ISCAS High-Level Models

High-Level Model of c7552

High-Level Model of c7552

High-Level Model of c7552

Statistics: 207 inputs; 108 outputs; 3512 gates

Function: 34-bit adder and magnitude comparator with input parity checking

This benchmark circuit contains a 34-bit adder (M5), a 34-bit magnitude comparator (M8) using another 34-bit adder, and a parity checker (M9). Each of the XA, YA, and YB buses is fed by a set of 2:1 multiplexers controlled by the Sel input. Bits 31-22 of XA and YB can be set to logic 0 with the Mask input. The two adders M5 and M8 are identical, and are of carry select type, as are those of c5315. They consist of alternating 4- and 5-bit blocks, with the last block being 2 bits. The comparator (M8) of this benchmark is similar to that of c2670. It performs the comparison YB>XB (if Sel=0) or YB>!YA1 (if Sel=1) by calculating YB+!XB (if Sel=0) or YB+!YA1 (if Sel=1) (Note: the input bus YA1 is assumed to be inverted). The comparator has an output (CoutY) for the whole 34-bit inputs as well as an output (CoutY_17) for the 17-bit portion of its inputs. Module M7 calculates the parity for the following four parts of the adder output SumX: SumX[8:0], SumX[17:9], SumX[26:18], SumX[33:27]. Module M9 appears to be a type of sanity checker that calculates the AND of the parities of all its inputs.

Inputs/Outputs vs. Netlist numbers


Detailed bus definitions:

- XA:

  • XA[21:0] = XA0[21:0] if Sel=0,   XA1[21:0] if Sel=1
  • XA[31:22] = XA0[21:0].Mask if Sel=0,   XA1[21:0].Mask if Sel=1
  • XA[32] = XA[33] = XYAext

- NotXB:

  • NotXB[0] = ! XB[0] if Sel=1,   logic 0 if Sel=0
  • NotXB[31:1] = ! XB[31:1]
  • NotXB[33:32] = ! ( XB[33:32]. XYBext )

- YA:

  • YA[0] = logic 1 if Sel=0,   YA1[0] if Sel=1
  • YA[31:1] = NotXB[31:1] if Sel=0,   YA1[31:1] if Sel=1
  • YA[32] = YA[33] = XYAext.

- YB:

  • YB[21:0] = YB0[21:0] if Sel=0,   XA1[21:0] if Sel=1
  • YB[31:22] = YB0[21:0].Mask if Sel=0,   XA1[21:0].Mask if Sel=1
  • YB[33:32] = YB0[33:32] + ! XYBext
- XBbuf[33:0] = XB[33:0]

- PCYA0buf[3:0] = { PCYA0[6], PCYA0[3], PCYA0[2], PCYA0[0] }


Netlist numbers


213, 214, 215, 216, 209, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 151, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 217, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, logic 0


10 *{logic 1}, 135, 144, 138, 147, 66, 50, 32, 35, 47, 121, 94, 97, 118, 100, 124, 127, 130, 103, 23, 26, 29, 41


1496, 1492, 1486, 1480, 106, 1469, 1462, 2256, 2253, 2247, 2239, 2236, 2230, 2224, 2218, 2211, 4437, 4432, 4427, 4420, 4415, 4410, 4405, 4400, 4394, 3749, 3743, 3737, 3729, 3723, 3717, 3711, 3705, 3701


88, 112, 87, 111, 113, 110, 109, 86, 63, 64, 85, 84, 83, 65, 62, 61, 60, 79, 80, 81, 59, 78, 77, 56, 55, 54, 53, 73, 75, 76, 74, 70


2204, 1455, 166, 167, 168, 169, logic 1, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 171, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 187, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, logic 0



CinX, CinY

4526, 89


Mask1, Mask2


112, 9

XYAext, XYBext

38, 4528


logic 1, 211, 212, 161, 227, 239, 229


3*{logic 1}, 141, 115, 44, 41


1459, 1496, 1492, 2208, 4398, 3701, 3698


114, 2204, 1455, 82, 58, 70, 69


170, 164, 165, 181, 197, 208, 198


199, 188, 172, 162, 186, 185, 182, 183, 230, 218, 152, 210, 240, 228, 184, 150


57, 5, 133, 134, 1197, 15, 163, 1


Netlist numbers


469, 471, 327, 330, 333, 336, 324, 298, 301, 304, 307, 310, 313, 316, 319, 295, 347, 350, 353, 356, 359, 362, 365, 368, 344, 376, 379, 382, 385, 388, 391, 394, 397, 373


338, 321, 370, 399

CoutX1, CoutX2

(270, 246) * , (273, 276) *

CoutY1, CoutY2

(258, 264) * , 249




416, 414, 412, 418


440, 438, 442, 444, 446, 448, 436, 480, 482, 484, 486, 488, 490, 492, 494, 478, 524, 526, 528, 530, 532, 534, 536, 538, 522, 544, 546, 548, 550, 552, 554, 556, 558, 542


410, 408. 406, 404


450, 496, 540, 560


402, 289, 292, 279, 278, 2

* (a,b): a,b are identical outputs.

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