


Ask for confirmation for each file.

Any of the other keywords accepted by pkg-load will also work.

Function: qld &optional restart-p

qld is used to generate a new Lisp Machine system after the cold-load is loaded in. If you don’t know how to use this, you don’t need it. If restart-p is non-nil, then it ignores that it has done anything, and starts from scratch.

35.12 Site Options and Host Table

The Lisp Machine system has options that are set at each site. These include the network addresses of other hosts, which hosts have file servers, which host to find the system source files and patch files on, where to send bug reports, what timezone the site is located in, and many other things.

The per-site information is defined by three files: SYS: SITE; SITE LISP, SYS: SITE; LMLOCS LISP, and SYS: CHAOS; HOSTS TXT.

SYS: CHAOS; HOSTS TXT is the network host table. It gives the names and addresses of all hosts that are to be known to the Lisp Machine for any purposes. It also says what type of machine the host is, and what operating system runs on it.

SYS: SITE; LMLOCS LISP specifies various information about the Lisp Machines at your site, including its name, where it is physically located, and what the default machine for logging in should be.

SYS: SITE; SITE LISP specifies all other site-specific information. Primarily, this is contained in a call to the special form defsite.

Macro: defsite site-name (site-option value)...

This special form defines the values of site-specific options, and also gives the name of the site. Each site-option is a symbol, normally in the keyword package, which is the name of some site option. value is the value for that option; it is evaluated. Here is a list of standardly defined site options:


The value is a string, the name of the host on which the system source files are stored. This host becomes the translation of logical host SYS.


The value is an alist mapping host names into translation-list variables. Each translation list variable’s value should be an alist suitable for being the third argument to fs:add-logical-pathname-host (see fs:add-logical-pathname-host-fun). The car of an element may be nil instead of a host name; then this element applies to all hosts not mentioned.

The normal place to find the system sources is on the host specified by the :sys-host keyword, in the directories specified by the translation list variable found by looking that host up in the value of the :sys-host-translation-alist keyword. If you specify a different host as the system host with si:set-sys-host, that host is also looked up in this alist to find out what directories to use there.

Here is what is used at MIT:

(defsite :mit
    '(("AI" . its-sys-pathname-translations)
      ("OZ" . oz-sys-pathname-translations)
      ("FS" . its-sys-pathname-translations)
      ("LM" . its-sys-pathname-translations)
      (nil . its-sys-pathname-translations)))
(defconst oz-sys-pathname-translations
  '(("CC;" "<L.CC>")
    ("CHAOS;" "<L.CHAOS>")
    ("DEMO;" "<L.DEMO>")
    ("SITE;" "<L.SITE>")
    ("SYS;" "<L.SYS>")
    ("SYS2;" "<L.SYS2>")
    ("ZMAIL;" "<L.ZMAIL>")
    ("ZWEI;" "<L.ZWEI>")
:sys-login-password defsite

These specify the username and password to use to log in automatically to read system patch files, microcode symbol tables and error tables. The values should be strings.


nil if the site has no Chaosnet; otherwise, a string, the name of the Chaosnet that the site is on. Names for Chaosnets will eventually be used to permit communication between Chaosnets, probably through special gateway servers. Except when multiple sites are on a single Chaosnet, normally the Chaosnet name should be the same as the site name (but as a string, not a symbol).


The value should be t for a Lisp Machine that is operated without a network connection. This causes the Lisp Machine to not to try to use the Chaosnet for getting the time. On the Lambda, the time will obtained from the SDU’s clock. On the CADR, the time will be obtained from the user.


This should be a string which is the name of a host to use as the associated host for any Lisp Machine not mentioned in the LMLOCS file.


This should be a string which is the typical beginning of host names of Lisp Machines at your site. At MIT, it is "CADR-".


This should be a list of names of hosts that have file servers, including Lisp Machines which other Lisp Machines should know about.


This should be a list of names of Lisp Machines that provide servers for the LMFILE file system. The entry for such a machine should be one of the nicknames of that machine. By virtue of its presence in this list, it becomes the name by which the LMFILE file system there can be accessed remotely.


This should be a list of names of hosts that support TIME servers. These are hosts that the Lisp Machine can ask the time of day from when you boot.


This should be a list of names of hosts that support host-table servers, which can be used to inquire about hosts on networks that the Lisp Machine does not know about in its own host table.


This should be a list of names of hosts that support mail servers which are capable of forwarding mail to any known host.


This should be a number, the number of hours earlier than GMT of standard time in the timezone where this site is located.


This should be a string, the name of the host at which bug-report mailboxes are located.


This should be a list of names of hosts that ZMail should consider “local” and omit from its summary display.


This should be a list of hosts that have spelling corrector servers.


This should be t if mail can be sent through the COMSAT mail demon. This is true only at MIT.


This should be the default mode for use in sending mail. The options are :file (use COMSAT), :chaos (use one of the :chaos-mail-server-hosts), or :chaos-direct (like :chaos, but go direct to the host that the mail is addressed to whenever possible).


This should be t if GMSGS servers are available.


This should be a list of names of hosts that can be used as gateways to the Arpanet. These hosts must provide a suitable Chaosnet server which will make Arpanet connections. It should be nil if your site does not have an Arpanet connection.


If you have Arpanet gateways, this is the Chaosnet contact name to use. Nowadays, it should be "TCP".


This should be t if your site has a Dover printer.


This should be a keyword which describes the default printer for hardcopy commands and functions to use. Possible values include :dover, nil, or any other printer type that you define (see hardcopy).


Like :default-printer, but this is the default for only hardcopy-bit-array to use.


This says what various numeric arguments to the Terminal F command mean. It is a list of elements, one for each possible argument. The car of an element is either a number or nil (which applies to Terminal F with no argument). The cdr is either :login (finger the login host), :lisp-machines (finger all Lisp Machines at this site), :read (read some hosts from the keyboard), or a list of host names.


If the value is t, Lisp Machine file system dump tapes are verified.

Other site options are allowed, and your own software can look for them.

35.12.1 Updating Site Information

To update the site files, you must first recompile the sources. Do this by

(make-system 'site 'compile)

This also loads the site files.

To just load the site files, assuming they are compiled, do

(make-system 'site)

load-patches does that automatically.

You should never load any site file directly. All the files must be loaded in the proper fashion and sequence, or the machine may stop working.

35.12.2 Accessing Site Options

Programs examine the site options using these variables and functions:

Variable: site-name

The value of this variable is the name of the site you are running at, as defined in the defsite in the SITE file. You can use this in run-time conditionals for various sites.

Function: get-site-option keyword

Returns the value of the site option keyword. The value is nil if keyword is not mentioned in the SITE file.

Macro: define-site-variable variable keyword [documentation]

Defines a variable named variable whose value is always the same as that of the site option keyword. When new site files are loaded, the variable’s value is updated. documentation is the variable’s documentation string, as in defvar.

Macro: define-site-host-list variable keyword [documentation]

Defines a variable named variable whose value is a list of host objects specified by the site option keyword. The value actually specified in the SITE file should be a list of host names. When new site files are loaded, the variable’s value is updated. documentation is the variable’s documentation string, as in defvar.

35.12.3 The LMLOCS File

The LMLOCS file contains an entry for each Lisp Machine at your site, and tells the system whatever it needs to know about the particular machine it is running on. It contains one form, a defconst for the variable machine-location-alist. The value should have an element for each Lisp Machine, of this form:

("MIT-LISPM-1"  "Lisp Machine One"
 "907 [Son of CONS] CADR1's Room x6765"
 (MIT-NE43 9) "OZ" ((:default-printer :dover)))

The general pattern is

(host-full-name pretty-name
 (building floor) associated-machine site-options) 

The host-full-name is the same as in the host table.

The pretty-name is simply for printing out for users on certain occasions.

The location-string should say where to find the machine’s console, preferably with a telephone number. This is for the FINGER server to provide to other hosts.

The building and floor are a somewhat machine-understandable version of the location.

The associated-machine is the default file server host name for login on this Lisp Machine.

site-options is a list of site options, just like what goes in the defsite. These site options apply only to the particular machine, overriding what is present in the SITE file. In our example, the site option :default-printer is specified as being :dover, on this machine only.

Variable: si:associated-machine

The host object for the associated machine of this Lisp Machine.

36 Internal Implementation Stuff

36.1 Lisp Machine Storage

This section describes the format in which objects are stored in the Lisp Machine.


36.2 The Lisp Machine Macro-instruction Set

This section describes the Lisp Machine’s interpreted order code, referred to below as "macrocode." The macrocode is designed to be highly bit-efficient, and well-suited to Lisp. The compilation of Lisp into macrocode is very straightforward, as will be shown in examples below.


36.3 QFASL format

[When written, move this under “Analyzing QFASL Files”]

36.4 Paging internals

[When written, move this under “The Paging System”]

37 Errata

This is a list of currently known errors and changes that differ from the sixth edition of the Lisp Machine manual. As I find more errors, I will document them here, and update the document with the correct information. Feel free to send suggestions, improvements, and errors to BUG-LISPM.

Function Index

Jump to:   -   :   "   (   @   *   /   \   %   ^   +   <   =   >   1  
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
Index EntrySection


:accept on chaos:basic-streamTop
:active-p on si:processTop
:advance-input-buffer on streamsTop
:any-tyi on streamsTop
:any-tyi-no-hang on streamsTop
:arrest-reason on si:processTop
:arrest-reasons on si:processTop
:back-translated-pathname on fs:logical-pathnameTop
:beep on streamsTop
:break on Top
:bug-report-description on conditionTop
:bug-report-recipient-system on conditionTop
:canonical-type on pathnameTop
:change-properties on pathnameTop
:characters on streamsTop
:clear-eof on chaos:basic-input-streamTop
:clear-hash on hash-tableTop
:clear-input on streamsTop
:clear-output on streamsTop
:clear-screen on streamsTop
:close on chaos:basic-streamTop
:close on streamsTop
:close on streamsTop
:complete-string on pathnameTop
:condition-names on conditionTop
:connection on chaos:basic-streamTop
:contact-name on chaos:basic-streamTop
:cpu-time on si:processTop
:create-directory on pathnameTop
:dangerous-condition-p on conditionTop
:debugger-command-loop on conditionTop
:debugging-condition-p on conditionTop
:delete on pathnameTop
:describe on Top
:device on pathnameTop
:device-wild-p on pathnameTop
:direction on streamsTop
:directory on pathnameTop
:directory-list on pathnameTop
:directory-pathname-as-file on pathnameTop
:directory-wild-p on pathnameTop
:discard-input-buffer on si:buffered-input-streamTop
:discard-output-buffer on si:buffered-output-streamTop
:disk-wait-time on si:processTop
:document-proceed-type on conditionTop
:element-type on streamsTop
:eof on chaos:basic-output-streamTop
:eof on streamsTop
:expunge on pathnameTop
:fasd-form on instancesTop
:filled-entries on hash-tableTop
:filled-entries on hash-tableTop
:find-current-frame on conditionTop
:finish on chaos:basic-output-streamTop
:finish on streamsTop
:flush on si:processTop
:fn1 on its-pathnameTop
:fn2 on its-pathnameTop
:force-output on chaos:basic-output-streamTop
:force-output on streamsTop
:force-rescan on streamsTop
:foreign-host on chaos:basic-streamTop
:fresh-line on streamsTop
:generic-pathname on pathnameTop
:get on pathnameTop
:get on si:property-list-mixinTop
:get-hash on hash-tableTop
:get-input-buffer on streamsTop
:get-location on si:property-list-mixinTop
:get-location-or-nil on si:property-list-mixinTop
:get-old-data on si:output-pointer-remembering-mixinTop
:getl on pathnameTop
:getl on si:property-list-mixinTop
:host on pathnameTop
:idle-time on si:processTop
:increment-cursorpos on streamsTop
:initial-form on si:processTop
:initial-stack-group on si:processTop
:interrupt on si:processTop
:kill on si:processTop
:line-in on streamsTop
:line-out on streamsTop
:listen on streamsTop
:map-hash on hash-tableTop
:map-hash-return on hash-tableTop
:maybe-clear-input on conditionTop
:modify-hash on hash-tableTop
:name on pathnameTop
:name on si:processTop
:name-wild-p on pathnameTop
:new-canonical-type on pathnameTop
:new-device on pathnameTop
:new-directory on pathnameTop
:new-name on pathnameTop
:new-output-buffer on si:buffered-output-streamTop
:new-pathname on pathnameTop
:new-raw-device on pathnameTop
:new-raw-directory on pathnameTop
:new-raw-name on pathnameTop
:new-raw-type on pathnameTop
:new-suggested-directory on pathnameTop
:new-suggested-name on pathnameTop
:new-type on pathnameTop
:new-type-and-version on pathnameTop
:new-version on pathnameTop
:next-input-buffer on si:buffered-input-streamTop
:open on pathnameTop
:open-canonical-default-type on pathnameTop
:operation-handled-p on streamsTop
:operation-name on flavor-nameTop
:pathname-as-directory on pathnameTop
:pathname-match on pathnameTop
:percent-utilization on si:processTop
:plist on pathnameTop
:preset on si:processTop
:primary-device on pathnameTop
:print-error-message on conditionTop
:priority on si:processTop
:proceed-asking-user on conditionTop
:proceed-type-p on conditionTop
:proceed-types on conditionTop
:properties on pathnameTop
:property-list on si:property-list-mixinTop
:property-list-location on si:property-list-mixinTop
:push-property on si:property-list-mixinTop
:put-hash on hash-tableTop
:putprop on pathnameTop
:putprop on si:property-list-mixinTop
:quantum on si:processTop
:quantum-remaining on si:processTop
:raw-device on pathnameTop
:raw-directory on pathnameTop
:raw-name on pathnameTop
:raw-type on pathnameTop
:read-bp on streamsTop
:read-cursorpos on streamsTop
:read-input-buffer on streamsTop
:read-pointer on streamsTop
:read-until-eof on streamsTop
:reconstruction-init-plist on si:print-readably-mixinTop
:reject on chaos:basic-streamTop
:rem-hash on hash-tableTop
:remote-connect on pathnameTop
:remprop on pathnameTop
:remprop on si:property-list-mixinTop
:rename on pathnameTop
:report on conditionTop
:report-string on conditionTop
:rescanning-p on streamsTop
:reset on si:processTop
:reset-meters on si:processTop
:revoke-arrest-reason on si:processTop
:revoke-run-reason on si:processTop
:rewind on streamsTop
:rubout-handler on streamsTop
:rubout-handler on streamsTop
:run-reason on si:processTop
:run-reasons on si:processTop
:runnable-p on si:processTop
:send-if-handles on streamsTop
:send-output-buffer on si:buffered-output-streamTop
:set-buffer-pointer on si:input-pointer-remembering-mixinTop
:set-buffer-pointer on si:output-pointer-remembering-mixinTop
:set-cursorpos on streamsTop
:set-pointer on streamsTop
:set-priority on si:processTop
:set-property-list on si:property-list-mixinTop
:set-quantum on si:processTop
:set-warm-boot-action on si:processTop
:simple-p on si:processTop
:size on hash-tableTop
:source-pathname on pathnameTop
:stack-group on si:processTop
:string-for-directory on pathnameTop
:string-for-dired on pathnameTop
:string-for-editor on pathnameTop
:string-for-host on pathnameTop
:string-for-printing on pathnameTop
:string-for-wholine on pathnameTop
:string-in on streamsTop
:string-line-in on streamsTop
:string-out on streamsTop
:swap-hash on hash-tableTop
:total-run-time on si:processTop
:translate-wild-pathname on pathnameTop
:translated-pathname on fs:logical-pathnameTop
:truename on pathnameTop
:tyi on streamsTop
:tyi-no-hang on streamsTop
:tyipeek on streamsTop
:tyo on streamsTop
:type on pathnameTop
:type-and-version on pathnameTop
:type-wild-p on pathnameTop
:undeletable-p on pathnameTop
:undelete on pathnameTop
:untyi on streamsTop
:untyo on streamsTop
:untyo-mark on streamsTop
:user-proceed-types on conditionTop
:version on pathnameTop
:version-wild-p on pathnameTop
:wait-argument-list on si:processTop
:wait-function on si:processTop
:warm-boot-action on si:processTop
:which-operations on Top
:which-operations on streamsTop
:whostate on si:processTop
:wild-p on pathnameTop
:wildcard-map on pathnameTop


(access-error). on fs:incorrect-access-to-directoryTop
(access-error). on fs:incorrect-access-to-fileTop
(condition) on fqueryTop
(condition) on sys:abortTop
(condition) on sys:mar-breakTop
(condition) on sys:missing-closeparenTop
(error) on fs:file-errorTop
(error) on fs:invalid-file-attributeTop
(error) on sys:area-overflowTop
(error) on sys:cell-contents-errorTop
(error) on sys:cons-in-fixed-areaTop
(error) on sys:end-of-fileTop
(error) on sys:invalid-functionTop
(error) on sys:invalid-function-specTop
(error) on sys:lock-timeoutTop
(error) on sys:network-errorTop
(error) on sys:package-not-foundTop
(error) on sys:parse-errorTop
(error) on sys:pdl-overflowTop
(error) on sys:print-not-readableTop
(error) on sys:region-table-overflowTop
(error) on sys:rplacd-wrong-representation-typeTop
(error) on sys:subscript-out-of-boundsTop
(error) on sys:throw-tag-not-seenTop
(error) on sys:too-few-argumentsTop
(error) on sys:too-many-argumentsTop
(error) on sys:unclaimed-messageTop
(error) on sys:undefined-keyword-argumentTop
(error) on sys:unknown-locf-referenceTop
(error) on sys:unknown-setf-referenceTop
(error) on sys:virtual-memory-overflowTop
(error) on sys:wrong-stack-group-stateTop
(error) on sys:wrong-type-argumentTop
(fs:change-property-failure) on fs:invalid-property-nameTop
(fs:change-property-failure) on fs:invalid-property-valueTop
(fs:change-property-failure) on fs:unknown-propertyTop
(fs:creation-failure fs:wrong-kind-of-file) on fs:superior-not-directoryTop
(fs:creation-failure) on fs:file-already-existsTop
(fs:delete-failure) on fs:directory-not-emptyTop
(fs:delete-failure) on fs:dont-delete-flag-setTop
(fs:file-error error) on fs:file-request-failureTop
(fs:file-error) on fs:file-operation-failureTop
(fs:file-lookup-error) on fs:device-not-foundTop
(fs:file-lookup-error) on fs:directory-not-foundTop
(fs:file-lookup-error) on fs:file-not-foundTop
(fs:file-lookup-error) on fs:link-target-not-foundTop
(fs:file-lookup-error) on fs:multiple-file-not-foundTop
(fs:pathname-error error) on fs:pathname-parse-errorTop
(fs:pathname-error error) on fs:unknown-logical-pathname-translationTop
(fs:pathname-error error) on fs:unknown-pathname-hostTop
(fs:rename-failure) on fs:rename-across-directoriesTop
(fs:rename-failure) on fs:rename-to-existing-fileTop
(sys:arithmetic-error error) on math:singular-matrixTop
(sys:arithmetic-error error) on sys:divide-by-zeroTop
(sys:arithmetic-error error) on sys:floating-exponent-overflowTop
(sys:arithmetic-error error) on sys:zero-logTop
(sys:arithmetic-error error) on sys:zero-to-negative-powerTop
(sys:arithmetic-error on sys:divide-by-zeroTop
(sys:arithmetic-error on sys:floating-exponent-underflowTop
(sys:bad-array-mixin error) on sys:array-has-no-leaderTop
(sys:bad-array-mixin error) on sys:array-wrong-number-of-dimensionsTop
(sys:bad-array-mixin error) on sys:fill-pointer-not-fixnumTop
(sys:bad-array-mixin error) on sys:number-array-not-allowedTop
(sys:bad-connection-state sys:host-not-responding) on sys:host-stopped-respondingTop
(sys:bad-connection-state) on sys:connection-closedTop
(sys:bad-connection-state) on sys:connection-lostTop
(sys:bad-connection-state) on sys:connection-no-more-dataTop
(sys:cell-contents-error error) on sys:unbound-variableTop
(sys:cell-contents-error error) on sys:undefined-functionTop
(sys:connection-error sys:host-not-responding) on sys:host-not-responding-during-connectionTop
(sys:connection-error) on sys:connection-refusedTop
(sys:connection-error) on sys:no-server-upTop
(sys:invalid-function error) on sys:invalid-lambda-listTop
(sys:local-network-error sys:network-error error) on sys:network-resources-exhaustedTop
(sys:local-network-error sys:network-error error) on sys:unknown-addressTop
(sys:local-network-error sys:network-error error) on sys:unknown-host-nameTop
(sys:network-error on sys:local-network-errorTop
(sys:network-error on sys:remote-network-errorTop
(sys:parse-error error) on sys:read-errorTop
(sys:read-end-of-file sys:read-error sys:end-of-file) on sys:read-list-end-of-fileTop
(sys:read-end-of-file sys:read-error sys:end-of-file) on sys:read-string-end-of-fileTop
(sys:read-end-of-file sys:read-error sys:end-of-file) on sys:read-symbol-end-of-fileTop
(sys:read-error sys:end-of-file) on sys:read-end-of-fileTop
(sys:warning) on sys:redefinitionTop














condition on Top


error on Top

ferror on Top
flavor on "allTop
form on :eval-inside-yourselfTop
fs:access-error on Top
fs:circular-link on Top
fs:creation-failure on Top
fs:data-error on Top
fs:delete-failure on Top
fs:file-locked on Top
fs:file-lookup-error on Top
fs:file-open-for-output on Top
fs:filepos-out-of-range on Top
fs:host-not-available on Top
fs:invalid-byte-size on Top
fs:invalid-wildcard on Top
fs:network-lossage on Top
fs:no-more-room on Top
fs:not-available on Top
fs:not-enough-resources on Top
fs:rename-failure on Top
fs:unknown-operation on Top
fs:wildcard-not-allowed on Top
fs:wrong-kind-of-file on Top
function on :funcall-inside-yourselfTop




keyword on :setTop




objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
objects" on "hostTop
operation on :get-handler-forTop
operation on :operation-handled-pTop
operation on :send-if-handlesTop




si:bidirectional-stream on Top
si:buffered-character-stream on Top
si:buffered-input-character-stream on Top
si:buffered-input-stream on Top
si:buffered-output-character-stream on Top
si:buffered-output-stream on Top
si:buffered-stream on Top
si:file-stream-mixin on Top
si:input-file-stream-mixin on Top
si:input-pointer-remembering-mixin on Top
si:input-stream on Top
si:line-output-stream-mixin on Top
si:output-file-stream-mixin on Top
si:output-pointer-remembering-mixin on Top
si:output-stream on Top
si:print-readably-mixin on Top
si:process on Top
si:property-list-mixin on Top
si:simple-process on Top
si:stream on Top
si:unbuffered-line-input-stream on Top
si:vanilla-flavor on Top
stream on :print-selfTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
streams" on "fileTop
sys:bad-array-mixin on Top
sys:bad-array-mixin on Top
sys:bad-connection-state on Top
sys:connection-error on Top
sys:host-not-responding on Top
sys:no-action-mixin on Top
sys:proceed-with-value-mixin on Top
sys:unbound-closure-variable on Top
sys:unbound-instance-variable on Top
sys:unbound-special-variable on Top
sys:warning on Top








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