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16 check-ins
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08:01 | www/wapptclsh/Makefile: Update. Leaf check-in: 79f5a8a14c user: ams tags: trunk | |
07:56 | www/wapptclsh: Update. check-in: 295da4f07b user: ams tags: trunk | |
07:56 | lang/tcl86: Hack to build libtcl86.a. This was removed in or about: revision 1.20 date: 2017/12/25 04:33:39; author: stu; state: Exp; lines: +3 -12; commitid: eq93mEuDJ69Id1AP; Update to 8.6.8. Stop building/installing unneeded libs. Patch Tcl's Makefile to install the license file instead of using a post-install target since the Makefile gets patched anyway. Fix paths not being added to the module path list in safe interps. Tcl bug [eb268f246f]. check-in: 1b8c6f8e4d user: ams tags: trunk | |
07:36 | lang/tcl86: Add copy of lang/tcl-8.6.8p3. check-in: b3b5603790 user: ams tags: trunk | |
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21:01 | www/wapptclsh/Makefile: Add note about tcl 8.6 status. check-in: 4d530e5dfd user: ams tags: trunk | |
15:30 | www/wapptclsh/distinfo: Update. check-in: 246ce9ed8e user: ams tags: trunk | |
15:30 | www/wapptclsh/Makefile: Update. check-in: 24011c4863 user: ams tags: trunk | |
15:29 | www/wapptclsh/Makefile: Also add this one -- missed it. check-in: e9329d97d5 user: ams tags: trunk | |
15:26 | www/wapptclsh: Add files; from James Turner. check-in: f2dcbeba3c user: ams tags: trunk | |
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20:09 | lang/iverilog: Add port. check-in: ba70165b40 user: ams tags: trunk | |
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19:28 | cad/yices2: Add package (quick hack). check-in: 5e3b463f17 user: ams tags: trunk | |
19:27 | cad/symbiyosys: Add package (quick hack). check-in: 499136d357 user: ams tags: trunk | |
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19:14 | net/mpop: Add package. check-in: fc10ad55b4 user: ams tags: trunk | |
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07:37 | New file. check-in: f80bb267e7 user: ams tags: trunk | |
07:33 | net/supdup: Add package. check-in: 4dcd0bf33e user: ams tags: trunk | |
07:28 | initial empty check-in check-in: 97b7951f6d user: ams tags: trunk | |