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13 check-ins
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11:08 | ucadr/uc-lambda-array.lisp: Fix LispM char conversion. Leaf check-in: 5191014801 user: ams tags: cl-hacks | |
11:03 | Add microcode for CADR; which is really for Lambda -- this is to make life diffable. check-in: f24dbe7558 user: ams tags: cl-hacks | |
10:47 | ucadr: Clean out Lambda specific files. check-in: 2cca291a06 user: ams tags: cl-hacks | |
10:47 | ucadr/uc-arith.lisp: Escape \ for CL. check-in: 35208c786f user: ams tags: cl-hacks | |
10:43 | ucadr/ucode.lisp: Tidy up for CL-UA. check-in: 123fae56ac user: ams tags: cl-hacks | |
10:42 | cold/defmic.lisp: Escape \ for CL. check-in: 543eb41104 user: ams tags: cl-hacks | |
10:33 | cl-hacks: New branch; copy over Lambda microcode for CADR. check-in: 82b5aaa72d user: ams tags: cl-hacks | |
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09:42 | Import Daniel Seagraves Release 5 tape (+ options). Leaf check-in: 2e70470a68 user: ams tags: ds/release-5+option | |
09:08 | Import Bogodyne Release 1 tape. Leaf check-in: a112b2a631 user: ams tags: bogodyne/release-1 | |
08:49 | Import Daniel Seagraves Release 5 option tape. Leaf check-in: 0ed1503439 user: ams tags: ds/release-5 | |
08:47 | Import Daniel Seagraves Release 5 tape. check-in: beb7592d7a user: ams tags: ds/release-5 | |
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21:27 | Import System 130 (from Bitsavers). Leaf check-in: 7aa5548fc4 user: ams tags: trunk | |
21:08 | initial empty check-in check-in: a9bbe54d3c user: ams tags: trunk | |