
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: c3856752fbd84fb2037ee18a2109e8d11d7e8821
Title: Add minor mode for properly rendering converted Lisp Machine files
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Critical Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2020-11-11 11:31:23
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User Comments:
ams added on 2020-11-11 08:22:42:
Similar to [08560d44b9]; but for converted files where newline, tab, etc correspond to their ASCII values, and only handle the characters that do not exist in the ASCII table.

This should be done as a prettify mode.

ams added on 2020-11-11 11:31:23: (text/x-markdown)
The prettify-symbol alist (lispm-prettify-symbols-alist) in lispm.el handles most of this, but #o210 to #o215 seem to get confused.