


Nana is a generic viewer for uncompressed graphics in various formats, similar in style to Louis Bontes' Naga, but geared towards viewing rather than editing. Currently Nana supports the tile formats used on the NES, SNES, and Genesis, as well as a variety of raw formats.

The command line syntax is:


Where FILENAME is the file you want to view. You will be brought to a screen displaying the contents of the file starting from the top, in the default format (8 bits per pixel / raw). The address for each line is shown on the left, in hexadecimal.

The following keybindings exist:

Up            Scroll up in the file by eight lines
Down          Scroll down in the file by eight lines
Shift+Up      Scroll up in the file by one line
Shift+Down    Scroll down in the file by one line
Page Up       Scroll up in the file by one page
Page Down     Scroll down in the file by one page
Home          Scroll to the top of the file
End           Scroll to the bottom of the file
Shift+Home    Set the starting offset to zero
Shift+End     Set the starting offset to the last byte in the file
Left          Decrease the starting offset by eight columns
Right         Increase the starting offset by eight columns
Shift+Left    Decrease the starting offset by one column
Shift+Right   Increase the starting offset by one column
- (minus)     Decrease the starting offset by one byte
+ (plus)      Increase the starting offset by one byte
, (comma)     Decrease the width by one column
. (period)    Increase the width by one column
<             Decrease the width by eight pixels
>             Increase the width by eight pixels

t             Toggle between "raw" and "tile" mode.

1 thru 6      Change the format.  The formats are currently:
              (Tile mode)
              1....... 8x8, 1 bit per pixel
              2....... 8x8, 2 bits per pixel, SNES format
              3....... 8x8, 2 bits per pixel, NES format
              4....... 8x8, 4 bits per pixel, SNES format
              5....... 8x8, 4 bits per pixel, Genesis format
              6....... 8x8, one byte per pixel
              7....... 8x8, 8 bits per pixel, SNES format
              (Raw mode)
              1....... 1 bit per pixel
              2....... 2 bits per pixel, highest-first
              3....... 2 bits per pixel, lowest-first
              4....... 4 bits per pixel, highest-first
              5....... 4 bits per pixel, lowest-first
              6....... one byte per pixel

ESC           Quit