Implementation of a List Processing Machine

Short Table of Contents


This thesis outlines the hardware support developed over the past several years for the M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory’s Lisp Machine project. The Lisp Machine is a personal computer system designed for the efficient execution of the Lisp programming language in a highly interactive user environment. Each user is provided with a moderately high performance central processor, a high resolution bitmapped display, a large fast access swapping disk, and interconnection to a high speed local network.

The software system consists of an operating system, compiler, interpreter, and editor written entirely in two levels, the Lisp programming language, and the microcode of the processor.

The processor microcode instruction set is designed for flexibility in emulation of complex instruction sets, and for ease of programming. The main subject of the thesis is the structure of this processing engine, and a comparison of its performance with other similar computers.

Requirements for emulating complex instruction sets are discussed, and the performance of this processor at the task of emulating the Nova 1200 is compared with the performance of a second computer designed with similar intent (see Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C).

Appendix D contains complete details of the design with an english commentary.

Keywords: Lisp, personal computers, microprogramming, emulation, symbolic computation, high level languages

Name and Title of Thesis Supervisor: Marvin L. Minsky, Donner Professor of Science

1 Introduction

This report concerns the development of a new computer system designed to provide a high performance and economical implementation of the programming language Lisp.

Features which distinguish Lisp from the majority of other programming languages include its built-in dynamic storage allocation, its ability to symbolically treat its programs as data, and its ability to assist users in interactive development of complex programs through the running, debugging, and incremental refinement of partially specified programs, Lisp is also widely used as a basis for development of more complex problem oriented languages, such as Planner, Conniver, and ACT1.

The Lisp language [McCarthy 1962, McCarthy 1978] enjoys wide use in the artificial intelligence research community and is rapidly gaining adherents outside this group. The language has excellent support in several dialects on the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-10 series computer [Moon 1975, Teitelman et al. 1978] and less enthusiastic support on many other machines such as the IBM 370. Our experience at M.I.T. has largely been with the MacLisp PDP-10 dialect, originally written here in 1965 for the PDP-6, an earlier computer which is instruction set compatible with the PDP-10 series.

Over the years, dramatic changes have taken place in the MacLisp implementation, sufficient that one might well say that there have been at least three different major generations of implementation, except for the continuity of user support.

At a certain point, however, modification and reimplementation of a language on a given machine can no longer efficiently compensate for basic problems in the architecture of the computer system. We believe this is now the case on the PDP-10 and similar time-shared computer systems,

The main difficulties are:

  1. inadequate virtual address space for large user programs
  2. inadequate computing power for development of intelligent programming tools
  3. inefficient information coding of compiled instructions

The address space problem is basic to the PDP-10 architecture, which efficiently stores and manipulates address sized quantities with half word instructions, packing two 18 bit pointers per 36 bit word. Lisp nodes are stored in this way, saving space and performing simple pointer manipulations in a single compiled PDP-10 halfword instruction. Unfortunately, this tidy scheme is not easy to expand to a larger address space, even if extended addressing hardware were provided in future PDP-10 processor designs. Expansion of the virtual address space in current PDP-10 Lisp implementations requires use of two words per Lisp node and drastic changes to both the interpreter and compiler.

The issue of computing power is much more difficult to describe precisely, but is just as real, The argument is essentially that the next generation of editor / debugger / programming assistant should be able to spend very significant amounts of time supporting user interactions. In the older systems, editing a function just changes a few characters in a file. In the new systems we are evolving, when you edit a function, the system should know which other functions call this one — should warn you of possible interaction problems — and should allow you to easily find and fix these problems. Winograd presents a sort of prospectus for such a system in his Reactive Engine Paper [Winograd 1975].

In a present day time shared environment, such a system is unlikely to develop. Such time sharing systems are structured at a fundamental level around the idea that most users do nothing most of the time. In a reactive computing environment such as we envision this assumption is simply not true. A time shared computer could not support more than a few such users.

The third defect in the PDP-10 architecture we mentioned was the inefficient coding of instructions. The PDP-10 Lisp compiler produces a very restricted subset of those instructions available on the machine. Function entries and exits are highly stereotyped, and the compiler frequently produces multiple PDP-10 instructions for operations which are logically quite simple. These difficulties are not the result of bad compiler design; on the contrary, the MacLisp PDP-10 compiler often produces better numeric code than the PDP-10 fortran compiler. The difficulty is that there are substantial representational gains to be had by representing the common, complex operations by simple instructions. For this to be effective, however, the generality of a traditional machine architecture must be abandoned in favor of an architecture which takes a strong position on such issues as how data is represented, and how it is referenced. A good example of such a strong commitment to a higher level architecture and representation is the B6700 machine, with its commitment to the Algol environment,

Deutsch [Deutsch 1973] and Greenblatt [Greenblatt 1974] have both proposed much more bit efficient instruction sets for the object code produced by the Lisp compiler. By shrinking the size of compiled programs, the performance of the system is improved in several ways:

  1. We reduce the size of primary memory needed to hold a given working set.
  2. We reduce the required bandwidth and time for secondary memory access when it is required.
  3. Our address space is more efficiently utilized.

The price paid for these improvements is an increase in the complexity of the order code, an issue we will discuss in the section on instruction set design. With modern microcoded processor designs, this increase in complexity adds very little to the total system cost.

Realizing some of these problems, Richard Greenblatt, Jack Holloway and I started work in the summer of 1974 on an ambitious long-term project to implement a new computer system in support of the next generation of artificial intelligence research. This thesis discusses the hardware architecture developed in support of this effort. The software aspects of the system are discussed in greater detail in the Lisp Machine Manual [Weinreb & Moon 1978].

First, we will consider the network architecture of a computer system suitable to support a large community of researchers. Each user in the system we envision has exclusive access to a medium size personal computer system.

The hardware resources comprising this personal computing resource is our next topic.

We then will briefly detour into what is really a software issue, the design of a bit efficient and easily compilable instruction set for the Lisp programming language. Our goal here is to provide a motivation for the features needed in the description of the microcode architecture.

This micro architecture is our next subject, followed by an evaluation of the microprocessor features from two very different standpoints — its capability to emulate a small commercial minicomputer (the Nova), and through measurements of its performance while executing the Lisp Machine microcode.

We will conclude with a discussion of design techniques for the hardware, and a summary of what we have learned and what we believe should be done next.

The machine has been built, debugged, and is in “limited production” at M.I.T., where four machines are currently operational, and construction of six more is in progress. (December, 1978) Complete details of the hardware are available in the hardware manual CADR [Knight & Moon & Steele 1978].

2 Network Architecture

A crucial early decision in the design of the Lisp Machine system was that a user of the system, at any time, would be assigned exclusive use of one of a pool of available Lisp Machine processors, Assigning a single user to a single machine improves the perceived system performance, allows some simplification of the system software, and places important constraints on the system design.

At a technical level, almost all of these constraints concern the interconnection of the processors: among themselves, with the users, and with other computer systems — that is to say, the network architecture of the system. Our primary prototype for this level of the system design was the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center single user ALTO computer system [Alto] and its interconnecting network, the Ethernet [Metcalfe & Boggs 1975).

In the Xerox system, each user has an ALTO computer, raster display, keyboard, and disk drive physically located in his office. Users maintain files on removable disk cartridges. The computers are interconnected via a 3 Megabaud cable network. A rough sketch of the Xerox network is shown in Figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1: Xerox Parc Personal Computer System

Several aspects of the Xerox system appear less than ideal to us, First, despite great technological progress, a medium scale personal computer is still not well suited to an office environment. Air conditioning, power distribution, static electricity, and perhaps worst, acoustical noise problems make a computer an unwelcome office mate. Second, although one might feel more security and privacy associated with having one’s own personal, removable files, we feel that this is far outweighed by the many advantages of a centralized file system. Notable among these advantages are file sharing and communication among users, and systematic and thorough file system backup.

The network architecture we envision for the Lisp Machine system is shown in Figure 2.2.

Its major components are;

  1. several Lisp machine processors
  2. a central file system
  3. an interconnecting high speed network
  4. a video switch to connect remote display terminals

Figure 2.2: Lisp Machine Network Environment

We believe this configuration retains the many advantages of the Xerox personal computer system, while addressing what we perceive as its difficulties.

Users of the system still occupy their natural work environment, the office. Sharing the office now, however, is simply a high resolution television monitor, a keyboard, and a graphical input device. The remainder of the computing equipment is remotely located.

When the user initially requests access, he is assigned exclusive use of one of the pool of Lisp Machine processors. His terminal and keyboard are connected via the video crossbar switch to the assigned processor, and he interacts with that processor on a dedicated use basis.

His files are permanently resident in the so-called central file system (CFS), a machine dedicated to the reliable maintenance of a file system very similar to that found in a good time-shared operating system. Reliability and protection issues in the design of the CFS are greatly simplified by the fact that user written programs never execute on the CFS machine.

The high speed local network allows the user, and other users, to access and update his files in the CFS.,

The CFS also provides a logical point of attachment for expensive or unique peripherals, A high quality document printer, for example, fits in naturally here. The CFS can also serve as a gateway computer for access to remote lower bandwidth networks, such as the ARPANET. In this role it will provide remote computers access to the local file system, but we do not believe that the bandwidth of the ARPANET is sufficient to obtain the full benefits of effectively interacting with a personal computer over large distances.

There is no particular reason to restrict this network architecture to a single CFS processor, and, as the technical problems associated with reliably maintaining a distributed, possibly redundant file system are solved, we expect to take advantage of the solutions.

In effect, the network architecture we have planned tries to combine the best features of both a personal computer system and a sophisticated time-sharing operating system. The dedicated processor provides the attentive computing resources that we feel are needed to solve complex problems: the central file system provides interaction between users and economical methods for interconnecting unique peripheral devices.

3 The Personal Computer System

Each personal computer-assigned to a user is moderately self-contained, having an independent computing engine (the CADR processor), main memory, swapping device, console peripherals and network interface. A typical arrangement of one such personal computer is shown in Figure 3.1.


Figure 3.1: A Personal Computer System

The processor, which will be discussed in much greater detail later, is a 32 bit wide microprogrammed computer with a cycle time of approximately 180 nanoseconds. It is implemented in Schottky TTL logic and occupies approximately 1000 integrated circuit packages, including the 16K word writable microprogram memory.

Main memory size in a typical personal computer configuration will be about 128K words, an amount we believe will properly balance the computing power and swapping capabilities of the system, In the prototype machine, this main memory was implemented with a core memory system built by Control Data. Production versions of the machine use main memory implemented with 16K dynamic RAMs. The RAM based memory includes single bit error correct, and double bit error detect circuitry for increased reliability. The memory is implemented with a basic card size of 64K words by 44 bits. In the present application of 32 bit words, this memory is depopulated to 39 bits per card, providing the necessary bits for the error detection and correction circuitry. The backpanel in the production machine accepts eight such cards, allowing expansion to 512K words without the addition of another backpanel.

The standard input/output interface in the system is based on the PDP-11 Unibus. By adopting the interface standards of an existing widely used processor, we can exploit existing devices for which PDP-11 interfaces may be purchased, and can apply devices of our own design both to Lisp Machine processors and to the many existing PDP-11 processors in our laboratory.

Since the PDP-11 Unibus is a 16 rather than a 32 bit bus, there are some problems in information transfer across the interface. A detailed discussion of these issues is deferred until the description of the main memory interface in the processor. For now it is sufficient to note that the Unibus interface compatibility is well enough implemented to allow swapping of main memory to occur via a standard PDP-11 compatible disk controller.

The swapping device exerts a crucial influence on the ultimate performance of the system. Since the primary memory is small compared to the virtual memory size, some portion of the memory references access locations which are disk resident at that moment. As the percentage of disk references rises, the access time for those references becomes a significant factor in the speed of the machine,

In a single user system, the full attention and bandwidth of this swapping device is available to the individual user — a resource which must be shared (or fought over) in a time shared environment.

The swapping device used in our prototype system was an 80 megabyte Control Data storage module disk drive, with an average access time of 30 ms. The production machine uses an almost identical disk drive manufactured by Calcomp. Both of these drives feature fast head motion and small average rotational latency (3600 rpm).

We hope eventually to replace these rotating magnetic storage devices with some inexpensive non-mechanical storage, such as magnetic bubbles or charge coupled devices. At the moment, neither of these technologies look promising as cost-effective replacements, however. One promising development is the recent interest in non-removable media drives at very low cost. Such disks should be very effective in this application, since the swapping of disk packs is not necessary in a high bandwidth network environment.

The CDC disk drive was interfaced in the prototype system with a PDP-11 disk controller built by Xylogics. Due to the high cost of this component of the prototype system, a customized replacement has been designed in-house by Dave Moon as part of the production version of the machine. The redesigned interface provides error correction of disk transfers, and interfaces over the 32 bit XBUS rather than the less efficient 16 bit Unibus.

The local network for the system is a modified form of the Xerox Ethernet [Metcalfe & Boggs 1975]. It operates at a bit rate of eight megabaud maximum data rate, delivering variable length packets (maximum 4K bits) between pairs of machines. The network interface for each machine contains two packet length buffers, one for receiving messages, and one for transmitting messages. Message transmission is slotted in time, unlike the Xerox Ethernet, thus avoiding collisions between message packets under normal circumstances. As with the Ethernet system, the entire transmission process makes only a best effort attempt at delivery of a message, relying on higher level software protocols for the required reliability and robustness needed in a multi-computer environment. The hardware provides a 16 bit cyclic redundancy error check for detection of garbled message packets.

The graphics display on the processor consists of a bit-per-point television compatible raster display. The resolution of this display is 768 bits horizontally and 900 bits vertically. The monitor used is a CPT corporation model H display, with a 60 kHz. horizontal line rate. It runs non-interlaced at a vertical frequency of 67 Hz. The high refresh rate allows the use of a pleasing white phosphor, rather than the long persistence green phosphors required in interlaced systems.

The video generation is done with a 64 by 16K two-port dedicated memory. One port is used for refresh of the display, while the other is driven from the 32 bit processor XBUS. From the standpoint of the processor, this memory looks exactly like any other memory in the system. Character drawing and graphics are done by writing the appropriate bit patterns into this memory. The line and character drawing instructions are microcode resident for speed.

Other forms of video can be produced from this display card. Of particular use is the generation of 4 bits per pixel at standard RS-170 video rates, which is useful in driving grey scale or color displays.

We intend to investigate the possible uses for multiple CRT displays. The opportunity to use more than one display to, for example, debug, edit, and run a complex program simultaneously seems enticing. In the computer aided design area, for example, it may be desirable to display a portion of a complex design in color on one monitor, while maintaining normal user interaction on the high resolution black and white display,

Graphical input is another area where research in human interface is likely to be productive. We have already investigated both traditional tablet techniques and the SRI/Xerox “mouse” technology for input, using a Summagraphics tablet and a mouse provided courtesy of Xerox PARC. An improved mouse has been consructed here by John Purbrick, which will become our standard graphical input device. The mouse consists of a spherical ball idler, driving two orthogonal optical shaft encoders. The pair of quadrature signals switch at the rate of 100 steps per inch,

The dedicated nature of the processor makes quite practical another form of computer output, namely high quality audio. Although we have not yet experimented with this interaction medium, the address space and response time of the Lisp Machine system appear to be adequate to provide very high quality real time audio response. The usefulness of this feature in system design is, at least to us, unknown. A starting point might be in providing audio feedback to keyboard strokes, or spoken rather than displayed error comments from executing programs.

4 The Software Environment

Lisp, while not unique in this respect, has a long history of using multiple data representations for the same program. Viewed initially as a strictly interpretive system, the desire for faster performance rapidly inspired development of increasingly sophisticated compilers. Although the ability to run interpreted code remains an important language feature, today almost all serious work is done with compiled Lisp programs.

The Lisp Machine system offers two improvements over existing Lisp implementations in the area of program representation, First, we had the opportunity to define for ourselves a computer architecture well suited to the Lisp environment. The goals of this architecture are high bit efficiency in the representation of compiled instructions, and ease of the compiler construction. Implementation of these requirements led to an instruction set that, although conceptually simple, is rather complex in implementation. This led naturally to the choice of a microcoded architecture for the processing engine.

Second, the existence of the microprogrammable processor provided the opportunity to execute user functions in another way: by compiling the functions into the microcode of the machine.

We thus provide the Lisp user with three levels of program execution, each optimized for a different task. Interpreted execution provides the ability for programs to construct, modify, and analyze other programs, an ability almost unique to Lisp and likely to become more important with the development of more sophisticated program analyzing software, such as the work of Shrobe, and Rich [Rich & Shrobe 1976]. The traditional role of interpreted execution as a simple debugging technique is largely supplanted in the Lisp Machine environment by the fast compiler and excellent compiled code run time error checking.

A second execution mode found in the Lisp Machine system is a modified form of traditional compiled code. Here, the user function is transformed into a bit-efficient and more quickly interpretable form we call macro-code. Emphasis in this process is on the bit efficiency of the resulting instructions, since it is anticipated that the vast majority of system software will be executed in this form. The high bit efficiency of this format reduces program size, resulting in smaller working sets, a smaller requirement for main memory, and less swapping bandwidth from secondary storage. Unlike many other compiled Lisp implementations, however, this execution mode performs many of the error checks found in the usual interpreted execution.

The third execution mode results from executing user functions as microcoded processor subroutines. In this mode, emphasis is on fast execution, rather than bit efficiency. The micro-compiled functions occupy a limited and expensive resource, the processor micro-code storage. Providing this quick access to the basic hardware of the machine is a goal which argued strongly for a single user machine — it is very hard to protect users from one another in an environment allowing alterable microcode, not to mention the difficulties of allocating the resource effectively,

Next, we will examine in some detail the format of the macro instruction set, and the format of the data upon which it operates. The goal is not a complete understanding of the software basis of the Lisp Machine system, which is far beyond the scope of this report, but rather an appreciation for the type and complexity of operations which the microprocessor must support.

Full details of the software environment and data formats are available in the Lisp Machine Manual [Weinreb & Moon 1978].

5 The Macro Architecture

5.1 Typed Data

The macro instruction set implements high level functions operating primarily on typed data of a format shown below:

        | uc | cdr  | data |     pointer      |
        |    | code | type |                  |
bits:     1     2       5          24

Each 32 bit word is capable of holding one 24 bit pointer to any location in the virtual address space of the machine. The remainder of the word is used for a two bit CDR-CODE, a five bit DATATYPE (see below) and a one bit field allocated for users to specially mark individual storage nodes (the UC bit). A full Lisp node containing two pointers thus normally requires two sequentially located words. The first holds a pointer to the CAR of the Lisp node, and the second, a pointer to the CDR.

        | uc | cdr  | data |     pointer      |
        |    | norm | type |   to CAR of cell |
        | uc | cdr  | data |     pointer      |
        |    | illg | type |   to CDR of cell |

5.2 CDR Codes

By means of the two bit CDR CODE field in the word, however, this storage requirement can normally be halved. The CDR CODE allows a word to specify that the next sequential location is not a pointer to CDR of the node, but rather that it is the CDR of the node. A third state of the CDR CODE field specifies that the CDR of this node is NIL, so that the end of a list may be represented without an additional word. Thus, the two bit CDR CODE field is decoded into three useful states:

  • CDR-NORMAL (the next word is the second half of a full node)
  • CDR-NEXT (the next word is the CDR of this node)
  • CDR-NIL (the CDR of this node is nil)

The combination of these codes allows representation of single level lists, such as (A B C D) as four sequential words, rather than as four two word full nodes.

The two bit CDR CODE field may be thought of as a very small address for the CDR of a cell, capable of specifying only the next word, NIL, or an escape specifying that the real address is contained in the next word. Clark and Green [Clark & Green 1977] have collected statistics on the utility of short addresses in the Lisp environment. Some of the techniques presented in their work provide further savings at the expense of greater complexity in the use of the addresses, but we believe the two bit field strikes the proper balance between complexity of implementation and bit efficiency of the resulting data structures.

5.3 The Datatype Field

The Lisp Machine references data which is strongly typed. Feustel [Feustel 1973] explains many of the reasons why a typed architecture is effective.

The five bit datatype field found in each word is used to determine the representation and semantics of the data being referenced. Normal Lisp list structure contains datatype LIST, indicating it has a Lisp node representation such as that given above. Many other datatypes exist in the system, however. Integers of less than 24 bits, for example, are represented with datatype FIXNUM and with the two’s complement binary number stored in the 24 bit pointer field. Arrays, strings, and other number representations, such as floating point and so-called BIGNUM integers (larger than 24 bits), have more complex representations, which we will not discuss here,

The datatype field is also important in the implementation of system storage conventions. Given a datum, we can immediately determine the storage conventions it uses, and determine how to reference it. In addition the so-called forwarding or invisible pointers allow us to remotely reference items and change the location of items in storage without influencing their external behaviour. These datatypes act somewhat like an indirect address reference in a traditional instruction set architecture, in that cells so marked do not contain the data being referenced, but rather a pointer to that data, The important difference is that the forwarding pointer datatype is specified with the data, rather than in the instruction being executed. Several forms of the forwarding pointer exist in the machine, differing in the conditions under which this indirection is performed.

A good example of the use of forwarding pointers is the GC-FORWARDING datatype. When the garbage collector relocates an object, it replaces the original object data with a GC-FORWARDING pointer to the new location of the object. References which still point to the old location of the relocated data will encounter this forwarding datatype and follow the indirection, eventually locating the correct data. In the case of GC-FORWARDING pointers, the forwarding pointer is spliced out of the reference path by changing the original pointer to reflect the relocated position of the data.

Other uses for the invisible data type include remote pointer references in the macro instruction function frame and in the efficient implementation of functional closures.

5.4 The Macro Instruction Set

We now turn to a description of the sixteen bit instructions which operate on this typed data. The basic instruction is sixteen bits long, packed two per 32 bit word. The instruction set is stack based, with operands often implicitly fetched from or stored onto the macro stack.

Locations in virtual memory are never directly specified in the macro instruction set, but are rather specified with a set of automatically maintained base registers which point to relevant sections of the virtual address space.

Each instruction is divided into four fields, which are used differently in the four main instruction classes. The instruction class is specified in the four op code bits, which are decoded sixteen ways. Nine of these are address/destination instructions, and specify the operation directly in this field. Three of the sixteen combinations are decoded further with the destination field, and form the address only instruction class. One decodes the address field, providing 512 operations in the destination only class, and finally, one is decoded to provide the branch class.

The branch class decodes the destination field as a condition specifier, and uses the address field as a relative program counter increment.

        | dest | opcode | register | displacement |
bits:      3        4        3            6

5.5 Calculation of the Effective Address

The effective address for source/destination and source-only instructions is specified by the nine bit source address field. Three of these bits are used to select one of eight base registers; the remaining six bits are used as a positive displacement from the register. The registers are automatically updated by the processor when changes to the execution environment occur, such as during a function call. Four of the registers point to portions of the currently executing function entry frame, with their contents offset by 64 locations, such that a total of 256 locations may be referenced. One points to the origin of the argument list for the currently executing function, another to the local binding block for this function, and a third to a set of quoted constants, such as T and NIL. Finally, one state of the base register field is used to indicate special references. The six bit destination field is then used to specify the action. At the present time, only one state of this field is used, indicating that the addressed value is on the top of the stack, and that the stack pointer should be decremented after this reference.

The 256 locations addressable in the function entry frame often contain forwarding pointers to items of interest to the function, This is the way in which pointers to other called functions and special variables, for example, are stored.

A small class of instructions, such as MOVEM and POP (see below) use the source address to specify a location for writing: others modify the contents. The address is calculated identically in all cases.

5.6 Source/Destination Instructions

The nine source/destination instructions consist of one data moving operation [MOVE], six pointer following operations [CAR,CDR CAAR,CDAR,CADR,CDDR] and two function calling instructions [CALL,CALL0]. Each instruction calculates its effective address from the source field, performs its operation on the data fetched, and disposes of its result as specified in the three bit destination field (see below). The CALL and CALL0 instructions behave differently, as we will see below in the discussion of the inverted calling sequence.

5.7 The Destination Field

The three bit destination field specifies the disposition of results from an instruction. The IGNORE code permits the macro instruction set to discard unneeded results, while still setting the condition code bits used for conditional branches. A destination of STACK permits pushing the result data onto the push down list. NEXT-LIST, in combination with the setup instruction LIST, provides a convenient mechanism for compiling the construction of lists. The LIST-N instruction allocates N sequential Q’s from free storage and pushes its destination code and two pointers to the beginning of the allocated area. A destination field of NEXT-LIST stores the data in CAR of what is pointed to by the top of the stack. It then replaces the top of the stack with its CDR, pointing now to the next location to be filled. If the result of this CDR is NIL, the list is full, and the other pointer to the allocated area is removed from the stack, and stored as specified by the destination code of the original LIST-N instruction.

The remaining destination field specifiers combine with the CALL and CALL0 operations to form the function calling and returning mechanism of the macro order code.

A function call with arguments is initiated by the CALL instruction. It specifies a pointer to the function cell of the called function in the address field. In the destination field, it specifies what is done with the value returned by this function call. Execution of the call instruction does not result in transfer of control to the function — it merely sets up internal pointers and in effect prepares the machine for an eventual function call. The CALL instruction is typically followed by a series of macro instructions with a special destination code we call NEXT. It specifies that the result of this instruction is the next argument to the function which is about to be called, and causes it to be added to the argument list of that function calling frame. When a macro instruction with destination code LAST is finally executed, it stores the final argument to the function and initiates the actual transfer of control, base register modifications, and binding changes necessary to implement the call.

When the called function eventually encounters a macro instruction with the destination code RETURN it restores registers, unbinds variables, and fetches from the stack the stored destination code of the CALL instruction which originally set up its function call. It then uses that destination code to dispose of the returned function value as would any other macro instruction.

This entire process of function calling is termed the inverted calling sequence because, in contrast with the way compiled function calls occur in most Lisp implementations, the function to be called is specified prior to the evaluation of any of its arguments.

Functions of no argument are called with the CALL0 macro instruction, since there is no opportunity to terminate the actual function call with a destination code of LAST, and the function must be called immediately.

The utility of the inverted calling sequence arises from the (possible) need for the macro instruction set to behave differently in storing function arguments depending upon the level of execution of the function about to be called (macro, micro, interpreted, etc.). By providing the information concerning the function prior to the evaluation of its arguments, special action, if needed, can take place during storage of the arguments.

5.8 Destination Only Instructions

The destination only instruction class has no effective address field. Instead, it allocates the nine bit field to further specify one of 512 instructions. These instructions take arguments only on the stack, and provide the normal three bit destination code as described above. Included in this class of operations are LIST of 0 to 63 elements [see the discussion of destination NEXT-LIST above], all pointer manipulation instructions of the form CxxxR and CxxxxR (the x’s representing either A or D for CAR or CDR), and a variety of Lisp primitive functions such as CONS, NCONS, GET, ASSOC, ASSQ and EQUAL. These functions could of course be called with the normal function calling sequence, but this method is more efficient.

5.9 Address Only Instructions

Two of the sixteen possible main instruction codes are further decoded from the destination field. The sixteen operations provided in this way are:


Stores the top of the stack into the effective address


Replaces the contents of the effective address with its CDR


Replaces the contents of the effective address with its CDDR


Replace the contents of the effective address with itself plus one


Replace the contents of the effective address with itself minus one .


Pop one argument from the top of the stack, compare with the contents of the effective address, and set the appropriate condition code indicators


These arithmetic operations take one operand from the stack and the other from the effective address. The result replaces the operand on the stack.

5.10 Branches

All data handling operations set two condition code bits as a result of their execution. For list manipulating instructions these indicators are the ATOM indicator and the NIL indicator, and they are set or cleared according to whether the result was atomic or null, respectively.

The branch instruction decodes the three bit destination field as a branch condition. The conditions include an unconditional branch, either state of the two condition code bits, and two branch conditions which test the NIL indicator and, if it is set, pop the stack in addition to performing the normal conditional branch. This operation is useful in compiling the end test of functions which examine sequential elements of a list.

5.11 Sample Compiled Macrocode Sequences

Some simple examples of Lisp functions with the corresponding macro compiled instructions are presented below. For comparison of relative bit efficiencies, we also include the PDP-10 compiled version, produced by the MacLisp number compiler.

5.11.1 The trivial call to a built in function

(defun add (x y) (+ x y))

Macro code

MOVE      D-PDL      ARG|0         ;FIRST ARGUMENT (X)
+                    ARG|1         ;SECOND ARGUMENT (Y)
                                   ;OTHER ARGUMENT ON THE STACK, RESULT TO STACK
                                   ;AND POP THE STACK POINTER

5.11.2 A simple recursive functional call

(defun fact (n) (cond ((= n 1) 1) (* n (fact (1- n)))))
MOVE     D-PDL         RRG|0               ;FIRST ARGUMENT TO STACK

MOVE     D-PDL         ARG|0               ;FIRST ARGUMENT TO STACK
                                           ;CELL LOCATION IS STORED IN FEF
MOVE     D-PDL         ARG|0               ;ARGUMENT TO STACK
1-       D-LAST                            ;SUBTRACT ONE FROM TOP OF STACK, INITIATE RECURSIVE
                                           ;FUNCTION CALL
                                           ;WITH SECOND ELEMENT OF STACK (ARGUMENT OF THIS FUNCTION)
                                           ;RESULT TO STACK

total instructions: 10                    total bits: 160

PDP-10 MacLisp Compiled output

         PUSH P,1                          ;ARGUMENT TO STACK
         MOVE 7,(1)                        ;NUMERIC VALUE OF ARGUMENT
         SOJN 7,G0002                      ;SUBTRACT ONE; IF NON-ZERO, GOTO G0002
         MOVEI 1,(QUOTE 1)                 ;PICKUP POINTER TO QUOTED VALUE
         JRST G0001                        ;TRANSFER TO EXIT

G0002:   MOVE 7,(1)                        ;PICK UP NUMERIC VALUE OF ARGUMENT
         SUBI 7,1                          ;SUBTRACT ONE
         PUSH FXP,7                        ;PUSH ONTO THE INTEGER STACK
         MOVE 7,o(P)                       ;PICKUP NUMERIC VALUE OF ARGUMENT
         IMUL 7,(1)                        ;MULTIPLY BY NUMERIC VALUE OF RETURNED DATA
         JSP T,FXCONS                      ;BOX THE RESULT, RETURNING A POINTER IN AC1
         SUB FXP,[1,,1]                    ;CLEANUP AND POP THE TWO STACKS
G0001:   SUB P,[1,,1]
         POPJ P,                           ;EXIT

total instructions: 16                    total bits: 576

5.11.3 A simple iterative function definition

(defun sum (x) (prog (result)
                  (setq result 8)
                  (cond ((null x) (return result)) (t (setq result (+ result (car x)))
                                                      (setg x (cdr x))
                                                      (go a)))))
POP                    LOCBLOCK|0          ;STORE IN A LOCAL VARIABLE (RESULT)

MOVE     D-IGNORE      ARG|0               ;TEST FIRST ARGUMENT (X)

+                      SPECIAL|77          ;ADD TOP TWO STACK ELEMENTS, RESULT TO STACK
SETE-CDR               ARG|0               ;REPLACE THE ARGUMENT WITH ITS CDR
BRANCH   ALWAYS        A                   ;CLOSE THE LOOP

An examination of the macro compiled code shown above will probably convince the reader that this particular macro instruction set is not the ultimate in bit efficiency for compiled Lisp representation. Other bit efficient architectures have been described using eight bit instructions [Deutsch 1973], which, although smaller, tend to be much more restrictive in their ability to reference data. The tradeoffs come down to decisions on the complexity of the compiler construction and the ease of thinking about and implementing micro coded interpreters for these architectures. The beauty of a writable microcode processor is that this sort of investigation and tuning of the macro coded architecture is possible without change to the hardware. Indeed, it is possible to construct a system where several radically different macro instruction formats co-exist, each able to call the other, and each optimized for the compilation of a particular style of user or system function.

5.12 Other Microcode Components

The emulator for the macro code architecture is an important part of the microcode environment supported by the machine, but by no means comprises even the majority of the micro instructions written in support of the environment. Many other functions essential to the operation of the system reside in the microcode memory, amounting to essentially the operating system for the machine. Among these are support for the virtual memory system, device drivers for the disk, display, and network, and a wide selection of hand microcoded Lisp functions resident for efficiency reasons.

5.13 Storage Management

One major task for a Lisp runtime environment is management of storage in an automatically reclaimable way. Traditional Lisp systems manage storage by incremental allocation in the primitive CONS (or in array allocations), relying upon a garbage collection process to reclaim space occupied by discarded data. This Lisp system uses a new form of garbage collector discovered by Henry Baker [Baker 1977]. The major feature of this collector is that it operates incrementally, never delaying ongoing computations for a sudden unexpected restructuring of the address space. Efficient implementation of this collector requires the ability to quickly determine to which portion of address space newly fetched data points. This feature is provided in our processor design with an automatic lookup of the pointer space via a special path into the memory map.

Conventional non-microprogrammed processors, which often provide convenient operations for pointer manipulations, find this sort of slight modification in their behaviour difficult without drastically increased overhead.

5.14 Summary

We have attempted to demonstrate the increase in the complexity of the interpretation of the macro instruction set as a result of the optimization of that architecture to the needs of a bit efficient representation for the compiled Lisp function. The complexity is introduced both in the execution of such features in the instruction set as the DESTINATION-LAST and DESTINATION-RETURN tags, and in the interpretation of the typed data, with its run time datatype checking and handling of complex storage conventions such as the CDR-CODE fields, the forwarding datatypes, and the Baker style relocating garbage collection.

The large quantities of microcode needed for operating system implementations makes the ease with which the machine may be microprogrammed an important consideration. The eventual desire for microcode produced by a Lisp function compilation process constrains the complexity of the microcode and provides an incentive for making the structure logically complete and conceptually simple.

The next chapter describes the architecture of the microprogrammable processor we have designed to implement this environment.

6 The Microprogrammable Processor

This chapter concerns the features of the microprocessor which executes the Lisp Machine macro instruction set and supports the macrocode operating environment. First, we present the design of the machine in detail, and then come back to consider the aspects of the design which are unique, and how they help in execution of the macro instruction set we have just described.

6.1 The Processor

The processor is a synchronous 32 bit wide machine, with two main data manipulation paths, as shown in Figure 6.1. On each cycle, a pair of 32 bit operands is fetched onto the A and M busses, an operation performed on them, and (usually) a 32 bit result written. The microprocessor is similar in many respects to a traditional computer, as distinguished from the majority of microprocessors. It has, for example, a traditional incrementing micro program counter, instead of the more commonly encountered micro instruction next address field. It is perhaps best compared to a three address (two sources and a destination) computer with a small address space (the registers) and extensive secondary memory (the main memory). The microcode instruction format is largely vertical, meaning that fields are decoded differently within different instructions, instead of taking direct action on the hardware.


Figure 6.1: Main Data Paths

6.2 The Microinstructions

There are four major microinstructions, specified by a two bit field. Each begins with identical specification of operands to drive the A and M busses. Two, the ALU instruction and the BYTE instruction, perform data manipulations on these operands, and then return the result to a register specified in the micro instruction destination field. The other two instructions, JUMP and DISPATCH, do not store results, but rather affect the flow of control in the processor. The format of the microinstruction word for the four main instructions is shown in Figure 6.2.


Figure 6.2: Micro Instruction Format

6.2.1 Sources

All cycles begin with uniform fetching of two operands, specified by two fields in the microinstruction. This uniformity of register reference in the micro order code allows fast gating of the register addresses into the register files following the main clock, an operation which is in the critical path for the micro cycle length.

The ten bit A source field determines which one of the 1024 possible internal memory locations will drive the A bus. The six bit M source field is more complex. Values from 0 to 31 specify one of 32 internal memory locations, identical in contents to, but distinct in implementation from, the low 32 locations accessible from the A bus. The remaining values of the M source field specify that the M bus be driven from a variety of miscellaneous internal registers. Among these are the data from main memory, the stack buffer, the Q register and the micro program counter subroutine return stack. These special bus sources will be discussed later in more detail. Table 1 summarizes the source specifications and Figure 6.3 shows a detailed datapath diagram of the A and M source section of the processor.


Figure 6.3: Detailed M Bus Block Diagram

6.2.2 The ALU Datapath

The ALU instruction provides basic arithmetic and logical data manipulation in the machine. The two operands supplied on the A and M busses are gated into an arithmetic logic unit constructed from the 74S181 integrated circuit. This device provides all sixteen bitwise logical operations on the operands (such as A∨M, A∧¬M, A, ¬M etc.) and a variety of arithmetic operations, such as A+M and M-A. Notable by its absence is the operation of A-M. The carry into the low order bit position is controlled independently by the micro instruction. Normally, the operation to be performed on the data is specified in a six bit field in the micro instruction, but in the case of multiply step and divide step, the function performed is determined in part by the data being handled.

Divide and multiply use the 32 bit Q register to form extended precision 64 bit results, The Q shift register is controlled by a two bit field in the ALU instruction, and can be loaded or shifted left or right. Right shifts shift in the low order bit of the ALU output, and left shifts shift in the complement of the sign of the ALU output, These shift paths are primarily designed to allow the multiply step and divide step instructions to take place in one cycle.

The output of the arithmetic logic unit is optionally shifted left or right by one bit position, and written into the location specified in the destination field. Right shifts duplicate the ALU sign bit, and left shifts insert the high order bit of the Q register,

6.2.3 The Shifter/Masker Datapath

The shifter/masker datapath provides convenient mechanisms for extracting, depositing, and moving arbitrary length and position bit strings within the processor. The mechanism is implemented in two stages. First, the M bus data is routed through a combinatorial shifter, allowing an arbitrary rotation of the 32 bit word. This type of network is sometimes termed a "barrel shifter." The shifter output, together with the A bus data is routed to the masker. The masker then combines these inputs using a bitwise selection of each output bit from either the rotated shifter output or the A bus data. The masker selection is controlled by a 32 bit mask generated by a field in the microinstruction. The mask may specify any number of contiguous bits, positioned any number of bits from the right end of the word. Two five bit numbers control the mask generation process. A single five bit number specifies the rotation of the M bus data in the shifter. Three five bit numbers thus control the action of the shifter/masker datapath.

The useful operations performed in this datapath can, however, be specified in only two five bit fields. We observe that the operations that are most commonly desired are field extraction, with a right justified result; field deposit, with a right justified M bus source; and an operation we call selective deposit, which deposits a specified field of the M bus data into the same size and position field in the A bus data.

In all of these operations, the right most bit position of the mask and the amount by which the M bus data is rotated are either the same (field deposit), or one or the other is zero (field extract has right bit of mask zero: selective deposit has the rotate zero). Thus, we can specify the operation of the masker/shifter with two five bit fields, plus two bits to control the zeroing of either the rotate or right bit of mask inputs.

The operations we provide in the datapath are, then:

Extract Field

extract a contiguous set of bits from the M bus data, right justify it, and replace the rightmost bits of the A bus data with those bits to form the result of the instruction. The mask right most bit field is forced to zero, the rotation is taken from the microinstruction.

Deposit Field

take a right justified field from the M bus data, shift it left some amount, and replace the same length field in the A bus data with the rotator output to form the result. Both the rotator input and the right most bit of the mask are taken from the microinstruction.

Selective Deposit

take a field from the M bus data and replace a similarly located field in the A bus data with it to form the result. The rotate input is forced to zero, the right most mask bit location is taken from the microinstruction.

As in the ALU instruction, the result is written into locations as specified in the destination field.

6.2.4 The Destination Field

The destination field controls where the result of the ALU and Byte operations is stored. Two distinct formats for this field exist. The first specifies a single address of 10 bits, adequate to specify any internal memory location. The second allows two locations to be written simultaneously. Five bits specify one of the low 32 internal memory locations (those accessible from both the A and M busses), while the remaining five bits specify one of a number of so-called functional destinations, such as the external main memory write data and the stack buffer. Writing certain of the functional destinations initiates special processor action, such as main memory accesses for either reads or writes. The detailed description of the destination field is shown in table 2.

6.2.5 Flow of Control

The processor normally executes sequential instructions in the microprogram memory, much like traditional machine language architectures. This normal instruction flow can be interrupted by execution of either of the two remaining main instruction types, the conditional jump or the dispatch. Microinstruction fetch in the processor is pipelined one level, resulting in the prior fetch of one instruction after any successful transfer of control. The programmer has the option, in these cases, of either executing this instruction in the normal way, or of discarding the instruction and wasting the cycle for which it was fetched.

Thus, for example, a two instruction loop could either be written as this:

tag:   <instruction>
       <transfer to tag / inhibit next prefetched instruction>

which would execute a total of three processor cycles per loop execution, or as this:

tag:   <transfer to tag/ execute next prefetched instruction>

which loops every two processor cycles.

Most often, useful work can be found for the instruction following the transfer of control. All unconditional branches, for example, can be followed by the initial instruction of the called routine, adjusting the branched-to-location forward by one. Due to special logic in the microsubroutine call/return logic, this can even be done on unconditional microsubroutine calls, Conditional transfers sometimes provide a problem in demanding additional cycles, but often the setup for one of the paths will not be harmful to the other, allowing optimization in some percentage of the execution paths.

6.2.6 Jumps

The jump instruction allows conditional transfer of control depending on a wide variety of internal processor conditions. Like all other microinstructions, it specifies two operands for the A and M busses. Both main datapaths of the machine are used for processing this data.

One class of conditional jumps compares the A and M operands via the ALU datapath. The ALU is setup to perform an unconditional subtract of the A and M bus data. Special logic detects the all-zero output condition in the ALU data, and the sign bit of the ALU is also available for testing. Thus, this form of the conditional jump may be made conditional on the A data less than, less than or equal, equal, greater than, greater than or equal, or not equal to the M operand. The “always” and “never” conditions are also available here for completeness.

Several special conditions internal to the processor, such as pending interrupts and failure of the main memory associative mapping hardware to produce a match may also be tested. Table 3 shows the jump field specifiers available.

A second class of conditional jumps utilizes the shifter matrix for its conditional test. The M bus data is rotated by an amount specified in the microinstruction, and the rightmost bit is tested for being either a zero or a one. Thus, any single bit accessible from the M bus may be tested in one cycle.

The action of the conditional jump instruction upon the processor when the condition is satisfied is controlled by a three bit field in the microinstruction. One of these bits, the N bit, inhibits execution of the immediately following instruction, wasting the cycle that its execution would have occupied.

The remaining two bits, the P bit and the R bit, are decoded four ways to provide different types of transfers,

If both the P and R bits are zero, the processor executes a simple transfer of control to the location specified in the fourteen bit jump address field of the microinstruction.

If the P bit is a one, then the transfer is performed as in the previous case, but the current micro program counter (the PC) is saved on the micro subroutine return stack (the SPC). This allows control to be transfered back to the next instruction in sequence, if desired. A slight complication of this feature is the interaction between this and the next instruction execution flow of control, If the following instruction is executed, then the subroutine should return not to the instruction following the jump, but to the one after that. Thus, when the N bit is off, specifying execution of the following instruction, the saved PC plus one is saved as the subroutine return, rather than the PC.

Microsubroutine returns are specified by successful jumps with the P bit zero and the R bit one. In this case, the jump field of the microinstruction word is ignored, the new PC is taken from the top of the SPC stack and the stack is popped.

The return from microsubroutines is a sufficiently common operation, and one which is easily enough specified, that an independent, unconditional mechanism is provided for its execution. Each microinstruction has a bit we call the POPJ-AFTER-NEXT bit, which forces the PC to be loaded from the SPC stack. It does not inhibit execution of the following instruction, so the transfer of control becomes effective after the next instruction is executed. This saves both the time and space taken by the common case of returns from microsubroutines.

The final decoding of the P and R bits specifies a write of the microinstruction memory. The sequence of actions necessary to write microinstruction memory from the running processor is rather complex. The goal is to load the program counter (which addresses the microprogram memory) with the address of the location to be written, then to initiate a write cycle, and then return to the normal instruction sequence. Since the PC must be loaded, in many ways the microinstruction write is similar to a jump, accounting for its place in the microcode instruction set.

The sequence of events on a cycle by cycle basis follows. First, the write instruction loads the PC with the jump address field of the microinstruction. Simultaneously, it saves the current PC on the SPC stack, in the same way a microsubroutine call would. The following cycle is normally specified as a NOP with the N bit set in the instruction specifying the write. During this cycle, the PC contains the address of the location to be written, The data (saved from the A and M bus operands on the previous cycle) is written into the addressed microinstruction location. The instruction fetched by the processor during this cycle is garbage, and will be automatically NOPed by the processor. A microsubroutine return is forced during this cycle, loading the PC with the address of the instruction following the original write instruction. The next cycle is NOPed since its microinstruction register contains invalid data. During this cycle, the contents of the location following the original write is being fetched prior to resumption of normal processor operation on the next cycle.

6.2.7 Dispatching

A key operation necessary for emulation of instruction sets is the ability to transfer to one of several different locations depending upon the contents of a specified field. The processor implements this operation as one of its four basic microinstructions. Making use of the same shift matrix as the BYTE instruction, the M bus operand is rotated by an amount specified in the microinstruction. The resulting word is masked to a variable number of low order bits, thus extracting a particular field of the M operand. This field is then bitwise ORed with an eleven bit microinstruction field, called the dispatch offset. The resulting eleven bit number is used as a table index into the 2048 location dispatch memory. There, a new program counter, plus a set of N, P, and R bits, similar in function to the microinstruction bits of the conditional jump are fetched. Data flow for the dispatch instruction is shown in Figure 6.4.


Figure 6.4: Dispatch Datapath

Thus, we allow, conditional on the contents of a specified arbitrarily placed field, execution of transfers, subroutine calls, or subroutine returns. The combination of P = 1 and R = 1 is decoded differently in the case of dispatch instructions, however. In dispatches it indicates that the instruction stream should not be interrupted, and is said to FALL-THROUGH. This feature is particularly good in testing for exceptional conditions, since in the normal case execution will continue without wasted cycles, while in the special conditions being tested, the N bit of the dispatch table entry may be specified to inhibit execution of the following cycle.

The dispatch instruction is also used, with miscellaneous function one set, to write the dispatch memory contents. Data to be written is taken from the low order bits of the M bus operand.

6.2.8 Main Memory Reference

References to main memory in the processor are implemented as special M bus sources and as special functional destinations.

Read memory cycles are initiated by loading the functional destination VMA-START-READ with the address of the location to be read. This initiates a map cycle (see below), and if the map is set up, it starts a main memory fetch at the physical address specified by the map. The

processor is free to execute additional microinstructions following the read cycle initiation. Testing of map misses and page faults is recommended as the immediately following cycle. The processor accesses the data returned by the memory system with any instruction specifying READ-MEMORY-DATA as an M source. If such an instruction is encountered prior to the availability of the data, the execution of processor cycles is delayed until the data is ready. Approximately three cycles following the initiation of the read are available prior to the data being ready.

Write cycles may be initiated in one of two different ways. Two operands are needed for a write, the memory data and the memory address. These may be specified by the functional destinations VMA, for the address, or MD for the memory write data. Initiation of the cycle may be specified along with the loading of either of the registers by specifying the functional destination VMA-START-WRITE or MD-START-WRITE. Again, prior to actually initiating the memory cycle, the processor executes a map cycle. The validity of the map entry should be checked on the cycle following the write initiate by execution of a conditional jump instruction testing the page fault condition. Typical sequences for initiating main memory writes might look like this:

                                      ;WITH THE VIRTUAL MEMORY LOCATION
                                      :TO BE WRITTEN
                                      ;DATA TO BE WRITTEN, START THE WRITE

Often this case can be simplified when the VMA register already contains the correct data, as when a read has just taken place from the same location.

((MD) M-DATA)                         ;LOAD WRITE DATA

No features of the processor are provided to allow read-pause-write operation, because of the complexity of the logic required and the use of a semiconductor based main memory system, where the only advantage a read-pause-write scheme has is for simple types of multi-process interlocks, which, in a single processor system, are not required.

6.2.9 The Map

The processor memory address register can address up to 24 bits of virtual memory. A mapping is made prior to read and write requests to produce a real core address for the reference. The table relating virtual to physical core locations is kept in main memory, and certain entries in that table are duplicated in fast access registers in the processor. The 24 bit address is divided into three portions for purposes of mapping (see Figure 6.5). The low order eight bits are passed directly to main memory from the address register, implying a page size in the system of 256 locations. The high order eleven bits of the memory address register index into a table of 2048 entries of five bits each. Out of all of these entries, a maximum of 31, each with a different table value, are non-zero and are designated as "valid".


Figure 6.5: Memory Map Data Flow

The five bits specifying the valid table entry and the remaining middle five bits of the memory address register form a ten bit address for access to a 1024 by 20 bit memory, which holds a page table entry.

The page table entry specifies read access, write access, and the physical page address in core memory. The real time garbage collection algorithm which we utilize requires extra bits in the map entry to specify the nature of the address space which a pointer is referencing.

The performance of this type of memory map is quite good. At a minimum, the map can hold 31 entries of the in-core page table, if only a single combination of the five middle address bits for each of the valid 31 first level entries exist. At its best, the map can hold 31*32 entries of the page table, when each of the 32 combinations of the middle bits references a valid page table entry. Due to the locality of references in the macro compiled code, and in the linearized list structure, we expect that the second level map will often contain more than one valid entry per non-zero first level map combination.

6.2.10 Map Interface to the Dispatch Instruction

Normally, a memory map is used for performing a translation between virtual and physical memory locations. In our processor design, the map performs not only this function, but also enforces the oldspace/newspace distinctions of memory pages implied by the Baker garbage collector. When unused for mapping newly issued memory requests, the map address inputs are taken from the memory data register. This provides the processor with access to the page table entry data for the pointer which is in the MD register. At the termination of a main memory read cycle, the MD is loaded with new data from main memory. The first thing which is done with this data in the vast majority of cases is to examine the data type of the entry, and, as required by the Baker garbage collector, to determine whether it is a new or old space pointer. With the map entry lookup on the MD register, the processor has available quickly the new/old space data for the newly fetched pointer. A special type of dispatch instruction may be executed which combines the old/new space map output bit with the normal field selected by the dispatch instruction (usually the datatype of the MD) to check in one instruction both the datatype and old/new space location of the newly fetched data.

6.2.11 The Stack buffer

The stack buffer provides a sort of cache mechanism for processor memory references to the top of the macro code stack. It is a 1024 location register bank internal to the processor, some portion of which holds the top of the macro code push down list. On macro instruction calls and macro instruction returns, one of the housekeeping activities performed by the micro code is to fill or empty this register bank from main memory in order to maintain valid data in the stack buffer. Thus, between macro code calls and returns, (i.e. within a function) all references to the macro code stack can refer instead to the contents of this register bank.

Note that, unlike a cache, the data in the stack buffer is required to be present. There is no probabilistic element in its utility. The stack buffer performs best in situations where the execution trace is relatively shallow, that is, has many function calls and returns at nearly the same level on the stack. This requirement is almost always satisfied in real programs. If this requirement is not met, the stack buffer mechanism results in effectively moving the location of the memory read or write, with no saving in time.

The stack buffer is implemented as a 1K by 32 static RAM array addressed by two ten bit pointers. One pointer is an up/down counter, used to address the top of the macro stack within the stack buffer, the other pointer is a fixed register which can be loaded in order to index into a fixed location in the buffer. It is intended for use in applications where the processor wishes to access, for instance, the third element back from the top of the stack.

Special M source locations provide convenient access to data from the stack buffer indexed by either of these pointers, The up/down counter may be optionally decremented after a fetch of data, providing the macro code “pop” operation at the microcode level.

Likewise, special functional destinations provide for writing into the stack buffers, indexed by either of the pointers, and the up/down counter may be incremented prior to the write, providing the “push” operation.

On a macro function call, the microcode checks that at least some minimum amount of data space in the stack buffer is free, such that the called function can push data on the stack without further checks. If there is no free space, a portion of the stack buffer data is written into main memory, creating free space.

On macro function returns, the microcode checks that at least the entire stack frame being returned to is resident in the stack buffer, again assuring that all referenced data is within the stack buffer.

Main memory references to locations which are currently held in the stack buffer are intercepted by the microcode by making the pages upon which the data resides “invalid” in the page map. Thus, the rare reference to those locations by other than pushing or popping data in the macro code instruction stream can be caught and interpreted as a reference to the data held in the stack buffer.

6.2.12 Unibus references

The 22 physical address bits from the processor drive a 32 data bit main memory bus which we call the XBUS. Additionally, 1/32 of the processor physical address space is occupied by the address space of the Unibus. References to this portion of the physical address space initiate 16 bit reads or writes on the processor Unibus. The data for these transfers is supplied from and returned to the right most 16 bits of the 32 bit processor word.

Unibus devices may reference the main processor memory via the XBUS. This ability is important if, as in the prototype, we wish to use Unibus compatible devices for disk swapping of main memory. A problem encountered in this mode of operation is that the Unibus transfers only 16 bits at a time, while the XBUS transfers are 32 bits wide. This problem is solved by having the Unibus interface buffer the even Unibus word on writes, and the odd Unibus words on reads from the main memory. The alternative approach of cycling the XBUS memories twice per 32 bit word transfered would not have transfered quickly enough to keep up with the disk.

Unibus devices also require an address translation mechanism to allow them access to the full address space of the XBUS. The Unibus address space of 17 bits (of 16 bit words) is not adequate for addressing the much larger XBUS space. Further, as pages are transfered to and from memory, the mapping from processor virtual address space to physical location in XBUS address space becomes complex. For these reasons, we provide a mapping register between the Unibus address space and the XBUS address space. This mapping register is itself a Unibus device, and can be loaded by either the processor, through its access to the Unibus address space, or by any Unibus device.

6.2.13 The Macro Program Counter and Automatic Macro Instruction Fetch

The main macro instruction execution loop in the microcode sequentially fetches and decodes the 16 bit macro instructions from the function entry frame. If this process was coded with the normal microcode instruction set, the resulting loop would include such overhead items as the macro program counter increment, the loading of the VMA with the macro program counter, and a set of moderately complex routines associated with the branch instruction microcode to handle the cases of transfer to macro instructions which do not fall on a 32 bit word boundary.

Many of these overhead items are handled automatically by this processor as built in functions. The main added feature is the inclusion of a macro program counter, called the LC (location counter) to distinguish it from the micro program counter. During execution of a macro instruction, the LC register holds the byte address of the macro instruction to be executed next. At the completion of execution of the currently executing macro instruction, the incrementing, overflow testing, and main memory references resulting from overflows are automatically performed on this register.

Normally, the word containing the currently executing macro instruction is held in an M memory location, so that byte and dispatch access to its fields is easily obtained. In the current software system, each macrocode instruction is 16 bits long, packed two per 32 bit word. The half of this word which is referenced by microcoded byte or dispatch instructions is determined by combining the shift specified in those instructions, with an additional bit from the LC register, thus effectively “shifting” the macrocode instruction when the LC register is incremented. This modification of the shift field in byte, dispatch, and bit test jumps is enabled by a miscellaneous function field value of three.

For generality in emulating future, possibly different macro instruction sets, a feature is provided for packing four eight bit macro instructions per 32 bit word. The LC register thus holds an eight bit byte address for a macro instruction. In normal emulation of the Lisp system microcode, the hardware forces the low order bit zero and increments this register by two.

Two mechanisms trigger an increment of the LC register. First, since the main emulation loop performs a microsubroutine call to the routine which executes its instruction, the return following execution is by means of a POPJ instruction. The return address stored by the main loop on this top level call is explicitly loaded into the SPC register, and contains, in addition to the normal return address, a special tag bit which identifies this POPJ as the finish of a macro instruction execution, which in turn activates the LC increment sequence. The second way in which this sequence may be activated, is a dispatch instruction with one of the otherwise unused bits set. This feature is useful in the case where immediate information is stored as part of the macro instruction stream (for example, the extended branch offset). The dispatch path allows the LC to be incremented past these extended instructions without awkward special case programming.

In the normal case, incrementing the LC register will merely advance the low order bits of the LC, thus changing the behaviour of the specially marked byte, dispatch, and bit test jump instructions. When the LC counter overflows the end of the previously fetched macro instruction word, however, a new word must be fetched. In this case, the LC register, shifted right by two (making a word address) is automatically loaded into the VMA register, and a read cycle is initiated.

Two other actions must be performed, however. The specified read cycle may cause a page fault, so the page fault indicator must be tested - and when the data is finally available, it must be transfered from the MD into the M location holding the macro instruction word. These functions are performed with a pair of microcode instructions which immediately precede the main emulator microcode. When the incrementing of the LC as a result of the finish of a macro instruction fails to overflow, the microprogram counter loaded from the SPC is modified by ORing a one into bit 1 of the return PC. This effectively jumps over the two instructions which, when performing a memory cycle, test for page faults and transfer the data,

Macrocode branching is vastly simplified with this hardware, because, whenever the LC register is loaded from the main data paths (which amounts to a macro code branch), a flag is set to force a new fetch the next time the LC is incremented, regardless of whether the counter overflowed.

It should be emphasized that the presence of this hardware in the machine, which is admittedly very specialized to performing a particular emulation task, does not force the programmer to make use of it; it merely provides a convenient and efficient mechanism for a common inner loop.

6.2.14 Micro Instruction Modification

It is often necessary to modify the actions of microinstructions as a result of data passing through the main processor data paths. An example of such a case might be the Lisp function LSH, which performs a logical shift of an integer. Here, we must fetch an integer, shift it an amount dependent on the argument of the function, and store the result. The architecture as presented so far provides only clumsy mechanisms for this operation. What we would like to do is to modify a shift instruction to specify the amount of bit shift, execute it, and store the results. Another example is the operation of storing and restoring the processor state around an interrupt or page fault. Here, we would like to cycle through all of the processor registers, save or restore their contents, and loop. For this to work, we need a technique for modifying the register address contained in the microinstruction.

The solution we implemented for this problem is a technique due to Fuller, first used in the PDP-11/40E. We observe that, due to the overlapped fetch of the next microinstruction with the execution of this one, just prior to clocking a new microinstruction, both the data on the output bus, and the next microinstruction to be executed are simultaneously available. If we OR this data together, then we can create a modified microinstruction, suitable for clocking into the instruction register. In effect, this allows a microinstruction to selectively modify its successor. The feature is enabled by specifying two “destinations” for the output bus data, one for bits in the high half of the microinstruction word (specifying the source and destination registers), and one for the low half of the microinstruction word (specifying the exact operation to be performed). Since the modifying instruction can be a deposit byte operation, shifting the source data to an appropriate location for doing the modification, we have a very effective technique for variablizing the execution of a microinstruction.

6.2.15 Diagnostic processor features

Another important device on the Unibus is the debugging interface for the processor. It provides an access path to the internal processor registers so that an external computer, such as a PDP-11, or a second Lisp Machine system, can assist in debugging the processor. The processor has no lights or switches interfaced, so the sole method of influencing or observing its behaviour is through this interface. The method by which the debugging processor influences that behaviour is by loading and executing microinstructions through a path independent of the normal control memory. Clock control is provided, so that the debugging processor can single step and start and stop the processor. The path by which the processor control memory is initially loaded is by execution of normal control memory write instructions loaded by the diagnostic processor.

Observational paths are considerably more common. The A, M and output busses, the program counter, and the instruction register can be directly observed, and by loading the appropriate microinstruction which references other processor registers, the contents of these registers may be observed on one of these directly accessible paths.

7 Evaluation of Some Architectural Features

One way to evaluate a computer architecture is to measure the frequency of use of features of that architecture. Two areas in this architecture seemed unique enough to warrant a measurement of their utility. The first was the stack buffer mechanism, and its usefulness in shielding the processor from main memory requests, and the second was the shifter/masker as data manipulation element.

The stack buffer holds the top of the emulated push down stack during execution of macro coded instructions. In those cases where the depth of this stack (1024 words) is not often exceeded, the effect of this buffer is to replace a main memory data request, with its attendent overhead in memory mapping, bus delays, and awkward reference mechanisms, with a simple register access directly into or out of the main processor data paths. In this sense, it performs the same function as a cache memory, but without the probablistic element, and with considerably simpler and less expensive hardware.

Measurements were made of the use of the stack buffer in execution of the compiled Lisp evaluator, running a trivial interpreted infinite loop. In this environment, execution of a macro coded instruction takes roughly 30 microinstructions. Of the useful cycles (those whose execution is not inhibited by the transfer mechanism), 6.6% read data from the stack buffer, and 4.7% write such data. Without the stack buffer mechanism, each of these requests would take about 5 cycles, resulting in about a 56% slowdown in the average execution rate.

The stack buffer or some equivalent memory cacheing mechanism is thus an obviously worthwhile element in this type of processor design.

In contrast, about 6.6% of the processor cycles initiate main memory references, about 2.2 per macro instruction, on the average. A little more than .5 of these are due to the fetch of the macro instruction itself; the remainder are split between forwarding pointer references in the function definition, and the data being referenced. A cache mechanism would perform well on the instruction and forwarding pointer references, but would likely perform poorly on the random references to list structure (but see Clark & Green 1977). Assuming a 75% hit rate on a cache, and an average saving of 3 cycles per cache hit, installation of a cache on this processor would improve performance by a little less than 15%. With speeds of main memory going down, the 3 cycle saving figure is generous today, and likely will continue to be reduced. In short, the addition of a cache to the processor design, though helpful, would not dramatically improve performance, and would add complexity to the design. The majority of the easily cached memory requests are already avoided in the stack buffer mechanism.

The utility of the shifter/masker as a data manipulation element was also measured, by determining what percentage of the executed microinstructions actually use the shifter. While this does not reveal how difficult execution of such code would be without such a data path, it does give an indication of its popularity with the programmers of the microcode emulator.

The raw breakdown of executed cycles into the various instruction classes is as follows:


As can be seen from this breakdown, the combined byte and dispatch use is roughly the same as the use of the ALU instruction, indicating the very heavy use of the combinatorial shift matrix as a data manipulation element. A small percentage of the JUMP instructions also use the shifter for bit testing. On the other hand, the large number of simple register to register transfer operations are all classified as ALU instructions, On balance, the operation of byte extraction and deposit is probably more heavily used in the processor than the truly arithmetic operations.

8 An Architectural Comparison

Another method for evaluating an architectural design is a comparison of it with other designs intended for similar applications. One machine, the PDP-11/40E designed at Carnegie Mellon University, has many of the same features as the Lisp Machine, and is currently being used in a similar application at Bolt Beranek and Newman. This machine is a modified version of the standard DEC PDP-11/40 processor, with the standard extended instruction set board replaced by a board containing several features which make the machine a more general purpose Microprocessor.

The board contains, among other features, a 1K by 80 bit writable microcode memory, a micro program counter subroutine stack, and a 16 by 16 combinatorial shifter. These features provide a sizeable subset of the capabilities of the Lisp Machine processor, provided, however, in a sixteen bit environment, and lacking features for memory paging and larger than sixteen bit addresses.

In 1975 John Osterhout of CMU wrote a paper comparing this microprocessor design with the Standard Computer IC-9000 microprogrammable processor [Oakley 1975]. One of the benchmarks used in his comparison was an emulation of the Data General Nova 1200 processor on both of these machines.

I coded the emulator for the Nova for the Lisp Machine processor for comparison with the emulators for these other processors. Both the Lisp Machine and PDP-11/40E microprograms are listed in Appendix A and Appendix B. Both emulations occupied nearly the identical number of microcode bits, despite the larger number of instructions in the Lisp Machine version (283 versus 164). In both cases, the programs are optimized for speed of execution rather than size. The Nova instruction set was chosen for comparison because of its simplicity. Thus, many features of both processors go unused, yielding near identical performance on this task, where vast differences would exist in other applications. A simple example is the complete lack of paging and memory management aspects in the emulator design.

Yet, even in this restricted environment, the design we are using performed well. Appendix C has the execution traces for emulation of two Nova instructions, {LDA 1,DISP(PC)} and {NEG 1,2}. These traces show the heavy use of the combinatorial shifter for dispatching operations in both processor designs, and point out the features in the 11/40E design which make the processor less than optimally efficient. Primary among these is the difficulty of setting up the data which must be dispatched upon, and the difficulty of control of overflow flags and conditions in the processor,

Since the cycle times for these two processors are nearly identical, we can compare their performance on a number of cycles basis. The Lisp Machine processor used 12 cycles to execute the LDA, waiting a possible 4 for main memory response. The 11/40E performs the LDA in 16 cycles, waiting a possible 5. The difference for the NEG instruction is even larger, 16 cycles versus 24 cycles total.

The Lisp Machine emulator is even comparable in speed to the Nova 1200 computer system, taking only 3.2 microseconds for each of the sample instructions.

Another very important characteristic of any processor is the ability of a programmer to represent his algorithms in a natural way — that is, how easily the machine can be programmed. Although this is a very subjective measurement, I programmed the emulator for the Nova in one night of fairly intensive work. The ease with which a processor may be programmed becomes increasingly important as the size and complexity of the microprograms increase. Thus, the complexity and non-trivial interactions between features in a microprocessor design such as the one for the DEC KL-10 processor effectively preclude its use for other than very simple and well thought out modifications to the instruction set it was intended to emulate,

9 Comparisons with Other Work

Several other attempts at developing higher level language computer systems have been made over the years, notably the early efforts at Rice on the Symbol computer system, Efforts to develop processors specifically for execution of Lisp, however, has been a fairly recent occurence, dating from the 1973 paper of Peter Deutsch [Deutsch 1973]. Two of these efforts have reached the literature, the MBALM/1700 interpreter at Utah [Griss & Swanson 1977], and the HP 21MX interpreter in Japan [Shimada & Yamaguchi & Sakamura 1976]. The other efforts of which I am aware include the Alto Interlisp effort at Xerox, and the closely related PDP-11/40E Interlisp at BBN. Neither of these projects has produced published literature, though each is based on the Interlisp virtual machine concept [Moore 1976].

All of these efforts attempt to make use of an existing microprogrammable processor to execute a macro compiled Lisp instruction set. The difficulties and limitations in these systems often arise from lack of features in these pre-defined microprogrammable environments. Perhaps the most illuminating paper from this point of view is the Japanese effort on the HP 21MX. They report not only the progress they made towards developing a computer system on the machine, but also a detailed critique of the micro architecture, listing those features which made their job difficult. Their list of desirable features is worth comparing to the features of the machine we have described. They include:

To this list, I think, would have to be added, adequate address space for large programs, good virtual memory mapping hardware, a large control store, and a word size wide enough to contain a full address plus tag bits.

Many of these same points are made in the paper by Fuller et al. [Fuller & Lesser & Bell & Kaman 1976] concerning the requirements for general purpose emulation systems.

In view of this wide consensus concerning the features necessary for reasonable emulation of complex instruction sets, it is surprising that commercially available computer systems lack most of these features. It appears that the economics of the situation prevent the development of truly general purpose microprogrammable machines.

10 Summary

Computer science builds complex structures out of a hierarchy of many levels. Each of these levels transforms the data and control structures from a form easily implementable in hardware, into a more tractable form for the expression of algorithmic solutions to problems. The Lisp Machine system provides a good example of such a structure, The goal is to provide a user environment where programs may be easily expressed in a high level way, providing the illusion of infinite storage space, and user defined data structures. The implementation of this scheme requires two lower levels: the macrocode instruction set, and the microcode of the actual machine. With the development of yet more complex systems, this layering will become even more evident. Many users even today, for example, provide an intermediate layer between their programming and the basic Lisp system by using a high level language which is itself embedded in Lisp. Examples include Conniver, Planner, Scheme, and ACT1.

The introduction of microcode below the level of the basic architecture of the machine allows the macrocode instruction set to be cleanly designed, without regard to many of the ugly low level implementation details, such as page faulting, garbage collection, and process switching. Providing this level of support in the microcode of the machine is an entirely different use of the microcode programming environment than its more traditional use as a means of merely simplifying the design of the hardware.

The microcoded engine required to do this job bears a much closer resemblence to the instruction set of a conventional computer, than it does to the microcode of such machines. The key point is that no longer is the microcode of such processors designed once when the product is developed, but that it is, rather, a large complex software investment which is continuously refined. Ease of programming is a very important consideration in such circumstances. The facilities necessary in the microcode environment include adequate fast storage for temporaries, a recursive subroutining mechanism, virtual memory system support, and data manipulation primitives for decoding instructions and typed field data.

The building blocks which today’s semiconductor manufacturers provide for construction of computer systems are often not those which would be desired for these purposes. Thus, the popular “bit slices” which provided a four bit wide portion of a data path for a micro machine, and the “controller chips” which provide sequencing for simple microcomputers are simply not usable for designing this style of processor. The major difficulties are the lack of access to critical internal busses, primarily a result of pinout limitations. This is especially critical for the sequencing devices, where the ability to manipulate the return addresses and program counter as registers in the main data path is crucial in a sophisticated software environment.

Trivial functions, such as the bitwise select in the masker, take several times as many devices to implement with traditional MSI than would be required with custom devices.

Thus the use of custom devices, even with today’s densities would have a dramatic impact on the difficulty of implementation of processors similar to this one. We could anticipate very large reductions in the size of all portions of the processor with the exception of the register memories. In many cases, however, the design of the processor was made intentionally memory intensive, just because of the high available density in these devices. Thus, we chose to implement the memory map with a table lookup technique rather than a technology such as associative mapping, which while less logic intensive, has a much poorer representation in terms of available semiconductor devices.

With the development of good design tools for very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI), we can anticipate a time when designers of complex systems are again not dependent on the whims of semiconductor manufacturers and the needs of volume production. Designers will take advantage of this ability to build the complex thousand-processor systems as a cohesive whole, all the way from the programming semantics to the logic gate.


This work would have been literally impossible without the cooperation, fellowship, support, and often dog-work of many other people involved in the Lisp Machine project. Richard Greenblatt was, of course, the originator of the idea for this sort of machine. In addition, he provided ideas for many features in the design, such as the virtual memory map, and the stack buffer. Jack Holloway was crucial in supporting the design aids required to build the processor, and again in providing architectural criticism. David Moon has become the expert programmer of this architecture, and has extensively influenced the design of the memory interface, divide logic, and the automatic instruction prefetch logic. Tom Callahan provided expert mechanical and electrical assembly and design.

More recently, Dan Weinreb, Richard Stallman, Alan Bawden, Bruce Edwards, and Howard Canon have taken on the job of turning a successful research effort into a useful, reliable, and reproducible hardware and software system,

Critical initial funding of this project was provided by IBM through an unrestricted grant to the Laboratory for Computer Science. Later funding was obtained from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency through the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. I would like to thank Prof. Joel Moses, Prof. Patrick Winston and the sponsors, for their roles in obtaining this funding.

I would like to thank the Computer Science department of IBM Research in Yorktown for my fellowship support during the past years.

I would like to thank Prof. Marvin Minsky for his forsight in establishing an environment in which this sort of interesting research can take place, for his patience, and for a second chance.


[ALTO] There is no good published reference on the ALTO computer system. Perhaps the best publicly available document is "Personal Dynamic Media" by the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Learning Research Group, Report SSL 76-1 (1976). In it, the ALTO is refered to euphemistically as an "Interim Dynabook."

Baker, H.G., List Processing in Real Time on a Serial Computer, Communications of the ACM Vol. 21 No. 4, April 1977

Bobrow, Daniel G., and Raphael, Bertram, New Programming Languages for AI Research Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Report CSL 73-2 (1973)

Clark, D.. and Green, C. C., An Empirical Study of List Structure in Lisp Communications of the ACM, Vol. 20, No. 2 February, 1977

Corbató, F. J., PL/I for Systems Programming, Datamation, May 1969

Deutsch, L. Peter, A Lisp Machine with Very Compact Programs, Proceedings, Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1973

Feustel, Edward A., On the Advantages of Tagged Architectures, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-22 No. 7, July 1973

Fuller, Samuel H,, Lesser, Victor R., Bell, C. Gordon, and Kaman, Charles H., The Effects of Emerging Technology and Emulation Requirements on Microprogramming, IEEE Transactions an Computers, Vol. C-25 No. 10, October, 1976

Griss, M.L., and Swanson, M.R., MBALM/1700: A Microprogrammed Lisp Machine for the Burroughs B1726, University of Utah report UCP-55, April 1977

Greenblatt, Richard D., The Lisp Machine, M.I.T. A.I. Laboratory Working Paper No. 79, November, 1974

Hewitt, Carl E., and Smith, Brian, Towards a Programming Apprentice, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-1 No. 1, March 1975

Horn, Berthold, and Winston, Patrick H., Personal Computers, Datamation, May, 1975

Knight, Thomas F., CONS, M.I.T. A.I. Laboratory Working Paper No. 80 November, 1974

Knight, Thomas F., Moon, David A., and Steele, Guy L., CADR, M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Working Paper, to appear.

Learning Research Group, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Personal Dynamic Media March, 1976

Lonergan, W. and King, P., Design of the B5000 System, Datamation vol. 7 no. 5 May, 1961

McCarthy, J., et al., Lisp 1.5 Programmer’s Manual, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1962

McCarthy, J., History of Lisp, Sigplan Notices, Vol. 13 No. 8, August 1978

Metcalfe, R. M., and Boggs, D. R., Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switchin for Local Computer Networks, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center report CSL 75-7 (1975)

Moon, David A., The MacLisp Reference Manual, M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science

Moore, J. Strother, The Interlisp Virtual Machine Specification, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Report CSL-76-5, September, 1976

Oakley, John D., A Comparison of Two Microprogrammable Processors: PDP-11/40E and MLP-900, Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report, May, 1975

Rich, C. and Shrobe, H.E., Initial Report on a Lisp Programmer’s Apprentice M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report AI-TR-354 December, 1976

Teitelman, Warren, et al., The Interlisp Reference Manual, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center October, 1978

Sandevall, Erik, Programming in the Lisp Environment: The Lisp Experience LiTH-MAT-76-9, Informatics Laboratory, Linkoeping University, S-58159 Linkoeping, Sweden 1976

Shimada, T., Yamaguchi, Y., and Sakamura, K., A Lisp Machine and Its Evaluation, Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. 59-D, No. 6, June 1976 pp. 406-413 Translated in Systems-Computers-Controls Vol. 7, No. 3, 1976 pp. 59-65

Weinreb Daniel L., and Moon, David A., The Lisp Machine Manual, M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1978

Winograd, Terry, Breaking the Complexity Barrier (Again), ACM Sigplan Notices 10:1 January 1975

Winograd, Terry, The Reactive Engine Paper, The CoEvolution Quarterly, Fall 1975

Winston, Patrick H., Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts 1977

List of Figures

Figure 2.1

Xerox Parc Personal Computer System

Figure 2.2

Lisp Machine Network Environment

Figure 3.1

A Personal Computer System

Figure 6.1

Main Data Paths

Figure 6.2

Micro Instruction Format

Figure 6.3

Detailed M Bus Block Diagram

Figure 6.4

Dispatch Datapath

Figure 6.5

Memory Map Data Flow

Appendix A Nova Simulator in CADR Microcode

;Simulation program for the Data General Nova

(def-data-field word 16. 0)

;bit definitions for memory reference instructions

(def-next-field ir-displacement 8 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-index 2 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-indirect 1 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-function 2 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-op 3 m-ir)
(reset-bit-pointer m-ir)

(def-bit-field-in-reg ir-fun-ind 3 10.)
(def-bit-field-in-reg displacement-sign 1 7 m-ir)

;bit definitions for operate class instructions

(def-next-field ir-skip 3 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-noload 1 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-carry 2 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-shift 2 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-operfn 3 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-dest 2 m-ir)
(def-next-field ir-source 2 m-ir)
(reset-bit-pointer m-ir)

(def-data-field address 15. 0)
(def-data-field adr-indirect 1 15.)

(def-data-field auto-index-field 2 3)

(locality d-mem)

(start-dispatch 3 0)
           (op000) ;isz/dsz/jmp/jsr
           (op001) ;lda
           (op010) ;sta
           (op011) ;i/o instructions - not emulated
           (op100) ;dispatch different places for the 2 bit source

(start-dispatch 2 0)
           (p-bit r-bit) ;fall through if page zero reference
           (p-bit x01)   ;displaced off of pc
           (p-bit x10)   ;displaced off of ac2
           (p~bit x11)   ;displaced off of ac3

(start-dispatch 1 0)
           (p-bit r-bit)

(start-dispatch 3 0)
           (jmp)            ; JMP
           (p-bit r-bit)    ; JMP I
           (jsr)            ; JSR
           (p-bit r-bit)    ; JSR I
           (isz)            ; ISZ
           (p-bit r-bit)    ; ISZ I
           (dsz)            ; DSZ
           (p-bit r-bit)    ; DSZ I

(start-dispatch 2 0)

(start-dispatch 2 0)
           (r-bit inhibit-xct-next)      ; 80000 to 80007
           (r-bit inhibit-xct-next)      ; 80010 to 80017
           (p-bit r-bit)                 ; auto increment
           (auto-decrement inhibit-xct-next)

(start-dispatch 3 0)
           (p-bit r-bit)
           (p-bit r-bit)
           (p-bit r-bit)
           (p-bit r-bit)

(start-dispatch 2 0)

(start-dispatch 3 0)
           (op010i inhibit-xct-next)
           (op010i inhibit-xct-next)
           (op010i inhibit-xct-next)
           (op010i inhibit-xct-next)

(start-dispatch 2 0)

(locality i-mem)

;;main loop - enter with valid new instruction present cr on the way
;;into read-memory-data register

mloop      (dispatch-xct-next mdr-op op-dispatch-table)    ;dispatch on op field
          ((m-ir) read-memory-data)                        ;copy new instruction to IR
                                                           ;really dispatching

;; OPCODE 0 ISZ/DSZ/JMP/JSR instructions

op000      (dispatch ir-index index-dispatch-table)             ;x dispatch-return w/m-disp
          ((m-disp) ir-displacement)                            ;get displacement before
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-fun-ind function-indirect-dispatch-table)
op000i ((vma-start-read m-address) address m-disp)              ;start memory fetch
                                                                ;here if not indirect
           (call-less-than (a-constant 40) m-address auto-index)
           (jump-bit-set-xct-next adr-indirect read-memory-data op000i)
           ((m-disp) read-memory-data)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-function function-dispatch-table)
          ((vma-start-read) address m-disp)

x01        (dispatch ir-displacemgnt-sign disp-sign-dispatch-table)
          (add (m-disp) m-disp m-pc)                  ;popjs after this instruction for pos case
           (popj-after-next (m-disp) (a-constant -1) ir-displacement)
           (add (m-disp) m-disp m-pc)                 ;popj here for negative disp case
x10        (dispatch ir-displacement-sign disp-sign-dispatch-table) .
          (add (m-disp) m-disp m-acd)                 ;popjs after this instruction for pos case
           (pop j-after-next (m-disp) (a-constant -1) ir-displacement)
           (add (m-disp) m-disp acd)                  ;popj here for negative disp case
x11        (dispatch ir-displacement-sign disp-sign-dispatch-table)
          (add (m-disp) m-disp m-ac3)                 ;popjs after this instruction tfor pos case
           (pop j-aftertnext (m-disp) f(a-constant -1) ir-displacement)
           (add (m-disp) m-disp ac3)                  ;popj here for negative disp case

           (dispatch auto-index-field m-address auto-index-dispatch-table)
           (popj-after-next M+1 (write-memory-data-start-write) read-memory-data)
           ((vma-start-read) vma)

           (popj-after-next M-A-1 (write-memory-data-start-write) read-memory-data)
           ((vma-start-read) vma)

isz        ((write-memory-data-start-write m-data) M+1 read-memory-data)
           ((m-data) word m-data)
           (jump-equal m-data (a-constant 0) skpret)
           ((m-pc vma-start-read) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mloop)

dsz        ((write-memory-data-start-write m-data) M-A-1 read-memory-data)
           ((m-data) word m-data)
           (jump-equal m-data (a-constant 0) skpret)
           ((m-pc vma-start-read) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mioop)

skpret     ((m-pc vma-start-read) ADD m-pc (a-constant 2))
           (jump mloop)

jsr        ((m-ac3) M+1 m-pc)
jmp        (jump-xct-next mioop)
          ((m-pc) address m-disp)

op001      (dispatch ir-index index-dispatch-table)
          ((m-disp) ir-displacement)                          ;get displacement betfore
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-fun-ind lda-indirect-dispatch-table)
op001i ((vma-start-read m-address) address m-disp)
           (call-less-than (a-constant 40) m-address auto-index)
           (jump-bit-set-xct-next adr-indirect read-memory-data op001i)
           ((m-disp) read-memory-data)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-function lda-dispatch-table)
          ((vma-start-read) address m-disp)

lda0       ((m-ac0) read-memory-data)
           ((m-pc vma-start-read) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mloop)

lda1       ((m-ac1) read-memory-data)
           ((m-pc vma-start-read) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mloop)

lda2       ((m-ac2) read-memory-data)
           ((m-pc vma-start-read) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mloop)

lda3       ((m-ac3) read-memory-data)
           ((m-pc vma-start-read) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mloop)

op010      (dispatch ir-index index-dispatch-table)
          ((m-disp) ir-displacement)                              ;get displacement before
           (dispatch ir-fun-ind sta-indirect-dispatch-table)
           ((vma m-address) address m-disp)

op010i     ((vma-start-read m-address) address m-disp)
           (call-less-than (a-constant 40) m-address auto-index)
           (jump-bit-set-xct-next adr-indirect read-memory-data op010i)
          ((m-disp) read-memory-data)
           (dispatch ir-function sta-dispatch-table)
          ((vma m-address) address m-disp)

sta0       ((write-memory-data-start-write) word m-ac0)
           ((vma-start-read m-pc) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mloop)

sta1       ((write-memory-data-start-write) word m-ac1)
           ((vma-start-read m-pc) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mioop)

sta2       ((write-memory-data-start-write) word m-ac2)
           ((vma-start-read m-pc) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mioop)

sta3       ((write-memory-data-start-write) word m-ac3)
           ((vma-start-read m-pc) M+1 m-pc)
           (jump mloop)

op100      (dispatch-sct-next ir-dest-funct dest-funct-dispatch-table)
           ((a-source) word ac0)

op101      (dispatch-xet-next ir-dest-funct dest-funct-dispatch-table)
           ((a-source) word ac1)

op110      (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest-funct dest-funct-dispatch-table)
           ((a-source) word ac2)

op111      (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest-funct dest-funct-dispatch-table)
           ((a-source) word ac3)

com        (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) ANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)

neg        ((m-result) ANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) M+1 m-result)

mov        (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) AND (m-constant 177777) a-source)

inc        (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) M+A+1 a-source)

adc0       ((m-result) word m-ac8)
           ((a-source) ANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) ADD a-source m-result)

adc1       ((m-result) word m-ac1)
           ((a-source) ANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) ADD a-source m-result)

adc2       ((m-result) word m-ac2)
           ((a-source) ANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) ADD a-source m-result)

adc3       ((m-result) word m-ac3)
           ((a-source) RANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) ADD a-source m-result)

sub0       ((m-result) word m-ac0)
           ((a-source) ANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) M+A+1 a-source m-result)

sub1       ((m-result) word m-ac1)
           ((a-source) ANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) M+A+1 a-source m-result)

sub2       ((m-result) word m-ac2)
           ((a-source) ANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) M+A+1 a-source m-result)

sub3       ((m-result) word m-ac3)
           ((a-source) ANDCA (m-constant 177777) a-source)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) M+A+1 a-source m-result)

add0       ((m-result) word m-ac0)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) ADD a-source m-result)

add1       ((m-result) word m-ac1)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) ADD a-source m-result)

add2       ((m-result) word m-ac2)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) ADD a-source m-result)

add3       ((m-result) word m-ac3)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) ADD a-source m-result)

and0       (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) AND a-source m-ac0)

and1       (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) AND a-source m-ac1)

and2       (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) AND a-source m-ac2)

and3       (dispatch-xct-next ir-shift-carry shift-carry-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) AND a-source m-ac3)

sc0        (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) XOR m-result a-carryflag)

sc1        (dispatch ir-nl-skip ni-skip-alt-dispatch-table)

sc2        (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) XOR m-result (a-constant 200000))

sc3        (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) EQV m-result a-carryflag)

sc4        ((m-result) XOR m-result a-carryflag)
           ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 17. 1))
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 1 17.) m-result)

sc5        ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 17. 1))
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 1 17.) m-result)

sc6        ((m-result) XOR m-result (a-constant 200000))
           ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 17. 1))
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 1 17.) m-result)

sc7        ((m-result) EQV m-result a-carryflag)
           ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 17. 1))
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 1 17.) m-result)

sc10       ((m-result) XOR m-result a-carryfliag)
           ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 1 17.) m-result)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 17. 1) m-result)
sc11       ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 17. 1))
           ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 1 17.) m-result)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 17. 1) m-result)

sc12       ((m-result) XOR m-result (a-constant 200000))
           ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 1 17.) m-result)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 17. 1) m-result)

sc13       ((m-result) EQV m-result a-carryflag)
           ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 1 17.) m-result)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 17. 1) m-result)

sc14       ((m-result) XOR m-result a-carryflag)
           ((m-temp) m-result)
           ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 8 8) m-result)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) DPB m-temp (byte 8 8) m-result)

sc15       ((m-result) DPB m-result (byte 17. 1))
           ((m-temp) m-result)
           ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 8 8) m-result)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) DPB m-temp (byte 8 8) m-result)

sc16       ((m-result) XOR m-result (a-constant 200000))
           ((m-temp) m-result)
           ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 8 8) m-result)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) DPB m-temp (byte 8 8) m-result)
@c page 58
sc17       ((m-result) EQV m-result a-carryflag)
           ((m-temp) m-result)
           ((m-result) LDB m-result (byte 8 8) m-result)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-nl-skip nl-skip-dispatch-table)
          ((m-result) DPB m-temp (byte 8 8) m-result)

nls0       ((a-carryflag) SELECTIVE-DEPOSIT m-result (byte 1 16.0))
nls0b      (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest dest-dispatch-table)
nls0a  ((vma-start-read m-pc) M+1 m-pc)

nls1       ((a-carryflag) SELECTIVE-DEPOSIT m-result (byte 1 16.))
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest dest-dispatch-table)
          ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD m-pc (a-constant 2))

nls2       (jump-bit-set-xct-next m-result (byte 1 16.) nls0b)
           ((a-carryfiag) SELECTIVE-DEPOSIT m-result (byte 1 16.))
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest dest-dispatch-table)
          ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD m-pc (a-constant 2))

nls3       (jump-bit-clear-xct-next m-result (byte 1 16.) nls0b)
          ((a-carryflag) SELECTIVE-DEPOSIT m-result (byte 1 16.))
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest dest-dispatch-table)
          ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD m-pc (a-constant 2))

nls4       ((m-temp) LDB m-result (byte 0 16.))
            (jump-not-equal-xct-next m-temp nls0b)
           ((a-carryflag) SELECTIVE-DEPOSIT m-result (byte 1 16.))
            (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest dest-dispatch-table)
           ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD m-pc (a-constant 2))

nls5        ((m-temp) LDB m-result (byte 0 16.))
            (jump-equal-xct-next m-temp nls0b)
           ((a-carryflag) SELECTIVE-DEPOSIT m-result (byte 1 16.))
            (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest dest-dispatch-table)
           ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD m-pc (a-constant 2))

nls6        (jump-bit-clear-xct-next m-result (byte 1 16.) nls6a)
           ((a-carryflag) SELECTIVE-DEPOSIT m-result (byte 1 16.0)
            ((m-temp) LDB m-result (byte 0 16.))
            (jump-not-equal-xct-next m-temp nls0a)
nis6a   (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest dest-dispatch-table)
           ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD m-pc (a-constant 21)

nls7        (jump-bit-set-xct-next m-result (byte 1 16.) nls0a)
           ((a-carryflag) SELECTIVE-DEPOSIT m-result (byte 1 16.))
            ((m-temp) LDB m-result (byte 0 16.))
            (jump-equal-xct-next m-temp nls0a)
           (dispatch-xct-next ir-dest dest-dispatch-table)
           ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD m-pc (a-constant 2))

nls10       ((vma-start-read m-pc) M+1 m-pc)
            (jump mloop)

nls11       ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD (a-constant 2) m-pc)
            (jump mloop)

nls12       (jump-bit-set m-result (byte 1 16.) nls10)
            ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD (a-constant 2) m-pc)
            (jump mloop)

nls13       (jump-bit-clear m-result (byte 1 16.) nls10)
            ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD (a-constant 2) m-pc)
            (jump mloop)
@c page 59
nls14       ((m-temp) LDB m-resulit (byte 0 16.))
            (jump-not-equal m-temp nls10)
            ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD (a-constant 2) m-pc)
            (jump mloop)

nls15       ((m-temp) LDB m-result (byte 0 16.))
            (jump-equal m-temp nls10)
            ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD (a-constant 2) m-pc)
            (jump mloop)

nls16       (jump-bit-clear m-result (byte 1 16.) nls16a)
            ((m-temp) LDB m-result (byte 0 16.))
            (jump-not-equal m-temp nls10)
nls16a      ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD (a-constant 2) m-pc)
            (jump mloop)

nls17       (jump-bit-set m-result (byte 1 16.) nls10)
            ((m-temp) LDB m-result (byte 0 16.))
            (jump-equal m-temp nls10)
            ((vma-start-read m-pc) ADD (a-constant 2) m-pc)
            (jump mloop)

dest0       (jump-xct-next mloop)
           ((m-ac0) word m-result)

dest1       (jump-xct-next mloop)
           ((m-ac1) word m-result)

dest2       (jump-xct-next mloop)
           ((m-ac2) word m-result)

dest3       (jump-xct-next mloop)
           ((m-ac3) word m-result)

Appendix B Nova Simulator in PDP-11/E microcode

This appendix contains the Nova simulator written for the 11/40E by Paul Drongowski. It is reproduced here with his kind permission.

@c page 61

! DATE:      APRIL 19, 1975

!                    (1) TELETYPE 1/0
!                    (2) PAPER TAPE READER AND PUNCH (HIGH SPEED)
!                    (3) BASIC CPU CONTROL OPTIONS


AC0:=R[0]$               ! NOVA GENERAL REGISTER SET

I:=R[4]$                 ! INSTRUCTION REGISTER
PC:=R[5]$                ! PROGRAM COUNTER
T:=R[6]$                 ! TEMPORARY STORAGE
CBIT:=R[12]$             ! CARRY BIT - R[12]=0 OR R[12]=1 ONLY

SERVICE:=P3;  SP←0;  CP=1;  D←0;  GOTO FETCH$


N.Z.V.C:=CLK=6; SPS=3$
N.Z.V:=CLK=6; SPS=2$
CLK.C:=CLK=6; SPS=1$


@c page 62
REG.EXM:=4; P3$
REG.DEP:=3; P3$

SERVIC:              P3;  SP←0;  CP=1;  D←0;  GOTO FETCH


                     BA←PC;D←PC+2; DATI; CLKOFF               ! FETCH NEXT
                                                                         ! INSTRUCTION
FETCH1:              S, I←UNIBUS                              ! STORE INSTRUCTION
                     PC←D; CASE TOS<15:11>                    ! STORE NEW PC
                     BA←TOS<12:11>                            ! GET AC DEST
                     PUSH EXJMP; GOTO ECALC                   ! 00  JUMP
                     D←PC; GOTO EXJSR                         ! 01  JSR
                     PUSH EXISZ; GOTO ECALC                   ! 02  ISZ
                     PUSH EXDSZ; GOTO ECALC                   ! 03  DSZ
                     PUSH EXLDA; GOTO ECALC                   ! 04  LDA AC0
                     PUSH EXLDA; COTO ECALC                   ! 05  LDA AC1
                     PUSH EXLDA; GOTO ECALC                   ! 06  LDA AC2
                     PUSH EXLDA; GOTO ECALC                   ! 07  LDA AC3
                     D←AC0; GOTO EXSTA                        ! 10  STA AC0
                     D←AC1; GOTO EXSTA                        ! 11  STA AC1
                     D←AC2; GOTO EXSTA                        ! 12  STA AC2
                     D←AC3; GOTO EXSTA                        ! 13  STA AC3
HLT:                 GOTO EXECIO                              ! 14  IO
                     GOTO EXECIO                              ! 15  IO
                     GOTO EXECIO                              ! 16  IO
                     GOTO EXECIO                              ! 17  IO
                     D←AC0; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 20  AL INST
                     D←AC0; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 21  AL INST
                     D←AC0; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 22  AL INST
                     D←AC0; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 23  AL INST
                     D←AC1; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 24  AL INST
                     D←AC1; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 25  AL INST
                     D←AC1; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 26  AL INST
                     D←AC1; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 27  AL INST
                     D←AC2; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 30  AL INST
                     D←AC2; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 31  AL INST
                     D←AC2; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 32  AL INST
                     D←AC2; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 33  AL INST
                     D←AC3; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 34  AL INST
                     D←AC3; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 35  AL INST
                     D←AC3; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 36  AL INST
                     D←AC3; CASE TOS<5:4>; GOTO EXECAL        ! 37  AL INST


!                    .=200
!ENT00:              SP←0
!ENT01:              D,BA←0; S,I←D
!ENT02:              PC←D
!ENT03:              PS←D
!ENT03A:                        CBIT←D
!ENT03B:                        D←177777; PCMASK←D
!ENT03C:                        P3; IR←060000;         ! TO MAKE COND
@c p63
!ENT04:              GOTO SERVIC                                ! CODES WORK


EXECAL:              SRC←D                 ! STORE SOURCE OPERAND IN SRC
                     ! FORM BASE VALUE FOR CARRY BIT

                        D←CBIT;                                           ! CB←C
                        D←0;  T←D;  CASE TOS<10:8>;  GOTO EXECAL1
                                                                          ! CB←0
                        D←1;  T←D;  CASE TOS<10:8>;  GOTO EXECAL1
                                                                          ! CB←1
                        D←CBIT XOR 1;                           ! CB←NOT C

                     T←D;  CASE TOS<10:8>
EXECAL1:             B←R[BA]                          ! GET DEST OPERAND

                        D←NOT SRC;  SRC←D;  N.Z.V.C                       ! COM

                           D←NOT SRC; B←D;                                ! NEG
                           D←1+B;  SRC←D;  N.Z.V.C

                        D←SRC;      N.Z.V.C;                              ! MOV
                        D←SRC+1;  SRC←D;  N.Z.V.C;                        ! INC

                           D←NOT SRC; SRC←D;                              ! ADC
                           D←SRC+B;  SRC←D;  N.Z.V.C;

                        START                                             ! SUB
                           D←NOT SRC;  SRC←D;
                           D←SRC+B+1;  SRC←D;  N.Z.V.C;
                        D←SRC+B;  SRC←D;  N.Z.V.C;                        ! ADD
                        D←SRC AND B;  SRC←D;  N.Z.V.C                     ! AND


                     B←PS;  CASE TOS<7:6>;
                     P3;  D←T XOR B;  PS←D;

                        D←SRC;  CASE TOS<3:3>                             ! NO SHIFT

                           D←PS AND ONE;  B←D;                  ! LEFT ROTATE
                           D←SRC+SRC;  SRC←D;  N.Z.V.C;  CASE TOS<3:3>
                           D←SRC OR B;  GOTO NOLOD1;            ! OR IN CARRY BIT

                           D←SRC;  SCOM=2;  SRC←D/2;            ! RIGHT ROTATE
                           D←T AND 1;  T←D;
                           D←(T OR NOT ONE) + 1;  N.Z.V.C;  CASE TOS<3:3>
                                                                ! GENERATE CARRY IF T=1
                           D←SRC;  N.Z.V;  GOTO NOLOD1;

                           B←SRC;  CASE TOS<3:3>                ! SWAP BYTES
                           D←B.LH;  N.Z.V;  GOTO NOLOD1;

NOLOD1:                 R[BA]←D                                 ! STORE RESULT
                        D←PS; CASE S<2:0>; GOTO NOLSKP1         ! NOLOAD, TEST

                     D←PS AND ONE;
                     CBIT←D                           ! GET CARRY BIT
                     D←PS; CASE S<2:0>                ! PUSH STATUS FOR SKIP
NOLSKP1:             S←D;


                        SERVICE                       ! NEVER SKIP
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC     ! ALWAYS SKIP
                        CASE S<0:0>; GOTO NOTSKP      ! SKIP IF C=0
                        CASE S<0:0>; GOTO POSSKP      ! SKIP IF C=1
                        CASE S<2:2>; GOTO POSSKP      ! SKIP IF Z=1
                        CASE S<2:2>; GOTO NOTSKP      ! SKIP IF Z=0
                        CASE S<2:0>; GOTO ORSKIP      ! SKIP IF C=0  OR Z=1
                        CASE S<2:0>; GOTO ANDSKP      ! SKIP IF C=1 AND Z=0

POSSKP:              NOOP
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC

NOTSKP:              NOOP
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC

ANDSKP:              NOOP
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC

ORSKIP:              NOOP
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC

@c p65
ECALC:               S←I        CASE TOS<10:8>       ! TEST INDRT AND INDEX FIELDS
                     B←S<7:0>                        ! B REG GETS THE DISPLACEMENT

                        D←B; GOTO ADRABS

                        START   ! PC RELATIVE ADDRESSING (ABSOLUTE)
                           D←PC-2;  SCOM=3;
                           D←U+B.EL; U,B←D; RETURN S; GOTO ECALC1

                        D←AC2+B.EL; GOTO ADRABS
                        D←AC3+B.EL; GOTO ADRABS
                        D←B; GOTO ADRIND

                        START   ! PC RELATIVE ADDRESSING (INDIRECT)
                           D←PC-2;  SCOM=3;
                           D←U+B.EL; S,U,B←D; GOTO ECALC2

                        D←AC2+B.EL; GOTO ADRIND;
                        D←AC3+B.EL; GOTO ADRIND;

ADRABS:              U,B←D; RETURN S                  ! GET WORD ADDRESS
ECALC1:              BA,D←U+B; GOTO 0                 ! TO MAKE RETURN S WORK RIGHT


ADRIND:              S,U,B←D                          ! PUSH AND SAVE INDRCT ADDRS
ECALC2:              P3; D←TOS<15:5>;                            ! TEST FOR AUTO INC/DEC
                     BA,D←U+B; CASE S<4:3>            ! NOP FOR BUT, MAKE WORD ADDR

                        DATI; CLKOFF; GOTO ECALCC                ! NO AUTO INC/DEC
                        NOOP                                     ! NOOP FOR CASE

                        DATI; CLKOFF; GOTO ECALCC                ! NO AUTO, GET ADDRESS
                        DATI; CLKOFF; GOTO ECALCC                ! NO AUTO, GET ADDRESS
                        DATIP; CLKOFF; GOTO ECALC6               ! AUTO INCREMENT
                        DATIP; CLKOFF; GOTO ECALC7               ! AUTO DECREMENT

ECALC6:              T←UNIBUS
                     D←T+1; S←D; GOTO ECALC8                     ! INC THEN WRITE LOC
ECALC7:              T←UNIBUS
                     D←T-1; S←D; GOTO ECALC8                     ! DEC THEN WRITE LOC

ECALC8:              DATO; CLKOFF; CASE S<15:15>                 ! TEST INDRCT BIT, WRITE
                        S,U,B←D; GOTO ECALC2          ! PERFORM NEXT LEVEL IF INDRCT

ECALCC:                 S,U,B←UNIBUS                  ! GET POTENTIAL EFFECTIVE ADDR
                        S,U,B←UNIBUS @c p66
                     D←B; CASE S<15:15>               ! TEST INDIRECT BIT
                     GOTO ECALC9                      ! NOP FOR CASE


EXLDA:               DATI; CLKOFF          ! GET MEMORY OPERAND
                     P2; BA←S<12:11>
                     R[BA]←UNIBUS; GOTO SERVIC                   ! STORE MEM OP

EXSTA1:              D←T; DATO; CLKOFF; GOTO SERVIC              ! WRITE OPERAND

                     T←UNIBUS                                    ! MOVE OPERAND TO TEMP
                     D←T+1; DATO; CLKOFF

TSTZER:              BUT=D.EQL.0                                 ! TEST FOR ZERO RESULT
                        GOTO SERVIC                              ! NO ZERO - NO SKIP
                        D←PC+2; PC←D; GOTO SERVIC  ! ZERO - SKIP NEXT INS

EXDSZ:               DATIP; CLKOFF         ! GET MEM OPERAND
                     T←UNIBUS                                    ! MOVE OPERAND TO TEMP
                     D←T-1; DATO; CLKOFF; GOTO TSTZER;

EXJMP:               PC←D;GOTO SERVIC

                     AC3←D;GOTO SERVIC

@c p67

Appendix C Comparative Execution Trace of Nova Simulations

This appendix shows comparative timings of execution of two Nova instructions on the 11/40E processor and the CADR processor, on a cycle by cycle basis, and demonstrates a few features found in both processor designs.

Key:           ------               Wasted cycle
               (wait)               Possible delay due to main memory Wait

                                      CADR Processor Microcode Sequences

;                                   ADDRESSED BY DISPLACEMENT OFF PC

           READ-MEMORY-DATA → IR                                                   **
           DISPLACEMENT → DISP                                                     **
           DISP + PC → DISP (POPJ)                                                 **
OP001I     DISP ∧ 77777 → MEMORY ADDRESS (START READ) → ADDRESS                    **
LDA1       (wait)READ-MEMORY-DATA → AC1
           JUMP MLOOP

NEG 1,2

           READ-MEMORY-DATA → IR                                                   **
           AC1 → SOURCE                                                            **
NEG        ¬ SOURCE ∧ 177777 → RESULT
           RESULT + 1 → RESULT                                                     **
           RESULT XOR CARRYFLAG → RESULT                                           **
           PC + 1 → MEMORY ADDRESS (START READ)                                    **
           RESULT DPB 0 → AC2                                                      **
@c p69

SERVICE    0 → SP; 0 → D
           (wait) UNIBUS → I ; UNIBUS → STACK (PUSH)
           D → PC ; DISPATCH OP FIELD
           AC DESTINATION FIELD → BA                                               **
           DISPLACEMENT → B                                                        **
           PC - 2 → D ; SCOM = 3 ??
           D SHIFTED RIGHT 1 → U
           U + B.EL → D ; D → U ; D → B ; RETURN ; JUMP ECALC1
ECALC1     U + B → D ; U + B → BA
           (wait) DESTINATION AC FIELD → BA
           UNIBUS → REGS (BA)

NEG 1,2

SERVICE    0 → SP ; 0 → D
           (wait) UNIBUS → I ; UNIBUS → STACK (PUSH)
           D → PC ; DISPATCH OP FIELD
           AC DESTINATION FIELD → BA                                               **
           CBIT → D
EXCAL1     REGS (BA) → B
           ¬ SRC → D ; D → B
           B + 1 → D ; D → SRC (SET CONDITION CODES)
           T XOR B → D; D → PS
NOLOD1     D → REGS (BA)
           PS ∧ 1 → D
           D → CBIT